21st Century Literature Module WEEK 9 11
21st Century Literature Module WEEK 9 11
21st Century Literature Module WEEK 9 11
21 Century
Prepared by:
S.Y. 2022-2023
First Semester
|21st Century Literature from The Philippines and The World
Philippine Poetry
The beauty of harmony truly creates lasting impacts to its readers. Mainly, poems bear the richness of
emotion, aspiration, and desires of the heart but also uplifts and liberates our spirit. This part celebrates the
beauty of Philippine poetry for these texts genuinely exhibit our identities, aspirations, and perceptions
which serve as our foremost means as we introduce our nation to the world.
|21st Century Literature from The Philippines and The World
2. How does the speaker describe the youth in the first line of the poem?
7. What do you think is Rizal’s purpose for writing this poem? What could be his intentions?
When the world first began there was no land, but only the sea and the sky, and between them was a kite (a
bird something like a hawk). One day the bird which had nowhere to light grew tired of flying about, so she
stirred up the sea until it threw its waters against the sky. Thy sky, in order to restrain the sea, showered upon
it many islands until it could no longer rise, but ran back and forth. Then the sky ordered the kite to light on
one of the islands to build her nest, and to leave the sea and the sky in peace.
Now at this time, the land breeze and the sea were married, and they had a child which was a bamboo. One
day when this bamboo was floating about on the water, it struck the feet of the kite which was on the beach.
The bird, angry that anything should strike it, pecked at the bamboo, and out of one section came a man and
from the other a woman.
|21st Century Literature from The Philippines and The World
Then the earthquake called on the birds and fish to see what should be done with these two, and it was decided
that they should marry. Many children were born to the couple, and from them came all the different races of
After a while, the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around, and they wished
to be rid of them, but they knew of no place to send them to. Time went on and the children became so
numerous that the parents enjoyed no peace. One day, in desperation, the father seized a stick and began
beating them on all sides.
This so frightened the children that they fled in different directions, seeking hidden rooms in the house –
some concealed themselves in the walls, some ran outside while others hid in the fireplace, and several fled
to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands
and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves. Those who ran outside were free men and
those who hid in the fireplace became negroes; while those who fled to the sea were gone many years, and
when their children came back, they were the white people.
The Creation
Lumawig, the Great Spirit, came down from the sky and cut many reeds. He divided these into pairs which
he placed in different parts of the world, and then he said to them, “You must speak.”
Immediately the reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the
language of each couple differed from that of the others.
Then Lumawig commanded each man and woman to marry, which they did. By and by there were many
children, all speaking the same language as their parents. These, in turn, married and had many children. In
this way, there came to be many people on the earth.
Now Lumawig saw that there were several things which the people on the earth needed to use, so he set to
work to supply them. He created salt, and told the inhabitants of one place to boil it down and sell it to their
neighbors. But these people could not understand the directions of the Great Spirit, and the next time he
visited them, they had not touched the salt.
|21st Century Literature from The Philippines and The World
Then he took it away from them and gave it to the people of a place called Mayinit. These did as he
directed, and because of this he told them that they should be owners of the salt, and that the other people
must buy of them.
Then Lumawig went to the people of Bontoc and told them to get clay and make pots. They got the clay, but
they did not understand the molding, and the jars were not well shaped. Because of their failure, Lumawig
told them that they would always have to buy their jars, and he removed the pottery to Samoki. When he told
the people what to do, they did just as he said, and their jars were well shaped and beautiful. Then the Great
Spirit saw that they were fit owners of the pottery, and he told them that they should always make many jars
to sell.
In this way, Lumawig taught the people and brought to them all the things which they now have.
Story 1 Story 2
Learning Task 2
Direction: Answer the following questions:
1. In what aspects and dimensions these stories are similar and different?
4. What do these stories reveal about how people see the beginning of life?
|21st Century Literature from The Philippines and The World