Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Roseli Pellens Philippe Grandcolas Editors
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Roseli Pellens Philippe Grandcolas Editors
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Roseli Pellens Philippe Grandcolas Editors
Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation
Roseli Pellens
Philippe Grandcolas Editors
and Phylogenetic
Preserving our evolutionary heritage
in an extinction crisis
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Volume 14
More information about this series at
Roseli Pellens • Philippe Grandcolas
Biodiversity Conservation
and Phylogenetic Systematics
Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an
extinction crisis
Roseli Pellens Philippe Grandcolas
Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Institut de Systématique, Evolution,
Biodiversité, ISYEB – UMR 7205 Biodiversité, ISYEB – UMR 7205
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Sorbonne Universités Sorbonne Universités
Paris, France Paris, France
vi Foreword
Biological conservation has oft been hampered by those who have maintained
that priorities for action should only be established using approaches that are easily
understood by the general public. The same demand has not been made in many
other arenas of human endeavor (e.g. medicine, nuclear power), and neither should
it constrain biological conservation. That said, there does remain a substantial chal-
lenge of encouraging an informed citizenry around the justification and goals of
using a phylogenetic diversity approach, and gaining their support. Only by so
doing will there be a genuine chance of aligning the multitude of biodiversity-criti-
cal decisions being made each and every day across the continents and oceans.
This book could not exist without the participation of 38 research scientists who
took part in the elaboration of these chapters. We thank each of them for their
generosity in sharing their experience to make this common work. We are particularly
indebted to Dan Faith, for his always prompt and insightful suggestions. Without his
help this book would have been quite different. Every chapter was peer reviewed,
and reviewers’ suggestions and critical thinking helped to improve all manuscripts
and greatly contributed to our present understanding of phylogenetic diversity and
its importance for biodiversity conservation. So, we thank Anni Arponen, Lisa
Ballance, Sven Buerki, Maram Caesar, Marcel Cardillo, Pedro Cardoso, Ben Collen,
Rob Cowie, Jorge Crisci, Mike Crisp, Jonathan Davies, Dan Faith, Jon Fjeldså,
Felix Forest, Carlos Gonzalez-Orozco, Shan Huang, Jussi Laitila, Romain Julliard,
James Justus, Matjaz Kuntner, Frédéric Legendre, Rafael Loyola, Laura J. May-
Collado, Daniel Rafael Miranda-Esquivel, Claudia Moreno, Annemarie Ohler,
Fabio Pardi, Stéphane Prigent, Carlo Ricotta, Samuel Scheiner, Mike Steel, Andreas
Spiller, Géraldine Veron, and Kristen Williams, who kindly acted as referees (often
anonymously) for the chapters. The idea of making this book was born during the
preparation of a symposium entitled “Phylogenetic Tools for Conservation” that
Roseli Pellens organized for the 30th meeting of the Willi Hennig Society at São
José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. We thank Fernando Barbosa Noll and
Dalton de Souza Amorim, the meeting organizers, for including this subject in their
agenda. We thank the Labex “Diversités biologiques et culturelles: origines,
évolution, interactions, devenir” (BCDIV, Jean-Denis Vigne) and the ANR
BIONEOCAL (PG) for the financial support that permitted to make this publication
open access. We are also very grateful to David Hawksworth, the series editor, and
the people at Springer, for their kind help along the preparation of this volume.
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Part I Questions
The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity .............................................................. 19
Christopher Lean and James Maclaurin
The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking
Evolutionary History to Feature Diversity
for Biodiversity Conservation ........................................................................ 39
Daniel P. Faith
Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does
Non-random Extinction Prune the Tree-of-Life?......................................... 57
Kowiyou Yessoufou and T. Jonathan Davies
Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand:
The Long and the Short of It ......................................................................... 81
Steven A. Trewick and Mary Morgan-Richards
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic
Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic Relict Species ..................................... 99
Philippe Grandcolas and Steven A. Trewick
Part II Methods
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity
Assessments and Conservation ...................................................................... 119
Daniel P. Faith
x Contents
xiv Contributors
Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology:
Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life
During the last centuries and more dramatically in the last four decades, natural
habitats were destroyed at rates much higher than ever observed in human history.
All biomes were affected, but those located in tropical regions were more impacted,
particularly because policies for the development and appropriation of these territo-
ries were emphasized during this period. Nonetheless, the massive transformation
of these landscapes to give place to crops and towns multiplied species’ losses and
vulnerability at incredible rates (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005), mostly
due to the fact that most of world’s biodiversity is concentrated around the tropics
(Gaston 2000). In addition to habitat destruction and fragmentation, natural ecosys-
tems were also submitted to high levels of pollution, overexploitation of forestry
and fishery resources, invasive species, and to the effects of climate changes mainly
provoked by man-induced greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, a high number of
species were already extinct and others have suffered severe populations declines
(Mace et al. 2005), with many advancing at high speed to higher categories of threat
every year (e.g., Hoffmann et al. 2010). So, recent scenarios integrating main extinc-
tion drivers suggest that rates of extinction are likely to rise by at least a further
order of magnitude over the next few centuries (Mace et al. 2005; Pereira et al.
2010; Barnosky et al. 2012; Proença and Pereira 2013).
This critical situation is now recognized as the “sixth mass extinction”, i.e. the
sixth period in the history of life in which more than three-quarters of the living
species is lost in a short geological interval (Barnosky et al. 2011). Compared to the
first “big five”, this extinction period has the peculiarity of being caused mainly by
the way of living of one single species, the humans. Counteracting this trend is per-
haps the biggest ethic, political and scientific challenge of our times (Sarkar 2005),
as the time for action is short, funds for biodiversity conservation are far from below
the real needs (e.g., McCarthy et al. 2012), uncertainties are enormous (Forest et al.
2015), and the solution of conflicts with main-trend ways-of-living and main pat-
terns of distribution and consumption (e.g., Lenzen et al. 2012) often takes much
longer than habitat destruction.
In the race to combat extinctions, there is urgency for increasing conservation
worldwide. The scientific community is pressed to provide criteria in order to define
priorities, as well as for indicating variables and standards that allows for monitor-
ing the evolution of biodiversity in the light of these strategies (Hoffmann et al.
2010; Pereira et al. 2010, 2013; Mace et al. 2010, 2014). Traditionally, biodiversity
conservation was based on species counts, valuing sites in terms of species richness,
number of endemics and number of threatened species (Myers et al. 2000; Myers
2003; Kier et al. 2009). However, in spite of its generalized use, this kind of data can
be very heterogeneous making very difficult comparisons across taxonomic groups,
along time and among sites, as species richness can be influenced by many factors,
going from the species concept to the spatial scale and sampling effort (see Gaston
1996 for an overview on this subject). Similarly, in spite of the great interest of Red
Lists of species’ threats, such as that from IUCN (International Union for
Conservation of Nature), to indicate imminent risks of extinction, concentrating
conservation-limited resources on threatened species can be very risky and these
limits must be considered (Possingham et al. 2002). Moreover, measures based on
species counts also have the limitation of considering all species as equals, being
Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology: Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life 3
Biodiversity: is a very inclusive term formed by contraction of “biological
diversity.” In this book, we use this term to express the variety of life, often
willing to express the integrative definition of the Convention on Biological
Diversity in which “Biological diversity” means “the variability among
living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine
and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they
are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of
Evolutionary history: the chronicle of the process whereby the diversity
of life is built.
Phylogenetic Systematics: the scientific discipline describing and naming
the different organisms, assessing their relatedness in the Tree of Life and
proposing subsequent classifications. Species phylogenetic relationships are
assessed on the basis of originally shared characters modified during
Tree of life: an old metaphor to describe the interrelatedness of all organ-
isms (living and extinct), based on their evolutionary history.
4 R. Pellens and P. Grandcolas
Table 1 Some examples of studies linking phylogenetic systematics and biodiversity conservation
Problems Examples
Development of methods and Vane-Wright et al. 1991; May 1990; Faith 1992; Posadas
measures to assess taxonomic or et al. 2001; Pavoine et al. 2005; Redding and Mooers 2006;
evolutionary distinctiveness or Isaac et al. 2007; Steel et al. 2007; Hartmann and Steel 2007;
phylogenetic diversity Lozupone and Knight 2005; Rosauer et al. 2009; Cadotte
and Davies 2010; Chao et al. 2010
Comparison of phylogenetic Schweiger et al. 2008; Davies and Cadotte 2011; Pio et al.
measures 2011
Comparison of phylogenetic Polasky et al. 2002; Rodrigues and Gaston 2002; Rodrigues
diversity to traditional measures et al. 2005, 2011; Hartmann and André 2013
Inclusion of phylogenetics in Walker and Faith 1994; Arponen 2012
systematic conservation
Prioritization of areas for the Posadas et al. 2001; Lehman 2006; McGoogan et al. 2007;
conservation of evolutionary López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel 2010; Forest et al.
history 2007; Buerki et al. 2015; Pollock et al. 2015; Zupan et al.
Prioritization of species Weitzman 1998; Isaac et al. 2007; Kuntner et al. 2011;
Redding et al. 2015
Relationship between Nee and May 1997; Purvis 2008; Davies et al. 2008; Fritz
extinctions and the loss of et al. 2009; Fritz and Purvis 2010; Magnuson-Ford et al.
phylogenetic diversity 2010; Jono and Pavoine 2012; Yessoufou et al. 2012; Davies
2015; Faith 2015; Gudde et al. 2013; Huang and Roy 2015
Climate change and the loss of Faith and Richards 2012; Thuiller et al. 2011, 2015
phylogenetic diversity
Phylogenetic and functional Safi et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2012
Cost of conserving phylogenetic Weitzman 1998; Nunes et al. 2015
Development of key concepts Evolutionary heritage (Mooers et al. 2005)
related to biodiversity Phylogenetic diversity and option values (Faith 1992; Steel
conservation that integrates et al. 2007; Forest et al. 2007)
phylogenetic diversity Evosystem services (Faith et al. 2010)
Key biodiversity areas for conservation (Brooks et al. 2015)
Phylogenetic planetary boundaries and tipping points (Faith
et al. 2010)
Please note that these are leading marks: most of these researches approached more than one of
these problems
The main aim of this book is to contribute to the ongoing international search for
reducing biodiversity losses in this critical period for life on Earth by exploring
several approaches for the conservation of phylogenetic diversity. As shown in
Table 1, the universe of problems to be prospected in this subject is quite large and
could not fit in a single volume. In spite of that, here we provide a condensed
updated picture of the state of the art showing that either conceptually or method-
ologically phylogenetic diversity has everything to be on the global agenda of bio-
diversity conservation. This book is organized around three main themes: questions,
methods and applications. We hope that this concentrated effort will contribute to
Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology: Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life 5
the emergence of new solutions and attitudes towards a more effective preservation
of our evolutionary heritage.
This first section is composed of chapters addressing some central questions con-
cerning the links between biodiversity conservation and phylogenetic systematics.
The first, and perhaps the most important of these questions, concerns the nature of
the role of phylogenetic systematics in conservation efforts. How do we value the
Tree of Life? Why to use aspects of phylogeny in preference to other biodiversity
variables? These questions are explored by Lean and Maclaurin in chapter “The
Value of Phylogenetic Diversity”. They develop the idea that phylogenetic diversity
plays a unique role in underpinning conservation endeavor and represents the foun-
dation of a general measure of biodiversity. In a synthesis about the reasons and the
types of values that should guide biodiversity conservation and qualify a general
biodiversity measure, they propose that phylogeny is the only basis for large-scale
conservation prioritization. They justify this argument by showing that phylogeny is
the only guide for maximizing feature diversity (sensu Faith 1992) across many dif-
ferent taxa, and also is the best way to hedge our bets against uncertainties related
to environmental changes and to human’s future needs and values.
PD or Faith’s PD: is the measure of phylogenetic diversity created by Faith
(1992). Specifically it is the sum of the lengths of all phylogenetic branches
(from the root to the tip) spanned by a set of species. In this book, we refer
to PD or Faith’s PD to indicate this measure.
Phylogenetic diversity: all over this book we use this term in very large
sense, independently of the measure, willing to express the differences
between organisms due to their evolutionary history, and so captured by a
phylogeny. It can be used to express the uniqueness of one species or the rep-
resentativeness of a set of organisms, according to several different
Evolutionary distinctiveness (Isaac et al. 2007) or Evolutionary dis-
tinctness: is here used to indicate measures destined to assess the phyloge-
netic diversity of each species, independently if it is based on topology or
branch length. Contrarily to PD, where the contribution of a species may vary
from one set to another depending on the other species occurring in it, with
measures of evolutionary distinctiveness each species has an invariable value.
Taxonomic distinctiveness (Vane-Wright et al. 1991): like in the case of
Evolutionary distinctiveness, it is used to express measures designed to assess
the phylogenetic diversity of species, but this definition is restricted to those
measures based on tree topology.
6 R. Pellens and P. Grandcolas
If the way we value phylogenetic diversity is central for any justifications for
including phylogeny in conservations efforts, an equally important consideration
must be the choice of the measure that adequately captures the aspects of phyloge-
netic diversity that are important for conservation. Lean and MacLaurin propose
that this measure should maximize feature diversity. However, there are very few
studies comparing the performance of the measures under such criteria (Redding
and Mooers 2006; Schweiger et al. 2008; Pio et al. 2011). Dan Faith (chapter “The
PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature
Diversity for Biodiversity Conservation”) addresses this question through the com-
parison of PD (Faith 1992), in relation to several measures of Evolutionary
Distinctiveness (ED) in the context of priority setting for conservation. The core of
Dan’s analysis is complementarity (marginal gains and losses of PD or feature
diversity), an attribute intrinsic to PD’s algorithm, but lacking in ED measures. Here
he shows that PD complementarity allows the identification of sets of species with
maximum PD, whereas ED indices are unable to reliably identify such diverse sets.
The next contribution deals with the loss of phylogenetic diversity with extinc-
tion. Are there phylogenetic signals in extinctions? What is the role of extrinsic and
intrinsic factors in extinctions, and what is the role of phylogeny in data exploration
and analysis (Grandcolas et al. 2010)? Are extinction drivers similar to different
groups of organisms? What is the role of evolutionary models in the patterns
observed? These questions are here explored by Yessoufou and Davies (chapter
“Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random
Extinction Prune the Tree-of-Life?”). They first review the main extinction drivers,
showing that the most relevant might be quite different among vertebrates, inverte-
brates and plants. By exploring how non-random extinction prunes the Tree of Life
under different models of evolution, they call our attention to the fact that the model
of evolution is likely to be a key explanatory of the loss of evolutionary history.
They also argue that more branches are likely to be lost from the Tree of Life under
the speciational model of evolution.
Many of our considerations about the conservation of the Tree of Life are based
on our knowledge of a micro-fraction of the living world, given that we often focus
on organisms that are very close to human eyes, like vertebrates, vascular plants,
and a few emblematic insects. Likewise, most of the phylogenies used to this pur-
pose are based on molecular data, very often on very small sets of short gene
sequences. An advantage of molecular data for phylogenetic inference is provision
of a standardized set of characters, often reflecting the main patterns of relationship
of the species in a group of organisms. However, the extent to which these genes
portions evolve and reflect the evolution of other traits is seldom well studied. Such
an issue is central to arguments that phylogenetic diversity links to general feature
diversity. These problems are explored by Steve Trewick and Mary Morgan-
Richards (chapter “Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and
the Short of It”). With examples of the phylogenetic position (as assessed through
molecular data) of some legendary organisms from New Zealand such as Kākāpō,
takahē and tuatara, they shake some established views about the extent molecular
branch length reflects other extraordinary ecological, morphological or behavioral
Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology: Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life 7
traits. Going further, they turn our lenses to the microscopic life that is much more
deeply branched in the Tree of Life. Taking the example of marine sponges, they
show that a single sponge provides an environment that can host several distinct
microbial communities (microbiomes) and so preserve organisms from more than
40 phyla all branched much deeper than vertebrates and plants. At reading this
chapter, we are guided to a more inclusive perspective of biodiversity and we can
find more reasons for protecting Kākāpō, takahē, tuatara, marine sponges and…
Relict species are often presented as examples of important species for the con-
servation of phylogenetic diversity. Everyone has heard about Coelacanth and
Platypus as examples of unique evolutionary histories. In spite of this, the concept
of relict species is still plagued with misleading ideas and uses, potentially causing
misunderstandings for the use of phylogenetic diversity in general. Philippe
Grandcolas and Steve Trewick (chapter “What Is the Meaning of Extreme
Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic Relict Species”) aim at freeing
the concept from these problems, and use the extreme case of relict species to
explore the nature and the use of phylogenetic diversity. The study of relicts helps
understanding that early-branching species that make high values of phylogenetic
diversity (the “unique PD” of Forest et al. 2015) are not necessarily evolutionarily
“frozen”. Their conservation is not only aimed at retaining Life’s diversity but also
at keeping evolutionary potential. It is also worth-mentioning that such species have
often been empirically shown to have special extinction risks, highlighting again the
important role of phylogenetic diversity in conservation biology.
In this section we introduce the set of contributions dealing with methodology sensu
stricto. It starts with two papers dealing with different possibilities of applications
and extensions of the PD framework in community assessments, area comparisons
and long-term monitoring of biodiversity changes. In chapter “Using Phylogenetic
Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments and Conservation”, Dan
Faith details one possible extension of the PD family of measures, the Environmental
Dissimilarity (ED) methods. While PD assumes that shared ancestry accounts for
shared features among taxa, ED attempts to account for shared features through
shared habitat/environment among taxa, thus including those shared features not
explained by shared ancestry. With some graphical examples Dan shows how ED
works. Further, he synthesizes a set of ED-based measures. These include ED com-
plementarity measures designed with the similar aim of calculating and predicting
features gains and losses as we gain or lose areas in conservation planning. He con-
cludes by indicating that ED methods appear to offer a robust framework for global
assessments and for long-term monitoring of biodiversity change.
In chapter “Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A
Framework Based on Hill Numbers”, Anne Chao, Chun-Huo Chiu and Lou Jost
8 R. Pellens and P. Grandcolas
situation in which 39 (48 %) endemic and restricted range species are completely
unprotected, among them species with very high ED values, and other 43 (52 %) are
gap species with less than 20 % of their targets met. The priority areas for the con-
servation of these species mostly occupy the central portion of the biome, a region
that already suffered major habitat destruction, and are forecast to undergo impor-
tant habitat loss if economic scenario remains unchanged.
The following triad of studies explores the integration of species threat and phy-
logenetic diversity. It starts with the research of May-Collado, Zambrana-Torrelio
and Agnarsson (chapter “Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation
Priorities for Aquatic Mammals”) dealing with the prioritization of areas for conser-
vation of 127 marine mammals worldwide. Here they use the EDGE (Isaac et al.
2007) and HEDGE (Steel et al. 2007) measures to provide the first spatial analysis
for phylogenetic conservation priorities incorporating threat information at global
scale. By assessing conservation under “pessimistic” and “optimistic” IUCN extinc-
tion scenarios they show how fragile is the world system of protected areas to con-
serve the evolutionary distinctiveness of marine mammals. They identified 22
Conservation PriorityAreas all over the world and showed that only 11.5 % of them
overlap with existing marine protected areas. Their results complete prior findings
on conservation prioritization for marine mammals, providing a helpful tool for the
Conservation of Biological Diversity plan to protect 10 % of world’s marine and
coastal regions by 2020.
In the next contribution, Jessica Schnell and Kamran Safi (chapter
“Metapopulation Capacity Meets Evolutionary Distinctness: Spatial Fragmentation
Complements Phylogenetic Rarity in Prioritization”) design a framework to pre-
dict threat status of Data Deficient and Least Concern species. They propose to
combine evolutionary distinctiveness with metapopulation capacity derived from
habitat isolation. Here they apply this framework to terrestrial mammals endemic
of oceanic islands worldwide, and show that balancing between extinction risks
associated to island’s isolation and potential loss of evolutionarily unique species
can be very useful to characterize conservation status of island endemic species.
Based on it they show that islands such as Guadalcanal, Isle of Pines, Madagascar
and Nggela Sule are very representative for reducing the extinction of mammals
with high ED values.
In chapter “Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing
Butterflies in the Neotropics”, Chazot et al. explore the patterns of distribution of
several features of diversity of three genera of ithomiine butterflies in Neotropical
Region. Ithomiine display Müllerian mimetism and numerically dominate many
butterfly assemblages across the Neotropics, probably conditioning the distribution
of other species that interact with them in positive or negative way. So, the loss of
ithomiine species in local assemblages may strongly influence the vulnerability of
butterfly assemblages. Here they show that, on the one hand, the pattern of distribu-
tion of phylogenetic diversity, species richness, and mimicry diversity are highly
congruent within genera, and, in a lesser extent, across genera. On the other hand,
the potential loss of species due to disruption of mimicry rings, as captured by a
measure of vulnerability designed in this study, are not evenly distributed across
genera presenting peaks in areas completely distinct of those observed to the other
Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology: Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life 11
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Phylogenetics and Conservation Biology: Drawing a Path into the Diversity of Life 15
Abstract This chapter explores the idea that phylogenetic diversity plays a unique
role in underpinning conservation endeavour. The conservation of biodiversity is
suffering from a rapid, unguided proliferation of metrics. Confusion is caused by
the wide variety of contexts in which we make use of the idea of biodiversity.
Characterisations of biodiversity range from all-variety-at-all-levels down to variety
with respect to single variables relevant to very specific conservation contexts.
Accepting biodiversity as the sum of a large number of individual measures results
in an empirically intractable framework. However, large-scale decisions cannot be
based on biodiversity variables inferred from local conservation imperatives because
the variables relevant to the many systems being compared would be incommensu-
rate with one another. We therefore need some general conception of biodiversity
that would make tractable such large-scale environmental decision-marking. We
categorise the large array of strategies for the measurement of biodiversity into four
broad groups for consideration as general measures of biodiversity. We compare
common moral justifications for the conservation of biodiversity and conclude that
some form of instrumental value is the most plausible justification for biodiversity
conservation. Although this is often interpreted as a reliance on option value, we opt
for a broadly consequentialist characterisation of biodiversity conservation. We
conclude that the best justified general measure of biodiversity will be some form of
phylogenetic diversity.
C. Lean (*)
Philosophy Programme, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Maclaurin
Department of Philosophy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
e-mail: [email protected]
20 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
It is not surprising that there is a bewildering array of tools available to those who
would measure biodiversity. There are of course countless respects in which organ-
isms and ecosystems vary. More importantly, there are many types of scientific
projects which exploit different aspects of biodiversity. In What is biodiversity?
(2008) Maclaurin and Sterelny argue that, although it began as an idea primarily of
interest to conservation biologists, there are now many areas of the life sciences in
which biodiversity plays an ontological, explanatory or predictive role.
Moreover, within conservation biology the role of biodiversity has become com-
plex. When biodiversity was first envisaged in the 1980s it was intended as a new
organising principle for conservation. In many respects it was to be a replacement
for the old idea that conservation was fundamentally about preserving species and
the even older idea that it is essentially about preserving wilderness (Nash 1990).
But alongside this idea of biodiversity as an overarching goal of conservation, our
new understanding of the effects of diversity on ecology, genetics, and morphology
allows us to harness particular aspects of biodiversity to achieve specific conserva-
tion goals. So now biodiversity takes its place both as a goal for policymakers and
as a tool for conservation biologists. In both contexts, biodiversity is difficult to
measure. For this reason, much of the growth in biodiversity metrics has been in the
development of new and more effective biodiversity surrogates.
In this complex theoretical and methodological landscape, is phylogenetic diver-
sity just one more tool to be used as and when appropriate? In this chapter, we focus
on conservation biology and argue that phylogenetic diversity plays a unique role in
underpinning conservation endeavour.
In the first section we argue that the conservation of biodiversity is suffering
from a rapid, unguided proliferation of metrics. These various measures will be
categorized by what they aim to pick out and preserve. We then scrutinise the justi-
fication for various types of measures as fundamental principles underpinning
large-scale conservation (we explain why ‘large-scale in the next section) and argue
that this role is best performed by phylogenetic diversity.
A Maze of Measures
phylogenies. While Crozier et al. claim that this study is a “proof of concept”, what
they take to be an examination of phylogenetic diversity’s applicability to conserva-
tion projects in the field, Faith and Baker claim that such examinations were already
conducted a decade ago! The lack of a guiding set of standards has resulted in dif-
ficulty compiling and comparing measurement procedures in an environment in
which new measures are proliferating. It is noted that “in the last decade more than
two measures of Phylogenetic Diversity or Functional Diversity were proposed,
each year!” (Cianciaruso 2011). This has resulted in measurement options for bio-
diversity increasing without a clear way of choosing between them. This prolifera-
tion of varied, uncategorized measures is referred to by Faith and Baker as the
“curse of biodiversity informatics” or “bio-miss-informatics” (Faith and Baker
The proposed measures of biodiversity are of course, not limited to phylogenetic
diversity. There are measures aimed at describing biodiversity using many different
accounts of functions, abundance measures, ecosystem services, and hybrids of all
of the above. The description of these measures is inconsistent throughout biology
because; “The vocabulary used to classify indices is continuously evolving and dif-
fers between evolutionary and ecological studies, leading to potential confusion
when a term is employed without a clear definition or reference” (Pavoine and
Bonsall 2011). Biodiversity particularly suffers from ambiguity regarding biologi-
cal features scientists and policymakers are referring to when they say an ecosystem
has high biodiversity.
Individuals and groups have tried to build consensus around which features are
worthy of measurement. One recent attempt to collect an index of measures that are
fundamental to biodiversity notes that; “a key obstacle is the lack of consensus
about what to monitor” (Pereira et al. 2013, p. 277). The authors propose a set of
“Essential Variables of Biodiversity”. These include:
• Genetic composition e.g. allelic diversity
• Species populations e.g. Abundances and distributions
• Species traits e.g. phenology
• Community composition e.g. taxonomic diversity
• Ecosystem structure e.g. habitat structure
• Ecosystem function e.g. nutrient retention
Each of these “variables” can be measured using multiple (sub-) variables. For
example ecosystem function in their account includes nutrient retention in a com-
munity. This would include the cycling of Nitrogen, Carbon, and Phosphorous
through a community, amongst other important nutrients. Biological features such
as species traits not only need to be individuated but there are also numerous differ-
ent mathematical measures for that trait description to decide between. All these
variables, their sub-variables, and the different measurement procedures for the sub-
variables are understood as actual measures of biodiversity (although for any real
ecosystem the majority of these variables will be unanalysed). To what then do we
refer when we talk of biodiversity as a conservation goal? According to these
authors, we refer to the sum of all these ‘essential’ aspects of biological diversity.
22 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
Of course some of these are not purely conservation decisions, but all rest to some important
extent upon judgements about the value of natural systems.
The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity 23
Surrogates of Biodiversity
As noted above, most of the growth in biodiversity metrics has been in the develop-
ment of new surrogates for biodiversity, i.e. measures of features whose presence is
correlated with high biodiversity. If biodiversity measurement is to succeed as a
large-scale goal of conservation, then we must be able to assess the success of bio-
diversity surrogates and we can only do that if we understand what it is that these
metrics are surrogates for. Sarkar et al. (2006) argue that “general biodiversity is too
diffuse a term to be precisely defined”. The best we can do is to agree to “some
convention or consensus about what constitutes the relevant features of biodiversity
in a given context”. We think this ‘nothing but surrogates’ view of biodiversity mea-
surement, in effect, risks giving up on the idea of biodiversity as an overarching goal
for conservation. Crucially this convention-based view on how we should
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24 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
characterise biodiversity appears not to rest on underlying principles for the assess-
ment of the conventions underpinning such a consensus on biodiversity
On our view, a general measure of biodiversity must be definable (or at least
capable of clear characterisation) and it must be a feature of biological systems that
we can practically assess across clades and ecosystems. This is essential if such a
measure is to assist us in forging large-scale conservation policy. Moreover, it must
not itself be a surrogate for some further more basic characteristic of living systems
that can also be measured across clades and ecosystems.
Anthropogenic Variables
The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity 25
Species diversity is an intuitively simple concept that has yielded numerous math-
ematical explications combining species richness, the number of species in an area,
species evenness, and the relative abundance of species (see Maurer and MacGill
2011). Species richness is extremely common as a measure of biodiversity, partly
due to its relative ease of discovery. It is a key variable from which many diversity
metrics are constructed influencing the output of species diversity, functional,
genetic, and phylogenetic measures. It is, in many contexts, a good indicator of
biodiversity. Holmes Rolston goes as far to claim that species richness is biodiver-
sity as “(s)pecies are a more evident, mid-range, natural kind” as opposed to other
proposed units of biodiversity like genetic diversity or ecosystem diversity (p. 402,
Rolston 2001).
Species richness is usually supplemented with other information as just counting
the species present gives limited insight into the dynamics of an assemblage. Often
species richness is combined with species evenness to create many of the common
species diversity measures.2 This is based on the idea that, given a species richness
in an area, species diversity increases when the populations have more even abun-
dances and vice versa. Information theory has provided the most common indices
of species diversity, the Shannon evenness and the Simpson evenness indices. Other
measures include: Hill’s Indices, Hurlbert’s “Interspecific encounter Index”, Rao’s
“Quadratic Entropy” Index, and Fager’s Indices (See Justus 2011; Maurer and
Macgill 2011).
While there is a range of ways that species diversity is calculated there is one
feature common to these measures. Measures of species richness and diversity are
blind to each individual species’ identity. No species is treated as being more valu-
able to than any other. This assumption is directly rejected by measures that priori-
tize species by any of their individual features including morphology, genetics, or
For a sceptical take on the success of such measures see Justus (2011).
26 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
Genetic Diversity
Note “Pendant Edge” is a recent name (e.g. Redding, and Mooers 2006; Vellend et al. 2011) given
to the idea introduced but not named in Altschul and Lipman’s original very brief discussion note.
28 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
us to detect cases that stand in need of special explanation. These are cases
where functional diversity is either higher (over-dispersion) or lower (func-
tional diversity deficit) than expected (see for example Webb et al. 2002). The
appropriateness of particular metrics will depend upon the explanatory or pre-
dictive target, although we note that common metrics show strong correlation
with one another in many circumstances (Vellend et al. 2011, p. 207).
(ii) Phylogenetic diversity as a surrogate
Phylogenetic diversity has been employed as a surrogate for a wide variety
of valuable features of ecological communities and ecosystems. For example,
Srivastava et al. (2012) argue that phylogeny largely determines interactions
among species, and so could help predict the cascade of extinctions through
ecological networks and hence the way in which those extinctions impact
ecosystem function. So, on this account, phylogenetic diversity is at least a
surrogate for ecosystem function.
Forest et al. (2007) find a stronger correlation between phylogenetic diver-
sity and feature diversity than between species diversity and feature diversity.
So they recommend that we employ phylogenetic diversity, rather than species
diversity, as a surrogate for feature diversity. Faith et al. (2010) argue that we
should recognise phylogenetic diversity as a surrogate for features of value to
human well-being:
We argue that an evolutionary perspective is essential for developing a better under-
standing of the links between biodiversity and human well-being. We outline the ser-
vices provided by evolutionary processes, and propose a new term, ‘evosystem
services’, to refer to these many connections to humans. (Faith D.P. et al. 2010, p. 66)
our empirical and philosophical justification for such uses. In the final section
of this chapter it is this question about justification to which we turn.
Intrinsic Value
The idea that biodiversity has intrinsic value is enshrined in the Convention on
Biodiversity. It is also a central tenet of deep ecology (Naess 1986). Despite its com-
mon currency, intrinsic value is capable of multiple interpretations which causes
considerable confusion in moral reasoning (O’Neill 1992 p. 119). At least two inter-
pretations are plausible in the current context.
One is the idea that biodiversity has intrinsic value in the sense that it has value
over and above its instrumental value. This interpretation is further dependent on
what we count as ‘instrumental’. If we tie instrumental value to narrow economic
purposes, then there seems to be considerable non-instrumental value in biodiver-
sity. If we tie it to a broader set of psychological benefits (provided by recreation,
aesthetic appreciation etc.) then the domain of non-instrumental value seems cor-
respondingly smaller and more difficult to characterise.
A second interpretation is that biodiversity has intrinsic value in the sense that it
is valuable independently of the valuations of valuers. It does after all seem that the
biosphere would remain a locus of value even if some selective extinction event
caused the demise of humanity or even the extirpation of all species capable of rea-
soning about value. But value in this sense seems almost impossible to quantify
precisely because it cannot be tied to evaluative judgements made by economic
30 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
implausible that common emotional responses to nature will justify general mea-
sure of biodiversity.
Instrumental Value
This idea has been championed particularly by Dan Faith. For excellent discussions of the option
value represented by biodiversity see Faith (1992, 1994, 2013).
32 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
expressed enthusiasm for the option value idea (Maclaurin and Sterelny 2008, sec-
tion 8.4) we now think that the answer lies elsewhere.
The crucial problem with option value is that it ties the value of biodiversity to
judgements about value made by ordinary people (consumers in the economist’s
terms). Clearly actual assessments of such option value will be difficult (Norton
1988). Even if we could assess such judgements, human beings are not good at
reasoning about risk and they have limited biological knowledge. So it might be that
people’s actual assessments about the option value in natural systems would be very
poor guides to the likely effects of conservation on future human communities or on
future ecosystems. If we hedge our bets to maximise future outcomes then we
should do so based on our best information about the probability of such outcomes
rather than on the estimates that consumers might make about such outcomes.
In light of these issues, the value of biodiversity is better analysed as an instance
of consequentialism, broadly applied. We should conserve biodiversity, not because
people want to, but because doing so will on average lead to better outcomes for
people and human communities of perhaps more broadly for moral patients (organ-
isms capable of experiencing suffering).5
However, even the consequentialist interpretation faces an important objection
developed at length in chapter 6 of Maier (2012). It might be objected that our
uncertainty about future states of the biosphere and future goals and preferences of
people implies that conservation based on a general measure of biodiversity is as
likely to produce net harm as it is net benefit (after all, the species we are conserving
include many whose effects on human populations are currently unknown).
There are of course instances in which diversity works against us, as when we are
threatened by a diversity of pathogens. That said, ours is an extremely successful
species with an extremely broad niche. We have become adept at harnessing a great
variety of features of the natural world to an astounding variety of ends. The number
of species that pose a serious threat to humanity is a vanishingly small proportion of
the total species count. Moreover, a great number of weeds and pests are not harm-
ful in their native habitat, but only become harmful when that habitat is radically
disturbed or when they are introduced by humans into other ecosystems (Baker
We therefore think it implausible that conserving unremarkable species will on
average produce more harm than benefit. Put another way—were possible, at the
press of a button, to destroy all those species and biological communities not known
to be of special value to humanity, we think it would be irrational to do so. Humanity
(and perhaps other sufficiently sentient species) would almost certainly be worse
off. So where we cannot assess the likely payoff for conserving an individual unre-
markable species, it is nonetheless rational to assume that that payoff will be posi-
tive. This does not of course tell us anything about how large such a payoff will be
and we acknowledge that there is an interesting and difficult question about weigh-
ing the benefits of such conservation against the opportunity cost of forgoing alter-
Although not explicitly consequentialist and still somewhat confusingly called option value, the
approach taken by Faith (2013, p. 72) is similar to the current proposal.
The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity 33
We have argued that the best general justification for the conservation of biodiver-
sity comes from its instrumental value. We also note that there are many types of
such value and that the consequences of conservation focused on instrumental value
in general are inherently uncertain. The nature and location of aesthetic, recre-
ational, and other cultural values will inevitably be subject to disagreement.
Moreover, we are not in possession of the full facts about the ways in which existing
species and ecosystems can benefit (or harm) us and we know even less about the
effects that conserved species and ecosystems will have on us and our descendants
in the future. Can we harness this uncertainty as a means of developing a general
measure of biodiversity?
We have argued that, leaving aside species whose value is currently well under-
stood e.g. charismatic megafauna, economically important crops etc., we are war-
ranted in spending some amount of time and effort in the large-scale conservation
of biodiversity via some general measure. So we should conserve at least some of
Sober’s unremarkable species on the grounds that they might be valuable in some
respect, but we cannot predict which respect that will be. This implies that a general
measure of biodiversity should not aim at conserving particular features, but rather
at conserving a maximal variety of features.
While it is sensible under some circumstances to measure variety of features or
of functions, characterisation of overall biological diversity (of the sort attempted
by Numerical Taxonomy) fails on philosophical grounds. It is not possible to cap-
ture differences in morphology6 across the whole range of biological form because
the idea of the occupation of morphospace makes sense only where we can anchor
the dimensions of some particular morphospace to actual biological characteristics
of closely related species (Maclaurin and Sterelny 2008, p. 15). The idea of a global
morphospace is logically untenable because, as Goodman (1972, p. 437) argues,
similarity and difference only make sense if we have some antecedent means of
Note that in treating this problem is essentially about morphology, we are running form and func-
tion together. This is because we think that, were we to measure all biological form and all biologi-
cal function, the two groups of characteristics would intersect at the level of physiological traits.
So any attempt to develop an overall measure of functional diversity will face the same problems
that must be overcome in the development of an overall measure of morphological diversity.
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34 C. Lean and J. Maclaurin
See for example the very wide variety of morphospaces discussed in McGee (1999, 2007).
Indeed, it is notable that discussion of “convergent evolution in theoretical morphospace” (2007,
pp. 90–2) actually focusses on a theoretical morphospace that models diversity in a single clade,
namely the bryozoans (McKinney and Raup 1982).
The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity 35
as a character and (2) that all characters across all clades are of equal significance or
contribute equally to biodiversity. To make this more concrete, we would have to
assume that there is a fact of the matter as to how many characters contribute to the
evolution of human cognition and that the biodiversity represented by the evolution
of human cognition is of the same magnitude as the evolution of an equivalent num-
ber of characters in some other clade(s) for some other purpose(s).
We have argued that uncertainty about the application of the current maze of mea-
sures of biodiversity results, in part, from uncertainty about our reasons for conserv-
ing biodiversity in general. This is problematic for decisions about large-scale
conservation, particularly where such conservation includes species and ecosystems
whose instrumental value is currently unknown. We have argued that, in such cases,
use of a general measure of biodiversity is justified on the grounds that it will best
hedge our bets against current and future uncertainty about the location of instru-
mental value and the needs and preferences of human populations. If we are right, a
general measure of biodiversity should aim at the maximisation of feature diversity.
The most effective and tractable such measure will be one based on phylogenetic
Acknowledgements Thanks to Daniel Faith, Philippe Grandcolas, James Justus, Arne Mooers,
Roseli Pellens, Kim Sterelny, Ted Toadvine and the many others who provided helpful
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework:
Linking Evolutionary History to Feature
Diversity for Biodiversity Conservation
Daniel P. Faith
Abstract Feature diversity refers to the relative number of different features repre-
sented among species or other taxa. As a storehouse of possible future benefits to
people, it is an important focus for biodiversity conservation. The PD phylogenetic
diversity measure provides a way to measure biodiversity at the level of features. PD
assumes an evolutionary model in which shared features are explained by shared
ancestry. This avoids philosophical and practical weaknesses of the conventional
interpretation of biodiversity as based on some measure of pair-wise differences
among taxa. The link to features also provides a family of PD-based calculations
that can be interpreted as if we are counting-up features of taxa. The range of feature
diversity calculations assists comparisons of methods, and helps overcome the cur-
rent lack of review and synthesis of the variety of proposed methods for integrating
evolutionary history into biodiversity conservation. One family of popular indices is
based on the evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) measure. These indices all have the
limitation that complementarity, reflecting degree of phylogenetic overlap among
taxa, is not properly taken into account. Related indices provide priorities or other
scores for geographic areas, but do not effectively combine complementarity, prob-
abilities of extinction, and measures of restricted-range. PD-based measures can
overcome these problems. Applications include the identification of key biodiver-
sity sites of global significance for biodiversity conservation.
This book addresses important concepts, methods, and applications related to the
increasingly important role of evolutionary history in biodiversity conservation. The
preservation of the rich heritage represented by the evolutionary history of taxa is a
natural conservation goal (e.g. Mooers and Atkins 2003). This fundamental rela-
tionship between evolutionary history and conservation goals traces back at least to
the IUCN 1980) proposal that taxonomically distinctive species may deserve greater
conservation priority. At about the same time, Soulé (1980), in his book, Conservation
biology: an evolutionary-ecological perspective, articulated a broad evolutionary
perspective for conservation, and argued that “reduction of the biological diversity
of the planet is the most basic issue of our time.”
The term “phylogenetic diversity” is relevant to these biodiversity conservation
perspectives. The term can be traced back to the introduction of the “PD” phyloge-
netic diversity index (Faith 1992a, b, 1994a). PD was designed as a simple measure
of the degree of representation of evolutionary history (by a given set of taxa). Faith
(2002) summarised the basic definition and rationale for PD: “representation of
“evolutionary history” (Faith 1994b) encompassing processes of cladogenesis and
anagenesis is assumed to provide representation of the feature diversity of organ-
isms. Specifically, the phylogenetic diversity (PD) measure estimates the relative
feature diversity of any nominated set of species by the sum of the lengths of all
those phylogenetic branches spanned by the set.”
That summary mentions species, but Faith (1992a, b) in fact applied PD from the
outset not only to phylogenies whose tips were species, but also to phylogenetic
pattern among genetic haplotypes or populations, in order to set spatial priorities to
conserve within species genetic diversity (see also Faith et al. 2009). The common
element across these levels is the inference of underlying diversity, where the units
of variation are features or traits of taxa. This link to “features” reflects the attempt,
through PD calculations, to address a fundamental concern of biodiversity conser-
vation - unknown variation, with unknown future values. Faith (1992a, b) suggested
that the interpretation of phylogenetic diversity as a measure of feature diversity
helps to clarify its link to conservation values: “Diversity is seen as important as the
raw material for adapting to change (McNeely et al. 1990), and so provides what
McNeely et al. (1990) and others call ‘option value’: a safety net of biological diver-
sity for responding to unpredictable events or needs. The diversity of features repre-
sented by a subset of species provides option value in ensuring not only that one or
more members of the subset can adapt to changing conditions, but also that society
may be able to benefit (e.g. economically) from features of these species in response
to future needs.”
Examples of these benefits include many from bioprospecting. For example,
Smith and Wheeler (2006) have used phylogeny to assess potential for new discov-
eries of piscine venoms. Pacharawongsakda et al. (2009) have applied PD to help
find natural products from microbes. Another interesting example is found in the
study of Saslis-Lagoudakisa et al. (2012). Phylogenetically-related plants have
provided a key medical component, discovered independently in the plants found in
three different regions.
This perspective accords well with the IUCN (1980) argument for conservation
of diversity in order to ensure benefits “for present and future use”. Reid and Miller
(1989) echoed these ideas in their early paper, “Keeping options alive: the scientific
basis for conserving biodiversity” (see also Wilson 1992; McNeely 1988; Faith
1992a, b). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA 2005) summarised this
The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature… 41
general link between biodiversity and option values: “Biodiversity loss is important
in its own right because biodiversity has cultural values, because many people
ascribe intrinsic value to biodiversity, and because it represents unexplored options
for the future (option values)”.
Option value therefore reflects not only the unknown future benefits from known
elements of biodiversity, but also the unknown benefits from unknown elements.
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) also called for “a ‘calculus’ of bio-
diversity, so that gains and losses at the level of biodiversity option values can be
quantified”. These ideas are echoed in the conceptual framework for the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
(IPBES; UNEP 2013) which says that values “include bequest value – in other
words, the preservation of nature for future generations – or the option values of
biodiversity as a reservoir of yet-to-be discovered uses from known and still unknown
species and biological processes, or as a constant source, through evolutionary pro-
cesses, of novel biological solutions to the challenges of a changing environment.”
The PD measure is an attempt to make inferences about “features” as units of
variation, including features that are not yet known to science. Faith (1994a, b)
characterised PD as one case of a general framework for biodiversity assessment
that uses pattern-process models to link objects and lower-level units. In general, the
biodiversity units are the things we would like to count up, and the objects contain
various units. Typically, many units remain unobserved/unknown, and a pattern-
process model defines relationships among the objects, enabling inference of the
relative numbers of units represented by different sets of objects (Faith 1994a, b).
Thus, PD provides the specific case where species (or haplotypes or populations)
are the objects, features are the units, and the pattern-process inferential model is
based on evolutionary processes of cladogenesis and anagenesis, manifested in phy-
logenetic pattern.
The link from phylogeny to feature diversity has supported the wide application
of PD. For example, Huang et al. (2012) advocated the use of PD in conservation
based on their finding that it provides a much stronger link to “trait diversity”, rela-
tive to species. Jono and Pavoine’s (2012) study of threat diversity as a determinant
of the extinction risk in mammals assessed the consequences of species declines
used PD with the rationale that it “is becoming a key criterion in conservation stud-
ies because it can reflect the variety of unique or rare features of a species.”
This rationale has extended to application of PD within ecosystems, where the
conservation/management goals focus on maintaining ecosystem functions and ser-
vices. For example, Cadotte and Davies (2010) argued that “maximizing the
preservation of PD will also tend to maximize the preservation of feature diversity,
including unmeasured, but ecologically important traits” (see also Gravel et al. 2012).
Studies also link PD, feature diversity, and option values. For example, Larsen
et al. (2012) argued that “it is difficult to provide a robust proxy for ‘option value’ –
the potential value to society – as these values are not yet realized”, and concluded
that “a compelling argument can be made that maximizing the retention of phyloge-
netic diversity (PD) should also maximize option value, as well as diversification
and adaptation of the species in a future of climatic change”. The influential study
of Forest et al. (2007) also highlighted the importance of PD as a link to feature
42 D.P. Faith
Fig. 1 For each tree, the tick marks correspond to loss in PD if each species from area B is lost.
The tick marks show how much PD is uniquely represented by that area. PD endemism sees the
scenario on the left as implying greater endemism of area B, compared to the scenario on the right.
The We method cannot distinguish between the two scenarios because it ignores a critical aspect of
phylogenetic context, called complementarity
remains the core measure of “diversity”, but the other calculations capture other
aspects – for example, expected change in biodiversity as a result of extinction.
Useful PD calculations for biodiversity comparisons among geographic locali-
ties include PD-dissimilarities between places or samples (see Lozupone and Knight
2005) and PD-endemism (Faith et al. 2004; illustrated in Fig. 1). Another useful
calculation is “expected PD”, based on estimated probabilities of extinction. Here,
species’ estimated extinction probabilities indicate amounts of “expected PD loss”
(discussed further below; see also Faith 2008, 2013). All these calculations operate
as if we are applying the standard species-based measures at the features level.
Thus, these newer calculations make sense, given the interpretation of PD as count-
ing-up features.
This interpretation has helped to justify other recent proposed extensions of PD.
One important case is the integration of abundance information. Faith and Richards
(2012) noted that a PD-based Hill numbers framework (Chao et al. 2010; see also
Chao et al. chapter “Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A
Framework Based on Hill Numbers”) can be interpreted as an application of the
standard species-level Hill numbers calculation, but with evolutionary features
(as indicated by PD) substituted for species. Thus, the basic PD evolutionary model
provides a simple justification for a phylogenetic measure integrating abundance
46 D.P. Faith
the phylogenetic tree for which the species is a member. Thus, a species that is taxo-
nomically (phylogenetically) distinctive will have a high W value reflecting its rela-
tively few close relatives. The key index derived from W is the We index (each W
value is divided by the number of areas with that species, yielding We). An area
receives a score, equal to the sum of the We values of its species. This is to indicate
a degree of endemism that integrates phylogeny.
Faith et al. (2004) compared those measures to the phylogenetic diversity mea-
sure, PD, and its associated calculations. Faith et al. argued that the We indices for
areas differ from PD in not considering the degree of phylogenetic overlap/non-
overlap among species (phylogenetic complementarity), and so may fail to effec-
tively represent evolutionary history in priority sets of species or areas. A simple
example of the problem is illustrated in Fig. 1. The We method cannot distinguish
between the scenarios, yet the PD-endemism value differs for the two.
A family of relatively new measures, while based on PD, also does not fully
account for complementarity. ED (“evolutionary distinctiveness”; Isaac et al. 2007;
see also Collen et al. 2011) divides up the total PD among all species on the given
phylogeny. This provides a fixed score for each species, reflecting its contribution to
the total evolutionary history (PD). A species receives a partial credit for each
ancestral branch. Thus, ED appears to capture the idea of complementarity among
species. However, a key limitation is apparent when species ED scores are com-
bined to provide scores for areas or for sets of priority species. Here, the ED
approach does not take phylogenetic complementarity among the species into
account. For example, consider the phylogenetic tree in Fig. 2. Based on summed
ED scores, we cannot distinguish between an area with four closely related species
and an area with four distantly related species; yet the scenario on the right corre-
sponds to higher PD.
Such limitations may be critical in assessing diversity within communities or
assemblages. In this context, phylogenetic diversity may be predictive of function-
ality or productivity (Cadotte et al. 2009). Dalerum (2013) set out to investigate the
possible correspondence between phylogenetic diversity and functional diversity
for assemblages of large carnivores. While Dalerum referred to “phylogenetic
diversity” and to “PD”, in fact, their study used ED, not PD. Dalerum calculated ED
for each species and then “estimated the ED of each assembly as the sum of the ED
of contributing species.” As the simple example of Fig. 2 shows, this summed ED
score will not correspond to the total PD. Unfortunately, the Dalerum study there-
fore provides little useful evidence for the claimed relationship between phyloge-
netic and functional diversity in assemblages of large terrestrial carnivores.
These same issues arise for regional or global studies. An interesting study by
Daru et al. (2013) on mangroves “identified biogeographic regions that are rela-
tively species-poor but rich in evolutionary history.” While the study presented
results referring to loss of “mangrove phylogenetic diversity”, in fact, the measure
used was based on ED calculations. Daru et al. argued for the significance of the
finding that “areas with a high proportion of species experiencing global declines
correspond to areas of unique evolutionary history” arguing that “the loss of cur-
rently threatened species might still have a disproportionate impact on mangrove
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The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature… 47
Fig. 2 Two drawings of a hypothetical phylogenetic tree. For this simple tree, the ED value is the
same for every species. Given the unit length branches, it is 1 + ½ + ¼ + 1/8 + 1/16 = 1.94. Dark
branches in each case indicate the PD represented by the species in an area. On the left, the area
has four closely related species and on the right, the area has four distantly related species – and
higher total PD. The PD on the left is 9 units, compared to a much higher PD of 15 on the right
48 D.P. Faith
some distinctiveness “weighting”. For example, Gotelli and Chao (2013), in the
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, claim that we can calculate “PD” by appropriately
weighting the species and then applying conventional species indices such as rich-
ness: “The concept of traditional diversity can therefore be extended to consider
differences among species.... Differences among species can be based directly on
their evolutionary histories, either in the form of taxonomic classification (referred
to as taxonomic diversity) or phylogeny (referred to as phylogenetic diversity (PD))
… weighting each species by a measure of its …phylogeny.”
The relationship between ED and PD has been investigated previously for calcu-
lations that use probabilities of extinction. An EDGE score (Isaac et al. 2007) sim-
ply multiplies extinction probability by ED- evolutionary distinctiveness (a score
that gives each species some partial credit for ancestral branches). Naturally, that
arbitrary partial credit and multiplication is not a particularly good way to determine
changing expectations about the diversity that persists as the status of species
changes. Faith (2008) showed how the arbitrary partial credit and multiplication in
EDGE-type methods does not take phylogenetic complementarity into account, and
so will not do a good job in determining conservation priorities delivering high
expected PD. Faith also suggested that such priorities can be set by directly looking
at expected PD gains and losses. May-Collado and Agnarsson (2011) and Kuntner
et al. (2011) also concluded that the PD methods are better in achieving the goal of
phylogeny-based conservation than EDGE.
These results are relevant to an interesting study by Safi et al. (2013), who set out
to “identify regions of the world where priority species are concentrated, much like
the original definition of the biodiversity hotspot.” They identified those regions/
countries having the “highest accumulation of top mammal species ranked in terms
of their EDGE score” and argued that “Conservation resources would therefore be
best allocated among the countries in these regions to protect mammal species with
the highest EDGE scores.”
Unfortunately, this may be a weak guideline for the efficient use of limited con-
servation resources. Their study recalls the issues raised by the use of ED methods
in the Daru et al. study, where a given ED score could correspond either to phyloge-
netically clumped species and a large PD loss (as in Fig. 1, left), or phylogenetically
dispersed species and smaller PD loss (Fig. 1, right). Once again, the potential PD
loss arising from a given area loss is not well-indicated by a summation of ED (or
EDGE values), because phylogenetic complementarity is ignored.
Recent extensions of the ED methods provide some important modifications to
take into account species’ range extent and abundance; however, these interesting
innovations may suffer similar problems to those described above. Cadotte et al.
(2010) introduced one important extension by taking into account numbers of indi-
viduals of a given species in a community or ecosystem. The rationale, analogous to
that of conventional ED, is that individuals differ in their representation of evolu-
tionary history or phylogenetic diversity, and can receive partial “credit” for a given
ancestral branch. Given that PD has been linked to ecosystem functioning (e.g.
Cadotte et al. 2008, 2009), the loss of some individuals (e.g. those from species with
few individuals and uniquely representing some long branches) should set off alarm
The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature… 49
bells if we want to maintain ecosystem functions. Cadotte et al. argue that their
measure “can be used by managers to identify individuals, and by extension species,
whose loss corresponds to the greatest loss of evolutionary information. If, as has
been proposed, evolutionary history captures functional diversity necessary for eco-
system processes and services (e.g. see Cadotte et al. 2008), minimizing this loss of
evolutionary diversity might maximize the preservation of ecosystem function.”
Their basic measure, AEDi, follows the partitioning logic of ED; here, it records
the share of all branches credited to any individual of species i. A problem is that,
when AEDi values are summed over individuals, complementarity once again is
ignored. This implies that the score for a set of individuals (say, those lost under a
nominated management regime) cannot be a reliable indicator of potential PD loss –
yet it is PD that matters, given its link to functions. We can see the problem by
adapting the example of Fig. 1, imagining that the terminal branches represent indi-
viduals. The AED scores for the set of four individuals on the left (marked with B)
is the same as that on the right; yet, the loss of PD feature diversity and perhaps
functional diversity is much greater in the scenario on the left. Consequently, there
seems to be no justification for Cadotte et al.’s claim that AED can be “used by
managers to identify individuals, whose loss corresponds to the greatest loss of
evolutionary information. … minimizing this loss of evolutionary diversity might
maximize the preservation of ecosystem function.” For a single individual, AEDi
may be a useful index, but if a management strategy potentially impacts numerous
individuals, AED will not provide a good comparative index of PD loss.
A measure similar to AED is the “biogeographically weighted evolutionary dis-
tinctiveness” metric (BED or BEDT; Cadotte and Davies 2010). BED extends ED
by also partitioning the credit among (for example) the grid cells occupied by each
species in a region. In this way, range extent information for species is incorporated
along with phylogenetic distinctiveness. For species i, BEDi is a weighted sum of
the ancestral branch lengths. Each length is weighted by the inverse of the sum, over
all descendent species of the branch, of the number of cells occupied by the descen-
dent species (if each descendent species is found in just one cell, then BEDi is the
ED of species i). The BEDT score for a cell is the sum of the BEDi scores for all
species i found in the cell. Thus, restricted range species that also uniquely represent
deep branches will count a lot in the overall scores for grid cells or other areas.
As an example, in Fig. 3, suppose that we can only protect one area. Which is
best? For the Area (1) in Fig. 3a, the BEDT score is BEDa + BEDb + BEDc +
BEDd. The BEDi for each of these four member species (a, b, c, d) is the same, and
is equal to m/1 + L/5. Here, the length L is divided by 5 because a, b, c, d, and x each
are found in one area; thus, the sum of the number of cells occupied is 5. The BEDT
score equals 4 times (m/1 + L/5), or 4 m + 4(L/5).
