The Devil Lies in The Details

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The Devil Lies in the Details: How Variations

in Polysaccharide Fine-Structure Impact the
Physiology and Evolution of Gut Microbes

Eric C. Martens 1 , Amelia G. Kelly 1 , Alexandra S. Tauzin 2 and Harry Brumer 2

1 - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
2 - Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia,
2185 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

Correspondence to Eric C. Martens and Harry Brumer: [email protected]; [email protected]
Edited by J. L. Sonnenburg

The critical importance of gastrointestinal microbes to digestion of dietary fiber in humans and other mammals
has been appreciated for decades. Symbiotic microorganisms expand mammalian digestive physiology by
providing an armament of diverse polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, which are largely absent in mammalian
genomes. By out-sourcing this aspect of digestive physiology to our gut microbes, we maximize our ability to
adapt to different carbohydrate nutrients on timescales as short as several hours due to the ability of the
gut microbial community to rapidly alter its physiology from meal to meal. Because of their ability to pick up
new traits by lateral gene transfer, our gut microbes also enable adaption over time periods as long as centuries
and millennia by adjusting their gene content to reflect cultural dietary trends. Despite a vast amount of
sequence-based insight into the metabolic potential of gut microbes, the specific mechanisms by which symbiotic
gut microorganisms recognize and attack complex carbohydrates remain largely undefined. Here, we review the
recent literature on this topic and posit that numerous, subtle variations in polysaccharides diversify the spectrum
of available nutrient niches, each of which may be best filled by a subset of microorganisms that possess the
corresponding proteins to recognize and degrade different carbohydrates. Understanding these relationships
at precise mechanistic levels will be essential to obtain a complete understanding of the forces shaping
gut microbial ecology and genomic evolution, as well as devising strategies to intentionally manipulate the
composition and physiology of the gut microbial community to improve health.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction symbionts' largely fermentative metabolism, which

produces short-chain fatty acids and other products
Humans consume a broad range of polysaccharide- that are absorbed in the colon as nutrients [2].
rich foods, not only in the form of plant material (cell Of the dozens of different phyla of bacteria and
walls and storage polymers) but also as animal archaea that exist on Earth, less than 10 are abundant
connective tissue, food additives and even microbial in the guts of humans [3–5]. The Gram-positive
and fungal products. Our intrinsic ability to digest Firmicutes are typically most numerous, followed by
the available repertoire of complex carbohydrate Gram-negative Bacteroidetes. Other common but
molecules remains limited to just starch, lactose and less numerically abundant phyla include Actinobac-
sucrose [1]. This metabolic decrement is due to a teria, Verrucomicrobia and Proteobacteria, among
paucity of fiber-degrading enzymes encoded in the others. The selection for a few taxonomic groups was
genomes of humans and other animals (for a recent probably ancient, since these same phyla are shared
overview, see Ref. [1]). Fortunately, we have co- among other mammals and many invertebrates
evolved with a dense consortium of symbiotic distal [4]. Moreover, at finer taxonomic levels (genus and
gut microorganisms (microbiota), many of which have species), the microorganisms found in human and
adapted to target these polysaccharides for their own animal guts are typically not present in environmental
nutrition. In return, we reap the benefits of these gut reservoirs, leading to the hypothesis that we have

0022-2836/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. J. Mol. Biol. (2014) 426, 3851–3865
3852 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

