CL 9 - Final Assessment 2020-2021 Physics
CL 9 - Final Assessment 2020-2021 Physics
CL 9 - Final Assessment 2020-2021 Physics
FINAL ASSESSMENT 2020 - 2021 Time 2 Hrs.
Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
Question 2.
a) i) What is the value of acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the earth?
ii) On the surface of earth where acceleration due to gravity is maximum?
b) Name one barometer i) which uses mercury ii) which does not use mercury.
c) i) What is the barometric height at normal temperature and pressure?
ii) Name the instrument used for measuring altitude.
d) “The ratio of weight of the object in water to the weight of the object in air is always greater than one.” State
whether the statement is ‘true’ or ‘false.’ Justify your answer.
e) Why is it easier for a person to swim in sea water than in river water? [2x5]
Question 3.
a) Draw a graph showing the variation of volume of water with variation of temperature from 0 oC to 10 oC.
b) Name 2 substances other than water which shows anomalous expansion. (Mention the temperature range).
c) Which type of mirror is known as diverging mirror? Show it with the help of a diagram.
d) What is the value of angle of incidence when a ray of light strikes a concave mirror passing through its
centre of curvature? Justify your answer.
e) Name the kind of mirror used to get i) virtual and magnified image ii) virtual image of same size as the
object. [2x5]
Question 4.
a) State 2 factors affecting the speed of sound in air.
b) Draw a labelled displacement-distance graph of transverse wave.
c) State one difference and one similarity between a rheostat and a resistance box.
d) i) Why galvanometer has a dial with zero mark at the centre?
ii) Where the magnetic field lines of earth are parallel to the earth’s surface?
e) State 2 factors on which resistance of a wire depends. [2x5]
This paper consists of three printed pages Turn Over
SECTION II (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this section
Question 5.
a) State 3 guidelines for writing the units.
b) A pendulum is having a bob which is hollow and filled with water. The bob is having a small hole at the
bottom. How will the time period be affected as the water is running out of the bob?
b) i) A body starts with an initial velocity of 20 m s-1 and acceleration 5 m s-2. Find the distance covered by it
in 5s.
ii) A car moving on a straight path covers a distance of 2 km due east in 100 s. What is the speed of the car?
What is its velocity? [3+3+4]
Question 6.
a) Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are kept at a distance ‘d’ from each other. Then the distance between them
is changed to ‘2d’. Compare the forces, acting between the bodies for both cases.
b) i)Define momentum. State its S.I. unit.
ii)Under what condition the mass of a body does not remain constant?
c) A car of mass 480 kg moving at a speed of 72 km/h is stopped by applying brakes in 10s. Calculate the
force applied by the brakes. [3+3+4]
Question 7.
a) State the factors affecting the pressure at a point in a liquid.
b) A body of mass 5 kg and density 980 kg m-3 is first placed in liquid A of density 1000 kg m-3 and then liquid
B of density 1500 kg m-3. What will be the apparent weight of the body in liquid A and liquid B. Justify your
c) i) Temperature of a body is increased by 20 oC. What will be the corresponding rise in temperature in
A) Fahrenheit scale? B) Kelvin scale?
ii) What is demonstrated through Hope’s experiment? [3+3+4]
Question 8.
a) i) What do you mean by greenhouse effect?
ii) What type of reflection takes place (regular or irregular) when light falls on the walls of a room.
iii) What is plane of incidence?
b) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of diminished image by a concave mirror.
c) i) A person sets his watch by hearing the sound of a bell from a distance which rings daily at 9 a.m. Will his
watch show the right time? Explain.
ii) In which form of wave sound travels in gases? Define the waveform named by you.
Question 9.
a) Which quantities are measured by the following units: i) candela ii) steradian iii) newton/ metre2 ?
b) i) Define relative density.
ii) Relative density of a substance is 12.5. What will be its density in S.I. system of units?
c) A wooden block floats in water with one third of its volume above the surface.
i) Calculate the density of wood ii) When the same block is placed in oil, one quarter of its volume is above
the surface of the oil. Calculate the density of the oil. [3+3+4]
Question 10.
a) i) What is induced magnetism?
ii) State two properties of magnetic lines of force.
b) Draw symbol for the following: i) battery ii) galvanometer iii) rheostat
c) i) When motor of a water pump is switched on for 16 s, 96 coloumb charge passes through the coil of the
motor. Calculate the current in the coil.
ii) In transferring 2.5 C charge through a wire, 5 J of work is done. Find the potential difference across the
wire. [3+3+4]