@ocr Declaratory Judgement Quebec Alternatives To Prerogative Writs and Other Procedures
@ocr Declaratory Judgement Quebec Alternatives To Prerogative Writs and Other Procedures
@ocr Declaratory Judgement Quebec Alternatives To Prerogative Writs and Other Procedures
DE ·c ·1 AR AT 6 RY
language of pre;�n�ation. ( 1)
'the seminar held under the auspic�s of the Canadian Judicial Council
in th� petition and often supported by the most laconic o.£ affidavits,
of, .?eciding the law (_ at least . until after the long-distant hearing
interim orders.
I Direct A�tion:
Actions for declaratory judgment or in
nullity under Article 33 c.p. (superin
tending and reforming power) or Article 20
c.p. and 110 c.p. where no proceeding is
provided for, any proceeding not incon
sistent may be adopted, and every (such)
proceeding commences by writ in the name
of the Sovereign.
. ··. ...�. · ··. ··.· .. : :· .. ·.: .. ··....· _:. , ·'·'....·· . ·--:-... �� · o�f'ice:.or
fra11�h;lse, quo warranto; .
· ·· . Ar't. 83S:'· c.p.; -
seeking it. Considerable energy and ingenuity had been devoted in Queoec
•.• 4:'"
. ....
. .. .. : '. : : :· = .: ::�-.:' "Woura:'s°uffer ,· ·for· jus'tice needs to be
' ,•
, •'
. ... ·-� ..
' •.
;· · ·, . ':··· ':/·. · ': a:d(!liniste•;-ed in an orderly manner. (11)
' (T?:aduction) ..
Garon Pratt!;!.·J,A-., Albert Leblanc J.C.S., George Chailies J.C.S.::
Title VI - Chapter II - "This chapter is new law. The Corrunission_:
ers have already explained the reason which led them to propose the
declaratory action, as a means of preventive justice ••• ".
Title III - Chapter.!. - " ..• It is therefore extremely desirable
that there should be put at the disposal of the litigants a means
which permits them to determine in advance in certain conditions
the true nature of the juridical situation in which they find
themselves. But the means required for this are declaratory
procedures under which when two litigants are in disagreement as
to their reciprocal rights and obligations, one of them may demand
from the tribunal, a declaration as to what his rights are. This
declaration will not involve any condemnation, but, having the
force of chose jugee, it will compel the respect of the parties.
This declaratory procedure has
existed in Scotland for two centuries; it started developing in
England about 1828, and is now in use in all the English speaking
countries, as well as in Germany and Austria. In France the
doctrine is favorable to it, and jurisprudence admits it more and
more. (Salus et Perrot, Droit judiciaire prive, t.l, n. 233, p.
211). Everywhere beneficial effects are noticed".
·": ": '. ·. ·; . and' .he ·shall be' ce>nsidered to have waived
this objection if he files a contestation
in writing.
the Court of Appeal per Rinfret, J.A., Bernier & Mayr.and J.J.A. con-
text of Article 453 c.c.p., there are still a number of cases that
. texted cases speeds up, the neeq for fine procedural distinctions •' ..... . •. ..:!·
within the ambit of Art. 453 c.c.p. is bolstered by the view held
the other litigants whose more orthodox cases await hearing on their
practical fact that once the matter has been heard on the merits,
�) .- ::·.-� ..• :·:· :. ' ., ·:: ·,· .J'�.r����ive.�y. 1:=hat:._th�: pa�tie.s .' ha'ITing come this far, the n
ettle .. -: . . �..· .... ,." ..
� I :
' • •.
. ·
: . ,- .... ·:.���i��, b��,n··: :i:�Y.\�f�����-· _£�.··-'avoid t�� sting, the judgment should
be rendered.
one question being put to it was not susceptible of being the object
of a declaratory judgment.
·: ,,: �= .