For the Area (2) in Fig. 3b, the BEDi for each of the four member species again
is the same, and equal to m/1 + L/5. The length L again is divided by 5 because A
and the four sister species each are found in one area. The BEDT score for Area (2)
is BEDA + BEDB + BEDC + BEDD, or 4 m + 4(L/5). BEDT therefore makes no
distinction between the two areas. In contrast, the PD offered by Area (2) is much
greater. Thus, BED fails to detect a huge gain in raw PD (and in restricted range PD)
50 D.P. Faith
Fig. 3 Portions of hypothetical phylogenetic trees occurring in two areas. (a) Area (1)
uniquely has species a, b, c, d which are on small branches of length m, and are at the end of a long
branch of length L. Species x is not found in Area (1), but uniquely occurs in some other area. (b)
Area (2) uniquely has species A, B, C, D, which are on small branches of length m, and are at ends
of different long branches of length L. For each member species, four other sister species on small
branches of length m all uniquely occur in some other area
that could be achieved through protection of the area in Fig. 3b. BED (and the
related method of Tucker et al. 2012), is not effective for setting conservation priori-
ties that reflect both phylogenetic diversity and range-restrictedness. I conclude that
there is little justification for Cadotte et al.’s conclusion that “Metrics such as BEDT,
which combines evolutionary diversity and rarity into a single measure of diversity,
may allow a more holistic approach to conservation prioritization.”
I noted above that PD gives priority to Area 2 in Fig. 3b, because it offers almost
4 times as much PD. However, this basic PD calculation does not take range rarity
into account. Weighted PD-endemism or “PE” (the sum of branches represented in
an area, each inverse-weighted by its range, expressed as number of cells; Rosauer
et al. 2009) also gives priority to Area 2, because it scores Area 1 with a PE score of
4 m + L/2, and Area 2 with a higher PE score of 4 m + 4(L/2).
PE has an interesting property analogous to ED, in that a given cell receives pro-
portional credit for a branch (analogous to the basic ED score where a species gets
proportional credit for branches). PE performs well in the example above; however,
it shares a weakness of ED, when combined with probabilities and summed-up to
provide overall scores. To see this, I consider a recent study of the phylogeny of
Malagasy lemuriformes (Gudde et al. 2013). This study set out to identify places
The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature… 51
area-based conservation priority setting?” They claim that EDR indicates high pri-
ority conservation areas. However, this modified ED score, when summed to pro-
duce EDR area scores, again will not reflect PD (Fig. 2), nor amount of PD that
would be lost (Fig. 1).
An alternative, incorporating range information, is a modification of PE.
A threatened-PE (TPE) area score only counts up threatened branches (e.g. those
having only threatened descendents; see also Faith 2015). If the range-extents of
many species are declining, TPE may be an effective simple index to monitor over
time. The TPE of an area will increase if more of its species/branches are threatened
or if range extent decreases for some of its species.
In the examples presented above, assessments of sets of taxa (and/or areas) focussed
on two related goals. One was the assessment of losses in PD (as in Fig. 1) and the
other was assessment of gains in PD (as in Fig. 2). Regarding gains, it is apparent
that some indices may fail to record a large gain in PD, because they do not detect
the degree to which a set of taxa is spread out phylogenetically. Regarding losses,
some indices may miss a large loss in PD because they do not take into account the
fact that a set of taxa are clumped phylogenetically. The latter case is a particularly
important one, given that these scenarios may correspond to “phylogenetic tipping
points”, where long, deeper, branches of the phylogeny are lost (see Faith et al.
2010; Faith and Richards 2012),
The theme of PD gains and losses is a critical one also for the conservation
assessment of geographic areas. For species/taxon priorities, the expected PD meth-
ods have advantages over the ED and EDGE approaches for estimating expected
gains or expected losses (Faith 2008). The application of expected PD by Jono and
Pavoine (2012), noted above, provided an example of such an effective assessment
of PD expected gains or losses. We also need effective estimates of the expected PD
gains or expected PD losses for entire areas or regions.
Expected PD will have advantages over other methods for assessments of areas.
For example, the study of Safi et al. (2013), discussed above, highlighted the impor-
tance of identifying regions having a concentration of threatened species and phylo-
genetic diversity. However, they focussed on the “highest accumulation of top
mammal species ranked in terms of their EDGE score.” Similarly, Gudde et al.
(2013) set out to identify places with a concentration of threatened phylogenetically
distinctive and rare species. Both studies, while identifying important assessment
issues for the future, unfortunately applied methods that do not fully integrate the
principle of phylogenetic complementarity. The expected PD framework may pro-
vide an effective way to address such assessment goals.
The identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) is one important context for
future work of this kind. KBAs are defined as sites of global significance for biodi-
versity conservation: “contributing significantly to the global persistence of
The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature… 53
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
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Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary
History: How Does Non-random Extinction
Prune the Tree-of-Life?
K. Yessoufou
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of South Africa,
Florida, Gauteng, South Africa
e-mail: [email protected]
T.J. Davies (*)
Department of Biology, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
There is mounting evidence that we are entering a sixth mass extinction (Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment 2005), and the future of biodiversity is at risk due to the
high rates at which biological diversity – species, habitats, evolutionary diversity –
is being eroded. Species are experiencing unprecedented pressures across their
ranges owing to global change, including increased invasion success of aliens
(Winter et al. 2009), habitat destruction (Vitousek et al. 1997; Haberl et al. 2007),
climate change and climate variability (Willis et al. 2008, 2010). Consequently,
approximately 30 % of assessed species are currently categorised as threatened by
the IUCN, and a greater proportion may be committed to extinction in the near
future (Thomas et al. 2004). Current rates of species loss might be 1,000–10,000
times greater than past extinction rates (Pimm et al. 1995; Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment 2005) with particularly elevated rates in tropical biomes (Vamosi and
Vamosi 2008), known for their unique life-form diversity. At the ecosystem level,
with the loss of species, we also lose their contributions to overall ecosystem func-
tioning and services. The loss of ecosystem services is of particular concern because
human survival relies strongly on key services such as food production, plant pol-
lination, medicinal plants, clean water, clean air, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestra-
tion, climate stability, recreation, tourism, etc. – which are provided by a well
functioning system of biological diversity.
It is well established that human activities can drive extinctions within a short
period of time (Baillie et al. 2004; Mace et al. 2005a). Because human population
has increased exponentially over the last centuries, and is expected to reach nine
billion by 2050 (
p2300reportfinalc.pdf), pressure on natural ecosystems is also predicted to increase,
yet at the same time there will be an even greater demand for the ecosystem services
provided by biologically diverse natural systems. As a result, the rate of species
extinction is projected to rise by at least a further order of magnitude over the next
few hundred years (Mace et al. 2005b), potentially decreasing the provisioning of
ecosystem services at a time when demand is growing. Understanding how the
ongoing extinction crisis will impact the provisioning of critical ecosystem services
is therefore a matter of urgency.
Quantifying the ecosystem contributions of individual species is a major chal-
lenge. Current estimates of global diversity vary by over an order of magnitude (see
e.g. May 2010), with the vast majority of species (86 % and 91 % of terrestrial and
oceanic diversity, respectively) remaining unknown to science (Mora et al. 2011).
An in-depth understanding of species ecologies is therefore impractical for most of
life; at best, we might be able to infer their placement on the tree-of-life. Whilst
there is now a general consensus on the positive link between biodiversity and eco-
system function (Hooper et al. 2012), there has been growing evidence suggesting
that evolutionary history provides a more informative measure of biological diver-
sity than traditional metrics based upon richness and abundance (e.g. Faith 1992;
Faith et al. 2010; Davies and Cadotte 2011; see also Srivastava et al. 2012 for a
comprehensive review). It is suggested that evolutionary history might better capture
Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction… 59
Extant species represent just a small fraction of all the species that have ever lived
(Jablonski 1995; May et al. 1995; Niklas 1997). This standing biodiversity is the net
difference between cumulative speciation and extinction over the evolutionary his-
tory of life on Earth. Both the processes of speciation and extinction are therefore
intrinsic parts of Earth’s natural history. Much effort has gone into exploring geo-
graphic and taxonomic patterns of diversity, looking to answer why some regions
and some taxa are more species-rich than others. Recent debate has contrasted
explanations based upon ecological limits and times for speciation (e.g. see Rabosky
and Lovette 2008). Comparisons between sister taxa, which are by definition of
equal age, allow us to control for time for speciation, and thus differences in rich-
ness must reflect either variation in speciation or extinction rates (Barraclough et al.
1998). Such comparisons have shown that diversification rates have been higher in
more tropical lineages (Davies et al. 2004; Rolland et al. 2014), but that higher
tropical species richness is most likely a product of both faster rates and longer
times for speciation (Jansson and Davies 2008). However, high diversification might
be explained by high speciation rates, low extinction rates or a combination of both,
and until recently, it has not been possible to reliably disentangle the two.
Unraveling the processes of extinction and speciation remains a major challenge
(Benton and Emerson 2007). The fossil record is often thought to provide the most
reliable documentation of speciation and extinction, yet the cumulative fossil record
suggests that speciation rate increases inexorably through time (Raup 1991; Nee
2006; Benton and Emerson 2007), whereas there is growing evidence suggesting
that species accumulate in bursts, and speciation rates decline over time (Simpson
1953; Schluter 2000; Gavrilets and Vose 2005; Scantlebury 2013). Phylogeny
provides an alternative tool for reconstructing evolutionary process (Harvey et al.
60 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
1994). Nee et al. (1994) illustrated how extinction rates could be estimated from
phylogenetic trees (but see Rabosky 2010), but assumed constant rates model. New
methods, for example, BiSSE (Maddison et al. 2007) and GeoSSE (Goldberg et al.
2011), relax this assumption, and allow us to estimate extinction and speciation
rates simultaneously, for example, with the gain or loss of particular character states
(BiSSE) or shifts in geographic distributions (GeoSSE). Phylogeny-based analysis
of diversification provides some limited evidence for increasing speciation through
time (e.g. Barraclough and Vogler 2002; Linder et al. 2003; Turgeon et al. 2005),
but again, a scenario of rapid radiation followed by a decline in speciation rate over
time appears to be more common (Harmon et al. 2003; Shaw et al. 2003; Kadereit
et al. 2004; Machordom and Macpherson 2004; Morrison et al. 2004; Williams and
Reid 2004; Xiang et al. 2005; Kozak et al. 2006; Weir 2006; Phillimore and Price
2008; Scantlebury 2013). This pattern could be linked to a density-dependent model
of ecological opportunity and/or reflect punctual mass extinctions (e.g. Yessoufou
et al. 2014) that open up new niche space for subsequent radiations (Crisp and
Crook 2009). Recently, using phylogenetic information on the Cape Floristic
Region, Davies et al. (2011) suggested that the processes of speciation and extinc-
tion may be inextricably linked.
Speciation and extinction are part of life’s natural history, and to achieve equilib-
rium in standing diversity, speciation must equal extinction (Raup 1986). Even the
classic MacArthur and Wilson (1963, 1967) model of island biogeography suggests
that species richness is a dynamic equilibrium between immigration, speciation and
extinction. However, today this balance is increasingly biased towards extinction
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005), and we risk moving towards a new low-
diversity state as it is not possible to manipulate speciation rates to match current
losses (Barraclough and Davies 2005). Whilst there is increasing evidence that evo-
lutionary processes can occur over ecological time scales (Kettlewell 1972; Endler
1986; Kinnison and Hendry 2001; Ashley et al. 2003), speciation can take a longer
time to complete, whereas extinctions are occurring over much shorter time spans
(Barraclough and Davies 2005). Even for the most famous examples of rapid spe-
ciation, such as Lake Victoria cichlids, diversification rates are estimated over 100’s
to 1000’s of years, and evidence of ‘reverse-speciation’ indicates that speciation
might not have been complete (Seehausen 2006). By contrast, rates of extinction are
now estimated at many times background rates (Vitousek et al. 1997; Butchart et al.
2004), and are occurring over 10’s to 100’s of years.
Extinction Trends
Whilst the scale of current species loss parallels that of mass extinction events in the
paleontological past (May et al. 1995; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005),
unlike past extinctions which were caused by abiotic factors such as asteroid strikes,
Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction… 61
volcanic eruptions, and natural climate shifts, the current crisis is driven largely by
human activities, and is perhaps the first mass extinction event that can be attributed
to a biotic cause. Current estimates indicate that 10–30 % of mammals, amphibians
and birds are threatened with extinction (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
Taxonomic groups are not, however, equally at risk of extinction. Among terrestrial
vertebrates, amphibians have the highest proportion at at-risk species, with at least
a third of ~6600 known amphibians threatened with extinction (Wake and
Vredenburg 2008). It is estimated that 12 % and 20 % of continental birds and mam-
mals, respectively, have already been lost (Wilson 1992), but with a higher rate of
loss observed on islands (Lohle and Eschenbach 2011). In fish, of the ~2,000 spe-
cies that have been assessed 21 % are considered at risk of extinction (IUCN 2010).
Our knowledge of extinction risks in invertebrates is much poorer; however, of the
1.3 million known invertebrates, less than 10,000 species have been assessed, of
which 30 % are threatened (IUCN 2010).
In plants, extinction trends appear to be even more alarming, but estimates need
to be interpreted carefully. For example, over 70 % of Red-listed species of flower-
ing plants are classified as at risk of extinction (category VU or higher) (IUCN
2010). This proportion is much higher than that reported for vertebrate groups
(22 %), but as yet only a very small fraction of total plant diversity has been assessed
(~13,000 of >300,000 species), and a trend towards focusing on some of the most
obviously vulnerable species might bias our estimates of threat upwards. For clades
with more complete sampling, such as cycads, the proportion of threatened species
remains high (>80 %), but perhaps this ancient group that peaked in diversity in the
Jurassic–Cretaceous (Jones 2002; Taylor et al. 2009) when dinosaurs roamed the
Earth, is not representative of current seed plant diversity. One recent attempt to
estimate the true proportion of threatened species within angiosperms using a statis-
tical model to correct for sampling bias – the sampled Red List – has suggested that
the percent of at-risk plant species might actually be more comparable to that for
mammals (
The spatial congruence in taxonomic richness across taxonomic groups has been
well described globally (Grenyer et al. 2006), with the richest areas of the world
found in highly productive environments at low latitudes and in mountainous
regions (Orme et al. 2005). Similarly, there is a geographical pattern in the distribu-
tion of rare and threatened taxa, which has been shown at the global scale for verte-
brates (e.g. Grenyer et al. 2006), and at various scales for plants (e.g. Zhang and Ma
2008; Davies et al. 2011; Daru et al. 2013). However, hotspots of richness and rarity
or threat do not necessarily coincide (Grenyer et al. 2006). For example, vertebrate
richness peaks on the Neotropical mainland, but bird rarity concentrates on oceanic
island archipelagos, the diversity of rare mammal species peaks on continental shelf
islands and rare amphibian species are more centered on continental landmasses
(Grenyer et al. 2006). The variation in geographical patterns of rarity may be par-
tially linked to differences in relative dispersal ability across taxa. Spatial variation
in extinction risk additionally reflects differences in the distribution of threats facing
each group. For example, invasive species and overexploitation are key threats for
birds whereas overexploitation is the major driver of species loss in mammals
62 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
(Baillie et al. 2004), and climate change, pollution and transmissible diseases are
important in amphibians (Stuart et al. 2004).
Explaining why some species appear predisposed to higher extinction risk than oth-
ers is an important goal for conservation research (McKinney 1997). The five main
extinction drivers include habitat loss, climate change, increased pollution, resources
over-exploitation and invasive species (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005),
and all are linked directly or indirectly to anthropogenic pressures. These drivers
parallel Jarred Diamond’s ‘evil quartet’ (Diamond 1984, 1989), but with the more
recent addition of climate change, and Diamond additionally included the possibil-
ity of extinction cascades in which secondary extinctions follow the loss of key
species, for example, due to the disruption of ecosystem processes. We can further
simplify this list into extrinsic (e.g. climate change) and intrinsic factors (e.g. eco-
logical traits such as population density and species life-history traits such as body
size and gestation length) (Cardillo et al. 2005). Extrinsic factors might help explain
geographic variation in extinction risk, whereas intrinsic factors might better explain
taxonomic patterns; however, highest risk is where driver intensity associated with
extrinsic factors overlaps with species intrinsic vulnerability. In addition, species
are increasingly likely to be exposed to multiple drivers, and this will likely further
exacerbate risk of extinction (Brook et al. 2008).
Holocene extinction event, there was a mass extinction of much of the mammalian
megafauna, resulting in a loss of several complete ecological guilds and their preda-
tors (Cione et al. 2003). Size selectivity in extinction risk has been long-recognised
(e.g. Pimm 1991; Lawton 1995; Pimm et al. 1988; Cardillo and Bromham 2001;
Johnson 2002), and there are many potential explanations. Large-sized mammals
might be more extinction-prone because of generally lower average population den-
sities (Damuth 1981), putting them at greater risk from stochastic population
dynamics. High risk in large bodied mammals might also reflect the negative cor-
relation between intrinsic rates of population increase and body mass (Fenschel
1974), and thus longer recovery times following population declines. There might
also be an increased propensity for humans to exploit larger species (Bodmer et al.
1997; Jerozolimski and Peres 2003). The relationship between species traits and
extinction risk, however, is not straightforward, because of the complex interaction
between intrinsic and extrinsic drivers, and different clades might have very differ-
ent predictors (e.g. see Cardillo et al. 2008).
Cardillo and colleagues (2005) demonstrated that risk in small-sized mammals
(<3 kg) was largely determined by extrinsic factors including the size and location
of geographical ranges. However, the predisposing factors in the larger size class
include both intrinsic species properties (e.g. population density, neonatal mass and
litters per year) and extrinsic factors. Such fine-scaled analyses can help address
whether extinctions are linked to ‘bad genes’ or ‘bad luck’ (Raup 1993; Bennett and
Owens 1997). For mammals, it appears that extinction in small bodied species is
more likely a case of bad luck, driven by extrinsic factors. For larger bodied species,
bad genes, that is, genes controlling intrinsic traits such as body size and life history
are additional aggravating factors promoting extinctions.
Compared to vertebrates, the distribution and drivers of extinction risk in inver-
tebrate communities has been poorly explored. However, a recent study estimated
that one-fifth of invertebrate species may be threatened with extinction, with fresh-
water species at particular high risk (Collen et al. 2012). Collen and colleagues
suggested that the greater threat to freshwater species was predominantly driven by
agricultural pollution and dam construction, invasive species and waterborne dis-
eases. More generally, and perhaps unsurprisingly, species that are less mobile and
with limited geographic ranges, such as freshwater mollusks, tend to be at higher
risk (Collen et al. 2012). In marine ecosystems, however, the market values of some
invertebrates correlate strongly with their risk of extinction, e.g. invertebrate species
considered luxury seafood (Purcell et al. 2014), providing an exception to the gen-
eral trend for greater threat to be observed in larger-sized species.
The phylogenetic distribution of extinction risk in mammals has also been of
much interest. In mammals, it has been suggested that species subtending from
longer phylogenetic branches, and thus representing greater unique evolutionary
history, are at higher risk of extinction (Russell et al. 1998; Purvis et al. 2000a). This
pattern matches to Wilson’s (1961) ‘taxon cycle’, which predicts that older species
would have higher extinction probabilities as species expand and contract in their
geographical distributions over their evolutionary lifetimes. Although, as originally
described, the taxon cycle referred to the distribution of species on islands (ants on
64 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
islands in Melanesia), the concept has been extended to include species on conti-
nents (e.g. see Ricklefs and Bermingham 2002). Alternatively, it might simply echo
the pattern of historical extinctions, in which older species represent survivors of
once more diverse clades (Purvis et al. 2000a). However, the precise relationship
between extinction risk and evolutionary age remains debated (Verde et al. 2013).
Further, patterns of extinction risk in plants appears to show an opposite trend, with
higher risk associated with young species in species rich (Schwartz and Simberloff
2001; Meijaard et al. 2007) and more rapidly diversifying clades (Davies et al.
2011), suggesting that predictors of extinction in plants might be very different to
those for mammals.
Species extinction in the plant kingdom is predominantly the result of habitat loss,
for example through deforestation. Tropical forests, which cover less than 7 % of
the world land area, contain over 50 % of global biodiversity (Dirzo and Raven
2003), but these unique habitats are being destroyed at unprecedented rates
(Laurance 1991; Achard et al. 2002) as a result of rapid human population growth
and economic development. In tropical Asia and Africa, over 40 % of the primary
forests is already lost (Wright 2005). This drastic reduction in forest cover has had
a devastating impact on plant diversity (Sodhi and Brook 2006). Although there is
some evidence that, globally, recent rates of deforestation are slowing, we likely
owe a large extinction debt due to the time lag between habitat loss and species
losses predicted from the reduction in area. Thus, even should we be successful in
preserving the remaining forest cover, many species might still be predicted to be
lost over the following decades as habitats return to a new, lower diversity, equilib-
rium state. This extinction event will likely be exacerbated by the effects of ongoing
climate change as local climate conditions shift and species are forced to either
adapt to new conditions or track climate space (Willis et al. 2008).
Plant responses to environmental change are difficult to predict. With warming,
plants might adapt by shifting their phenologies – the timing of life history strate-
gies – for example flowering earlier and losing leaves later (Parmesan 2007). Recent
work indicates significant phylogenetic conservatism in flowering phenology
(Davies et al. 2013), suggesting that there might be some evolutionary constraints to
species adaptive responses. If the velocity of climate change is high, species may
not have the necessary time to adjust their phenological responses. Alternatively,
species might track suitable climates, for example by shifting their distribution
northwards or towards higher elevations (Sandel et al. 2011). Species already
restricted to high elevation biomes might then be particularly vulnerable as increased
warming may result in the reduction of suitable habitat and, at the extremes, com-
plete habitat loss. In the biodiversity hotspots of the Eastern Arc Mountains of East
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Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction… 65
66 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
cost effective to prevent species declines before they begin versus reestablishing
viable populations for species that have already suffered declines and may have lost
much of their natural range. Preserving intact habitats will almost always be easier
and cheaper than returning transformed habitats to their natural states.
A justification for placing emphasis on the preservation of phylogenetic diversity
per se is that phylogenetic diversity captures feature diversity (Faith 1992; Crozier
1997; see also section “Feature diversity and evolutionary models of character
change”), and thus preserving the set of species that maximizes phylogenetic diver-
sity also maximizes the possibility of having the right set of features in an uncertain
future. Forest et al. (2007) provided an example of the utility of phylogenetic diver-
sity in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa by demonstrating that preserving
the phylogenetic diversity of the flora would maximize future options for the benefit
of society through a continued provisioning of key ecosystem services. To date,
empirical examples of conservation actions implemented explicitly to protect phy-
logenetic diversity are rare; however, one recent effort spearheaded by the Zoological
Society of London’s EDGE programme specifically aims at focusing conservation
attention on evolutionary distinct species at risk of extinction. These EDGE species
are distinct not only in the history of their evolutionary past, but perhaps also in the
functional roles they might fill within ecosystems. The extinction of EDGE species
might therefore result in the loss of important ecosystem functions and services for
which we have no species substitute. Some EDGE species (e.g. elephants and pan-
das) are well known, but many others (e.g. Chinese giant salamanders and the pecu-
liar long-beaked echidnas) have been overlooked by traditional conservation
strategies (see Isaac et al. 2007, 2012).
Critically, the utility of phylogenetic metrics and methods in conservation biol-
ogy relies upon the accuracy of the underlying phylogenetic topology and, if we are
interested in capturing feature diversity, the evolutionary model of character change
along the branches of the tree, a point we explore further in the following sections.
We have discussed above how the process of extinction is non-random with respect
to species traits and geography. For example, extinction will tend to remove large-
bodied species with slow life histories and narrow niches, and species in regions
with high intensity of extinction drivers. Because many of the traits linked to extinc-
tion risk (e.g. body size, generation time, dispersal ability etc.) demonstrate phylo-
genetic conservatism (Fritz and Purvis 2010), such that they tend to be clustered on
the phylogeny, extinctions will also tend to cluster on the phylogeny. Whereas evi-
dence for trait-based explanations for plant extinctions is mixed (Freville et al.
2007; Bradshaw et al. 2008; Sodhi et al. 2008; Davies et al. 2011; Daru et al. 2013),
68 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
phylogenetic selectivity in extinction risk might also result from a geographical pat-
tern in the drivers of extinction, for example, range elevation might determine a
species vulnerability to climate change (Sandel et al. 2011). If closely related spe-
cies also tend to have close geographical proximities, perhaps reflecting shared
habitat preferences or the geographical process of speciation, they will then also be
exposed to similar intensity of extinction drivers. There is an increasing weight of
evidence suggesting that extinction risk is generally more clustered on a phylogeny
than expected by chance (Bennett and Owens 1997; Purvis et al. 2000a; Schwartz
and Simberloff 2001), a pattern also observed within the fossil record. Extinction
will thus prune the tree-of-life non-randomly. However, how this non-random prun-
ing might impact the loss of evolutionary history has been a subject of recent debate.
Extinction prunes species from the tips of the tree-of-life, resulting in the loss of
terminal branches. In a frequently cited paper, Nee and May (1997) used simula-
tions to explore the expected loss of evolutionary history (quantified as the summed
branch lengths from the tree-of-life) under various extinction intensities. Perhaps
surprisingly, they found that up to 80 % of the tree would remain under even extreme
extinction scenarios in which 95 % of species were lost. However, their simulations
were unrealistic in two regards. First, they assumed extinction events were ran-
dom – the field-of-bullets model, in which extinction is independent of species’
traits and thus also phylogeny. If extinctions are clustered on a phylogeny, we might
also lose the internal branches of the tree that connect them, and thus experience a
greater overall loss of phylogenetic diversity (Russell et al. 1998; Purvis et al.
2000a). Second, their expectation was derived assuming a phylogeny based on a
coalescent model, which generates a highly unrealistic distribution of branching
times, with most branches clustered towards the present (see Fig. 1a), and does not
fit to most empirical estimates of phylogenies. Importantly, coalescent trees tend to
be ‘tip-heavy’ such that most branching events are short and clustered towards the
present (tips of the tree). Therefore, under this model, most extinctions remove only
short terminal branches from the tree, and most major lineages survive even extreme
pruning of tips. Empirical phylogenies tend to have a very different distribution of
branching times (e.g. Rabosky and Lovette 2008; see also Fig. 1b, c for pure birth
and birth-death tree). Mooers et al. (2012) explore further how tree shape impacts
the expected loss of phylogenetic diversity. The phylogenetic non-random distribu-
tion of extinction risk and the shape of empirical phylogenies might therefore sug-
gest that we risk losing a disproportionate amount of evolutionary history from the
A suite of empirical studies were to follow on from the early work of Nee and
May, and emphasized both the phylogenetically non-random nature of species’
extinctions and a greater than random loss of phylogenetic diversity (e.g. Purvis
et al. 2000a; Purvis 2008; Vamosi and Wilson 2008). A link between non-random
Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction… 69
a b
Fig. 1 Comparison of branching times for different tree reconstruction models of size 128 tips. a
Coalescent model in which branching clusters towards present; b pure birth model in which all
lineages have an equal probability of splitting (b = 1.0) and no lineages go extinct (d = 0); c birth-
death model in which lineages have equal rates of splitting and extinction (birth = 1.0, death = 0.2)
extinction and greater than random loss of phylogenetic diversity seemed intuitive;
if two sister species are lost to extinction, not only do we lose the unique phyloge-
netic diversity captured in the branches from which they subtend, but we also lose
the ancestral branch that is shared between them (see Fig. 2). However, in a more
recent study, again using simulations, but this time assuming both a more realistic
model of diversification and a range of phylogenetic signal in extinction probabili-
ties, Parhar and Mooers (2011) suggested that the loss of phylogenetic diversity
under phylogenetically non-random extinctions was more or less indistinguishable
from random (see also Heard and Mooers 2000). Seemingly, the observation of
phylogenetic signal in extinction risks and the non-random loss of phylogenetic
diversity are not necessarily connected directly.
Observations for greater than random losses of phylogenetic diversity that have
been inferred for many clades under realistic extinction scenarios likely reflect the
70 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
Species C
Species B
Species A
Fig. 2 Ultrametric phylogenetic tree with three tips (A, B and C) and four branches with lengths
in millions of years (Myrs). If tip taxa A and C become extinct, we lose two branches and 3 Myrs
of evolutionary history from the tree. If sister taxa A and B become extinct, for example, because
they share a phylogenetically conserved trait that predisposes them to high risk, we also lose 3
Myrs of evolutionary history, but this time three branches are lost from the phylogeny
a b
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4
Time Time
Fig. 3 Simulations showing accumulation of trait variance over time assuming a Brownian motion
model of trait evolution a in which variance increases in proportion to time, versus a punctuated
model of trait evolution b in which trait change occurs in bursts at speciation, and a pure-birth
process of phylogenetic branching (see also Ingram 2011; Davies 2015)
72 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
equal weights) following the approach of Witting and Loeschcke (1995). Extinction
categories were first converted into extinction probabilities, p(ext), following
Mooers et al. (2008) and assuming IUCN designations projected to 50 years. We
then compared observed losses to expectations from the same distribution of p(ext),
but randomly assigned to species at the tips of the phylogeny (100 replicates). Last,
we explored the relationship between phylogenetic signal, estimated using Pagel’s
(1999) Lambda, and the loss of evolutionary history by evolving traits along the
branches of simulated phylogenetic trees. Here, we assume a birth–death tree
(b = 0.2, d = 0, size n = 240), in contrast to the unrealistic coalescent trees used by
Nee and May (1997). Based on the simulated trait values, a constant fraction of spe-
cies (the top 25 %, as this broadly matches the proportion of threatened mammal
species in the IUCN Red List) were then assigned high risk of extinction
(p(ext) = 0.75).
Our results reveal that under a speciational model of evolution, non-random
extinction prunes more branches from the tree-of-life (see also Fig. 2), but that the
loss of summed branch lengths (Faith’s PD) does not depart significantly from ran-
dom expectation (Davies and Yessoufou 2013). Although there is a weak trend for
greater loss of phylogenetic diversity (PD) and number of branches lost with
increasing phylogenetic signal in extinction risk, there is large variance in PD loss
under random pruning such that observed losses typically overlap to a greater extent
with the null distribution. In contrast, there is much less variance in the number of
pruned branches such that random extinctions of equivalent intensity would prune
similar number of branches. Therefore, observed number of branches loss more
often falls outside the null distribution from randomizations (Fig. 4).
There is an increasing call for prioritizing efforts towards the conservation of phy-
logenetic diversity (Mace et al. 2003; Forest et al. 2007; Davies et al. 2008). Implicit
within this conservation agenda is an assumption that species diverge in their eco-
logical and morphological traits more or less linearly through time, and thus that the
evolutionary distance between species captures their functional differences. We
(Davies and Yessoufou 2013) explored scenarios where this assumption is violated,
and feature diversity occurs in bursts at speciation, matching to a punctuated model
of trait evolution. Our results illustrate that projected extinctions might prune more
branches from the tree-of-life than predicted from the same number of extinctions
randomly distributed across the phylogeny; however, the loss of summed branch
length might be no greater than expected by chance.
We do not suggest that punctuated evolution is necessarily a better model of trait
change, but rather we emphasise the need for a more explicit consideration of evo-
lutionary models if our aim is to maximize feature diversity. Recent advances in
comparative methods have allowed comparisons between alternative evolutionary
models, and frequently find strict Brownian motion to be a poor fit to observed trait
Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction… 73
0.14 ● ●
● ●
Fig. 4 Results from simulated extinctions with varying levels of phylogenetic clustering (Lambda)
across 100 random birth–death trees (see Fig. 1c) assuming p(ext) = 0.75 for the top 25 % of spe-
cies. Light grey boxes = expected loss of PD for empirical branch lengths (assuming phylogenetic
gradualism or a Brownian motion model of trait change); dark grey boxes = expected loss of PD
assuming equal branch lengths (matching to a punctuated model of trait change). Simulations with
Lambda = 0 are equivalent to random extinctions. This figure is similar to that in Davies and
Yessoufou (2013), but presents a new set of stochastic simulations
data (e.g. Blomberg et al. 2003; O’Meara et al. 2006; Harmon et al. 2010). It remains
possible that Brownian motion might still best capture aggregate species differences
even when individual traits diverge from a Brownian motion model, assuming traits
are evolving independently or when selective regimes fluctuate over time (Felsenstein
1988). However, this expectation has rarely been evaluated using empirical data.
Finally, we note that our understanding of the distribution of phylogenetic diver-
sity across space and among communities might also be informed by further consid-
eration of evolutionary models. For example, traditional metrics of phylogenetic
diversity tend to correlate very closely with species richness (Rodrigues et al. 2005),
although it is possible to identify regions of greater or lower phylogenetic diversity
than predicted from species richness alone, for example, by looking at residual vari-
ation (e.g. Forest et al. 2007; Davies et al. 2008). The covariation between evolu-
tionary history and species richness might exhibit very different properties under
alternative evolutionary models, but as far as we are aware, there have not yet been
any equivalent studies exploring such models in geographical space.
74 K. Yessoufou and T.J. Davies
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Phylogenetics and Conservation in New
Zealand: The Long and the Short of It
a b
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic trees illustrate the evolutionary relationships of species. a Influence of sam-
pling on apparent cladogenesis. Pruning branches (grey) from the top phylogeny results in an
apparent long branch for the remaining clade singleton (bottom). b Long branches where (top)
unbalanced branch lengths result from different rates of molecular evolution at the gene used to
make the tree (or wrong outgroup), and (bottom) equal rates of molecular evolution but different
rates of speciation
3. Taxa on short branches nested within a clade, but accompanied by other charac-
ter information on their distinctiveness (morphology, behaviour, habitat type)
could be important representatives of evolutionarily innovative lineages.
For large organisms such as birds and mammals and many plant groups it is rela-
tively easy to know how complete is taxon sampling amongst extant biota. In most
cases existing taxonomy and checklists provide strong indicators. However, for
smaller organisms, classification is often incomplete, taxa are not described and
there are many instances of misclassification because character analysis has been
lacking. Thus the significance of branch length is tempered by other information
and the most phylogenetically diverse types of life on earth are severely
Our understanding of bird evolution has been advanced rapidly through the use of
molecular phylogenies that have demonstrated that birds began to diversify before
the K/Pg boundary (Cretaceous/Palaeogene, formerly K/T; about 65 million years
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Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and the Short of It 85
ago) (e.g. Penny and Phillips 2004). This finding countered opinions established on
a formerly deficient fossil record that extinction of dinosaurs and associated fauna
at K/Pg provided the impetus for subsequent bird diversification. Much of this phy-
logenetic work has centred on analysis of mitochondrial genome data (mitogenom-
ics; e.g., Pratt et al. 2009; Morgan-Richards et al. 2008; Slack et al. 2007; Gibbs and
Penny 2010), although multilocus nuclear data have started to be generated from
high throughput DNA sequencing (NGS) and advanced bioinformatics (e.g.,
Hackett et al. 2008; Jetz et al. 2012; McCormack et al. 2013). Recent analyses have
focused on teasing out the timing of lineage formation using calibration with fossils
or other information. Naturally sampling has been directed at representation of
maximum putative taxonomic diversity, especially at the level of orders, and within
this, families. A curious artefact of this approach is a sampling bias reflecting not
biology but researcher location. For instance, in the analysis of Pacheco et al. (2011)
there are many New Zealand birds at the tips of long branches. New Zealand birds
are included as representatives of four orders; Strigiformes (owls), Psittaciformes
(parrots), Coraciiformes (rollers and their relatives) and Passeriformes (song birds),
and three of these represent lineages estimated to have diverged before the K/Pg
boundary (Fig. 2).
On the face of it, this is exciting evidence that New Zealand harbours ancient
bird lineages that could be seen as consistent with the hypothesis that the continen-
70.11 NZ sacred kingfisher
Dollar bird
Wrinkled hornbill
Silvery-cheeked hornbill
Southern ground-hornbill
72.50 Ivery billed aracari
Pileated woodpecker
White-tailed trogon
Zebra finch
Steelblue widow finch
Eastern orphean warbler
53.39 Eurasian redd warbler
Superb lyrebird
Fuscous flycatcher
Grey-headed broadbill
Fig. 2 New Zealand birds on long branches. Part of the mitogenomic phylogeny of modern birds
redrawn from Pacheco et al. (2011), featuring clades arising from the deepest nodes in the tree. The
New Zealand species are indicated on the relevant branches; Morepork/Ruru (Ninox novaesee-
landiae) orange, kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) green, NZ sacred Kingfisher/Kōtare (Todiramphus
sanctus) blue, rifleman/ tītipounamu (Acanthisitta chloris) pink. Numbers at nodes are estimated
ages in millions of years (Pacheco et al. 2011). Vertical yellow and red dashed lines indicate timing
of Gondwana/Zealandia separation and K/Pg boundary respectively (Images © Sabines’s Sunbird,
Mnolf, Fir0002, digika (respectively) – Wikimedia Commons)
86 S.A. Trewick and M. Morgan-Richards
tal crust of New Zealand has maintained deep phylogenetic diversity since isolation
of Zealandia from Gondwana (Trewick et al. 2007; Landis et al. 2008). However,
including more bird species in the analysis and information about the distributions
of closely related species (within the same genus and family) refutes an inference of
Gondwana origin for most of these. For example morepork/ruru (Ninox novaesee-
landiae) and NZ sacred kingfisher/kōtāre (Todiramphus sanctus) are species also
found outside of New Zealand (Trewick and Gibbs 2010; Goldberg et al. 2011). In
further analyses, the rifleman/ tītipounamu (Acanthisitta chloris) does remain sister
to the rest of the Passerine clade but the dates inferred are more recent than plate
tectonic separation (~40 MYA. Jarvis et al. 2014). An analytical problem associated
with long branches in phylogenetic trees is the tendency for them to be drawn to the
basal nodes. This “long branch attraction” is an artefact of repeated nucleotide sub-
stitution resulting in character convergence by chance, such that shared derived
characters states are not available to counter the effect (see Bergsten 2005). Thus
caution is always required when making inferences from long branches that appear
to have phylogenetically deep origins.
When biogeographic history is used to calibrate molecular clocks the impression
of ancient origins of lineages can be exacerbated. For instance Wright et al. (2008)
studied parrot evolution and used the timing of Zealandia/Gondwana breakup (~80
mya) to calibrate their molecular clock analysis. This approach rested on the
assumption that continental drift resulted in the origin of the lineage leading to
kākāpō (see Crisp et al. 2011). This is an appealing idea because the shared strati-
graphic history of Zealandia and Gondwana is well known (Campbell and Hutching
2011), and the kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) shows many derived traits not seen in
other parrots (e.g. flightless, lek breeding, nocturnal). As a result of this calibration
kākāpō and another native New Zealand parrot genus (Nestor) were placed on a
branch with its node at about 80 mya, apparently supporting the idea of an ancient
New Zealand origin of Strigopoidea (Wright et al. 2008). The reasoning is however
circular (Waters and Craw 2006), and the underlying assumption clearly falsified.
Wright et al. (2008) themselves noted that some over-sea dispersal of parrot ances-
tors was required to reconcile all parts of their biogeographic analysis. There is
separate direct evidence falsifying the hypothesis that Strigopoidea originated
through ancient breakup of Gondwana and Zealandia; the existence of a distinct
species of Nestor on the geologically young volcanic Norfolk Island (~900 km
north of NZ) until European time. Clearly birds in this lineage retained the ability to
move substantial distances over water (Christidis and Boles 2008).
More recent analyses using multiple fossil calibrations outside the parrots indi-
cate ancestry of this order (Psittaciformes) is probably more recent than both
Gondwana/Zealandia breakup and the K/Pg, (Pacheco et al. 2011; White et al. 2011;
Schweizer et al. 2011; Jarvis et al. 2014). Analyses retain the New Zealand
Strigopoidea as sister to other extant parrots, but inferences about the timing of
evolution of the “unique” traits associated with the tip species (alpine kea, temper-
ate kākā, flightless kākāpō) have little to do with the age of the lineage. Neither the
evolution of flightlessness in kākāpō nor the current exclusivity of their phyloge-
netic branch to New Zealand can be attributed to the base of the lineage; flightless-
Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and the Short of It 87
ness might have evolved anytime since formation of the lineage and extinction of
other members of this lineage that once existed outside New Zealand could have
occurred at any time in the past (see Fig. 1a).
Fossil parrot bones have recently been identified in New Zealand dating to
between 16 and 19 million years ago (Worthy et al. 2011). These have some mor-
phological features in common with the genus Nestor (kākā and kea) that are not
shared with living Australian parrots. There is, however, no available analysis test-
ing the plausibility of alternative systematic classification, and current evidence
does not preclude the former existence of Nestor-like parrots (Strigopoidae) in past
Australia or Antarctica; both are large landmasses that could have supported sup-
posedly New Zealand bird lineages.
Kōtare (NZ Sacred kingfisher) and Morepork/Ruru (owl) at the tips of long
branches (Pacheco et al. 2011) can readily be shown to offer spurious information
about the New Zealand biota. Both species also occur outside New Zealand, and
have many near relatives around the world. Thus, where a lineage is represented by
high diversity, the implications of long branches can be readily assessed, but truly
sparse lineages (in the extant biota) remain open to question. In contrast, short edges
are readily understood, but as morphological and behavioural evolution is not clock-
like, species with numerous unusual characteristics might have unexpected close
relatives. For example, the extinct New Zealand eagle (Harpagornis moorei) was
the largest eagle known in the world although it shared a common ancestor with the
Australian Little eagle (Hieraaetus morphonoides) just a few million years ago
(Bunce et al. 2005). Similarly, the takahē (Rallidae, Porphyrio hochstetteri) is flight-
less and the largest of its family, yet is closely related to a common flying species
(Trewick 1997; Garcia-R et al. 2014).
On a Reptilian Limb
The native New Zealand biota includes only two lineages of scaled reptiles
(Squamata), diplodactylid geckos and lygosomine skinks, but it also harbours one
other lepidosaurian lineage that is missing from the rest of the world
(Rhynchocephalia) (Fig. 3a). So although only two of the four reptilian orders are
found in New Zealand, the diversity does span an unparalleled phylogenetic scale
for this group of vertebrates. Furthermore, New Zealand species diversity is high
but only in some parts of the tree (Fig. 3b).
The tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) is very clearly out on a phylogenetic limb
and naturally this has resulted in much research interest on its ecology (Towns et al.
2007; Mitchell et al. 2010), reproduction (Cree et al. 1992; Cree et al. 1995; Miller
et al. 2009), parasites, immunology (Miller et al. 2007; Godfrey et al. 2010), phylo-
geography (Hay et al. 2009) and conservation (Daugherty et al. 1990). The node
uniting Sphenodon with the geckos and skinks may date to Triassic time (>200
mya), although that does not mean that geckos or skinks or Sphenodon originated
then. In terms of phylogenetic sampling, molecular data for New Zealand lepido-
88 S.A. Trewick and M. Morgan-Richards
1 species
>7000 species
Sphenodon punctatus
Oligosoma zelandicum
Oligosoma striatum
Oligosoma smithi
Oligosoma homalontum
Oligosoma moco
Oligosoma microlepsis
Oligosoma lichenigera
Oligosoma suteri
Oligosoma hardyi
Oligosoma levidensum
Oligosoma aenum
Oligosoma otagense
Oligosoma waimatense
Oligosoma acrinasum
Oligosoma taumakae
Oligosoma infrapunctatum
Oligosoma pikitanga
Oligosoma grande
Oligosoma chloronoton
Oligosoma longipes
Oligosoma lineocellatum
Oligosoma nigriplantare nigriplantare
Oligosoma nigriplantare polychroma
Oligosoma inconspicuum
Oligosoma notosaurus
Oligosoma maccanni
Oligosoma townsi
Oligosoma whitakeri
Oligosoma oliveri
Oligosoma ornatum
Mokopirirakau granulatus
Mokopirirakau kahutarae
Mokopirirakau “Open Bay Islands”
Mokopirirakau “Okarito”
Mokopirirakau “Cascades”
Mokopirirakau nebulosus
Mokopirirakau cryptozoicus
Mokopirirakau “Roy’s Peak”
Mokopirirakau “Southern North Island”
Dactylocnemis “Matapia”
Dactylocnemis pacificus
Dactylocnemis “Mokohinaus”
Dactylocnemis “Poor Knights”
Dactylocnemis “Three Kings”
Dactylocnemis “North Cape”
Torupuku stephensi
Hoplodactylus duvaucelii
Woodworthia “Southern Mini”
Woodworthia maculatus
Woodworthia “Mt. Arthur”
Woodworthia “Pygmy”
Woodworthia “Marlborough Mini”
Woodworthia “Kaikouras”
Woodworthia brunneus
Woodworthia “Cromwell Gorge”
Woodworthia “Central Otago”
Woodworthia “Otago/Southland”
Woodworthia “Southern Alps”
Tukutuku rakiurae
Fig. 3 a Cladogram of Lepidosauria (grey box outline) and related lineages 1. Rhynchocephalia;
2. Lizards; 3. Snakes; 4. Crocodiles; 5. Birds. b Phylogenetic tree for all New Zealand Lepidosauria
inferred using Maximum Likelihood analysis of mtDNA ND2 sequences from Genbank with GTR
model (RAxML- Stamatakis 2006) comprising the single extant species of Rhynchocephalia (Hay
et al. 2009), ~36 species of gecko (Nielsen et al. 2011), and ~40 species of skink (Chapple et al.
2009). The grey filled box indicates the region of the tree that provides no phylogenetic or biogeo-
graphic information about the lineages
Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and the Short of It 89
sauria is rich, with substantial studies that have drawn on many years of expert
searching (Chapple et al. 2009; Nielsen et al. 2011). There is little likelihood that
major lineages are missing from the analysis through failed sampling. The sampling
of likely relatives from outside New Zealand is also probably now sufficient to pro-
vide confidence that the gecko and skink radiations are each monophyletic and
As a representative of a lineage (Rhynchocephalia) that has been otherwise
pruned out, Sphenodon does have important conservation status because a single
species extinction would result in the loss of the entire lineage, not just in New
Zealand but across the globe. In contrast, New Zealand skinks and geckos would
have to undergo extinction of numerous species before their respective stem lin-
eages were lost, and even then they would be lost only in New Zealand; related
skinks and geckos elsewhere would retain the evolutionary potential of the group.
But this sort of thing must have been happening since the dawn of life on earth, and
in terms of taxonomic, biogeographic, ecological, and metabolic diversity, the rhyn-
chocephalids are already extinct. Sphenodon is sadly a museum piece that tells us as
little about evolution of reptiles as it tells us about New Zealand biogeography.
Sphenodon does say something about the influence of extinction on biodiversity but
gives only a tentative hint of the role of natural selection in this process. The global
demise of rhynchocephalia (Jones 2008) corresponds with diversification of squa-
mates, and though it is tempting to see evolutionary cause and effect, there is currently
no strong evidence for this (Evans and Jones 2010). However, in New Zealand, extant
geckos and skinks appear to have diversified from the Miocene onwards (Chapple
et al. 2009; Nielsen et al. 2011), whereas Sphenodon did not (or lost diversity as fast
as it gained it). Even though there is tantalising evidence that an ancestor of the tuatara
might have been present in New Zealand in the Miocene (Jones et al. 2009), there is
no evidence for Sphenodon diversification. Even amongst extensive Holocene fossils,
that include representatives of many vertebrate species extinguished soon after arrival
of humans, there is no additional Sphenodon diversity (Hay et al. 2008).
Because it is already rare and restricted to habitat-modified offshore islands,
Sphenodon conservation does not capture broad ecosystem diversity, although it is
host to an endangered species of tick (Miller et al. 2007). Conversely, the gecko and
skink lineages occupy diverse habitats in forested and open situations from coast-
line to alpine zone; preservation of either or both of those lineages would result in
conservation of ecological diversity across New Zealand. New Zealand geckos are
biologically interesting because of their viviparous mode of reproduction and abil-
ity to occupy alpine habitat; traits that are unique to the lineage and thus of conser-
vation significance.
ancestor (Darwin 1859; Theobald 2010), we can consider the phylogenetic value of
any species in the context of the whole (Fig. 4). This view of life based on DNA
sequences of full genomes reveals that phylogenetic diversity is dominated by
microscopic organisms and conservation of any visible life (fungi, plants, animals)
preserves very little evolutionary distinctiveness (Fig. 4; Ciccarelli et al. 2006).
Thus, as a starting point in the application of phylogenetics to conservation we
should put equal resources into maintaining diversity within the three major lin-
eages (or long branches): Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. However, the only species
we know sufficiently well to recognise a decline and have knowledge to remedy are
eukaryotes. In addition, it is the habitats provided by multicellular organisms that
we have invested resources into studying; habitats that host numerous interesting
lineages of Bacteria and Archaea (Eckburg et al. 2005).
Thousands of low-abundance taxa account for most of the observed phylogenetic
diversity in any environment. This “rare biosphere” contains a large proportion of
phylogenetic diversity and represents an enormous contribution to genetic distinc-
tiveness and evolutionary innovation (Sogin et al. 2006; Nee 2004a). After Anton
von Leeuwenhoek first looked at bacteria in lake water and material scraped from
his teeth in the seventeenth century, our understanding and appreciation of the dis-
tribution and abundance of microorganisms advanced relatively slowly. It is now
accelerating rapidly as technological developments allow us to obtain and analyse
large amounts of DNA data directly from environmental samples containing large
numbers of taxa (Lozupone and Knight 2008). Indeed the current state of technol-
ogy means that microbial genomes are tractable objects for whole genome sequenc-
ing. We will soon know whether the 4957 bacterial taxa found in soil of a commercial
apple orchard (Shade et al. 2012) is species rich (but phylogenetically restricted)
compared to a marine plankton net sample with 189 species of zooplankton
(Machida et al. 2009), or human skin with more than 205 species of bacteria from
19 phyla (Grice et al. 2009). Microbial phenotype arrays allow the gathering of far
more precise ecological detail about bacteria than is available for eukaryotes
(Bochner 2008). There is also emerging evidence of additional fundamental types
of life on Earth (Zakaib 2011).
As an example of the known unknowns, consider New Zealand sponges. Sponges
are multicellular (visible) marine animals of the phylum Porifera. In coastal water
around New Zealand 733 species of sponges have been recorded from 20 orders
(Kelly et al. 2006). As with much of the New Zealand fauna (see Trewick and
Morgan-Richards 2009), about 95 % of these are endemic to the region at the spe-
cies level. However, in themselves these species contribute little directly to global
diversity because other closely related species exist elsewhere. Generally sponges
are not endangered, although special regions of high diversity that exist in hydro-
thermal areas and on seamounts are under pressure from benthic trawling (Kelly
et al. 2006, and see Gianni 2004).
Nevertheless conservation of any sponge species or even population contributes
much more; sponges are home to distinct microbial communities (microbiomes) so
the total number of phyla preserved might reach more than 40. Sponges host rich
microorganism communities and with next generation DNA sequencing data the
number of known bacterial phyla in sponges has recently increased (Webster et al.
2010; Schmitt et al. 2012). Although many of the detected phyla are formally
described, such as the Algae, Fungi, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi (Green non-sulfur
bacteria), Cyanobacteria, Nitrospira, and Proteobacteria (Fig. 5), several new ones
have also been discovered in sponges (Turque et al. 2010; Webster et al. 2010;
Schmitt et al. 2012). A single sponge provides an environment that protects an
impressive array of phylogenetic diversity (Taylor et al. 2007). So how can we best
conserve the phylogenetic diversity harboured inside sponges? Will one species or
one geographic region suffice?
92 S.A. Trewick and M. Morgan-Richards
Euryarchaeota Chloroflexi
Proteobacteria Spirochaetes
Acidobacteria Cyanobacteria
Fig. 5 Each sponge is home to a community of microscopic life that encompasses the range of
known phylogenetic diversity on Earth. Here the major phyla found within a sponge microbiome
are named on the tree of life. The sponge pictured is Raspailia topsenti, one of five sympatric
sponge species studied by Schmitt et al. (2011) from New Zealand coastal waters (Phylogeny
redrawn from Ciccarelli et al. 2006. Image © Katie Dowle)
Samples from eight locations around the world detected 2567 bacterial taxa rep-
resenting 22 phyla living inside sponges (Schmitt et al. 2012), while three species
of Australian sponge held a total of 2996 bacteria taxa from 36 phyla (Webster et al.
2010). Different sponge species from the same environment possess distinct symbi-
otic communities. Some components of their bacterial communities appear to be
passed from parent to offspring while other components are acquired from the sur-
rounding seawater (Webster et al. 2010; Schmitt et al. 2012). Thus, although a few
bacteria are found in all sponges the majority are either host or region specific. For
example tropical sponges have microbial communities that are more similar to each
other than to the communities in subtropical sponges.
Schmitt et al. (2011) collected five sponge species from a single bay on the coast
of New Zealand. By focusing on just the bacteria that are members of the phylum
Chloroflexi they compared species diversity between sponges with either high or
low microbial abundance, and contrasted this with Chloroflexi diversity in the sur-
rounding seawater. Fifty-eight species of Chloroflexi were recorded from inside the
sponges, but only three species in the seawater (Schmitt et al. 2011). About half
these taxa were new to science. Ecologically important roles and specific associa-
Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and the Short of It 93
tions of Chloroflexi bacteria were inferred for the sponge species with high micro-
bial abundance as the majority of their bacteria fell into sponge-specific and
sponge-coral phylogenetic lineages (Schmitt et al. 2011). Thus any single sponge
species houses plenty of phylogenetic diversity but if we want to conserve all lin-
eages that are restricted to sponges, we need to conserve more than one sponge
Phylogenetic Extremities
Kākāpō do not need a long phylogenetic branch (thought they are on one) to justify
their conservation; their distinctive ecological traits are sufficient reason to protect
them. However, it is readily demonstrated, if not quantified, that an environment
capable of sustaining a viable population of this species would also sustain many
other taxa from soil bacteria to trees. Similarly, takahē (Aves, Rallidae, Porphyrio)
deserve protection because of their unusual ecological traits representing evolution-
ary adaptations lost elsewhere in the world through recent extinction, though takahē
are on a much shorter branch from their shared ancestor with a common living spe-
cies, than is the kākāpō. Species’ radiations such as geckos need a quite different
strategy that does not rely on long-branch status, to maintain their diversity, unusual
traits and associated communities. However, conservation of the substantive part of
diversity of life on Earth will benefit from next generation sequencing and emerging
bioinformatics tools that can identify assemblages of deeply divergent lineages
within definable, manageable biomes. Microbiomes are not well understood, and
therefore we are not well placed to determine which environments are home to the
greatest phylogenetic diversity. Until we have comparative data, we must strive to
maximize retention of ecosystem diversity on Earth, from human guts to forest
soils, parrot feathers to rocky shores. To maximise conservation of evolutionary
potential on Earth we need to pay more attention to our planet’s microbial diversity
94 S.A. Trewick and M. Morgan-Richards
and in doing so maintain ecosystem process to the benefit of the large appealing
species that are so popular.
Organic life beneath the shoreless waves
Was born and nurs’d in ocean’s pearly caves;
First forms minute, unseen by spheric glass,
Move on the mud, or pierce the watery mass;
(From The Temple of Nature. Erasmus Darwin 1802)
Acknowledgements We are grateful for the assistance of Ananias Escalante for access tree image
from Pacheco et al. 2011. Phoenix group members ( provided illuminating
discussion. The manuscript was improved by comments from two reviewers and the editors. The
authors were assisted by the Marsden Fund (Grant no. 12-MAU-008), administered by the Royal
Society of New Zealand.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Phylogenetics and Conservation in New Zealand: The Long and the Short of It 97
Abstract A relict is a species that remains from a group largely extinct. It can be
identified according both to a phylogenetic analysis and to a fossil record of extinc-
tion. Conserving a relict species will amount to conserve the unique representative
of a particular phylogenetic group and its combination of potentially original char-
acters, thus lots of phylogenetic diversity. However, the focus on these original char-
acters, often seen as archaic or primitive, commonly brought erroneous ideas.
Actually, relict species are not necessarily old within their group and they can show
as much genetic diversity as any species. A phylogenetic relict species can be geo-
graphically or climatically restricted or not. Empirical studies have often shown that
relicts are at particular risks of extinction. The term relict should not be used for
putting a misleading emphasis on remnant or isolated populations. In conclusion,
relict species are extreme cases of phylogenetic diversity, often endangered and
with high symbolic value, of important value for conservation.
P. Grandcolas (*)
Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB – UMR 7205 CNRS MNHN
UPMC EPHE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités,
45 rue Buffon, CP 50, 75005 Paris, France
e-mail: [email protected]
S.A. Trewick
Ecology Group, Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University,
Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, 4442 New Zealand
e-mail: [email protected]
emblematical and unique species. Such exemplar species that speak to everyone
from layperson to scientist, include the Coelacanth fish, the Tuatara squamate, the
Kiwi bird, the Platypus mammal, the Ginkgo tree, etc. All these species are said to
be relict, because they represent groups that are mostly extinct (Grandcolas et al.
