The purpose of geometric design is to reduce the number and severity of road accidents while
ensuring high traffic flow with minimum delay to vehicles [Thagesen, 1996]. The safe, efficient
and economic operation of a highway is governed to a large extent by the care with which the
geometric design has been worked out. Safety or the lack of it is an immediate corollary of the
various design features of the highway. Efficient and comfortable operation of traffic is possible
only if the design elements have been meticulously considered. A well designed highway has to
be consistent with economy. Too liberal standards may not fit in with the available resources,
whereas if the standards are too low, the cost of operation may mount up [Kadiyali, 2006].
The basic inputs are the Design speed and the Design hourly volume. The design speed governs
the design of vertical and horizontal curvatures while design hour volume governs capacity
The design engineer has to consider the following points when selecting the design standards for
a highway.
a) Adequate geometric design in planning a highway facility ensures that the facility will not
become obsolete in the foreseeable future. Hence the volume and composition of traffic in
the design year should be the basis of design.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 2
b) Faulty geometrics are costly, and in some cases impossible to rectify at a later date and so,
due to consideration should be given to geometric design at the initial stage itself.
c) The design should be consistent with and the standards proposed for different elements
should be compatible with one another. Abrupt changes in design should be avoided.
d) The design should embrace all aspects of geometrics of the road, including signs, markings,
proper lighting, intersections, etc.
e) The highway should be considered as an element of the total environment and its location
and design should enhance rather than degrade the environment. The highway should be
aesthetically satisfying. The design elements should strive to control pollution.
f) The design should be so selected that not only the initial cost of construction of the facility,
but also the total transportation cost, including maintenance cost and road user cost should be
g) Safety should be inbuilt into the design elements.
h) The design should enable all the road users (motor vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and animal
drawn vehicles) to use the facility. The performance of the vehicles using the facility should
be given due consideration
There are certain basic design controls and criteria which govern the geometric features of a
highway. These are: topography, traffic (its volume, directional distribution, and composition,
including the future estimates), speed, capacity design vehicle and control of access.
a) Topography
Topography and physical features play an important role in the location and design of a highway.
The various design elements should be related to topographical features if an economical and
sound judgement is to emerge. The classification of terrain is normally done by means of the
cross (transverse) slope of the country, i.e. the slope approximately perpendicular to the centre-
line of the highway location.
Table 2.1: Terrain Classification
Type of terrain Description
Flat Level or gently rolling country which offers few obstacles to the construction of a road having continuously
unrestricted horizontal and vertical alignment (transverse terrain slope around 5%)
Rolling Rolling, hilly or foothill country where the slopes generally rise and fall moderately gently and where
occasional steep slopes may be encountered. It will offer some restrictions in horizontal and vertical
alignment. (20% ≥ transverse terrain slope > 5%)
Mountainous Rugged, hilly and mountainous country and river gorges. This class of terrain imposes definite
restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable and often involves long steep grades and limited sight
distances (70% ≥ transverse terrain slope > 20%)
In addition to the terrain class given above, a fourth class is added to cater for those situations whereby the
Escarpment standards associated with each of the above terrain types cannot be met. Escarpment situations are where
it is required to switchback road alignments or side hill traverse sections where earthwork quantities are
huge (transverse terrain slope >70%)
Source: Uganda Road Design Manual, (2005)
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 3
b) Traffic
i) Importance of traffic data in Geometric Design
Of crucial importance in highway design is the traffic data – both current and
future estimates. Traffic volume indicates the level of service for which the highway
is being planned and directly affects the geometric features such as width, alignment,
grades etc. Without traffic data, it is futile to design any highway.
In Uganda, the traffic is heterogeneous in character, consisting of fast driven cars, trucks,
and buses. It is customary in this country to express the traffic volume in terms of passenger
car units (PCUs).
v) Future Traffic Estimates
The design of the geometric elements has to be prepared for the traffic likely to use the
road in the design year. The design period used for a flexible pavement generally varies
from 15 to 25 years. A period of 20 years is widely used as a basis for design. The future
traffic estimates should be computed to include normal, diverted and generated traffic.
d) Design Speed
i) Speed as a Design Factor
The value of a highway is largely indicated by the speed, safety and convenience
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 5
afforded by the facility for travel. Speed is important for economic operation and has a
great bearing on safety of the highway. It plays a vital role in determining the geometric
design of any given highway.
