Benefits of Metro Rail
Benefits of Metro Rail
Benefits of Metro Rail
This report was prepared by ORF with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the German Development Institute (DIE). The study is part
of a larger collaborative international project of the DIE and the United Nations Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC). The recommendations and
the views expressed herein are, however, those of the researchers and do not reflect the
formal position of the supporting organisations.
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is one
of the leading research institutes on development policy. Through excellent research, policy
advice and training, the Institute contributes to finding solutions to global challenges.
efficient manner. These systems run Figure 1). Another 1,032 km of metro
on an exclusive right of way and can networks have been approved, expanding
operate at average speeds of around 40 to 27 cities by 2025. Until 2012, all the
km/hr, leading to reduced travel times metro systems were established in cities
and improved productivity. They are with populations above 10 milliona and
also considered an ecofriendly mode of high passenger densities. But following
travel since the high passenger densities the 2013 guidance from the central
and dependence on electricity reduce government that cities with populations
emissions at the point of use. above two million could consider
constructing metro rail systems,6 even
The Kolkata Metro is India’s oldest smaller cities have started to build
metro rail system, operated by the Indian metros. Since 2012, all cities that have
Railways since 1984. However, the story established metro rail systems have
of modern MRTS in India began with the populations below 10 million.b,7 Notably,
launch of the Delhi Metro in 2002, with a cities with populations below two
network of around 25 km. The success of million are also aspiring for metro rail
the Delhi Metro spurred other Tier-1 cities systems, but their focus is likely to be
to invest in MRTS. By 2014, operational on light metro systems such as the
metro routes had expanded to 248 MetroLite.c,8 The Gorakhpur Metro,
km across five cities. Between 2014
currently under development, is one
and 2021, the metro network almost such example.
tripled to 733 km across 18 cities (see
Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru
Agra, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kanpur,
Kochi, Lucknow, Meerut, Nagpur, Navi Mumbai, Noida, Patna, Pune, and Surat
Metrolite rail, designed for lesser capacity (2,000 to 15,000 passengers per hour per direction)
with lower capital investment and operations and maintenance costs, primarily cater to cities
that are expected to have less ridership. Metrolite is also projected as a feeder system to the
high-capacity metro.
6 Introduction
Operational km
3.4 35
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Authors’ analysis based on tenders for different metros
Introduction 7
Metro are
guided by two
the Metro Railways
(Construction of Works) Act, 1978, and
Policy in
the Metro Railways (Operation and
Maintenance) Act, 2002. These laws lay
down the procedures for establishing
metro rail administration authorities,
and delineate their powers and
functions. The laws have formed the
basis for setting up special purpose
vehicles (SPVs)e,12 to carry out metro
operations, starting with the Delhi
Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC). They
also outline the procedures for land
acquisition, determining fares, and
various offences and penalties. Notably,
the metro rail authorities are not
given direct control of tariffs, with this
power vested in a separate fare-
determining committee.
A special purpose vehicle, or SPV, is a legal entity that undertakes a project. All contractual
agreements between the various parties are negotiated between themselves and the SPV.
An SPV is a commercial company established under the relevant Act of a country through
an agreement (also known as memorandum of association) between the shareholders or
Metro Rail Policy in India 9
that have limited formal transportation metro projects. The policy advocates
systems. This bias toward metro rail for a systems approach, with metro rail
emerges from the need to provide mass embedded in a broader strategy to ensure
transit systems and its “aspirational” a seamless multimodal system. To this
connotations. The glut of requests from end, any city seeking assistance for
state governments for project approval metros should have already developed
and financial support led to the union a comprehensive mobility plan (CMP),
government notifying the Metro Rail presenting short-, medium-, and long-term
Policy in 2017,13 which lays down the strategies to improve mobility and justify
conditions for state governments to its proposal to the central government
receive central support for their metro and multilateral funding agencies. It also
projects (see Figure 2). mandates state governments to set up
unified metropolitan transport authorities
Since most metros are financed jointly (UMTAs) as a prerequisite to ensure an
by the Centre and states, receiving integrated approach to planning and
central support is critical to implementing management.
10 Introduction
Preparation of CMP
Preparation of new
If CMP exists and is Preparation of new CMP,
CMP, if existing CMP is
not older than 5 years if CMP doesn’t exist.
older than S years.
Submission of OPR
including the Metro Policy
as highlighted in the metro policy, The policy also advocates for increasing
clearly recognise the capital-intensive private participation and urges all state
nature of metros and their ability to governments seeking central support
reshape land values in cities. to consider public-private partnerships
(PPPs) in their proposals. This
There is also a strong push for the consideration can be for construction
indigenisation of metro rail systems works and operational services,
to reduce costs. Metro authorities maintenance, and upgrades. In particular,
must commit to continued increases it highlights the need to increasingly
in mandatory local content in the include PPPs in operation and
procurement conditions. Furthermore, maintenance activities since they are
each metro must adhere to the more profitable than construction
standards for the different metro works, which require heavy up-front
components and focus on bulk capital investments.
procurement to create visible demand
for indigenous components.
he successful implementation
Assessing of metro rail projects
consists of multiple stages
and subsystems, broadly
for reducing costs. Even before the MoHUA has implemented a phased
policy was notified, this was a priority area manufacturing plan to increase
under the broader umbrella of the ‘Make localised content in the procurement
in India’ programme that mandated a process. Table 1 shows the most
certain proportion of local content in recent update (2021) to the mandated
the public procurement process, local content for the different metro rail
including metro rail. Metro rail authorities subsystems. Given India’s significant
have to follow the Public Procurement capacity to carry out most construction-
(Preference to Make in India) Order, related activities, civil works have
2017, issued by the Department for the highest local value addition. There
Promotion of Industry and Internal is still a dependence on foreign firms for
Trade (under the Ministry of Commerce tunnel boring equipment for underground
and Industry), which forms the basis works; hence, local content is slightly
for public procurement in India. This lower than for elevated sections. Rolling
order defines a selection process to stock has a 60 percent mandated
ensure that bidders with higher local value addition, marginally higher than
content are given preference.17 Firms the other systems at 50 percent. The
with local content above 50 percent are specific situation for each subsystem
classified as a ‘class-I local supplier’. The is discussed in detail in the subsequent
selection procedure is such that the sections.
lowest bidder among class-I suppliers
is awarded the contract even if this is not
the lowest bid across all applicants.