2014). The message is that these species should be cared for, because their extinc-
tion would cause a loss of information about distinct sections of life on Earth and
their evolution. Generally, this powerful message is naively extended to characterize
the place where these species are found, implying that the biota as a whole is a kind
of Noah’s ark, globally worthy of consideration for conservation biology (see for
example, Gibbs 2006 for the case of New Zealand, or Thorne 1999 for Asia).
To our knowledge, everyone agrees with these views and even the most hard-
hearted companies or governments would difficulty take responsibility for destroy-
ing such emblematical “survivors”. The public message in endorsing this destruction
would be that they are the fools that spoil unique multimillion year antiques, even
worse than to break a Vase de Soissons into thousands of pieces or to lacerate a deli-
cate and wonderfully conserved Da Vinci painting. Even if very consensual, such
emotive views about relicts and biodiversity conservation are still often presented
informally, which prevent them to be fully scientific, i.e. theoretically justified,
measurable and repeatable.
If then we try to set aside the emotional aspects of these views about relicts, what
remains for conservation biology as a rational argument? Do relicts actually repre-
sent invaluable species for conservation purposes and why? Are they particularly
exotic cases that do not account for most situations encountered by land managers
or are they extreme cases of common situations? To answer these questions, we
need to carefully define relicts with phylogenetic and paleontological tools. The
properties of such characterizations need to be explored regarding the most impor-
tant issues in conservation biology.
By definition, a relict is something that remains from an entity that has mostly dis-
appeared (Merriam-Webster 2014; Lincoln et al. 1982). In evolutionary biology, a
relict species remains of a group that is mainly extinct (Grandcolas et al. 2014;
Fig. 1). The basis for this inference is the observation that a species stands alone on
a long phylogenetic branch, by comparison with a larger sister-group, because of
extinctions that occurred since the emergence of the stem group (Fig. 1). Formally,
identifying a relict species requires comparison of sister-groups with different spe-
cies numbers and characterization of extinction rates using phylogenetic tools on
molecular trees (e.g., Ricklefs 2007; Rabosky 2006). This is the notion of phyloge-
netic relict species is distinct from geographical or environmental or climatic relict
species where the relict state is defined according to spatial restriction supposedly
arising from extinction of relatives in other parts of the geographical or ecological
space (Habel and Assmann 2010; Hampe and Jump 2011). Here we will focus on
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic… 101
Fig. 1 Two different clades with a relict species “R” remaining after species extinctions (†) in the
right part of the clade. In the clade on the left (a), the relict is among the most recent species as
indicated by the position on the time axis (dotted line) while in the clade on the right (b), the relict
is among the most ancient species. It must be reminded that in most cases with lack of fossil
record, the clade would look like the third one on the bottom of the figure (c), with the relict species
alone on a long branch whose age is difficult to evaluate (c is like clade a or b)
Table 1 Theoretical characteristics of the different kinds of relicts with reference to the
evolutionary process involved, the criterion of characterization and the origin of the deep and long
branch. Any real situation is actually a combination of the two first theoretical cases and of the
third one to different extents. The third case, the geographical or climatic relict, is not necessarily
a relict sensu stricto but merely a remnant, if not positioned on a deep long branch
Kinds of relict process Criterion Deep long branch
“Numerical” relict Extinction Fossil record Built on extinction
“Phylogenetic” relict Low speciation Molecular rate Built on time
Geographical or climatic Area restriction Fossil record or Not necessarily
“relict” distribution
remains from a larger group because extinction rates are never totally zero.
Estimating the degree to which long branches have been generated by extinction or
by evolutionary stasis requires a combination of data from different research fields.
A long molecular branch, whatever its origin, will be most often diagnosed as the
result of extinction by methods of “lineage through time” plots (Ricklefs 2007;
Quental and Marshall 2010). Paleontological evidence is needed in addition to
molecular trees. If a group is known to have been much more speciose in the past, it
strongly indicates that the relict actually remains from a much larger and extinct
group. From this criterion comes the famous term “living fossil” coined by Darwin
(1876) himself: these “like fossils, connect to a certain extent orders at present
widely sundered in the natural scale.” Living fossil is however a misleading term
because it could lead to the belief that relicts remain globally similar to related fossil
taxa through some type of generalized evolutionary stasis (e.g., Eldredge 1987;
Eldredge et al. 2005; Parsons 2005). Evolutionary stasis is exceedingly difficult to
diagnose since we can always expect to unveil differentiation when we observe
more characters in the so-called living fossil and therefore to discard the stasis
hypothesis. Actually, none of the classic relicts has ever been found similar to early
fossil relatives after closer investigation, therefore refuting the idea of a generalized
evolutionary stasis. For example, the venom in Platypus is not archaic but totally
original, neither squamate nor mammal-type (O’Brien 2008), the coelacanth fish is
originally modern in its reproduction mode, being ovoviviparous (Casane and
Laurenti 2013). The term “panchronic” (e.g., Janvier 2007) has also been used in
this way with the same wrong assumption that relict taxa did not evolve.
Operationally, identifying relict most frequently relies on the phylogenetic crite-
rion because many groups have scanty paleontological records. To what extent this
is helpful and meaningful, given the limitations of “lineage through time” plots
(Quental and Marshall 2010; Crisp and Cook 2009; Dowle et al. 2013) is unclear.
The results obtained in macroevolutionary analyses are always reconstructions from
the past, based on incomplete samples and await confirmation by more studies;
proposal of a relict species requires a dedicated search for auxiliary evidence for
extinction, including an improved fossil record (Grandcolas et al. 2014).
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic… 103
Given this generally accepted definition (e.g., Simpson 1944; Brooks and
McLennan 1991), a relict is a species that will show a high phylogenetic diversity
score according to any metric (Rodrigues et al. 2005). This is a species that is on a
relatively long branch that separated from the remainder of the clade under consid-
eration (i.e. the relict and its sister-group). Therefore, both the position of the spe-
cies in the phylogenetic topology and the amount of divergence are remarkable.
Conserving a relict will contribute to preservation of a species with unique phyloge-
netic information and with many distinctive (say autapomorphic) characters.
Most of the problems with the concept of relicts come from associated concepts that
are not formally part of this definition. Because they are survivors, relicts are often
misleadingly considered as “missing links”, “living ancestors” or “primitive or
basal taxa.” These three last notions are based on a still common misunderstanding
of most basic issues in phylogenetics and evolutionary biology (Crisp and Cook
2005). They are based on the fallacious generalization to the whole species of phy-
logenetic results obtained on very small and biased samples of characters, suggest-
ing that a species would be globally “intermediate” or “primitive.” In a classic case
of circular reasoning, a few remarkably “primitive” characters observed in a living
species are traditionally considered to have originated very deep in the Tree of Life
and are misleadingly considered diagnostic of the globally primitive state of this
species and vice versa. The assumption is that searching for other characters would
necessarily show that they are also in a primitive state. This assumption is naive
because there are no reasons to assume that billions of phenotypic or genomic char-
acters in the same species have all been subject to a global evolutionary stasis. In
addition, this assumption has never been empirically met when such species are
studied further.
For example, Mastotermes darwiniensis, the sister group to all other termites is
present today only in Australia but found worldwide in the fossil record. It has pro-
foundly archaic wing venation, egg laying and female genitalia, but it also shows an
amazingly derived and multiflagellate spermatozoid (Legendre et al. 2008; Abe
et al. 2000). The small tree Amborella trichopoda that is endemic to New Caledonia
is considered to be the sister group to all flowering plants (Soltis et al. 2002). It has
very often been used as a proxy for the ancestral state of many phenotypic traits
(e.g., Friedman and Ryerson 2009). However, its mitochondrial genome is amaz-
ingly modern and composite, resulting from many horizontal transfers from diverse
organisms (Bergthorsson et al. 2004; Rice et al. 2013). There is no organism where
all characters are primitive or intermediate like a living ancestor. According to the
principles of phylogenetics, it is well recognized that an ancestor with all characters
plesiomorphic is therefore by nature paraphyletic and could not be characterized or
identified by even only one apomorphy (Nelson 1970; Engelmann and Wiley 1977).
In addition, and from a semantic point of view, the term “basal” is nonsensical since
104 P. Grandcolas and S.A, Trewick
two sister-groups are the same rank, one cannot be basal to the other (Krell and
Cranston 2004).
An interesting and neglected characteristic of a relict having survived extinctions
is that it is not necessarily a “deep-branching” or “old” species (Fig. 1a); the species
could have branched either recently or deeply within a group of which most mem-
bers of which are already gone (Grandcolas et al. 2014). A molecular phylogenetic
study, based only on extant taxa, will not be able to distinguish the age of the species
from lineage age (Fig. 1c), unless it permits the discovery of genetic diversity within
the crown group species (i.e. several species that were previously confused or sev-
eral haplotypes within the same species) which will allow the distinction from the
stem group. This possibility has been recently illustrated by exemplary studies bear-
ing on famous relict taxa: the coelacanth fishes (Inoue et al. 2005), the cycad plants
(Nagalingum et al. 2011), and the gymnosperms as a whole (Crisp and Cook 2011).
In these cases, the extant species have been dated as recently differentiated in very
old clades that mostly went extinct long ago. Therefore, conserving a relict does not
conserve an ancestor or a particular stage of an old evolutionary history but a unique
combination of character states representing a larger but mainly extinct group.
In the earliest papers on the subject, species were considered relicts according to an
inexplicit mixture of several components: taxonomic (now phylogenetic), climatic
(e.g., the famous glacial relicts) and geographic (Darwin 1876; Simpson 1944;
Darlington 1957; Holmquist 1962; Cronk 1992). All were considered because some
species show relict features under each of these criteria, being both phylogenetic
and geographic relicts. More recently, Parsons (2005) has drawn some interesting
106 P. Grandcolas and S.A, Trewick
inferences about the reasons why relicts (that he also called living fossils) can be
geographically limited or not. A typical and often cited case is the tree Gingko
biloba, found today only in a region of China and an amazing phylogenetic relict of
the large group of Gingkoales well known from the Cretaceous fossil record (Zhou
2009). This coincidence of criteria is however not always the case and some con-
spicuous phylogenetic relicts are quite widely distributed, including the horseshoe
crab (e.g., Selander et al. 1970) and some tropical bird species (Fjeldså 1994). It
appears then that the geographic or environmental criterion is secondary. Sometimes
it fits, sometimes it does not, and all relict species need first to be documented on a
phylogenetic basis. A “remnant” species strongly restricted geographically (typi-
cally isolated or peripheral) is not necessarily a relict that is isolated by extinction
of its closest relatives. Phylogenetic or genetic studies could infer other less expected
scenarios. The related group of the remnant could have been affected by both extinc-
tion and increase of neighboring distributions or the remnant may have originated
after a dispersal event from a large distribution source (Fig. 2).
The traditional view of geographical restriction still expressed by various authors
also considers the territories harboring one or several famous relicts as antique ref-
uges (Gibbs 2006; Heads 2009). Generally, this biogeographic reasoning is quite
circular, justifying the presence of relicts by the old geological age of the deep base-
ment and considering it as a Noah’s Ark (without consideration for more recent and
decisive paleogeographic events such as land submersion, major climatic changes,
etc.) and vice versa, without searching for independent biological evidence (Waters
a b
Fig. 2 Two theoretical examples showing how the assumption that a geographically restricted or
peripheral species is a relict can be falsified. These examples should be examined first with respect
to distribution areas only (upper part of the figure), and then with consideration for the phyloge-
netic tree and extinctions events († and spotted lines, lower part). In both cases, R? was falsely
believed to be a relict on a geographical basis alone (most peripheral and smallest distribution area)
while the actual relict X was not identified as such. In the first case (a), the species X was not
detected as a relict in the lineage because the distribution area of a neighboring species increased
since the extinction of relatives. In the second case (b), the species R? was the most peripheral and
isolated one because of a dispersal event from the zone where all the other species of the group
were located including the species that went extinct
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic… 107
and Craw 2006). Actually, the fact that a relict remains from a larger group that is
mainly extinct is a specific circumstance that makes difficult any inference of local
permanence because relatives have disappeared and cannot therefore inform about
the evolution of the distribution (Grandcolas et al. 2014).
Being a phylogenetic and a geographical relict at the same time is a frequent case
and it brings even more concern for conservation. The relict species is then not only
evolutionarily unique but also particularly vulnerable in case of local disturbance
because of its limitation to a reduced area. As emphasized by Rodrigues et al.
(2005), if this relict occurs in a small area that is not species-rich, it is even more
potentially endangered because conservation actions will not be undertaken for
other reasons.
There is however a recent trend to define as relicts some narrowly distributed or
isolated populations when the species distribution is fragmented, even if the
evolutionary status or phylogenetic position of these populations is either not known
or presumptively not “deep-branching” and even if there is no evidence that this
isolation was caused by the extinction of some related populations (Habel and
Assmann 2010; Hampe and Jump 2011). Perhaps, dispersal caused the fragmented
distribution (Fig. 2)? Population and conservation biologists wish to point out that
such fragmented, isolated or remnant populations are worthy of further investiga-
tion or consideration for conservation (e.g., Laurance and Bierregaard 1997). In our
opinion, this trend is confusing and brings polysemy within the term “relict.”
Surviving extinctions as evidenced by phylogeny or the fossil record for whole spe-
cies is not the same as having a decreasing or a fragmented distribution area for
some populations within a species even if it involves some genetic differentiation
(see even Watson 2002, who applies “relict” to the species present in forest frag-
ments prior to fragmentation). Such short-lived population changes are likely fre-
quent and dynamic, as shown by paleoenvironmental studies. One could assume
that geographically relict populations are phylogenetically relict species in statu
nascendi, but there is not (yet) evidence for that. We should be patient and wait for
a few thousands of years at least before making our judgement… This is the reason
why we proposed that the term relict should only be employed for phylogenetic
relict species only. The so-called climatic or geographical relicts should then be bet-
ter called “remnants” and qualifying the target category (population, forest frag-
ment, etc.), for example, a climatic remnant population or a geographic remnant
population (see Eriksson 2000 for a clarification and their possible functional
From the point of view of conservation biology, this clarification is clearly
needed and it permits distinction between two different cases. A phylogenetic and
possibly geographical relict species must be considered for conservation since it
contributes to organismic phylogenetic diversity and is possibly geographically or
ecologically vulnerable. A climatic remnant population may just increase local
diversity by the presence of one more species and, more significantly, may contrib-
ute to inform about interesting historical or ecological processes of distributional
changes (Hampe and Jump 2011). The remnant population is neither necessarily
deeply rooted into the history of the lineage nor remaining from a larger set. This
108 P. Grandcolas and S.A, Trewick
has to be eventually documented. Other cases of small distribution areas (for exam-
ple, newly established populations of expanding species) are still another case, nei-
ther relict species nor remnant populations, but population isolates.
The term relict is generally employed either for emblematic taxa or for well-defined
situations where taxonomic, phylogenetic and paleontological characterizations are
established from previous studies and publications. This definition generally
embodies the relict species, its very large sister-group, the paleontological record
and the geographic restriction if any. For example, the relict Amborella trichopoda
is the sister-group of all other flowering plants and it is only found in New Caledonia
(Soltis et al. 2002). But relictness is not a particular state of a character that can be
distinguished unambiguously from other and different states. Like most other class-
level characterizations such as rarity, specialization or endemism (e.g., Rabinowitz
1981; Futuyma and Moreno 1988; Anderson 1994), relictness is a relative and com-
posite situation that needs to be established by comparison, and in every case by
phylogenetic comparison. Strictly speaking, we should not say Amborella trichop-
oda is “a relict” but Amborella trichopoda is “a relict species for flowering plants.”
This comparison is based on topology and branch lengths that depend on the taxon
and character samples used to build the tree. This way, within flowering plants, there
are many groups that stand isolated on long branches and could be called relicts,
such as Welwitschia, Ephedra, etc., actually hundred of species among hundreds of
thousands of plant lineages (for examples see Jacobson and Lester 2003; Dilcher
et al. 2005). As it is set by comparison between sister-groups within a phylogenetic
tree, characterization as a relict will depend on the taxon sample used in that tree.
For non-phylogeneticists, this could sound like a limitation of this notion that makes
it less useful. Actually, a statement of relictness needs to be based on a formal phy-
logenetic analysis conducted on a given set of taxa. Depending on the tree obtained,
a gap analysis can show that one or several branches have exceptional lengths and
originate deep in the tree. These branches and their terminal taxa can be named
relict taxa. This is required to implement the phylogenetic diversity criterion for
conservation, characterizing the extreme case of relicts at the same time.
Macroevolutionary studies of this type might appear to be far removed from the real
nowaday’s world where ecosystems must function and populations must be viable
to be conserved. Actually, historical and functional views are not opposed or
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic… 109
Relict species are therefore extreme cases of phylogenetic diversity and conserving
them is of outstanding interest. In addition, they are not the living dead some people
see them, which would have no viable populations or be unable to evolve or diver-
sify again, as pictured by some people. In terms of conservation biology, however,
we should not only consider whether they are valuable in themselves for conserva-
tion but also if they are at higher present extinction risk because of global change
and human activities. As detailed by Yessoufou and Davies (chapter “Reconsidering
the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random Extinction Prune the
Tree-of-Life?”), statistical studies suggest that species-poor, monotypic families,
small genera and old groups in mammals, birds and plants – in other words, poten-
tially relicts – are all more prone to extinction (Gaston and Blackburn 1997; Russell
et al. 1998; Purvis et al. 2000; Meijaard et al. 2008; Vamosi and Wilson 2008;
López-Pujol and Ren 2010). The causes of this situation probably lie in heritable
phenotypic traits associated with long branches in these groups (Grandcolas et al.
2011). Even if these studies are biased by focusing on a few well-known groups
(mammals, birds and plants) and by using proxies as red lists or meta-analyses for
estimating extinction risks, they undoubtedly showed that present extinction could
potentially have pernicious effects that were not suspected a priori (Nee and May
1997), by destroying proportionally more evolutionarily unique species. These
results require more attention and future analyses should turn toward identifying the
phenotypic characters that increase present vulnerability. It should not be assumed
however that modern and past extinction risks are the same. The reasoning can be
inverted; relicts are successful survivors from past geological times that could resist
110 P. Grandcolas and S.A, Trewick
any present global change, unless global change is fundamentally different from
previous extinction crises.
Relicts are not only worthwhile to conserve by themselves because they are evo-
lutionarily unique. They can also be at higher present extinction risks for pheno-
typic reasons that remain to explore in every case. Independently from any
phenotypic effect, geographical or climatic relictness and therefore a small distribu-
tion area can also be a source of vulnerability in itself.
Relict species, even if not all famous and rooted in very deep histories such as
Platypus or Gingko, have been used as a powerful metaphor for explaining the use
of phylogenetic diversity in the framework of conservation biology. We have seen
that this is appropriate since relicts do represent an extreme case of phylogenetic
diversity (Rodrigues et al. 2005). Relicts help understanding that some species can
have a unique and decisive historical value, beyond strictly numerical consider-
ations involving species counts or metrics measurements. From this qualitative
point of view, phylogenetic diversity has already been given a lot of consideration
(contra Winter et al. 2013; but see Rosauer and Mooers 2013). A growing body of
research also shows that relict species are probably at higher present risk of extinc-
tion, which qualifies them for conservation planning from both perspectives.
Unfortunately, the metaphor has also been a vehicle for several misconceptions,
that relicts are also living ancestors, basal taxa, or missing links. Even if these most
outdated ideas are extirpated, there remains the tendency of some modern conserva-
tion biologists to erroneously conceive relicts as old species with poor evolutionary
One important message of this chapter is therefore to explain why this later con-
ception cannot be generalized or taken as true a priori. When dealing with relicts
and phylogenetic diversity in general, it must always be recalled that the present
diversity is the result of the balance between past speciation and past extinction.
This way, relicts remain from larger groups partly extinct. The consequence is that
any computation of their age will be strongly biased if the past occurrence of extinct
species is not taken into account. The age of the relict species could be equated
naively with the age of the crown group and the base of the branch, when it might
actually be quite recent. In addition, the evolutionary rate of the relict lineage should
be measured and not just assumed to be generally low by focusing on a minority of
emblematical phenotypic characters that remained stable over long time periods.
Conserving organismic diversity requires consideration for “the whole real guts
of evolution – which is, how do you come to have horses, and tigers, and things”
(Waddington (1967) quoted by Eldredge and Cracraft (1980)). But such a historical
view is not at odds with conserving a functional world and a world still keeping
some evolutionary potential. There are not two different worlds, the one with the
What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The Case of Phylogenetic… 111
animals of the zoo and the other with balanced trophic relationships and resilience
to global environmental changes.
The other confusion to avoid is that relicts are not simply geographic or ecologi-
cal remnants. Part of a population can remain in a habitat patch after ecosystem
fragmentation without being evolutionarily relict. Using the term “relict” to put
emphasis on any isolate or remnant biological entity is unhelpful and confusing.
The metaphor of relicts is not only useful to explain the scientific importance of
phylogenetic diversity but also has added political value for the development of
public conservation planning. Because of its emblematical value, a relict is poten-
tially a flag species whose presence in a location could help promote conservation.
Because of their importance, the position and the characteristics of such relict taxa
must be even more accurately specified. We should focus on knowing better to
conserve better.
Acknowledgements We gratefully thank Jon Fjeldså, Mike Crisp, Dan Faith and Roseli Pellens
for their comments on the manuscript, which greatly helped clarifying the ideas presented here. We
also took benefit of reading other chapters of the book that provided rich reviews about various
aspects of phylogenetic diversity and that allowed more maturation than just cross-referencing.
Finally, we are also grateful to many people who commented on previous versions of our thoughts
about relicts in other contexts.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Part II
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among
Sites for Biodiversity Assessments
and Conservation
Daniel P. Faith
This book addresses important concepts, methods, and applications related to the
role of evolutionary history in biodiversity conservation. In the chapter “The PD
Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature
Diversity for Biodiversity Conservation” (Faith 2015a), I reviewed the reasons why
we want to conserve evolutionary history. An important rationale is that the tree of
life is a storehouse of variation among taxa, and so provides possible future benefits
for humans (for discussion, see Faith et al. 2010). I also reviewed the justifications
for a specific biodiversity measure. It interprets the degree of representation of evo-
lutionary history as a phylogenetic measure of biodiversity, or “phylogenetic diver-
sity”. This measure of phylogenetic diversity, called “PD” (Faith 1992a, b) is
justified as a useful biodiversity measure through its link to “feature diversity”.
Feature diversity represents biodiversity “option values” – the term we use to refer
to all those potential future benefits for humans – and so is well-justified as a target
for biodiversity conservation. Forest et al. (2007) provide a good exemplar study,
illustrating how PD links to feature diversity and to food, medicine, and other ben-
efits to humans.
Faith (2002) summarised the link between evolutionary history, PD, and features
as follows: “representation of “evolutionary history” (Faith 1994) encompassing
processes of cladogenesis and anagenesis is assumed to provide representation of
the feature diversity of organisms. Specifically, the phylogenetic diversity (PD)
measure estimates the relative feature diversity of any nominated set of species by
the sum of the lengths of all those phylogenetic branches spanned by the set…”
The calculation of the PD for a given subset of species (sampled from a phyloge-
netic tree) is quite simple. It is given by the minimum total length of all the phylo-
genetic branches required to connect all those species on the tree. However,
calculation of PD is attempting something that is not all that simple – an inference
of the relative feature diversity of that subset of species. The basis for this inference
is an evolutionary model in which branch lengths reflect evolutionary changes, and
shared ancestry accounts for shared features (Faith 1992a, b). The model implies
that PD, in effect, counts-up the relative number of features represented by a given
subset of species (or other taxa, including populations within a species); any subset
of species that has greater PD will be expected to have greater feature diversity.
In chapter “The PD Phylogenetic Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary
History to Feature Diversity for Biodiversity Conservation”, I described another
important implication of the link to feature diversity: PD provides, not one single
measure, but a set of calculations interpretable at the level of features of taxa. This
helps guide the assessment of the phylogenetic diversity gains and losses from
changing probabilities of extinction of species (or other taxa). This PD “calculus”
also can help with the conservation problem addressed in this paper: assessing PD
gains and losses when we gain or lose geographic areas. PD has long been inte-
grated into conservation planning for areas (Walker and Faith 1994). However, the
work so far has largely ignored the problem of geographic knowledge gaps; we do
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 121
not know about the phylogenetic diversity represented in every area in a given
region. Consequently, for conservation planning, we have to estimate or model
these missing quantities, using spatial models incorporating predictive environmen-
tal variables.
One pathway for such predictions can take advantage of a part of the PD calculus
called “PD-dissimilarities” or “phylogenetic beta diversity” (Fig. 1a; see also
Lozupone and Knight 2005; Ferrier et al. 2007; Nipperess et al. 2010; Swenson
2011). PD-dissimilarities can be interpreted as compositional dissimilarities, based
Fig. 1 (a) A hypothetical phylogenetic tree with 5 taxa. Along the top, the presence of the taxa in
two sites, j and k, is shown by + marks. The dashed-line branches indicate features only repre-
sented in j; hatched branches indicate features only represented in k; bold branches indicate fea-
tures represented in both; the thin branch indicates features in neither. The presence absence
version of Bray-Curtis type PD-dissimilarity between sites j and k counts the number of features
in j, not k (length of dashed branches) plus the number of features in k, not j (length of hatched
branches), divided by the sum of the total number of features found in each (length of dashed plus
length of bold branches, plus length of hatched plus length of bold branches). Other PD-dissimilarity
measures combine these counts in other ways. (b) A hypothetical environmental gradient (hollow-
line) with positions of sites, j, k, and l. Suppose that positions of sites along this gradient reflect
their features. Sites with a given feature are found in a corresponding part of the gradient. This
clumping is called a “unimodal” response. Above the gradient is the hypothetical unimodal distri-
bution of the branches and corresponding features/branches from 1a. Under the unimodal response
model, the features in both j and k, for example, form the bold line segment. This unimodal rela-
tionship means that the Bray-Curtis type PD-dissimilarity has the most robust link to distances
along environmental gradients (or in environmental space; for discussion, see Faith et al. 1987).
For further information, also see Faith et al. (2009)
122 D.P. Faith
Fig. 2 Bray-Curtis type PD-dissimilarities can be used in robust ordination methods to recover
key gradients. A re-drawing of the gradient space from Rintala et al. (2008; see also Faith et al.
2009) for microbial communities in house dust and a microbial phylogenetic tree. Dots versus
squares correspond to samples from two different buildings (for details of sampling see Rintala
et al.). Arrows at the right side indicate major gradients revealed by the ordination. A sample local-
ity represents the branch corresponding to a given family if the locality has one or more descen-
dants of that branch. The two-dimensional space shows unimodal response for four branches
(Acidaminococcaceae, Aerococcaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Acetobacteraceae). For further infor-
mation, see Faith et al. (2009)
Both of these have commonalities with ED, but the similarities and differences – and
the strengths and weaknesses – among these alternative candidate measures has not
been explored and documented (for related discussion, see Ferrier and Drielsma 2010).
Given this fundamental gap in building the complete toolbox of PD calculations
for conservation, and given the lack of synthesis among candidate methods, this
chapter will proceed as follows. I first show how the same model of shared-
environment/shared-features that justifies the choice among possible PD-dissimilarity
measures (Fig. 1a, b), also justifies the choice of the ED method. I then present a
sample application of ED to PD-dissimilarities. I also present a simple graphical
description of ED in the one dimensional case, which clarifies how ED estimates
representation and gains and losses. I then use this graphical representation to reveal
key properties of the alternative methods, suggesting critical weaknesses of the
Ferrier et al. and Arponen et al. methods. I finish on a positive note, pointing to
future work, including expanding the range of calculations useful for conservation
assessment based on ED.
The example in Figs. 2 and 3 illustrated how sites or samples that fill a large gap in
environmental space are likely to uniquely represent more branches or features.
We can see why ED counts up branches or features by looking at a simple one-
dimensional gradient and graphical representation of ED calculations, which illus-
trates the link from the counting-up property to ED calculations of gains and losses
as sites are gained or lost.
Suppose we have an ordination with one gradient (say, a GDM transformation of
a climate-related variable; Fig. 4a). Demand points occur continuously along the
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 127
Fig. 3 ED analyses for the ordination space based on PD-dissimilarities, from Rintala et al.
(Fig. 2). Black dots are samples as in Fig. 2 and two of the samples are labelled, x and y. Hollow
dots are ED demand points. A small number of demand points, uniformly covering the range of
samples in the space, are used here to illustrate the method. (a) Ordination space showing samples
and demand points. (b) Line segments connect each demand point to its nearest sample, among all
samples in a defined subset. The ED value is the sum of these distances. Here the subset includes
all samples. (c) Sample site x is lost from the subset, and ED is re-calculated based on the new line
segments. (d) Sample site y is lost and ED is re-calculated based on the new line segments
gradient and define the centers of distribution for features or branches. These features
are assumed to have a uniform distribution of range-extents along the gradient
(Faith and Walker 1996a). Graphically, the height to the top of the gray area above
any demand point (Fig. 4a) reflects the number of features centered at that point that
are not overlapped by any of the selected sites; these would be features having a
128 D.P. Faith
Fig. 4 (a) A single environmental gradient (thick black line) and three selected sites (black dots).
Each hypothetical branch/lineage, centred at a demand point, graphically is represented in the
figure by a point above its demand point, at a vertical distance equal to one-half of its distribution
extent on the gradient. Branch/lineage points in the figure are gray if no selected site overlaps with
the range-extent of the branch/lineage. Branch/lineage ‘a’ would be captured by the middle site
only, branch/lineage ‘b’ is not sampled by any sites as its extent is too small; it is therefore coloured
gray. Branch/lineage ‘c’ is captured by two sites. The height to the top of the gray area above any
demand point reflects the total number of branch/lineages centered at that point that are not over-
lapped by any selected sites. ED is the sum of the resulting triangular gray areas. When richness
varies along the gradient, the corresponding weights on demand points can be interpreted as if we
are calculating a volume when counting-up unrepresented branch/lineages to obtain the ED score.
(b) If the hollow-circle site is added to the selected set indicated by the black dots, the ED value
(number of branch/lineages not represented) will be reduced by the amount equal to the white-striped
area. This ED-complementarity equals x*y/2, where x and y are distances from the hollow circle
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 129
range-extent too small to overlap with the nearest site. This number corresponds to
the demand point’s total contribution to the ED value; it indicates the total number
of features at that demand point not covered by the selected sites. These demand
point contributions form the triangle-shaped gray zones (Fig. 4a), whose total area
equals the sum, over all demand points, of the distance from the demand point to its
nearest selected site. In this single gradient case, ED is simply calculated as the sum
of the triangular gray areas. This sum corresponds to the p-median value for the set
of selected sites. This link from features to the p-median criterion nicely illustrates
how ED counts-up features.
The counting-up property is the basis for measures of ED-complementarity. An
ED-complementarity value estimates the number of features gained (lost) when a
site is added to (removed from) a set of selected sites (Fig. 4b, c). In this simple
single-gradient case, the ED-complementarity of a site equals ½ times the product
of its distances to its left and right nearest neighbours (Fig. 4b, c). These basic cal-
culations can be modified by introduction of additional assumptions such as the
maximum extent of features along the gradient (Fig. 4d).
The link from the basic unimodal response model to ED’s counting-up property
provides a basis for comparing ED to other methods for transforming dissimilarities
to estimates of degree of representation of biodiversity by subsets of sites. The
graphical representation will be useful for these comparisons of methods.
Ferrier et al (2004) proposed a formula to convert pairwise dissimilarities into “an
overall estimate of the proportion of species represented” (e.g. in a set of protected
areas). Ferrier et al. predicted “the proportion of species represented (p)” as:
Fig. 4 (continued) site to its left and right nearest neighbours. (c) Removal of the crossed-out site
from the selected set (black dots) means that the ED index of number of branch/lineages not-
represented increases by the amount equal to the dark-gray area. ED-complementarity again
equals x*y/2, where x and y are distances from the crossed-out site to left and right neighbours.
(d) A gradient and two selected sites (black dots), B and C, illustrating ED options. Branch/lineage
extent along the gradient is assumed to not exceed some maximum value. Consequently, selected
site, B, does not serve demand points along the gradient that are too far away to have any branch/
lineages with extent less than or equal to the maximum value that at the same time overlap with B.
All demand points further away contribute the maximum value to ED’s measure of number of
branch/lineages not represented. The maximum-value line here is drawn extending across the gra-
dient. The white area therefore represents the number of branch/lineages represented by the two
selected sites, and the gray area corresponds to the number of branch/lineages not represented.
The diagram also illustrates another ED option. The set of demand points on the right hand side is
extended (beyond some initial gradient boundary shown by the tick mark) so that selection of
site C on its own now would imply the capture of the same number of branch/lineages as selection
of site B
130 D.P. Faith
(( ) ) ( )
∑ 1 − dij s j / ∑ 1 − dij ri
n j =1
j =1
( )
i =1
j =1
1 − dij
p= n
∑ i
( )
i =1
∑ 1 − dij
j =1
where n is the number of grid cells in a study area, ri is the relative richness of each
cell and dij is the compositional dissimilarity between each pair of cells i and j.
Further, the state of habitat in each cell (e.g., 1 = protected and 0 = unprotected) is
given by sj. The power term, z, is interpreted as analogous to that in species-area
curves (Ferrier et al. 2004).
Ferrier et al. (2004) drew on “principles of the “environmental diversity” (ED)
approach proposed originally by Faith and Walker (1996a) as a means of assessing
the representativeness of protected areas within a continuous environmental or bio-
logical space.” Both p and ED intend to convert dissimilarities into a measure of
representativeness (e.g., of a subset of sites), but the similarities and differences
between the two methods have not been investigated. Allnutt et al. (2008) re-derived
the Ferrier et al. measure, and noted the need for comparison with the existing ED
method: “in contrast to the approach described here, under the ED method (Faith
and Walker 1996a, b, c), the amount of biodiversity estimated to be retained would
depend more on how spread out intact sites are in environmental space, and less on
the proportion of habitat retained in any part of this space. Further work is necessary
to compare these alternatives in detail.”
Allnutt et al. also noted a concern that was raised in my review of their paper,
“Another existing approach to calculate the biodiversity retained, given GDM out-
puts and habitat state values, is the ED method (Faith and Walker 1996; see also
Faith et al. 2004). A reviewer of this paper noted that the Ferrier et al. formula relies
on the sum of the distances (or similarities) from any site to all the intact sites. A
consequence is that selection of additional intact sites will have an attraction to any
concentrations (in space) of sites – even allowing further, identical, intact sites to be
selected in order to minimise this sum, rather than properly choosing a distant site
as a new intact site. In contrast, the ED method sees the amount of biodiversity
retained as dependent on how spread out the intact sites are in space. Future work
may compare these alternatives.”
The graphical presentation of a one-dimensional gradient reveals a critical differ-
ence between the two methods. Suppose we have sites along a single environmental
gradient as our environmental space (Fig. 5), and there are s sites at point a, two
sites at point b and 1 site at point c. Suppose that one intact site is at point b, and an
additional intact site can be located at point c or at point b. We can compare the two
scenarios by calculating the numerator of the Ferrier et al. formula (the denominator
does not vary). We let ri = 1 for convenience.
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 131
Fig. 5 A single environmental gradient with s sites at point a, two sites at point b and 1 site at point
c. Distances between sites are given by x and y. One intact site is at point b, and an additional intact
site can be located at point c or at point b
Application of the Ferrier et al. formula will select a duplicate intact site at point
b (over a wide range of values of s and choice of distances between sites). Suppose,
for example, that z = .25; s = 5; x = .4; y = .4. Then, selecting an additional site at
point b provides a contribution towards p equal to 4.1, while selecting a site at point
c provides a contribution towards p equal to only 3.8 (calculations available on
request from the author). In contrast, ED would select the site at c, which does
increase representation of biodiversity, under the general unimodal model.
It appears that the Ferrier et al. formula for p can over-estimate the amount of
biodiversity that is represented. Put another way, if we started with all sites, the loss
of the only site located at point c along the gradient is seen as less serious than the
loss of a duplicate site at point b. This miss-estimation can have serious conse-
quences for biodiversity conservation; for example, a country could wrongly receive
credit for what is in fact a reduction in representation of biodiversity.
The Ferrier et al. index was recently applied and recommended by Zerger et al.
(2013) as a strategy for building “continental biodiversity information capability”.
Given the potential failure of this index to properly assess representativeness, and
gains and losses, under our plausible general model, they perhaps incorrectly con-
clude that “The methodology described by Ferrier et al. (2004) and Allnutt et al.
(2008) also allows estimation of the proportion of species expected to be retained in
any defined region of interest”. While Zerger et al. refer to species-level analyses,
this poor estimation of represented biodiversity will extend to the phylogenetic
diversity case, given the direct correspondence of the species and PD/features
Similar problems arise for another method that has some similarities to ED. Arponen
et al. (2008) introduced the ‘maximization of complementary richness’ (MCR)
method, described by the authors as the first “successful community-level strategy”.
Arponen et al. developed their approach based on an assumption of unimodal
responses for species centred at different positions in environmental space. It is
logical, therefore, to assess whether their method succeeds in counting-up species
or features under this unimodal model.
Arponen et al. did not report the similarities of MCR to the ED methods. Without
proper comparisons and contrasts with ED, it remains unclear whether MCR offers
132 D.P. Faith
advantages over the similar ED calculations. Their MCR method shares with ED
several useful properties, including a similar unimodal model, an ordination space,
variants of p-median, plus ED’s GDM and richness-weighting options (for discus-
sion of ED options, see Faith and Walker 1994; Faith and Ferrier 2002; Faith et al.
2003, 2004).
Arponen et al. claimed that MCR has unique properties, but some of these in fact
also are shared by ED. For example, Arponen et al. (2008, p. 1438) claimed MCR
is “different from the previous use of ordinations”, because, in using richness
weighting and GDM, it “accounts for gradients in species richness and non-constant
turnover rates of community composition”. However, the existing ED framework
already uses these options (see Faith et al. 2004). Further, MCR, like ED, uses
points described as “demand” points, served by one or more selected sites. In fact,
both methods seek to minimise the degree to which species at demand points are not
covered by selected sites. Although Arponen et al. describe MCR as maximising a
summation of ‘Ci’ values (and each Ci value is to reflect the degree to which demand
point i is covered by selected sites), each Ci equals one minus a product term. Thus,
MCR is minimising the sum of product terms, and so minimising the degree to
which demand points are not covered by selected sites. This property again matches
ED methods.
Similarities aside, there are critical differences between the two methods. Simple
examples will highlight the fact that MCR does have some novel properties relative
to ED – but these properties de-grade the counting-up property that surely is critical
to any truly “successful community-level strategy”.
Novel properties of MCR’s basic selection criterion are well-revealed in the sim-
ple case where species richness is assumed equal at all sites. MCR then uses the
product of a demand point’s dissimilarities to all selected sites, and seeks to mini-
mise the sum, over demand points, of these products. Single-gradient scenarios
(Fig. 6a) highlight weaknesses of this calculation. Suppose there are two candidate
sites for selection, A and B. Selection depends on which site most reduces the MCR
product score. Note that when a demand point becomes a selected site, it makes no
contribution to the sum of products (as its distance to itself is 0, making its product
contribution equal to 0). Selecting site A removes its large product (=.05 × 0.60 × 0.
65 × 0.70 = 0.014) from the product sum (Fig. 6a). Also, it reduces the product score
for non-selected sites (site B), with a reduction equal to (1–0.4) times the previous
product value for B of (0.45 × 0.20 × 0.25 × 0.30 = 0.007), yielding a reduction of
0.004. Thus, selecting site A reduces the score by about 0.018 (0.014 + 0.004). In
contrast, selecting site B implies removal of a product term equal to 0.007 (see
above), and a reduction in the A product contribution of (1–0.4) times 0.0137 = 0.008.
Thus, selecting site B reduces the MCR score by only 0.015, and MCR selects site A.
We also can ask whether site A or B is best to lose (smallest features loss), assum-
ing all sites initially are protected. Loss of B would add a new term to the MCR
product sum equal to 0.45 × 0.40 × 0.20 × 0.25 × 0.30 = 0.003. Loss of A would add a
larger term (0.05 × 0.40 × 0.60 × 0.65 × 0.70 = 0.005). MCR prefers to retain site A
and lose site B. MCR prefers site A over site B, whether adding or removing sites –
yet this does not accord with MCR’s own model of random distributions of features
in the environmental space.
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 133
Fig. 6 (a) A hypothetical gradient (for example, from GDM) with selected sites (solid circles),
and two candidate sites for selection, A and B (hollow circles). Numbers along gradient are dis-
tances between sites. ED-complementarity of site B (areas with vertical stripes) is 0.045, while
that for site A (areas with horizontal stripes) is only 0.015, reflecting its close proximity to an
already-selected site. ED prefers site B, reflecting the greater count in number of branch/lineages
gained. In contrast, MCR, to minimise its product score, selects site A. For MCR, selecting site B
reduces the MCR product score by only 0.015, while selecting site A reduces the score by a higher
value of about 0.018. For MCR, the greatest reduction in the product score implies the greatest
branch/lineages gain, and so MCR prefers site A. For further information, see text. (b) Given two
candidate sites (hollow circles) and already-selected sites (solid circles), MCR assigns a higher
preference weight to site A, reflecting the large distance from A to the selected site at the other end
of the gradient. ED identifies site B as the site that would fill the largest gap and provide the great-
est gain in branch/lineages representation. (c) There are two candidate sites for selection, A and B
(hollow circles). ED-complementarity values of A and B are shown by respective striped areas.
Site B, selected by ED, provides more new branch/lineages. However, MCR cannot distinguish
between the two sites
134 D.P. Faith
ED correctly prefers site B, in accord with the unimodal model and counting-up
property. ED-complementarity for the gain of site B (vertical striped area; Fig. 6a)
is 0.045, while that for site A (horizontal stripes) is only 0.015, reflecting the site’s
close proximity to an already-selected site. The difference is 0.03, and is the same
value when determining the best site to lose, illustrating how ED provides a consis-
tent counting-up of features in comparing the two sites under different scenarios.
Thus, site B, filling a large gap, is expected to contribute more features (Fig. 6a).
This example highlights general MCR weaknesses: a site can be wrongly pre-
ferred because MCR is misled by the site’s many large dissimilarities to other sites.
Arponen et al. attempted to overcome one weakness of their core selection c riterion –
possible near-duplication of previously selected sites – by applying a down-
weighting of those candidate sites close to already-selected sites. The weighting,
equal to the product of the site’s dissimilarity to all selected sites, does not solve this
problem. For example, a site very close to an already-selected site, nevertheless may
receive higher weight because it is so far away from other selected sites (Fig. 6b).
MCR’s failure to identify gaps is exacerbated by its use of actual sites as demand
points (so mimicking ‘discrete ED’; Faith and Walker 1996a). MCR consequently
cannot take into account portions of the environmental space that do not have
recorded sites. An example shows how ED, but not MCR, will give an edge site
deserved priority (Fig. 6c), countering Arponen et al.’s claim that a particular advan-
tage of MCR is that it gives priority to sites on the edge of environmental space.
ED succeeds, and MCR fails, in counting-up features under the basic unimodal
model. While ED successfully has incorporated, in a consistent way, useful options
relating to richness, extent of space, GDM, and other options, the MCR calculations
degrade the counting-up of features. This contrast between MCR and ED has impor-
tant implications for applications. Suppose we interpret the example (Fig. 6a) as a
planning decision, in which the best site, A or B, will be removed from protection
for non-conservation uses. MCR prefers to give away the site (B) implying a greater
features loss. Thus, MCR would be a poor basis for the systematic conservation
planning required to reduce rates of biodiversity loss; use of MCR in such conserva-
tion planning could inadvertently increase the rate of biodiversity loss. I conclude
that MCR, like the Ferrier et al. method, will not provide an effective way to analyse
PD-dissimilarities for assessments of PD representation and calculation of gains
and losses.
to have evaluated the continuous ED method of Faith and Walker (1996a), but in
fact used a quite different method (see Faith 2011). Recently, Beier and Albuquerque
(2015) found strong support for ED as a biodiversity surrogate.
The comparison in this study of ED to other proposed methods helps to clarify
key properties. ED, Ferrier et al.’s p, and the MCR method share important desirable
properties for biodiversity assessment; they transform dissimilarities in order to
infer useful information, including the amount of biodiversity represented by sub-
sets of sites. All three methods are based to some degree on the idea of unimodal
response. However, among these candidate approaches, ED seems to best reflect the
plausible underlying model in which elements of biodiversity have general uni-
modal response to environmental space.
This chapter has attempted to provide some long-overdue comparisons among
existing proposed methods, but it is important to note that more comparative evalu-
ations are needed. In the interest of synthesis, I highlight several other methodologi-
cal issues requiring study.
Hierarchical Clustering
Faith (2013) recently reviewed the prospects for another strategy, based on a hierar-
chical clustering of the PD-dissimilarities among sites or samples (including those
predicted by GDM). Faith and Walker (1996a), in discussing dissimilarities defined
at the species level, had argued that “a robust hierarchical clustering method
designed for biotic distribution data, such as flexible-UPGMA with Bray-Curtis dis-
similarities, is likely to produce a hierarchy where distances along branches between
areas indeed reflect the relative number of species differences.” Faith (2013) sug-
gested an extension of this idea: “This rationale extends to PD-dissimilarities in
such a hierarchical clustering, distances along branches between samples reflect the
relative difference in the PD of the samples. ….the PD method can be applied to a
hierarchy of samples, just as it is applied to a hierarchy (phylogeny) of species.
Various PD calculations can be applied to the hierarchies of sites/samples that are
based on PD-dissimilarities among samples or sites.” Faith (2013) referred to this
method as “PDh”, as it uses the PD calculus, but is applied to a samples/sites
hierarchy. The PDh value for a subset of samples/sites indicates the PD of the subset.
It is noteworthy that that the suggested hierarchical clustering approach for PDh is
a method (Belbin et al. 1993) designed to be compatible with an environmental
space and unimodal response.
I argued above that Ferrier et al. perhaps inaccurately characterised their formula
as estimating “the proportion of species represented”, and I questioned the conclu-
sion of Zerger et al. (2013) that the method of Ferrier et al. (2004) and Allnutt et al.
136 D.P. Faith
These probabilities form the analogue to the state or condition of habitat in each
site j, given by sj, in the Ferrier et al. formula. Given the advantages of ED over p in
the basic representation case, the “probabilistic ED” method deserves investigation
as an alternative way to integrate state or condition of habitat in sites, for analysis of
Simulation Methods
These variants highlight the idea that the critical ingredient of the ED framework
is unimodal response, reflecting the shared-habitat/shared-features model. Indeed,
once we have an environmental space, under this model, we can simulate the sets
of branches/features that would correspond, for example, to a nominated subset of
sites. Faith et al. (2003) used this approach to map the distributions in geographic
space of the hypothetical elements (species or features). This “biodiversity viabil-
ity analysis” (BVA) uses this spatial information for each element for various
biodiversity assessments. Thus, BVA translates information about any inferred
element from ordination space to its implied distribution in geographic space (tak-
ing advantage of the link that environmental data for all areas provides from ordi-
nation space to geographic space). Mokany et al. (2011) provide a method that
mimics the ED/BVA generation of hypothetical species (or other elements) based
on unimodal response and related models. However, their method loses some use-
ful information that BVA/ED derives from explicitly sampling from the environ-
mental space under the unimodal response model. Further work is needed to
evaluate these methods.
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments… 137
Future applications may require this full range of ED calculations. ED is one candi-
date biodiversity assessment strategy in a new global program for monitoring the sta-
tus of biodiversity. The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation
Network (GEO BON; Andrefouet et al. 2008) has been developed as a mechanism for
gathering and sharing observations regarding biodiversity change. GEO BON is to
enhance cooperation among countries to understand changes in biodiversity by moni-
toring its state and trends. One monitoring strategy in GEO BON will use repeated
observations, over time, of changes in the state or condition of sites (e.g., based on
remote sensing data). These observations then are integrated with spatial biodiversity
models that act as the ‘lens’ for inferences about the corresponding changes in biodi-
versity (Andrefouet et al. 2008; Faith et al. 2009; Ferrier 2011). The ED approach can
provide such a biodiversity lens, using available environmental data, genetic, phylo-
genetic and species data covering multiple taxonomic groups, and GDM to include
unsampled sites. In simple applications, ED complementarity values can be calculated
when localities are judged as newly degraded (or newly protected). Alternatively, the
estimates of condition from remote sensing may be interpreted as fractional species
losses for localities, calling for methods such as probabilistic ED.
One of the GEO BON working groups is tasked with implementing these moni-
toring strategies to applications assessing change in phylogenetic diversity, over
multiple taxonomic groups (including microbial diversity). ED methods applied to
analyses of PD-dissimilarities (including those describing within-species genetic
variation) appear to offer a robust flexible framework for assessments of biodiver-
sity change at this important level of biodiversity.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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138 D.P. Faith
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Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their
Decomposition: A Framework Based on Hill
Generalized Entropies
æ S
H = ç1 - å piq ÷ / ( q - 1) . (1c)
è i =1 ø
146 A. Chao et al.
The parameter q determines the sensitivity of the measure to the relative frequencies
of the species. When q = 0, qH becomes S − 1; When q tends to 1, qH tends to Shannon
entropy. When q = 2, qH reduces to the Gini-Simpson index. This family was found
many times in different disciplines (Havrdra and Charvat 1967; Daróczy 1970; Patil
and Taillie 1979; Tsallis 1988; Keylock 2005). There are many other families of
generalized entropies, notably the Rényi entropies (Rényi 1961).
Although the traditional abundance-sensitive generalized entropies and their
special cases have been useful in many disciplines (e.g., see Magurran 2004), they
do not behave in the same intuitive linear way as species richness. In ecosystems
with high diversity, mass extinctions hardly affect their values (Jost 2010). They
also lead to logical contradictions in conservation biology, because they do not mea-
sure a conserved quantity (e.g., under a given conservation plan, the proportion of
“diversity” lost and the proportion preserved can both be 90 % or more); see Jost
(2006, 2007) and Jost et al. (2010). Thus, changes in their magnitude cannot be
properly compared or interpreted. Also, the main measure of similarity in the addi-
tive approach for traditional measures, the within-group or “alpha” diversity divided
by the total or “gamma” diversity, does not actually quantify the compositional
similarity of the assemblages under study. This ratio can be arbitrarily close to unity
(supposedly indicating high similarity) even when the assemblages being compared
have no species in common. Finally, these measures each use different units (e.g.,
the Gini-Simpson index is a probability whereas Shannon entropy is in units of
information), so they cannot be compared with each other. All these problems are
consequences of their failure to satisfy the replication principle. Hill numbers obey
the replication principle and resolve all these problems; see section “Hill numbers
and the replication principle”.
Q = ådij pi p j , (2a)
i, j
where dij denotes the phylogenetic distance (in years since divergence, number of
DNA base changes, or other metric) between species i and j, and pi and pj denote the
relative abundance of species i and j. This index measures the average phylogenetic
distance between any two individuals randomly selected from the assemblage.
Rao’s Q represents a phylogenetic generalization of the Gini-Simpson index because
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 147
in the special case of no phylogenetic structure (all species are equally related to one
another), dii = 0 and dij = 1 (i ≠ j), it reduces to the Gini-Simpson index.
The phylogenetic entropy HP is a generalization of Shannon’s entropy to incor-
porate phylogenetic distances among species (Allen et al. 2009):
æ ö
I = çç T - åLi aiq ÷÷ / ( q - 1) . (2c)
è i ø
Here, Li and ai are defined in Eq. (2b) and T is the age of the root node of the tree.
Then 0I = Faith’s PD minus T; 1I is identical to Allen et al.’s entropy HP given in Eq.
(2b); and 2I is identical to Rao’s quadratic entropy Q given in Eq. (2a). In the special
case that T = 1 (the tree height is normalized to unit length) and all branches have
unit length, then the phylogenetic generalized entropy reduces to the classical gen-
eralized entropy defined in Eq. (1c), with species relative abundances {p1, p2, …, pS}
as the tip-node abundances.
The abundance-sensitive (q > 0) phylogenetic generalized entropies provide use-
ful information, but they do not obey the replication principle and thus have the
same interpretational problems as their parent measures. This motivated Chao et al.
(2010) to extend Hill numbers to phylogenetic Hill numbers, which obey the repli-
cation principle; see section “Phylogenetic Hill numbers and related measures”.
Pioneering work by Kimura and Crow (1964) in genetics and MacArthur (1965) in
ecology showed that the Shannon and Gini-Simpson measures can be easily con-
verted to “effective number of species” (i.e., the number of equally abundant species
that are needed to give the same value of the diversity measure), which use the same
units as species richness. Shannon entropy can be converted by taking its exponen-
tial, and the Gini-Simpson index can be converted by the formula 1/(1−HGS). Hill
(1973) integrated species richness and the converted Shannon and Gini-Simpson
148 A. Chao et al.
measures into a class of diversity measures called “Hill numbers” of order q, or the
“effective number of species”, defined as
1/ (1- q )
æ S ö
D = ç å piq ÷ , q ³ 0, q ¹ 1. (3a)
è i =1 ø
This measure is undefined for q = 1, but its limit as q tends to 1 exists and gives
æ S ö
D = lim q D = exp ç -å pi log pi ÷ = exp ( H Sh ) . (3b)
q ®1
è i =1 ø
The relationship between Hill number of order q (q ≠ 1) and the generalized entropy
can be expressed as
1/ (1- q )
D = éë1 - ( q - 1) ( q H ) ùû . (3c)
When q = 0, the species abundances do not count at all and 0D = S is obtained.
When q = 1, the species are weighed in proportion to their frequencies, and the mea-
sure 1D (in Eq. (3b)) can be interpreted as the effective number of common or
“typical” species (i.e., species with typical abundances) in the assemblage. When
q = 2, abundant species are favored and rare species are discounted; the measure 2D
becomes the inverse Simpson concentration. The measure 2D can be interpreted as
the effective number of dominant or very abundant species in the assemblage. In
general, if qD = x, then the diversity of order q of this community is the same as that
of an idealized reference community with x equally abundant species. All Hill num-
bers are in units of “species”. It is thus possible to plot them on a single graph as a
continuous function of the parameter q. This diversity profile characterizes the
species-abundance distribution of an assemblage and provides complete informa-
tion about its diversity. The steepness of its slope graphically illustrates the degree
of dominance in the assemblage. An example is given in section “An example”.
Hill numbers differ fundamentally from Shannon entropy and the Gini-Simpson
index in that they obey the replication principle. Hill (1973) proved a weak version
of the doubling property: if two completely distinct assemblages (i.e., no species in
common) have identical relative abundance distributions, then the Hill number dou-
bles if the assemblages are combined with equal weights. Chiu et al. (2014, their
Appendix B) recently proved a strong version of the doubling property: if two com-
pletely distinct assemblages have identical Hill numbers of order q (relative abun-
dance distributions may be different, unlike the weak version), then the Hill number
of the same order doubles if the two assemblages are combined with equal weights.
Species richness is a Hill number (with q = 0) and obeys both versions of the dou-
bling property, but most other diversity indices do not obey even the weak version.