e) Control of Access
Uncontrolled access to road side development along whose major function is to provide
mobility will result in an increased accident hazard, reduced capacity and early
obsolescence of the roads. In order to preserve major roads as high standard traffic facilities
it is necessary to exercise access control, whereby the right of owners or occupants of land
to access is controlled by the Road Authority.
ii) Partial access control:- means that the authority to control access is exercised to give
preference to through traffic to a degree in that, in addition to access connections
with selected public roads, there may be (some) private access connections.
iii) Unrestricted access: - means that preference is given to local traffic, with the
road serving the adjoining areas through direct access connection. However, the
detailed location and layout of the accesses should be subject to approval by
the Road Authority in order to ensure adequate standards of visibility, surfacing,
drainage, etc.
Road function determines the level of access control needed. Roads of higher classes
have their major function to provide mobility, while the function of lower classes is to
provide access. Control of access is accomplished either by the careful location of
accesses, by grouping accesses to reduce the number of separate connections to the
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 6
through traffic lanes or by constructing service roads which intercept the individual
accesses and join the through lanes at a limited number of properly located and designed
The cross-sectional elements of a highway design pertain to those features which deal with
its width. They embrace aspects such as road reserve width, carriageway width, central
reservation (median), shoulders, camber, side slopes, horizontal and vertical clearances etc.
Road Reserve
The road reserve or right-of-way width is the width of land secured and preserved in public
interest for road development purposes. The road reserve should be adequate to
accommodate all the elements that make up the cross-section of the highway and may
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 7
Carriageway Width
The term “carriageway” is used here to cover the traffic lanes, any auxiliary lanes, and the
shoulders [MoWH&C, 2004]. The width of traffic lanes governs the safety and convenience of
traffic and has a profound influence on the capacity of a road.
The factors that influence capacity of a carriageway are:
a) The design volume, i.e. the greater the traffic volume the wider the carriageway and,
normally, the greater the number of lanes;
b) Vehicle dimensions, i.e. heavy commercial vehicles require wider carriageways to
ensure adequate clearances when passing each other;
c) The design speeds, i.e. vehicles travelling at high speed, especially commercial
vehicles, require wider carriageways to ensure safe clearances between passing vehicles;
d) The road classification, i.e. the higher the road classification the greater the level of
service (and width of carriageway) expected.
Internationally, it is generally accepted that lane widths should normally be at least 3.5m,
although narrower lanes are often used for economic or environmental reasons on both rural
and urban roads. However, increasing the lane width up to 3.65m on two lane two way rural
roads decreases accident rates [O‟Flaherty, 2002].
The central reservations on high-speed heavily trafficked rural roads in the United States are
typically 15m to 30m. In Europe they tend to be much narrower (say 4 – 10m) and to be
used with safety barriers. Those in Britain are normally 4.5m wide, and include a crash
barrier. In urban areas they can be as narrow as 1m, but 3m is preferred so that a crossing
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 8
pedestrian pushing a pram or wheelchair has space to wait in safety [O‟Flaherty, 2002]. On
severely restricted arterial streets, where a narrow separator of 0.6 – 1.2m is feasible, it may
be desirable to have few, if any, openings in median except at intersections.
A shoulder is a portion of the roadway adjacent to the carriageway and is intended for
accommodation of stopped vehicles, emergency use and lateral support of base and surface
courses. The width of the shoulder should be adequate for giving working space around a
stopped vehicle. American practice recommends a 3m width for high type facility and a
width of 1.2m -2.4m for low type facilities. UK practice for rural roads recommends widths
ranging from 1.2m to 3.65m depending upon the road type and nature of kerb treatment.
Full bus bays (3.25m by at least 12m, plus 20m end tapers) may be provided at bus stops in
urban areas; however, the appropriateness of this provision is dependent on the traffic
volumes on the road in question.
A kerb (as termed as curb) is a vertical or sloping member along the edge of a pavement or
shoulder, forming part of gutter, strengthening or protecting the edge, and clearly defining
the edge to vehicle operators. Its functions are:
a) To facilitate and control drainage;
b) To strengthen and protect the pavement edge;
c) To delineate the pavement edge;
d) To present a more finished appearance;
e) To assist in the orderly development of the roadside.