Telecom 50%
Signalling 50%
Electrical 50%
Local content is defined as total value of the item procured (excluding net domestic indirect
taxes) minus the value of imported content in the item (including all customs duties).
Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development 15
catered to by domestic firms that can has a manufacturing facility in India (in
source most of the equipment and Chennai since 2007). The facility includes
materials locally. As a result, MoHUA 2,2250 square metres of TBM assembly
has mandated a 90-percent localisation and refurbishment capacity capable
for civil works on elevated track of producing 10 TBMs per year.
sections. The major firms that have Having local facilities has provided
won contracts for the construction Herrenknecht with an advantage in the
of these track sections—such as Indian market, with officials claiming
Hindustan Construction Company, KEC that their TBMs did around 70 percent
International Ltd, Larsen and Toubro- of the tunnelling in 2018.g However,
India, AFCONs, Infrastructure, NCC, J given the limited capacity in India,
Kumar Projects, and Dilip Buildcon—have the company still continues to import
facilities in India. TBMs from its facilities in China and
Europe. Notably, many projects now
The MoHUA has recommended using utilise refurbished TBMs instead of
tunnel boring machines (TBMs) over new ones, which are often stored in
traditional drilling and blasting methods India once a particular project is
for the underground track sections. completed and then refurbished abroad
However, Indian contractors continue for future use.21
to subcontract TBMs from foreign
suppliers. The major suppliers of Multiple factors have contributed to
TBMs to India are China Railway the lack of TBM capacity in India.
Construction Heavy Industry Corporation China’s existing capacity in China is a
Limited, Shanghai Tunnel Engineering key hindrance since foreign suppliers
Company (China), Terratec (Australia), with large plants in that country already
Herrenknecht (Germany), and the enjoy economies of scale and an existing
Robbins Company (US). Notably, many ecosystem for sourcing raw materials
non-Chinese manufacturers have also and components. Most are unwilling to
been supplying TBMs from their facilities replicate the large capital investments
in China. Herrenknecht, Terratec, and required to setup facilities in India when
Robbins Company have manufacturing they already have established export
capacity in China, but only Herrenknecht routes from China. Although there was
A more detailed break up of the TBM market was not available and was beyond the scope of
this study to estimate.
Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development 17
Overall, there has been substantial Many early projects, such as the initial
progress in terms of building up phases of the Delhi and Mumbai metros,
local capabilities for the electronic opted for the 25 kV AC overhead
components used in the stations. The catenary systems primarily because
firms engaged in these systems have Indian engineers already had significant
also shown a greater inclination to set up experience with these systems as they
local facilities as the demand for these were used by the Indian Railways. But the
products is expected to rise from metros more recent projects have preferred the
and other sectors. third rail system.
However, the components for the third the committee has comprehensively
rail system—such as the aluminium analysed the different tradeoffs
rail, circuit breakers, transformers, and associated with these systems. The
cables—are largely import-dependent. standardisation has also helped
The contracts for these systems are simplify the process for metro
currently being serviced by overseas authorities to select the right traction
firms with production facilities abroad, system. It might be worthwhile to
sometimes through their Indian regularly update the committee’s
subsidiaries. recommendations, given that the last
advice was based on information from
The increased proliferation of the third 2012. Since then, far more data has
rail system could thus have implications been gathered from the different metro
for the level of localisation possible rail experiences, and the cost of these
for traction systems. Furthermore, systems might have evolved, as was
since the demand for these systems suggested by the committee at the
is limited and fragmented, it will be time. This analysis could also add
difficult to convince manufacturers to the two new metro systems that have
put in the heavy capital investments been proposed, the MetroLite and
needed to create facilities to produce MetroNeo. h,24
These are supposed to be
these components locally. Since cost-effective alternatives to heavy metro
the production process for these rail systems for corridors with lower
components is also largely automated, passenger densities. They provide an
any labour cost advantages in India exciting new opportunity, but metro rail
might be minimal. authorities are still uncertain regarding
the criteria for choosing these systems.
This is not to say that metro rail The benchmarking and standardisation
authorities should select the traction of the cost and comparison with existing
system based on the level of systems will be crucial to increase the
localisation. The focus should be on uptake of these systems.
the most cost-effective solutions, and
MetroNeo is an articulated or bi-articulated trolley bus system with overhead electric traction,
perceived as a transport solution for Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities for 8,000 passengers per hour per
direction and extendable upto 10,000.
