Nepomuceno Reaction Paper
Nepomuceno Reaction Paper
Nepomuceno Reaction Paper
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Nepomuceno, Angelo A.
BS Architecture 4-2
October 2022
This webinar introduced the fundamentals of integrated project delivery (also known
manager at risk, design-bid-build, and owners advisor. It will be delivered by Shawn Sock
and Joe Willich, PE, PMP, Brown and Caldwell. Design-bid-build alternatives that encourage
quicker project delivery, build in greater quality, and lower project costs will be taught to
Collaborative project delivery- the idea is for working together, openly sharing
informations to each other between the owner, designer, builder, or any other stakeholders
in an integrated design and construction process. They are working together to bring the
Teaches the meaning of IDP, which is “integrated project delivery”, which means a
project delivery method in which there is a contractual agreement between an agency and a
single participating entity for the design, construction, alteration, operation, repair,
He mentioned a state law which is “public projects act” which means a single
participating entity for the design, construction, or any combination of services. So this is a
very wide range of definition for public agencies in delivering project under this delivery
Also to take note that any agency may award and IPD contract for a public project. So this is
Also as stated by the speaker, the act talks about the procurement process. So in the
procurement process it is known as a two-step process where you go out and do a request
for qualification, you do evaluation criteria and select the best firms, which is typically called
shortlists to go on and receive a request of proposal. So these are all allowed by the state
law. It also calls out proposals that must be evaluated on price as well as design and
technical approach, past performance, etc. The law also allows what most advantageous to
the agency and is the best value for the project. The law also says that you can select
which are the traditional method, collaborative delivery method, and design-build method.
The traditional method is typically known as design bid-build (DBB), then goes to collaborate
delivery, which begins in construction management at risk commonly known as CMAR. AND
Lastly goes to design-build which talks in two different delivery options, one is called
questions in knowing more about the said method. He also showed survey results which
goes on the three reasons people cited on using design-build which directly from the project
managers. So as for the survey, it is shown that the schedule effectiveness of design build is
far more effective than the design bit-bill. In innovations and cost-effectiveness it is also far
more effective. Innovation and quality factors are cited as major advantages of using design-
build and CMAR delivery. Larger majorities reported that the innovative ideas used in their
So design bid-build is the starting point of projects and public works procured today
and projects have been procured for the better part of the century at least is traditional and
it is very well-established and is much defined linear process that is proven to work.
A lot of owners, construction industry, promote a variation on traditional delivery
fundamentally traditional delivery method but it changes up the order of things a bit, is still a
company who delivers work in the field. However, it does change the bid time line instead of
bidding a project after design is done contractors hired a concurrent with the design process
and most seem are the best practices actually recommend that the contractor be hired as
early in the design process as possible. So this model is electro lined with traditional
delivery it can be faster because contractor can be involved earlier. They can actually start
construction on parts of the design that are more advanced than others. It also does allow
traditional selection of consulting engineer or architects. And it does allow much expanded
effort and value engineering because the contractor are there during the design process
creating engagement. It then it still had two contracts with the owner.
The speaker also pointed out a discussion that is often left out is that it is a traditional
delivery method is two contracts and both design-bid-build and CMAR rely on the concept of
standard of care by the designer and so ultimately design discrepancies errors and
emissions days flow back to the owner. When something is not right with the design and
despite of all collaboration it hasn’t been caught yet the change order potential from the
different flavors and names and variations. Fundamental to design-build is that is a single
entity which as an owner a single contract with design-builder that can be a purpose-built
team, a consortium, partnership, a joint venture or a single company in many instances that
design and construction through one contract with the owner. In the progressive design build
model, develops the design detail and constructive as construction estimate iteratively
between the owner and the design builder. In progressive design-build gains a pretty
significant schedule opportunity because you can do many activities concurrently shifted
from a very linear process at the design-bid-build model to a much more fast-tracked or
overlapping process where you can start many phases of construction before the rest of the
design is complete. Generally the design builder is selected in this model based on
qualifications and fee which is not a fixed price. It is very similar to the CMAR model except
in doing a single procurement with the designer and design builder and if you are using a
very much professional services model to make that selection as the other speaker have
said is often two-phased selection process with qualifications and then a shortlist and then a
proposal. And the worked through the design process arrived on the dotted puzzle piece,
these were very much like CMAR. There is a point in time where all of the projects are
converted or phase of the project to a guaranteed maximum price. Many of these contract
models for progressive design-build keep the books open after construction starts that is the
GMP option and as cost are accrued and allocated through the project if there is anything
left over are often shared and there is a mutual incentive for the design builder to work below
the agreed upon price and either add scope to the project or share the saving to the owner.