Kerbs are classified as „barrier‟ or „mountable‟. Barrier kerbs are designed to discourage
vehicles from leaving the pavement. The face may be vertical or sloping and the height may
range from 15cm to 25cm. Mountable kerbs are those which can be easily crossed by
vehicles if required. They are used at medians and channelizing islands.
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Camber, also known as cross fall, facilitates drainage of the pavement laterally. The
pavement can have a crown or a high point in the middle which slopes downwards towards
both edges. This is favoured on two-lane roads and wider undivided roads. On divided
roads, the individual carriageways may be centrally crowned separately or a unidirectional
slope may be provided across the entire carriageway width. The amount of camber to be
provided depends upon the smoothness of the surface and the intensity of rainfall. In the
UK, a value of 2.5% is generally adopted for design. A cross fall for the shoulders should be
generally steeper than for the pavement by about 0.3 – 0.5% to facilitate quick drainage. The
UK practice is to provide 5% slope on the shoulder [Kadiyali, 2006].
Side slope
According to O‟Flaherty (2002), soil mechanics analysis enables the accurate determination of
maximum slopes at which embankments or cuts can safely stand. However, these
maximum values are not always used, especially on low embankments not protected by
safety fences. The slopes of embankments and cut sections depend upon the type of soil and
the height of embankment or depth of cuttings. A flatter slope is conducive for erosion
control, but is costly. Flatter slopes of embankments promote safety of traffic. Ordinarily,
1.5:1 to 2:1 in mild slope conditions and 2:1 to 3:1 in overwhelming slope conditions will be
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 10
Horizontal alignment deals with the design of the directional transition of the highway in a
horizontal plane. A horizontal alignment consists, in its most basic form, of a horizontal arc
and two transition curves forming a curve which joins two straights. In some cases the
transition curve may have zero length. The design procedure itself must commence with
fixing the position of the two straight lines which the curve will join together. The basic
parameter relating these two straight lines is the intersecting angles.
Minimum permitted horizontal radii depend on the design speed and the super-elevation of
the carriageway, which has a maximum allowable value of 7% in the UK, with designs in
most cases using a value of 5%. The relationship between super-elevation, design speed and
horizontal curvature is detailed in the following sub section.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 12
If the entire centrifugal force is counteracted by super-elevation, then frictional force will not
come into play. In this case, µ = 0 in equation 4.10. The super-elevation then provided is said to
be „equilibrium super-elevation’. In such a case, the pressures on the inner and outer wheels
would be equal.
Super-elevation Rates
Super-elevation on curves is intended to counteract a part of the centrifugal force, the
remaining part being resisted by the lateral friction. Also, super-elevation results in
economies in maintenance. This is because skidding and unequal pressures on the wheels of
vehicles, which result from high value of sideway force between the tyres and the roadway
surface, necessitate frequent attention to the surface.
When a vehicle negotiates a flat curve, friction would not be developed to the maximum and
this would not be a balanced design. It is desirable that the super-elevation should be such that
a moderate amount of friction is developed while negotiating flat curves and friction not
exceeding the maximum allowable value should be developed at sharp curves.
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The above is achieved as per UK practice by providing full super-elevation for a speed of
67.082% of the design speed such that 45% of the centrifugal force is balanced by super-
elevation while 55% of the centrifugal force is balanced by friction. Therefore equation 4.10
Substituting the values of camber for e in equation 4.14 above, the minimum
radius beyond which no super-elevation is required is obtained. In such cases
where the radius is greater than those given by the above formula it is
desirable to remove the adverse crown in the outer half of the carriageway and
super-elevate at the normal crown slope.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 14
It is desirable to accomplish the raising of the outer-half till it is level before the starting point
of the transition curve. The raising of the outer edge should be done in a slope not exceeding 1 in
150 for plain and rolling terrain and 1 in 60 for hilly terrain.