20 Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development
trains for Pune, the first aluminium- investment (FDI) in this sector and
bodied metro trains in India. The greater investment from Indian
company believes that its in-house companies. There is a clear focus on
design capabilities and control over increasing localised content across the
technology will allow it to innovate board, and most manufacturers now
faster than its competitors, leading claim to have localisation levels above
to quicker cost reductions and the 80 percent. The strict procurement
use of localised content. conditions may have played a part in
this. Still, most suppliers stated that
Thus, the growth of metro rail has their primary motivation for localisation
spurred a notable increase in domestic was to reduce costs to better compete
capabilities for producing rolling stock in a crowded market. MoHUA’s
(see Table 2). There is now significant recommendations on rolling stock
competition in the rolling stock market, standardisation have also played a
with several newer players. This is key role in aggregating demand.
a result of increased foreign direct
*Some coaches were supplied as a subcontractor for Hyundai Rotem and Mitsubishi.
Source: Compiled from manufacturer brochures and stakeholder consultations.
Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development 25
adopt either approach. This seems to million (US$193,323) in the initial stages
have paid dividends, with increased of metro rail development. As demand
competition in the market driving down increases and design capabilities in the
costs substantially. country also improve, further reductions
could become evident. The last section
Another issue pertained to the eligibility provides some recommendations for
criteria for propulsion equipment accelerating this process.
manufacturers to qualify for the bidding
process. Presently, the entry criteria Signalling and Communication Systems
mandate that propulsion manufacturers
have a cumulative experience of 10 years. The signalling and communication
They must also have supplied a minimum systems ensure the safety of train
of five contracts in a country other than movement while also ensuring
India. This heavily skews the bidding operational efficiency by allowing
process to favour legacy manufacturers optimal headways. The demands from
and explains why newer Indian players are these systems differ substantially
not adequately incentivised to enter the between traditional mainline operations
market. However, to develop indigenous and metro rail operations. Metro systems
capacity, the committee recommended transport high passenger densities
that metro rail authorities consider giving over shorter distances with more
out development contracts to Indian frequent stoppages, whereas mainline
manufacturers for propulsion systems. trains move passengers over longer
There has been a reluctance to follow distances. The mainline operations have
this approach since most metro rail been traditionally dependent on fixed
authorities are trying to reduce costs block-based signalling systems with
and minimise risks associated with such headways predefined by the blocks’
deals. lengths. On the other hand, the
peculiarities of metro rail have led to
Overall, India’s metro rolling stock more focus on automated systems for
industry is a great example of how train detection and interlocking. This is
increased demand and competition essential to provide the higher order of
can drive industrialisation in a nascent safety needed to maintain the smaller
sector. The increased domestic headways needed for efficient metro
capabilities have already translated into operations.
a lower cost of production. The average
cost per coach is below INR 10 million Considering this, MoHUA has
(US$128,900) compared to INR 15 recommended that metros in India
Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development 27
Subsystem Description
While the Indian Railways has some The mandated local content has
capacity to implement a fixed block- increased local sourcing of hardware
based signalling system, the technology components, including processors,
needed to implement CBTC systems is switches, cables, and track works.
primarily concentrated in the hands of a Some data preparation and verification
few European firms. Most of these firms work is also being done in a few local
have set up large manufacturing bases in centres. However, the critical software
Europe, from where these technologies components are still unavailable locally,
are supplied to all geographies, ensuring and foreign firms are not inclined to
a certain level of standardisation.36 design an India-specific CBTC system.
For Indian metros, CBTC has primarily Taking cognisance of this, the Delhi
been supplied by Alstom and Metro developed an in-house signalling
Siemens, with Thales, one of the most software system. The process has taken
prominent players globally, securing some time, but a big breakthrough came
some contracts. Discussions with in 2021 when the DMRC launched an
stakeholders suggest that these indigenous ATS system, the i-ATS. In
systems, particularly the software their communication to the authors,i
and testing associated with the ATS DMRC stated the following:
subsystem, are very costly to develop.
To set up the capacity to design “As part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative,
these systems in India would require Government of India decided to
significant investments from existing indigenise the CBTC technology. DMRC,
foreign vendors, which is not an NITI Aayog, MoHUA, Bharat Electronics
attractive proposition given the Limited (BEL), Research Design and
limited demand. Thus, MoHUA Standards Organisation of the Indian
recommendations were also not Railways, and the Centre for Development
too optimistic about the complete of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) are part
indigenisation of these systems. of this development. To take the project
However, the latest guidelines forward, DMRC and BEL had entered
mandate that 50 percent of these into an MoU last year. A dedicated team
systems must be localised by of DMRC and BEL, Ghaziabad, worked
encouraging foreign manufacturers together round the clock to take this
to source at least the hardware from important step.”
within the country.
Via email in January 2022.
Industrial Growth from Metro Rail Development 29
Assessing capital-intensive.
example, Mumbai’s eight
(US$9.62 billionj) up to 2034, as per
the CMP prepared by the Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai
(MCGM).41 Similarly, the three phases
of the Bangalore Metro, spread over 276
km, are estimated to cost nearly INR 895
billion (US$11.93 billion).42
At exchange rate of INR 75 to US$1
Farebox revenue refers to all revenue collected from fare-paying passengers either in the
form of cash or pass sales.