co-evolved with many of these organisms and provide substantial viable recoveries (up to 46–93%) of the
their only habitats [6]. bacterial cells observable by direct microscopic
The genomes of sequenced human gut bacteria counts [13,14]. As a testament to the experimental
and the metagenomes of the communities they skill of these scientists, the lists of most abundant
compose reveal that our microbial symbionts have human gut bacterial species that they found in early
much more extensive armaments of polysaccharide- cultivation studies share substantial overlap with
degrading enzymes than we do [1,5,7–9]. This is taxon lists generated using more modern techniques,
evident in both the numbers of enzymes present and such as 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing and
the diversity of catalytic activities [1]. As a particularly metagenomics [14–16]. A much more recent study,
striking example, the recently published 7.1-Mbp which compared large-scale anaerobic culturing
genome of Bacteroides cellulosilyticus WH2 contains to direct molecular ecology-based community enu-
a total of 424 glycoside hydrolases, polysaccharide merations, also supports the idea that most human
lyases and carbohydrate esterases, which is ~ 25 gut bacteria can be readily grown outside of the host
times the number of human genome-encoded en- [17]. Taken together, these observations reinforce
zymes that are thought to be secreted into the the imperative for continued culturing of microorgan-
gastrointestinal tract [10]. Of the 76 different CAZyme isms from the human gut so that their physiology,
(carbohydrate-active enzyme) families (as defined both alone and in communities, can be studied and
in the Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes Database [11]) understood in great depth [18].
present in B. cellulosilyticus WH2, 56 are not Bacteriological studies into the abilities of human gut
represented in the human genome, highlighting the bacteria to degrade dietary fiber and mucin polysac-
amount of metabolic expansion that even a single gut charides did not initiate in earnest until the 1970s,
bacterium adds. Without this help from symbiotic catalyzed by the seminal efforts of Salyers, Wilkins
bacteria, humans and other animals, ranging from and colleagues, which involved fermentation studies
termites to ruminants, would simply be incapable of on a large collection of cultured human gut bacteria
assimilating nutrients from a substantial portion of [15,16]. Such analyses continue to be extended to a
dietary polysaccharides. range of polysaccharides, as well as oligosaccharide
Despite a vast—and expanding—amount of components accessible through specific enzymatic
sequence-based insight, precise mechanistic rela- treatment and fractionation [19–23]. These in vitro
tionships between the enormous diversity of poly- surveys have highlighted that the Bacteroidetes
saccharides that enter our digestive system and the possess notably broad abilities to digest a diverse
microbes that degrade them have been slower to array of mostly soluble polysaccharides. In contrast,
develop. In this review, we consider several emerging more recent work by Flint and co-workers has
facets of how symbiotic gut microorganisms assist suggested that members of the Firmicutes, which
humans and other animals with polysaccharide demonstrated more limited catabolic breadth in early
digestion. We focus first on the evolutionary benefit studies, possess the ability to attack more insoluble
of this digestive symbiosis, subsequently outline the substrates that are characteristic of the natural plant
sensory and enzymatic mechanisms employed by fibers in our diets and may serve as “keystone”
various gut bacteria to distinguish these nutrients and polysaccharide degraders [24,25].
conclude by discussing some recent data that imply Moving beyond descriptive growth studies, several
the presence of finely adapted and niche-specific researchers have provided molecular insight into
microbe–polysaccharide interactions in the gut, some the enzyme-based strategies through which human
of which are being driven by the lateral transfer of gut bacteria process complex carbohydrates, such
genes involved in polysaccharide degradation. as starch, inulin and many other polysaccharides
[26–31]. These paradigms extend to various Gram-
negative and Gram-positive bacteria and have
Old Questions Still in Need of provided a framework for understanding the molec-
Detailed Answers ular processes involved. Still, however, numerous
questions remain, including (i) which species com-
The critical role of intestinal microorganisms in pete most efficiently for each available polysaccha-
polysaccharide degradation became appreciated ride, (ii) to what extent and how do the species
around the early 1940s when Robert Hungate, a present cooperate during polysaccharide degradation
pioneer in the field of anaerobic microbiology, and (iii) are dominant rumen bacterial strategies, such
explored the phenomenon of microbial cellulose as deployment of cellulosomes by Gram-positive
degradation in the bovine rumen and termite gut [12]. species, at work in the human colon? An additional
With the advent of more facile anaerobic culturing question that serves as a central focus for this review
techniques—including the development of the an- is how finely tuned are the relationships between
aerobic chamber by Freter and colleagues in the members of our gut microbiota and the myriad
1960s [13]—pioneers in human gut microbiology, chemical differences present in the polysaccharides
such as Freter, Holdeman and Moore, reported that are so important to their biology?
Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates 3853

Why Do We Rely on Gut Microorganisms Our symbiotic microbes also enable adaptation
to dietary changes over much longer time periods.
for Polysaccharide Digestion? Different human cultures adopt unique dietary habits
that may exist in geographically restricted popula-
Before considering more detailed mechanistic tions and persist on timescales of centuries or
aspects of gut microbiota function, it is worth reflecting millennia. These protracted periods may still be too
on this fundamental question. As discussed above, short for the human genome to evolve appropriate
the human genome, as well as the genomes of most enzymes, but given the genomic plasticity of bacte-
animals, does not inherently encode a plethora of ria, adaptation by members of the gut microbiota is
carbohydrate digestive enzymes; animal genes that more easily achieved. A striking example of such
encode plant cell wall glycosidases are particularly adaptation is thought to have occurred in bacterial
exceptional [32,33]. Why is this so? By out-sourcing members of the Japanese microbiota. In Japan and
complex carbohydrate metabolism to our symbiotic surrounding Asian cultures, the consumption of red
gut microbes, we greatly enhance our ability to algae (e.g., nori in sushi) has been commonplace for
respond to nutritional changes on timescales both over a thousand years. Likely, as a consequence of
short (minutes to hours) and long (centuries to this availability in the gut, one cultured member of the
millennia). Since the amounts and types of polysac- healthy Japanese microbiota, Bacteroides plebeius,
charides in our omnivorous diet vary from meal to has obtained the capacity to degrade porphyran, a
meal, our gut symbionts must be capable of shifting sulfated polymer of galactose that is abundant in nori
their metabolism to accommodate the diversity that is [39,40]. Further molecular analysis suggests that
offered within this limited period. The presence of such plasticity is a common feature of gut microbial
“generalists”, such as B. cellulosilyticus (vide supra), genomes, as will be elaborated below.
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Bacteroides ova-
tus, highlights short-term adaptability by individual
species. These organisms each possess the ability to The Benefits (and Limitations) of “Omics”
degrade over a dozen different polysaccharides
[10,29] and therefore have the option to switch to The advent of the sequencing era has significantly
metabolism of different nutrients as they become bolstered studies of the content and dynamics of the
available. Metabolic re-organization by these species microbiota. Culture-independent approaches, such
in complex nutrient conditions has been validated as 16S rDNA and metagenomics, have provided
both in vitro [34] and in vivo in gnotobiotic mice [10,35]. a less biased and more comprehensive view of
However, it is likely that much more complex, the microbial taxa that are present. In turn, these
community-driven metabolic changes also occur on data can guide the isolation of organisms not yet
short timescales. Although it remains to be explored at represented in pure culture [18]. Sequencing of
functional levels—or on the very short timescales individual microbial genomes has provided hun-
(hours) that reflect meal-to-meal variation—short-term dreds of reference blueprints for human gut bacteria
diet change experiments in humans and mice clearly [41], which can be analyzed using bioinformatics
show that the composition of the gut community approaches to predict functionality. The degradation
changes frequently and within a day after diet switch of most complex polysaccharides necessarily requires
[10,36–38]. These rapid changes likely reflect tran- the concerted expression of multiple CAZymes [11,42]
sient proliferation of the species that are best and other proteins. However, precisely predicting the
equipped to metabolize components of new dietary phenotypic abilities of gut bacteria to degrade and
items and, upon introduction of a different meal, are utilize carbohydrates based on sequence data alone
likely to shift again. remains difficult.
Despite the presence of some generalist species A key issue is that we currently have much less
noted above, no one microorganism that can “do it all” biochemical data vis a vis sequence data—and this
has yet been identified, suggesting that a fitness gap is only widening [11,42]. Our ability to predict the
trade-off exists between the cost of encoding a diverse function of gene products is therefore perilously
array of metabolic responses and the advantage of stretched in light of the broad sequence diversity
possessing additional metabolic options. Indeed, as exhibited by families of CAZymes and carbohydrate-
the metabolic abilities of more cultivated gut microor- binding proteins. Additionally, these families are often
ganisms are systematically interrogated, it will be “polyspecific” and include members with variations in
interesting to determine which polysaccharides are glycosidic linkage specificity. Given the subtle evolu-
targeted by metabolic specialists that have more tionary changes involved in altering specificity, many
limited abilities. Such nutrients, for example, host glycosidase families are composed of members with
mucin glycoproteins, likely represent the most con- non-absolute preferences for related monosaccha-
sistent resources that fuel gut microbial growth and rides, for example, epimers (glucose versus galac-
may therefore be the most important with respect to tose) or substituent variants (galactose versus
supporting community stability. N-acetylgalactosamine). Subfamily classification has
3854 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