In the second stage, any of the three methods given below may be adopted to attain the
full super-elevation:
a) The surface of the road is rotated about the centre-line of the carriageway, gradually
lowering the inner edge and raising the outer edge while keeping the level of the
centre-line constant (Figure 4.5 d);
b) The surface of the road is rotated about the inner edge, raising the centre and the outer
edge (Figure 4.5 e);
c) The surface of the road is rotated about the outer edge depressing the centre and the inner
edge (Figure 4.5 f);
In most circumstances method (a) is generally used as it results in the least distortion of the
Calculate the super-elevation to be provided for a horizontal curve with a radius of 400m for a
design speed of 100kph in plain terrain. Comment on the results. What is the coefficient of lateral
friction mobilised if super-elevation is to be restricted to 7%.
1.0 Data Summary
a) Curve Radius, R = 400m
b) Design Speed, V = 100kph
c) Maximum super-elevation, e = 7%
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 15
A transition curve is a curve in which the radius changes continuously along its length and is used
for the purpose of connecting a straight with a circular curve, or two circular curves of different
b) The Spiral
Various forms of curves are suitable for highway transitions, but the most popular and
recommended for use in this country is the spiral. It is easy to set out in the field and the rate of
acceleration is uniform through the length of transition. Figure below shows the main elements of
a circular curve provided with spirals for transition at its two ends.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 17
c) Length of Transition
The length of the transition should be determined from the following two considerations:
i) The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration adopted in the design should not cause
discomfort to the drivers. If C is the rate of change of acceleration then:
aT1 = radial acceleration at T1 (= v2/R)
aT = radial acceleration at T (= 0)
t = time taken (= L/v)
ii) The rate of change of change of super-elevation should also be such as not to cause higher
gradients and unsightly appearances. This could be kept in 1 in 150 for roads in plain and
rolling terrain and 1 in 60 for roads in hilly terrain. Since the super- elevation can be given
by rotating about the centreline, inner or outer edge, the length of the transition will be
governed accordingly. In calculating the length of transition, the pavement width should
include any widening that may have been provided at the curve.
The higher of the values given by the above two methods should be adopted.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 18
Curve Widening
Widening of pavements is needed on curves for the following reasons:
a) On curves, the vehicles occupy a greater width because the rear wheels track
inside the front wheels (See Figure below)
Assuming a wheel base of 6m for a vehicle corresponding to AASHTO single unit, widening in
metres, m is given by:
The widening due to psychological reasons is a function of speed and can be assumed
to be given by the empirical formula, Wp;
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 19
Worked Example
A two-lane (7.0m wide) pavement on a National highway in hilly terrain has a curve radius of
250m. The design speed is 80kph, maximum super-elevation is 7%, camber is 2.5%, the relative
longitudinal gradient is 0.5% (1 in 200), the angle of deviation is 60o and the rate of change of
radial acceleration is 0.3m/s3. Determine the following assuming that; a) the curve will need to be
widened if the curve radius is less than 300m, b) the super-elevation is obtained by rotation
about the centre line, and c) the design vehicle is a DV-2 single unit truck with a wheel base of
i) The length of transition curve;
ii) The tangent length
iii) The total length of the curve.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 20
Since radius, R < 300m, extra widening, We, of the carriageway is required.
Therefore the pavement width will be
W = 7.000 + 0.655 = 7.655m .... (ii)
Adopt L = 146.319m since La > Ls. (i.e. take the greater of the two values)
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 23
Vertical alignment design refers to the arrangement of tangents and curves which compose
the profile of the road. It is composed of a series of straight-line gradients connected by
curves, normally parabolic in form. The main aim of vertical alignment is to ensure that a
continuously unfolding stretch of the road is presented to motorists so that their anticipation of
directional change and future action is instantaneous and correct [Rogers, 2003;
O‟Flaherty, 2002].
In order to provide adequate visibility, oncoming vehicles or any obstructions in the road
must be seen clearly and in good time to ensure that vehicles travelling at the design speed
can stop or overtake safely. This requirement is achieved by use of sight distances and K-
Values to be discussed shortly in this chapter.
In order to provide passenger comfort, the effect of the radial force on the vehicle traversing a
vertical curve must be minimised. In crest curve design this effect could cause the vehicle to
leave the road surface (e.g. in hump-back bridges) while in the sag curve the underside of the
vehicle would come into contact with the surface, particularly where the gradients are steep
and opposed. The result is discomfort and danger to passengers travelling. This can be
minimised by:
• Restricting the gradients; this has the effect of reducing the radial force;
• Choosing a suitable type and length of curve such that this reduced
force is introduced gradually and uniformly as possible [Uren et al, 1989].