Land Value Capture Financing 37
Practised worldwide, LVC leverages TOD zones. They have suitably altered
the benefit that accrues to private planning and zoning layouts to local
land and properties in the direct demand to boost private investment
“influence zone” of new infrastructure and redevelopment in the metro
corridors and the corresponding influence zones. The resulting gains in
public investments made for the land and property value enhance the
purpose. 43
Land value appreciation revenue-generating sources for the city
resulting from infrastructure governments.
development is captured by deploying
relevant LVC tools and reinvesting to Oregon Metro in the United States offers
maintain the infrastructure created or insights into leveraging the synergies
finance new public projects, forming of TOD and LVC. The Tri-County
a virtuous cycle that creates, realises, Metropolitan Transportation District
captures, and reinvests. Steps other of Oregon (TriMet), the implementing
than direct public investment by the agency of the metro, has been vested
government cause such land value with powers to levy taxes within its
enhancement. Therefore, it differs service area.45 In the two decades
from user fees levied by the operator since its inception, the metro’s TOD
for service provision and allows mechanism has made cumulative
governments and infrastructure investments of over US$35 million
development agencies to launch new through strategic investments and
projects despite the small resource incentivising PPPs for housing and
base at their disposal. LVC provides commercial development.46 Since
an opportunity via executive 1998, Oregon Metro’s investments in
authorisation or risk-sharing for public TOD mechanisms have raised US$1.19
projects for private stakeholders. billion in residential and commercial
real estate served by high-quality
Several cities globally have reaped transportation.
the benefits of LVC by implementing
TOD policies by enabling mixed-use On the other hand, China’s Shenzhen
development in proximity to and oriented is an example of how integrated metro
to metro rail transit systems. Typically,
rail transit and land-use plans have
city governments have leveraged LVC overcome the mismatch between
through direct capital investments and real estate development and market
offering diverse development incentives, demand.47 Hong Kong,48 Jakarta
further enhanced by levying various (Indonesia), 49
Manila (Philippines),50
fees for private development within the Bangkok (Thailand),51 Tokyo (Japan),52
38 Land Value Capture Financing
and Singapore53 are the other success two critical policy guidelines—the
stories of LVC for urban transit, which Value Capture Finance (VCF) Policy
provide crucial lessons to India as it Framework and the National TOD
emerges as one of the most prominent Policy. Thus, within the scope of urban
metro destinations globally. transport planning in India, both TOD
(as a concept that integrates land-use
Policy Environment for LVC in India and transport planning to develop
sustainable urban growth centres)
While urban transportation has long and LVC (as a concept to leverage the
been a challenge in India, the concept enhanced land value as an additional
of ‘planning’ for its provision was largely resource for financing infrastructure
absent from policy discussions until the projects, and as a subset of TOD) are still
rollout of the reforms-led Jawaharlal in their infancy.
Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
(JnNURM) in 2005.54 Subsequently, the The TOD policy envisions a major shift
2006 National Urban Transport Policy from a private vehicle-dependent city
(NUTP) attempted to provide a roadmap to public transport-oriented development
for the states and urban local bodies by promoting affordable, comfortable,
(ULBs) to integrate mass transit in their and universally-accessible multimodal
long-term strategic development and public transport. The objective is to
land-use plans.55 However, even the encourage walking and cycling and
NUTP made no concrete other forms of non-motorised transport
recommendations for integrating LVC (NMT) and eventually create liveable and
in transport planning. It broadly affordable localities that are compact
mentioned the need to levy dedicated and walkable.56 The policy document
taxes to supplement petrol and diesel also includes a chapter on LVC as
taxes, betterment levy on landowners, an effective tool to make TOD
and even an employment tax on financially viable through additional land
employers. It also recommended value tax or a one-time betterment levy,
commercially utilising the land development charges or impact fee, and
resources with public transport service transfer of development rights.
providers to augment revenue sources.
The VCF Framework’s primary focus is
In 2017, as numerous Indian cities to present a systematic approach
sought to construct metro rail projects for states and ULBs to adopt LVC to
as perceived long-term solutions to finance urban infrastructure. The
transport woes, the MoHUA established framework urges multistakeholder
Land Value Capture Financing 39
Kochi Phase 1 25 20-25% (2016)
₹ 3,600/sq ft ₹ 7,000/sq ft
Chennai Phase 1 45
(US$48) (2015) (US$93) (2019)
₹ 6,000/sq ft ₹ 10,000/sq ft
Ahmedabad Phase 1 21.16 km
(US$80) (2017) (US$133) (2019)
Namma Metro
Bangalore 18 km 10-15% (2009) 30-55% (2011)
Purple Line
Source: Magicbricks,60 CommonFloor,61 Nagpur Metro Rail,62 The Metro Rail Guy,63 Business Today64
Other reports have also revealed the announcement of a metro project, the
direct impact of the metro on rentals real LVC benefits flow to the commercial
within CBDs and IT parks. For example, and office space developers only once
at the DLF Cyber City in Gurugram, the metro line becomes operational.
seamless metro connectivity has While this will not impact LVC over the
increased property rental prices long term, the resultant uncertainty
from US$0.9 per sq ft in 2012-16 to and inflationary trends will dampen
US$1.75 per sq ft in 2019. 67
Similarly, real estate enthusiasm until the world
the influence zone around the under- and India, in particular, realises the
construction Whitefield metro line damage caused to the global economic
in Bengaluru has witnessed a steep sentiments.
increase in mixed-use real estate
development. Metro and LVC: Potential versus
These findings suggest that India’s
urban population is willing to pay The frenzy of developing metro rail
more for the convenience of property transit systems witnessed across
projects around the metro vicinity. The many cities in India has contributed
immediate socioeconomic benefits to socioeconomic growth. The long-
emerging from a metro corridor have term increase in land value, booming
contributed to the increase in land real estate and property markets along
value, land-use change, and the metro corridors’ influence zones,
densification along the corridor. As a overall improvement in quality of
mass transit system, the metro has life, reduced costs of commute and
also contributed to easing traffic reduced commute time, and enhanced
congestion on the streets. job opportunities have led governments
to realise the importance of the much-
However, in 2022, the lingering needed but often-ignored concepts
economic slowdown because of the of TOD. However, detailed studies on
COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertain the adoption of LVC to augment the
economic fallout of the ongoing Ukraine financial strength and non-farebox
war and subsequent global sanctions revenues of the implementing agencies
on Russia may create hurdles to metro have revealed mixed results. Many
development in India in new ways. It is metro projects, especially those
also worth noting that while residential sanctioned before the release of
property developers can opt to increase the Metro Rail Policy and the VCF
their prices overnight following the Framework in 2017, have either missed
Land Value Capture Financing 43
funding gap of INR 1.82 billion (US$24 through the debt route by issuing
million) per the initial funding pattern. privately placed secure non-convertible
BMRCL is exploring options to meet debentures or bonds (see Table 5).