GH97 (exo)
(a) B. thetaiotaomicron - Starch Utilization System
BT3698 BT3705
α1,4 α1,4 α1,6

su (GH




su GH
sF 13



sA 97)

sR 13
(reducing end)


α1,4 α1,4 α1,4 α1,4 α1,4

GH13 (endo)
(b) B. thetaiotaomicron - Fructan Utilization Locus GH32 (endo) GH32 (exo)
BT1754 BT1765




GH xo)

α1,2 β2,6 β2,6







o )
(c) B. ovatus ATCC 8384 - Xyloglucan Utilization Locus
GH2 (exo) β1,2 α1,2 GH43 (exo)
BACOVA_02644 BACOVA_02659

GH31 (exo) α1,6 α1,6 GH31 (exo)









(reducing end)

β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4

GH3 (exo) GH5/GH9 (endo)

α1,2 GH95 (exo)?

(d) B. uniformis ATCC 8492 - Xyloglucan Utilization Locus GH2 (exo) β1,2 β1,2 GH2 (exo)
BACUNI_00326 BACUNI_00315
GH31 (exo) α1,6 α1,6 α1,6 GH31 (exo)







(reducing end)

β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4

GH3 (exo) GH5 (endo)

(e) B. plebeius - Porphyran Utilization Locus


(reducing end)
β1,4 α1,3






GH16B/GH86A (endo)





(reducing end)




β1,4 α1,3




GH16A (endo)

(f) B. intestinalis DSM17393 - Xylan Utilization Locus (6-O-ferulate)

BACINT_04208 BACINT_04220 α1,2 α1,3 α1,2



CE 95


β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4 β1,4






(g) C. canimorsus - N-glycan Utilization Locus α2,6 β1,4 β1,6

Ccan_08700 Ccan_08740

β1,4 β1,6 Asn






β1,4 β1,4 β1

α2,6 β1,4 β1,2 α1,3

GH18 (endo)


(h) B. thetaiotaomicron - Mucin Utilization Locus α1,3 β1,4 β1,3 β1,3 α1

BT4240 BT4252 ? GH109 GH2 A blood group










α1,3 β1,4 β1,3 β1,3 α1

GH110 GH2 B blood group


Glucose N-acetyl Galactose N-acetyl Mannose

glucosamine galactosamine
N- acetyl
Xylose Arabinose Fucose Fructose
neuraminic acid

Fig. 1 PULs and their substrates. (a) The Starch Utilization System of B. thetaiotaomicron is the archetypal PUL [53,78].
(b and c) The B. thetaiotaomicron Fructan Utilization Locus [31] (b) and the B. ovatus XyGUL [30] (c) represent two other
PULs for which all of the glycoside hydrolases (GH) and several substrate-binding proteins have been biochemically
characterized. (d) A partially homologous and syntenic B. uniformis XyGUL is predicted to degrade both (arabinogalacto)
xyloglucan and (fucogalacto)xyloglucan due to an “upgrade” with a predicted fucosidase from GH95 [30]. (e and f) The
B. plebeius Porphyran Utilization Locus [40] (e) and the B. intestinalis Xylan Utilization Locus [83] (f) represent complex loci
with only partially characterized enzyme complements; for some gene products, function may be broadly predicted by
family membership, but exact specificities are currently unknown. Notably, the B. plebeius Porphyran Utilization Locus
encodes individual enzymes with specificity for either porphyran or agarose but is only induced by the former. (g and h) The
Capnocytophaga canimorsus N-glycan Degradation Locus [84] (g) and one of several B. thetaiotaomicron mucin O-linked
glycan utilization loci [46,85] (h) represent PULs in which the GH complement does not reflect the full complexity of the
substrate; complete saccharification necessarily requires the input of other loci. Gene color-coding by putative or
confirmed function is as follows: blue, GHs; purple, SusC-like; orange, SusD-like; yellow, SusE-positioned (but lacking
sequence similarity); salmon, sensor/transcriptional regulator; red, two-component systems associated with mobile
elements; cyan, non-catalytic carbohydrate binding proteins; green, other proteins with characterized homologs; gray,
unknown function. Abbreviations: glycoside hydrolase (GH), carbohydrate-binding protein (CBP), carbohydrate esterase
(CE), fructokinase (FruK), hexose transporter (HXT), integrase (INT), mucin protease (PRO) and sulfatase (Sul). Sugars
are represented by Consortium for Functional Glycomics standard symbols.
Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates 3855