Because Hill numbers obey this replication principle, changes in their magnitude
have simple interpretations, and the ratio of alpha diversity to gamma diversity
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Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 149
When the branch lengths are proportional to divergence time, all branch tips are the
same distance from the root (the first node). Such trees are called “ultrametric”
trees. We first discuss the phylogenetic diversity measures for ultrametric trees. The
phylogenetic Hill numbers developed by Chao et al. (2010) for an ultrametric tree
can be intuitively explained as the Hill number of a time-average of a tree’s general-
ized entropy over some evolutionary time interval of interest. Suppose the phyloge-
netic tree for an assemblage is calibrated to some relative or absolute timescale. We
can slice this phylogenetic tree at any time t in the past; see the left panel of Fig. 1
(reproduced from Chao et al. 2010) for illustration and details about how to deal
with shared lineages. The number of lineages at that time is the number of branch
cuts, and the relative importance of each of these lineages for the present-day
assemblage is the sum of the relative abundances of the branch’s descendants in the
present-day assemblage. Using these relative importance values, we can calculate
the generalized entropy of order q for the slice. The mean of these entropies, begin-
ning at time –T (i.e., T years before present) and continuing until the present, is
converted to a Hill number using Eq. (3c). This is the phylogenetic Hill number,
which conveys information about the shape of the tree over the time interval of
interest. Chao et al. (2010) symbolize it as q D (T ) , and also refer to it as the mean
phylogenetic diversity of order q over T years (or simply the mean diversity for the
interval [−T, 0]):
1/ (1- q ) 1/ (1- q )
ïì L ïü 1 ïì æ a ö ïü
D (T ) = í å i aiq ý = í å Li ç i ÷ ý , q ³ 0, q ¹ 1; (4a)
ïî iÎBT T ïþ T ïî iÎBT è T ø ïþ
é L ù
D (T ) = lim q D (T ) = exp ê - å i ai log ai ú , (4b)
ë iÎBT T
q ®1
where BT is the set of all branches in the time interval [−T, 0], Li is the length of
branch i in the set BT, and ai is the total relative abundance descended from branch
i. The mean diversity q D (T ) is interpreted as “the effective number of equally
abundant and equally distinct lineages all with branch lengths T during the time
150 A. Chao et al.
Fig. 1 (a) A hypothetical ultrametric rooted phylogenetic tree with four species. Three different
slices corresponding to three different times are shown. For a fixed T (not restricted to the age of
the root), the nodes divide the phylogenetic tree into segments 1, 2 and 3 with duration (length) T1,
T2 and T3, respectively. In any moment of segment 1, there are four species (i.e. four branches cut);
in segment 2, there are three species; and in segment 3, there are two species. The mean species
richness over the time interval [−T, 0] is (T1 / T ) ´ 4 + (T2 / T ) ´ 3 + (T3 / T ) ´ 2 . In any moment
of segment 1, the species relative abundances (i.e. node abundances correspond to the four
branches) are {p1, p2, p3, p4}; in segment 2, the species relative abundances are {g1, g2, g3} = {p1,
p2 + p3, p4}; in segment 3, the species relative abundances are {h1, h2} = {p1 + p2 + p3, p4}. (b) A
hypothetical non-ultrametric tree. Let T be the weighted (by species abundance) mean of the
distances from root node to each of the terminal branch tips.
T = 4 ´ 0.5 + ( 3.5 + 2 ) ´ 0.2 + (1 + 2 ) ´ 0.3 = 4 . Note T is also the weighted (by branch
length) total node abundance because T = 0.5 ´ 4 + 0.2 ´ 3.5 + 0.3 ´ 1 + 0.5 ´ 2 = 4 .
Conceptually, the ‘branch diversity’ is defined for an assemblage of four branches: each has,
respectively, relative abundance 0.5 / T = 0.125 , 0.2 / T = 0.05 , 0.3 / T = 0.075 and
0.5 / T = 0.125 ; and each has, respectively, weight (i.e. branch length) 4, 3.5, 1 and 2. This is
equivalent to an assemblage with 10.5 equally weighted ‘branches’: there are four branches with
relative abundance 0.5 / T = 0.125 ; 3.5 branches with relative abundance 0.2 / T = 0.05 ; one
branch with relative abundance 0.3 / T = 0.075 and two branches with relative abundance
0.5 / T = 0.125 (This figure is reproduced from Fig. 1 of Chao et al. 2010)
interval from T years ago to the present”. Here “equally distinct” also implies that
the phylogenetic distance between any two species is T, so lineages are completely
distinct (i.e., there are no shared branches).
The phylogenetic Hill numbers are invariant to the units used to measure branch
lengths. When all lineages are completely distinct, the measure q D (T ) reduces to
1/ (1- q )
æ ö
the Hill numbers q D = ç åaiq ÷ . This includes the special case that T tends to
è i ø
zero, i.e., the case that we ignore phylogeny and only consider the present-day com-
munity. This shows that the framework based on Hill numbers provides a unified
approach to integrate abundances and phylogeny. Also, here we have a simple ideal-
ized reference tree to understand the value of q D (T ) = z for an arbitrary tree: the
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 151
mean phylogenetic diversity of the tree over the time period [−T, 0] is the same as
the diversity of an idealized assemblage consisting of z equally abundant and equally
distinct lineages all with branch length T.
For q = 0, when T is chosen as the age of the root node, we have
D (T ) = Faith s PD / T , which can be interpreted as lineage richness. Faith’s PD
can thus be regarded as a phylogenetic generalization of species richness. We can
roughly interpret 1D (T ) as the effective number of common lineages, and 2 D (T )
as the effective number of dominant lineages in the time period [−T, 0]. When T is
chosen as the age of the root node, a simple relationship exists between phyloge-
netic entropy HP (Allen et al. 2009) and the measure D (T ) :
D (T ) = exp ( H P / T ) . (4c)
For q = 2, when T is chosen as the age of the root node, there is a simple relationship
between our measures and the widely used Rao’s quadratic entropy Q (Chao et al.
D (T ) = . (4d)
1- Q / T
The branch or phylogenetic diversity qPD(T) of order q during the time interval
from T years ago to the present is defined as the product of q D (T ) and T. It quanti-
fies the amount of evolutionary history on the system over the interval [−T, 0], or
“the effective total branch-length” (Chao et al. 2010):
1/ (1- q )
ìï æ a ö üï
PD (T ) = T ´ q D (T ) = í å Li ç i ÷ ý . (5a)
ïî iÎBT è T ø ïþ
é a æ a öù
PD (T ) = lim q PD (T ) = exp ê - å Li i log ç i ÷ ú . (5b)
ë iÎBT T è T øû
q ®1
If q = 0, and T is age of the root node, then 0PD(T) reduces to Faith’s PD, regard-
less of branching pattern or abundances. As explained by Chao et al. (2010), we
could imagine that all the branch segments in the interval [−T, 0] form a single
assemblage with relative abundance set {ai/T; i∈BT}. In this assemblage, for each i
there are Li “branches” with relative abundance ai/T. Then the Hill number of order
q for this assemblage is exactly the branch diversity qPD(T) given in Eq. (5a).
Dividing this Hill number by T, we obtain q D (T ) given in Eq. (4a). Note in our
framework that qPD(T) is truly a class of Hill numbers (“the effective number of
lineage-years”), whereas q D (T ) (“the effective number of lineages”) denotes a
(generalized) mean of Hill numbers. See Faith and Richards (2012) and Faith (2013)
for extensions of the measure qPD(T).
Unlike previous phylogenetic diversity measures developed in the literature,
D (T ) and qPD(T) depend explicitly on two parameters, the abundance sensitivity
152 A. Chao et al.
parameter q and the time perspective (or time-depth) parameter T. The reasons we
need this time-depth parameter and our suggestion to choose a perspective time are
given as follows.
1. When we compare the phylogenetic diversities of several assemblages based on
the measures q D (T ) and qPD(T), all measures should refer to the same time
periods to make meaningful comparisons. That is, the time-depth T should be
kept as the same for all assemblages. Therefore, a parameter is required to spec-
ify the time-depth.
2. The choice of time perspective should reflect an investigator’s aims and facilitate
comparisons with other studies. We suggest that at least two selected time per-
spectives should be included: T = 0, and T = the age of the root node of a phylo-
genetic tree connecting all species in the study. For the case of T = 0, the
phylogeny is ignored and the diversity profile reduces to the profile in the
present-day assemblage based on the ordinary Hill numbers. If we choose T to
be the age of the oldest node in the tree, we recover some of the standard mea-
sures of phylogenetic diversity (see Eqs. (4c) and (4d)).
3. As suggested in Chiu et al. (2014), other time perspectives can be selected, such
as T = the age of the node at which the group of interest diverges from the rest of
the species. This choice of T is independent of the species actually sampled, so
it allows statistically robust comparisons across investigations and regions
(unlike the conventional choice of T as the root node of the tree containing the
species actually observed). This choice also provides an accurate measure of the
proportion of a taxonomic group’s evolutionary history preserved in a given
assemblage. Another choice is the time of the most recent common ancestor of
all taxa alive today. Other choices may be made, depending on the purpose of an
investigation. The formula in Chiu et al. (2014, p. 42) can be used to convert
phylogenetic diversity from one temporal perspective to another.
To see how the measures vary with q and time perspective T, we recommend
using two types of profiles to completely characterize phylogenetic tree information
and species abundances as described below. See section “An example” for exam-
ples. (1) The first type of diversity profile is obtained by plotting qPD(T) or q D (T )
as a function of order q as q varies from 0 to about 3 or 4 (beyond which there is
usually little change), for some selected values of temporal perspective T. For this
type of profile, qPD(T) and q D (T ) have similar patterns as T is fixed, so it is suffi-
cient to plot the profile only for one measure. (2) The second type of diversity pro-
file is obtained by plotting qPD(T) and q D (T ) as functions of T separately for q = 0,
1, and 2. This profile shows the effect of time-depth or evolution change on our
diversity measures.
For the second type of profile, qPD(T) and q D (T ) generally exhibit different
patterns (the profile of q D (T ) is decreasing with T whereas the profile of qPD(T)
for q = 0 (Faith’s PD) is always increasing, and for q > 0 is generally increasing up to
a certain point, so the profiles for both measures are informative. The parameter q
gives the sensitivity of the two measures to present-day species relative abundances.
As in the ordinary Hill numbers, the measures with q = 2 favor more abundant
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 153
s pecies, so they are useful in ecological studies to examine the phylogenetic rela-
tionships of the dominant species in a set of assemblages, or those examining func-
tional diversity. The measures of q = 0 emphasizes rare species, so they are useful
when abundance information is not necessarily relevant (e.g., when ecologists try to
identify past episodes of differentiation, or for some conservation biology applica-
tions). The measures with q = 1 weigh species according to their frequencies and can
be used in most applications when neither dominant nor rare species should be
When the measure of evolutionary change is typically based on the number of
nucleotide base changes at a selected locus, or the amount of functional or morpho-
logical differentiation from a common ancestor, the branches of the resulting tree
will then be uneven, so the tree is non-ultrametric. In this case, Chao et al. (2010)
showed that the time parameter T in all formulas should be replaced by the mean
base change or mean branch length T , the mean of the distances from the tree base
to each of the terminal branch tips (i.e., the mean evolutionary change per species
over the interval of interest). See the right panel of Fig. 1 for an illustrative example.
Let BT denote the set of branches connecting all focal species, with mean branch
length T . Then we can express T as T = å Li ai . The diversity of a non-ultrametric
tree with mean evolutionary change T is the same as that of an ultrametric tree with
time parameter T . Therefore, the diversity formulas for a non-ultrametric tree are
obtained by replacing T by T in Eqs. (4a), (4b), (5a), and (5b). The resulting mea-
sures are denoted respectively as q D (T ) , 1D (T ) , q PD (T ) and 1PD (T ) ; see Chao
et al. (2010) for details. When we compare the phylogenetic diversity based on the
measures q D (T ) and q PD (T ) for several non-ultrametric trees, all measures
should refer to the same mean base change T to make meaningful comparisons.
Fig. 2 Replication Principle for two completely phylogenetically distinct assemblages with
totally different structures. Left panel: Assemblage 1 (black) includes three species with species
relative abundances {p11, p21, p31} for the three tips. Assemblage 2 (grey) includes four species with
species relative abundances {p12, p22, p32, p42} for the four tips. The diversity of the pooled tree is
double of that of each tree as long as the two assemblages are completely phylogenetically distinct
as shown (no lineages shared between assemblages, though lineages within an assemblage may be
shared) and have identical mean diversities (i.e., phylogenetic Hill number). Right panel: The same
is valid for two completely phylogenetically distinct non-ultrametric assemblages (This figure is
reproduced from Fig. 1 of Chiu et al. 2014)
abundances {aik; i∈Bk}, k = 1, 2, …, N. Assume that all assemblages have the same
phylogenetic Hill numbers D (Tk ) = X , implying å Lik aikq = X 1- qTk for all k =1,
2, …, N. When the N trees are pooled with equal weight for each tree, each node
abundance aik in the pooled tree becomes aik/N, and the mean branch length becomes
T = (1 / N ) åTk . Then the phylogenetic Hill number of order q for the pooled
k =1
assemblage becomes
1/ (1- q ) 1/ (1- q )
ìï N L æ a ö ïü
ìï 1 N 1 üï
D (T ) = íåå ik ç ik ÷ ý = í q å å Lik aikq ý
îï k =1 iÎBk T è N ø ïþ ïî N k =1 T iÎBk ïþ (6)
1 / (1- q )
ì 1 N T ü
= { N 1- q ´ X 1- q }
1/ (1- q )
= í q å k X 1- q ý = N ´ X.
î N k =1 T þ
This proves a stronger version of the replication principle for phylogenetic Hill
numbers. Note the mean branch length in the pooled assemblage is the average of
individual mean branch lengths. For example, if q D (T1 = 2 ) = q D (T2 = 6 ) = 10,
then in an effective sense, there are ten lineages with mean branch length 2 in
Assemblage 1 and there are ten lineages with mean branch length 6 in Assemblage
2. The replication principle implies that there are 20 lineages in the pooled tree with
mean branch length 4. Since q PD (Tk ) = q D (Tk ) ´ Tk , the replication principle for
the phylogenetic diversity q PD (T ) does need the assumption that all assemblages
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 155
have the same mean branch lengths (T1 = T2 = ¼ = TN ) . The proof is parallel and
thus omitted.
Decomposition of species richness and its phylogenetic analogues into within- and
between-group (alpha and beta) components is widely used (Whittaker 1972; Faith
et al. 2009). However, these take no notice of abundance differences between sites.
Conservationists using these measures cannot distinguish a site whose species are
equally abundant from a site with the same species but with a highly skewed abun-
dance distribution whose most phylogenetically distinctive species are rare. The
former site would be a better bet for conservation. These considerations, and others,
motivate the development of decomposition theory for abundance-based phyloge-
netic diversity measures. The decomposition also leads to abundance-sensitive mea-
sures of phylogenetic similarity and complementarity.
When there are N assemblages, the phylogenetic Hill numbers q D (T ) (Eqs. 4a
and 4b) and phylogenetic diversity qPD(T) (Eqs. 5a and 5b) of the pooled assem-
blage can be multiplicatively decomposed into independent alpha and beta compo-
nents (Chiu et al. 2014). We briefly describe the decomposition of the measure
D (T ) here for the ultrametric case, and only summarize the decomposition of the
measure qPD(T). The extension to the non-ultrametric case for both measures is
obtained by simply replacing all T in the formulas with the mean branch length T
of the pooled assemblage.
To begin the partitioning, a pooled tree is constructed for the N assemblages.
Assume that there are S species in the present-day assemblage (i.e., there are S tip
nodes). For any tip node i, let zik denote any measure of species importance of the
ith species in the kth assemblage, i = 1, 2, …, S, k = 1, 2, …, N. The measure zik is
referred to as “abundance” for simplicity, although it can be absolute abundances,
relative abundances, incidence, biomasses, cover areas or any other importance
measure. Define z+ k = åzik (i.e., the “+” sign in z+k denotes a sum over the tip
nodes only) as the current size of the kth assemblage. Let z++ = åz+ k be the total
i =1
k =1
abundance in the present-day pooled assemblage.
Now consider the phylogenetic tree in the time interval [−T, 0], and in the pooled
assemblage define BT and Li as in section “Phylogenetic Hill numbers and related
measures”. We extend the definition of zik to include all nodes and their correspond-
ing branches by defining zik for all i∈BT as the total abundances descended from
branch i. (Here the index i can correspond to both tip-node and internal node; if i is
a tip-node, then zik represents data of the current assemblage as defined in the pre-
ceding paragraph.) As shown in Fig. 2 of Chiu et al. (2014), the diversity for each
individual assemblage can be computed from the pooled tree structure, and only the
node abundances vary with assemblages.
156 A. Chao et al.
In the pooled assemblage, the node abundance for branch i (i∈BT) is zi + = åzik
k =1
with branch relative abundance zi+/z++, so the phylogenetic gamma diversity of order
q can be calculated from Eq. (4a) as
1/ (1- q )
1 ìï æ zi + / z+ + ö üï
Dg (T ) = íå i , q ³ 0, q ¹ 1.
L ÷ ý (7a)
T îï iÎBT çè T ø þï
The limit when q approaches unity exists and is equal to
é L æz ö æ zi + ö ù
Dg (T ) = lim q Dg (T ) = exp ê - å i ç i + ÷ log ç ÷ú . (7b)
q ®1
êë iÎBT T è z+ + ø è z+ + ø úû
The gamma diversity is the effective number of equally abundant and equally dis-
tinct lineages all with branch lengths T in the pooled assemblage.
Chiu et al. (2014) derived the following phylogenetic alpha diversity for q ≥ 0
and q ≠ 1:
1/ (1- q )
ïì æ zik / z+ + ö ïü
N q
Da (T ) = í å Li å ç
÷ ý (8a)
TN ïî iÎBT k =1 è T ø ïþ
For q = 1, we have
é N
z /z z /z ù
Da (T ) = lim q Da (T ) = exp ê - å Li å ik + + log ik + + - log ( NT ) ú (8b)
ë iÎBT k =1 T T
q ®1
The alpha diversity is interpreted as the effective number of equally abundant and
equally distinct lineages all with branch lengths T in an individual assemblage.
When normalized measures of species importance (like relative abundance or rela-
tive biomass) are used to quantify species importance, we have z++ = N in Eqs. (8a)
and (8b). The alpha formula then reduces to a generalized mean of the local diversi-
ties with the following property: if all assemblages have the same diversity X, the
alpha diversity is also X (Jost 2007). For non-normalized measures of species
importance, like absolute abundance or biomass, this property does not hold. This is
because when species absolute abundances are compared, for example, a three-
species assemblage with absolute abundances {2, 5, 8} will not be treated as identi-
cal as another three-species assemblage with absolute abundances {200, 500, 800}.
However, these two assemblages are treated as identical when only relative abun-
dances are compared.
Chiu et al. (2014) proved that the phylogenetic gamma Hill number (Eqs. 7a and
7b) is always greater than or equal to the phylogenetic alpha Hill number (Eqs. 8a
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 157
and 8b) for all q ≥ 0 regardless of species abundances and tree structures. Based on
a multiplicative partitioning, the phylogenetic beta diversity is the ratio of gamma
diversity to alpha diversity:
Dg (T )
Db (T ) = q
, q ³ 0. (9)
Da (T )
When the N assemblages are identical in species identities and species abun-
dances, then q Db (T ) = 1 for any T. When the N assemblages are completely phylo-
genetically distinct (no shared lineages), then q Db (T ) = N , no matter what the
diversities or tree shapes of the assemblages. The measure q Db (T ) thus quantifies
the effective number of completely phylogenetically distinct assemblages in the
interval [−T, 0]. As proved by Chiu et al. (2014), the phylogenetic beta diversity
Db (T ) is always between unity and N for any given alpha value, implying alpha
and beta components are unrelated (or independent) for both measures, q D (T ) and
PD(T); see Chao et al. (2012) for a rigorous discussion of un-relatedness and inde-
pendence of two measures. When all lineages in the pooled assemblage are com-
pletely distinct (no lineages shared) in the interval [−T, 0], the phylogenetic alpha,
beta and gamma Hill numbers reduce to those based on ordinary Hill numbers. This
includes the limiting case in which T tends to zero, so that phylogeny is ignored.
Parallel decomposition can be made for the phylogenetic diversity qPD(T), and
we summarize the following relations: q
PDg (T ) = q Dg (T ) ´ T and
PDa (T ) = Da (T ) ´ T .
Under a multiplicative partitioning scheme, we have
PDb (T ) = q PDg (T ) / q PDa (T ) = q Db (T ) , i.e., the beta components from parti-
tioning the phylogenetic Hill numbers q D (T ) and phylogenetic diversity qPD(T)
are identical, implying the interpretation and the corresponding similarity or dif-
ferentiation measures (in the next section) are also identical. Thus, it is sufficient to
focus only on the measure q Db (T ) , which will be referred to as the phylogenetic
beta diversity or beta component for simplicity.
For each of the two measures, q D (T ) and qPD(T), alpha and gamma diversities
obey the replication principle. Then the beta diversity formed by taking their ratio is
replication-invariant (Chiu et al. 2014). That is, when assemblages are replicated,
the beta diversity does not change. Therefore, when we pool equally-distinct sub-
trees, such as pooling equally-ancient subfamilies, the beta diversity is unchanged
by pooling the subfamilies if all subfamilies show the same beta diversity (“consis-
tency in aggregation”).
We now give the phylogenetic beta diversities for the special cases of q = 0, 1
and 2.
(a) When q = 0, we have 0 Db (T ) = Lg (T ) / La (T ) , where Lγ(T) denotes the total
branch length of the pooled tree (the gamma component of Faith’s PD) and
Lα(T) denotes the average length of individual trees (the alpha component of
Faith’s PD).
(b) When q = 1, the phylogenetic beta diversity of order 1 is
158 A. Chao et al.
é N
æz ö æz ö ù
Db (T ) = exp ê( H P ,g - H P ,a ) T + å ç + k ÷ log ç + k ÷ + log N ú , (10a)
ë z
k =1 è + + ø z
è ++ ø û
where HP,γ and HP,α denote respectively the gamma and alpha phylogenetic entropy.
When the species importance measure zik represents the ith species relative abun-
dance in the kth current-time assemblage, then z+ k = 1, z+ + = N , z+ k / z+ + = 1 / N . In
this special case, we have 1Db (T ) = exp éë( H P ,g - H P ,a ) / T ùû . Thus an additive
decomposition for phylogenetic entropy HP holds (Pavoine et al. 2009; Mouchet
and Mouillot 2011), as for ordinary Shannon entropy (Jost 2007).
(c) When q = 2, the phylogenetic beta diversity can be expressed as
å L åz
k =1
Db (T ) = N
åL z
i i+
In the special case of z+ k = 1, z++ = N , this phylogenetic beta diversity of order 2
can be linked to quadratic entropy as
Db (T ) = (1 - Qg / T ) / (1 - Qa / T ) ,
2 -1 -1
where Qγ and Qα denote respectively the gamma and alpha quadratic entropy. The
above formula is also applicable to non-ultrametric trees by replacing all T with T ,
the mean branch length in the pooled assemblage; see Chiu et al. (2014, Appendix
C) for a proof.
For traditional abundance-based diversity, the most commonly used similarity mea-
sures include N-assemblage generalizations of the Jaccard et al. (1966) and Morisita-
Horn (Morisita 1959) measures. The latter three measures were integrated into a
class of CqN measures by Chao et al. (2008). Jost (2006, 2007), Chao et al. (2008,
2012), and Chiu et al. (2014) have demonstrated that all the above measures are
monotonic transformations of beta diversity based on the ordinary Hill numbers.
This is an advantage of using the framework of Hill numbers: a direct link exists
between diversity and similarity (or differentiation) among assemblages.
Chiu et al. (2014) extended this framework by proposing four classes of similar-
ity (or differentiation) measures that are monotonic functions of phylogenetic beta
diversity. The basic idea is that the phylogenetic beta diversity, a ratio of gamma and
alpha phylogenetic Hill numbers, is independent of alpha and measures the pure
differentiation among assemblages. The phylogenetic beta component always lies
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 159
in the range [1, N] for any measures of species importance and all orders q ≥ 0.
Since the range depends on N, the phylogenetic beta diversity cannot be used to
compare phylogenetic differentiation among assemblages across multiple regions
with different numbers of assemblages. To remove the dependence on N, several
transformations can be used to transform the phylogenetic beta component onto [0,
1] to measure local overlap, regional overlap, homogeneity and turnover. We give a
summary of these four transformations below and tabulate formulas and the rela-
tionship with previous measures in Table 1 for the two most important classes. The
formulas for the special cases for q = 0, 1 and 2 are also displayed there.
1. A class of branch overlap measures from a local perspective:
1- q
N 1- q - éë q Db (T ) ùû
CqN (T ) = . (11a)
N 1- q - 1
1 - éë1 / 2 Db (T ) ùû Qg - Qa
1 - C2 N (T ) = = , (11b)
1-1 / N (1 - 1 / N ) (T - Qa )
where Qγ and Qα are respectively gamma and alpha quadratic entropy, and
T is the mean branch length in the pooled assemblage. A general form for
any species importance measure (including absolute abundances) is
Table 1 Two major classes of phylogenetic similarity measures based on the transformations of phylogenetic beta diversity when species importance measures
are incidences (for q = 0), relative abundances or absolute abundance (for q = 1 and 2). The corresponding differentiation measures are the one-complements of
the similarity measures. When all lineages are completely distinct (this includes T ® 0 , ignoring phylogeny), these phylogenetic measures reduce to the
corresponding non-phylogenetic versions. All measures can also be applied to non-ultrametric trees if T is substituted for T
Order Species importance measure Phylo-local-overlap Phylo-regional-overlap
q -1 q -1 1-q 1-q
é1 / q Db (T ) ùû - (1 / N ) é1 / q Db (T ) ùû - (1 / N )
CqN (T ) = ë q -1
U qN (T ) = ë 1-q
1 - (1 / N ) 1 - (1 / N )
q = 0 Incidences Phylo-Sørensen (= PhyloSør for N =2) Phylo-Jaccard (=1–UniFrac for N = 2)
N - Lg (T ) / La (T ) La (T ) / Lg (T ) - 1 / N
N -1 1 -1 / N
q = 1 Relative abundances Phylo-Horn Phylo-Horn
H P ,g - H P ,a H P ,g - H P ,a
1- 1-
T log N T log N
Absolute abundances N N
z+ k æz ö z+ k æz ö
H P ,a - H P ,g - T å log ç + k ÷ H P ,a - H P ,g - T å log ç + k ÷
k =1 ++ è z++ ø z
k =1 ++ è z++ ø
T log N T log N
A. Chao et al.
q = 2 Relative abundances Phylo-Morisita-Horn Phylo-regional-overlap
Qg - Qa Qg - Qa
1- 1-
(1 - 1 / N ) (T - Qa ) ( N - 1) (T - Qg )
Absolute abundances N N
2 2
åL å ( z im - zik ) i
åL å ( z im - zik )
iÎBT m>k iÎBT m>k
1- N
2 ( N - 1) å Li zi2+
( N - 1) å Li åz ik iÎBT
iÎBT k =1
1. zik: species abundance (or any species importance measure) descended from branch i in the kth assemblage, zi + = åzik , z+ k = åzik (assemblage size of the
S N k =1 i =1
kth assemblage in the present-day assemblage with species richness S), and z++ = ååzik (the total abundance in the present-day pooled assemblage). BT: the
i =1 k =1
set of all branches in the time interval [−T, 0], Li: length of branch i
2. q = 0. Lγ(T) and Lα(T): gamma and alpha total branch length (i.e., Faith’s PD)
3. q = 1. HP,γ and HP,α: gamma and alpha phylogenetic entropy
4. q = 2. Qγ and Qα: gamma and alpha quadratic entropy
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based…
162 A. Chao et al.
åL å (z - zik )
i im
iÎBT m>k
1 - C2 N (T ) = N
. (11c)
( N - 1) å Li åzik2
iÎBT k =1
The above expression shows that the similarity index C2 N (T ) , as in all other
abundance-sensitive similarity measures, is unity if and only if zij = zik (i.e.,
species importance measures are identical for any node i in the branch set and for
any two assemblages j and k). This reveals that the similarity index C2 N (T )
quantifies the node-by-node resemblance among the N abundance sets {zik;
i∈BT̅}, k = 1, 2, …, N from a local perspective. See Fig. 2 of Chiu et al. (2014) for
a simple example of the framework.
2. A class of branch overlap measures from a regional perspective:
1- q
éë1 / q Db (T ) ùû - (1 / N )
1- q
U qN (T ) = (12a)
1 - (1 / N )
1- q
This class of measures quantifies the effective proportion of shared branches in
the pooled assemblage. The corresponding differentiation measure 1-U qN (T )
quantifies the effective average proportion of non-shared branches in the pooled
(2a) For q = 0, this measure is called the “phylo-Jaccard” N-assemblage measure
because for N = 2 the measure 1 -U 02 (T ) reduces to the Jaccard-type
UniFrac measure developed by Lozupone and Knight (2005) and the PD-
dissimilarity measure developed by Faith et al. (2009).
(2b) For q = 1, this measure is identical to the “phylo-Horn” N-assemblage over-
lap measure C1N (T ) ; see Table 1.
(2c) For q = 2, we refer to the measure U̅2N(T) as a “phylo-regional-overlap”
measure. When the species importance measure is relative abundance, we
have the following formula for non-ultrametric trees:
N - 2 Db (T ) Qg - Qa
1 - U 2 N (T ) = = ,
N -1 ( N - 1) (T - Qg )
where T denotes the mean branch length in the pooled assemblage. A
general form for any species importance measure (including absolute abun-
dances) is
åL å (z - zik )
i im
iÎBT m>k
1 - U 2 N (T ) = .
( N - 1) å Li zi2+
Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 163
1 / q Db (T ) - 1 / N
S qN (T ) = . (12b)
1-1 / N
This measure is linear in the proportion of regional phylogenetic diversity con-
tained in a typical assemblage.
(3a) For q = 0, it reduces to the “phylo-Jaccard” measure U̅0N (T), i.e.,
S0 N (T ) = U 0 N (T ) .
(3b) For q = 1, this measure does not reduce to the “phylo-Horn” overlap
(3c) For q = 2, this measure is identical to C2 N (T ) , the “phylo-Morisita-Horn”
similarity measure, i.e., S 2 N (T ) = C2 N (T ).
4. A class of measures of the complement of “phylogenetic turnover rate”:
N - q Db (T ) q
Db (T ) - 1
VqN (T ) = = 1- . (12c)
N -1 N -1
This measure in linear in the phylogenetic beta diversity and the corresponding
differentiation measure éë q Db (T ) - 1ùû / ( N - 1) quantifies the relative branch
turnover rate per assemblage.
(4a) For q = 0, the measure V0 N (T ) is identical to the “phylo-Sørensen” mea-
sure, i.e., V0 N (T ) = C0 N (T ) .
(4b) For q = 1, this measure does not reduce to the “phylo-Horn” overlap
(4c) For q = 2, this measure is identical to U̅2N (T), the “phylo-regional-overlap”
measure. That is, V2 N (T ) = U 2 N (T ) .
As with the phylogenetic diversity measures, all the above similarity or differentia-
tion measures are functions of two parameters: the sensitivity parameter q and the
time perspective T. Thus, for each measure, we suggest using the two types of pro-
files described in section “Phylogenetic Hill numbers and related measures” for the
two major similarity measures CqN (T ) and U̅qN(T) (or their complements) to convey
complete information about the similarity or differentiation of a set of assemblages.
An example showing the two types of profiles is given in section “An example”.
The lineage excess q Dg (T ) - q Da (T ) and the phylogenetic diversity excess
PDg (T ) - q PDa (T ) can be interpreted as the effective number of regional lineages
164 A. Chao et al.
An Example
Fig. 3 (a) The phylogenetic tree of 52 rockfish species of the genus Sebastes (Hyde and Vetter
2007) and the species relative abundances in three assemblages: 1980s (Decade I), 1990s (Decade
II) and 2000s (Decade III). The age of the root is T = 7.9 Myr. (b) A sub-tree contains only the
dominant species (those with relative abundance >8 % in at least one assemblage), and these spe-
cies are marked in figure (a). All six species are shared by the three assemblages and four of them
diverged around 6 Myr ago (i.e., they have been in isolated lineages for 6 Myr) (See Pavoine et al.
(2009) for details)
shown in the second type of profiles based on the measure qPD(T)) over the three
When species/lineage abundances are discounted (q = 0 in the left panels of
Fig. 4b), both lineage richness (based on the measure 0 D (T ) ) and total branch
lengths (based on the measure 0PD(T), i.e., Faith’s PD) exhibit the expected order-
ing: Decade I > Decade II > Decade III. When species/lineage abundances are
counted (i.e. q = 1 and 2 in Fig. 4b), the profiles for Decades I and II cross because
the assemblage of Decade II has more even abundant species than that of Decade I
(see the first type of profiles for T = 0 and Fig. 3a, b). Note that if the time-depth is
greater than 6 Myr (including the age of the root), then all the abundance-sensitive
phylogenetic measures for the three assemblages are very close because most of the
dominant species began to diverge around 6 Myr (Fig. 3b). This also explains the
closeness of the three profiles in the first type of profile for T = 7.9 Myr (the right
panel in Fig. 4a).
166 A. Chao et al.
Fig. 4 (a) The first type of diversity profile plots D (T ) as a function of order q, 0 ≤ q ≤ 3, for
two selected values of temporal perspectives: T = 0 (non-phylogenetic case) and T = 7.9 Myr (the
age of the root of the phylogenetic tree in Fig. 3a). (b) The second type of diversity profile plots
D (T ) (phylogenetic Hill number) and qPD(T) (phylogenetic diversity) as functions of T,
0 ≤ T ≤ 10, separately for q = 0, 1 and 2
Fig. 5 (a) Differentiation profiles of the measure 1- CqN (T ) and (b) of the measure 1-U qN (T )
as a function of order q, 0 ≤ q ≤ 3, for two specific time perspectives: T = 0 (left panels, correspond-
ing to non-phylogenetic differentiation profiles), and T = 7.9 Myr (right panels, corresponding to
the profiles for the age of the root node of the pooled phylogenetic tree in Fig. 3a) for three pairs
of assemblages (I vs. II, I vs. III, and II vs. III)
Fig. 3b, we see that the most abundant species S. paucispinis (23 %) in Decade I
became less abundant in both Decade II (9 %) and Decade III (11 %); the second
most abundant species S. mystinus (11 %) in Decade I became quite rare in both
Decade II (4 %) and Decade III (5 %). Also, the species S. miniatus in Decade I was
rare, but it became the most dominant species in both Decade II (12 %) and Decade
III (25 %). These compositional changes for dominant species help explain the
above findings.
As the time perspective T becomes large, more dominant shared lineages are
added to the two assemblages, implying the differentiation between any two assem-
blages should exhibit a non-increasing trend as T is increased. Our two differentia-
tion measures for q > 0 in Fig. 6 show the expected decreasing trend, and the decline
rates differ for q = 1 and q = 2. Based on Fig. 3b, we see that most of the dominant
and isolated species began to diverge around 6 Myr ago. Thus, the two differentia-
tion profiles for q = 1 and 2 start to decrease sharply around 6 Myr especially for
order q = 2. Since the node abundances near roots (where the differentiation values
are near zero) are relatively high and dominant in the whole tree, all values of the
phylogenetic differentiation measures for T = 7.9 Myr (the first type of profile for
T = 7.9 Myr in the right panel of Fig. 5) are substantially lower than their corre-
sponding non-phylogenetic differentiation measure by comparing two figures (T = 0
and T = 7.9 Myr) in each row of Fig. 5. The two types of profiles (in Fig. 5a, b, and
6a, b) demonstrate that the two differentiation measures 1- CqN (T ) and 1-U qN (T )
can incorporate the differences in both tree structure and lineage abundances.
Fig. 6 (a) Differentiation profiles of the measure 1- CqN (T ) and (b) of the measure 1-U qN (T ) ,
as a function of the time perspective (or time-depth) T, 0 ≤ T ≤ 10, for q = 0 (left panel), q = 1 (middle
panel), and q = 2 (right panel) for three pairs of assemblages. All measures are computed for the inter-
val [−T, 0], where T varies from 0 to 10
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Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based… 169
170 A. Chao et al.
Acknowledgements The authors thank Roseli Pellens, Samuel Scheiner and an anonymous
reviewer for helpful comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the Taiwan National
Science Council under Contracts 100-2118-M007-006 and 103-2628-M007-007 for AC. CC is sup-
ported by a post-doctoral fellowship, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. LJ was supported by a
donation from John V. Moore to the Population Biology Foundation. All numerical results presented
in section “An example” of this chapter were obtained by expanding the R scripts provided in
Pavoine et al. (2009, their Appendix S1) to include Hill numbers and our phylogenetic measures.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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172 A. Chao et al.
Abstract About 20 years ago the concepts of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic
split networks were separately introduced in conservation biology and evolutionary
biology, respectively. While it has been widely recognized that biodiversity assess-
ment should better take into account the phylogenetic tree of life, it has also been
widely acknowledged that phylogenetic networks are more appropriate for phyloge-
netic analysis in the presence of hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, or contra-
dicting trees among genomic loci. Here, we aim to combine phylogenetic diversity
and networks into one concept, split diversity (SD), which properly measures biodi-
versity for conflicting phylogenetic signals. Moreover, we reformulate well-known
conservation questions under the SD framework and present computational methods
to solve these, in general, computationally intractable questions. Notably, integer
programming, a technique widely used to solve many real-life problems, serves as
a general and efficient strategy that delivers optimal solutions to many biodiversity
optimization problems. We finally discuss future directions for the new concept.
The previous book chapters show that in the presence of phylogenetic information
it is more appropriate to assess biodiversity based on phylogenetic trees than on the
concept of species richness (see also May 1990; Vane-Wright et al. 1991).
Phylogenetic diversity (PD; Faith 1992) is a popular measure of the amount of evo-
lutionary history encompassed by the species under consideration. Given a phylo-
genetic tree for a set of taxa, PD of a taxon subset is defined as the sum of the branch
lengths of the minimal subtree connecting those taxa. The definition of PD per se
requires “a reliable estimate of phylogenetic relationships among the taxa”
(Faith 1992). However, such a reliable estimate is sometimes hard to obtain due to,
for example, model misspecification (Jermiin et al. 2008) or even intrinsically non-
treelike evolutionary patterns. More recently, phylogenomic studies often revealed
conflicting phylogenetic signals among genomic loci, adding the complication how
to compute PD from multiple trees.
Figure 1 illustrates the problem. Here, phylogenetic trees are reconstructed for
ten pheasant species from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (CYB) and the
intron 3 of the dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (DCoH3) (data
from Kimball and Braun 2008). The two resulting trees, denoted by TCYB and TDCoH3,
clearly separate the two genera Gallus (junglefowl) and Polyplectron (peacock-
pheasant). However, they strongly contradict within the Gallus clade. For example,
G. sonneratii (grey junglefowl) and G. varius (green junglefowl) are the basal
Gallus species in TCYB and TDCoH3, respectively. The trees also disagree on the phylo-
genetic positions of P. emphanum (Palawan peacock-phesant) and P. malacense
(Malayan peacock-pheasant). Moreover, edge lengths of the trees represented by
G.sonneratii G.sonneratii
G.gallus G.gallus
G.lafayetii G.lafayetii
G.varius G.varius
P.emphanum P.emphanum
P.germaini P.germaini
P.inopinatum P.inopinatum
P.bicalcaratum P.bicalcaratum
P.chalcurum P.chalcurum
P.malacense P.malacense
Fig. 1 Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees inferred with IQ-TREE (Minh et al. 2013) from
the mitochondrial CYB and the nuclear intron DCoH3 for four Gallus (junglefowl) and six
Polyplectron (peacock-pheasant) species. The scalebar represents the expected number of nucleo-
tide substitutions per site. Highlighted in boldface are the four species maximizing phylogenetic
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 175
the expected numbers of substitutions per site substantially differ between the trees.
This particular example reflects the fact that the evolutionary relationships among
these birds are still controversial and more data is needed to elucidate the galliform
tree of life (e.g., Wang et al. 2013).
If one is interested in selecting four species maximizing PD, then one indeed
ends up with two different sets of species (highlighted in bold-face, Fig. 1) and only
P. emphanum occurs in both subsets.
To resolve this issue, we introduced the concept of Split Diversity (SD), which
generalizes PD by combining information from multiple trees (Minh et al. 2009).
For example, SD of a taxon set can be defined as the average PD of the two trees.
By maximizing SD one then simultaneously maximizes PDs over all trees, which
captures conflicting phylogenetic signals between the trees. Moreover, computing
SD this way is equivalent to computing “phylogenetic diversity” from the so-called
phylogenetic split networks (Bandelt and Dress 1992a; Huson et al. 2010). SD has
also been recently applied to prioritize populations for conservation (Volkmann
et al. 2014). In the following we formalize the concept of split networks and the
measure of split diversity. Further, we reformulate well-known biodiversity optimi-
zation problems under the framework of SD, present algorithmic solutions and
computational tools to these problems. Finally conclude the chapter with future
Rooted phylogenetic trees as shown in Fig. 1 are well understood. Here, both trees
show that the common ancestor of the taxa considered has the ancestors of the two
genera as direct descendants. In general, interior nodes indicate ancestral taxa of the
leaf nodes, and the edge lengths give an estimate of the amount of change observed
between nodes. However, if one wishes to combine the information in both trees, it
becomes difficult to identify clear ancestors. For example, TCYB and TDCoH3 disagree
whether G. sonneratii or G. varius is the basal Gallus species. In order to visualize
these conflicts phylogenetic split networks have been devised.
We start by describing splits. A split, denoted by A|B, is defined as a bipartition
of the taxon set X into two disjoint subsets A and B, indicating that there is an
observable amount of divergence between the two subsets. Every edge in a tree
generates a split. If one removes an edge, the tree decomposes into two subtrees,
each of which connects a unique set of leaves. TCYB has 17 splits (edges), while
TDCoH3 has 15 splits (2 splits in TDCoH3 have zero length and are collapsed as they do
not influence subsequent computations). Figure 2a shows the union set Σ of 20 dis-
tinct splits occurring in the pheasant trees (Fig. 1). TCYB and TDCoH3 share the ten
trivial splits σ1, σ2, …, σ10 corresponding to external edges of the trees. The trees also
share two non-trivial splits σ13 and σ16, where σ16 corresponds to the internal edges
separating Gallus from Polyplectron species. The remaining splits are unique to
each tree.
176 O. Chernomor et al.
Fig. 2 (a) Set of all splits extracted from the trees in Fig. 1. Each split σ is a bipartition A|B, where
‘*’ and ‘.’ represent taxa in A and B, respectively. Conflicting splits are colored. (b) Visualization
of this split set as a phylogenetic split network. Conflicting splits are colored accordingly and
depicted by parallelograms. Here, split weights are assigned as the mean of the weight of the cor-
responding edges in the two trees. Highlighted in boldface are the four species maximizing split
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 177
This split set is visualized in a phylogenetic split network (Fig. 2b). The major
difference to trees is that the interior nodes of a split network cannot be regarded as
representing ancestral taxa. Instead, the weight of a split A|B indicates the amount
of difference between the taxon set A and B. A split is visualized by a single edge or
a set of parallel edges. The former indicates that the split does not conflict any other
splits, while the latter indicates at least one conflict. Therefore, two conflicting splits
are visualized by a parallelogram. For example, σ14 (in cyan, Fig. 2) and σ15 (in pink)
contradict each other on the placement of P. emphanum and P. malacense. This
disagreement generates a narrow parallelogram at the basal Polyplectron.
If more than two splits are in disagreement, the split network will show multiple
connected parallelograms. For example, σ17 (in red, Fig. 2) conflicts with σ19 (in
green) and σ20 (in yellow). σ19 also contradicts σ18 (in blue). Therefore, σ17, σ18, σ19
and σ20 are visualized by three red, two blue, three green, and two yellow parallel
edges, respectively. This generates three parallelograms within Gallus (Fig. 2b).
Not every split set can be visualized in two dimensions. For example, assuming
that we had a third tree that places G. gallus at the basal Gallus lineage. This would
introduce one split contradicting with both σ17 and σ19. These triple-wise conflicting
splits are depicted by a three dimensional parallelepiped. The resulting split network
is not easily visualized anymore. However, for the following it suffices to directly
work on the split set (Fig. 2a).
Given a split set Σ, the SD of a taxon subset Y is defined as the sum of the weights
λ of all splits separating taxa in Y. Here, a split A | B ∈ Σ separates Y if Y ∩ A and
Y ∩ B are both non-empty. Thus, we get
SD(Y ) = ∑
σ ∈Σ :σ separates Y
To illustrate, given Σ in Fig. 2, for Y={P. malacense, P. germaini, P. emphanum,
G. lafayetii} we have SD(Y ) = λ3 + λ4 + λ6 + λ8 + λ13 + λ14 +…+ λ19 , where λi = λσ i
is defined as the average of the corresponding branch lengths in TCYB and TDCoH3.
Here, contradicting splits such as σ17 and σ19 are considered in the SD
If the split set Σ corresponds to a tree (i.e. no conflicting splits exist in Σ), then
SD is equivalent to PD. The definition of SD therefore generalizes PD. For this
reason we focus on SD for the remaining of the chapter.
Conservation problems mainly fall into two categories: taxon selection and reserve
selection (Fig. 3), where the conservation targets are either taxa or geographical
areas, respectively. Under PD, the simplest taxon selection problem (Faith 1992) is
178 O. Chernomor et al.
Conservation targets
Taxa Areas
Ecology Economy
Conservation Constraints
We start with the simplest taxon selection problem formally defined as:
As an illustration, given the split set for ten pheasants (Fig. 2) we want to select
four taxa maximizing SD. By doing so we yield an optimal subset (highlighted in
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 179
bold-face; Fig. 2b), which shares three taxa (P. emphanum, P. malacense, and
G. lafayetii) with the CYB-based subset (left panel of Fig. 1) and only two taxa
(P. emphanum and P. germaini) with DCoH3-based subset (right panel of Fig. 1).
The SD approach therefore provides a “consensus” solution over the two independent
PD analyses. Problem 1 is known to be NP-hard (Spillner et al. 2008), which means
that to find an optimal set it may, in the worst case, necessary to compute the SD for
the exponentially many subsets n.
Problem 1 implicitly assumes that each taxon requires the same amount of
resources for conservation. If we knew the preservation costs for each taxon and
were provided with a finite budget, then a more realistic scenario is to allocate this
budget among the taxa so as to obtain the highest diversity. This process is known
as conservation triage (Bottrill et al. 2008) and formally defined as:
Problem 1 and 2 ignore ecological relationships between taxa. In real life species
interact with each other within a dependency network such as predator-prey rela-
tionships (Witting et al. 2000; van der Heide et al. 2005; Moulton et al. 2007).
In general, a dependency network is, typically, an acyclic directed graph, where
nodes in the graph represent taxa and edges represent dependencies between
nodes. Figure 4 shows an artificial example of such a network for the pheasants.
Here, G. sonneratii depends on P.malacense and P.germaini, depicted by two edges
connecting G.sonneratii with these two taxa. We note that this is a purely fictional
example, but it illustrates the major principles of including a dependency structure
in conservation decisions.
A taxon is called viable in a subset of taxa if this taxon does not depend on any
other taxon, or if it does depend on some taxa, then at least one of them is also pres-
ent in the subset. For example, G.sonneratii is viable in a subset if this subset also
contains P.malacense or P.germaini. P.emphanum and G.gallus are viable in any
(sub)set since they do not depend on any other species.
A subset is called viable if all its taxa are viable in this set. For example,
{P. emphanum, P. bicalcaratum, P. germaini, G. sonneratii} is a viable subset,
whereas {P.emphanum, P.bicalcaratum, G.lafayetii, G.sonneratii} is not viable.
We now formally define the viable taxon selection problem as
P.malacense P.inopinatum
G.varius P.bicalcaratum
G.gallus P.emphanum
Fig. 4 Artificial example of dependency network for the pheasant data set
For reserve selection we define the SD of a subset of areas as the SD of the union
set of taxa present in these areas. The reserve selection is formalized as:
Problem 4 (Reserve Selection)
Given a split set for n taxa distributed in m areas, find a subset of k areas that
maximizes SD over all subsets of k areas.
To illustrate the problem consider the geographical distribution of the ten pheas-
ants (Table 1). The data were obtained from the global biodiversity information
facility (; accessed on December 1st, 2013), where a country is listed
as habitat only if there are at least three observations for the species. Table 1 shows
that these pheasants occur in eight countries in South Asia. G. gallus and P. bical-
caratum occur in seven and two countries, respectively, whereas the remaining
species are endemic to one country. Indonesia and Malaysia each host three species,
Sri Lanka only one species, and the remaining five countries are home to two
species each.
If one wants to select four countries with maximal diversity, then the decision
heavily depends on the trees or network (Figs. 1 and 2b). Table 2 shows that using
Table 1 Presence/absence of ten pheasants in eight countries obtained from the global biodiversity information facility (
Species Bhutan, BT Indonesia, ID India, IN Sri Lanka, LK Philippines, PH Malaysia, MY Thailand, TH Vietnam, VN
P. bicalcaratum x x
P. chalcurum x
P. emphanum x
P. germaini x
P. inopinatum x
P. malacense x
G. gallus x x x x x x x
G. lafayetii x
G. sonneratii x
G. varius x
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks
182 O. Chernomor et al.
the CYB and DCoH3 regions, the optimal sets only overlap in two countries:
Malaysia and Philippines. If we now maximize SD instead, then the optimal set
includes these two countries, the third one preferred by the PD-DCoH3 set
(Indonesia), and the fourth one by the PD-CYB set (India). The union of the species
sets for the selected areas contains seven species.
If budget data is available, then we have a budgeted reserve selection problem.
Here, preserving these species in each country comes at a cost and we need to select
those countries that maximize SD within an allocated budget.
Problem 5 (Budgeted Reserve Selection)
Given a split set for n taxa distributed on m areas and conservation costs for
each area, find a subset of areas whose total conservation costs do not exceed
a predefined budget while maximizing SD.
The algorithms to solve the aforementioned Problems 1–5 are those that are guaran-
teed to produce an optimal solution, often referred to as exact algorithms, and those
that are not. The former includes algorithms that are based on integer programming
and dynamic programming, whereas the latter comprise greedy algorithms, approx-
imation algorithms and algorithms based on simulated annealing. We will start with
greedy algorithms, as they are simple and probably most widely applied in conser-
vation planning.
Greedy Algorithms
Greedy algorithms are a simple and general heuristic strategy but, usually, do not
guarantee optimal solutions. Kirkpatrick (1983) was probably the first to apply a
greedy algorithm to find a solution to Problem 4, the simple reserve selection, but
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 183
under the species richness concept. His greedy algorithm coined “complementarity
principle” first identifies the most species-rich area. In the second step, it finds the
area, which “adds” the most numbers of new species to the firstly chosen area. This
is repeated until k areas are obtained. Such a complementarity principle has been
applied to maximize PD (Faith 1992) and also applied elsewhere (e.g., Vane-Wright
et al. 1991; Pressey et al. 1997). Recently, Bordewich and Semple (2008) have
proven that the greedy algorithm applied to Problem 5 under PD will generate a
solution that has at least ~63 % of the PD of the optimal solution, which is the best
possible approximation ratio.
The only case, where a greedy algorithm delivers the optimal solution is the
taxon selection (Problem 1) under PD on trees (Pardi and Goldman 2005; Steel
2005). An efficient implementation of such a greedy algorithm (Minh et al. 2006)
finds a solution for trees with millions of taxa within seconds on a standard PC.
Greedy algorithms have been further examined in conservation biology (Moulton
et al. 2007; Bordewich et al. 2008).
Obviously greedy algorithms can be applied for Problems 1–5 to maximize
SD. The general idea is to start with one target (either taxon or area) having the
highest SD. We then choose the second target “adding” the most SD while still sat-
isfying the constraints (budget or viability constraints). We repeat this step until no
further target can be added (e.g., exceeding k targets for Problem 1, 3, and 4 or
exceeding the budget for Problem 2 and 5). As an illustration the greedy algorithm
is applied for Problem 4 to find four countries showing the highest pheasant SD for
the split network (Fig. 2b) and known geographical distribution (Table 1) as fol-
lows. Malaysia is first selected as it contains the highest SD. Philippines, Indonesia,
and India are selected in the next steps. In this particular example the greedy algo-
rithm happens to obtain the optimal set of four countries (Table 2).
Integer Programming
Integer Programming (IP; Dantzig et al. 1954; Gomory 1958) is a widely used and
powerful optimization technique to solve a variety of decision-making problems
(Wolsey 1998; Jünger et al. 2010). IP methods maximize or minimize a linear objec-
tive function subject to linear constraints (equalities or inequalities) when one or
more variables are restricted to be integers. Theoretically solving IP is NP-hard.
However, thanks to powerful solvers like CPLEX (2012) and GUROBI (Gurobi
Optimization Inc. 2013), problems with thousands of variables and constraints can
be solved optimally within reasonable time (Jünger et al. 2010; and references
The first application of IP in conservation problems goes back to (Cocks and
Baird 1989), who solved the reserve selection (Problem 4) under species richness.
Such IP formulations have been extended to more realistic scenarios (Underhill
1994; Church et al. 1996; Possingham et al. 2000), to maximize PD (Rodrigues and
Gaston 2002; Rodrigues et al. 2005), and to maximize SD (Minh et al. 2010).
184 O. Chernomor et al.
y1 ≤ xPB , y1 ≤ xPC + xPE + xPG + xPI + xPM + xGG + xGL + xGS + xGV
In fact, the second inequality always holds because k ≥ 2 and thus is ignored. Now
consider the non-trivial split σ17, which separates G. gallus, G. lafayetii, and G.
varius from the remaining taxa. σ17 is preserved if at least one of G. gallus, G. lafay-
etii, and G. varius and one of the remaining taxa are preserved. Therefore,
y17 ≤ xGG + xGL + xGV , y17 ≤ xPB + xPC + xPI + xPG + xPE + xPM + xGS
The remaining split constraints are listed in Table 3.
Based on split variables one can rewrite SD of S as:
SD(S ) = ∑ λσ yσ (1)
where λσ is the weight of split σ. This is the objective function that we want to maxi-
mize for all problems (1–5).
In the taxon selection Problem 1 the size of an optimal subset is constrained by a
predefined number k, meaning that:
xPB + xPC + xPE + xPG + xPI + xPM + xGG + xGL + xGS + xGV ≤ k (2)
We also require that taxon and split variables are binary
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 185
IP Formulation of Problem 1
Maximize objective function (1), subject to subset size constraint (2), binary
constraints (3, 4), split constraints (5) (see Table 3).
Suppose we are given a total budget B. Let ci denote conservation costs for taxon
i. We can then substitute constraint (2) by the budget constraint
∑c x i i ≤B (6)
Together with previous constraints we have the IP formulation of Problem 2 by:
IP Formulation of Problem 3
Maximize objective function (1), subject to subset size constraint (2), binary
constraints (3, 4), split constraints (5), and viability constraints (7) (Table 3).
zTH, zVN (indices follow two-letter country codes). We now redefine split constraints
in terms of area variables instead of taxon variables as follows.
Split σ18, which separates G. lafayetii and G. varius from the others, is preserved
if (1) G. lafayetii or G. varius is preserved and (2) at least one of the remaining taxa
is preserved. Because G. lafayetii or G. varius occur in Indonesia and Sri Lanka,
condition 1 is equivalent to:
IP Formulation of Problem 4
Maximize objective function (1), subject to subset size constraint (8), binary
constraints (4, 9), and area-split constraints (10) (Table 4).
For budgeted reserve selection we are given a total budget B. Let cID, cLK, cBT, cIN,
cPH, cMY, cTH, cVN denote conservation costs for each country. Then a budget con-
straint for areas is
∑c z r r ≤B (11)
To obtain the IP formulation for Problem 5 we simply substitute subset size con-
straint (8) by the budget constraint (11).
IP Formulation of Problem 5
Maximize objective function (1), subject to budgetary constraint (11), binary
constraints (4, 9), and area-split constraints (10) (Table 4).
Split Diversity: Measuring and Optimizing Biodiversity Using Split Networks 187
Other Algorithms
While greedy algorithms and IP are general strategies for all Problems 1–5, other
algorithms have been applied to solve special cases. For example, simulated anneal-
ing algorithms (Possingham et al. 2000) were introduced to solve the reserve selec-
tion Problems 4 and 5 under species richness with an opportunity to minimize the
connectivity between the areas such as the boundary lengths. Dynamic program-
ming algorithms (DPA) have been applied to solve Problem 2 under PD (Pardi and
Goldman 2007). DPA was further extended to maximize SD on circular split net-
works (Minh et al. 2009a, b). Other special types of split networks were exploited
to solve Problem 1 (Spillner et al. 2008; Bordewich et al. 2009).