these shortfalls from new loans or
Government Senior
Funding pattern State Total
of India debt
Japan International
- - 32.08 32.08
Cooperation Agency
Agence Française de
- - 8.73 8.73
scenario estimates, the sale of premium increasing the metro influence zone
FAR on the proposed Outer Ring Road to 500 metres to multiply the returns
line can potentially raise INR 11.43 billion from premium FAR and increase the
(US$152 million). 77
The BMRCL’s 2019 TOD reach (see Table 6).
TOD policy has sought to levy a cess
of 10 percent on residential buildings However, developers fear the
and 20 percent on commercial buildings proposed premium FAR will be
on the premium FAR. 78
It has detrimental to the city’s real estate
recommended revenue sharing market. While the premium FAR offers
among the BMRCL, Bruhat Bengaluru half the guidance value (or market
Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), the value) of the proposed built-up area,
Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage transferable development rights (TDRs)
Board (BWSSB), and Bangalore offer twice the price of the land guidance
Development Authority (BDA) in the ratio value. So while the formula to evaluate
of 60 percent, 20 percent, 10 percent and the TDR versus premium FAR gains is
10 percent, respectively. The proposed still being debated, real estate
betterment levy would be a one-time developers have cautioned that the
upfront payment charged at 1.5 percent proposal would create an “artificial
of the overall value of a commercial market” and lead to an “inflation in
built-up area within one km of the metro property costs”.79
corridor once the project is approved.
The TOD policy has also recommended
Land Value Capture Financing 47
Proposed LVC
Description Status
Additional surcharge at 5 percent of the property’s
market value for developments within the BDA Mired in legal
area under Section 18A of the Karnataka Town ambiguity
and Country Planning Act
In a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) model PPP, the public-sector partner enters into a
long-term contract with a private developer (typically a large corporation or consortium of
businesses with proven expertise) to design and implement a public project. The public-sector
partner usually partially funds the project or passes on benefits, such as tax exemptions to
the private partner, while the latter assumes all risks associated with planning, constructing,
operating, and maintaining the project for a specified time period. During the ‘own and
operate’ phase of the contract, the developer charges users of the built infrastructure a fee
to realise a profit; for example, tolls paid at bridges and flyovers. At the end of the contract
period, the private partner transfers ownership to the public sector partner, according to the
contract terms.
50 Land Value Capture Financing
A 2018 study using a hedonic price 33 percent of the total and grew to
model to assess Mumbai Metro One’s 35 percent in 2014, when the metro
impact on land value in its catchment line began operations. Within no time,
area revealed that properties located the western SBD office stock had
within 1-2 km from the metro stations grown to 40 million sq ft, spreading to
recorded a gain of 14 percent, resulting micro-markets in Andheri, Jogeshwari,
in a new revenue source to the tune Goregaon, and Malad, while the share
of US$179 million
The findings of the CBD shrunk to 13 percent.95 In
illustrated how Mumbai Metro One had the three years between the project
directly contributed to increased land announcement and construction
value beyond the traditional 500-metre commencement, the Andheri East
influence zone. Had the MMRDA used residential property appreciated by
its legislative powers to capture this 185 percent, growing to INR 8,000
substantial increase in land value, the (US$106.66) per sq ft from INR 2,800
Mumbai Metro One would not have had (US$37.33) per sq ft. During the
to resort to fare hikes as an existential construction phase and inauguration
need. of the metro operations from 2007-08
to 2014, residential real estate
Another study noted that in 2000, appreciated by a further 94 percent
office stock in the CBD, mainly to INR 15,500 (US$206.66) per sq ft.
restricted to around Nariman Point in The study has estimated a similar
South Mumbai, was up to 14 million impact on land values in the
sq ft, almost 72 percent of Mumbai’s influence zones of the upcoming metro
total stock. In contrast, the SBD’s corridors in Mumbai.96
share in the metro’s influence area, the
western business district, was just But Mumbai Metro One is only the tip
8 percent. Within two years of the state of the iceberg, considering MMRDA’s
approval of the metro, the western extensive metro planning across the
SBD’s office stock rose to 23 percent. metropolitan region, much beyond the
Within one year of the commencement boundaries of Greater Mumbai. The
of the construction, it reached MMR is currently working on 14 other
At 2017 exchange rates.
52 Land Value Capture Financing
metro corridors, of which line 3 is being lack coordination, the absence of the
implemented by the Mumbai Metro required empowerment to the metro
Rail Corporation Ltd., a joint venture of authority, the lack of an overarching
the Maharashtra government and the and empowered unified transport
Indian government on a 50:50 sharing authority, suspicion over the accuracy
basis, and all others being developed of measurement of the perceived
directly by MMRDA. Estimated to land value appreciation, and other
cost INR 1.50 trillion (US$20 billion), factors continue to cast doubts on the
the corridors will cover a route length successful implementation of LVC.
of 300 km within the MMR.97 The Leveraging land value as a finance tool
MMRDA has incorporated a range of for infrastructure projects has also
tax- and land-based LVC tools in the raised concerns over the misuse of
design of all forthcoming lines. While land resources for commercial gains,
the 18.5-km Dahisar-DN Nagar Metro which might accrue only to the powerful
2A and the 16.5-km Dahisar private builder lobby.98 For example,
East-Andheri East Metro 7 began BMRCL’s Mantri Square Sampige
operations on 2 April 2022, work on Road station was constructed on a
many more is in an advanced stage. 5.04 acre plot acquired in the city’s
Running parallel to the Western prime area for “industrial use” with
Express Highway and the Linking suggestive overtones of “public purpose”.