The rate of rise or fall of road surface along its length with respect to horizontal distance is
termed as gradient [MoWH&C, 2004]. The use of steep gradients in hilly terrain generally
results in lower road construction and environmental costs. However, it also adds to road
user costs through delays, extra fuel costs and accidents. Gradients of up to about 7% have
little effect on the speeds of passenger cars. Nevertheless, the speeds of commercial vehicles
are considerably reduced on long hills with gradients in excess of 2%.
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Climbing Lanes
The limitation of gradients to a maximum value is not in itself a complete design control,
and therefore an additional climbing lane is normally provided on long uphill climbs. The
provision of a climbing lane is normally considered when the combination of hill severity
and traffic volumes and composition is such that the operational benefits achieved are
greater than the additional costs of constructing an additional lane.
Cross falls
A minimum cross fall of 2.5% is normally recommended in the form of either a straight camber
extending from one edge to the other or as one sloped from the centre of the carriageway
towards both edges. The primary aim of these cross falls is to adequately get rid of surface
runoff from the highway pavement.
Vertical Curves
A vertical curve provides a smooth transition between successive gradients in the road profile.
When the algebraic difference in gradients, A is positive the curve is called a crest or summit
curve whereas if it is negative the curve is called a sag or valley curve.
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Therefore the general equation used determine the reduced level at any point on the vertical
curve, RLx is given by;
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c) K-Values
In the past it was necessary to use the appropriate sight distance for the road type and
design speed in question to calculate the minimum length of the vertical curve required.
Nowadays, however, constants which greatly simplify calculations have been
provided by the MoWH&C [Uren et al, 1989]. The minimum length of vertical curve
Lmin for any given road is obtained from the formula.
Lmin = KA …(4.28)
K = constant obtained from MoWH&C standards (K = R/100)
R = radius of curvature of the curve (in meters)
A = algebraic difference in grade (%)
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 28
Speed limit on the other hand is the maximum allowable speed on a road. The normal
speed limit on rural roads in Uganda is 80km/hr and that in trading centres, towns
and cities is 50km/hr.
In a nutshell, the design speed should not be lower than the speed limit and
should be preferably 10km/hr higher than the speed limit. Short rural sections with
design speeds lower than the speed limit should be treated with warning signs and no
overtaking markings [MoWH&C, 2004].
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f) Setting-Out Data
In setting out a vertical curve on ground, the objective is to place large pegs at the
required intervals along the line of the proposed roadway and to nail a cross-piece
to each peg at a certain height (usually 1.0m), above the proposed road level.
These pegs are called profiles and the erection of these profiles is the standard
method of setting out proposed levels on any construction site. The following
information is required for any setting out calculations; the length of the curve
(which is dependent on the gradient of the straights and site distance) and the
gradients of slopes together with one change point preferably a point of vertical
intersection [Irvine, 1998].
Question one
The elevation of an intersection of rising gradient of 1.5% and a falling gradient of 1.0% on a
proposed road is 93.600m AOD. Given that the K-Value for this particular road is 55, the
through stationing of the intersection point is 0 + 671.340 and the vertical curve is to have
equal tangent length. Calculate:
a) The through stationing of the tangent points of the vertical curve if the
minimum required length is to be used.
b) The elevations of the tangent points and the elevations at exact 20m multiples of through
stationing along the curve.
c) The position and level of the highest point on the curve.
1.0 Data Summary
a) Grades; Initial, m = 1.5% Final, n = -1.0%
b) Point of Intersection
Stationing of 0+
Elevation of 93.600m
c) K - v a l u e
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Question Two
An equal tangent vertical curve is to be constructed between grades of -2.0% (initial) and
+1.0% (final). The PVI (Point of vertical intersection) is at station 11 + 000.000 and
elevation 420.000m AOD. Due to a street crossing, the elevation of the roadway at station
11 + 071.000 must be at elevation 421.500m. Design the curve assuming it has a shape of
the form; y = ax 2 + bx + c .
1.0 Data Summary
d) Point of Interest
Note: There is need to determine, L such that station 11+071.000 is at elevation 421.500m
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 36
An intersection is defined as the general area where two or more highways join or cross,
within which are included the roadway and roadside design features which facilitate orderly
traffic movements in that area. An intersection leg is that part of any one of the highways
radiating from an intersection which is outside of the area of the intersection.