. . . . St-Hilail:'e aille bien dans le sens que
·- ..· ; ; . .:. . . . -... ·.... •... .-'. ·. ·····.... nous' avon's ·c:'ru raisonnable de percevoir •.. � :· ··,:
Newfoundland & Hydro Quebec & Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corp. &
Royal .Trust Co. et al (1982) 2 S.C.R. 79, the Supreme Court considered
,· . ,.
Logement & Gauthier et al., J.E. 84-105, the Superior Court con-
. .·> .. �--� ': -.dcinn�r.- .. ouverture ,. au cas. de refus,
•• • I
. . >-. .., •
•·'·.. ,. .... .,· rie polll--�uite �n'outrage. au tribunal. (13)
.: _ �
dure, if the subject matter otherwise falls within the four corners
(13) Art. 46 C.C.P.: "The Courts and judges have all the powers
necessary for the exercise of their jurisdiction. They may ••.
pronounce orders or reprimands •.. and make such orders as
are appropriate to cover cases where no specific remedy is
provided by law." As orders for sursis in cases of prero
gative writs are specially provided for, it has not yet been
held that this article can be invoked during a declaratory
proceeding to suspend proceedings or further action. It may
only be a matter of time 'till that occurs.
. . ·. ..
·· .· . _ . ·,· . recourse to the ·prerogative writ·s· of c::ertiorari "and prohibiti6�
opinion, declaratory but not executory, they can avoid the risk
where the record of the case is incomplete for want of the required
...�::_::.:._ __
making his choice betwee!1 th.em ( 19 >. �nd one of the prerogative .
I�• • •
··.· ' ..
To paraphrase Pepin & Ouellette, at page 377, from
spirit that·it.h�s been held that· the declaratory recourse and t?e
with legislat�ve effect,.. provide that ordinary cases are fixed for
: : . -' : when/the act::i.on'.�as .insti tu.ted. /2� > : current delay for hearing.such
-: .. .
. i
\a�.� �� � � ),,\ �,t;., � "- ,:·; � <lA,\L.
By Rule 27:
courtroom, where the current delay for hearing such cases is between
tation in writing, the case falls onto the special roll, shared by
other urgent cases to be heard on the merits in approximately b � j l.\-1,,\\'-.Llu.:i ;.,�. C-L
I - "J. - ,;._)
� c.c.,� •
If the Court does not order the trial of special issues(27l, the
(26) Rule 18; Arts. 47, 48 C.C.P,.; Deschenes J, "Maitres chez Eux"
(1981) (Conseil Canadien de la Magistrature), p. 138.
(27) Art. 455 C.C.P.
'I'he procedural advantages. of the declaratory
. . -� -.. ; :· ·.... :'•on ,the, .ine'iit� i� . thi:i°s · $5"00'•. 00. Aside· from soiicitor-client costs,
•• • .. .
� • .. • • ' •
•• •'l • • • •• '. : . : . • . • . • • • • '
. . .
over which the Court has no direct control, the economic advan-
(28 ) Societe d'information quebecoise d'information juridique
(SOQUIJ 276, rue St-Jacque�, Suite 310) cited "JE 81 -
paragraph number"
. .. ....
.. ·· ..... :.. . . · . . :....... ; ·. ·. ·. ·.
. .• ·: : ·.. . . . .. . .. ..
' .
. . ·- ••
• • �
... � #, ••••: •.... � •• : •• • •
. ·:- : .. :. � ;·-: ...·. : .·
. .. ·-·--·
. ··.:-··- �- ...
I "ANY PERSON WHO HAS AN INTEREST... " (Article 453 C.C ! P.)
.. . . -·.. ·. . ·_··:'
. i ·.. ···,:.. .-·· an\i. the inop�rability_ 9f other sections by motion for decla� ·
. ··. _:· : :.: :. ·. ����-� · �����en:·.·... Th�· "·r�so� ..d retre ·f�r the Conseil, being
. . . y. . . -
the promot ion of employers' interests, does not confer on it
-. . -.
