Note Topic3
Note Topic3
Note Topic3
DEFINITION Evolution regards to population is the change in allele frequencies in a population over time
Micro evolution ,
or evolution on a small scale ,
is defined as a change in the frequency of gene variants , alleles ,
Of hereditary information
various alleles at all gene loci in individuals make up the gene pool of the population .
all alleles .
-1 ( Xi ,
✗a ,
and ✗ 3) as
Each individual
v v genotype is
Allele frequencies Genotype frequencies represented by
an oval .
Weinberg Equilibrium
( HW E)
allele must add up to 1 P - 5
freauency Fremen CY
of alleles in a gene pool . do not change from generation is said to be at
time ,
micro evolution has not occurred .
no new allele
dominant recessive arise
No migration
no exchange of - population will remain
allele with
constant as summing :
other population
No selection
Natural selection
Random mating
does not favor one
select mates at
Hardy -
① Genetic mutations
the raw material for evolutionary ( gene migration )
to subsequent generations .
between populations .
( perbezaan )
④ Nonrandom mating
g- gene, , , ,µ ,.mg , ,µpµ , .n ,, ,
it occurs when individuals → changes in allele frequencies of
µ ,g ,,µµy,
→ a
→ :
→ Factors that can contribute to genetic
select mates with
Reject mates
the same phenotype
> with differing
with respect to a
Phenotype .
certain characteristic
muggy µ , ,
µ ,
Bottleneck effect
Play an important frequency of Founder effect
role in the evolution ( homozygotes for . Genetic drift that causes the loss . It happened when few individuals
certain loci
of a . .
natural disasters .