The importance of intersection design stems from the fact that efficiency of operation,
safety, speed, cost of operation and capacity are directly governed by the design. Since an
intersection involves conflicts between traffic in different directions, its scientific design can
control accidents and delay and can lead to orderly movement of traffic. Intersections
represent potentially dangerous locations from the point of view of traffic safety. It is
believed that well over half the fatal and serious road accidents in built-up areas occur at
junctions [Kadiyali, 2006].
a) The number of intersections should be kept to a minimum. If necessary, some minor roads
may be connected with each other before joining a major road;
b) The geometric layout should be so selected that hazardous movements by drivers are
eliminated. This can be achieved by various techniques such as channelizing and
c) The design should permit the driver to discern quickly either from the layout or from traffic
signs about which path he/she should follow and the actions of merging and diverging.
This can be achieved by good layout, traffic islands, signs and carriageway
markings. Good visibility improves safety;
d) The layout should follow the natural vehicle paths. Smoothness, in contrast to abrupt and
sharp corners, should guide minor streams of traffic into stopping or slowing down
e) The number of conflict points should be minimised by separating some of the many
cutting, merging or diverging movements;
f) Vehicles that are forced to wait in order to cross a traffic stream should be provided with
adequate space at the junction.
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 37
The choice between an at-grade and grade separated intersection at a particular site depends
upon various factors such as traffic, economy, safety, aesthetics, delay etc. Grade-separated
junctions generally are more expensive initially, and are justified in certain situations. These are
on high type facilities such as expressways, freeways and motorways;
Basic Forms of At-grade Intersections
Intersections can be divided into the basic forms shown in the Figure below. From a design
aspect these intersections can also be divided according to whether they are controlled,
priority controlled (stop, Give Way), space-sharing (i.e. Roundabouts), time sharing (i.e.
traffic-signal controlled), or grade-separated (including interchanges) [O‟Flaherty, 2002].
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Priority Intersections
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Design requirements
The design of intersections must take account of the following basic requirements
Operational comfort
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NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 40
The capacity of a T junction is primarily dependent upon the ratio of the flows on the major
and minor roads, the critical (minimum) gap in the main road traffic stream acceptable to
entering traffic and the maximum delay acceptable to minor road vehicles.
A T-intersection has six separate traffic streams (see Figure below), of which the through
streams on the major road (C-A and A-C) and the left-turn stream off the major road (A-B) are
generally assumed to be priority streams and to suffer no delays from other traffic, while the
two minor road streams (B-A and B-C) and the major road right-turn stream (C-B) incur delays
due to their need to give way to higher priority streams. Predictive capacity equations for the
three non-priority streams are as follows:
40 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 41
The superscript s (e.g. qsB-A) denotes the flow from the saturated stream i.e. one in
which there is stable queuing.
The geometric parameters wB-A and wB-C denote the average widths of each of the minor
road approach lanes for waiting vehicles in streams B-A and B-C respectively, measured
over a distance 20m upstream from the Give Way line;
wC-B denotes the average width of the right-turn (central) lane on the major road, or 2.1m
if there is no explicit provision for right turners in stream C-B.
The parameters VrB-A and VlB-C denote right and left visibility distances, respectively,
available from the road;
VrC-B is the visibility available to right-turning vehicles waiting to turn right from the
major road;
W is the average major road carriageway width at the intersection; in the case of ghost or
raised islands, W excludes the width of the central (turning) lane;
WCR is the average width of the central reserve lane at the intersection on a dual
carriageway road.
An estimate of the total 24 hour delay due to congestion, D24x, at an existing T-intersection
can be estimated from the empirically derived equation
Where; D3 = Total intersection delay (h) during the peak three hours,
and P3 = Ratio of flow in the peak three hours to the 24-hour flow.
The above formula assumes that delays are inflicted only on minor road vehicles, which have
to yield priority to the major road streams.
41 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 42
T-Junction Example
A new industrial complex is planned to be sited adjacent to an existing priority intersection.