been employed to further refine specificity prediction much of the apparent redundancy in genes encoding
for a handful of families, but even this is not absolute some enzyme families that are heavily represented
[43–45]. Thus, an individual gut enzyme may be in the genomes of symbiotic gut bacteria. When over-
hypothetically associated with degradation of multiple expressed and analyzed in vitro (away from their
polysaccharides, leading to ambiguous functional normal regulatory control and associated enzymatic
predictions. partners), such enzymes may display overlapping
Since many bacteria tightly control the expression activities on a range of substrates that harbor a
of enzyme systems that target various nutrients, particular target linkage [51]. However, in the context
whole genome transcriptional analyses of bacteria of a living cell, deployment of these overlapping
grown in pure carbohydrates can be very useful to enzymes in response to specific substrates becomes
guide identification of gene products that work much more specialized.
together [10,28,29,46,47]. Such functions are often Generalized polysaccharide degradation schemes
grouped together—especially in Bacteroidetes—into for Gram-negative and Gram-positive gut bacteria
genomically linked PULs (polysaccharide utilization are illustrated in Fig. 2, based on knowledge of
loci; Fig. 1) [48]. Empirical delineation of these gene several different catabolic systems in Bacteroidetes
clusters, together with reverse genetic and biochem- and Firmicutes/Actinobacteria, respectively (see also
ical studies, provides a powerful route to the discovery recent reviews [52,53]). Aside from the need for
of new metabolic pathways, especially those for sensory specificity, an additional prerequisite is
complex carbohydrate utilization. Given the ever- access to the target substrate in order to initiate
expanding breadth of sequence-based data, such enzymatic attack and release cues that activate a
comprehensive findings can be particularly useful corresponding response. For some bacteria, substrate
because they can be rapidly fit into a much larger solubility may create a substantial barrier to access.
biological/ecological picture using comparative ge- Both B. thetaiotaomicron and Eubacterium rectale can
nomics and metagenomics. grow on soluble forms of starch but not on insoluble
“resistant starch” [15,16,25]. In contrast, one Firmicute,
Ruminococcus bromii, has been shown to degrade
Gut Symbionts Have Specialized resistant starch in vitro, revealing that it possesses an
Sensory and Enzymatic Toolkits alternative mechanism of substrate access relative to
for Polysaccharide Digestion other bacteria [25]. At least two other Ruminococci,
Ruminococcus champanellensis and Ruminococcus
Substrate specificity is a key facet of microbial torques, possess the ability to utilize insoluble cellu-
responses to complex carbohydrates. It might be lose and carbohydrate components of human colonic
expected that an organism such as B. cellulosilyticus, mucin, respectively [54,55]. These species stand in
which harbors 424 different carbohydrate-degrading contrast to Bacteroides that have the ability to use
enzymes, would carefully regulate expression of these soluble portions of these same substrates, such as
enzymes and their associated non-enzymatic factors cellobiose and chemically released mucin O-linked
or risk needlessly expending energy for superfluous glycans [29,55]. Future elucidation of the molecular
protein synthesis in the competitive gut environment. mechanisms that mediate these phenotypes will
Indeed, this is the case in B. cellulosilyticus and other undoubtedly provide novel insight into the first crucial
gut and rumen Bacteroidetes that have been studied step in insoluble fiber digestion.
[29,31,49]. In these organisms, expression of gene When accessible polysaccharides are encountered,
clusters ranging in size from 6 to several dozen open initial attack presumably proceeds via constitutively
reading frames is regulated via inducible promoters produced enzymes that are present at low “surveil-
that are usually activated by transcription factors lance” levels [46]. Indeed, without such enzymes, the
present within or adjacent to the responsive gene bacterium may be very well incapable of generating
cluster. A common theme that has emerged in the the required cues to amplify a catabolic response in
Gram-negative Bacteroidetes is that the sensor the first place. This phenomenon of oligosaccharide
proteins extend outside of the cytoplasm to interact substrate-induced up-regulation is readily observed
with enzymatically released saccharides either in in B. thetaiotaomicron. In the presence of glucose, a
the periplasm or during transport across the outer monosaccharide substrate that does not trigger acti-
membrane [29,31,48,50]. By sensing carbohydrate vation of the Starch Utilization System (Fig. 1a), a
cues before degradation to individual monosaccha- punctate pattern of the key SusD protein can be ob-
rides, these organisms are able to integrate addi- served at the cell surface (inset micrographs in Fig. 2a).
tional information about the polysaccharide that has In cells exposed to starch for just 30 min, expression
been encountered, including sugar sequence, linkage of these proteins is dramatically up-regulated due to
stereochemistry and linkage regiochemistry. This the production of malto-oligosaccharides that bind the
strategy allows bacteria to couple a particular sensor sensor/regulator SusR [34]. Thus, in the model shown
to the expression of a more specific set of polysac- in Fig. 2., each polysaccharide substrate can initiate
charide-degrading enzymes and may account for a positive feedback loop in which small amounts of
3856 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