Computer Software
Conservation planning software like Marxan (Ball et al. 2009) and Zonation
(Moilanen et al. 2009) mainly focus on species richness. However, both programs
can indirectly account for phylogenetic diversity (see also Silvano, Valdujo and
Colli, chapter “Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians
in the Cerrado” and Arponen and Zupan, chapter “Representing Hotspots of
Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation Planning for European
Mammals”). Only a few programs explicitly allow to compute phylogenetic diver-
sity (Webb et al. 2008; Kembel et al. 2010). In the following we describe two pro-
grams relevant for the SD analysis.
PDA (Minh et al. 2009) is a software tool that computes and maximizes species
richness, PD, and SD given a variety of user-defined constraints including budget,
ecological, and geographical constraints. PDA can be used in conjunction with
SplitsTree to work with SD. It solves all Problems 1–5 by greedy algorithms,
188 O. Chernomor et al.
Conclusions and Perspectives
From a computational view point, solving the extended NAP under future SD is
NP-hard as proven for PD (Hartmann and Steel 2006). Dynamic programming algo-
rithms (DPA) optimally solve the NAP under future PD in a special scenario, where
the species extinction probability becomes 0 if it is given enough resources (Pardi
and Goldman 2007). For general scenarios Hickey et al. (2008) devised such a DPA
that gives an approximation ratio of nearly 1 compared to the optimal solution.
More recently, Billionnet (2013) presented an IP approach for the NAP that runs
within a few minutes for simulated 4,000-taxon cases and provides near-optimal
solutions, which are only 1.2 % away from the optimal solution. It will be interest-
ing to investigate how such DPA and IP approaches can be adapted to solve the NAP
under the more general SD framework.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Tung Lam Nguyen for developing PDA web service. The
authors also thank Roseli Pellens and Philippe Grandcolas for inviting us to write this chapter and
three anonymous reviewers for constructive comments. This work was supported by University of
Vienna (Initiativkolleg I059-N) to O.C. and the Austrian Science Fund – FWF (I760-B17) to
B.Q.M. and A.v.H.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
190 O. Chernomor et al.
Table 3 Objective function and constraints of taxon selection problems for the pheasant example
Maximize (1)
λ1 y1 +…+ λ20 y20
Subject to
Size constraint: (2)
xPB + xPC + xPE + xPG + xPI + xPM + xGG + xGL + xGS + xGV ≤ k
Binary constraints: (3)
xi ∈{0,1}∀ taxon i
yσ ∈ {0,1} ∀σ = 1,.., 20
Split constraints: (5)
yi ≤ xi ∀ taxon i
Table 3 (continued)
Budget constraint: (6)
cPB xPB + cPC xPC +…+ cGV xGV ≤ B
Viability constraints: (7)
xPB ″ xPE
xPG ″ xPB
xPI ″ xGL
xGL ″ xPB
Table 4 Objective function and constraints of reserve selection problems for the pheasant
example. Due to the fact that G. gallus is contained in all but one area there are many area-split
constraints of the form yσ ≤ zBT + zID + zIN + zLK + zPH + zMY + zTH + zVN . Such constraints are
redundant since k ≥ 2, and thus omitted
Maximize (1)
λ1 y1 +…+ λ20 y20
Subject to
Size constraint: (8)
zID + zLK + zBT + zIN + zPH + zMY + zTH + zVN ≤ k
Binary constraints: (9)
zr ∈{0,1}∀ area r
yσ ∈ {0,1} ∀σ = 1,.., 20
Area-split constraints: (10)
y1 ≤ zBT + zTH
y2 ″ zID
y3 ″ zPH
y4 ″ zVN
y5 ″ zMY
y6 ″ zMY
y8 ″ zLK
y9 ″ zIN
y10 ″ zID
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The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity:
Formulation, Extension and Application
David A. Nipperess
Fig. 1 Sampling curve showing the relationship between Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) and sam-
pling depth. The level of sampling is measured in accumulation units of individuals, samples (col-
lections of individuals) or species as required. PDN is the Phylogenetic Diversity of the full set of
N accumulation units. Rarefaction is the process (indicated by unidirectional arrow) of randomly
subsampling (rarefying) the pool of N accumulation units to a subset of size m and calculating the
expected PD of that subset (PDm). ∆PD is the expected gain in PD between the first and second
accumulation unit, and can be used as a measure of phylogenetic evenness, beta-diversity or dis-
persion, depending on the nature of the unit of accumulation
s ampling effort in some sense, they are not equivalent and sampling curves derived
from them must be interpreted differently in each case.
Beside the units by which sampling effort is measured, Gotelli and Colwell
(2001) distinguished between “accumulation curves” and “rarefaction curves”,
based on the process by which the sampling curve is calculated. An accumulation
curve plots a single ordering of individuals or samples (or species) against a cumu-
latively calculated concave diversity measure. The jagged shape of the resulting
curve is highly dependent on the, often arbitrary, order of the accumulation units. To
resolve this problem, rarefaction curves instead plot the expected value of the diver-
sity measure against the corresponding number of accumulation units. Rarefaction
can be achieved using an algorithmic procedure of repeated random sub-sampling
of the full set of accumulation units and calculating the mean diversity (Gotelli and
Colwell 2001). However, Hurlbert (1971) and Simberloff (1972) showed that
expected diversity can be calculated using an exact analytical solution, obviating the
need for computer-intensive repeated sub-sampling. Initially, this solution was for
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200 D.A. Nipperess
individuals-based rarefaction curves, but it has since been shown that the same solu-
tion applies to sample-based rarefaction (Kobayashi 1974; Ugland et al. 2003; Mao
et al. 2005; Chiarucci et al. 2008).
The original purpose of rarefaction was to allow the comparison of datasets with
differing amounts of sampling effort (Sanders 1968). Assemblages can be com-
pared “fairly” when rarefied to the same number of accumulation units (Gotelli and
Colwell 2001). However, rarefaction has broader application than this single pur-
pose. Depending of the unit of accumulation, the shape of the rarefaction curve
provides information on ecological evenness (Olszewski 2004) and beta-diversity
(Crist and Veech 2006). Rarefaction of species richness also forms the basis of esti-
mators of species richness, including unseen species (Colwell and Coddington
1994). In the case of PD, species-based rarefaction curves also allow for a measure
of phylogenetic dispersion (Webb et al. 2002), effectively the expected PD for some
given number of species (Nipperess and Matsen 2013). A solution for the rarefac-
tion of PD is therefore desirable as it will allow for these applications to be realised
for phylogenetically explicit datasets.
Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity, using an algorithmic solution of repeated
sub-sampling, has now been done several times (see for example Lozupone and
Knight 2008; Turnbaugh et al. 2009; Yu et al. 2012). However, an analytical solu-
tion for PD rarefaction, similar to that determined by Hurlbert (1971) for species
richness, is preferable both because its results are exact (not dependent on the num-
ber of repeated subsamples) and substantially more computationally efficient.
Nipperess and Matsen (2013) recently published just such a solution for both the
mean and variance of PD under rarefaction. This solution is quite general, being
applicable to rooted and unrooted trees, and even allowing partition of the tree into
smaller components than the individual branch segments. As a result, the solution is
given in a very generalised form and its relationship with classic rarefaction formula
for species richness is not immediately clear.
In this chapter, I provide a detailed formulation for the exact analytical solution
for expected (mean) Phylogenetic Diversity for a given amount of sampling effort.
This formulation is for the specific but common case of a rooted phylogenetic tree
where whole branch segments are selected under rarefaction. I use the same form of
expression as used by Hurlbert (1971) to demonstrate the direct relationship between
rarefaction of PD and rarefaction of species richness. I do not include a solution for
variance of PD under rarefaction due to its complexity when given in this form and
instead refer the reader to Nipperess and Matsen (2013). I extend this framework to
show how the initial slope of the rarefaction curve (∆PD) can be used as a flexible
measure of phylogenetic evenness, phylogenetic beta-diversity or phylogenetic dis-
persion, depending on the unit of accumulation. I apply PD rarefaction and the
derived ∆PD measure to real ecological datasets to demonstrate its usefulness in
addressing ecological questions. Finally, I discuss some future directions for the
extension and application of PD rarefaction.
The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation, Extension and Application 201
To begin, the classic rarefaction formula for species richness will be reviewed in
order to demonstrate how it can be extended to the case of Phylogenetic Diversity.
The expected species richness (S) for a given amount of sampling is simply the sum
of probabilities (p) of each species occurring in a subset of m accumulation units
(Eq. 1).
E [ S ]m = ∑ m pi (1)
To solve Eq. 1, we need to determine the probability (p) of each species being
selected by a random draw of m accumulation units from the total set of N units.
Regardless of whether the accumulation unit is an individual or a sample, this prob-
ability is a function of the frequency (n) with which species i occurs across the set
of N accumulation units (Chiarucci et al. 2008). Since N is a set of finite size, ran-
dom draws from that set should be without replacement and thus p is defined by the
hypergeometric distribution (Hurlbert 1971). Substituting into Eq. 1, the expected
species richness is as follows (Eq. 2).
N − ni
E [ S ] m = ∑ 1 − (2)
The quantity within the square brackets in Eq. 2 corresponds to p in Eq. 1. Note that
the expressions in curved brackets are binomial coefficients and not simple frac-
tions, while the quantity subtracted from one within the square brackets is a frac-
tion. The denominator in this fraction gives the number of distinct subsets of size m
that can be drawn from the total set of N units. The numerator gives the number of
distinct subsets of size m that do not contain species i. Equation 2 is the same as that
originally proposed by Hurlbert (1971).
Phylogenetic Diversity is simply the sum of a set of branch lengths spanning a
set of species (or, more generally, tips). So, for a set of S species, there is a corre-
sponding set of T branch segments. Each branch segment (j) has a length (L) mea-
sured as sequence substitutions, millions of years, or some other biologically
meaningful estimate of difference. Considering only rooted phylogenetic trees, PD
is calculated as follows (Eq. 3).
PD = ∑ L j (3)
202 D.A. Nipperess
Abundance of species i
m = 10 0 0 1 1 3 5
Fig. 2 An illustration of the process of rarefying Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) by units of individu-
als. An initial sample of ten individuals (m = 10) distributed among four tips (species) is rarefied to
a subset of five individuals (m = 5) by a process of random sampling without replacement. For the
rarefied samples, 2 of the 252 possible subsets are shown. The expected PD under rarefaction is the
average sum of branch lengths represented by each of these distinct subsets. The branch lengths
summed to calculate PD are black while those not represented (and thus not summed) are grey.
Note that the rooted definition of PD is used where the path length to the root is always included,
even in the case where only a single tip is represented
expected PD of Faith (2013) but differs in that random draws are without replace-
ment following the hypergeometric distribution.
N − o j
E [ PD ]m = ∑ Lj × 1−
N (6)
Finally, it is now possible to calculate the expected PD for a given number of
species. A species, in this context, is simply a collection of individuals in much the
same way as a sample is a collection of individuals, and the same equations apply.
204 D.A. Nipperess
Under these circumstances, oj is equal to the sum of xij (over all species) as ni will
always equal 1, and N is equal to S. Substituting into Eq. 6 gives the following for-
mula for rarefaction by species (Eq. 7).
S −
∑ xij
E [ PD ]m = ∑ L j × 1 −
S (7)
It has previously been recognised (Lande 1996; Olszewski 2004) that there is a
relationship between individuals-based rarefaction curves and measures of even-
ness. Specifically, the initial slope of the individuals-based curve for species rich-
ness is equal to the PIE (Probability of Interspecific Encounter) index of Hurlbert
(1971). The initial slope of the rarefaction curve is the difference between the
expected species richness for two individuals (m = 2) and the expected species rich-
ness for one individual (m = 1), and is the probability that the second individual will
be a different species from the first (Olszewski 2004). The PIE index is directly
related to the Gini-Simpson index – the probability that two individuals selected at
random will be different species. The difference between these two indices is in the
form of random sampling – Gini-Simpson samples with replacement (thus assum-
ing infinite population size) while PIE, just like rarefaction, samples without
replacement. Following Olszewski (2004), PIE can be expressed as the following
(Eq. 8) where E[S1] and E[S2] refer to the expected species richness of one and two
randomly drawn individuals respectively. Note that E[S1] always equals one in this
PIE = E[ S 2 ] − E[ S1 ] (8)
When considering a sample-based curve, it is clear that the initial slope is related to
the beta-diversity of the set of samples from which the curve is calculated. In this
case, the difference between E[S1] and E[S2] is the expected number of species in the
second sample that are not found in the first. Thus, the PIE index can be used to
measure beta-diversity if applied to sample-based rarefaction. This interpretation is
directly related to the additive partitioning of species diversity into alpha and beta
components where alpha-diversity is the mean (expected) richness of a single sam-
ple and beta-diversity is the gain in species richness from a single sample to a larger
set of samples and can be read directly from a rarefaction curve (Crist and Veech
The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation, Extension and Application 205
It follows that we can also define measures of phylogenetic evenness and phylo-
genetic beta-diversity using the initial slope of the PD rarefaction curve, where the
units of accumulation are either individuals or samples respectively (Fig. 1). In
either case, the initial slope is the expected gain in PD (∆PD) when adding a second
accumulation unit to the first. Further, because PD rarefaction curves can also
meaningfully use species as accumulation units, we can extend this idea to include
a measure of phylogenetic dispersion where the gain in PD is the expected branch
length in the lineage (path from tip to root) of a second randomly selected species
that is not shared with the first. Thus, we can define a general measure (∆PD) for
phylogenetic evenness, phylogenetic beta-diversity or phylogenetic dispersion,
depending on the accumulation units chosen (Eq. 9, see also Fig. 1). ∆PD is very
similar to the ∆PDq measure of Faith (2013) although in that case, probabilities are
not derived from the hypergeometric distribution. Further, ∆PDq is specifically
applied to the problem of estimating loss of PD from extinction – a problem that is
mathematically similar to rarefaction.
If branch lengths are measured as millions of years between branching events, then
∆PD is measured in units that make intuitive sense and allows for direct comparison
across trees and systems. Alternatively, one could standardise the measure by divid-
ing by its theoretical maximum. ∆PD will be maximum when all individuals, spe-
cies or samples represent wholly distinct lineages with no shared branch lengths.
For an ultrametric tree, the lineage length (path from tip to root) is invariant across
species and is equal to the depth of the tree. When rarefaction is by units of individu-
als or species, E[PD1] is the lineage length. When rarefaction is by units of samples,
E[PD1] will equal the average PD of a sample and will be equal to ∆PD in the
extreme case where each sample shares no branch length with any other sample.
Thus, whether referring to units of individuals, species or samples, E[PD1] repre-
sents the theoretical maximum of ∆PD and can be used to standardise the measure
as follows.
In all these applications, I have used published data on mammals. This is princi-
pally for convenience as mammals (Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007) and birds (Jetz
et al. 2012) are the only major taxonomic groups for which comprehensive species-
level supertrees are available. I have used an updated version of the mammal super-
tree of Bininda-Emonds et al. (2007) published as supplementary material by Fritz
et al. (2009). In this supertree, all branch lengths are measured in units of time (mil-
lions of years between branching events), allowing for a straight-forward interpreta-
tion of PD as cumulative evolutionary history (Proches et al. 2006).
All analyses were conducted using the statistical software, R version 2.15.2 (R
Core Team 2012). Phylogenetic information was processed using the ape package
in R (Paradis et al. 2004). PD rarefaction analyses used the phylodiv, phylocurve
and phylorare functions, written by the author and available from:
Standardisation of Sampling
Phylogenetic Diversity (Ma)
Table 1 Comparison of diversity measures for bat assemblages for ten state forests of the south-
west slopes region of New South Wales, Australia
Individuals richness Phylogenetic Standardised phylogenetic
State forest (N) (S) diversity (PDN) diversity (PD15)
Bago 99 6 159 132
Maragle 208 8 170 136
Buccleuch 100 7 211 150
Bungongo 70 6 221 140
Woomargama 121 7 198 133
Carabost 153 8 198 155
Murraguldrie 95 6 214 133
Ellerslie 46 4 134 105
Tumblong 77 7 188 151
Minjary 15 3 113 113
Original data was taken from Law et al. (1998). Phylogenetic Diversity is measured in units of
millions of years
208 D.A. Nipperess
Phylogenetic Evenness
Table 2 Comparison of diversity measures for bat assemblages from four habitats along a
disturbance gradient in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico
Phylogenetic Phylogenetic
Species Phylogenetic evenness component
Habitat Individuals richness PIE diversity (∆PD) (∆PD/PIE)
Cornfield 572 17 0.786 295 17.2 21.8
Oldfield 690 20 0.809 469 18.1 22.4
Cacao 699 21 0.851 493 18.2 21.3
Forest 444 27 0.884 609 20.4 23.0
Original data taken from Medellin et al. (2000). PIE refers to the Probability of Interspecific
Encounter (Hurlbert 1971). Phylogenetic Diversity and phylogenetic evenness are measured in
units of millions of years
The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation, Extension and Application 209
Phylogenetic Diversity (Ma)
Fig. 4 Individuals-based PD rarefaction curves for bat assemblages from four habitats along a
disturbance gradient in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico.(See Medellin et al. (2000) for a
description of the data. Phylogenetic evenness (∆PD) values are highest in the least disturbed habi-
tat (Forest) and lowest in the most disturbed habitat (Cornfield)
first, we can divide ∆PD by PIE to get the expected branch length of that species
(conditional on the second individual being a different species). This value is related
to phylogenetic dispersion (∆PD from a species-based rarefaction curve) but differs
due to the conditional probability structure, and effectively measures the pure phy-
logenetic contribution to ∆PD independent of the abundance distributions among
species. We see, in this case, that the phylogenetic component generally decreases
with increasing disturbance (Cacao being the exception), supporting the notion that
disturbance favours more closely related species.
Phylogenetic Beta-Diversity
beta-diversity for a set of samples of any size via the ∆PD measure, which is a phy-
logenetic analogue of the additive partitioning approach of Crist and Veech (2006).
Morton et al. (1994) compiled data on small mammal assemblages for 245 sites
in arid Australia. I calculated beta-diversity for two regions from this dataset –
Tanami desert and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory. These
regions had a similar number of sites (Table 3) covering a roughly similarly sized
area but differed in the number of vegetation types. The Tanami sites were all spini-
fex grassland while the Uluru sites comprised a mix of spinifex grassland, acacia
shrubland and woodland (Morton et al. 1994). It might be expected therefore that
the Uluru sites will show higher beta-diversity due to the diversity of habitats repre-
sented. In addition to ∆PD, I used the additive partitioning method to calculate
species-level beta-diversity as the difference between total species richness of all
sites in a region and the mean species richness of a single site (Lande 1996; Crist
and Veech 2006).
Contrary to expectations, the Tanami desert sites showed greater species beta-
diversity and phylogenetic beta-diversity despite the lack of variation in vegetation
type (Table 3). This pattern is driven by the much higher site-level (alpha) species
richness in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park (Table 3, Fig. 5) without a concomitant
increase in overall (gamma) species richness, resulting in a high degree of species
overlap. Given the overlap in species among Uluru sites, it appears that most small
mammals are not specialised for particular vegetation types.
Phylogenetic Dispersion
Table 3 Comparison of diversity measures for small mammal assemblages of sites in the Tanami
Desert and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
Species Species
No. of richness richness Species beta Phylogenetic beta
Region sites (alpha) (gamma) diversity (additive) diversity (∆PD)
Tanami 15 3.13 14 10.87 59.92
Uluru 13 6.54 13 6.46 22.54
Species beta diversity is calculated as the difference between the total species richness of a region
(gamma) and the mean site-level species richness (alpha)
The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation, Extension and Application 211
Tanami Desert
Uluru-Kata Tjuta NP
Phylogenetic Diversity (Ma)
5 10 15 20
No. of sites
Fig. 5 Sample-based rarefaction curves for small mammal assemblages of sites in the Tanami
Desert and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. See Morton et al. (1994)
for a description of the data. Phylogenetic beta diversity (∆PD) is higher among the Tanami sites
than the Uluru sites
I generated PD rarefaction curves and ∆PD values for the mammal faunas of 71
of the 79 terrestrial ecoregions recognised by Olson et al. (2001) as constituting the
Australasian biogeographic realm. Data were sourced from the wildfinder database
( of the World Wildlife Fund. Eight ecore-
gions were excluded from the analysis because they had less than two species and
thus a ∆PD value could not be calculated.
The ecoregions show huge variation in species richness and, as expected,
Phylogenetic Diversity is highly dependent on species richness (Fig. 6). Tropical
ecoregions (such as the central range Montane rainforests, New Guinea) have high
species richness and high Phylogenetic Diversity (Fig. 6, Table 4). When consider-
ing phylogenetic dispersion, however, other ecoregions show unusually high or low
values given their species richness (Table 4). The ecoregion with the lowest ∆PD is
the New Caledonia dry forests. Because of its isolation, this fauna consists exclu-
sively of bats and thus all the species are relatively closely related. The ecoregion
with the highest ∆PD was the Mount Lofty woodlands of South Australia, reflecting
relatively high numbers of marsupial species compared to the more tropically dis-
tributed bats and rodents.
212 D.A. Nipperess
Central Range montane rainforests
Phylogenetic Diversity (Ma)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
No. of species
Fig. 6 Species-based rarefaction curves for mammal assemblages of terrestrial ecoregions of the
Australasian biogeographic realm Ecoregions are as defined by Olson et al. (2001). Data are
sourced from the wildfinder database ( Three ecore-
gions are highlighted, as having minimum (New Caledonia dry forests), maximum (Mount Lofty
woodlands) or median (Central Range montane rainforests) values of phylogenetic dispersion
Table 4 Comparison of diversity measures for mammal assemblages of selected ecoregions of the
Australasian biogeographic realm
Species Phylogenetic Phylogenetic
Ecoregion richness diversity (Ma) dispersion (∆PD)
New Caledonia dry forests 7 347 51.3
Central range montane rainforests 109 2768 103.6
Mount Lofty woodlands 34 1504 110.7
Future Directions
and its extension to other metrics is still very much in its infancy. Here I will outline
some future directions for PD rarefaction.
Rarefaction by units of species allows for the comparison of locations while
controlling for variation in species richness. This can easily be done by either rar-
efying all locations to a given number of species (Nipperess and Matsen 2013) or
via ∆PD as demonstrated here. This kind of correction has previously been done by
including species richness as an explanatory variable in a statistical model and tak-
ing the residuals (Davies et al. 2008) or by comparison to a null model derived by
repeated subsampling (Davies et al. 2007). The latter method is often used as a
statistical test of phylogenetic dispersion (also known as phylogenetic structure)
where random draws are taken from a species pool, representing a null community
assembly process (Webb 2000). Such methods are no longer necessary as the exact
relationship between species richness and PD is described by the rarefaction curve
(Nipperess and Matsen 2013). Further, the exact analytical solution is computation-
ally efficient, allowing for practical application to very large datasets.
By removing the effect of species richness, we can identify “evolutionary
hotspots” with higher than expected phylogenetic diversity (Davies et al. 2008;
Nipperess and Matsen 2013) on a regional or global scale. We can then use the
standardised PD values (called relative PD by Davies et al. 2007) to explore the
environmental, ecological and historical processes that lead to the observed patterns
of high or low phylogenetic dispersion (Kooyman et al. 2013). Ultimately, we may
be able to develop the theory to predict these patterns (Davies et al. 2007), in a simi-
lar vein to what has been done for species richness (Arrhenius 1921; MacArthur and
Wilson 1963; Rosindell et al. 2011). For example, the relationship of species rich-
ness with area is well known but the phylogeny-area relationship has only recently
begun to be explored (Morlon et al. 2011). Rarefaction curves have an obvious con-
nection to species-area curves (Olszewski 2004) and thus the development of PD
rarefaction may well improve understanding of the phylogeny-area relationship. In
particular, species-based rarefaction of PD allows for the separation of species
diversity effects from those purely explained by phylogeny.
It is possible to predict how much Phylogenetic Diversity is yet to be sampled
from the observed rarefaction curve. Rarefaction is the basis of several species
diversity estimators, which attempt to calculate total diversity (including unseen
species) for a set of individuals or samples by effectively extending the curve beyond
the observed sampling depth (Colwell and Coddington 1994). It follows that a use-
ful extension of PD rarefaction would be a PD estimator that predicts unseen branch
length, given the observed rate of accumulation of PD. It is important to note that
PD rarefaction calculates the expected branch length gained by adding additional
accumulation units but does not predict where on the tree these branches will come
from. Similarly, a biodiversity estimator based on PD rarefaction may be able to
predict the amount of PD not yet sampled but would not be able to predict where
these unseen branches would be added to an existing tree. This would be, neverthe-
less, an exciting development.
It has recently been proposed that the standardisation of samples for species
diversity should not be done by rarefaction to the same size (i.e. no. of individuals),
214 D.A. Nipperess
but rather by sample completeness (Alroy 2010; Jost 2010; Chao and Jost 2012).
Completeness, when measured by a statistic known as coverage (Good 1953), is the
proportion of individuals in a community that are represented by species in a sample
from that community (Chao and Jost 2012). When samples differ in their coverage,
they should be standardised to equal coverage before a “fair” comparison can be
made. Much like expected species richness, the coverage of a sample can be esti-
mated from the sample size and the distribution of individuals among the species in
the sample (Chao and Jost 2012). Given that standardisation by sample complete-
ness has been shown to yield a less biased comparison of species richness between
communities (Chao and Jost 2012), it would be desirable to have a similar method
of standardisation for PD. Since rarefaction of coverage is mathematically related to
rarefaction of sample size, the recent work on estimating PD from sample size will
no doubt form the basis from which estimated PD for sample coverage will be
Finally, a general issue when considering any PD measure is uncertainty regard-
ing the length of branches and the topology (branching pattern) of the tree. All PD
measures (including those presented here) assume that the branch lengths and their
arrangement in the tree are perfectly known. This is obviously an abstraction,
although PD can be surprisingly robust to this source of variation (Swenson 2009).
One solution to this dilemma is to calculate PD, including rarefied PD, for a large
number of possible trees and report the mean and confidence limits. The output
from a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis is a large number of trees, each with their
own topology and corresponding branch lengths (see for example Jetz et al. 2012)
and so lends itself well to this approach. However, when the possible trees number
in the thousands and tens of thousands, this is obviously computationally intensive.
An analytical solution, directly incorporating uncertainty into the calculation, would
therefore be desirable. This is not an easy extension of the PD rarefaction solution
because both variation in branch length and topology (affecting the probability of
encountering internal branches) would need to be taken into account. It is worth
remembering that phylogenetic relationships are not the only source of uncertainty
when investigating real ecological communities – neither the abundance, nor even
the presence (occupancy), of species are necessarily known with precision.
Acknowledgements I would like to thank Frederick Matsen (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center), Daniel Faith (Australian Museum), Peter Wilson (Macquarie University), Anne Chao
(National Tsing Hua University) and Robert Colwell (University of Connecticut) for their input
regarding the rarefaction of PD and what it all might mean. Daniel Miranda-Esquivel (Universidad
Industrial de Santander) and Pedro Cardoso (University of Helsinki) provided helpful feedback on
an earlier version of this chapter. This research was supported by the Australian Research Council
(DP0665761 and DP1095200).
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Support in Area Prioritization Using
Phylogenetic Information
Abstract Human activities have accelerated the level of global biodiversity loss.
As we cannot preserve all species and areas, we must prioritize what to protect.
Therefore, one of the most urgent goals and crucial tasks in conservation biology is
to prioritize areas. We could start by calculating ecological measures as richness or
endemicity, but they do not reflect the evolutionary diversity and distinctness of the
species in a given area. The conservation of biodiversity must be linked to the
understanding of the history of the taxa and the areas, and phylogeny give us the
core for such understanding. In such phylogenetic context, evolutionary distinctive-
ness (ED) is a feasible way for defining a ranking of areas that takes into account the
evolutionary history of each taxon that inhabits the area. As our knowledge of the
distribution or the phylogeny might be incomplete, I introduce Jack-knife re-
sampling in evolutionary distinctiveness prioritization analysis, as a way to evaluate
the support of the ranking of the areas to modifications in the data used. In this way,
some questions could be evaluated quantitatively as we could measure the confi-
dence of the results, since deleting at random part of the information (phylogenies
and/or distributions), would help to quantify the persistence of a given area in the
Conservation Planning
The biodiversity is at risk, therefore decisions must be made in order to tackle the
biodiversity crisis. In the process of conservation planning, one or maybe the most
important task is to evaluate the quality and importance of a given area. To fulfill
this task there are many metrics, from species richness to endemicity, but these two
values do not consider the evolutionary uniqueness of a species (Purvis and Hector
2000). Any useful metric must include the evolutionary value of the species (Rolland
et al. 2012), where the most important and therefore the selected area is the one that
harbors the highest biodiversity, but this does not mean the highest number of spe-
cies but the highest number of unique species or evolutionary fronts.
There are many approaches in the context of phylogenetic diversity and conser-
vation, from community ecology to taxon or area conservation. Given this broad
spectrum, the questions are different and vary a lot. In the context of community
ecology and phylogeny, the approach is to evaluate whether there is structure in the
community given the phylogeny (Cavender-Bares et al. 2009), and therefore the
null model approach is used to present the null hypothesis. The species by area
matrix is shuffled (see: Gotelli and Graves 1996), or the species or area labels are
shuffled. Here the “support” is closer to the traditional confidence limits and error
To evaluate the diversity of an area using phylogenies as a general frame, two
main perspectives could be used, evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) or phylogenetic
diversity (PD). Evolutionary distinctiveness refers to species-specific measures
developed to assign scores to the species and therefore the areas they inhabit (Vane-
Wright et al. 1991). The measures are topology-based indices, calculated as “the
sum of basic taxic weights, Q, and the sum of standardised taxic weights, W.”
(Schweiger et al. 2008), and therefore are also known as Taxonomic distinctiveness
indices. Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is a distance-based index using minimum span-
ning path of the subset in the tree (Faith 1992). Redding et al. (2008) identified some
of the major differences between ED and PD. PD is effective only if all the species
within the optimal subset are protected, otherwise other optimal subsets are possi-
ble; unlike ED, PD is not species-specific and thus does not offer priority species
rankings, which are important to species conservation approaches as the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species. Furthermore, topologies are more stable than branch
lengths. Increasing the number of characters or changing the set of characters sel-
dom leads to entire shifts in the relationships among species, whereas branch lengths
change considerably from one set of characters to another and permit only to state
about the evolution of the data set that generated the topology and the branch lengths
(Brown et al. 2010).
Indexes Used
Fig. 1 An example for determining phylogenetic diversity metrics at species and area levels for a
hypothetical topology with five species (four widespread), distributed in eight areas (Modified
from Lehman (2006))
222 D.R. Miranda-Esquivel
available phylogenetic diversity indices, with particular respect to the needs of con-
servationists – which index helps to protect what?”. Part of the answer to this ques-
tion is given by the support to the decisions made, but in species or areas prioritization
the literature does not present any kind of support measure (Whiting et al. 2000;
Posadas et al. 2001; Pérez-Losada et al. 2002; López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel
2010; Prado et al. 2010), neither the most recent revisions cite any measure to evalu-
ate the stability, confidence or support to the results (Schweiger et al. 2008; Vellend
et al. 2011).
Jack-Knife in Conservation
The use of a meta-criterion to define an optimal parameter value has been used
widely in phylogenetic analysis, i.e. the incongruence length difference test to
define the ts/tv/gap costs (Wheeler 1995) or jack-knife frequencies to evaluate
whether concavity parsimony outperforms linear parsimony (Goloboff et al. 2008).
In conservation biology, there must be a measure of the confidence and robust-
ness of the results. A sensitivity analysis, deleting at random part of the information,
helps to understand the support of the data as the persistence of a given area in the
ranking. Therefore, jack-knife is the appropriate tool to explore the behavior of the
results to perturbations in the data set (Holmes 2003).
In a conservation phylogenetic based analysis, there are three different items to
evaluate, as we have three input parameters: the topology, the species in a given
topology, and the distribution of a species.
Support in Area Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information 223
The first question arises when we ask about the distributional pattern of the spe-
cies: what if a locality (therefore all or some species in that area) is not included in
the analysis? A species could not be included in a given locality for three reasons,
because (1) it was never present there; (2) it is locally extinct; or (3) it was not
sampled, although the species is present in the area. To evaluate such situation, the
species can be deleted from a number areas to quantify the effect of missing
The second question arises when a species included in the phylogenetic analysis
is not considered in the conservation analysis: what if a species is not included? A
species not included in the analysis will affect the index value as this depends on the
species included on the calculation. In this context, the presence of a species is
deleted from all the areas it inhabits.
The third question arises when we do not include a given phylogeny: what if a
phylogeny is not included? The whole topology might not be available for the con-
servation analysis. We could depend on a limited subset of phylogenies to the rank-
ing of an specific area. Here, the topology, therefore the species and their distributions
are deleted.
Given the three questions we can decide whether a phylogeny, a taxon or an area
is deleted, with different probability values:
• j.topol is the probability to choose a topology (= p)
• j.tip is the probability to choose a species (= q)
• j.area is the probability to choose an area (= r)
In the first scenario, an area is deleted from the distribution of a species with a
probability of p × q × r (0 < p, q, r < 1), that is, the probability to select the topology
and then select the species and then select the area. An area could be removed from
the whole analysis, and this has to be run only the number of areas times, eliminat-
ing a single area each time. It would show the position of the area in the ranking of
the areas and is equal to delete the area from the final results.
In the second scenario, a species is deleted from a single topology with a prob-
ability p × q (0 < p, q < 1, r = 1.0), therefore all areas inhabited by this species will
not be included.
In the third scenario, the whole topology is not included in the analysis with a
probability p (0 < p < 1, q = r = 1.0), all the species and areas, belonging to that topol-
ogy, will not be included in the analysis.
The first decision in the three scenarios, is made on the topology. As the number
of topologies NOT included increases with the value of p, the absolute indices val-
ues would be small and inversely proportional to the value of p.
Those areas prioritized because of its position in a single or just a few topologies
would change, the indices values would be lower, and the position of the area in the
ranking might change. If an area is supported by all or most of the topologies, its
position in the ranking must be stable, although the index value would be small in
all the replicates, therefore the index values per se are meaningless, but the ranking
is informative.
224 D.R. Miranda-Esquivel
There is a fourth question, not considered here, related to the length of the branch.
This question is valid in the context of Phylogenetic Diversity [PD] (Faith 1992),
Genetic Diversity [GD] (Crozier 1992), or total lineage divergence (Scheiner 2012)
[a metric similar to PD]. These methods require the precise estimation of the length,
therefore the accuracy of the index value depends heavily on the length estimation.
Although Krajewski (1994) considers that the debate of the use and calculations
of divergence in systematics and conservation are two topics, I consider that the
same criticisms to the accuracy estimation of the length in systematics will have a
profound impact in the decision made when the topology and its branch lengths are
used in conservation. And as this quotation from Brown et al. (2010) states, “in any
phylogenetic analysis, the biological plausibility of branch-length output must be
carefully considered”. Therefore, we must be well aware of the methodological
approach used to construct the phylogeny (Rannala et al. 2012).
Additionally, in some cases we must consider the sensitivity of PD value to intra-
specific variation (Albert et al. 2012). Therefore, we must take into account the
source of the tree (species vs. gene trees) [see for example Spinks and Shaffer
Optimal Scenario
Given a data set and n random perturbations on this data, if the index is robust, all
(or most) perturbations would yield the same general ranking. Therefore, in the
context of conservation in an optimal situation, we would prefer areas that:
1. Have the same position in the ranking (original and re-sampled), no matter if we
delete areas, species, or phylogenies
= same ranking or position, insensitive to changes in the item(s) deleted.
2. if not, at least must be the same position in the ranking but considering just a
subgroup (e.g. be first or second, or first to third).
3. Have the same position in the ranking (original and re-sampled), no matter the-
delete probability used (from 0.01 to 0.5).
= same ranking or position, insensitive to changes in the delete probability.
4. or, have the same position for most of the probabilities used, but not counting
extreme situations as a delete probability of 0.5.
= not too sensitive to the probability values used.
In a real world, an scenario to meet the requirements of the first and third condi-
tions is too strict and maybe impossible to fulfill. Therefore, my decision rules to
select the best index and the best ranking are based in the second and fourth situa-
tions. The area must have the same position in the ranking considering just a sub-
group, from the first to the third position in the ranking, no matter the type of item
deleted, and for most of the probability values.
An alternative measure is to evaluate the behavior of an index and its success as
the number of times that a replicate recovers part of the original ranking (e.g.
Support in Area Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information 225
1st/2nd/3rd), but in any order. The researcher could consider only the first position
in the ranking and evaluates the persistence of this area, or could consider the whole
ordered ranking. These measures could be too strict and will be sensitive to the
smallest perturbation to the data set, while the first to third position would be enough
in terms of conservation planning.
Given any measure of success, the re-sampling approach in conservation have
some possible applications as:
1. Which is the best index? that will answer also, what do we want to conserve/use
to prioritize?
The best index would be defined as the most supported index, while the area
used would be that found for most of the probabilities used.
2. How stable is the ranking (e.g. 1st/2nd/3rd position)?
This is a variation of the previous question, but focused in the ranking, as we
prefer a supported ranking, we might evaluate the support for the original
Proposed Protocol
Following the expected behavior in an optimal condition, first I evaluated the index.
I considered the best index as the one that recovered most times the same original
ranking -first to third areas-, as an ordered ranking. Then, using the selected index,
I evaluated the best area, as the one found most often in the first place.
I tested six scenarios by modifying j.topol and j.tip values as follows: j.topol
values of 0.50 and 0.32, and j.tip values of 1, 0.50 and 0.32. These values are just
used to introduce the concept, but they are similar to strong, mild and relaxed tests.
A value of 1 to delete a species means that all areas for that species will be deleted,
while a value of 0.32 means that one out of three will be deleted. Smaller values as
0.01 are discarded, it would make no difference, as the perturbation to the data
would be unimportant.
The effect of deleting areas is related to the number of areas inhabited. If the spe-
cies is in an endemic area, the effect of deleting an area would be as deleting the
whole species, while in a widespread species, the effect should be minimal with
indices as Ie/We or Ies/Wes, but we can not define which is the best index as the four
indices have similar properties. In all cases the probability of deleting areas was 1,
therefore I tested the effect of the topology and species but not the effect of the
226 D.R. Miranda-Esquivel
Number of Replicates
Hedges (1992) presented the number 1825 as the number of replicates needed to
obtain an accuracy of ±1 % for a bootstrapping proportion of 95 %. Although the
higher the number of replicates the higher the accuracy of the estimation of the
bootstrap or jack-knife value, Pattengale et al. (2010) introduced a stopping criteria
that yield lower figures as 500 replicates to get robust bootstrapping values for a
2500 taxa analysis. I randomized each scenario 10,000 times, that could be consid-
ered intuitively an appropriate number of replicates to estimate the jack-knife pro-
portion for conservation purposes.
For these analyses, I used a modified version of the program Richness (Posadas
et al. 2001) to randomize the data and to perform the index calculations [Jrich: avail-
able from], while the data analyses were per-
formed using the software R (R Core Team 2013) and the figures were prepared
using the library ggplot2 (Wickham 2009).
Empirical Examples
Posadas et al. (2001) evaluated the conservation ranking in southern South America
areas. They found that depending on the index used, the selected area changed, as
the best area could be: Santiago (D), Ñuble (F), Valdivia (H), or the Malvinas islands
(K). Also, for a single index, the values could be misleading, as the differences
between the W index values are quite small, and the ranking could be an artifact
rather than a real result (Table 1). I reanalyzed their dataset and found that the best
index for this analysis is Is (Fig. 2) as this index that has the highest jack-knife
The most stable area using Is or raw W (the second best index), was the Malvinas
islands, a candidate to be the best area (Fig. 3). The high uncertainty in the area
chosen is eliminated when the support is included in the selection of the best area.
Santiago has the highest number of species and harbors the highest number of
endemic species, but it was not placed as the highest priority, while Malvinas island,
the second most endemic area has the highest priority. The inferences based on the
Table 1 First area in the ranking proposed by Posadas et al. (2001). For raw W the index values
are 52.62/52.58/52.05. Labels follow Posadas et al. (2001)
raw Malvinas islands (K) Valdivia (H) or Santiago (D) or
Ñuble (F)
e Malvinas islands (K) Malvinas islands (K)
s Santiago (D) Ñuble (F)
es Malvinas islands (K) Ñuble (F)
a J.topol value 0.32
J.tip value
% of times areas 1st/2nd/3rd are recovered
J.tip value
Fig. 2 For each index, the number of hits with a delete value of 0.32 or 0.5 for j.topol and three
j.tip values of 0.32, 0.5, and 1 (in the last situation, the whole topology is deleted). Species ende-
mism and richness (number of species) are included for comparative purposes (Data from Posadas
et al. (2001)). (a) Number of hits with a j.topol value of 0.32 (b) Number of hits with a j.topol value
of 0.5
a Jtopol: 0.32 Jtip: 0.32
I Index % rec
3 1. 2
I Index % rec
12. 2
3 2
3 2
3 3 3
Fig. 3 Number of times an area is recovered as the first (number 1), second (number 2), or third
area (number 3). These are the lowest (a) and the highest (b) delete probabilities used in this analy-
sis. Acronyms for areas follow Posadas et al. (2001) and table 1. (a) Probabilities of j.topol = 0.32,
j.tip = 0.32 (b) Probabilities of j.topol = 0.5, j.tip = 1
Support in Area Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information 229
un-sampled data set might be misleading, while jack-knifing could help to decide
which is the most supported solution.
There are two main approaches to define amazonian areas of endemism, eight areas
from Bates et al. (1998) and Da Silva et al. (2005) or 16 areas from Da Silva and
Oren (1996). López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel (2010), used both ways to estab-
lish conservation priorities for Amazonia’s areas of endemism.
Using Bates et al. (1998) areas, they found that Guiana and Inambari are the first
and second priority areas. Inambari is the richest area while Guiana presents the
highest endemicity value. Their inferences were based on Wes, on theoretical grounds
as the index includes endemicity and standardization (López-Osorio and Miranda-
Esquivel 2010).
The reanalysis showed that the best index is either Wes, We or Ws (Fig. 4). These
three indices select Guiana as the first area and Inambari as the second area (Fig. 5),
as stated in the original paper. In this example the re-sampling reinforces the origi-
nal findings, giving a stronger support to the areas chosen as first and second in the
Using the areas from Da Silva and Oren (1996), López-Osorio and Miranda-
Esquivel (2010) found that depending on the index, either Guiana2 or Rondonia
could be the highest priority area, while the second area could be Guiana3,
Inamambari2 or even Rondonia or Guiana2. Therefore, the first question is, which
is the best index for conservation in Amazonia? and given that index, which are the
areas chosen as the first and second priority?.
López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel (2010) found that most indices selected the
same area Guiana2, which could be seen as there is no difference given the index.
The reanalysis showed that in general Is and Ws are more stable than any other index,
and Is behaves better than Ws. As the size of the topologies is different and some
large topologies with more nodes may have more impact than smaller topologies,
standard I and W indices are not stable (Fig. 6). The first area is Guiana2 in all indi-
ces used, while the second area varies: Rondonia, Guiana3 or Inamambari2 (Fig. 7).
These results are similar to those found by López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel
(2010). Here the re-sampling helped to resolve the initial discrepancy as the highest
priority is Guiana2 and not Rondonia, that could be a possible candidate. The sec-
ond area could be any of the three initially considered, so the evidence is not mis-
leading but inconclusive to define the second area, even after re-sampling the data.
These brief examples show that the confidence of the original ranking should be
evaluated using re-sampling, as an un-sampled ranking analysis could be unstable
when some information (phylogenies or species) is deleted. The results may render
any output, from a different answer from the original ranking to a congruent answer
with the original ranking. Only after the re-sampling analysis, the quality of the
answer could be stated without hesitation. Even if we only calculate the support for
a J.topol value 0.32
50 0.5
% of times areas 1st/2nd/3rd are recovered
50 0.5
Fig. 4 Number of hits with a delete value of 0.32 or 0.5 for j.topol and three j.tip values of 0.32,
0.5, and 1 (in the last situation, the whole topology is deleted) (Data from López-Osorio and
Miranda-Esquivel (2010). Areas from Bates et al. (1998)). (a) Number of hits with a j.topol value
of 0.32 (b) Number of hits with a j.topol value of 0.5
Support in Area Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information 231
100 3
1. 2
W_s Index % rec
2 1.
W_s Index % rec
Fig. 5 Number of times an Area is recovered as the first (number 1), second (number 2), or third
area (number 3). These are the lowest (a) and the highest (b) delete probabilities used in this analy-
sis. (a) Probabilities of j.topol = 0.32, j.tip = 0.32 (b) Probabilities of j.topol = 0.5, j.tip = 1
232 D.R. Miranda-Esquivel
% of times areas 1st/2nd/3rd are recovered
J.tip value
% of times areas 1st/2nd/3rd are recovered
J.tip value
Fig. 6 Number of hits with a delete value of 0.32 or 0.5 for j.topol and three j.tip values of 0.32,
0.5, and 1 (in the last situation, the whole topology is deleted) (Data from López-Osorio and
Miranda-Esquivel (2010). Areas from Da Silva and Oren (1996)). (a) Number of hits with a j.topol
value of 0.32 (b) Number of hits with a j.topol value of 0.5
a Jtopol: 0.32 Jtip: 0.32
I_s Index % rec
I_s Index % rec
25 2
2 3
2 23
3 2
1. 1.
3 3
Fig. 7 Number of times an Area is recovered as the first (number 1), second (number 2), or third
area (number 3). These are the lowest (a) and the highest (b) delete probabilities used in this analy-
sis (Data from López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel (2010). Areas from Da Silva and Oren (1996)).
(Acronyms A = Guiana3, B = Guiana2, C = Guiana1, D = Imeri2, E = Imeri1, F = Napo3, G =
Napo2, H = Napo1, I = Inambari1, J = Inambari2, K = Inambari3, L = Inambari4, M = Rondonia,
N = Tapajos, O = Xingu, P = Belen). (a) Probabilities of j.topol = 0.32, j.tip = 0.32 (b) Probabilities
of j.topol = 0.5, j.tip = 1
234 D.R. Miranda-Esquivel
a given ranking, the results after re-sampling would give a clue of the situation when
the information is perturbed.
Acknowledgements I am grateful to Roseli Pellens for her kind invitation to participate in the
book. Two anonymous referees helped to improve my perspective about Jack-knife and
Conservation. I am indebted to División de Investigación y Extensión, Facultad de salud (project
5658), and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Industrial de Santander (project 5132) for their
financial support.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History
with Data from Multiple Phylogenies:
An Analysis of Endemic Clades from New
Abstract The great bulk of the present knowledge of the Tree of Life comes from
many phylogenies, each with relatively few tips, but with lots of diversity concern-
ing taxa and characters sampled and methods of analysis used. For several biodiver-
sity hotspots this is the kind of data available and ready to be used to have a better
understanding on the evolutionary patterns and to identify areas with remarkable
evolutionary history. But relying on data coming from independent studies raises
some methodological challenges of standardization, comparability and assessments
of bias to make the best use of the currently available information. To bring light to
this subject here we analyzed the distribution of phylogenetic diversity in New
Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot characterized by strong rates of regional and inter-
nal endemicity. We used a dataset with 18 phylogenies distributed in 16 study sites,
and based our analysis on the measure Ws sum. Our study comprises the analysis of
(1) the role of the number of phylogenies on site’ scores and a strategy of standard-
ization of the dataset by the number of phylogenies; (2) the influence of species
richness on site scores and the design of the measure Ws ranks to focus on the most
divergent species of each phylogeny; (3) an assessment of the influence of individ-
ual phylogenies; (4) a resampling strategy using multiple phylogenies to verify the
results’ stability.
Opening wide the sampling window in biodiversity studies is a major goal today,
and this leads to two major research challenges. On the one hand is the difficulty of
dealing with big data, as, for example, those from entire genomes. Now that the
main barriers to obtain enormous sequences seem to be broken, and that this kind of
data is becoming easy and much cheaper to be obtained, the main constraint is the
analysis of such huge datasets. On the other hand are the difficulties associated with
synthetizing evidences produced by several independent studies where, by defini-
tion, the sampling protocols are not standardized. Both issues are at the core of the
analysis of phylogenetic diversity for conservation and deserve more attention if we
are to produce sound guidelines for conservation. However, in this chapter we will
focus only on the last one.
Our interest in this problem is due to the fact that the great bulk of present knowl-
edge of the Tree of Life does not result from a comprehensive analysis with stan-
dardized samples of taxa and characters. Instead, the greatest part of published
works comprises studies at the level of families or genera, with lots of diversity
concerning taxon and characters sampling and methods of analysis. But the
increased facility of molecular sequencing and phylogenetic analysis observed in
the recent years has led to a substantial increase in available phylogenies. As a con-
sequence, for some biodiversity hotspots, an important number of detailed phyloge-
netic studies for several distinct groups are now available. The data from these
independent studies, associated with a greater accuracy and availability of species
occurrence records, provide a rich material that can enhance biodiversity conserva-
tion decisions. This allows for detecting evolutionary patterns across a broader
sample of the Tree of Life and, ultimately, for detecting hotspots of evolutionary
history within these biodiversity Hotspots. Obviously, the higher the diversity of
groups covered by the set of phylogenies the finer the picture of the Tree of Life in
the region and the more reliable the contribution of phylogenetic information to the
conservation planning (Rodrigues et al. 2005).
Although the possibility of integrating results from different phylogenies has
been studied for a while (see Posadas et al. 2001, 2004; Faith et al. 2004; López-
Osorio and Miranda Esquivel 2010), we are only starting to explore the implications
of different sampling effort and imperfect knowledge on studies of phylogenetic
diversity for assessing areas for conservation (see Nipperess and Matsen 2013 and
Nipperess, chapter “The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation,
Extension and Application” and Miranda-Esquivel, chapter “Support in Area
Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information”). In order to shed light to this prob-
lem here we propose some solutions when assessing hotspots for conservation
within New Caledonia.
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 239
New Caledonia is a Pacific Ocean island located some 1450 km east of Australia
(Fig. 1). It is about 500 km long and 50 km wide and is classed as a globally signifi-
cant biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000; Grandcolas et al. 2008; Kier et al.
2009). The island’s biological diversity is threatened by activities associated with
large-scale opencast nickel mining, an increased frequency of fires, and by ecologi-
cal displacements caused by invasive species (Bouchet et al. 1995; Beauvais et al.
2006; Pascal et al. 2008; Pellens and Grandcolas 2010).
A key feature of the New Caledonian biota is its high level of endemism. The
geographical isolation of the island and its ultramafic soils have all been proposed
as factors promoting high levels of endemicity. This endemicity exists at the level of
the island, but also at finer geographical scales, and within New Caledonia micro-
endemism is common with many species restricted to individual mountains, moun-
tain slopes, valleys, watercourses or edaphic ‘islands’ (e.g., Murienne et al. 2005;
Sharma and Giribet 2009; Espeland and Johanson 2010b; Pillon et al. 2010; Nattier
et al. 2012, 2013).
New MtMouMtsDzumac
MtsKoghis RiviereBleue
New Zealand 600-1650
Fig. 1 Localization of New Caledonia in the southern Pacific and the 16 study areas in New
Caledonia’s mainland
240 R. Pellens et al.
This high level of endemism has attracted considerable scientific interest in the
evolutionary history of the island (see the review in Pellens and Grandcolas 2010)
and phylogenies for several groups are now available. There have also been macro-
analyses of the distribution of micro-endemic species (Wulff et al. 2013). However,
to date there has been no systematic evaluation of the distribution of biodiversity in
the context of evolutionary distinctiveness within the island, comparing multiple
taxonomic groups over multiple geographical locations. In the current paper we
tackle this topic with the aim to identify sites with high levels of phylogenetic
This type of study raises some methodological challenges. In an ideal world, one
would design a sampling strategy involving equal sampling effort (or at least quanti-
fied sampling effort) at multiple sites for multiple sets of taxa, sampled for a com-
mon and comparable set of characters, and with the data analyzed in a common and
comparable analytical framework. Unfortunately such a dataset does not exist pres-
ently for New Caledonia. Instead, we have taken an approach to make the best use
of the currently available information by mining the literature for tree topologies,
and then developing an analytical framework that copes with the shortcomings of
the extant dataset.
Specifically we have pulled together the available data consisting of multiple
phylogenies from different groups of organisms, of different levels of species rich-
ness, built from different character sets, different analytical methods and partially
overlapping geographical locations. Our framework aims to standardize the contri-
butions of these different datasets in a meta-analysis, and also to quantify the inevi-
tably high-levels of uncertainty and variance in the range of possible conclusions
that comes from dealing with (a) a complex biological system, and (b) imperfect
We included all available phylogenetic studies up to 2010 that satisfied the three
following conditions: (1) having a monophyletic group from New Caledonia with
three species or more; (2) having extensive coverage of the geographic distribution
of the group within New Caledonia’s mainland; (3) having species represented in at
least three out of the 16 selected geographical areas (see below). This resulted in 18
phylogenies encompassing both terrestrial and freshwater organisms (Table 1). The
monophyletic clades in which New Caledonian species were found ranged from 3
to 59 species (mean 14.9, median 10.5) and in total these phylogenies included 269
species, all endemic to New Caledonia. They included organisms as diverse as
insects, harvestmen, gastropods, vertebrates (geckos – Squamata), and vascular
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 241
Table 1 Overview of the 18 phylogenies used in this study, with complementary references of
species distribution
Key Family Genus Reference
1 Blattaria Blattidae Angustonicus Murienne (2006)
2 Blattaria Blattidae Lauraesilpha Murienne et al. (2008)
3 Heteroptera Tingidae Cephalidiosus Murienne et al. (2009)
4 Orthoptera Eneopteridae Agnotecous Desutter-Grandcolas and
Robillard (2006)
5 Trichoptera Hydrobiosidae Xanthochorema Espeland et al. (2008)
6 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae various Espeland and Johanson
7 Trichoptera Ecnomidae Agmina Espeland and Johanson
8 Coleoptera Dytiscidae Rhantus Balke et al. (2007)
9 Opiliones Troglosironidae Troglosiro Sharma and Giribet
10 Gastropoda Hydrobiidae various Haase and Bouchet
11 Squamata Scincidae Marmorosphax Sadlier et al. (2009)
12 Squamata Scincidae various Sadlier et al. (2004)
13 Squamata Diplodactylidae Dierogekko Bauer et al. (2006)
14 Squamata Diplodactylidae Eurydactylodes Bauer et al. (2009)
15 Squamata Diplodactylidae Rhacodactylus Good et al. (1997) and
Bauer (1990)
16 Ericales Sapotaceae Planchonella Swenson et al. (2007)
and Munzinger and
Swenson (2009)
17 Ericales Sapotaceae various Munzinger and Swenson
(2009), Swenson et al.
(2008) and Swenson and
Munzinger (2009, 2010a,
b, c)
18 Ericales Ebenaceae Diospyros Duangjai et al. (2009)
Key = the reference number that will be used in Tables 2 and 3 when referring to these studies
refers to the number of species from the 18 phylogenies occurring in each area. A
species was considered a microendemic if it was recorded in an area and nowhere
else. In total, our data set consists of 523 records of occurrence of a given species
from a phylogeny at one of these 16 sites.
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 243
three species, i.e. the most ‘basal’ species from each phylogeny, assigning them a
score of 1 (for most basal) 0.67 (second place) and 0.33 (for third place). However,
we latterly truncated this to scores for 1st and 2nd place (1 and 0.67) to emphasise
the most divergent species. In the case of ties for the most divergent species, the
total score of 1.67 was divided by the number of species that tied. Where there is a
unique first place score, but ties for second place, the ‘second prize’ of 0.67 was
‘shared’ amongst the species which tied. The scores were then summed for all phy-
logenies at each site.
This method ensures that each phylogeny contributes a directly equal total score,
and we are simply assessing in each case where the most divergent species are. The
downside of using first and second ranked species, is that it discards information
from all of the other species in each data set. To accommodate this, we also continue
to report the (more conventional) sum of Ws values, also standardised by the num-
ber of phylogenies present at a given site.
Resampling Analysis
Our data set is constrained by the number of phylogenies that were available. To
assess whether our findings are sensitive to the composition of the sample of phy-
logenies we have, we designed two tests. The first was through assessing the changes
associated with the exclusion of a single phylogeny (single drops, a.k.a. Jackknifing).