Road, these two metro lines are With 32-storeyed residential towers
expected to ferry one million and a 27-storeyed commercial building,
commuters daily. the station complex was developed
under a PPP between BMRCL and the
Will Stakeholders be Ready to Pay? private developer, loosely designed
on Hong Kong’s rail-plus-property
Despite LVC gaining the attention (R+P) model. n,99
Unlike the Hong Kong
of policymakers, questions remain model, where the metro authority owns
about its effective implementation. the development, the Mantri Square
The multiplicity of jurisdictions that station developer invested capital for
providing housing, shopping, office, and leisure facilities under one roof, with easy access
to public transport. The R+P model requires no direct government financing. Instead, the
government receives a significant land premium and enhanced equity value through majority
shareholding in the Metro Transit Rail Corporation.
Land Value Capture Financing 53
the entire station complex in return for a price model, the study analysed the
99-year land lease, which was valued value variation of 160,000 apartments
at INR 3 billion, with an assured bounty over 2012-16 and studied 314,000
from the sale proceeds owing to the apartments in 2016. The study revealed
development’s walkable connectivity that the Namma Metro has led to
with the station. But the private citywide land value appreciation. A
developer reportedly reaped ‘before’ and ‘after’ comparison from
disproportionate benefits from LVC, the commencement of the metro rail
leaving a pittance for the metro rail operations indicated a price uplift
authority.100 Studies of the project have of 4.5 percent across the city and
also highlighted how gains from public showed a significant mushrooming of
infrastructure were diverted to favour residences, companies, services, and
private developers in alleged violation industries in close proximity, resulting
of local planning laws, with the state in cost reductions and efficiency
government ignoring genuine concerns gains. This localised agglomeration
in the PPP formulation and glossing over economy triggered by the metro
suspected illegalities in the transfer of led to people being willing to pay
land to private players.101 US$306 million for metro rail
accessibility. 102
Table 7: LVC tools being considered for metro rail development in cities
Mumbai Y Y Y Y Y -
Pune - Y Y Y Y Y
Nagpur - Y Y Y Y -
Bengaluru - Y - Y - -
Chennai Y Y - Y Y Y
Kochi - - - Y - -
Ahmedabad - Y - Y Y -
Bhopal Y - Y Y Y -
Bhubaneswar - Y - Y - Y
Lucknow - Y - Y Y Y
Delhi - Y Y Y Y -
i) Land Value Tax (LVT) is different from the municipal property taxes. Successfully used in several western economies, it is a new
concept for India. LVT as an LVC tool in urban areas can provide additional sources of revenue to the government for investment
in public infrastructure projects. LVT also helps in ending specuative land hoarding and reduce prices for the buyer.105 While a few
metro athorities have incorporated the LVT concept in their TOD-LVC planning, implementation will depend on political backing and
legislative approval.
ii) Land-use change fee is a one-time levy. States in India have earmarked different land-use conversion fees and they also tend to
vary in different districts and even in areas within districts. For example, New Delhi has a conversation fee ranges from INR 14,328 to
INR 24,777 per sq mt. State governments may also levy these fees as a percentage of the land value. In Karnataka, land-use change
certification is facilitated online, and the fee conversion fee is also recovered online. Section 199 of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955 also empowers the municipal corporation to levy 0.05 percent of land value capital as VLT. However, other
cities have faced legal hurdles. For example, the Supreme Court of India has stripped New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) of its
powers to levy VLT under the NDMC (Determination of Annual Rent) Bye-laws, 2009.106
iii) ULBs governing large cities in India have started levying Vacant Land Tax (VLT) on vacant land and plots in prime areas to prevent
wasteful use of expensive and scarce land resources. Since 2009, the Greater Chennai Municipal Corporation (GCMC) charges VLT of
50 paise per sq ft from vacant landowners in inner city areas and INR 1.60 from vacant land lying close to the main city bus routes.107
Land Value Capture Financing 55
sized plots in the core areas, further of the metro rail system and left the
curtailed by zoning regulations. The long-term mobility aspects unaddressed.
restrictions on additional FAR for land Experts have also termed Bengaluru’s
lying beyond a specific distance from the CMP a “paper exercise” to access
rail corridor must also be implemented central funds for the expensive metro rail
dynamically, considering the locational system.112 On the other hand, Mumbai’s
characteristics. upcoming metro rail lines have benefited
from the city’s CMP and the development
Planning and regulations: Typically, plan (DP) being in sync. The MCGM
cities lack institutional structures and prepared the CMP in 2016, two years
integrated planning between the different before the state government’s approval
state agencies involved with service of the city’s DP. The significant delay in
delivery. Each agency works, plans, the construction of new metro rail lines
executes and manages in a silo, resulting has, in this case, given the planners an
in diffused decision-making. Primarily, opportunity to integrate its design into
city planning is governed by the ULB, both the CMP and DP. City planners are
which does not have any direct say in said to have taken due care to keep the
preparing transportation plans. The state dynamic in mind for the upcoming metro
has not included a single Indian ULB in rail lines, the proposed Mumbai Trans
the metro rail plans for the city it governs. Harbour Link, and the coastal road.