Carbohydrate surveillance Active degradation


Binding & binding GH/PL GH/PL binding
binding GH/PL



Hydrolysis to GH/PL
GH/PL membrane
simple sugars
and transport


Transcript activation & membrane
increased expression

α-B. theta SusD (glucose) α-B. theta SusD (starch)



GH/PL (SBP) binding

ATP ATP cell

ADP ADP membrane/
cell wall

Fig. 2 (legend on next page )

Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates 3857

surveillance enzymes produce substrate-specific cues of β(1-3) and β(1-4) linkages in mixed-linkage glucans
to amplify expression of more enzymes until either the has a significant effect on solubility [62]. The effect
bacterial surface is saturated or the substrate wanes in of substituents on polysaccharide physical and
abundance. chemical properties is likewise considerable: amylo-
An additional facet of microbial competition for pectin has significantly greater water solubility than
available nutrients, which has remained largely amylose due to numerous α(1-6) branch points
unexplored for most symbiotic gut bacteria beyond extended with α(1-4)-glucan chains [59,63]. Like-
Escherichia coli, is the propensity of many bacteria to wise, the xyloglucan family of plant cell wall matrix
prioritize some nutrients with respect to others. This glycans can be considered as soluble cellulose
idea is predicated on the classic example of repres- derivatives, in which the common β(1-4)-glucan
sion of E. coli lactose utilization, discovered by Jacob backbone is highly substituted with diverse monosac-
and Monod [56]. A recent study on B. thetaiotaomicron charides extended from α(1-6)-xylosyl branches
revealed that this generalist engages in metabolic (Fig. 1) [64,65]. Numerous other such examples of
prioritization of the more than 12 different polysac- branched polysaccharides (with an equally diverse
charides that it is equipped to consume [34]. Since range of solubilities) are well known [57,66,67]. An
this species is just one of many hundred that are additional level of structural complexity, which impacts
common to the human gut, an important frontier in physical–chemical properties of many polysaccha-
understanding the behavior of these organisms will rides, is the presence of ether (e.g., methyl) and ester
be to understand the programming of different nutrient (e.g., acetyl, ferulate, sulfate) substituents [39,67,68].
prioritization schemes. Indeed, many organisms Indeed, the large repertoire of monosaccharide
may exhibit similar or identical metabolic potential building blocks and the manifold possible stereo-
in vitro on pure polysaccharide substrates but deploy chemical and regiochemical linkage variations com-
these traits in very different ways in the complex and bine to generate a tremendous diversity of saccharide
dynamic nutrient mixtures that are likely to be the norm structures in terrestrial and marine biomass relevant
in the gut. to the microbiota; this includes polysaccharides,
proteoglycans/ glycoproteins and glycolipids [57,69–
71]. A key corollary is that a similarly large cohort of
Closely Related Polysaccharides Harbor saccharide-specific CAZymes, binding proteins,
Variations That Impact Their Availability transporters and sensor regulators is required by gut
to Gut Microbes microbial communities to address this diversity.
Functional genomics and enzymological studies of
From the discussion mentioned above, it follows the microbiota have necessarily been guided—and
that detailed knowledge of polysaccharide structure likely limited—by our current knowledge of the
is central to understanding substrate prioritization structural diversity of complex carbohydrates in
and the potential catabolic niches that are available Nature (as well as the general availability of these
to the microbiota. In particular, variations in polysac- substrates for experimentation) [12,19–22,29,46,72].
charide linkage and side-chain branching affect Given the intrinsic technical difficulties in determining
physical properties such as solubility and solution oligosaccharide and polysaccharide sequences, vis a
rheology [57], which are important in distinguishing vis polypeptides or polynucleotides, accurate struc-
“soluble” and “insoluble” forms of dietary “fiber” [58]. tural data are challenging to obtain and generally
For example, it is readily appreciated that cellulose limited to abundant, readily extracted representatives
from plant cell walls [β(1-4)-glucan], amylose from of a given polysaccharide family. Polysaccharide
starch [α(1-4)-glucan] and mixed-linkage β(1-3)/ biosynthesis is often not tightly regulated, with the
β(1-4)-glucans from cereal endosperm have widely result that variations in composition and degree of
differing solubilities and susceptibilities to biological polymerization arise across individual tissues and
degradation due to differences in secondary structure; growth conditions [62,66]. This is as true for plant cell
however, all are “simple” homopolymers of glucose wall polysaccharides as it is for animal glycoproteins,
[59–61]. Even the relative abundance and distribution such that all “xylan” and all “mucin” are not created

Fig. 2. Generic models for polysaccharide acquisition by gut bacteria. (a) Gram-negative model based on Bacteroidetes
Sus-like systems showing the transition from a surveillance state to active degradation. Monosaccharides are illustrated,
alone or in chains, as red circles. Key sequential steps, beginning with the first encounter with soluble or accessible
polysaccharides and ending with increased expression of degradative and assimilatory machinery, are noted in blue.
Insets at the bottom of (a) shows B. thetaiotaomicron cells stained with an antibody against SusD, involved in starch
degradation (see the text for details). (b) Gram-positive model based on ABC transporter-based systems present
in Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Opening and closing of the cytoplasmic-membrane spanning permease allows
monosaccharide and oligosaccharide substrates that are bound by solute-binding proteins (SBPs) to be transported
as ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic phosphate. Abbreviations: glycoside hydrolase (GH) and polysaccharide
lyase (PL).
3858 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