: .·. ":,: · .. , . of,'.nurse"s.·or· no.f,· has sufficient interest, and as a simple-
for when all the necessary conditions of Art. 453 C.C.P. are
declaratory judgment
judgment and the petition under Art. 453 C.C.P. which is more
- . . . ..... ..
IV (R) infra J •
declaration of nullity
' . . . of. contract
. . . . .
lies under 453.
c ..C.P. .
! •. . . :
:-� . .
"Immediate" imp],ies a sense of urgency outside the ordinary
. ... .:
·. ,;
, t: .
:,· ·-'
because undet.' t�e- Act·,. the bidder was . required to be licericed does
not lie under Art. 453 C.C.P. The word inunediately is the
np threat that the supply of water �ill-be cut off, thus there
. ·.. · -... .·., . • _. ." .. .....4.,. :• ·J.),'.Masonite ·.canada Inc; ·v:.. ·Ville de Gatineau - J.E. 81-833
. ••·· • • • • • •..
statute of by-law.
·. had m.isenterpreted
. .. certain
. .. . Orders in Council is di�missed·p
. .. • t.
. · ·. :·. :· >empl:6yees' of d�feridant;:
. because
.... � ·. . .. ·...
' . . . . .
Regulations. Granted.
·r). Ville de La-0-al v. Regie des Rentes.du Quebec (1903) C.S. ·810
,·. ·. . . ... .
:· ,·u}: 91984; Canada. Ltee·,; V-o· Procure� General du Quebec & c .... · .
·. . . R�gistrariMontreal. (1982) C·�S. 534
obligations of petitioner.
L.R�Q. c. P-41.1.
truction subsidies.
. .
d)� Beaulieu v. St-Patrice de Riviere-du-Loup - J.E. 84-237
by by-law.
of the s. S.J ."B�M. ,' · ev�n- though the pro�eedi�gs demand the
modification of the valuation roll, which would not be
.- , ;.-_dec:l�ratory · ju<;igriu�-�·�· ..
_ hur�hill_ .Fatis .(.Labrador) Ccirp. v. Hydro-Quebec
:£'(:ii:.)· C
J.E. 83...;;1093
the Municipal Code does not exclude the choice of a demand for
declaratory judqment.
_ , not"." .ths�!:mding 1rhat �nother proce_eding..against .
the Bank based in quasi delict for damages to reputation was
in the circurnstctnces •
.. . . .• •.·· -1': : . . :. • 0 .
. ·..·: :.' j � 'Alliance B linde v. Lloyds Underwriters - J.E. 81-856
and Respondent Gilbert, but between the Bank and the Court
:, :· ';. · . ::•. ,:· ··• ..;,··:- :. A- qe�lai:atory · judgment lies- to· ·determine if the
.• . . . .. . .
I - • • -·. '-•
•_, --
natural grandparents.
�. : .. . . .
to th� application of the Sales Tax Act to its speculative
. � - :.. .. ..
. ,,· � · ·. ' .:. . .. : ' . .. � ... :
·: .:sa:les of. gold ·ingots.·.' ·rt i.s not obliged to await prosecution
in law.
When the legatee was the wife of the testator but divorced
from him after the will was signed, the term "my wife said
' .. ,'
:· ... ..
. .. . ,•. � · . . eXeC\ltor:
" . '
(es qua'liteL·
'•· .. after
. . :the expiry. of his mandateo
.· . .
v) Centre Local.de Services Comrnunautaires de l'Erable
v.· Lucie Lambert (1981) c.s. 1077
·= .
of . the Director of the Centre.· to require an .employee to .
. • .:
•.• -: . ;#J •• ·:.-· .•• ': · "-
- · .·.:
.· ;·giv�· h'i.in. . info�atfo�
. c�nsidered
. by her to be confidentia:l
,.: 1,' . .. ·.; , . : �
# ... .·
under'Gertain"Acts and Regulations;
by such judgment.