Kami Export - Let The Sun Shine in Worksheet

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Let the Sun Shine: An Introduction to Photosynthesis

Answer the following questions on Photosynthesis, use your notes, diagrams and
figures in the worksheet to help you.
Model 1

Figure 1: Electromagnetic Spectrum Figure 2: Action Spectrum for Chlorophyll

Key Questions:
1. What color of light has a wavelength of 700nm?


2. At what two wavelengths does chlorophyll “a” absorb light the best?
670 and 420

3. What two colors of light are used best by chlorophyll “a”?

red and violet

4. What color of light does chlorophyll “a” not use at all?

green and yellow

5. In what organelle would you find chlorophyll?


6. Pigments are defined as substances that interact with light to absorb only certain wavelengths.
Explain why you think chlorophyll should be considered a pigment.

because it uses colors to reflect lights

7. Many plants contain pigments other than chlorophyll. What do you think is their purpose?
Lisa Brosnick January 2009
Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.

to be for shade and stuff like that

Model 2 Figure 3: Equation for Photosynthesis

H2O + CO2 C6H12O6 + O2


Key Questions:
1. What two products are made during the photosynthesis reaction?
co2 and clucose

2. What two inorganic molecules are used to make glucose?

co2 and water

3. What is the purpose of chlorophyll in this equation?

to make cellular respiration

4. In what organelle would the above reaction occur?

a plant

5. Where does the energy come from to run this reaction? Explain how you know this based on
the equation.

the sun

6. Explain why you think photosynthesis is considered an energy conversion reaction.

it has a higher wavelength

7. Give examples of how both products of photosynthesis are important to other living things.

because they need the plants to eat andf live

Lisa Brosnick January 2009

Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.



Lisa Brosnick January 2009

Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.

Lisa Brosnick January 2009

Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.
a. What gas is being released by the plant?
b. What high energy organic molecule is being made by
this plant?

c. What is the purpose of the green pigment in the

chloroplast of the plant?

to reflect light
Lisa Brosnick January 2009
Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.
Model 3

fig.4 The effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis fig. 5 The effect of temperature on rate of photosynthesis

Key Questions
1. At what temperature(s) is/are the rate of photosynthesis the greatest?


2. At what light intensity(s) is/are the rate of photosynthesis the greatest?

3. Why is the rate of photosynthesis measured in units of oxygen production? Explain how you could
use another molecule to determine rate of photosynthesis?

u can use co2 b ecause they are being released form a plant

4. Explain why you think photosynthesis happens at a slower rate when there is less light available.

because it doesnt have light to make chloroplasts

5. You want to set up a greenhouse. Based on these graphs, what conditions would help you grow
the best plants? Explain your answer.

being in a nice sunny area with humidity

6. Why do you think the two variables of light intensity and temperature have different effects on the
rate of photosynthesis? In other words, why are the graphs different shapes?

because they need higher light and temp

Lisa Brosnick January 2009

Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.
7. Based on the graphs, what parts(s) of the world would have the highest rates of photosynthetic
activity? Explain your answer.

Lisa Brosnick January 2009

Under the auspices of the Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Copyright allows not-for-profit organizations to duplicate materials for teacher and student use.

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