While many cities have attempted to In case of any future zone alteration
create CMPs, the metro rail corridors requirement, the CMP will prevail over the
are coming up without the crucial micro- long-term DP.
planning for the metro rail influence
zones. Cities have also not established UMTAs
with overarching empowerment to plan
Concerns also remain regarding and supervise multimodal transport
properly integrating the draft CMP and development. Even the metro authorities
the city master plans and vice versa. have failed to incorporate influence
For example, metro rail development zone planning along the corridors and
by BMRCL has reportedly neither accurately estimate the perceived
integrated the Bengaluru CMP (2019) windfall gains in land value in the
nor the development plans of other influence zones. As a result, the
civic agencies in its design. The lack of execution of TOD has failed to factor in
integration of metro rail projects with the full benefits of LVC.
other city planning agencies is believed
to have hampered the proper utilisation
Land Value Capture Financing 57
Executional: Nearly all big infrastructure the transport company remains self-
development projects in India have financing, unlike most of its counterparts
traditionally suffered from time and across the world, which are perennially
cost overruns owing to complexities loss-making and survive on government
emerging from land acquisition, eviction subsidies.
of slums from large land parcels, long-
drawn litigations, and delays in getting While well-established transporters
approvals from central agencies. 113,114,115
such as the New York City subway
In Mumbai’s experience, nearly all and Transport for London perform
projects, including the World Bank-funded poorly, how has the MTRC remained
Mumbai Urban Transport Projects, the profitable despite comparable fares (that
Bandra-Worli Sealink, and the metros contribute 170 percent of the system’s
have resulted in high costs to the public operating costs)?116 The MTRC’s R+P
exchequer because of procedural and model provides answers. The R+P model
legal delays. Nearly all cities rolling out is based on a simple mantra—make the
metro projects have also failed to meet best multi-use of public infrastructure
extended deadlines leading to enormous and the scarce urban space it stands on
cost escalation. The perceived gains to provide high-quality housing with easy
through LVC diminish as the capital access to transport modes and maximise
expenditure increases because of time revenues from rental and sales. MTRC
overruns. gets land and development rights from
the government, the majority shareholder
LVC Lessons from Global Cities in the venture, at the price before the
metro is constructed. As the line is
Several cities in Asia, particularly Hong built, MTRC invites private developers
Kong and Shenzhen (China), have reaped to build residential and commercial
immense benefits from LVC for their complexes above and within its station
metro projects. periphery, earning capital for the
system’s operations and management
Hong Kong: Few public transport through its share of the sale proceeds or
services return a profit. Hong Kong is an rental incomes. However, not all MTRC
outlier, making net profits of more than development is at greenfield sites. For
HKD 10 billion (US$1.43 billion) year- example, it has successfully retrofitted
on-year since 2011. Hong Kong’s Mass the existing Fo Tan depot to suit the R+P
Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) model.117
runs a R+P model that has successfully
leveraged gains from LVC to ensure that
58 Land Value Capture Financing
Since its implementation in 1980, the and developers to plan and finance metro
R+P model has been expanded across lines and the surrounding real estate
Hong Kong, and MTRC today manages developments.
47 developments above its 93 stations
and depots, generating revenue of HKD Using municipal grants and loans to
5 billion (US$700 million) through initiate the first phase of the metro
property management and rental income. project, Shenzhen was forced to adopt
A new township with a population innovative financing mechanisms when
of 380,000 was established from project costs shot up tenfold during
revenues earned by the Tseung Kwan O expansion. It implemented variable risk-
line extension. and profit-sharing tools that helped a
beneficial spread of gains and expenses
However, of late, MTRC has also faced among the stakeholders. The outcome
criticism for profit maximisation by was a win-win situation as housing
building housing and amenities only for value within 500 metres of the metro
the high-income sections, creating a increased by 23 percent. While residents
severe shortage of affordable housing. gain from increased accessibility and
This has also become a politically enhanced opportunities, the developers
sensitive issue. Anthony Cheung Bing- who have invested in the R+P model
Leung, Hong Kong’s former transport gain from increased property values.
minister, stated that the government At the same time, the metro company
must curtail the exclusive rights given to gains by reducing its dependency on
MTRC to build housing and commercial public investments and facilitating
amenities on its properties. 118
In 2018, the urban planning and social and economic
government forced MTRC to reallocate growth.120
30 percent of its new residential
developments to public housing. This In the early days of experimenting with
pressure has resulted in the development the R+P model, the Shenzhen Metro
of two new sites at Siu Ho Wan and Group (SMG) found itself grappling
Tuen Mun, where the MTRC’s first with issues beyond its expertise and
public housing development will create was reluctant to expand the business
22,000 flats.
portfolio and take on additional
development costs and market risks.
Shenzhen: Shenzhen is the first city However, the government forced it
in China to emulate Hong Kong’s to adopt the R+P model using a
R+P model in its metro development. carrot-and-stick policy with three
Shenzhen’s model forges partnerships tactical interventions.121
between the public sector, transporters,
Land Value Capture Financing 59
Reinvesting LVC revenues into the For example, in Mumbai, the MCGM
metro system and its expansion can is tasked with the CMP and DP for the
strengthen the joint venture/SPV model city, but it has no say over the planning
funded by the governments at the and execution of the metro lines by the
central and state levels and supplement MMRDA. Meanwhile, except for Mumbai
efforts for forging mutually-beneficial Metro One and Line 3, all other metro
PPPs, which can spur development- line operations are vested in the Maha
based LVC mechanisms. The experience Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation
of Mumbai, Bengaluru and several Ltd., tasked with operating and
other cities highlight the following managing all metro rail corridors in
essential tasks the governments must the metropolitan region. In Bengaluru,
urgently take up to foster a conducive planning and execution of public
environment for maximising LVC returns infrastructure, civic services, and metro
for metro projects. operations are divided among the
BBPM, BDA, BWSSB, BMRCL, and other
Institutional, policy and regulatory state agencies managing diverse aspects
frameworks: Government policies and of city governance.