This is to see if the findings are being driven by a single influential phylogeny.
Secondly, we undertook a resampling (or rarefaction) procedure, by defining sub-
sets of 1, 2, 3… 15 phylogenies in a site and then calculating the mean and standard
deviation of site’s scores with all possible combination of phylogenies with species
occurring in it. This was to establish whether the results are stable with respect to
the number of phylogenies we have available.
The R codes for these analyses are available from [email protected] on
In our dataset the number of phylogenies with species occurring at a site ranged
between 5 and 16 (mean and median = 11). So, the first point that we investigated
was the role of the number of phylogenies in site’s scores. This showed that over
75 % of the site’s ranking with Ws sum was explained by the number of phylogenies
with species in the site (Regression model: Sum Ws = −2.13 + 0.555 number of phy-
logenies; F = 41.75; DF = 14; p = 0.000; R2 = 0.75). With Ws ranks the influence of
the number of phylogenies is a bit smaller but still important (Regression model:
244 R. Pellens et al.
The number of species in the 16 sites varied between 10 and 68 (mean = 33;
median = 31), and over 80 % of variation in the sum of Ws is explained by species
richness. When Ws sums are standardized by the number of phylogenies, 70 % of
the variation is still explained by species richness – sites with more species have
greater chances of accumulating high Ws sums (Fig. 4a, b).
The analysis with Ws ranks shows that all sites had at least one top or second
ranking species (1–14 per site, mean and median = 7). The influence of species rich-
ness on Ws ranks is lower than Ws sums with just over 50 % of the variation in Ws
ranks explained by species richness. When Ws ranks were standardized by the num-
ber of phylogenies, the influence of species richness became much lower (32 %),
although still significant (Fig. 5a, b).
Tables 2 and 3 show the relative levels of evolutionary distinctiveness among sites
when each of the 18 phylogenies is excluded from the analysis. It shows that some
sites consistently have high levels of evolutionary distinctiveness, some have con-
sistently lower levels, whereas some others show intermediate values and their rank-
ing positions are more sensitive to the inclusion of any one phylogeny.
The sum of absolute difference in ranks when each of phylogeny was dropped syn-
thetize this result (Figs. 6 and 7). It shows that several phylogenies contribute to
site’s ranking, refuting the hypothesis that site’s ranking could be highly influenced
by phylogenies with more species, or by a subset of phylogenies with more wide-
spread species.
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 245
Fig. 2 Summed Ws values. The main figure shows the values standardized (= divided) by the
number of phylogenies present at the site. The numbers on top of each bar give the number of spe-
cies and phylogenies (in brackets and italics) at each site. The small figure at the bottom shows the
non-standardized values
246 R. Pellens et al.
Fig. 3 Summed site scores for species on top and second ranks. The main figures shows the values
standardized (= divided) by the number of phylogenies present at the site. The numbers on top of
each bar give the number of scoring species and phylogenies (in brackets and italics) at each site.
The small figure at the bottom shows the non-standardized values
Fig. 4 Over 80 % of the variation in the sites’ Ws sums is explained by species richness (upper
figure part). There is still a strong relationship between species richness and the WS sums when
standardised by the number of phylogenies, suggesting that species rich sites also have more spe-
cies with high WS values (lower figure part)
Fig. 5 A little over 50 % of the variation in the sites’ top and second top scores is explained by
species richness (upper figure part). There is also still a dependency between species richness and
the site scores when these are standardised by the number of phylogenies, suggesting that species
rich sites also have more species with high WS values (lower figure part)
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 249
Values in red and bold are ‘real’ drops, i.e. the dropped phylogeny was indeed present at the site.
A: ranks based on standardised values. B: ranks based on not standardised values. For a key to the
phylogenies see Table 1
250 R. Pellens et al.
Values in red and bold are ‘real’ drops, i.e. the dropped phylogeny was indeed present at the site.
A: ranks based on standardised values. B: ranks based on not standardised values. For a key to the
phylogenies see caption Table 1
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 251
Fig. 6 Sum over all sites of absolute differences in site ranks (based on Ws sum) if the phylogeny
(x axis) is dropped. The main figures shows the values standardised (= divided) by the number of
phylogenies present at the site when a phylogeny is dropped. The small figure at the bottom shows
the nonstandardised values
sum of absolute difference in ranks if phylog. dropped Tingidae
Planchonella Eurydactylodes
Sapotaceae Rhacodactylus
Free ebooks ==>
R. Pellens et al.
of phylogenies present at the site when a phylogeny is dropped. The small figure at the bottom
eny (x axis) is dropped. The main figure shows the values standardised (= divided) by the number
Fig. 7 Sum over all sites of absolute differences in site ranks (based on Ws ranks) if the phylog-
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 253
When the data set is evaluated using Ws sums, the site harbouring the greatest phy-
logenetic divergence is Grand Sud, and to a lesser degree La Foa Canala and Riviere
Bleue. Grand Sud never drops in rank when individual phylogenies are dropped,
and La Foa Canala and Riviere Bleue never below the 6th rank. The lower bound
Ws (mean – SD) for Grand Sud still ranks 4th compared to the mean value of all
others sites when all possible combinations of phylogenies are rarified to the small-
est number of phylogenies present at any one site (n = 5) (the lower bound Ws for La
Foa Canala and Riviere Bleue drop to ranks 9 and 10). The lowest scoring site is Col
des Roussettes, and low phylogenetic diversity is also found in Ningua Foret Sailles,
Mt Mou, Mt Kaala, and Mt Humboldt. These sites never move above the 12th rank
when individual phylogenies are dropped, and their upper bound (mean + SD) ranks
in the lowest two thirds compared to the mean value of all other sites when all pos-
sible combinations of phylogenies are rarified to the smallest number of phyloge-
nies present at any one site.
When the same data set is evaluated using Ws ranks (summing the scores for the
first and second most divergent species for each phylogeny), the sites harbouring the
greatest phylogenetic divergence are also La Foa Canala and Grand Sud. These sites
never drop below the 3rd rank when individual phylogenies are dropped, and their
lower bound (mean – SD) still ranks in the upper half compared to the mean value
of all others sites when all possible combinations of phylogenies are rarified to the
smallest number of phylogenies present at any one site (n = 5). The lowest scoring
sites are Col des Roussettes, Mt Kaala and Ningua Forest Sailles. These sites never
move above the 13th rank when individual phylogenies are dropped, and their upper
bound (mean + SD) ranks in the lowest quarter compared to the mean value of all
other sites when all possible combinations of phylogenies are rarified to the smallest
number of phylogenies present at any one site.
254 R. Pellens et al.
Fig. 8 Mean and standard deviation for the sites’ summed Ws values, resampled over all possible
combinations of phylogenies present at the given site. The main figures shows the values stan-
dardised (= divided) by the number of phylogenies present at the site. The small figure at the bottom
shows the non-standardised values
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 255
Fig. 9 Mean and standard deviation for the sites’ summed site scores (Ws ranks), resampled over
all possible combinations of phylogenies present at the given site. The main figures shows the
values standardised (= divided) by the number of phylogenies present at the site. The small figure
at the bottom shows the nonstandardised values
256 R. Pellens et al.
Methodological Considerations
Even using metrics based on the Ws, there are several ways of evaluating evolution-
ary distinctiveness. Ws gives information on the total distribution of evolutionary
divergence in the entire data set. An advantage of this index is that each phylogeny
has its scores scaled between 0 and 1 and thus phylogenetic diversity can be repre-
sented by many species with small values (from phylogenies with many species), or
few species with large values (from phylogenies with few species). However, this
feature also introduces a limitation. If there is high beta-diversity (differentiation
among sites) in each phylogeny (e.g. if each species only occurs at a single site),
then small phylogenies have the potential to dominate the ranking of individual sites
(as the most divergent species in small phylogenies have higher Ws values than the
most divergent species in large phylogenies). In contrast, if there is low beta-
diversity, then phylogenies with many species will have many species at individual
sites, and thus will be able to ‘compete’ with the smaller phylogenies by having Ws
totals that reflect the sum of several co-occurring species. In this latter case (low
beta-diversity), Ws will be strongly correlated with overall species richness of a
Using the sum of 1st and 2nd ranks circumvents these problems. The power of
this metric is that it gets at a simple question – where are the most divergent two
species from each phylogeny, summed across sites and phylogenies. The downside
is that, of course, it does not include information from species below the 1st and 2nd
ranks. Thus it is purely targeted at examining the distribution of phylogenetically
basal species, rather than the total sum of phylogenetic diversity. This needs to be
borne in mind in its interpretation.
Another promising application of Ws ranks is in the detection of places of recent
diversification. This can be achieved by focusing on the inverse of the most phylo-
genetic divergent species as used here, i.e., through awarding first and second prizes
for the most and second most recent species of the phylogeny. Likewise, the meth-
ods of standardization and rarefaction can be very helpful for dealing with diverse
sampling protocols and identifying the influence of different phylogenies to the
ranking. Although evolutionary potential is a factor that requires genetic studies to
be formally tackled (see Mace and Purvis 2008; the analysis of Grandcolas and
Trewick in chapter “What Is the Meaning of Extreme Phylogenetic Diversity? The
Case of Phylogenetic Relict Species”), the identification of sites that accumulate
species with recent diversification is a first step to set out future study projects and
monitoring strategies for testing this hypothesis. So, the possibility of identifying
these sites should not be neglected.
Both of these metrics can then be adjusted to focus on micro-endemics, by using
the measure Wes from Posadas et al. (2001) and the approach of 1st and 2nd ranks
of Wes as developed here for the Ws. Wes is simply the Ws divided by the number
of sites (or any measure of spatial distribution) the species occurs. The use of Wes,
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 257
rather than Ws has the same issues with ‘sum’ versus 1st and 2nd ranks concepts as
above. With Wes the Ws values are ‘diluted’ by being divided across each site that
a species is recorded from and the main benefit is that sites will score more highly
in proportion to the uniqueness of their species composition.
The resampling methods used here assure that ranking is not driven by a single
or very small set of phylogenies, and the resampling with multiple drops indicates
the tendency of sites remaining in similar ranking positions with the addition of
phylogenies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a set of phylogenetic
studies are analysed this way (but see the proposition of Miranda-Esquivel, chapter
“Support in Area Prioritization Using Phylogenetic Information”), and this seems to
be a very promising way of integrating the problems of diversity of sampling effort.
The results of both analyses put in evidence that a few sites – Grand Sud, La Foa-
Canala and Rivière Bleue are always ranking high. This clearly documents that
these sites harbour remarkable species from a phylogenetic point of view. If ever
these sites would be affected by disturbances, some more original evolutionary his-
tory would be lost in New Caledonia. How does it fit the conservation planning in
New Caledonia? This planning is rather opportunistic, with the definition of small
protected areas with very different status and varied protection level. Given the
amazing level of micro-endemicity, every mountain or river harbours a conspicuous
number of endemics so that any prioritization is difficult even among different pro-
tected areas. In every province, communication or action emphasis is often put on
emblematical and large and supposedly virgin forested areas out of mining priori-
ties, such as Massif du Panié in the North, or Rivière Bleue in the South. Our results
do not adjust perfectly with this situation. The three high-ranking sites are not all
emblematical and targetted areas and the protected areas concerned have different
status. Grand Sud and Rivière Bleue areas are including natural reserves with high
protection level but a large part of these areas are also situated outside the reserves,
potentially putting at risk some populations of endemics. These risks are also
increased because of the metalliferous soils derived from ultramafic rocks that are
widespread in these southern areas and which are potentially places for nickel min-
ing. La Foa-Canala area is another with less direct disturbances but with reserves
with lower protection level. The reserve of Col d’Amieu is a place for forest logging
and traditional seasonal bat hunting and is generally not targeted as an emblematical
Therefore, a recommendation based on our analysis of phylogenetic diversity
should consider that conservation planning in New Caledonia is modified in two
ways. The small natural parks in the South should become larger or connect with
several new reserves, and the Reserve du Col d’Amieu should be carefully consid-
ered with improvement of the protection level.
258 R. Pellens et al.
Future Perspectives
In this work we focused in one method already adjusted to deal with prioritization
of areas based on the evolutionary distinctiveness, the Ws (Posadas et al. 2001). The
same procedure can be directly employed to any measure of evolutionary distinc-
tiveness (ED), in which each species has a score related to its position in the phylog-
eny and the area ranks are assessed through the sum of the scores of the species
occurring in it. So, it could be identically employed when using the EDGE or
HEDGE measures, where ED is associated to threat status (Isaac et al. 2007; see
also May-Collado et al. chapter “Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic
Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals”), or in cases where ED is combined
with geographical rarity, or with species abundance, as, for example, the AED from
Cadotte and Davies (2010).
As shown by Faith et al. (2004) and Faith (chapter “The PD Phylogenetic
Diversity Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature Diversity for
Biodiversity Conservation” this volume) PD could easily be used to assess site’s
rank when using data from several phylogenies: in cases where phylogenies are
based on different kinds of characters or method of analysis, PD can be employed
on the simple basis of counting nodes. The great advantage is that PD (the sum of
the minimum spanning path linking all the species in an area) is a group measure
(see Hartman and Steel 2007) and takes in consideration the complementarity,
which would result in avoiding redundancies. However, at the present state of
knowledge the rarefaction as used here, or the standardization for number of phy-
logenies cannot be directly applied to group measures such as PD. As presented in
the introduction of this chapter the rarefaction of PD is newly developed (Nipperess
and Matsen 2013). Many solutions are designed in Nipperess’ (chapter “The
Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation, Extension and Application”):
the standardization of sampling effort; the calculation of phylogenetic evenness,
phylogenetic beta diversity, and phylogenetic dispersion. So, an extension to the
application of these solutions when using phylogenetic data from several phyloge-
nies will complete this framework and provide more options about the measure to
be employed.
Biodiversity conservation is a very complex issue, and conservation guidelines
should take multiple variables in consideration. Ideally, the analysis should provide
explicit information about the way each variable has been weighted and, as far as
possible, a set of scenarios under different weights. In this perspective, complex
frameworks for systematic conservation planning have been developed and are
becoming to be employed more often. For example, the Zonation procedure
(Moilanen 2007; Lehtomaki and Moilanen 2013) used by Arponen and Zupan
(chapter “Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation
Planning for European Mammals”), and the gap analysis (Ball and Possingham
2000) used in the study of Silvano et al. (chapter “Priorities for Conservation of the
Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado”). In these procedures, phylo-
genetic diversity is included as a weight along with other biological data like spe-
Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 259
cies’ distribution area, threat status, or some economic variables, such as the cost for
Although the results presented in this study highly stand by themselves, they can
also be integrated in this kind of analysis as weights according to site’s rank consid-
ering both Ws sums and Ws ranks amongst other variables. In this case, there is no
doubt that the procedures conducted here will give a reliable picture of the phyloge-
netic distribution across this set of sites, and provide a better instrument to the con-
servation of the phylogenetic diversity.
To conclude, the analytical problems and need for the solutions outlined above
will decrease as large-scale sequencing projects bring more directly comparable
data together. However, until comprehensive and balanced sampling from common
gene sets across taxa and sites are realized, the challenges of standardization, com-
parability and assessments of bias will remain relevant.
Acknowledgements This project was funded by the French Agency of Research, through the
grant ANR Bioneocal to PG. We thank the authors of the phylogenies and in particular Ulf
Swenson and Marianne Espeland, for giving access to their databases of species occurrences, and
Hervé Jourdan (IRD Nouméa) for helping RP with the delimitation of the study areas. We also
thank David Nipperess and Romain Nattier for their comments that helped to improve this
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Assessing Hotspots of Evolutionary History with Data from Multiple Phylogenies… 261
Anni Arponen and Laure Zupan
A. Arponen (*)
Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of
Helsinki, P.O. Box 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Zupan
Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, UMR-CNRS 5553, Université J. Fourier,
Grenoble I, 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France
e-mail: [email protected]
Systematic Conservation Planning Protected areas around the world have typi-
cally been established in areas of low competing interests, which is not ideal from
the perspective of biodiversity conservation (Pressey et al. 1993). Such biased allo-
cation may even lead to existing protected areas performing worse than randomly
chosen areas in representing diversity (Ferrier 2002). The realization that conserva-
tion would benefit from cost-effective practices led to the development of the field
of Systematic conservation planning (Box 1, Margules and Pressey 2000; Margules
and Sarkar 2007). More than 20 years of development have led to the integration of
numerous aspects to the approach adding to its realism. In particular, the spatial
prioritization for assessing the existing conservation areas and selecting new ones
have become comprehensive and efficient, and nowadays they also provide more
user-friendly graphical user interfaces, which has facilitated their broad use for
practical conservation planning purposes (Ball et al. 2009; Moilanen et al. 2009).
Evolutionary History in Conservation Phylogenetic diversity or species origi-
nality are often mentioned as important for conservation (Rosauer and Mooers
2013; Winter et al. 2013), and the history of such discussion goes back already a few
decades (Vane-Wright et al. 1991; Faith 1992). Evolutionary history is often quanti-
fied in community ecology for the purpose of understanding the diversity of current
species distributions (Davies and Buckley 2011; Fritz and Rahbek 2012) or the
potential functioning of ecosystems (Cadotte et al. 2012), whereas applications to
conservation have remained limited.
Box 1
The process of systematic conservation planning as described by Margules
and Pressey (2000).
1 . Compile data on the biodiversity of the planning region
2. Identify conservation goals for the planning region
3. Review existing conservation areas
4. Select additional conservation areas
5. Implement conservation actions
6. Maintain the required values of conservation areas
Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation Planning… 267
p olytomies randomly results in variation among different trees, but having good
spatial distribution data provides a good opportunity for investigating the influence
of such uncertainty on spatial conservation prioritization. Mammals are also consid-
ered to be of high conservation interest due to their public appeal (Smith et al.
2012). They were the first focal taxon of the EDGE programme (Isaac et al. 2007),
which was a pioneering endeavor to bring highly threatened and evolutionarily
unique species to the limelight and to improve their conservation.
We conducted spatial prioritizations for European mammal conservation with
the Zonation conservation planning software. We compared traditional, species
based prioritization to one where alpha-level phylogenetic diversity, measured as
the equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy, was allowed to influence site
value through using its inverse as cost in the analyses. Because a continental scale
analysis may not be politically feasible, we repeated both analyses at national scales,
where Zonation performs identical prioritization but for each country separately.
For mammals there is still some uncertainty related to the structure of the phylog-
eny. We acquired 100 different trees and ran Zonation analyses for each of them,
comparing the similarities of outcomes to each other. We analyzed the trade-offs
between species representation and the equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic
entropy in the solutions. Finally, we analyzed the performance of the current pro-
tected area network in representing hotspots of evolutionary history for mammals,
as well as in representing species, both at the European and at national scales.
Material and Methods
QE = åå dij pic p jc
i =1 j =1
dij is derived from the ultrametric phylogenetic tree (Pavoine et al. 2005b) and
corresponds to the phylogenetic dissimilarity between each pair of species i and j. pi
and pj are the respective proportions of suitable habitat for the species i and j avail-
able in the 10′ pixel c. It is now recognized in the literature that the values of most
of diversity measures (like the Rao’s quadratic entropy) do not behave intuitively
because they do not satisfy the “replication principle” (Jost 2007; de Bello et al.
2010; Chao et al. 2010; Leinster and Cobbold 2012; Chao et al. chapter “Phylogenetic
Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based on Hill
Numbers”). The replication principle (or “doubling property”) states that if we pool
two equally diverse and equally large groups with no shared species, the total
diversity should be two times the diversity of a single group (Chao et al. 2010; Chao
et al. see their Fig. 2 in chapter “Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their
Decomposition: A Framework Based on Hill Numbers”). To make the Rao’s
270 A. Arponen and L. Zupan
c onsidered five times as costly to protect, lowering its position in the Zonation rank-
ing. The cost layer can be scaled differently according to how much importance is
given to phylogenetic diversity. The equivalent numbers of Rao’s quadratic entropy
values went from ca. 1 to 7, and the direct inverse was used in our “medium weight-
ing” (that is, cost goes from 0.14 to 1), and this scale was halved (“low weights”,
0.28–1) and doubled (“high weights”, 0.07–1) to test for sensitivity to this parame-
ter (see Fig. 1 for analysis setups).
The latitudinal gradients in species richness and range sizes cause the spatial
priorities in analyses at any scale to be concentrated in the more species rich lower
latitude areas (Eklund et al. 2011; Moilanen et al. 2013). Even though cost-effective
from the perspective of species conservation, focusing conservation efforts into
these regions only would be very difficult for many reasons (see section “Discussion
and Conclusions”). Therefore we also performed an analysis where countries were
considered as independent administrative units, each aiming to conserve the diver-
sity within their borders. This is implemented through the Administrative units
analysis in Zonation (Moilanen and Arponen 2011). The analysis would allow for a
compromise solution between purely European-scale and purely national-scale
analyses, but for our analytical purposes, we chose the extreme cases only. A
national-scale prioritization provides an interesting reference for comparison to
protected areas. We did this for one tree only. Thus, we ended up with four main
Zonation solutions to assess protected area performance regarding the representa-
tion of species and phylogenetic diversity at both European and national scales
(Fig. 1).
Spatial priorities in the European analyses were strongly concentrated around the
southern parts as well as eastern border of the study region (Fig. 2a, b). Spatial pri-
orities between the basic Core-area prioritization and the variants where phyloge-
netic diversity as the equivalent number of Rao’s QE was included are extremely
similar in some regions, but contain some rather dramatic differences in specific,
especially northern parts of Europe (Fig. 2a, b). Spearman rank correlations between
the rank values in the basic Core-area solution and the three weighting variants of
the equivalent number of Rao’s QE were 0.93, 0.91 and 0.89, for the low, medium
and high weight scales, respectively.
We repeated the basic and phylogenetic diversity weighted analyses at the
national scale, where Zonation performed the prioritization separately for each
country (Fig. 2c, d). Here the priorities were forced to be evenly distributed among
the countries, such that e.g. the best 10 % of the landscape consisted of the best
10 % in each country. Such priorities are much more scattered across Europe, and
concentrated around country borders.
Fig. 1 Diagram representing the flow of our analyses. The left part of the figure illustrates the
analyses we ran at the European scale while at the right of the dashed line are the analyses con-
ducted at the national level. In all analyses, the data input for the species were the proportion of
suitable habitat (1 raster layer per species). We first (a) tested three different weightings for the
phylogenetic diversity measured as the equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy (low,
medium and high weighting, see main text) to assess whether this was influencing the prioritiza-
tion results. In a second step (b) we ran Zonation 100 times using cost layers corresponding to the
100 different phylogenetic trees. We followed this procedure to evaluate the influence of the tree
structure variation on the prioritization results. The remaining analyses were dedicated for the
evaluation of the current protected areas network. We used only one cost-layer (corresponding to
the equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy extracted from tree 1 and a medium weighting)
to evaluate the protected area network at the (c) European scale and (f) the national scale. Finally
we ran Zonation without any phylogenetic diversity data to assess the representation of species
within the protected areas network at (d) European scale and (f) national scale. Abbreviations: med
medium, phyl. div phylogenetic diversity measured as the equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic
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Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation Planning… 273
Fig. 2 Zonation priority maps for mammals in Europe. The red tones represent the best 10 % of
the solution and blue tones indicate the lowest 50 % of cells. (a) Is the basic, core-area Zonation
solution for our data where conservation value in Zonation optimization is only based on species
richness normalised by range size. (b) Is the Zonation solution where the conservation value of a
cell is weighted with the medium variant of the phylogenetic diversity, i.e. the inverse of the equiv-
alent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy for the local community in each cell is used as cell costs.
(c) Shows the national level basic Zonation priorities and (d) is the national analysis with phyloge-
netic diversity included
The three phylogenetic weightings give very similar results. The pair-wise
Spearman rank correlations between these differently weighted Zonation analyses
were very high (low-medium: 0.9965, low-high: 0.9916, and medium-high: 0.9987).
Therefore, in the following analyses we used the medium weighting only, which
corresponds to using the inverse of the equivalent number of Rao’s QE directly as
cell cost (see Fig. 1).
274 A. Arponen and L. Zupan
Fig. 3 The range of variation in rank values among the 100 Zonation solutions done with different
phylogenetic trees. Large majority of areas have very consistent rank values, with variation lower
than 1 % (i.e. always placed within the same 1 % fraction in the Zonation ranking; black in the
map). In some regions the variation is broader, but still keeping within the same 10 % fraction in
Zonation (medium blue). Only very small regions have variation from 10 to 20 % (light blue), and
only some sparse cells go through more dramatic changes in priority when different tree structures
are considered, with variation up to 47 % (pink cells)
Fig. 4 Proportions of species distributions retained (y-axis) in different top fractions of the
landscape (x-axis). The black squares represent the median value across all species, which are
surrounded by vertically plotted density distributions of all species’ values around the median.
For example, in the basic Zonation solution, the top 20 % of the landscape covers more than 55 %
of the ranges for half of the species, but there are also (broadly distributed) species with only ca.
10 % of their ranges covered. A random selection at the continental scale would result in a 1:1
diagonal line for the medians (solid line)
(illustrated by the density distributions drawn around the medians in Fig. 4) reveals
a very subtle trade-off: The basic core-area Zonation retains species representations
more evenly, as it should by definition, whereas the phylogenetic diversity solution
loses larger fractions of some species’ ranges earlier on in the cell removal process
(longer downward tails in the density distributions at lowest 50 % fractions). In
other words, with the phylogenetic diversity weighting the protection of some spe-
cies is traded off against protection of locations with higher phylogenetic diversity.
But as this tradeoff is minor and most visible at poorest fractions of the landscape,
it is unlikely to be of concern for practical conservation.
276 A. Arponen and L. Zupan
Fig. 5 Mean phylogenetic diversity measured as the equivalent number of Rao’s QE across cells
at different top fractions of the landscape according to Zonation. The values have been standard-
ized from an original mean QE of 5.06 across all cells. The different prioritizations converge at top
fraction equal to 1, as that represents the mean value across all cells in the landscape. If cells were
removed in random order, the points would form a flat line at this level
A major difference can be seen between the analyses at different spatial scales.
When going from European to national priorities, the median representation values
drop substantially, by even ca. 40 % (Fig. 4). Same pattern arises at the national
scale from inclusion of phylogenetic diversity: again some species lose more of
their ranges for the benefit of others that occur in locations with higher values of the
equivalent number of Rao’s QE.
To look at evolutionary history maintained by the Zonation solutions, we plotted
the mean equivalent number of Rao’s QE for the cells at different top fractions of
the rankings (Fig. 5). We observed as an overall general trend that the mean QE is
increasing as cells are removed from the landscape (from 100 to 1 % in the x-axis)
for any selection procedure (with or without including phylogenetic diversity as
selection criteria). This is caused by the positive correlation between QE and spe-
cies richness. By default, Zonation values high species richness cells which will
tend to be prioritized, and those cells are also more likely to have high QE values
than species poor cells. The very highest priorities (top 1 % in Fig. 5) again diverge
from this trend for the solutions that do not consider QE explicitly, because here
Zonation tries to maintain a representation for as many species as possible, and thus
the complementarity of species compositions overrides the importance of richness,
and correlation with the QE weighted solutions disappear.
Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation Planning… 277
The mean equivalent number of Rao’s QE retained by each fraction of the land-
scape is higher when phylogenetic diversity is accounted for (black-filled symbols
are higher than empty symbols). This means that including phylogenetic diversity
as a prioritization criterion improves the outcome of the Zonation solution from the
perspective of evolutionary history. Our results also highlight that the scale at which
the prioritization is conducted (European vs. National) does not appear to have a
consistent impact on the mean QE retained in each fraction of the landscape (same
colored symbols are close to each other for a given fraction). In other words, the
choice whether to conduct a prioritization at the country level or at the continent
level does not influence how much phylogenetic diversity is retained.
We overlaid the Zonation rankings with maps of existing protected areas to see
how well the priorities and protected areas coincide. The protected areas we consid-
ered in our analyses (WDPA categories I–IV) cover a total of 7.8 % of the land area
in the study region. We compared them to the same amount of land area prioritized
by the Zonation variants (Fig. 6), i.e., 7.8 % top fraction of the Zonation solutions.
A large majority of currently protected land is not considered of high priority by any
of the Zonation variants (light blue areas), and conversely, much of the Zonation
priorities are unprotected (yellow-orange tones). The best matching areas are shown
in red, and are sparsely located across the study region without any clear spatial
We plotted the mean proportions of cell area protected among the cells in differ-
ent top fractions of Zonation solutions for each of the four main solutions (Fig. 7).
For both of the European scale analyses the proportion protected did not seem to
depend at all whether the cells were considered of high or low priority. Actually
their pattern of distribution appeared near random. Instead, for the national scale
analyses there was a consistent pattern of increasing protection with increasing rank
in Zonation, for both the basic and phylogenetic diversity variants of Zonation.
Topmost 1 % fractions had almost twice as much area under protection as compared
with the mean across the whole study region.
Discussion and Conclusions
Fig. 6 Overlap of the area identified as priority for conservation with Zonation (7.8 % of the land
area in the study region) with currently protected areas (WDPA categories I–IV). The two different
color scales indicate the proportion of each cell under protection: Light blue cells have more than
half of their area protected, black cells have less than 1 %. The tones from yellow to dark red indi-
cate the same thing, but for the cells belonging to the Zonation 7.8 % top fractions. (a) Is the basic,
core-area Zonation solution for our data where conservation value in Zonation optimization is only
based on species richness normalised by range size. (b) Is the Zonation solution where the conser-
vation value of a cell is weighted with the medium phylogenetic diversity, i.e. the inverse of the
equivalent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy for the local community in each cell is used as cell
costs. (c) Shows the national level basic Zonation priorities and (d) is the national analysis with
phylogenetic diversity included
Fig. 7 The mean proportion of area protected in the different top fractions of the Zonation rank-
ings. For example, out of the best 1 % of the cells according to the continental scale phylogenetic
diversity variant (with inverse of the equivalent number of Rao’s QE as cell cost) approximately
7 % of area is under protection, whereas in both of the National Zonation variants more than twice
as much of the top priority area is under protection. The 100 % bar indicates the overall mean of
area protected across the whole study region, corresponding to 7.8 % of land area
Mammals are a group of species with broad distributions even at the European
scale. Such patterns cause the priorities to be strongly concentrated around southern
parts of the study area, where the diversity gradients peak. Whenever such a region
is subdivided into smaller administrative units, species ranges will typically extend
over multiple units. And whenever distributional ranges cross boundaries, selecting
areas complementary to each other within a subunit of a larger area is likely to lead
to selecting areas as far as possible from each other: the Northern border will host
mostly different species from those along the southern border. This so-called edge
artefact (Moilanen et al. 2013) is important to consider when discussing the rele-
vance of spatial scales in priority setting.
280 A. Arponen and L. Zupan
have very broad distributions, then that leaves quite a lot of flexibility for ranking
the rest of the landscape.
We found the current network of protected areas to perform rather poorly with
respect to representation of areas perceived as high priorities by the European scale
Zonation solutions. The proportions of different fractions from Zonation solutions
were covered by protected areas roughly equally, close to the overall mean percent-
age of protected area in the study region. In other words, current protected areas
appear equivalent to a random allocation of sites when compared with the European
scale Zonation priorities. However, as discussed earlier, prioritization at the
European scale may not be a reasonable comparison, as conservation planning in
the real world mainly happens at more local scales. The comparison to the national
scale prioritization was more positive, with highest Zonation priorities almost twice
as likely to be protected as the mean across the region. Even though less than 15 %
protection of the highest priorities is perhaps not an outcome to celebrate, it does
indicate that at least according to some criteria, protected area allocation in Europe
has not been fully opportunistic, and is not worse than random, as could be the case
when the sites are biased towards areas of low economic interest (Ferrier 2002).
However, it is also important to remember, that even the best solution at national
scale was only mildly better than a random selection (Fig. 4), making it another
unreasonable baseline to compare against. It may well be, that the higher coinci-
dence of protected areas with Zonation priorities is simply a consequence of coun-
tries preferably locating protected areas near borders, which coincides with spatial
priorities due to the edge artefact mentioned above, rather than being a sign of cost-
effective protected area planning. Such a pattern was found in the Americas in a
previous study (Moilanen et al. 2013). Analyses at higher data resolutions that
include other taxa and different aspects of diversity are required to make more real-
istic and useful assessments of protected areas, but our first attempt does provide
some interesting insight into these questions.
Conservation of evolutionary history is generally acknowledged to be important,
although the debate on the alternative justifications for it is still ongoing (Rosauer
and Mooers 2013; Winter et al. 2013). The underlying reason for its conservation
will influence the practical goals and conservation priorities. Our analysis identifies
priority regions for conserving high alpha-level phylogenetic diversity for mam-
mals. Such an approach is typically justified on the basis of representing higher
functional diversity (see section “Introduction”), but due to the correlation of QE
with species richness it may also be closer to a species-based solution than some
alternative ways of considering evolutionary history in conservation prioritization.
Therefore, our results should not be taken as proof of an existing surrogacy relation-
ship of species and phylogenetic diversity-based prioritizations, especially as also
with our approach there were some regions with clear differences to species-based
prioritization. An important notion regarding Zonation, or any prioritization tool, is
that it does not inherently “know” what is desirable in conservation. It can only
answer the questions it is posed, and it is up to the user that the questions make
sense (see also Moilanen 2008). For example, merely adjusting the strength of the
weighting (cost layer) in the current analysis will shift priorities to some extent.
282 A. Arponen and L. Zupan
Similar prioritizations for different taxa are also quite likely to produce different
outcomes. Conservation is always driven by value judgments (Vane-Wright and
Coppock 2009), and there is even a risk of purposefully setting goals in a manner
that produces desired spatial outcomes.
Since there necessarily are multiple potentially relevant objectives, a conserva-
tive, precautionary strategy would be to assess several of them and focus on areas
where most priorities are in concordance, and consider as unimportant only the
areas where no high priorities occur. However, in practice different types of conser-
vation actions could be necessary to address the different objectives, and therefore
the conflicts may be more apparent than real. For instance, regions with particularly
low phylogenetic diversity may also be of conservation concern as they can repre-
sent areas of active diversification (Forest et al. 2007), but they might require differ-
ent type of conservation from “museum” areas with relict species, as these areas and
species in them might be threatened by very different processes.
Another open and closely related question is at what spatial scales should we
operate when measuring and prioritizing evolutionary history? In our case the
assumption was that phylogenetic diversity measured as the equivalent number of
Rao’s quadratic entropy of the local community was the relevant unit, but especially
when assessing the diversity across the study region, the delineation of the study
region will have an impact on priorities as described above, but also through “prun-
ing” of the phylogenetic tree: A specific region will cover parts of a full phylogeny,
and regional scale prioritization with such a partial tree may prioritize areas differ-
ent from a global prioritization with a full tree.
Considering the amount of literature on conservation of evolutionary history in
general, it is surprising how rarely it is considered in systematic conservation plan-
ning applications. Phylogenetic data are increasing and the modern computational
prioritization tools are better able to account for such data even at broad scales and
for large numbers of species. These developments facilitate the inclusion of phylo-
genetic diversity into conservation planning. We hope that it will become a routine
part of spatial conservation prioritization procedures, and that the message will also
better reach the broader public through active communication.
Acknowledgements A.A. was funded by the Academy of Finland (grant #250126 to A.A.). LZ
was funded by the ANR-BiodivERsA project CONNECT (ANR-11-EBID-002), as part of the
ERA-Net BiodivERsA 2010 call. A part of the computations presented here were performed using
the CIMENT infrastructure (, which is supported by the Rhône-
Alpes region (GRANT CPER07_13 CIRA: We wish to thank L. Maiorano
for the data compilation, W. Thuiller and T. Münckemüller for their programming support, as well
as Mar Cabeza, 2 anonymous reviewers and Roseli Pellens for useful comments on the
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary
History of Amphibians in the Cerrado
Débora Leite Silvano, Paula Hanna Valdujo, and Guarino Rinaldi Colli
Abstract Population declines and species extinction can be abated through the
establishment of effective conservation policies. Actions and policies towards bio-
diversity conservation must be well planned and priorities must be set. Besides the
widely recognized principles of systematic conservation planning, it is also impor-
tant to consider species attributes, such as their evolutionary distinctiveness (ED)
and distribution pattern. In this study we did a gap analysis to evaluate protection
status of anuran species endemic to the Brazilian Cerrado. We then selected priority
areas for conservation in this biome based on a systematic conservation planning
framework, also including species attributes as prioritization criteria. We found 65
gap species, for which less than 20 % of their conservation targets are met by the
current network of protected areas, and 39 of them are not protected at all. Priority
areas are located in the central portion of the Cerrado, and include river valleys and
mountaintops. Mountains in southeastern and central Cerrado are especially rich in
endemic and range-restricted species, resulting in higher priority values for these
areas. Priority areas selected here are also the richest regions and have greater Total
Evolutionary Distinctiveness than the rest of the biome, demonstrating their high
potential for conserving evolutionary history of anuran lineages in the Cerrado.
Despite their great importance for biodiversity, areas that have higher richness of
endemic species are also those that suffered from more severe loss of habitat, which
reinforces the urgency for effective actions towards species conservation.
Declines and extinctions of species often occur simply because many countries do
not have an effective conservation policy. These declines are creating a demand for
rapid and urgent strategies to maximize conservation efforts, especially in regions
where there is little data on diversity, abundance and distribution of species, such as
in Brazil (Young et al. 2001). Amphibians are perhaps the most threatened group of
organisms at global scale (Wake and Vredenburg 2008; see Youssefou and Davies
chapter “Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History: How Does Non-random
Extinction Prune the Tree-of-Life?”), with rapidly declining populations throughout
the world (Stuart et al. 2004; Becker et al. 2007) and a significant concentration in
the Neotropics (Becker and Loyola 2008). Brazil is the world leader in amphibian
diversity. In spite of that, there is not yet a specific agenda for their conservation.
There are some important initiatives undertaken by the government, such as lists of
endangered species and the selection of priority areas for conservation (Silvano and
Segalla 2005). However, these initiatives are quite general and often use subjective
Other initiatives are being conducted by the academic community, such as the
Action Plan for Amphibian Conservation in Brazil (Verdade et al. 2012). Among
the proposals outlined in this Action Plan for Amphibian Conservation, there is an
indication of priority areas for their conservation (Verdade et al. 2012). To make this
effective, it is recommended that they follow the same principles of systematic con-
servation planning (SCP) (Margules and Pressey 2000). SCP aims at a cost efficient
protected areas network with the help of purposely built computer software that
takes advantage of optimization algorithms. These criteria are essential to define the
smallest set of areas necessary to achieve preset conservation goals (see Arponen
and Zupan chapter “Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic
Conservation Planning for European Mammals”). Since there are no resources
neither enough time to conserve species one by one, we need to maximize the return
on investment in conservation (Margules and Pressey 2000).
For conservation to be effective, in addition to the basic principles related to
systematic conservation planning, it is necessary to consider certain attributes of the
target species. Among these characteristics, we highlight Evolutionary
Distinctiveness (ED) (Isaac et al. 2007) and their range size. The ED and range size
should be considered independently for each species. The ED is a measure of spe-
cies’ relative contributions to the total diversity in a phylogenetic tree (Isaac et al.
2007). In this framework more relictual species (i.e. those that belong to ancient
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 289
clades, with few species) should be prioritized by the unique evolutionary history
they represent (Posadas et al. 2001). Similarly, species that have restricted distribu-
tion (e.g. endemic to Espinhaço range) require further attention over those widely
distributed, since the species’ range size is the most important predictor for the risk
of extinction (Purvis et al. 2000a, b). This approach allows for preserving evolution-
ary history within a taxonomic group, providing more alternatives for responding to
possible future environmental changes (Vazquez and Gittleman 1998; Avise 2005;
Becker et al. 2010, and see Faith chapter “The PD Phylogenetic Diversity
Framework: Linking Evolutionary History to Feature Diversity for Biodiversity
Since half of the over 200 anuran species that occur in the Cerrado are endemic
to this domain (Valdujo et al. 2012), it is critical that conservation strategies are
outlined specifically to this region. Cerrado is one of 34 priority areas for conserva-
tion on the planet (Biodiversity Hotspots – Mittermeier et al. 2004), due to high
levels of endemism of fauna and flora and the high rates of habitat destruction.
However, few conservation actions are being carried out there. Currently, less than
2 % of the Cerrado range is under strict protection (CNUC 2010). This percentage
is low for a region with high heterogeneity of vegetation and topography, and
because the main threat to amphibian conservation in the Cerrado is the destruction
of their habitats due to deforestation, expansion of agriculture, mining, fire and
infrastructure development (Silvano and Segalla 2005). Therefore, strengthening
and expanding the network of protected areas should be prioritized as an important
conservation strategy, which could maximize the return on investment in conservation
(Margules and Pressey 2000).
In spite of the recognized importance of including information on historical and
evolutionary studies to define conservation priorities, in the Cerrado, just few and
recent papers consider this information (e.g. Carvalho et al. 2010). The papers
published over the last decade involving the prioritization of areas for anurans
conservation in the Cerrado were based just on the species’ extent of occurrence and
richness, in a complementarity approach (e.g. Diniz-Filho et al. 2004, 2007, 2009).
In order to contribute to enlarge this perspective, we conducted a gap analysis to
check the conservation status of amphibian species endemic to the Cerrado and
performed an exercise in prioritization of additional conservation areas needed for
their protection. Information related to geographical distribution and evolutionary
distinctiveness were considered in setting conservation goals for each species. Thus,
we have prioritized the most relictual species, because they are phylogenetically
rare, and the species of more restricted distribution, because restricted distribution
ranges are associated with higher vulnerability to extinction in cases where habitat
destruction pop up simultaneously in several points of the landscape. This study
contributes to the proposed priority areas already published for the Cerrado through
the inclusion of relevant evolutionary information and the use a more refined and
complete database.
290 D.L. Silvano et al.
Study Area
Planning Units Planning units (PUs) are subdivisions of the study area into small
spatially explicit units. Among many possible ways of obtaining PUs, we used a
hydrosheds arrangement built from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission;
Hydrosheds, This is the same database
used by Brazilian government to set priority areas for conservation in Cerrado and
Pantanal Biomes (MMA 2012, unpublished data). The use of sub basins as PUs has
many advantages over other arrangements such as grids or hexagons: firstly, they
have natural and biogeographically meaningful limits; secondly, they allow an hier-
archical structure of basins within basins, which is very useful to switch scales and
adjust data and results to different needs. To account for the complementarity prin-
ciple of systematic conservation planning, strictly protected areas (IUCN categories
I to IV) were included as PUs, using their actual boundaries regardless of the basin
subdivision to design PUs. We only included protected areas wider than 350 km2 to
keep PUs sizes compatible with the scale of study and compatible to the official map
of priority areas for conservation of the Cerrado, published by the Ministry of
Environment. Twenty-three out of 108 protected areas were considered in the gap
analysis, covering 50,640 out of 56,223 km2 of IUCN categories I-IV protected areas
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 291
Fig. 1 The Cerrado and its relation with other biomes (inset). Distribution of the Cerrado vegeta-
tion remnants (gray) and Protected Areas (PAs) greater than 350 km2 (black)
in the Brazilian Cerrado. To define the area available within each PU, we overlaid the
official map of extent of natural vegetation in the Cerrado in 2010 with PUs (data
available from, and
excluded any PU having no remnants of natural vegetation.
292 D.L. Silvano et al.
Conservation Cost The cost for each PU was obtained from WWF (Soares et al.
2012). The database was built by the Conservation Science Team based on potential
future deforestation, using Land Change Modeler module of Idrisi Selva. Distance
to roads, to cities, to infrastructure and to previously deforested areas were included
as driver to changes in land cover from 2002 to 2010, and then applied to 2010 natu-
ral vegetation map to predict which areas are more likely to be deforested in the next
10 years.
Focal Species Eighty-two out of 209 amphibian species known to occur in the
Cerrado (Valdujo et al. 2012) were selected as focal species. The criteria were based
on endemism, range size (both obtained from Valdujo et al. 2012) and level of toler-
ance to anthropogenic alterations in habitat quality (two classes: tolerant and not-
tolerant; species were classified based in our field experience, so that species
commonly seen in disturbed areas were considered as tolerant). We used both ende-
mism and extent of distribution as independent criteria because some species are
endemic to the Cerrado but have a wide range within this biome, whereas some
other species are range restricted (e.g. <60,000 km2) but occur in a transition zone
between Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, and so they are not endemic to the Cerrado
(Valdujo et al. 2012). Since we were prioritizing among natural areas within the
Cerrado, widespread species do not add to the final solution, and neither do species
that can tolerate habitat degradation.
Species Distribution Models We prepared geographic distribution maps for all 82
species, using distribution models constructed through the Maximum Entropy algo-
rithm – MAXENT (Elith et al. 2006; Phillips and Dudik 2008). We included as
predictors elevation and all 19 bioclimatic variables with a 10 arc-min spatial reso-
lution provided by Worldclim (Hijmans et al. 2005). For each species we used the
mean model of 20 runs and converted probabilistic models to binary models using
the 10 percentile training presence logistic threshold. Distribution maps were lately
validated by a group of experts during a workshop organized by the Ministry of
Environment and WWF aiming to identify priority areas for biodiversity conserva-
tion in the Cerrado, in 2011, following the procedure recommended by Graham and
Hijmans (2006). The distribution map for each species was superimposed onto the
PUs’ map in order to calculate how much of its distribution area is contained in each
PU. All distribution maps were overlaid to obtain the richness surface of endemic
species of amphibians in the Cerrado.
Evolutionary History Prioritization In some cases the outcome of area prioriti-
zation through SCP analyses fails to meet all targets. To ensure that at least the most
important species meet their targets, it is possible to set a penalty factor (SPF) for each
species that penalizes solutions more heavily when not achieving these targets. We
assigned SPF based on both threat and phylogeny, using ED scores (Evolutionarily
Distinctiveness) obtained from Isaac et al. (2012), ranging from 4669 to 17,903.
Mapping Total Evolutionary Distinctiveness We calculate the total ED of each
PU by summing the value of all species occurring in it. As ED is highly correlated
with richness, here we used a weighted value, obtained by dividing summed ED by
richness in each PU.
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 293
Gap Analysis To evaluate the conservation status of each of the focal species we
performed a gap analysis (Rodrigues et al. 2003, 2004). This analysis consists of
overlaying species distribution maps and protected areas to calculate how much of
the quantitative target set for each species is already under legal protection. Spatial
data for Brazilian protected areas were obtained from the Ministry of Environment
website (
5jilhka56). Targets were set to 20–80 % according to range size (Table 1). Those for
which only up to 20 % of its conservation goal has been reached were considered
“gap species”. The reaching from 20 to 90 % of the target were considered “partial
gaps”, and above 90 % the species was considered “covered” (Rodrigues et al. 2003,
2004) (Table 2).
To select areas and define a conservation scenario for Cerrado amphibians we
used the conservation planning software Marxan available online (; Ball and Possingham 2000). Marxan uses a simu-
lated annealing optimization algorithm for minimizing costs of achieving conserva-
tion targets. Planning units defined by protected areas were assigned to status 2,
“reserved”. We set to 10,000 runs with 1 million iterations each run, temperature
decreases = 10,000, and boundary modifier = 0.2. The identification of priorities for
expanding the current network of protected areas was based on measures of
“biological significance” (irreplaceability) of each PU within the study area.
Only to assist the identification of some areas within the basins we used geomor-
phological units denominations (IBGE 2011).
Fig. 2 Species richness and total evolutionary distinctiveness of amphibian endemic to Cerrado
per Planning Units (PUs)
southeastern region of the Espinhaço in the contact zone with the Atlantic Forest.
The northeastern, southern and western Cerrado portions have low endemism, not
exceeding four focal-species (Fig. 2). Total Evolutionary distinctiveness is also con-
centrated at the center, but with highest values at the Atlantic Forest contact zone
(Espinhaço range), in the central western portion (Caiapônia plateau) and in some
points at contact zone with Pantanal (Fig. 2).
Among the 82 species examined, over 80 % (66 species) have restricted distribu-
tion ranges (<6 million ha) and only 11 % (9 species) are widely distributed across
the domain (>35 million ha). Sixty-five (79 %) have less than 20 % of its conserva-
tion target achieved being thus classified as gap species. Thirty-nine of these species
are completely out of Protected Areas, all of them are restricted range species
(<1.5 million ha) (Among the later, some more relictual species are also included,
such as Chiasmocleis mehelyi, Oreobates heterodactylus, O. remotus, Odontophrynus
salvatori, Proceratophrys moratoi e P. cururu). Only four species endemic to the
Cerrado were considered covered (Leptodactylus tapiti, Crossodactylus sp.,
Bokermannohyla ibitiguara and Phyllomedusa ayeaye). All of these covered
species have restricted ranges (<0.25 million ha) with most of their distribution in
protected areas, and 13 species can be considered as partial gaps, presenting between
23 and 57 % of their conservation goal achieved (Table 3).
In the conservation prioritization analysis the “best solution” (lower cost and
higher efficiency) offered by Marxan selected 742 PUs (18.6 % of the biome area)
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 295
Table 3 Focal species evolutionary distinctiveness (ED), distribution area (million hectares),
conservation goals, percentage of conservation goal achieved (area of distribution contained in
protected areas), classified according to the percentage of goal achieved
Total Goal Goal Area %
Species ED area % area in PAs achieved Classification
Allobates brunneus 5.1 0.202 80 0.162 0.000 0.0 Gap
Allobates goianus 5.1 0.160 80 0.128 0.000 0.0 Gap
Allobates sp. 5.1 0.284 80 0.228 0.000 0.0 Gap
Melanophryniscus 9.05 4.984 80 3.988 0.077 1.9 Gap
Rhinella cerradensis 4.67 35.147 10 3.515 0.699 19.9 Gap
Rhinella ocellata 4.67 98.528 10 9.853 3.953 40.1 Partial gap
Rhinella scitula 4.67 0.082 80 0.066 0.000 0.0 Gap
Rhinella sp. 4.67 0.118 80 0.095 0.000 0.0 Gap
Rhinella veredas 4.67 17.550 50 8.775 1.273 14.5 Gap
Barycholos ternetzi 16.47 75.998 10 7.600 2.140 28.2 Partial gap
Pristimantis dundeei 11.38 0.952 80 0.762 0.042 5.5 Gap
Oreobates crepitans 11.38 0.238 80 0.190 0.000 0.0 Gap
Oreobates 15.68 0.339 80 0.271 0.000 0.0 Gap
Oreobates remotus 15.68 0.378 80 0.302 0.056 18.7 Gap
Thoropa 13.5 5.359 80 4.287 0.280 6.5 Gap
Ameerega berohoka 5.44 0.430 80 0.344 0.000 0.0 Gap
Ameerega braccata 5.44 0.238 80 0.190 0.000 0.0 Gap
Ameerega flavopicta 5.44 27.314 50 13.657 0.336 2.5 Gap
Ameerega picta 5.44 0.082 80 0.066 0.000 0.0 Gap
Aplastodicus sp. 13.82 0.222 80 0.178 0.000 0.0 Gap
Bokermannohyla 11.74 5.118 80 4.095 0.231 5.6 Gap
Bokermannohyla 11.74 0.250 80 0.200 0.198 98.9 Covered
Bokermannohyla 10.65 0.040 80 0.032 0.000 0.0 Gap
Bokermannohyla 10.65 2.297 80 1.838 0.196 10.7 Gap
Bokermannohyla 11.74 9.042 50 4.521 0.105 2.3 Gap
Bokermannohyla 10.65 0.246 80 0.197 0.000 0.0 Gap
296 D.L. Silvano et al.
Table 3 (continued)
Total Goal Goal Area %
Species ED area % area in PAs achieved Classification
Bokermannohyla 11.74 5.098 80 4.079 0.266 6.5 Gap
Bokermannohyla 10.65 2.482 80 1.985 0.198 10.0 Gap
Dendropsophus 9.36 42.393 10 4.239 1.196 28.2 Partial gap
Dendropsophus 9.36 0.181 80 0.145 0.000 0.0 Gap
Dendropsophus 9.36 0.036 80 0.029 0.000 0.0 Gap
Dendropsophus 9.36 108.799 10 10.880 3.599 33.1 Partial gap
Dendropsophus jimi 9.36 0.589 80 0.472 0.133 28.1 Partial gap
Dendropsophus rhea 9.36 0.225 80 0.180 0.000 0.0 Gap
Dendropsophus 9.36 1.158 80 0.926 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas 9.67 0.030 80 0.024 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas buriti 9.67 0.565 80 0.452 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas cipoensis 9.67 3.334 80 2.667 0.244 9.1 Gap
Hypsiboas ericae 9.67 0.149 80 0.119 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas goianus 9.67 1.553 80 1.242 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas 9.67 0.057 80 0.046 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas 9.67 0.059 80 0.047 0.000 0.0 Gap
Hypsiboas 9.67 0.433 80 0.347 0.198 57.1 Partial gap
Hypsiboas sp. 11.19 22.337 50 11.169 0.971 8.7 Gap
Lysapsus caraya 12.6 0.129 80 0.104 0.000 0.0 Gap
Phasmahyla jandaia 12.19 0.169 80 0.135 0.032 23.4 Partial gap
Phyllomedusa 10.77 0.257 80 0.206 0.198 96.2 Covered
Phyllomedusa 10.77 0.195 80 0.156 0.000 0.0 Gap
Phyllomedusa 10.77 6.057 50 3.029 0.280 9.2 Gap
Phyllomedusa 10.77 0.583 80 0.466 0.000 0.0 Gap
Pseudis tocantins 11.89 36.514 10 3.651 1.204 33.0 Partial gap
Scinax cabralensis 8.94 0.161 80 0.129 0.022 17.2 Gap
Scinax canastrensis 9.64 0.623 80 0.498 0.198 39.7 Partial gap
Scinax centralis 9.64 0.619 80 0.495 0.000 0.0 Gap
Scinax constrictus 8.94 88.952 10 8.895 3.562 40.0 Partial gap
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 297
Table 3 (continued)
Total Goal Goal Area %
Species ED area % area in PAs achieved Classification
Scinax curicica 8.94 1.787 80 1.430 0.196 13.7 Gap
Scinax lutzorum 8.94 0.039 80 0.032 0.000 0.0 Gap
Scinax machadoi 9.64 0.777 80 0.622 0.042 6.8 Gap
Scinax maracaya 8.94 0.622 80 0.498 0.198 39.7 Partial gap
Scinax pinima 8.94 0.100 80 0.080 0.000 0.0 Gap
Scinax rogerioi 8.94 0.200 80 0.160 0.000 0.0 Gap
Scinax skaios 9.64 0.886 80 0.709 0.000 0.0 Gap
Scinax sp. 9.64 0.563 80 0.451 0.011 2.4 Gap
Scinax tigrinus 8.94 0.332 80 0.265 0.000 0.0 Gap
Trachycephalus 10.23 0.180 80 0.144 0.000 0.0 Gap
Crossodactylus 11.61 2.508 80 2.006 0.196 9.8 Gap
Crossodactylus sp. 13.05 0.243 80 0.194 0.198 101.7 Covered
Crossodactylus 13.05 6.242 50 3.121 0.336 10.8 Gap
Hylodes otavioi 10.22 0.296 80 0.237 0.032 13.4 Gap
Leptodactylus 11.85 3.296 80 2.637 0.218 8.3 Gap
Leptodactylus 11.85 11.644 50 5.822 0.478 8.2 Gap
Leptodactylus 14.26 50.906 10 5.091 1.196 23.5 Partial gap
Leptodactylus tapiti 11.85 0.065 80 0.052 0.065 125.0 Covered
Physalaemus 13.22 0.207 80 0.166 0.000 0.0 Gap
Physalaemus 12.49 1.366 80 1.093 0.061 5.6 Gap
Pleurodema 12.74 0.339 80 0.271 0.000 0.0 Gap
Pseudopaludicola 13.52 0.623 80 0.499 0.000 0.0 Gap
Chiasmocleis 17.9 0.216 80 0.173 0.000 0.0 Gap
Odontophrynus 14.97 0.657 80 0.526 0.000 0.0 Gap
Proceratophrys 14.13 0.511 80 0.409 0.055 13.4 Gap
Proceratophrys 14.13 47.302 10 4.730 2.084 44.1 Partial gap
Proceratophrys 14.13 0.323 80 0.259 0.000 0.0 Gap
298 D.L. Silvano et al.
Table 4 Category (frequency of selection) of the Planning Units (PU), number of PUs, area
(million ha) and percentage of Cerrado corresponding to each category of PUs in the best solution
of priority areas for Cerrado endemic species of anurans conservation
Category Number of PUs Area Cerrado
Very high conservation value (10,000) 153 10.49 4.39
High conservation value (7501–9999) 232 13.63 5.71
Intermediate conservation value (5001–7500) 167 10.26 4.30
Low conservation value (1–5000) 190 10.02 4.20
Protected 50 5.87 2.46
Total selected 792 50.27 21.06
Not selected 3760 188.43 78.94
Total 4552 238.7 100
Fig. 3 Priority areas for the conservation of amphibians species endemic from Cerrado in 11
as priorities. Among them, 153 PUs have a very high conservation value (selected
in all 10,000 rounds) and 232 have high conservation value, matching 4.4 and 5.7 %
of the biome area, respectively (Table 4). In contrast, 3760 PUs were not selected,
representing 78.9 % of the Cerrado.
