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Common ICD 10 Codes

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Common ICD-10 Codes

DESCRIPTION CODE Chest pain, unspecified R07.9 LIPID and CHOLESTEROL

BLOOD, OCCULT; FECES SCREENING Hyperglycemia, unspecified R73.9 Hypothyroidism, unspecified E03.9

Anemia, unspecified D64.9 Proteinuria, unspecified R80.9 Diabetes mellitis, unspecified E11.9

GI bleed K92.9 Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46

Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 GLYCOLATED HEMOGLOBIN (HEMAIC) Hyperlipidemia, unspecified E78.5

Diarrhea, unspecified R19.7 Hypoglycemia, unspecified E16.2 Obesity E66.9

Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.9 Diabetes mellitis, unspecified E11.9 Hypertension, essential, unspecified I10

Long-term (current) use of anticoags Z79.01 Hemochromatosis, unspecified E83.119 Coronary atherosclerosis (CAD) I25.10

Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 Hyperglycemia, unspecified R73.9 Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9

Encounter for therapeutic drug monitor Z51.81 Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9

BMP (BASIC METABOLIC PROFILE) HEPATIC FUNCTION (HFP, LFTs) Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899

Hyponatremia E87.1 Hepatitis B, acute, NOS B16.9 LITHIUM

Hypokalemia E87.6 Hepatitis C, acute, NOS B17.10 Schizophrenia, unspecified F20.9

Renal insufficiency, Acute N28.9 Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified F31.9

Diabetes mellitis, unspecified E11.9 Fever, unspecified R50.9 Depression F32.9

Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9 Fatigue R53.83 Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899


Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9 Edema R60.9 Hyperparathyroidism E21.3

Shortness of breath R06.02 Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46

CMP (COMPLETE METABOLIC PROFILE) Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.9 Acute MI, unspecified site I21.3

Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46 Abnormal liver serum enzyme R74.0 Pulmonary embolism, NOS I26.99

Dysphasia, unspecified R13.10 Long-term (current) use of antibiotics Z79.2 Atrial fibrillation I48.91

Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 Syncope and collapse R55

COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) Encounter for therapeutic drug monitor Z51.81 Seizures, not otherwise specified R56.9


Unspecified Infectious Disease B99.9 Viral hepatitis, NOS B19.9 Malaise R53.81

Unspecified Parasitic Disease B89 Cirrhosis of liver, w/o Alcohol, NOS K74.60 Abnormal loss of weight R63.4

Anemia, iron deficiency, unspecified D50.9 Hepatitis, unspecified K75.9 Tachycardia, unspecified R00.0

Anemia nutritional, unspecified D53.9 Fatigue R53.83 Other abnormal blood chemistry R79.9

Anemia, unspecified D64.9 Malaise R53.81 Long-term (current) use of inhaled steroids Z79.51

Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Nausea and vomiting R11.2 Encounter for therapeutic drug monitor Z51.81

Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.9 Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.9 PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (PTT)
Long-term (current) use of anticoags Z79.01 Abnormal liver function studies R94.5 Atrial fibrillation I48.91

Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 HIV Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9

Encounter for therapeutic drug monitor Z51.81 Viral hepatitis, NOS B19.9 Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9

FOLATE Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46 Hematuria, unspecified R31.9

Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46 Anemia, unspecified D64.9 Syncope and collapse R55

Anemia, nutritional, unspecified D53.9 Cellulitis, unspecified site L03.90 Shortness of breath R06.02

Dictary Folate deficiency anemia D52.0 Fever, unspecified R50.9 Fracture, hip S72.009A

Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899 Fatigue R53.83 Long-term (current) use of anticoags Z79.01

Other folate anemias D52.8 Malaise R53.81 PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN (PSA)

GLUCOSE (GLU), unspecified Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Malignant neoplasm of prostate C61

Hypoglycemia, unspecified E16.2 Diarrhea, unspecified R19.7 Urinary obstruction, unspecified N13.9

Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46 IRON and FERRITIN Hematuria, unspecified R31.9

Dizziness and giddiness R42 Malnutrition (calorie), NOS E46 Unspecified prostatitis N41.9

Abnormal weight gain R63.5 Anemia, iron deficient, unspecified D50.9 Unspecified disorder of prostate N42.9

Glycosuria R81 Anemia, nutritional, unspecified D53.9 Retention of urine, unspecified R33.9

Diabetes mellitus, unspecified E11.9 Anemia, unspecified D64.9 Urinary incontinence, unspecified R32

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) N39.0 Renal failure, unspecified N19 Urinary frequency R35.0

Coma, unspecified R40.20 Other abnormal blood chemistry R79.9 Nocturia R35.1

Seizures, not otherwise specified R56.9 Viral hepatitis, NOS B19.9 PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT)
Fatigue R53.83 Diabetes mellitis, unspecified E11.9 Anemia, nutritional, unspecified D53.9

Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Atrial fibrillation I48.91 Coagulation defect, unspecified D68.9
Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9