equal (to name just two examples) [62,73]. This starch-binding proteins. In addition to the genetics
heterogeneity poses a significant challenge to the and biochemistry of this system, the structural biology
fractionation of pure compounds for structural deter- of all these starch-binding proteins and enzymes,
mination, with the result that monosaccharide and except for the GH13 α(1-6)-glucosidase, has been
linkage compositions most often represent average elucidated through a detailed series of studies
values. As such, particular substructures may escape [48,78–82]. The selected examples shown in Fig. 1
detection, either due to technical limitations or due to further highlight the correlation between polysaccha-
source-sampling bias. Fortunately for microbiota ride and PUL complexity for a number of systems in
research, insight into complex carbohydrate structure which functional predictions have been supported by
continues to increase, buoyed by a rising global rigorous reverse genetic and biochemical analyses
biotechnological interest in functional foods/prebiotics [30,31,40,83,84].
and biomass saccharification for fuel and chemical An overarching problem in generating robust
production. functional predictions for novel PULs is our general
Work on the xyloglucan family provides one example inability to precisely map putative specificities of
in which both strictly analytical and combined genetic/ enzyme cohorts (e.g., deduced from CAZy family
analytical approaches continue to uncover novel membership) one-to-one with known polysaccharide
polysaccharide motifs. Indeed, the structural variation substructural motifs. Both the B. plebeius Porphyran
in this family across plant species has been probably Utilization Locus [40] and the Bacteroides intestinalis
the most widely and precisely explored of all the matrix Xylan Utilization Locus [83] are complex loci, which
polysaccharides [64,65,74]. Nonetheless, recent de- encode gene products whose correlation to polysac-
tailed analysis of xyloglucans from the Ericaceae, charide structure is not immediately obvious despite
notably including the edible bilberry fruit (Vaccinium partial characterization of their enzyme comple-
myrtillus L.), revealed an unusual di-xylosylated motif ments. Observations of this type highlight gaps in
[β- D -Xylp-(1-2)-α- D -Xylp-(1-6)-β- D -glucan] as a our current knowledge of both enzyme function and
dominant structural component [75,76]. Likewise polysaccharide structural diversity. These systems
surprising, previously unknown galacturonic acid provide opportunities to leverage information from
(GalpA)-containing branches [β-D-GalpA-(1-2)-α-D- bacterial genomic sequences (i.e., groups of co-
Xylp-(1-6)-β-D-glucan and α-L-Fucp-(1-2)-β-D-Gal- regulated enzymes with partially unknown targets)
pA-(1-2)-α-D-Xylp-(1-6)-β-D-glucan] have been re- to inform detailed studies of new polysaccharide
vealed recently in root tissues of the model dicot substructures. In contrast to these complex loci,
Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, the glycosyltrans- other PULs are less extensive and clearly lack the
ferase family 47 enzyme responsible for adding complete enzyme cohort necessary to full degrade
the GalpA residue has been identified [77], which their cognate substrates (Fig. 1g and h) [84,85],
may in turn facilitate the possible discovery of this suggesting that they may work together with other
type of xyloglucan in other plant species, including systems during catabolism.
food crops. Although such structural differences Recent studies have demonstrated how a “change
may seem subtle, on one hand, they may impart in scale” of PUL characterization to encompass
significant differences in solubility and accessibility functional characterization of most, if not all, of the
by the microbiota to a given polysaccharide, as gene products can bring a more holistic understanding
outlined above. On the other hand, each novel of PUL function in the context of organism and
glycosidic linkage in a polysaccharide or family of ecosystem [86]. One of the first examples of this
polysaccharides will also further complicate attack approach elegantly revealed the molecular basis of
by a given microbiota species or consortium due to levan [β(2-6)-fructan] specificity of B. thetaiotaomicron,
the requirement for an additional glycosidase (and which otherwise grows poorly on the isomeric inulin
possibly substitution-tolerant sensor/regulators, [β(2-1)-fructan] polysaccharide. Here, functional char-
transporters and substrate-binding proteins) in the acterization of the GH32 endo-levanase and the
microbiome. SusD-like carbohydrate-binding protein encoded by
The concept that enzyme cohorts must increase in a Fructan Utilization Locus (Fig. 1b), both of which are
complexity in step with polysaccharide fine-structure located on the cell surface, revealed a strict specificity
is exemplified by a number of recent biochemical for levan polysaccharide. In striking contrast, neither
studies of specific PULs. As a point of reference, the hybrid two-component system sensor regulator
the archetypal PUL, the Starch Utilization System of nor the three GH32 exo-fructosidases (including one
B. thetaiotaomicron, encodes three glycoside hydro- encoded outside of this PUL) discriminated against
lases sufficient to cleave all the linkages in starch: either linkage [31].
a GH13 endo-amylase [endo-α(1-4)-glucanase], a A similarly extensive study from our own collabo-
GH13 α(1-6)-glucosidase and a GH97 exo-α(1-4)- rative work recently revealed the functions of all eight
glucosidase (Fig. 1a). This PUL also encodes one glycoside hydrolases and two carbohydrate-binding
transcriptional regulator, one TonB-dependent proteins encoded by a unique Xyloglucan Utilization
receptor/transporter and three outer-membrane Locus (XyGUL) in B. ovatus (Fig. 1c) [30]. The
Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates 3859