The selected areas, here termed as priorities for conservation of amphibian spe-
cies endemic to the Cerrado, mostly occupy the central portion of the biome, fol-
lowing a northwest-southeast diagonal (Fig. 3). Some sparse areas can also be found
at the contact with Pantanal biome. This set of areas is of fundamental importance
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 299
Table 5 Richness and endemicity of amphibians in major Cerrado basins. Cerrado endemic
amphibians species richness, amphibians unique to each basin (Endemicity) species richness, and
geomorphological units, which concentrate priority areas
Basin Richness Endemicity Geomorphological units
São Francisco River 45 3 São Francisco baseline and tableland;
Tocantins baseline; Espinhaço mountains
Paraná River 36 6 Canastra and Brazilian central uplands
Tocantins River 28 5 Tocantins and Araguaia rivers depressions
and uplands; Brazilian central upland
Araguaia River 21 3 Araguaia, Tocantins and Pantanal rivers
Costeira do Leste 21 1 Espinhaço mountains; Jequitinhonha and
Pardo rivers uplands
Paraguai River 18 9 Paraguai and Guaporé rivers depressions
and uplands; Guimarães upland
Mortes River 12 0 Tocantins and Araguaia rivers depressions
Parnaíba River 9 0 Meio Norte tableland and depressions
Xingu River 7 0
Tapajós River 6 0
Costeira do Nordeste 4 0 Meio Norte tablelands
for achieving the conservation goals established. The prioritization analysis selected
areas both in river valleys regions (below 400 m altitude), as well as elevated areas
(above 1300 m). The selected areas include the depressions of the Araguaia,
Tocantins and Paraguay rivers; the uplands in the São Francisco River, in western
Bahia; the northern portion of the Central upland, and Canastra and Espinhaço
uplands (Fig. 3, Table 5).
The priority areas are mainly concentrated in the Tocantins, Araguaia, São
Francisco and Paraguay river basins and on the Costeira do Leste basin (Fig. 3). The
São Francisco river basin has the largest number of frog species endemic to the
Cerrado (45 species – Fig. 3, Table 5). Among them Bokermannohyla ravida, Scinax
cabralensis and S. pinima occurs exclusively in this basin. The Paraná river basin is
the second highest in richness, with 36 endemic amphibian species and is home to
6 species that occurs exclusively in this basin (Bokermannohyla izecksohni,
Dendropsophus cerradensis, D. rhea, Hypsiboas jaguariaivensis, Proceratophrys
moratoi and Scinax centralis). This basin is followed by the Tocantins river with 28
Cerrado endemic species and 5 species endemic to this basin (Allobates sp.,
Hypsiboas ericae, H. phaeopleura, Leptodactylus tapiti and Trachycephalus
mambaiensis). The Paraguay river basin has the highest endemicity with nine
species that occur exclusively there (Allobates bruneus, Ameerega braccata,
A. picta, Chiasmocleis mehelyi, Oreobates heterodactylus, Phyllomedusa centralis,
pleurodema fuscomaculatum, Oreobates crepitans and Rhinella scitula). Another
three species are endemic to the Araguaia river basin (Dendropsophus araguaya,
Lysapsus caraya and Scinax lutzorum) and Hypsiboas botumirim is endemic to the
Costeira do Leste basin.
300 D.L. Silvano et al.
Given the low number of protected areas and high species richness of amphibians
with restricted range in the Cerrado, it was expected that most of the species were
not adequately protected and that a large area of biome would be of high conser-
vation value, as demonstrated by the results presented here. An aggravating fact is
the greatest richness and total ED of endemic species associated with the central
and southeastern regions of the biome. As shown in Fig. 1, these are the areas that
suffered the greatest habitat destruction and where remnants are scarce. Forecasts
of future habitat degradation also indicate that these areas will suffer further
habitat loss if the current economic and political scenarios remain unchanged
(see Silvano 2011).
The fact that 39 endemic and restricted range species of amphibians from the
Cerrado are completely unprotected is alarming. Several studies have shown that
limited range species are more prone to extinction (e.g. Purvis et al. 2000a, b;
Cooper et al. 2008). This can happen simply because environmental change can
affect all or most of their narrow distributions (Cooper et al. 2008). Most of these
species are habitat specialists, and more susceptible to environmental changes
(Hero et al. 2005). Moreover, many species occur in low abundance, and also have
low reproductive success, and are subject to demographic stochasticity and inbreeding
(O’Grady et al. 2006). Among these species are Proceratophrys moratoi, an
example of threatened restricted range species, which occurs in small populations
in extremely degraded grassland areas in the state of São Paulo (Carvalho-Jr et al.
2010; Rolim et al. 2010; Maffei et al. 2011).
More relictual species, such as Chiasmocleis mehelyi, Oreobates heterodactylus,
and Odontophrynus salvatori, are completely unprotected and all of them are
restricted range species. Proceratophrys moratoi, although currently detected
within a protected area in São Paulo state, is also considered a gap-species because
only a very small proportion of its limited range is actually protected. Others, like
Pristimantis dundeei and Oreobates crepitans are restricted to the region of the
cities of Cuiabá and Chapada dos Guimarães at Mato Grosso state. Recent studies
indicate that these species are not closely related to others of the same genus,
because of their low number of chromosomes and ecological characteristics
(Siqueira et al. 2009), which makes them even more unique.
The areas of greatest conservation value for endemic amphibians species are
concentrated in the central portion of the biome on a northwest-southeast diagonal,
and represent 18.6 % of the Cerrado area. In recent studies, in order to define impor-
tant areas for inclusion in an efficient network of protected areas for the conserva-
tion of all species of Cerrado frogs, 17 priority areas were defined, based on
distribution maps (minimum convex polygons) for 131 species (Diniz-Filho et al.
2007, 2009). The results were very similar to those found in a previous study (Diniz-
Filho et al. 2004), with the same purpose but using a shorter list of species, different
algorithms and a grid of cells of different sizes. These results indicate priority
regions for conservation of anurans distributed widely in the biome, but the most
Priorities for Conservation of the Evolutionary History of Amphibians in the Cerrado 301
Acknowledgements We thank Roseli Pellens for inviting us to write this chapter and for her
review and comments. Anni Arponen, Annemarie Ohler and an anonymous reviewer for their
comments and suggestions. Mario Barroso Ramos-Neto and Mariana da Silva Soares (Landscape
Ecology Lab of WWF-Brasil) provided the planning units and cost layers for the Cerrado, built in
a joint initiative with the Ministry of Environment. Hussam Zaher (MZUSP), Marcos Carvalho
(ZUFMT), Rogério Bastos (ZUFG), Felipe Toledo (ZUEC), Célio Haddad (CFBH), Luciana
Nascimento (MCN PUC-MG), Denise Rossa-Feres (DZSJRP), Franco Leandro de Souza (UFMS),
José P. Pombal Junior (MNRJ), Ulisses Caramaschi (MNRJ) and Ulisses Galatti (MPEG) gently
allowed us to examine museum specimens under their care. Mariana Gomes helped organizing the
database. This study was funded FAPESP (fellowship 2007/51956-6 and grant 06/58011-4),
CAPES, CNPq, FAP-DF, Conservation International (CP-FY 08/017 and CP-FY 08/018),
Neotropical Grassland Conservancy, and Fundação O Boticario de Proteção à Natureza
(0747_20071 and 0798_20082). Pequi –Pesquisa e Conservação do Cerrado provided logistical
and institutional support for this project.
302 D.L. Silvano et al.
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Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
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Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic
Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals
Abstract Several studies have shown how current climate change and human
threats to aquatic environments are significantly impacting aquatic mammals world-
wide. In response to these threats it is important to prioritize conservation efforts. A
recent approach to evaluate conservation priorities is to combine information on
species status from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red
List with information on the evolutionary history of the species from phylogenetic
trees. This new approach provides a measure of biodiversity that complements esti-
mates of species richness, adding evolutionary distinctiveness of species. Using
near-complete species level phylogenies for the mammal groups with aquatic spe-
cies (Carnivora, Cetacea, Sirenia) we calculated two measures (EDGE and HEDGE)
of conservation priorities for 127 aquatic mammals under two scenarios of pro-
jected extinctions: a “pessimistic” approach, which represents a ‘worst case sce-
nario’ for each species; and the “IUCN 50” a projected extinction risk over the next
50 years (Table 1). Then we analyzed the information to identify conservation prior-
ity areas (CPA) for aquatic mammals. We identified 22 CPAs distributed primarily
along coastal waters in both northern and southern hemispheres. While thousands of
marine protected areas (MPA) have been established in recent years, only 11.5 % of
CPAs overlap with existing MPAs. Nevertheless, all phylogenetic CPAs identified
in this study have also been proposed to be important by other independent studies
using different prioritization criteria, highlighting the importance of focusing con-
servation efforts in these areas.
Current climate change and human threats to aquatic environments are significantly
impacting aquatic mammals worldwide (Schipper et al. 2008; Davidson et al. 2011;
Harnik et al. 2012; Harkonen et al. 2012). A recent study showed that 74 % of
aquatic mammals experience high levels of human impact within their geographic
range, with pollution and fisheries being the two most important threats (Davidson
et al. 2011). Human overexploitation is proposed as the major cause of extinction of
the Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), the tropical monk seal (Monachus trop-
icalis) (Hofman 1995) and more recently the Yangtze river dolphin or Baiji (Lipotes
vexillifer) (Turvey et al. 2007). Also brought to the brink of extinction have been
three additional aquatic mammals: the vaquita (Phocoena sinus) and the Hawaiian
and Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi and M. monachus) whose
populations have been reduced to fewer than 250 individuals (IUCN 2013.2). Some
28 % of aquatic mammals are threatened or near threatened under the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) risk classification and an additional
39 % are data deficient leaving only 33 % of aquatic mammal species at low risk.
Furthermore, recent studies have suggested that even some of these species at rela-
tively low risk should receive conservation attention due to their high evolutionary
distinctiveness (May-Collado and Agnarsson 2011) and possible sudden changes in
their risk of extinction due to rapidly changing environment (Davidson et al. 2011).
Examples of such evolutionarily unique species are the data deficient Amazon River
dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Both species are the
only extant representatives of old lineages and live in habitats threatened by human
activities and climate change, respectively. Additionally, based on the IUCN popu-
lation trend information we estimate that most aquatic mammals are either decreas-
ing (19.3 %) or unknown (64.3 %). In the light of these threats it is important to
prioritize conservation efforts. In 2011, the Convention on Biological Diversity put
in place a plan to protect 10 % of the world’s marine and coastal ecological regions
by 2020. Thus identifying geographic areas that could maximize these conservation
goals is an urgent task (Davidson et al. 2011).
The International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the most influential
conservation network in the world. Through its ‘Red List’ the IUCN has established
conservation priorities prominently based on the imperilment levels of individual
species. These categorizations are used by a number of organizations and govern-
ment agencies to prioritize funding and conservation efforts. IUCN levels of imper-
ilment result from the combination of several criteria including population size,
evidence of population decline or recovery, distribution patterns and factors
threatening species (
However, there are other criteria to establish conservation priorities including the
use of ‘umbrella species’ also known as keystone or flagship species (Zacharias and
Roff 2001), ‘sentinel species’ (Moore 2008), ‘latent extinction risk’ (Cardillo et al.
2006), regional and local habitat models (e.g., Praca et al. 2009; Azzellino et al.
2012), and identification of hot-spots of species richness (Davidson et al. 2011;
Kaschner et al. 2011; Pompa et al. 2011). Recent approaches to identify conservation
priorities combine information on species status from the IUCN with information
Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals 307
on the evolutionary history of the species from phylogenetic trees (Faith 1992,
2002, 2008; Faith et al. 2004; Redding and Mooers 2006; Schipper et al. 2008;
Isaac et al. 2007; Mooers et al. 2008; Kuntner et al. 2009; Agnarsson et al. 2010;
May-Collado and Agnarsson 2011). This new approach to conservation provides a
measure of biodiversity that complements estimates of species richness, that is, of
evolutionary distinctiveness of species. The fundamental argument is that the loss of
evolutionarily unique species lacking close relatives represents a greater loss of
biodiversity than the loss of species whose evolutionary history is, to a great extent,
preserved in other closely related species (May-Collado and Agnarsson 2011).
Considering both evolutionary histories of lineages and species’ threats can help
the goal of maximizing biodiversity conservation. This approach of identifying
areas protecting both threatened species and containing high phylogenetic diversity
provides another tool for decision-making. Here we examine global patterns of
aquatic mammal phylogenetic conservation priorities using four recently proposed
metrics for 127 aquatic mammals. We identify Conservation Priority Areas (CPAs),
estimate the degree to which such areas are contained within current Marine
Protected Areas (MPA), and suggest areas where focusing future conservation effort
might be particularly valuable.
We used the most detailed primary-data species-level phylogenies available for the
three major mammalian groups containing aquatic species Cetacea (May-Collado
and Agnarsson 2006; May-Collado et al. 2007), Carnivora (Agnarsson et al. 2010),
and Afrotheria (Kuntner et al. 2009). The conservation status for 127 aquatic mam-
mals was obtained from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species database
(2010.4–2013.2) and transformed to probability estimates of extinction risk using
two of the methods discussed in Mooers et al. (2008) “pessimistic” and “IUCN50”.
The “pessimistic” method is an arbitrary transformation that designates a sizable
probability of extinction to every category. So, even for the ‘least concern’ species
has a probability of 0.2, which is much higher than in the IUCN 50 scenario (see
Table 1) (Mooers et al. 2008). The “IUCN50” is a projection of extinction risk over
the next 50 years given current conservation status, proposed by the IUCN. This
scenario assumes that species in the ‘least concern’ category are essentially ‘safe’,
assigning to them low probability of extinction (Mooers et al. 2008) (Table 1). We
selected these two transformation methods because they offer contrasting scenarios
based on how they treat species that are currently thought to be at relatively low risk.
Using these transformation methods we calculated conservation priority mea-
sures using the TUATARA module version 1.01 (Maddison and Mooers 2007) in
the evolutionary analysis package MESQUITE version 2.75 (Maddison and
Maddison 2011). We used the conservation priority methods EDGE (Evolutionary
Distinct, Globally Endangered) (, which measures
evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) weighted by current IUCN levels of extinction
risk. EDGE scores are equivalent to a logarithmic transformation of the product of
308 L.J. May-Collado et al.
the resolution. More importantly, it has been shown that higher spatial resolutions
distort the geographical patterns of species richness (Rahbek 2005; Graham and
Hijmans 2006). In contrast, lower spatial resolutions minimize the overestimation
of distribution ranges, in particular of those species with small range distributions.
For example, Rondinini et al. (2011) used a resolution of 300 × 300 m for their esti-
mations of global mammal’ species richness.
Specie’s presence in each 5′ × 5′ grid cell was assigned with a value of one. The
same procedure was repeated to assign the estimated values of ED, EDGE and
HEDGE to the grid cells of each species’ occurrence, and maps were calculated by
overlying individual grids. For example, the species richness map represents the
sum of all presence grids. Under this spatial framework CPAs represent areas with
the highest scores due to a high number of species regardless of ED, EDGE, and
HEDGE scores or to a few species with high probability scores.
To understand how well these patterns of aquatic mammal conservation priori-
ties are already included in existing MPAs, we used information from the World
Database on Protected Areas website ( We calculated
the percentage of each species range within all designated MPAs of the world and
to preserve areal relationships we first re-projected both the species ranges and the
MPAs, to an equal area using Behrmann projection. We then iteratively intersected
each marine species range with all the MPAs using the function joinPolys with the
operator ‘INT’ (intersection) from the package PBS-Mapping (version 2.67).
Species range percentage within all MPAs was calculated by contrasting the sum of
their intersected areas with the total species range area. All analyses were performed
in R (R Core Team 2013) and the final maps were created using ArcGIS v10.1.
Aquatic mammal species richness and the sum of species evolutionary uniqueness
peaked in coastal waters of both northern and southern hemispheres. Both metrics
showed high scores at the coasts of California and Japan in the northern hemisphere,
and along the coast of Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Southern Brazil, South Africa,
Southern Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand in the southern hemisphere (Fig. 1).
All methods identified the Hawaiian, Kurl, and Aleutian Islands, the coastal
waters of northern California, Nouadhibou, Yangtze River, southern Brazil to
Argentina, where both metrics had the highest cumulative scores in Rio de la Plata,
and Southern Australia and Japan as CPAs (Figs. 2 and 3). Furthermore, the
Mediterranean Sea was identified as other CPA under pessimistic EDGE and IUCN
50 HEDGE (Fig. 2a, d); South Africa, Patagonia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Bay of
Bengal, Arabian Sea, Indonesia, and South China Sea under pessimistic HEDGE
(Fig. 2b); and North Atlantic Ocean and Galapagos Islands, under IUCN50 EDGE
(Fig. 2c). Figure 3 summarizes these four conservation priority metrics into a single
map showing all CPAs. In each of them we highlight examples of top ranking
phylogenetic conservation priority species (Table 2).
310 L.J. May-Collado et al.
Fig. 1 Global patterns of aquatic mammal (a) species richness and (b) evolutionary distinctive-
ness (ED) (red tones represent the highest scores, cold colors indicate the lowest ones)
When we analyzed the overlap with designated marine protected areas we found
that although there are 847 of MPAs, most are very small (mean = 201 km2;
sd = 424 km2) when compared to the average size of the CPAs (2,269,520 km2,
sd = 4,313,740 km2). Nearly 50 % of large MPAs (those MPAs with an area greater
than 500 km2) do not over overlap with any CPAs failing to protect important areas
of aquatic mammal diversity as identified in this study (Fig. 4). Table 2 provides
information on the % overlap of top ranking phylogenetic conservation priority spe-
cies (see highlighted species in Fig. 3) distribution that is under any form of pro-
tected area. With the exception of the Galapagos sea lion and fur seal and the
Hawaiian monk seal most top conservation priority species habitat is unprotected.
Here we provide the first spatial analysis of phylogenetic conservation priorities for
aquatic mammals. We consider four methods that essentially reflect two possible
scenarios differing in how extinction risk is evaluated for the lower threat categories
and data deficient species: the pessimistic approach and the IUCN50 approach. The
two approaches give dramatically different results, in many cases highlighting
Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals 311
Fig. 2 Global patterns of conservation priorities using the conservation priority methods: (a)
EDGE Pessimistic, (b) HEDGE Pessimistic, (c) EDGE IUCN 50 and (d) HEDGE IUCN 50 (red
tones represent the highest scores, cold colors indicate the lowest ones)
Fig. 3 Conservation priorities areas (CPAs) for aquatic mammals identified based on the sum of all conservation priority metrics (ED, EDGE, HEDGE). We
highlight some of the top conservation priority species in blue from Table 2
L.J. May-Collado et al.
Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals 313
Table 2 Examples of aquatic mammal species that ranked among the top species for one or all
methods, their corresponding conservation priority areas (CPAs), population status, and overall
overlap with marine protected areas (MPAs)
Population Conservation Overlap of species
Species IUCN value trend priority area range and MPAs (%)
Lipotes vexillifer Critically Unknown Yangtze River <1 %
Baiji endangered
Pontoporia blainvillei Vulnerable Unknown South America <1 %
Franciscana Brazil to
Neophocaena Vulnerable Decreasing Japan, East and Not in
asiaeorientalis and N. South China Sea, database/2.35 %
phocaenoides Bay of Bengal, respectively
Finless porpoises Arabian Sea
Phocoena sinus Critically Decreasing Baja California 33.6 %
Vaquita endangered
Cephalorhynchus Endangered Decreasing New Zealand <1 %
Hector’s Dolphin
Eubalaena glacialis Endangered Unknown North Atlantic <1 %
North Atlantic Right Ocean
Eubalaena japonica Endangered Unknown Japan <1 %
North Pacific Right
Monachus Critically Decreasing Hawaii 69.1 %
schauinslandi endangered
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Monachus monachus Critically Decreasing Mediterranean 4.54 %
Mediterranean Monk endangered Sea, Madeira,
Seal Nouadhibou
Enhydra lutris Endangered Decreasing Gulf of Alaska, 6.9 %
Sea Otter California
Lontra felina Endangered Decreasing South America 12.4 %
Marine Otter Peru and Chile
Callorhinus ursinus Vulnerable Decreasing Kurl and 1.6 %
Northern Fur Seal Aleutian Islands,
Gulf of Alaska,
Eumetopias jubatus Near Increasing Kurl and 3.8 %
Steller Sea Lion threatened Aleutian Islands,
Gulf of Alaska,
314 L.J. May-Collado et al.
Table 2 (continued)
Population Conservation Overlap of species
Species IUCN value trend priority area range and MPAs (%)
Neophoca cinerea Endangered Decreasing Southern 6.4 %
Australian Sea Lion Australia
Zalophus wollebaeki Endangered Decreasing Galapagos Island 60.2 %
Galapagos Sea Lion
Odobenus rosmarus Data Unknown Aleutian Islands 6.86 %
Walrus deficient
Arctocephalus Endangered Decreasing Galapagos Island 99.5 %
Galapagos Fur Seal
Erignathus barbatus Least Stable Aleutian Islands 3.4 %
Bearded seal concern
Fig. 4 Overlap of conservation priority areas (CPAs) and global distribution of designated marine
protected areas (MPAs) (in pink). Lower panels highlight those CPAs with low spatial overlap with
different CPAs. The pessimistic approach gives more weight to phylogenetic diver-
sity, while the IUCN50 gives more weight to extinction risk of species (May-
Collado and Agnarsson 2011). Given that both perspectives are valid, we used a
combination of these two scenarios to identify Conservation Priority Areas, emerg-
ing as highly ranking under one or both of these approaches (see Fig. 3). These
results provide a tool for conservation planning for aquatic mammals that supple-
ments previous spatial studies using other prioritization criteria (Davidson et al.
2011; Kashner et al. 2011; Pompa et al. 2011), and may thus be useful in helping to
guide future conservation effort.
Our results indicate that accumulative evolutionary distinctiveness and conserva-
tion priorities are in general concentrated in coast waters. This pattern could be an
artifact of survey effort in coastal waters and in general reflect that aquatic mammal
Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals 315
survey coverage, whether coastal or oceanic, is very limited (Jewell et al. 2012).
Less than 25 % of the ocean surface has been surveyed and only 6 % has been cov-
ered frequently enough to allow estimations of population trends (Kaschner et al.
2012). In addition, spatial coverage is also significantly biased towards some ocean
basins. Karchner et al. (2012) reported that with the exception of Antarctic waters,
survey coverage was biased toward the northern hemisphere, especially US and
northern European waters, which may explain the consensus among methods iden-
tifying the Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands as CPAs. Nevertheless, despite this poten-
tial data bias most CPAs were found in the southern hemisphere, suggesting that
phylogenetic conservation priority methods do not simply reflect sampling effort,
but identify areas that contain aquatic mammal communities including both evolu-
tionarily unique species and those at risk.
As we discussed in our methods, CPAs were the result from the cumulative val-
ues for each metric in each cell. Thus CPAs may reflect a large number of species
varying in conservation priority values or possibly only a few species with high
values. The later seems to be the case for Hawaii, Nouadhibou, Madeira Island,
Yangtze river, and Southern Brazil-Argentina where highly evolutionary unique
species are endemic to those areas (Table 2). Other CPAs such as California,
Southern Australia and New Zealand include many species, but only some of which
are evolutionarily unique species. These areas are part of ranges of several species
with very broad distribution ranges such as the sperm whale, pygmy and dwarf
sperm whales, and blue whale. Interestingly, previous studies that have used species
richness to identify ‘hotspot’ of aquatic mammal diversity (Pompa et al. 2011) and
a combination of levels of imperilment with intrinsic and extrinsic factors to iden-
tify high risk areas for aquatic mammals (Davidson et al. 2011) agree with the CPAs
identified here. Davidson et al. (2011) identified five major global hotspots of
marine mammal species at risk. Within these major hotpots several locations over-
lap with those found in this study: Aleutian Islands, Alaska, California, Galapagos,
Patagonia, South Africa, Japan, Indonesia, South Australia, and New Zealand.
Pompa et al. (2011) identified nine ‘hotspots’ based solely on species richness and
11 irreplaceable key conservation sites, based on the presence of endemic species,
five of these sites Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands, Mediterranean Sea, and the
Yangtze river network were also identified as CPAs. Finally, Kashner et al. (2011)
using an environmental suitability model predicted highest marine mammal rich-
ness in New Zealand, Japan, Baja California, Galapagos, the Southeast Pacific and
Southern Ocean, all congruent with our study.
Within the CPAs identified here we highlight the presence of several top ranking
conservation priority species among those are the extant monk seals (see Table 2).
The UICN has estimated a 68 % reduction of Hawaiian monk seal abundance in the
past 49 years, and projects an 86 % reduction in the next 15 years. The future for the
Mediterranean monk seal seems bleak, current population estimates are about 350–
450 individuals (IUCN 2013). The Cap Blanc population in Nouadhibou is proba-
bly the most threatened, with less than 220 individuals. This is the last population
with colonial structure, so its loss would also lead to the loss of a peculiar behavior
amongst monk seals (e.g., Gonzalez 2006; Martinez-Jauregui et al. 2012; Gonzalez
316 L.J. May-Collado et al.
and Fernandez de Larrinoa 2013). Both species are facing fragmentation of their
habitat that overlaps with a number of human activities, some of which affects them
directly as bycatch in gillnets and bottom trawl nets particularly in the case of the
Mediterranean monk seal (Gonzalez and Fernandez de Larrinoa 2013). In 1988
Hawaiian monk seal habitats were declared as ‘critical areas’ by the Endangered
Species Act, limiting several federally authorized activities such permits for fishing,
coastal development, and a number of military activities. However, the designation
of critical habitat offers limited protection, allowing a number of non-federal activi-
ties such as boating and jet-skiing, and tour operations that might have an indirect
impact in their recovery. For the Mediterranean monk seals, surveyed protected
marine areas might help mitigate interactions with fisheries (Rowwe 2007). Despite
growing efforts in protecting the species, only 4.5 % of their habitat is currently
protected. In areas where it is protected such as in Madeira Island, Portugal the
creation of a natural reserve and change in fishing gear has halted monk seal decline
and helped their recovery (Pires et al. 2008; Hale et al. 2011) but such protected area
is not in place in Nouadhibou yet (Gonzalez and Fernandez de Larrinoa 2013).
For cetaceans we would like to highlight the river dolphin Baiji and the coastal
Franciscana. The Baiji dolphin is likely extinct, no sightings of the species have
been made in recent years. In 2005, its population size was estimated to be less than
100 individuals (Dudgeon 2005). A number of restoration efforts have been made
including establishing of natural and seminatural reserves in the middle and lower
parts of the Yangtze River, and breeding programs. However, the extent of the
human impact on this species habitat may not allow its recovery with ~5 % of the
world’s total population living along the Yangtze River (Yang et al. 2006). In con-
trast with the Baiji, the Franciscana is population size is considered ‘healthy’ by the
IUCN. However, the extent of bycatch mortality by nearshore gillnets in southern
Brazil results in thousands of individuals killed every year, this is a major reason for
concern (Danilewicz et al. 2010; Prado et al. 2013), particularly when less than 1 %
of the species habitat is under protection. Current MPAs within the species range are
few, most are small, sparse, and outside the Rio del Plata area where conservation
priority values peaked. Conservation priorities species such as the Hector’s dolphins
in New Zealand and finless porpoises (see Figs. 3 and 4) may benefit from expan-
sion of local MPAs, which currently protect only a small percent of their habitat. In
contrast, conservation priority species with global distribution such as sperm, blue,
sei and fin whales, may benefit for a multinational management approach at the spe-
cies level combined with protected areas in key breeding and feeding grounds.
Our results offer a spatial phylogeny-based conservation prioritization for aquatic
mammals that complements prior findings. Given urgent need to invest manage-
ment and conservation efforts and the Convention on Biological Diversity plan to
protect 10 % of the world’s marine and coastal ecological regions by 2020, such
analyses should be helpful tools in identifying important areas for consideration.
Acknowledgements We thank EcoHealth Alliance for providing us with the resources to produce
the spatial analysis and to Lisa Ballance, Roseli Pellens, and an anonymous reviewer for their com-
ments that greatly improve this manuscript.
Global Spatial Analyses of Phylogenetic Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals 317
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Metapopulation Capacity Meets Evolutionary
Distinctness: Spatial Fragmentation
Complements Phylogenetic Rarity
in Prioritization
Abstract Many species have declined or already gone extinct due to the human
activities across the world causing what is termed the current sixth mass extinction
event. The biggest determinant of species survival is the availability of a network of
suitable habitat, affecting population size and eventual extinction risk. Considering
that modern technology allows us to efficiently quantify habitat loss, species distri-
bution data can inform us of the required minimum connectivity of habitats.
Evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) is already part of conservation schemes to priori-
tize rare traits and unique phylogenetic history. However, so far none of these priori-
tisations quantifies the spatial constraints of a species to estimate long-term
persistence based on the fragmentation of the landscape. Metapopulation capacity
(λM) is one such measurement for quantifying fragmentation. Here we propose a
combination of metapopulation capacity and phylogenetic distinctiveness to priori-
tize important specific habitat patches for evolutionary distinct species. We applied
the new framework to prioritize island mammals and found Data Deficient and
Least Concern species with a high combined value in ED and λM. Balancing between
the extinction risks of solitary islands and the potential loss of unique evolutionary
history of rare species on these islands can be a worthwhile exercise in prioritization
Conservation is an increasing necessity for the world (Pimm et al. 1995), and one
that requires immediate action. Extinction occurs at a progressive rate, and we want
to mitigate it before more species, known and unknown, are lost forever (Loehle and
Eschenbach 2012). What is now recognised as the sixth mass extinction event is
clearly attributable to anthropogenic action, mainly in the last few decades (Barnosky
et al. 2011; Pereira et al. 2012). We will face great future challenges in preserving
life on Earth, or at the least, in slowing down the rate of species loss. By setting
priorities, as to which species or areas should receive the immediate attention, we
can focus conservation efforts and resources in a bid to minimize the global biodi-
versity decline.
Evolutionary Distinctness
Spatial Analysis
Ostrovsky 2003; Gillespie et al. 2008; Kearney and Porter 2009). By first focusing
on the spatial aspects of a threat status, we may better assess what is often the main
driver of species’ extinction. Then conservation areas can target protection of those
species with rare traits that are simultaneously habitat-limited.
With access to environmental data that fundamentally shapes species distribu-
tions, we now have the possibility to reveal what we need to prioritize through
modelling (Moilanen et al. 2009). Major conservation tools often focus on protect-
ing either particular species or specific areas. Good examples of species prioritisa-
tion schemes include the IUCN Red List and the phylogenetically informed EDGE
of Existence concept (Isaac et al. 2007; IUCN 2013). In combination with spatial
approaches, prioritization allows us to recognise the urgency and mitigate using
what limited resources are available to conservationists. So, how to refine this focus
to some criterion that is both highly quantifiable and universally important?
Metapopulation Capacity
Gathering distribution estimates is difficult for rare or elusive species, and gathering
population data more so, often because of the inaccessibility of their habitat which
in turn biases ecological studies around the world (Martin et al. 2012). Population
viability analysis can predict species trends, but such modelling also requires a cer-
tain level of life history data (Brook et al. 2000) that is unavailable for the full spec-
trum of species of concern. We have quality landscape data, but we want to know
how this affects the species that reside in such landscapes.
Once such tactic is looking at metapopulation capacity (λM), calculated from
spatial input (i.e. patch areas and distances) of spatially explicit metapopulation
models. We can consider metapopulation theory as a compromise between land-
scape ecology and species distribution modelling (Hanski 1998). The resulting
value is the capacity of a landscape to support long-term species persistence (Hanski
and Ovaskainen 2000). λM is one way of assessing risk for species living in frag-
mented landscapes, as a relative quantification of fragmentation. Schnell and co-
workers (2013a) further developed a modification of λM for large-scale landscapes.
Species’ habitats fragment over time, often due to human land use changes, and
eventually the animals grow increasingly endangered. When isolated populations
are too small and isolated, the metapopulation as a whole goes extinct. Therefore,
λM can be useful in prioritising species conservation from a spatial standpoint
(Hanski and Simberloff 1997; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002; Schnell et al. 2013b).
In the realm of conserving evolutionary history we can argue in much the same way,
so combining the λM and ED could help us to prioritise and plan conservation areas
in a spatially explicit manner, by factoring in the underlying processes of fragmen-
tation, while balancing the objective of conserving evolutionary history.
We can even calculate λM at the patch level, allowing us to target specific areas
within a species distribution for conservation prioritization (Ovaskainen and Hanski
2003). Since the spatial aspects would influence upon the evolutionary history of
322 J.K. Schnell and K. Safi
animals, we study this by quantifying isolation and size of patches (or islands).
Relatedly, metapopulation theory itself was founded on such spatial assumptions of
island biogeography (MacArthur and Wilson 1967).
Island Biogeography
Current global databases often lack the spatial and ecological granularity necessary
to conduct such a large-scale analysis, without requiring great effort in obtaining
and polishing the data. However, one way that we can at least test this proposed
conservation prioritisation method is by examining islands, which we do here on
In this chapter, we use λM in combination with the current prioritization scheme
of EDGE for two purposes. First, we investigate whether phylogenetic diversity cor-
relates with characteristics of islands. We expect, based on the principles of island
theory that predict lower immigration and emigration rates, that with increasing
remoteness and decreasing size, species could accumulate evolutionary history.
Second, we prioritise important islands containing an over proportional amount of
evolutionary distinct species, indicating a potentially increased risk of living on
small remote islands, requiring special attention. IUCN spatial data on species geo-
graphic ranges are typically somewhat general and broad, owing to the scope of
species assessed. By incorporating more accurate, updated distribution data, we are
vastly improving our collective understanding as to how threatened a particular spe-
cies really is. We want to measure biodiversity value with readily available data and
tools to identify conservation priority sites in a heavily fragmented landscape.
Islands are an ideal system to examine, because they are spatially segregated, but
are also of importance, as they are home to many potentially important species
under threat (Steadman 1995). We assume islands are associated with a greater ED
than mainland areas, since islands are more isolated and therefore should be more
likely to accumulate ED than other landforms. We already know that island area
correlates with phylogenetic structure (Cardillo et al. 2008), and we too found a
correlation between island size and ED.
The next logical question then is how could we quantify the different islands, with
respect to species and each island’s overall community. We take the ED score of
mammal species on islands, and then calculate the λM of every patch within a species’
distribution to prioritise spatially among the island patches. Metapopulation theory
suggests that a population made up of smaller populations with potential gene flow
might better persist than otherwise expected when considering each population alone
and individually. Thus, distributions made up of closer, larger islands would be better
off because of the increased probability of dispersal and rescue effect.
Metapopulation Capacity Meets Evolutionary Distinctness: Spatial Fragmentation… 323
We began with the datasets of terrestrial mammal species as defined by the IUCN
Red List database (IUCN 2013). Then we focused on terrestrial mammal species
living only on islands, and excluded all species that did not have distributions con-
fined to islands only. We defined islands as landmasses smaller than Greenland
(2,130,800 km2), with New Guinea (785,753 km2) as the largest island. IUCN’s ter-
restrial mammal spatial data had 1728 unique species identified as residing on an
island. When we intersected this with the GSHHS shoreline data, which fulfilled
our definition for island, there were 1501 species.
Finally, we restricted this to obligate islanders only, i.e. species not found on any
continental mainland, and had 389 species with island-only distributions. We
excluded those species with distributions that also encompassed continental main-
land because we expected that they would not experience the same level of
fragmentation threat as species with an island-confined existence. The mainland can
be a potential population source that would not compare evenly in the calculations,
particularly as our GSHHS data would not be able to define the species distribution
extent on mainland.
324 J.K. Schnell and K. Safi
Fig. 1 (a) Map of GSHHS-defined islands, highlighting all those containing mammals for which
we have ED scores. (b) The highest λM score (1.0) of IUCN-defined island mammals ranges, where
endemics confined to one island are automatically assigned an λM score of 1.0. This indicates
where the most valuable patches are within a species distribution, and consequently what would be
most worth saving
Data Analysis
After finding those islands where both GSHHS and IUCN datasets intersected, we
calculated the relative λM of every patch within a species’ distribution and scaled
their values from 0 to 1.0, with the highest value indicating the island/patch that
contributed most to the overall long-term persistence (see Fig. 2). We also desig-
nated any species with only one island/patch in their distribution automatically with
a λM score of 1 (see Fig. 1b), because of its significant importance for that species.
We then took these scores and for each, multiplied by the species’ ED score. To
Metapopulation Capacity Meets Evolutionary Distinctness: Spatial Fragmentation… 325
7° S
8° S 5.0
9° S
further give an average λM-ED score per island, we took the sum of species’ scores
and divided this by the number of island mammal species (in our dataset) residing
on that island.
We found 40 Least Concern and Data Deficient species that possess a high com-
bined score of λM and ED (see Table 1). In total, 42 of the island mammal species
we assessed were listed by the IUCN as Data Deficient, 47 as Least Concern, with
the remainder as threatened species. Those species already listed as threatened were
potentially suffering from other threats (e.g. non-native species as predators/com-
petitors). Focusing on those species that are Data Deficient or Least Concern and
have higher λM-ED scores would be most beneficial, as their rarity indicate them to
be at risk and a high λM value represents an important patch, and one that would pay
off greatly to conserve.
The five islands with the highest average λM-ED scores, taken by adding all the
scores and dividing by our (island-restricted mammals) species richness per island
were Jamaica, Guadalcanal, Isle of Pines, Madagascar, and Nggela Sule (see
Table 2, Fig. 3 for map). Interestingly, Madagascar held 39 of the highest λM-ED
species, and ranked fourth in our λM-ED islands list.
We found that combining evolutionary distinctness with λM revealed species that
may be of concern that were not otherwise noticed. Because quantifying fragmenta-
tion effects on species takes into account spatial configuration, this can help to
improve threat status assessments. The EDGE programme has already sought to
visualize regions in the world with the most rare species and moved to prioritize
those particular species. This adds a spatial understanding of the species distribution
to that prioritization.
Table 1 Top 10 species in Island Species λM *ED
order of decreasing λM-ED
Jamaica Ariteus flavescens 0.93350
Madagascar Emballonura tiavato 0.92111
Madagascar Avahi unicolor 0.92111
Madagascar Microgale brevicaudata 0.92111
Madagascar Eulemur rubriventer 0.92111
Madagascar Microgale drouhardi 0.92111
Madagascar Brachytarsomys villosa 0.92111
Madagascar Gymnuromys roberti 0.92111
Madagascar Pteropus rufus 0.92111
Madagascar Avahi occidentalis 0.92111
We consider those species to be of high concern to
be a λM *ED value above 0.8
Fig. 3 Map highlighting the top five islands, coloured from warm to cool (i.e. red to blue), in
decreasing λM-ED score (see also Table 2)
Metapopulation Capacity Meets Evolutionary Distinctness: Spatial Fragmentation… 327
We found Least Concern and Data Deficient island-restricted mammals that possess
a high combined score of λM and ED. This method can be the start to finding species
with a combination of phylogenetic rarity and long-term extinction risk due to
island isolation. Further analyses are needed, as global prioritizations risk overgen-
eralizing among distinct animals, and yet suitable datasets, spatial and otherwise,
are difficult to come by.
Island Studies
Islands represent less than 5 % of the earth’s land area, harbour 80 % of known spe-
cies extinctions since 1500 (Ricketts et al. 2005), and make up 39 % of today’s
IUCN Critically Endangered species (TIB 2012). Endangered island species, such
as those targeted and listed in the Threatened Island Biodiversity (TIB) database,
are currently of major concern due to invasive species. However, we can still exam-
ine the effects of isolation and area from an island point of view. On a global scale,
this method aims to show which islands or species are most important for conserva-
tion, based on the spatial properties of the islands and the phylogenetic rarity of the
species themselves.
Islands are a natural laboratory for evolutionary specialization and adaptation,
because such an environment greatly shapes the select set of species living there in
such isolation (Losos and Ricklefs 2009). From a conservation perspective, islands
are unique because with less spatial area to begin with, they can only support smaller
populations to evolve on them (Diamond 1975; Frankham 1998). Furthermore,
recolonisation, the process responsible for maintaining population size from a larger
source population, decreases because of spatial isolation and size (MacArthur and
Wilson 1963, 1967; Simberloff and Wilson 1970), and dispersal amongst islands
can be far more limited than on terrestrial “islands”. We expect that islands suffer
more from stochastic extinction processes, in addition to anthropogenic effects such
as introduced species, so they are on the whole in much greater need of immediate
conservation action. In fact, islands have previously been the focus of research on
prioritisation schemes for conservation planning (TIB 2012).
However, much complexity remains in studying islands. Most threatened species
have small geographic distributions, and the distributions of island species are inev-
itably smaller than the distributions of continental species (Manne et al. 1999). Yet,
some island populations can “show greater persistence than mainland populations
of the same species, notwithstanding their smaller range sizes” (Channell and
Lomolino 2000), perhaps reflecting the advantages of living in sheltered isolation.
Another study found that island endemics are not relatively more threatened than
328 J.K. Schnell and K. Safi
Next Steps
Several aspects of this analysis can be modified depending on the user’s goals. For
example, we took 5 km to be the minimum distance from continental mainland for
an archipelago isolated enough to not experience a strong mainland source popula-
tion. At one extreme, Davies et al. (2007) previously defined oceanic islands as
those more than 200 km away from a continental shelf edge. Distance to mainland
would understandably have different consequences on the species if (1) they have
some portion of their metapopulation residing on the mainland, or (2) they are able
to cross this water gap, albeit rarely. If this assessment was of larger sized islands or
patches, one could implement a λM score per area (e.g. square kilometre).
It is worth mentioning that species richness does not play any role in this rank-
ing. Species richness is an anthropogenic valuation scheme, and this method is
unique in considering from the phylogenetic and spatial considerations of the ani-
mals themselves. However, something that could be accounted for is complementar-
ity, as in the case where two islands contain the same sets of species. Many
sophisticated spatial planning tools try to take this into account, one such being
Zonation (Moilanen et al. 2005; Moilanen 2007).
It seems logical that species endemic to only one island require the most accurate
distribution data, and most rigorous of assessments, because these cases have all
their “eggs in one basket”. Incorporating movement functions would greatly
improve the model’s connectivity aspect, determining how fragmented such oceanic
islands are. The availability of such data is increasing, fortunately, and ideally they
will improve habitat utilization and connectivity estimates in the future. This method
can go beyond islands, however.
We had excluded those species with distributions including continents because
of how it would influence the biogeography dynamics. Facultative islanders (of
which we found 1611 species), those species with distribution on both island and
continent, made up a longer list that could be worthwhile for further study. This
would be an interesting question to tackle, because it would be a step closer to quan-
tifying mainland “value” for islands, how to go about quantifying its contribution.
Nevertheless, looking at only islands made for a simpler study, and a further inter-
esting one is then to shift our focus towards continents. It would be more broadly
useful, and also computationally challenging, to do the same analysis for higher
precision information of animal distributions on the continents. The λM has the
potential to identify important areas for connectivity, so that we might better respond
to extinction threats, and therefore might be a better way of prioritising specific
areas for conservation. This index weighs those island “patches” which are most
valuable to species with limited ranges and for species with unique phylogenies.
Future schemes could consider different weightings and combinations of these two
indices. More importantly, for islands a score is calculated by taking an average
score over all species.
As for island species, we would like to compare our lists with the outcome of the
EDGE zones papers. It would be interesting to see whether the islands important for
330 J.K. Schnell and K. Safi
λM-ED island species are similar to those we identified in the global EDGE analysis.
We also need to discuss GE and how best to handle this additional information. We
already know we can be so much more effective in conservation when a targeted
approach is taken, particularly for critically endangered species (Brooke et al.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Bart Kranstauber for discussions, and Laura J. May-
Collado, Roseli Pellens, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful feedback.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry
Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies
in the Neotropics
Nicolas Chazot, Keith R. Willmott, André V.L. Freitas, Donna Lisa de Silva,
Roseli Pellens, and Marianne Elias
Abstract The Neotropical region comprises six of the major biodiversity hotspots
of the planet, including the Andean foothills, which harbour the most diverse ter-
restrial ecosystems. It is also one of those most threatened by habitat destruction
and climatic changes, which cause species extirpation and sometimes extinction,
resulting in community disassembly and loss of interspecific interactions. The
effects of community disassembly can be particularly strong in highly coevolved
mutualistic species assemblages, such as Müllerian mimetic species. Conservation
strategies should therefore aim at preserving not only evolutionary diversity, but
also species interactions. Here we use mimetic ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae:
Danainae, Ithomiini) as a model to identify areas of both evolutionary and ecologi-
cal importance, and hence conservation significance. Ithomiine butterflies form a
tribe of ca. 380 species that inhabit lowland and montane Neotropical forests. All
species engage in Müllerian mimicry, and drive mimicry in other, distantly related,
Lepidoptera. We analyse phylogenetic, distribution and mimicry data for three
diverse ithomiine genera, Napeogenes, Ithomia and Oleria. We use different met-
rics to study geographical patterns of diversity. Patterns of species richness, phylo-
genetic diversity and mimicry diversity are highly congruent within genera but
slightly different among genera. Mountainous regions contain the greatest taxo-
nomic and mimetic diversity in ithomiines, with the Andean foothill region being
the area of highest diversity, but other regions, such as Central America and the
upper Amazon, are also important. Finally, a measure of vulnerability related to
mimicry indicates that mutualistic interactions are not distributed evenly across
space and genera. We argue that mutualistic interactions should be taken into
account in conservation strategies.
The Neotropical region extends from Mexico to northern Argentina, including the
Amazon basin, the Andean cordillera and the Atlantic Forest. It is the most biologi-
cally diverse of the world’s major biogeographic regions (Gaston and Hudson 1994;
Myers et al. 2000; Hawkins et al. 2007). At least one million species of insects,
40,000 of plants, 3000 of fishes, 1294 of birds, 427 of mammals, 427 of amphibians,
and 378 of reptiles inhabit the Amazonian basin (Da Silva et al. 2005a). It is also a
region of high endemism, including 6 of the world’s 25 biodiversity ‘hotspots’
(Myers et al. 2000).
Many areas of the Neotropics are under continual threat from deforestation. In
2004, ca. 2.7 million ha of forest were cleared in Amazonia alone (INPE). In Central
America, only 1.7 % of the original dry forest remains, and most of this comprises
small, isolated patches (Griscom and Ashton 2011). Similarly, the Atlantic forest has
been reduced to 12 % of its original area, with astonishing rates of deforestation
every year (SOS Mata Atlântica, INPE, ISA 1998; Ribeiro et al. 2009). In Amazonia,
wood extraction, industrial logging, cattle pastures, banana plantations and more
recently oil palm culture are the main causes of the ongoing deforestation. The
Neotropics are also threatened by climatic changes, which are likely to be particu-
larly serious in mountain habitats (e.g., Engler et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2011; Feeley
et al. 2011). Habitat destruction and climatic changes may cause species extirpation,
displacements and extinction (e.g., Loiselle et al. 2010), which may in turn result in
community disassembly, with loss of interspecific interactions (Sheldon et al. 2011).
The consequences of community disassembly can be particularly strong in highly
coevolved mutualistic species assemblages, such as insect-pollinator networks, plant
species engaged in facilitation, or Müllerian mimetic species (Chazot et al. 2014).
To preserve Neotropical biodiversity, given constraints of time and money, it is
essential to identify priority areas for conservation (Williams et al. 1996). However,
there are several problems in identifying such areas. Firstly, distribution data are not
available for all taxa, so attention has focused on indicator taxa, which are expected
to reliably indicate patterns of diversity in other, more poorly known groups (e.g.,
Howard et al. 1998; Lamoreux et al. 2006). Insects constitute at least 70 % of all
terrestrial organisms (Samways 1994), and their outstanding evolutionary success
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 335
in virtually all terrestrial habitats potentially makes them one of the most valuable
study groups for understanding the distribution and origins of biodiversity, and for
developing efficient means to conserve that biodiversity (Brown 1997). However,
because of the diversity of insects and taxonomic difficulties in many groups, some
authors have suggested that conservation research be focused on a few suitable taxa,
such as butterflies (New 1993; Brown and Freitas 2000; Bonebrake et al. 2010;
Basset et al. 2013). Butterflies can be used to monitor ecosystem health (e.g. Warren
et al. 2001), reveal broadly applicable patterns of diversity and endemism, and
effectively communicate complex scientific ideas to the public and generate popular
support for conservation (Sparrow et al. 1994; Boggs et al. 2003).
One of the best studied diverse groups of Neotropical butterflies is the tribe
Ithomiini (Nymphalidae: Danainae), an exclusively Neotropical group which cur-
rently includes about 380 species placed in 47 genera (Lamas 2004; Willmott and
Lamas 2007). Ithomiines occur from Mexico to Argentina and are largely restricted
to moist forest habitats from sea level up to 3000 m (Beccaloni 1997a). Among the
attributes that make the group a potentially useful indicator of conservation priori-
ties for other taxa are its diversity, its broad range of occupied elevations, its abun-
dance in the field and collections, the broad variation in range size among species,
and its good level of taxonomic knowledge.
Having selected a potentially suitable indicator taxon, the next issue is to decide
what surrogate measure of biodiversity will be used (Williams et al. 1996). Species
richness is the most commonly used measure, but it may not represent important
aspects of the structure and composition of natural communities. A species richness
measure considers all species as equal, ignoring their functional or phylogenetic
relationships (e.g., Safi et al. 2011). As an alternative, measures of phylogenetic
diversity evaluate species in terms of the amount of unique evolutionary history they
represent. The loss of species with no close relatives represents the extinction of an
entire lineage, resulting in a greater loss to biodiversity than the loss of a species that
shares most of its evolutionary history with another (Mace et al. 2003; Mooers et al.
2005; Maclaurin and Sterelny 2008). During the last two decades several metrics
have been developed to assess the phylogenetic diversity of clades and to evaluate
and compare communities for conservation based on the phylogenetic diversity of
the species they harbour (e.g., Vane-Wright et al. 1991; Faith 1992). Despite the
difficulty of defining the most adequate metric (see Redding et al. 2008; Schweiger
et al. 2008), and the circumstances where phylogenetics can be useful for conserva-
tion (e.g., Rodrigues et al. 2005; Hartmann and Andre 2013), two points emerged
from these studies. The first is that conservation strategies based on phylogenetic
measures capture more evolutionary diversity than strategies ignoring phylogeny
(e.g., Hartmann and Steel 2007; Redding et al. 2008), and the second is that extinc-
tions are not random in the tree of life, but rather are phylogenetically and
functionally clumped (Purvis et al. 2000; Yessoufou et al. 2012). In the last few
years several phylogenies have become available for the Ithomiini as a whole
(Brower et al. 2014; Willmott and Freitas 2006), and also for some speciose clades
inside this tribe (Mallarino et al. 2005; Elias et al. 2009; de-Silva et al. 2015). This
phylogenetic information thus allows us to consider phylogenetic diversity in an
assessment of conservation priorities for Neotropical insects.
336 N. Chazot et al.
The Neotropics
In this study we refer to the following specific areas within the Neotropical region
(Fig. 2): (1) Central America, which extends from Panama to Mexico; (2) the west-
ern/northern Andes and (3) the eastern Andes, which usually exhibit distinct faunas;
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 337
Fig. 1 Two examples of mimicry rings named eurimedia and banjana-m, each one shared by a
species of the three genera under interest
338 N. Chazot et al.
Guiana shield
Central America
Lower Amazon
Western and
Northern Andes
Eastern Andes
Upper Amazon
Atlantic Forest
(4) the upper Amazon along the eastern foothills of the Andes; (5) the lower Amazon;
(6) the Guiana shield; (7) the Cerrado, which separates the Amazon basin and the
Atlantic Forest and (8) the Atlantic Forest, which extends along the south-east and
southern Brazilian coast and adjacent inland regions.
In this chapter we focus on three ithomiine genera (Table 1) for which nearly com-
prehensive calibrated molecular phylogenies are available in the literature: Ithomia
(24 out of 25 extant species, Mallarino et al. 2005; Jiggins et al. 2006; Elias et al.
2009); Napeogenes (24 out of 24 extant species, Elias et al. 2009) and Oleria (42
out of 49 extant species, de-Silva et al. 2015; de-Silva et al. 2010). We analyse the
three genera independently to assess the congruence of geographical diversity pat-
terns among genera. All the trees used are ultrametric, with branch lengths propor-
tional to time.
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 339
Mimicry Classification
Table 1 List of the species of Ithomia, Napeogenes and Oleria, with their mimicry patterns.