DESCRIPTION CODE Constipation, unspecified K59.00 Numbness, skin R20.0

PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) Fever, unspecified R50.9 Long-term (current)use of meds Z79.899
Continued from other side Fatigue R53.83 VITAMIN D; 25 Hydroxy
Coronary atherosclerosis (CAD) I25.10 Malaise R53.81 Unspecified Vitamin D deficiency E55.9
Atrial fibrillation I48.91 Memory loss R41.3 Chronic kidney disease, Stage III (moderate) N18.3
Congestive heart failure (CHF), Numbness, skin R20.0
I50.9 Chronic kidney disease, Stage IV (severe) N18.4
Edema R60.9 Chronic kidney disease, Stage V N18.5
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) I63.50
Abnormal weight gain R63.5 End Stage Renal Disease N18.6
Cerebrovascular disease I67.89
Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 Osteoporosis, unspecified M81.0
Peripheral vascular disease,
unspecified Palpitations R00.2 Other osteoporosis M81.8
Thrombosis of, unspecified (vein) I82.90 Long-term (current) use of meds Z79.899
This list comprises only the most commonly used ICD-10
Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9 URINALYSIS (UA) codes and is not intended to be all-inclusive, It is provided
Renal failure, unspecified N19 as an “at-a glance” tool to supplement the CMS LCD & NCD
Malignant neoplasm of prostate C61
Policies. ICD-10 codes must always be substantiated by
Hematuria, unspecified R31.9 Diabetes mellitus, unspecified E11.9 patients’ medical records.
Syncope and collapse R55 Hypertension, essential, unspecified I10
The Diagnosis codes provided are based on CMS guidelines
Edema R60.9 Congestive heart failure (CHF),
I50.9 and are for informational purposes only. Diagnosis coding is the
Shortness of breath R06.02 sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions
Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9 regarding coding to the payer being billed. This list is intended to
Abnormal coagulation profile R79.1
Renal insufficiency, Acute N28.9 assist ordering providers in providing ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes
Circulatory disease, unspecified,
Z86.79 as required be Medicare and other Insurers. It includes the
(personal history of) Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) N39.0
most commonly found outpatient diagnosis (generally without
Heart valve replaced by other means Z95.2 Hematuria, unspecified R31.9 complications), but is not complete, This list was complied from the
Long-term (current) use of anticoags Z79.01 ICD-10-CM 2015, as well as the Medicare Regulations and Manuals
Rheumatoid arthritis M06.9
issued or authorized by the Centers of Medicaid and Medicare
SEDIMENTATION RATE (SED OR ESR) Fever, unspecified R50.9 Services. An ICD-10-CM book should be used as a complete
Streptococcal septicemia, unspecified A40.9 Fatigue R53.83 reference. The ultimate responsibility for correct coding belongs to
the ordering provider.
Anemia, unspecified D64.9 Malaise R53.81
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CAV) I63.50 Dysuria R30.0
Cerebrovascular disease, acute I67.89 Retention of urine, unspecified R33.9
Arthritis, unspecified I77.6 Urinary incontinence, unspecified R32
Acute pancreatitis K85.9 Urinary frequency R35.0
Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9 Nocturia R35.1
Systemic lupus erythematosus M32.9 Other symptoms involving urinary sys R39.9
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified M06.9 Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.9
Arthropathy, unspecified M12.9 Nonspecific findings on exam of urine R82.9
Myalgia M79.1 Long-term (current)use of other meds Z79.899
Myositis, unspecified M60.9 URINE CULTURE
Osteomyelitis, unspecified M86.9 Septicemia, unspecified A41.9
Osteoporosis, unspecified M81.0 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) N39.0
Fever, unspecified R50.9 Hematuria, unspecified R31.9
Fatigue R53.83 Backache, unspecified M54.9
Malaise R53.81 Fever, unspecified R50.9
Headache R51 Fatigue R53.83
Unspecified adverse effect of drug, Malaise R53.81
initial encounter
Memory loss R41.3
Altered mental status R41.0
Goiter, unspecified E04.9
Other general symptoms R68.89
Hyperthyroidism, unspecified E05.90
Abdominal pain, unspecified R10.819
Hypothyroidism, unspecified E03.9
Bacteremia R78.81
Diabetes mellitus, unspecified E11.9
Nonspecific findings on exam of urine R82.99
Hyperlipidemia, unspecified E78.5
Long-term (current) use of other meds Z79.899
Anemia, unspecified D64.9
Dementia, unspecified F03.90
Other B-complex deficiencies, ex B12 E53.8
Anxiety, unspecified F41.9
Pernicious anemia D51.0
Depression F32.9
Anemia, nutritional, unspecified D53.9
Alzheimer’s disease, unspecified G30.9
Dementia, unspecified F03.90
Hypertension, essential, unspecified I10
Memory loss R41.3
Atrial fibrillation I48.91
Abnormal gait, unspecified R26.9
Congestive heart failure (CHF), unspecified I50.9
Lack of coordination, unspecified R27.9

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