ensemble of enzymes encoded by this locus is degrade the red and brown algal polysaccharides
consistent with a particular specificity for solana- agarose and alginate have revealed, using compara-
ceous (arabinogalacto)xyloglucan (as found in to- tive genomics, that enzymes for degrading these
matoes, peppers, eggplants, olives, etc.) [64,87–89] polysaccharides are present in the genomes of some
due to the presence of two α-L-arabinofuranosidases gut Bacteroides. While putative mechanisms for these
from GH43. Notably, the B. ovatus XyGUL lacks a transfer events remain unclear, these observations
fucosidase, as would be required to fully degrade lend further support for the idea that genetic material
the (fucogalacto)xyloglucan widespread among can be transferred, perhaps along with foods
other dicot plants (e.g., leafy vegetables). In contrast, containing the target polysaccharides, into gut bacteria
partially homologous XyGULs in other prevalent to enable catabolism of novel nutrients. Interestingly,
human and termite gut Bacteroidetes encode both a cTn that is related to the one implicated in transfer
a GH43 member, as well as predicted fucosidase of porphyran utilization into the B. plebeius genome
from GH95 or GH29, which indicates the evolution of is also present in the sequenced type strain of B.
these XyGULs to address both types of xyloglucans thetaiotaomicron but carries genes that are expressed
from dietary plants (Fig. 1d). Strikingly, analysis of during degradation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell
metagenomic data revealed that at least 92% of the wall α-mannan instead of porphyran [40,46].
humans sampled (n = 250) across North America, Taken together, the observations of porphyran and
Europe and Japan carry at least one or more α-mannan-degrading abilities associated with mo-
homologous XyGULs, underscoring the particular bile elements suggest that dietary polysaccharides
importance of xyloglucan metabolism in our diet that are novel to regional human diets or increase
[30]. historically as a result of new dietary customs can
Together, the levan and xyloglucan PUL studies elicit adaptive genetic changes in members of the gut
highlight the comprehensive insight that a combi- microbiota. To explore this point further in the context
nation of biochemical, enzymological, genetic and of this review, we searched fully sequenced or draft
structural analyses can bring. We anticipate that genomes for conjugative elements related to the two
similar multidisciplinary approaches will bring sig- that are present in the genomes of B. plebeius and
nificant new insight into PUL functional diversity in B. thetaiotaomicron, which revealed that numerous
future studies. Further, as the polysaccharides additional site-specific cTns exist and that some of
studied become more complex or variable (arabi- these newly identified elements harbor genes likely
noxylans, pectins, mucin glycoproteins, etc.), it is to be involved in bacterial polysaccharide degrada-
likely that similar or greater levels of fine-structural tion (Fig. 3). Inspection of a subset of cTns related
adaptations by the cognate bacterial enzyme to that conferring porphyran degradation further
systems will be revealed. revealed that all of the related elements are found
in gut isolates and are separate from sequences
found in environmental isolates (compare blue
How Are Gut Bacterial branch highlighted in light green with dark green
Genomes Upgraded to Target branches in Fig. 3a). This latter observation sug-
New Polysaccharides? gests that transfer of these genes, which are
ordinarily found in phylogenetically more distant
Moving beyond the effective deployment of existing marine bacteria [39], may have been more complex
enzyme and protein complements, the evolution than simple transfer of a single cTn from a marine
or acquisition of genes enabling the degradation organism to one residing in the gut. Interestingly,
of alternate polysaccharides can allow access to another common “genetic cargo” that we found
new or unused nutrient niches. In some cases, the located in cTns are gene clusters predicted to be
mechanism of gene acquisition is apparent, while involved in capsular polysaccharide synthesis,
in others, this evolution is less clear. For example, suggesting that both catabolic and anabolic func-
delineation of the genes required for porphyran tions related to polysaccharides are being mobilized
degradation by B. plebeius and analysis of the by this mechanism.
surrounding genomic region revealed that a mobile Notably, our recent investigation of xyloglucan
element belonging to the conjugative transposon (cTn) utilization in gut Bacteroidetes [30] revealed marked
family, a family of mobile elements long associated heterogeneity in carriage of this PUL among closely
with transfer of antibiotic resistance among gut related strains of B. ovatus and Bacteroides xylani-
bacteria [90], likely mediated transfer of this ability solvens. In this case, appearance of the gene cluster
into B. plebeius (Fig. 1e) [40]. Moreover, similar genes required for xyloglucan utilization was not associated
involved in porphyran degradation are present in the with any discernable mobile element that might have
fecal metagenomes of Japanese subjects but are less been responsible for its transfer. Rather, it appeared
abundant or absent in the microbiota of westerners to be precisely inserted, with only a few hundred
[39]. Additional studies that have initially focused on base pairs or less of flanking sequence, into a single
the enzymatic abilities of marine Bacteroidetes to homologous region of the B. ovatus genome that
3860 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

also contained additional PULs in some isolates. different in several cases, revealing that enzyme
The order and specificity of enzymes contained in encoding genes are likely being duplicated, re-
other B. ovatus xyloglucan utilization PULs were arranged and probably diversified via mutations

Legend (panel B):
Bacteroidetes conjugative
transposons (cTns): Cargo genes:
gut bacteria polysaccharide utilization loci
capsular polysaccharide synthesis
oral bacteria
antibiotic / heavy metal resistance
Core cTn functions:
mobilization (tra) genes
genitourinary tract integrase
bacteria rteA/B two component regulators
other bacteria unknown cargo
other genes

(b) mobilization cargo

B. plebeius


* tRNAlys insertion sequence:
* ccaggcggatcac
76 82 84 93 00

B. thetaiotaomicron


* tRNAphe insertion sequence:

Fig. 3 (legend on next page )

Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates 3861

within closely related gene clusters (Fig. 1c and d). evolved by the human gut microbiota in parallel with
Such phenomena remain to be studied in detail. dietary habits.
However, the presence of new and re-arranged
genes within closely related PULs suggests that,
once a gene cluster is acquired, it can be subse- Prospectus: How Fine Is the Level of
quently subjected to additional, fine-level tailoring to
modify or refine its function. Polysaccharide Niche Adaptation by
In the future, it will be interesting to determine if the Gut Microbes?
polysaccharide utilization abilities associated with
other Bacteroidetes cTns and other divergent PULs The interactions between our symbiotic gut
enable metabolism of polysaccharides that have microorganisms and dietary polysaccharides play
been introduced into some human diets on relatively important roles in several aspects of health
recent timescales or those that are fine-level variants [52,53,94]. Polysaccharides represent the major
of more commonly consumed plant and animal class of nutrients that escape digestion in the
polysaccharides. Some of these items exist uniquely proximal intestine, illuminating dietary fiber or
in other regional foods, such as seeds from Salvia purified polysaccharide prebiotics as promising
hispanica (chia), which have been cultivated and non-invasive avenues to intentionally manipulate
consumed in Mexico and Guatemala since pre- the gut community. In order to achieve a highly
Columbian times and contain a unique polymer sophisticated ability to employ such manipulations,
composed of xylose, glucose and 4-O-methyl glucu- we must first understand the precise connections
ronic acid [91]. Other novel polysaccharides such as between the many different dietary and endogenous
xanthan gum (approved for human consumption mucosal carbohydrates and the microorganisms
in 1968) are much more recent introductions to the that directly degrade them.
human food supply and are often used as food Beginning in the 1950s, Freter and colleagues
additives or thickeners [92]. In the context of dietary began formulating the nutrient-niche theory of gas-
red seaweed galactan utilization, it is interesting to trointestinal colonization by microorganisms [95–97],
note that a screen of nearly 300 common gut which postulates that a diverse, but finite, number
Bacteroides strains revealed only two, Bacteroides of niches are present in the gut, each defined by
uniformis NP1 and B. thetaiotaomicron VPI-3731, availability of a subset of particular nutrients. When
that were able to grow on agarose and kappa-carra- these niches are filled by endogenous symbionts,
geenan, respectively [40]. These capacities stand in invasion of the intestine by outside species, including
contrast to the strict porphyran specificity of B. plebeius pathogens, is more difficult and leads to the phenom-
[40], which implies that each strain harbors a unique enon of colonization resistance. When nutrient niches
ensemble of sensory proteins and enzymes to address are opened, either due to large-scale loss of microbial
these distinct, complex polysaccharides (see Ref. [57] colonization during antibiotic use or perhaps due
for a structural summary). Indeed, several families of to smaller perturbations such as diet shift, the gut
enzymes specific for agars (comprising agarose and environment may become transiently susceptible
porphyrans) and the diverse types of carrageenans to invasion by pathogens, such as Clostridium difficile,
have already been characterized from marine bacteria E. coli, Salmonella enterica or Vibrio cholera. While
[93]. It will be interesting to ascertain to what extent most of these pathogens may not be metabolically
these enzymes may have been acquired and further equipped to directly attack polysaccharides (a notable

Fig. 3. Sampling of Bacteroidetes conjugative transposon (cTn) diversity in sequenced genomes. (a) A cladogram
based on alignment of 501 Bacteroidetes amino acid sequences for TraJ, a conserved protein involved in bacterial
conjugation. Terminal branches are color-coded based on the habitat from which the sequenced bacterial isolate
was taken. Two branches in the lower left quadrant that contain tRNA lys and tRNA phe targeting cTns related to the
characterized elements, which confer porphyran and fungal mannan-degrading abilities to B. plebeius and
B. thetaiotaomicron, are highlighted in light green and pink, respectively. Survey was from the publicly available
sequence database up to May 2012 and the cladogram was constructed using Clustal W [103]. (b) A more detailed view of
the cTn sequences and their putative functions associated with tRNA lys and tRNA phe insertion sites. The precise insertion
sequences corresponding to the 3′ end of each tRNA are listed; examples where a direct copy of this repeat could be
located at the adjacent (right) flank of the element are indicated with an asterisk. Variable cargo gene regions are
connected between different elements with gray shading to highlight the conserved location of cargo but the different size
and functions of transferred genes. The previously characterized elements from B. plebeius and B. thetaiotaomicron are
highlighted with red boxes. Five other elements contain putative PULs and are indicated by blue cargo genes. Breaks in
incomplete elements (a result of gaps in draft genome assemblies) are indicated as black vertical line.
3862 Gut microbial adaptations to carbohydrates

exception is Yersinia enterocolitica, which has been Received 13 April 2014;

shown to target plant cell wall pectin [98,99]), it is likely Received in revised form 13 June 2014;
that they compete for other limiting nutrients that are Accepted 29 June 2014
used or released by polysaccharide-degrading organ- Available online 12 July 2014
isms. Thus, the presence of endogenous bacteria
filling most available niches reinforces the ability of the Keywords:
community to exclude pathogens. Indeed, this is a microbiome;
likely mechanism behind the remarkable success microbiota;
of fecal transplant therapy and “rePOOPulation” polysaccharide;
to combat chronic C. difficile infection [94,100,101]. Bacteroides;
In light of the points discussed above, connecting lateral gene transfer
specific gut symbionts with certain fiber polysac-
charides, understanding the specific details of
nutrient–microbe relationships in the gut and deter-
mining downstream interactions between microbes
may represent a pinnacle step in comprehending References
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