(Species may harbour multiple geographical races with different mimicry patterns)
Genus Species Mimicry pattern
Ithomia adelinda confusa, mestra, praxilla
Ithomia agnosia agnosia, lerida
Ithomia amarilla eurimedia
Ithomia arduinna agnosia, eurimedia
Ithomia avella ticida-m, banjana-m, panthyale
Ithomia celemia hermias, mamercus, parallelis
Ithomia cleora mantineus
Ithomia diasia amalda, lerida
Ithomia drymo lerida
Ithomia eleonora banjana-m
Ithomia ellara banjana-m
Ithomia heraldica mamercus
Ithomia hyala lerida
Ithomia hymettia agnosia, banjana-m
Ithomia iphianassa dilucida, hermias, idae
Ithomia jucunda amalda, lerida
Ithomia lichyi agnosia, lerida
Ithomia patilla lerida
Ithomia praeithomia banjana-m
Ithomia pseudoagalla dilucida
Ithomia salapia agnosia, derama, eurimedia
Ithomia terra agnosia, banjana-m, lerida
Ithomia xenos dilucida
Napeogenes aethra hermias
Napeogenes apulia mestra, ocna
Napeogenes benigna dilucida, panthyale
Napeogenes cranto dilucida, eurimedia
Napeogenes duessa duessa, eurimedia, mamercus
Napeogenes flossina panthyale
Napeogenes glycera mestra, ocna, praxilla
340 N. Chazot et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Genus Species Mimicry pattern
Napeogenes gracilis ozia
Napeogenes harbona banjana-m, susiana, derasa,
mestra, unknown
Napeogenes inachia eurimedia, hemixanthe
Napeogenes larilla banjana-m, hewitsoni,
panthyale, theudelinda
Napeogenes lycora ozia, praxilla
Napeogenes nsp1 ocna
Napeogenes nsp2 banjana-m, ocna
Napeogenes peridia dilucida, excelsa, hecalesina,
Napeogenes pharo confusa, derasa, eurimedia,
Napeogenes rhezia eurimedia, hemixanthe,
hermias, mamercus, mothone
Napeogenes sodalis agnosia
Napeogenes stella dilucida, hermias
Napeogenes sulphureophila ocna
Napeogenes sylphis agnosia, aureliana, egra,
illinissa, lerida
Napeogenes tolosa dilucida, eurimedia, excelsa,
Napeogenes verticilla agnosia
Napeogenes zurippa hermias, mamercus, orestes
Oleria aegle egra, lerida
Oleria agarista aureliana, lerida, sinilia
Oleria alexina agnosia
Oleria amalda amalda, lerida
Oleria antaxis egra, lerida, sinilia
Oleria aquata lerida
Oleria assimilis angosia, aureliana, lerida
Oleria astrea lerida
Oleria athalina banjana-m, susiana
Oleria attalia mestra, susiana
Oleria baizana banjana-m, hewitsoni
Oleria bioculata agnosia
Oleria boyeri agnosia
Oleria cyrene banjana-m, susiana
Oleria deronda banjana-m, thabena-f
Oleria derondina banjana-m, thabena-f,
Oleria didymaea agnosia, lerida
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 341
Table 1 (continued)
Genus Species Mimicry pattern
Oleria enania agnosia, aureliana, lerida
Oleria estella agnosia, quintina
Oleria fasciata banjana-m, susiana
Oleria flora egra, lerida
Oleria fumata banjana-m
Oleria gunilla agnosia, aureliana, illinissa,
lerida, quintina, sinilia
Oleria ilerdina aureliana, illinissa, lerida
Oleria makrena agnosia, banjana-m
Oleria onega agnosia, aureliana, lerida,
Oleria padilla agnosia, banjana-m
Oleria paula amalda, lerida
Oleria phenomoe agnosia
Oleria quadrata agnosia
Oleria quintina quintina
Oleria radina panthyale, banjana-m,
Oleria rubescens lerida
Oleria santineza agnosia, banjana-m
Oleria sexmaculata aureliana, lerida, sinilia
Oleria similigena egra, lerida
Oleria tigilla agnosia, lerida
Oleria tremona banjana-m
Oleria vicina agnosia
Oleria victorine agnosia, lerida
Oleria nsp agnosia
Oleria zelica eurimedia
Species Distribution
groups, representation is still patchy at fine scales because many regions are yet to
be sampled. We therefore used species distribution modelling to better represent the
distribution of species and subspecies. We used ArcGIS 9 for most geoprocessing,
with the World Cylindrical Equal Area projection, and DIVA-GIS version 7.5
( for distribution modelling. Briefly, the procedure was as
follows. First, we calculated the maximum nearest neighbour distance between any
two points for each species, as an approximate measure of the extent of our knowl-
edge of the distribution of that species. For two species with disjunct ranges (Oleria
aquata and Oleria victorine) we calculated this distance separately for each popula-
tion. Second, for each species we created a minimum convex polygon around its
distribution points buffered at the distance calculated in step 1. Third, we used the
BIOCLIM model in DIVA-GIS to estimate climatically suitable areas for each spe-
cies on a 2.5 min grid, using two climatic variables, Annual Mean Temperature and
Annual Precipitation. We converted the resulting distributions into presence-absence
rasters with a value of 0 representing absence (predicted distributions with less than
5 % certainty, i.e. values of 0–50 in the DIVA-GIS output grid file), and 1 for pres-
ence (values of 50–500 in the DIVA-GIS output grid file). Fourth, we overlaid the
DIVA-GIS model with the buffered minimum convex polygon, and calculated the
intersection of these layers as the final predicted distribution for the species. In cases
where the distribution was predicted to occur in areas without any record which
were separated by a significant barrier (e.g., the Andes mountains) from areas with
records, we cropped the distribution to remove those areas with no records. The
resulting distribution was converted to a point shapefile (at quarter degree grid reso-
lution) for ease of analysis. As a further step to model the distribution of subspecies,
we used the Thiessen polygon (TP) tool in ArcGIS to divide the Neotropical region
for each species into a series of contiguous polygons. Each polygon contains a sin-
gle empirical distribution point, and everywhere within that polygon is nearer to that
point than to any other point. We assumed that any modelled distribution point fall-
ing within a TP was most likely to be represented by the subspecies occurring at the
source point for the TP. We thus overlaid the TP layer with our modelled point
shapefiles and assigned each modelled point to a subspecies.
The resulting data were finally analysed by quarter degree grid cell. Distribution
maps were overlaid to determine the species/subspecies composition and to calcu-
late six measures of diversity listed below for each grid cell. The three measures of
phylogenetic diversity were computed with the package Picante in R.
Ithomia Species richness (Fig. 3a, left) is low across the lowlands (Guyana shield,
lower Amazon, parts of the upper Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest), and peaks
along the eastern and northern Andes and in Central America. The distribution of
PD and ES (Fig. 3d, e, left) is very similar to that of species richness, all peaking
along the Andes. MPD is also high along the Andes, but the highest values are
observed in the upper Amazon and northern Andes, including many grid cells where
species richness is very low (Fig. 3f, left). Central America exhibits a low MPD
despite high species richness. Mimicry richness (Fig. 3b, left) is highest in the
Andes and in the southern part of Central America, and, to a lesser extent, in the
upper Amazon, with little diversity in the lower Amazon, Atlantic Forest and
Cerrado. Vulnerability (Fig. 3c, left) is generally lowest in areas of high species
richness (Andes and Central America), but also in areas where intermediate or low
Ithomia Napeogenes Oleria
9 14 15
1 1 1
A) Species richness
7 11 6
1 1 1
B) Mimicry richness
1 1 1
C) Vulnerability
N. Chazot et al.
Fig. 3 Six measures of diversity of mimetic ithomiine butterflies in the Neotropics for the genera Ithomia, Napeogenes and Oleria: (a) species richness, (b)
mimicry richness, (c) mimicry vulnerability, (d) Phylogenetic Diversity (PD), (e) Equal-splits (ES) and (f) Mean Phylogenetic Distance (MPD )
Ithomia Napeogenes Oleria
D) Phylogenetic
Diversity (PD)
E) Equal-split (ES)
F) Mean Phylogenetic
Distances (MPD)
Fig. 3 (continued)
346 N. Chazot et al.
species richness is associated with low mimicry diversity (southern upper Amazon,
Cerrado and Atlantic forest).
Napeogenes Species richness, mimicry richness, PD, and ES (Fig. 3a, b, d, e, mid-
dle) exhibit a nearly identical pattern. They peak along the eastern Andes, remain
high in the upper Amazon, and decrease toward the east and south (Guiana shield,
lower Amazon and Atlantic Forest). Northern Andes and Central America have low
values for these metrics. MPD (Fig. 3f, middle) peaks all along the Andes, from
south of Peru, to north Colombia, and exhibits intermediate values in the Cerrado
and the edges of the lower Amazon. Vulnerability (Fig. 3c, middle) is generally
high, with lowest values in the lower Amazon and in Peruvian eastern Andes.
Vulnerability appears less related to species richness than for Ithomia.
Oleria Species richness, PD and ES (Fig. 3a, d, e, right) peak in the eastern Andes,
followed by the upper Amazon and the western part of the lower Amazon. Central
America and Atlantic Forest are low-diversity areas. Mimicry richness (Fig. 3b, right)
peaks in the Andes and exhibits a second important peak in central Amazon while the
Amazonian basin is mimetically rich. MPD increases from north-west (Central-
America) toward south-east (Atlantic Forest) (Fig. 3c, right). Mimicry vulnerability
(Fig. 3c, right) is lowest in the entire Amazonian basin, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest
and increases at the edges of the generic distribution and in Central America.
For the three genera studied here, the eastern part of the Andes is one of the regions
with highest species richness and phylogenetic diversity (PD and ES) while the
poorest regions are the lower-Amazon, the Cerrado and the Atlantic-forest.
Napeogenes and Oleria show a relatively similar secondary peak of diversity in the
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 347
et al. 2000). Many factors are likely to contribute to the general high species rich-
ness in the western Amazon and Andean foothills. Along the eastern Andes, high
turnover in abiotic conditions, habitat types, vegetation and host-plants for phy-
tophagous insects, in addition to topological complexity, may explain a high species
turnover within a grid cell, therefore increasing diversity. All these factors are also
potential drivers of speciation, which also contributes to increase diversity. The
diversification histories across geographical areas also account for patterns of diver-
sity of different organisms. In the case of ithomiine butterflies, previous studies
found that Napeogenes, Ithomia and Oleria likely originated in the northern Andes
and subsequently diversified throughout both the Andes and the rest of the Neotropics
(Elias et al. 2009; de-Silva et al. 2015; de-Silva et al. 2010). Shifts of altitudinal
range and colour pattern are also correlated (Chazot et al. 2014) and are involved in
speciation events (Jiggins et al. 2006; Elias et al. 2009), and may likely have
increased speciation rate in montane regions. In addition, hostplant diversity has
been proposed to drive diversification in phytophagous insects (Janz et al. 2006) and
particularly in ithomiines (Willmott and Freitas 2006), whose Solanaceae hostplants
are most diverse in the Andes and the upper Amazon, and to a lesser extent in the
Atlantic Forest (Knapp 2002; PBI Solanum Project;
research-curation/research/projects/solanaceaesource/). Understanding the ecology
and the diversification history of different groups of organisms may therefore lead
to a better explanation of diversity patterns in the Neotropics and improve conserva-
tion strategies. For this reason, no single group of organism can be a good indicator
of general patterns of diversity. Approaches that rely on a wide range of taxa (e.g.,
López-Osorio and Miranda-Esquivel 2010) are more powerful in this respect.
Müllerian mimicry affects both local and regional species assemblages, and mutu-
alistic mimetic interactions have apparently led to adaptively structured assem-
blages (Elias et al. 2008; Chazot et al. 2014). In this study we tried to capture the
importance of ecological interactions by using Müllerian mimicry as an example.
We first measured mimicry pattern of richness. This measure is relatively correlated
with both species richness and phylogenetic diversity and thus shows a consistent
peak along the Andes across the three genera and in the upper-Amazon for
Napeogenes and Oleria. Napeogenes appears to be the genus in which most mim-
icry patterns co-occur, and it is the most polymorphic genus studied here, with, for
example, twice as many mimicry patterns as Oleria. In contrast to Oleria and
Ithomia, some Napeogenes species have opaque wings with bright orange, yellow
and black patterns. Interestingly, we found two main centres of similar mimicry
diversity in Oleria: along the Andes and in the upper Amazon. Oleria is the most
Patterns of Species, Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies… 349
species-rich genus but, perhaps surprisingly, the poorest in terms of mimicry diver-
sity. However, within genera a positive correlation between local species richness
and the local number of mimicry patterns across the generic range is expected, a
pattern confirmed in our analyses for all genera. This result implies that, at a local
scale, preserving high species diversity should preserve mimicry diversity as well.
Mimicry ring formation is the convergence of multiple co-occurring species
toward a similar aposematic colour pattern. A species benefits from the presence of
locally co-mimetic species. Thus there is high interdependency between co-mimetic
species, such that extinction of one species may affect its co-mimics and induce
cascading extinctions. Our vulnerability metric was based on the assumption that
the more species share a mimicry pattern the less species are sensitive to extinction.
We found very distinct patterns across genera: (1) for Oleria, vulnerability is lowest
in the upper-Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest and sharply increases at the
edges of these regions and in Central America; (2) vulnerability of Napeogenes
communities is high everywhere, with the lowest values in central Amazonia and
east of the lower Amazon; (3) for Ithomia, the lowest vulnerability is found in the
southeastern Neotropics and in Central America. Overall, these results broadly
reflect the extent to which each genus numerically dominates butterfly communities
in each region. Oleria are abundant members of Amazon forest communities and
tend to be co-mimetic, leading to low vulnerability in these regions. Ithomia are
abundant in the southwestern Amazon and Atlantic forests and in Nicaragua-Costa
Rica, where they show low vulnerability, while Napeogenes, most of whose species
are rare everywhere, proves also to be vulnerable everywhere.
This analysis is a preliminary exploration of the possibility of using more sophis-
ticated measures related to the ecology of Neotropical butterflies. As such, it suffers
from several problems. Our dataset includes about 100 species out of ca. 380
ithomiines species, many of which are involved in the mimicry rings considered
here but ignored in our vulnerability index. Similarly, many other taxonomic groups
are members of ithomiine mimicry rings, particularly Heliconiini (Nymphalidae)
and several diurnal moths. Finally, mimicry rings may also involve Batesian (non-
poisonous) mimics such as some Pieridae and Nymphalidae (e.g., Beccaloni 1997a),
which weakens the protection given by mimicry. Our metric may therefore misesti-
mate (and most likely overestimate) vulnerability of some mimicry rings, particu-
larly those found in Ithomia and Napeogenes, which include many species of other
ithomiine genera. Nevertheless, despite not being optimal our vulnerability analysis
draws attention to three aspects. Firstly, biotic interactions – mutualistic interactions
in this case – are not homogeneously distributed across the Neotropics, and may
strongly influence sensitivity to extinction of butterfly assemblages across space.
Secondly, biotic interactions are not homogeneously distributed across taxa, mean-
ing that the pattern of one clade is not necessarily similar to another one. And
thirdly, because ithomiines numerically dominate many butterfly assemblages
across the Neotropics, they probably condition to a certain extent the distribution of
other species that interact with them in a positive or negative way.
350 N. Chazot et al.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
cant for conservation. Moreover, conservation efforts should not only focus on
diversity hotspots, but also on regions where diversification is high. Diversification
rates are likely to be particularly high in mountain areas, where rapid turnover of
environmental conditions and complex topography are drivers of speciation.
The present study clearly shows that a continental approach can assist in identi-
fying conservation priorities in macroregions, based on regional phylogenetic diver-
sity and vulnerability of regional (and local) networks (in this case, using mimicry
rings as a proxy), as also proposed by Arponen and Zupan (chapter “Representing
Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation Planning for European
Mammals”) for mammals in Europe. Although macroecological, regional patterns
can appear imprecise and general in some cases, they are of extreme importance for
identifying areas where local-scale studies should be conducted to better understand
the value of the interaction networks, and their vulnerability to environmental dis-
turbance. Furthermore, metrics which appear similar or to be surrogates of one
another can be used to identify priorities among alternative sites. For example,
given two sites with identical species richness, differences in phylogenetic and/or
ecological indices could help to discriminate between them. In our study, mimicry
diversity and vulnerability are clearly related to functional diversity. In the future,
our results could be expanded with the addition of other important functional traits
of these butterflies, such as body size, host plant use or flight height, helping to bet-
ter understand the complex and megadiverse Neotropical communities.
grated approach”, US NSF, NASA, and FAPESP (2012/50260-6), and from the National Science
Foundation (DEB-1256742). KRW acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust, the National
Geographic Society, the Darwin Initiative, the National Science Foundation (DEB-0639861, DEB-
0103746), and the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales and Ministerio del Ambiente in
Quito, for support in museum and field work. We also thank the many museum curators and indi-
viduals who permitted us to examine their collections and record distributional data, especially
Philip Ackery and Jim Reynolds (BMNH), Gerardo Lamas (MUSM), Robert Robbins (USNM),
and Eric Quinter (AMNH). Finally, KRW thanks Jim Mallet for his support of ithomiine research
over many years, Jason Hall for many Ecuadorian distribution records, and the multiple students,
volunteers and assistants, especially Fraser Simpson, who helped in databasing specimens. ME,
LdS and NC acknowledge support from CNRS (ATIP funding). NC is funded by a doctoral grant
from Doctoral School ED227, Ministère de la Recherche, at the Muséum National d’Histoire
Naturelle (Paris, France). Finally we acknowledge reviewers Matjaž Kuntner and Claudia Elizabeth
Moreno Ortega for their comments on the manuscript.
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Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity
in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant
Family, Sarcolaenaceae
Abstract Madagascar is renowned for its impressive species richness and high
level of endemism, which led to the island being recognized as one of the world’s
most important biodiversity hotspots. As in many other regions, Madagascar’s bio-
diversity is highly threatened by unsustainable anthropogenic disturbance, leading
to widespread habitat loss and degradation. Although the country has significantly
expanded its network of protected areas (PAs), current protocols for identifying
priority areas are based on traditional measures that could fail to ensure maximal
M.E.K. Evans
Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB – UMR 7205 CNRS MNHN
UPMC EPHE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités,
57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, 75005 Paris, France
Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona,
Bryant Bannister Building, 1215 East Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant… 357
In Madagascar, as in many other regions of the world, species richness and the
number of endemic species are the parameters most frequently used to define priori-
ties for biodiversity conservation (Callmander et al. 2007; Kremen et al. 2008).
However, as illustrated throughout this book, phylogenetic diversity is another
important element that should be taken into consideration, for two main reasons.
First, phylogenetic diversity takes into account not only the number of species or
endemics in an area but also the evolutionary distinctiveness of those species, such
that a site with a legume, an orchid and a fern would be considered to have higher
phylogenetic diversity than another site with three species belonging to just one of
these groups (Vane-Wright et al. 1991; Faith 1992). Second, measures of phyloge-
netic diversity are useful in conservation decision-making because extinctions are
not random – in many groups where one species is vulnerable, several other related
species will tend to be as well. The use of phylogenetic diversity as a criterion in
conservation planning thus reduces the risk of losing entire groups or lineages (see
Yessoufou and Davies, chapter “Reconsidering the Loss of Evolutionary History:
How Does Non-random Extinction Prune the Tree-of-Life?”).
We might then ask to what extent does Madagascar’s system of protected areas
help protect key features of the biodiversity within a clade, including not only the
number of species, but also phylogenetic and ecological diversity. Patterns in biodi-
versity distribution can vary considerably from one lineage to another, as shown by
two recently published studies on the conservation of biodiversity in Madagascar.
While Isambert et al. (2011) showed a striking difference in the spatial distribution
of the number of endemic species and phylogenetic diversity of adephagan water
beetles, Buerki et al. (2015) revealed a strong congruence between species richness
and phylogenetic diversity in the plant family Fabaceae.
Here we use Sarcolaenaceae, the largest plant family endemic to Madagascar, as
a case study to identify areas of high phylogenetic diversity and to assess whether
the current network of protected areas provides adequate conservation of that
Madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of southeastern Africa, is well
known for its rich and highly endemic flora and fauna (Myers et al. 2000; Myers
2003; Goodman and Benstead 2005). This large continental island separated from
mainland Africa ca. 165 Million Years Before Present (MYBP) as part of a block
that also included Antarctica and India, subsequently becoming detached from the
latter two by 80 MYBP (Schettino and Scotese 2005; Jöns et al. 2009). The resulting
long isolation has played a key role in the development and maintenance of
Madagascar’s striking biota, which exhibits affinities with neighboring Africa, but
is also home to groups thought to have reached Madagascar by long-distance dis-
persal, with their closest relatives occurring in more distant areas such as India, Sri
Lanka, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Caledonia and America (Leroy 1978; Schatz
358 A. Soulebeau et al.
1995; Yoder and Nowak 2006; Warren et al. 2010; Gautier et al. 2012; Buerki et al.
2013; Torsvik et al. 2013).
The evolution of Madagascar’s biota has also been driven by the tremendous
diversity of environments found on the island, which is underscored by the fact that
it has one of the world’s highest rates of vertebrate beta-diversity (Holt et al. 2013).
The landscape is characterized by a mountainous interior that extends the entire
north-south length of the island (ca. 1600 km) resulting in an often sharp altitudinal
gradient from the coasts to well over 1000 m in large areas, with many massifs
reaching above 1500 m and several dozen peaks surpassing 2000 m, the highest
being Maromokotro in the Tsaratanana massif (2876 m). The climate is character-
ized by a strong precipitation gradient from perennially humid areas on the moun-
tain slopes in the northeastern part of the island, where rainfall may exceed 6000 mm
in some years (Thorstrom et al. 1997 in Rakotoarisoa and Be 2004), to a subarid
zone in the southwest, which receives less than 300 mm of rain per year and can go
without precipitation for 10 months or more (Cornet 1974; Goodman and Benstead
2003). Madagascar’s ecosystems in turn reflect the island’s relief and climate, rang-
ing from perhumid tropical and montane forests in the east to subhumid and dry
formations in the center and west, and subarid ecosystems in the southwest, often
with fairly sharp, well delimited boundaries between them. Compounding the spa-
tial arrangement of these biomes is the fact that they are thought to be of different
ages. For instance, the spiny subarid vegetation of the southwest is regarded as
comparatively old (Paleogene, 23–66 MYBP) while the Sambirano humid forest is
likely the youngest biome (Late Miocene, 8 MYBP), originating with the advent of
a Monsoon regime in Asia following the uplift of the Himalayas (Wells 2003).
As mentioned above, two particularly striking features of the Malagasy flora are
its remarkable species richness and its high level of endemism. A recent assessment
indicated that some 11,220 described native vascular plant species are currently
recognized, belonging to 1730 genera and 243 families, and that 82 % of these spe-
cies are endemic (Callmander et al. 2011). Moreover, based on recent taxonomic
revisions in a wide range of families (Madagascar Catalogue 2015), an additional
ca. 2200 species have been described in the last few years or are awaiting descrip-
tion, nearly all of which will be found to be endemic, along with an estimated 600
more species still to be discovered, thus increasing the total number of native spe-
cies to ca. 14,000 and the level of endemism to well over 85 % (P. Phillipson per-
sonal communication). Equally striking is the level of lineage diversification in
Madagascar’s flora. The 30 most species-rich families include almost 70 % of the
total vascular plant flora as well as 30 % of the genera present on the island, and 38
families include 10 or more genera (Gautier et al. 2012). Moreover, more than 320
genera (19 %) and a total of 5 families are endemic to the island (Callmander et al.
2011; Buerki et al. 2013), Sarcolaenaceae being the largest of these endemic
Understanding the origin and diversification of lineages in Madagascar requires
consideration of the interplay among the complex eco-geography and geological
history of the island, the varying dispersal abilities of the members of the lineages
present there, and Madagascar’s proximity to potential source areas, in particular
the African continent but also Asia and areas beyond. Many studies have been pub-
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant… 359
lished on the evolutionary and ecological processes that have shaped diversity in
Madagascar’s fauna, but very little attention has been given to its flora. One of the
most notable features, still to be explored, is the spatial distribution of plant species
richness on the island and the drivers underlying this distribution. Some have
suggested that abiotic factors have played an important role, e.g. bio-climate, sub-
strate type, elevation or paleo-precipitation (Yoder and Nowak 2006; Pearson and
Raxworthy 2009; Agnarsson and Kuntner 2012; Buerki et al. 2013; Mercier and
Wilmé 2013; Rakotoarinivo et al. 2013). Others have explored the role of potential
key innovations in species diversification and niche expansion (Vary et al. 2011;
Evans et al. 2014; Moore and Robertson 2014).
Sarcolaenaceae are ideally suited for such a study of phylogenetic diversity because
(1) the taxonomy and distribution of its members are particularly well understood
and documented, (2) its genera vary in size and its species have a wide range of eco-
geographic preferences, and (3) a well-resolved phylogeny is available based on a
large, representative sample of species that includes members of all ten genera
(Haevermans et al. in prep).
Sarcolaenaceae comprise 71 species of shrubs and trees belonging to 10 genera
(Madagascar Catalogue 2015), each of which has been the subject of a recent taxo-
nomic revision (Hong-Wa 2009; Lowry II et al. 1999, 2000, 2002; Randrianasolo
and Miller 1994, 1999; Schatz et al. 2000, 2001), followed by the description of
several newly discovered species (Lowry II and Rabehevitra 2006; Rabehevitra and
Lowry II 2009; Lowry II et al. 2014). Members of the family are found almost
throughout the island, with the notable exception of the subarid southwest, and the
distribution of each species has been carefully mapped using the locality informa-
tion associated with herbarium collections (Ramananjanahary et al. 2010;
Madagascar Catalogue 2015). Based on the collections in the herbaria of Paris
Museum and the Missouri Botanical Garden, we estimate that more than 2000 spec-
imens are available for the family, with an average of 30 geographic occurrences per
species and a total number of collections ranging from more than 300 for common,
widespread species such as Leptolaena pauciflora Baker to just one or a few for
species known from a single locality such as Leptolaena masoalensis G.E. Schatz
& Lowry II, Schizolaena capuronii Lowry II et al. and Schizolaena raymondii
Lowry II and Rabehevitra. The genera of Sarcolaenaceae vary considerably in size,
from Schizolaena with 22 species, Sarcolaena with 8 described species (as well as
6 that remain to be described), to Mediusella and Eremolaena, which include just 2
and 3 species respectively (Madagascar Catalogue 2015). A little more than half of
the species in the family have a restricted geographic distribution, known from
fewer than ten localities, and several genera are largely or entirely restricted to a
particular climatic region, such as Eremolaena, Leptolaena Rhodolaena and
Schizolaena which are found primarily or exclusively in humid areas, and Mediusella
and Xerochlamys, which occur only in drier habitats.
The goal of this chapter is to identify areas with the highest levels of phyloge-
netic diversity of Sarcolaenaceae and to evaluate the degree to which that diversity
is captured in existing protected areas. Toward that end, we first show how members
of the ten genera are distributed and analyze the geographic distribution of three
important diversity measures: species richness, Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) and
Mean Phylogenetic Diversity (MPD). We then compare the distribution of these
diversity statistics to Madagascar’s system of protected areas and point out areas of
greatest importance for conservation of phylogenetic diversity in Sarcolaenaceae.
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant… 361
Phylogenetic Data
Fig. 1 Points of occurrence of Sarcolaenaceae in Madagascar. (a) Points of occurrence of 69 species of Sarcolaenaceae in the remaining vegetation of
Madagascar. The vegetation map layer is adapted from the vegetation map of Faramalala (1988, 1995), available on ArcGis 10.2. (b) Points of occur-
rence of 47 species used in this phylogenetic analysis according to the genera they belong. Colors of the same hue indicate close related genera
364 A. Soulebeau et al.
gest that the Sarcolaenaceae consensus tree is significantly more balanced than one
built under a PDA model. The evolutionary history of Sarcolaenaceae thus seems to
be characterized by processes that have operated evenly among clades.
Species richness and Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) vary markedly, from high in
eastern Madagascar to low in the west, and to a lesser degree along a north-south
gradient (Fig. 2a, b). These two variables show a high degree of spatial congruence
(Fig. 2a, b). The areas with the highest values of both species richness and PD are
concentrated in the central-northern portion of the eastern escarpment, in regions
with both low- and mid-altitude evergreen humid forest. By contrast, Mean
Phylogenetic Diversity (MPD) varies much less than species richness and PD
(Fig. 2c) and a comparison among the distributions of all three variables does not
suggest that cells with higher PD values harbor sets of species that are more dis-
tantly related to one another than those found in cells with lower values of PD. The
cells with the highest values of MPD, mostly located in the northwestern and north-
eastern parts of the island (Fig. 2c), have comparatively low values of PD, indicating
the occurrence of a limited number of species that are evolutionarily distinct.
Forty-five percent of the cells occupied by Sarcolaenaceae contain at least part of
a protected area (Fig. 3a) and the system of PAs is comparatively better represented
in cells with higher values of species richness (Fig. 3b) and PD (Fig. 3c). By contrast,
most of the cells lacking any PA correspond to those with the lowest values of spe-
cies richness and PD. All lineages of Sarcolaenaceae and 97.6 % of the total PD are
thus found in cells that contain PAs.
Figure 4 shows the PD values for each protected area (Fig. 4a), indicating that
areas with the highest PD values in Sarcolaenaceae are concentrated in grid cells in
the central-northern portion of the eastern escarpment, centered in the sites compris-
ing the Ankeniheny Zahamena Forest Corridor (Fig. 4b) which contain 64 % of the
Sarcolaenaceae’s PD. These cells include eight out of ten lineages and all lineages
deeply branched. Two lineages are not represented in the Ankeniheny Zahamena
Forest Corridor: The genus Xerochlamys, which is found from the central region to
the south, and the genus Mediusella which occurs in the extreme north and in the
northeast (see Fig. 1b). Some other PAs exhibit a high level of heterogeneity in PD
with parts that show high PD and others that display low PD values. It is the case for
Midongy du Sud (Southeast Madagascar), Masoala (perhumid forest in Northeast
Madagascar) and the Itremo massif (Central Highlands) (Fig. 4c–e). Interestingly, a
few PAs are located in cells with low species richness and PD, but with high value
of MPD, in particular Behara-Tranomaro in the southeast (Fig. 4f) and the Bongolava
Forest Corridor in the northwest (Fig. 4g).
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant…
Fig. 2 (a) Distribution of the species richness of Sarcolaenaceae in Madagascar; (b) patterns of distribution of the phylogenetic diversity (Faith’s PD),
and (c) Mean Phylogenetic Distance (MPD)
366 A. Soulebeau et al.
0 5 10 15 20
Species Richness
Fig. 3 (a) PD of Sarcolaenaceae in the network of protected areas in Madagascar; (b) Frequency
of species richness and PD (c) all over Madagascar, and in the cells including protected areas
Fig. 4 (a) PD of Sarcolaenaceae in the Malagasy system of protected areas; (b) Ankeniheny
Zahamena Forest Corridor; (c) Midongy du Sud; (d) Mangabe/Masoala; (e) Itremo massif; (f)
Behara-Tranomaro; (g) Bongolava Forest Corridor
368 A. Soulebeau et al.
Our results show a high level of congruence between the distribution of species
richness (Fig. 2a) and PD (Fig. 2b). Although not a rule, congruence between spe-
cies richness and PD is often observed (see for example, Arponen and Zupan, chap-
ter “Representing Hotspots of Evolutionary History in Systematic Conservation
Planning for European Mammals” and Chazot et al. chapter “Patterns of Species,
Phylogenetic and Mimicry Diversity of Clearwing Butterflies in the Neotropics”).
This is primarily due to the fact that they both increase as more species are included
(see Nipperess, chapter “The Rarefaction of Phylogenetic Diversity: Formulation,
Extension and Application”). But tree shape and the structure of geographic distri-
butions also contribute to variation in congruence between these two statistics. The
more balanced a tree is, the more similar each species’ contribution will be to over-
all PD. Likewise, the more species from different parts of the tree co-occur, the
higher the congruence between species richness and PD (Rodrigues et al. 2005).
Sarcolaenaceae present a case where both of these factors are at play. The phylo-
genetic tree is balanced, as shown by Colless’s index, yielding little variation among
species in PD values. Moreover, the areas with the highest level of species richness
contain species belonging to several genera (Fig. 1b) rather than many species in a
single genus, as would be expected if overall diversity were the result of radiation of
a single lineage within a given eco-geographic zone. Sarcolaenaceae thus present a
situation very different from that observed in Malagasy adephagan water beetles by
Isambert et al. (2011) but highly similar to that observed in Fabaceae by Buerki
et al. (2015), where the distributions of PD and species richness are highly
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant… 369
As indicated earlier, the type of analysis presented here requires a dated phylogeny
based on sampling that is representative of the study group, as well as reliable data
on the distribution of each species. For Sarcolaenaceae, our sampling comprised ca.
70 % of the total species diversity, with good representation from each of the 10
genera in the family. We were also able to access reliable distributional information
from recent taxonomic revisions augmented by ongoing identifications made of
subsequently collected material. Our study has shown the potential value of deter-
mining the spatial distribution of species richness, PD and MPD for understanding
whether the current network of protected areas provides adequate conservation of
these important biodiversity values and for identifying gaps in the existing network
that should be targeted for the establishment of new PAs. The study presented here
suggests that it may be worthwhile to expand this approach to other endemic
Malagasy clades that contain a sufficient number of well-delimited species and are
present in a range of eco-geographic zones. By carefully selecting study groups it
should be possible to cover regions of Madagascar in which Sarcolaenaceae are
poorly represented or absent and thereby generate results from a set of lineages that
are collectively representative of the Malagasy flora as a whole. It would then be
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar’s Largest Endemic Plant… 371
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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The Future of Phylogenetic Systematics
in Conservation Biology: Linking Biodiversity
and Society
Given the rate at which sequence data in the public domain are
accumulating, with initiatives to sequence the entire biota …
on the horizon, it seems likely that within a decade or two,
phylogenetic data will cease to be the limiting factor: It could
even be that an organism’s place in the Tree of Life often will be
one of the few things we know about it. Mace et al. (2003)
Phylogenetic diversity is now a core part of conservation biology, reflecting its link
to option values and to evolutionary potential. Further, there is good overlap with
related issues in broader ecology. These include community ecology’s interest in
productivity (e.g. Cadotte et al. 2012), resilience (e.g. Pugliesi and Rapini 2015) and
the functioning of evosystems (e.g. Srivastava et al. 2012) and microbial ecology’s
use of PD as a cornerstone for exploring diversity patterns at multiple scales
(Lozupone and Knight 2005, 2008; Faith et al. 2009). As the chapters in this book
demonstrate, the development of new methods and their applications are very much
tuned into human impacts and sustainability issues. Thus, red listings, drivers of
extinction, and changes in spatial and temporal distribution of phylogenetic diver-
sity are common elements of these studies. All this promotes the incorporation of
phylogenetic diversity in the international conservation agenda.
These prospects are magnified by the remarkable facilities for obtaining entire or
large parts of genomes or other molecular sequences of any kind of organisms, and
by the sheer magnitude of biological (gene sequences, trait databases, species
occurrences, red lists) and environmental data (climate layers for past, present and
future interpolated to very fine spatial scales; land-use layers, spatial data indicating
particular important risks such as fires, floods, and so on) now available in the pub-
lic domain. All these allow for rapid estimation of the phylogenetic relationships for
a large number of organisms in association with potential distribution and threats
for species and lineages. In addition, under the stimulus of modern phylogenetic
and molecular methods, systematics is going through a significant transformation
that will certainly influence biodiversity conservation (Mace et al. 2003; Pons et al.
2006; Vogler and Monaghan 2006; Faith et al. 2010; Yahara et al. 2010). For closing
this book, we will briefly describe this transformation of systematics and then dis-
cuss some impacts of these changes in biological conservation. We finish by explor-
ing the possibility of defining “planetary boundaries” for biodiversity on the basis
of phylogenetic diversity, and its important role in linking biodiversity into broader
societal perspectives and needs.
Fig. 1 The traditional data processing in systematics, beginning with the sampling of specimens
and the characterization and description of species. Specimens were then specifically sampled for
phylogenetic characters, allowing to build phylogenetic trees and to compute phylogenetic diver-
sity. In parallel, other biological knowledge was obtained separately. Note that in this framework,
the number of species is obtained at the early step of species characterization (the so-called “mor-
phospecies” may be obtained before description if necessary) before the phylogenetic analysis
(Drawings by Agathe Haevermans)
unfortunate circular reasoning in that it required the knowledge about the phylogeny
of the group to be able to discard it.
This process now has been turned upside down. In the new paradigm, systemat-
ics proceeds in an all-in-one operation i.e. the result of the data processing makes
that the species position on the tree is part of species delimitation and characteriza-
tion (Fig. 2). A global sample of characters (e.g. DNA) x individuals can be parti-
tioned into clusters – potentially species – through a tree-like guidance. The new
rationale is simple: to define species, we need first to recognize and delimit different
groups of individuals, by contrasting their characters (Goldstein et al. 2000; Pons
et al. 2006; Vogler and Monaghan 2006; O’Meara 2010; Pante et al. 2015; but see
DeSalle et al. 2005). This phylogenetic perspective is still certainly new for many,
although it is inexorably implemented in the most recent molecular methods used
for biodiversity exploration and characterization, such as molecular species delimi-
tation or metagenomics.
Metagenomics recently went one step further by considering global amounts of
DNA from environmental samples. In this approach there is no need to assemble the
matrix ‘individuals x characters’ that is already all in the test tube. This technique is
also remarkable by capturing all DNA at the same time and carrying out a very wide
sampling including microbes and all organisms usually ignored by traditional
taxonomic screening (Tringe and Rubin 2005; Yahara et al. 2010). Combined with
proteomics, it can even provide functional information at the same time, by obtain-
ing both DNA species and protein synthesis. At the point we are now, systematics is
therefore able to offer a comprehensive picture of diversity, linking species, their
378 R. Pellens et al.
Fig. 2 The new and upcoming data processing in systematics, beginning with molecular charac-
terization or even metagenomics, jointly allowing phylogenetic analysis and species characteriza-
tion, and therefore computation of phylogenetic diversity. Note also that some assessments of
phylogenetic diversity may proceed without the species characterization. The species description
and name attribution is the last, but not the least, step to keep molecular data connected with bio-
logical knowledge. Note that in the same line, proteomics could provide – to some extent – the
species functional characterization, with molecular analysis on its own (Drawings by Agathe
relationships and their characters to conservation biology (Funk et al. 2002; Wilson
2003; Faith et al. 2010; Lean and MacLaurin chapter “The Value of Phylogenetic
Obviously, this new framework enhanced by molecular biology and metagenom-
ics will maintain biological significance and usefulness as long as molecular proxies
will remain related to species concepts, taxon names and classifications linking to
the wider biological knowledge (Mace 2004; German National Academy of
Sciences Leopoldina 2014). The peril to invest only in an isolated and blind molecu-
lar database was already keenly emphasized by many taxonomists at the occasion of
the rise of the barcoding initiative (e.g., Will et al. 2005). Building the network
between names, biological knowledge and molecular data is from far the biggest
challenge of present-day systematics and other sciences of diversity, much beyond
the molecular technical tour de force (Grandcolas et al. 2013). We must keep in
mind that this challenge takes place in a difficult moment when discovery rates of
species new to science do not decline (Tancoigne and Dubois 2013) but in a context
of rising rates of extinction (Régnier et al. 2015).
The Future of Phylogenetic Systematics in Conservation Biology: Linking… 379
The idea that we are approaching a state of shift in the planet’s environment, due to
various human activities within the “Anthropocene” (Barnosky et al. 2012) is
attracting attention in the scientific community. The definition and quantification of
“planetary boundaries” is one approach to respond to this. “Planetary boundaries”
(see Rockström et al. 2009; Steffen et al. 2015) refer to the idea of a “safe operating
space” for humanity. The planetary boundaries framework considers processes
relating to climate change, biodiversity loss, land-system change, biogeochemical
flows, stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, freshwater use,
380 R. Pellens et al.
atmospheric aerosol loading, and chemical pollution. The rationale is that exceed-
ing the identified boundaries means that thresholds and undesirable changes threaten
human well-being.
There has been much debate about how to define a meaningful boundary related
to biodiversity. The current rate of extinctions and the corresponding biodiversity
crisis suggest a possible focus on global extinction rates. However, recent work has
focused more on phylogenetic and functional diversity (Faith et al. 2010; Mace
et al. 2014; Steffen et al. 2015). These aspects may have a good regional-to-global
scope, and appealing links to current and future well-being. These two key aspects
for a biodiversity boundary are now being investigated through a global change
international program called “Future Earth”. The PD calculus may provide ways to
describe boundaries related to phylogenetic diversity “tipping points” (Faith et al.
2010). Such phylogenetic tipping points correspond to the irreversible loss of deep
branches of the tree of life, following successive losses over time of descendent
taxa. The tipping points, and corresponding boundaries, then link naturally to con-
cerns about the loss of evolutionary or evosystem services, including option values
(unanticipated future benefits for humans) and evolutionary potential. Such option
values of biodiversity typically reflect global-scale benefits for future generations,
and so they are a natural consideration for planetary boundaries. At the same time,
phylogenetic diversity has local importance (e.g. for resilience and delivery of evo-
system services) and may be part of regional-scale planning. Early warnings with
respect to a phylogenetic planetary boundary may focus on the changing status of
Phylogenetic Key Biodiversity Areas – those places on the planet that are outstand-
ing in their current contribution to retaining global phylogenetic diversity (Brooks
et al. 2015; Faith chapter “The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity”).
The interest in Planetary Boundaries also reminds us that there are “boundaries”
in the utility of phylogeny for conservation. The PD measure (Faith 1992; Faith
chapter “The Value of Phylogenetic Diversity”) is useful, but does not tell us all we
need to know about functional traits – one of the other possible foci for a biodiver-
sity boundary. Functional traits, by their nature, are not always well accounted for
by the PD assumption that shared ancestry explains shared features. This assump-
tion could be especially hard to justify if these traits are defined too intrinsically and
are therefore not heritable (Grandcolas et al. 2010; Weiher et al. 2011). Therefore,
an alternative model assuming that shared habitat explains shared traits may be use-
ful. Such companion models to phylogenetic diversity are in development (Faith
chapter “Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity
Assessments and Conservation”). At the global scale, such approaches could pro-
vide, for multiple taxonomic groups, a running report card on risk of loss of func-
tional trait diversity. This would nicely complement the emerging use of a PD report
card to assess risks associated with resilience-loss, tipping points and planetary
These issues highlight the broader need to integrate phylogenetic diversity – and
its associated option values – into the broader perspectives on sustainability and
multiple needs of society. This book demonstrates that effective development of the
The Future of Phylogenetic Systematics in Conservation Biology: Linking… 381
measures – the toolbox – enables phylogenetic diversity to be “on the table” in these
policy contexts.
Acknowledgements We thank Agathe Haevermans for kindly providing the drawings for the two
figures of this chapter.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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A Big five, 2
Accumulation curves, 199 Biodiversity, 2–8, 11, 20–26, 28–35, 39–44,
Aesthetic, 29, 31, 33, 269 48, 52, 53, 58, 59, 64, 82, 89, 99, 100,
Alpha-diversity, 146, 148, 156, 157, 164, 120, 122–125, 129–131, 134–137, 142,
204, 269 144, 145, 174, 175, 177–182, 184, 188,
Alpha-level phylogenetic diversity, 267, 268, 198, 213, 214, 219, 220, 238–240, 258,
280, 281 266, 267, 269, 270, 289, 292, 307, 320,
Amazonia, 45, 229, 334, 349 322, 327, 328, 334–336, 346, 356, 357,
Amphibian, 9, 59, 61, 62, 187, 258, 287–302, 359, 362, 366, 369, 370, 376, 377,
334, 379 379, 380
Anagenesis, 40, 41, 120 decline, 2, 41, 46, 47, 59, 60, 63, 65, 67,
Ancestry, 7, 43, 86, 120, 122, 124, 320, 380 90, 168, 288, 306, 316, 320, 359, 378
Andean foothills, 348 Biological diversity, convention, 3, 23, 24, 29,
Andes, 336, 338, 342, 343, 346–348, 350 31, 306, 316, 379
Anuran, 9, 289, 298, 300 Branch length, 5, 6, 27, 40, 49, 51, 68, 71–73,
Archaea, 90, 91 83, 84, 108, 120, 143, 147, 149–151,
Areas, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 25, 42, 44–53, 61, 64, 153–159, 162, 165, 169, 174, 177, 198,
104, 106–108, 110, 120–123, 125, 201–203, 205, 206, 209, 213, 214, 220,
127–130, 133–136, 155, 178, 180, 182, 224, 269, 308, 320, 338, 343, 362
183, 185–187, 192, 210, 213, 219–226, Brazil, 9, 288, 290, 291, 293, 299, 301, 309,
228, 229, 231, 233, 240–242, 257–259, 313, 316, 388
266–275, 277–282, 288, 301, 306–310, Brownian motion, 70–73
312–316, 320–323, 327–329, 334, 336, Budget, 8, 179, 182, 183, 185–187, 191,
342, 343, 346–348, 350, 356–360, 362, 192, 270
364, 366–371
B Carnivora, 71, 307
Bacteria, 91, 92 CBD. See Convention on Biological Diversity
Basal taxa, 103, 110 (CBD)
Benefit, 29, 32–34, 40, 67, 93, 111, 257, 266, Central America, 334, 336, 343, 346, 347, 349
270, 276, 316 Cerrado, 9, 187, 258, 289–294, 298–301, 338,
Beta-diversity, 8, 121, 157, 158, 160–161, 163, 343, 346, 349, 379
164, 198–200, 204, 205, 209–212, 214, Cetacea, 307
256, 357 Cetaceans, 313, 316
Character Diversity
archaic, 102, 103 abundance-based, 8, 142–145, 148,
molecular, 6, 11, 26, 82–84, 86, 87, 155, 158
100–102, 104, 126, 238, 242, 338, alpha, 142, 146
377–379 beta (see Beta-diversity)
morphological, 6, 26, 27, 33, 34, 70, 72, decomposition, 8, 141, 144, 145
87, 153, 242, 293, 299, 361, 376 gamma, 146, 148, 156, 157
original, 3 species, 5
primitive, 103 DNA, 83, 85, 90, 91, 101, 146, 361, 377
Cladogenesis, 40, 41, 84, 120, 361 Doubling property, 143, 148, 269
Climate change, 2, 58, 62, 64, 65, 68, 301,
306, 336, 379
Community, 2, 7, 21, 26, 48, 92, 101, 109, E
122, 126, 131, 132, 142, 148, 150, 188, Ecological diversity, 82, 89, 357, 361
198, 208, 213, 214, 220, 266, 267, 270, ED (Environmental Diversity), 123–126,
273, 278, 280, 282, 288, 322, 334, 336, 134, 137
343, 348–349, 376, 379 ED (Evolutionary Distinctness or Evolutionary
Comparison of phylogenetic measures, 4 Distinctiveness), 4–6, 8, 10, 39, 45, 48,
Competition, 104, 109 99, 219, 220, 239, 240, 242, 244, 256,
Complementarity, 44–52 258, 267, 288, 289, 292, 294, 295,
Concept, 2–4, 7, 8, 21–23, 25, 39, 42, 48, 64, 306–308, 310, 312, 357
101, 103, 120, 174, 175, 183, 188, 225, EDGE, 10, 48, 51, 52, 66, 67, 258, 267, 268,
257, 321, 378 307–309, 311, 312, 320–322, 325, 329
Confidence, 89, 214, 222, 229 Edge of existence, 28, 66
Congruence, 61, 338, 347, 356, 357, 364, 368 Edge = split, 343, 344
Consequencialism, 30, 32, 33, 41, 47, 110, Endemic, 2, 8–11, 89, 91, 103, 180, 221, 225,
130, 131, 146, 238, 281, 320, 329, 226, 240, 289, 292–294, 298–301, 314,
334, 379 328, 355–371
Conservation Endemism, 43–46, 50, 51, 108, 188, 198, 227,
goal, 20, 21, 23, 28, 40, 41, 62, 66, 144, 229, 239, 240, 289, 290, 292, 294, 334,
266, 288, 289, 293–295, 299, 301, 306 335, 356, 358
priority areas, 9, 10, 288, 290, 292, 334 Entropy, 142–149, 151, 158, 159, 161, 198,
projects, 21 208, 268–273, 278, 280, 282
target, 10, 71, 293 Epistemic, 31
triage, 179 Equal splits (ES), 43, 44
Continent, 279, 329, 350 Essential biodiversity variables, 2, 21
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 3, Ethic, 2, 24
23, 306, 316, 379 Eukarya, 90
Cost, 4, 32, 33, 67, 124, 179, 182, 185, 186, Europe, 9, 268, 271, 273, 281, 347, 350
222, 259, 266, 268, 270–273, 278–281, Evenness, 8, 25, 26, 199, 200, 204, 205, 208,
288, 292–294, 301, 336, 379 209, 212, 214, 258
Country, 9, 131, 180, 182, 186, 268, 271, 277, Evolutionary distinctness, 4–6, 8, 10, 39, 45,
280, 356 48, 99, 220, 239, 240, 242, 244, 256,
Criterion, 41, 102, 104, 106, 108, 125, 129, 258, 267, 288, 292, 320, 325, 347, 357
132, 134, 222, 277, 321, 357 Evolutionary heritage, 4, 5, 66, 379
Evolutionary history, 3, 67–72, 266
Evolutionary model, 6, 44, 67, 70–72, 120
D Evolutionary potential, 7, 28, 82, 83, 89, 93,
Data deficient, 10, 306, 308, 314, 325, 327 104, 105, 110, 256, 376, 380
Delete, 223–225, 227, 228, 230–233 Evolutionary time, 149, 343
Dispersion, 8, 28, 34, 199, 200, 205, Evolutionary uniqueness, 219, 309
209–214, 258 Evosystem services, 4, 28, 380
Dissimilarities, 27, 43, 44, 121–127, 129, 130, Extinction, 6, 59–72, 102, 109–110, 188, 288,
132, 134–137, 269, 379, 380 308, 320, 357
Index 387
Habitat, 2, 7, 10, 21, 32, 58, 62, 64, 67, 68, 84, Kakapo, 6, 7, 85, 86, 93
89–91, 109, 111, 122–124, 130, 136, Key biodiversity areas (KBA), 52, 53, 380
180, 185, 186, 208–210, 268–270, 289, Kōtare, 85–87
292, 300, 301, 306, 310, 316, 320, 322,
328, 329, 334–336, 348, 356, 359, 360,
370, 380 L
Haplotypes, 40, 41, 104, 198 Landscape transformation, 2
Heightened EDGE (HEDGE), 10, 258, 308, Least concern, 10, 51, 307, 308, 314, 325, 327
309, 311, 312 Lineage
Higher taxa, 42, 198 common, 151
Hill number, phylogenetic, 8, 44, 142–158, dominant, 151
164, 166, 169, 170 Living ancestor, 103, 104, 110
388 Index
Local, 10, 22, 64, 83, 101, 107, 123, 156, New Caledonia, 8, 103, 108, 211, 212,
159, 160, 162, 164, 169, 267, 270, 273, 238–242, 257, 357
278, 280–282, 306, 316, 348–350, 370, Nggela Sule, 10, 325, 326
379, 380 Niche, 32, 60, 62, 67, 104, 109, 359
Long branches, 48, 50, 82–87, 89, 101, 102, Niche conservatism, phylogenetic, 109
108, 109, 135 Noah’s Ark problem (NAP), 188, 189
Non-random extinction, 6, 57–73, 109,
188, 357
M NP-hard, 179, 183, 189
Macrobial, 42
Madagascar, 10, 11, 325, 326, 328, 356–360,
362–370, 379 O
Mammals Oleria, 336, 339–344, 346–349
aquatic, 10, 258, 267, 305–316 Option value, 4, 30–32, 40–43, 120, 144,
marine, 10, 315 376, 380
Manatees Originality, 27, 266, 267
Marxan, 187, 293, 294
Mean base change, 153
Mean branch length, 153–155, 158, 159, P
162, 362 Parallel edge, 177
Mean phylogenetic diversity (MPD), 149, Parameters, 142, 146, 148, 152, 153, 163, 169,
151, 280, 343–346, 360, 362, 364, 222, 271
365, 369, 370 Pattern, 10, 28, 40, 41, 43, 60, 61, 63, 68, 105,
Measure, 2, 20, 40, 58, 89, 104, 120, 141–170, 122, 151, 210, 214, 221, 223, 276, 277,
174, 177, 198, 220, 256, 267, 288, 307, 281, 312, 333–350
322, 335, 357, 380 Pattern-process model, 41, 43
Measurement, 21, 23–25, 27, 29, 34, 110, PD-dissimilarity, 121, 122, 125, 126,
208, 214 134, 137
Megadiverse, 9, 350 Philosophical, 29, 30, 33
Meta-analysis, 240 Phyla, 7, 91, 92
Metagenomics, 101, 377, 378 Phylogenetic distances, 43, 144, 146, 147,
Metaphor, 3, 110, 111 150, 210, 343
Metapopulation, 10, 267, 319–330 Phylogenetic diversity (PD)
Metapopulation capacity, 10, 321–322 decomposition, 8, 155, 158
Microbial, 7, 42, 82, 91–93, 123, 126, mean, 8
137, 376 Phylogenetic diversity analyzer (PDA),
Microbiomes, 7, 82, 91 187–189, 361, 362
Mimicry, 10, 333–350 Phylogenetic overlap, 45, 46, 51, 169
Missing link, 103, 110 Phylogenetic redundancy, 109
Monitoring, 2, 7, 8, 137, 142, 256 Phylogenetic tipping points, 52, 380
Mullerian mimicry, 336, 348–349 Phylogenetic tree, 27, 34, 42, 46, 71, 84, 88,
Mutualistic interactions, 334, 336, 346, 349 120–122, 288, 320, 362
Phylogenetic, turn over rate, 132, 163
Phylo-Horn, 159, 162, 163
N Phylo-Jaccard, 160, 162, 163
Napeogenes, 336, 339–341, 344, 346, 348, 349 Phylo-Morisita-Horn, 159, 161, 163
Neotropics, 10, 278, 288, 334, 336–338, 344, Phylo-regional-overlap, 160–163
346–349, 368 PhyloSor, 159
Network, 8, 11, 28, 137, 173–192, 267, 268, Phylo-Sørensen, 159, 160, 163
272, 281, 288, 289, 293, 300, 306, 315, Pinnipeds, 313
334, 350, 356, 357, 362, 366, 368, 370, Planetary boundaries, 4, 11, 376,
371, 378 379, 380
Network of protected areas, 267, 281, 289, Planning units (PUs), 290, 294, 298
293, 300, 356, 357, 366, 368, 370 Porifera, 91
Index 389
Prioritization, 5, 9, 10, 50, 222, 257, 258, 267, 270, 271, 273, 274, 276, 278, 281,
266–272, 274, 277, 280–282, 289, 289, 290, 292, 299–301, 306, 308–310,
292, 294, 299, 308, 314, 316, 321, 315, 325, 328, 329, 335, 342–344, 346,
322, 325, 336 347, 349, 350, 356–360, 362, 364–366,
Priority, 4, 8, 10, 238, 257, 267, 292, 298, 307, 368–370, 376
314, 350 Robustness, 144, 222
Probability of Interspecific Encounter (PIE), Rooted PD, 202
204, 208
Process, 3, 41, 43, 59, 65, 67, 70, 71, 89, 94,
102, 179, 199, 203, 213, 219, 266, 275, S
290, 327, 361, 376, 377 Sampling curves, 198, 199
Protected area, marine, 10, 307, 310, 313, 316 Sampling effort, 2, 8, 198–200, 206, 207, 238,
Protected areas, 9–11, 125, 129, 130, 257, 240, 257, 258, 315
266, 267, 269, 271, 277, 278, 281, Sarcolaenaceae, 11, 357, 358, 360–370, 379
288–291, 293–295, 300, 307, 309, 310, Scale, 5, 9, 10, 20, 22–24, 28, 29, 33–35, 60,
316, 356, 357, 359, 360, 362, 366–370 61, 66, 87, 93, 102, 105, 174, 213, 239,
Prune, 6, 57–74, 109, 188, 288, 357 259, 267, 268, 271, 272, 274–277,
Punctuated evolution, 72 279–282, 288, 290, 321, 322, 327, 328,
342, 349, 359, 379, 380
Sensitivity analysis, 222
Q Shannon entropy, 142–148, 158
Quadratic entropy, 25, 144, 146, 147, 151, Single edge, 177
158, 159, 161, 208, 266, 268–271, 273, Sirenia, 305
278, 280, 282 Sixth mass extinction, 2, 58, 320
Spatial fragmentation, 10, 267, 319–330
Spatial prioritization, 9, 266–268, 270,
R 277, 280
Rao, 25, 144, 146, 147, 151, 208, 268, 269, Spatial scale, 2, 9, 276, 279, 282, 376
271–274, 276–280, 282 Speciation, 59–60
Rao’s quadratic entropy, 144, 146, 147, 151, Species richness, 25, 148, 207, 208, 210, 212,
208, 268, 269, 271–273, 278, 280, 282 241, 244, 293, 294, 308, 329, 335,
Rarefaction, 8, 143, 199, 200, 209, 213, 238, 342–344, 346–350, 357–360, 362,
258, 343, 368 364–366, 368–370, 376
Rarefaction curves, 8, 199, 200, 204–206, 209, Specional, model of evolution, 6, 71, 72
211–213 Sphenodon, 87, 89
Raup, 34, 59, 60, 63 Split decomposition, 187
Red list, 109, 376 Split diversity (SD), 8, 173–192
Regional, 42, 46, 124, 159–163, 169, 213, Split network, 8, 173–191
282, 306, 348, 350, 379, 380 SplitsTree, 187
Relict Sponges, 7, 91, 92
climatic, 100–102, 110 Stability, 9, 58, 222
geographic, 105 Standardization, 220, 229, 256, 258, 259
phylogenetic, 100 State of shift, 379
species, 100 Subsampling, 199, 213
Replication principle, 143–148, 153, 154, Support, 8, 9, 30, 135, 144, 220, 222, 225,
157, 269 226, 229, 234, 238, 257, 270, 282, 301,
Resampling, 8, 9, 243, 253, 257 321, 327, 335, 347
Reserve, 180–182, 185–187, 257 Surrogate, 20, 23, 24, 28, 124, 125, 135, 202,
Rhynchocephalia, 87–89 335, 347, 350
Richness, 2, 3, 9, 10, 23, 25, 48, 58–61, 73, Systematic conservation planning, 4, 9, 134,
125, 128–132, 134, 142–147, 150, 151, 187, 258, 265–282, 288, 290, 347, 350,
155, 161, 165, 174, 183, 187, 198, 368, 379
200–202, 204, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, System of protected areas, 9–11, 357, 359,
219, 227, 240, 242, 244, 247, 248, 256, 360, 367
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