The width of the main carriageway is 8m. The width of the carriageway for traffic movements
B-A, B-C and C-B are 3, 3 and 2m respectively. The visibility distances at the drivers‟ eye
height for the junction are: VrB-A = 60m, VlB-A = 75m, VrB-C = 60m, VrC-B = 60m.
The width of the central reservation is 2m wide. The design flows (in pcu/hr) are
represented in the figure below.
42 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 43
43 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 44
Based on the reference flow capacity ratios obtained, it is apparent that all the arms
have exceeded their capacities and therefore need to be redesigned.
The main objective of roundabout design is to secure the safe interchange of traffic between
crossing traffic streams with the minimum delay. The operating efficiency of a roundabout
depends upon entering drivers accepting headway gaps in the circulating traffic stream.
Traffic streams merge and diverge at small angles and low relative speeds. For this reason,
accidents between vehicles in roundabouts rarely have fatal consequences.
Roundabouts are most effective as at grade intersections in urban or rural areas that have all or
a number of the following characteristics:
High proportions and/or volumes of right turning traffic;
Priority is not given to traffic from any particular road;
Presence of accidents involving crossing or turning movements;
Traffic on the minor roads is delayed by the use of „Stop‟ or „Give Way‟ signs;
Where they cause less overall delay to vehicles than traffic signals;
Where there is a marked change in road standard e.g. from a dual to a single
carriageway road.
44 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 45
Types of Roundabouts
In Uganda there are two types of roundabouts namely:
i) Normal roundabouts with a centre island radius greater than or equal to 10m.
The central island radius should normally be between 10m and 25m otherwise it
becomes difficult to control speeds for a radius bigger than the above range
and puts pedestrians and cyclists at risk. The width of the circulating carriageway
depends on whether it is one or two lane.
ii) Small roundabouts with a central island less than 10m. The inner
central island radius should be at least 2m.
45 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 46
always be provided wherever possible. A deflection island may fulfill this function but
should be at least 1.2m wide;
Pedestrian guard rail should be used, where necessary to control haphazard
pedestrian crossing of the traffic streams. It also improves safety.
46 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 47
Capacity of Roundabouts
The capacity of a roundabout as a whole is a function of the capacities of the individual
entry arms. The capacity of each arm is defined as the maximum inflow when the traffic
flow at the entry is sufficient to cause continuous queuing in its approach road.
The main factors influencing entry capacity are the approach half width, and the width and
flare of the entry, while the entry angle and radius also have small but significant effects.
The predictive equation used with all types of single at-grade roundabouts is
The symbols e, v, l‟, S, D, ϕ and r are described in Table below. Qe and Qc are in pcu/h, and
one heavy goods vehicle is assumed equivalent to 2 pcu for computation purposes.
Geometric Parameter S ymbol Unit
Entry width e m 4 - 15
Approach half-Width v m 2 -7 .3
Average effective flare length l' m 1 - 100
Sharpnes s of flare S - 0 - 2.9
Ins cribed circle diameter D m 15 - 100
Entry angle ϕ deg 10 - 60
Entry radius r m 6 - 100
Source: O‟Flaherty, 2002
47 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 48
(RFC) is an indicator of the likely performance of an intersection under the future year
traffic loading. If an RFC ratio of 0.85 occurs, it can be expected that queuing will
automatically be avoided in the design year peak hour in five out of six cases.
48 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 49
Roundabout Example
The table below shows measured turning movements in the AM peak period as recorded in a
traffic survey at a four arm roundabout. The survey was carried out in 2005. The expected
rate of traffic growth is 2%. It is assumed that funding will be readily available and that if any
redesign and reconstruction is needed, the roundabout will be reopened to traffic in the same
year the survey was carried out. The roundabout is being assessed for capacity to carry peak
flows in 2019. The geometric parameters for arms A and B are as shown below:
To (Des tination)
From A - 22 45 210
B 20 0- 32
0 450
(Origin) C 55 25
0 0- 320
D 10
0 42
0 22 50
The general layout of the roundabout
0 is shown
0 above0
Determine the following;
• The design flows for the year 2019
• The approach capacity of arms A and B of the roundabout.
• Establish which of the two arms still has capacity and which one does not.
49 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 50
50 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 51
51 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747
NDBCE 215: Road Construction and Plant 52
52 Lecture Notes: prepared by OLENG MORRIS [[email protected]] _ +256 703 688 747