schemes, from the JnNURM and NUTP
to the Metro Policy, have repeatedly An empowered UMTA must also adopt
highlighted the importance of CMPs a participatory approach and prioritise
and UMTAs to integrate land-use community engagement to spread
planning and transport development. awareness of the potential windfall
CMPs and UMTAs are the prerequisites gains in land value through increased
for metro agencies to prioritise their access to help the metro agencies
roles in planning processes and focus secure the much-needed public
on TOD. However, this mandate has support for LVC levies. Furthermore,
largely remained unfulfilled. States must instead of merely reiterating the
prioritise establishing financially- and concept of UMTAs in policies, the
legally-empowered UMTAs through government must clarify its stand and
legislation as overarching bodies ensure that UMTAs are institutionalised
to facilitate land use and transport at the state level.
planning integration. Currently, as both
these functions are vested in different Several cities across India have
agencies, the centrality of mass transport developed long-term mobility plans
in land development is ignored, resulting following the NUTP guidelines and the
in fragmented decision-making and increasing pressure from the centre
diffused approaches to TOD. on states to prepare CMPs as a
Land Value Capture Financing 61
persons per sq km. Therefore, though pandemic—in all cities where the metro
TOD may create more habitable space has been under construction since
by providing more vertical floor space 2017.124 In Mumbai, this will mean a
per capita, it may lead to undesirable and total imposition of a 6-percent stamp
unsustainable city densities. duty on the entire asset value, while in
cities such as Pune and Nagpur, it will
Further densification of the dense Indian grow from 6 percent to 7 percent. The
cities may become counterproductive move could be counterproductive. For
due to greater congestion, environmental example, during the two-year waiver,
degradation, and increased load on the major cities in Maharashtra registered
already overburdened civic infrastructure an unprecedented increase in property
and services. Additionally, if the TOD registrations, yielding the best-ever
fosters exclusion and inequity by recovery of INR 5.61 billion (US$75
catering only to the city’s rich (as in million) worth of stamp duty in February
Hong Kong), it will further amplify the 2022.125 Pune registered a 92-percent
shortage of affordable housing and increase in registration and 59-percent
encourage more slumisation. Therefore, growth in stamp duty collection in
economic decisions to maximise 2020 than the previous year. Builders
LVC gains must not compromise the associations have indicated that the
concept of equitable cities and the reimposition of the metro cess will push
first Sustainable Development Goal residential and commercial property
of poverty alleviation, which is a top prices up, dampening the market
national priority. sentiment.
Looking beyond the influence zone: Thus, while enforcing citywide levies
The impact of the metro on Mumbai, to exploit the broader impact of the
Bengaluru, and Delhi has proved that metro on land value, governments must
land value appreciation happens exercise due caution. Before introducing
beyond the metro’s direct influence such sweeping levies, states and cities
zone. Several cities have incorporated must first consider the issues of basic
additional stamp duty on any land amenities, such as water and sanitation,
and property transactions besides which remain unaddressed in urban India.
implementing the betterment levy to India will not be able to reap the TOD-LVC
capture the citywide value appreciation. dividends unless all the constituents of
the TOD ecosystem—the government,
The Maharashtra government, for financiers, developers and, importantly,
instance, has reintroduced the 1 percent the people—derive equitable benefits.
metro cess—waived during the COVID-19
isted below are the stakeholders interviewed as part of the authors’
consultations. The views expressed by the interviewees are
strictly personal and do no reflect the views of their organisations.
Metro Authorities
R. Ramana, Executive Director, Planning Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Ashwini Bhide, Ex-MD, Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL).
Tomojit Bhattacharya, Public Relations Officer, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).
Anuj Dayal, Executive Director, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).
Bharat Salhotra, Former MD, Alstom Transport India.
Pritish Chowdhary, Non-Executive Director, Titagarh Wagons India.
Government Representatives
Sharmila Chavaly, Joint Secretary, Finance, Indian Infrastructure Finance Company.Ltd;
and Former Member, Railway Board.
Dr Ramanath Jha, Ex Metropolitan Commissioner, Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority.
Indian Railways
Vivek Sahai, Former Chairman, Railway Board.
Shri Prakash, Former Railway Board Member.
Research Organisations
Jaya Dhindaw, Program Director, Urban Development, WRI.
Ravi Gadepalli, Consultant, International Association of Public Transport and World
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India, Urban Statistics Handbook, 2019,
Worldometer, World Population by Country,
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, Road Transport Yearbook,
(TOD) Policy, 2017,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India, Presentation on Metro Rail Sector,
“Urban Transport and the Role of Metro Rail,” Trafficinfratech, April 1, 2013,
“Metro Rail Projects in India – Quick Snapshot”, The Metro Rail Guy,
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UITP, Performance of Indian metro systems: Lessons for upcoming urban rail projects, 2021,
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United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, “A Primer to
Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development,” UNESCAP,
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Rail Project Proposals, 2017,
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Value Capture Finance Policy Framework,
UITP, World Metro Figures, 2018,
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India),
Order 2017- Revision, 2020,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India, Revision of Minimum Local
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About the Authors
Promit Mookherjee is an Associate Fellow at ORF’s Centre for Economy and Growth.