All of these models generally have what is called an off ramp. So in the off-ramp, lets
you as the owner make the choice that you do not actually agree on the price that seem the
contractor or the progressive design builder in this case is coming up with and so if you get
far advanced in the design process and the cost are not accruing to the budget or it is not
believable that the subcontractor bids are competitive or that the design builder is being
forthright in their open book pricing. It do have an option to pull the plug take the off ramp
and finish the design in a traditional manner bid out the work through a standard hard bid
contracting process. That makes everybody honest on developing cost an incentive to get to
the GMP on a forthright basis. One of the key thing to remember when doing one of this
design-build single contract model is that when you do get construction there is a
commitment to the performance of the project there is an embedded ability to hold the
design builder responsible for what the output of the projects or the form of the project is
supposed to be and if the project does not meet those contractual performance criteria it is
on the design-builder to fix it. That is the critical shift that are now made from a CMAR model
to a progressive design build model that is the analogy of using in the earlier, which is the
difference between being room mates versus being fundamentally married and responsible
internal to the team as a design builder to deliver the project and any disputes around
discrepancy between the characterization of the design and how it is implemented in the
field and built in the field. Those are issues that have to be adjudicated internal to that team
The progressive design-build is a model that was evolved out of the design-build
toolbox, to allow the owner to stay involved in the design process. One of the big differences
of this model and fixed price is that you do not enter a relationship between the design
builder without a full scope of the project done yet or nor a fixed price for construction and
with that allows is for the owners to participate in the decision making and the prioritization
during the design process and it allows the owner to make and participate in the tough
budget decisions as the design done iteratively whenever the scope goes above what you
have to spent the project can be realigned and it is essentially a design to budget exercise,
but the owner is involved in that process throughout. So for owners who want to maintain
control this is the way to go, it is also a good way to go if you have a complex permitting
process where you need a lot of iteration in multiple design iteration to permit.
And finally we got to pick fixed price design-build, this is what most people think of
when they say design build. This is a single contract model. The design detail and
construction, the come in as a fixed price as part of the proposal process, as you might
imagine the proposal process is much more complex, because if we are asking the
competitors to perform a significant amount of design as part of their submittals to the point
that they can price it on a committed fixed price way these are almost always done in a two-
phase process because if you want to have a short list and have a few bidders give you a
number it does lengthen the procurement process but it reduces the delivery time
considerably because once that design builder is selected what they are going to build for
you is as bid and they go do it and so a lot of owners use this when they don’t care
necessarily to be involved in detailed design, they get design submittals as part of the
process, they pick one and go forth and it is essentially design competition and it can include
operation maintenance in many cases it can even include financing. This would be the
foundation of a P3 delivery as well and so you see a larger complex projects and
infrastructure using this model. It is a little complex sometimes for smaller projects. You can
We had also tackled about the advantages and disadvantages of IPD. So the five top
concerns in managing design build projects where discussed, so these are anticipating
unknowns, completing on budget on schedule, the concern of the design control, many
owners are concerned that they have incomplete design-build knowledge and proper risk
We had also tackled about the advantages and disadvantages of IPD. So the five top
concerns in managing design build projects where discussed, so these are anticipating
unknowns, completing on budget on schedule, the concern of the design control, many
owners are concerned that they have incomplete design-build knowledge and proper risk
So in proper risk allocation, project design can be transferred as a risk to design to a
design builder. So there is schedule is an opportunity for risk transfer to a design builder.
They are going to sign up to a scope and a price whether it is a GMP or lump-sum and they
are going to agree to provide the project in a certain time frame and can hold them
responsible for that =. Some permits and approvals can be transferred this is an area where
some permits or some approvals are going to be best controlled and managed by the owner.
It is difficult to shift those to necessarily a design builder and really that just leads into a
discussion of which permits which approvals belong to which party. One of the great
opportunities for transferring risk is you know if you are talking about project that is facility is
transferring the output in terms of quantity and quality, in other words if you have a
wastewater treatment plant and the criteria might be that the output must meet your nippies
permit, you can hold that design builder accountable for what they have designed and built is
going to effectively treat the effluent to meet those permit requirements. Cost the
construction project that is a primary risk transfer and then also facility performance and
accept this testing you know when you think back to what left and describe for design-bit-bill,
the owner hires a designer they design it, the owner then hires bids out and a contractor
builds the project. A contractor is not responsible facility performance that’s based on the
design done by the designer. So if the build it correctly according to the construction specs
and construction drawings, and it does not perform really that is the owner and the designer
trying to figure out what to do about it. In a design-build project really you have to transfer
that risk to the design builder. Also to expand you can look at lifecycle costs including
operations maintenance repair and replacement. So there is an opportunity for risk transfer
there too, so you get the right balance of capital investment versus maintenance cost and
So in delivery methods, there are summary key attributes. So when we look at the
design bid build versus CMAR vs the design build options, the traditional role kind of a
traditional role. Steps to successful Design-build projects are also tackled, so these are
clearly define goals and objectives of the project. Evaluate project, cost, schedule, and risk
during initial project planning and devise ways to mitigate identified risks. Determine the
delivery method that suits the specific project characteristics. Network with other owners who
have used DB on similar projects. Get help from independent consultants with DB
experience. Choose project members who are fully engaged and follow organization’s
So at the end of the webinar, I have learned many benefits in knowing this
application, one is Performance requirements, cost, and schedule requirements with the
obligations of the parties. Early communications and transparent costing help to build the
foundation of trust from the outset. One also is cost certainty. It is also suitable for complex
projects and/or fast track projects. Suitable for uncertain or developing scope.