2022 12 07 - 003 Merged
2022 12 07 - 003 Merged
2022 12 07 - 003 Merged
1. Quality audit of wagon depot for ROH attention of freight stock (Air brake stock fitted with CASNUB
bogies and BLC wagon).
2. Quality audit of wagon depot for Yard attention (Intensive examination) and sick-line attention.
3. Quality audit of Wagon Depot with regard to maintenance of Stainless Steel Wagon (BOXNHL /
(Based on CAMTECH Maintenance Manual for Wagon and CAMTECH report on Standardisation of
Infrastructure Facilities for Freight stock maintenance)
1.1 ROH periodicity for various types of common wagon as stipulated is Table 2.3
being followed: of wagon
SN Type of stock Periodicity of ED
ROH (Months) committee
1 Stainless steel wagon 18 month (for report and
BOXNHL – 1ST guideline
ROH - 24 for ROH of
months) BOXNHL
2 Other Open Wagon 18 (2007/
3 Covered wagon 24 M(N)/ 951 /
4 Hopper wagon 24 45)
5 BOY wagon (22.9) 18
6 BOBS wagons 18
7 BOBYN 24
8 Bogie tank wagon (BTPN) 18
10 BVZI 12
11 BLC 24
1.2 ROH OF AIR BRAKE WAGON WITH CASNUB BOGIE Para 205 (Chapter 2) of CAMTECH Wagon manual.
1.2.1 a) Lift the body, keep it on trestles and run out bogies
b) Strip bogie component for examination and repair as below:
Strip spring & spring suspension arrangement including
snubbing device.
Check springs for free height and other defects. Replace
where required.
Examine Bogie frame. Check frame alignment as per
instructions contained in RDSO Technical Pamphlet No.
Examine pivot for welding defects/cracks/ abnormal
depth due to wear. Replace where necessary and
lubricate with graphite flakes to IS:495 in dry condition.
c) Strip brake gear levers and rods for examination of worn
out/damaged parts.
d) The equipment shall be given attention in accordance with
the maintenance manual issued by respective air brake
equipment manufacturer:-
Cleaning of strainer discs (Reference 6 & 218 of the
pamphlet SBA 795/258 of P4aG type Distributor Valve)
Lubrication of brake cylinder/cleaning of its strainer
Check for easy operation of isolating cock & anti-
pilferage device of distributor valve cut-off angle cock ,
F Elastomeric Pad
i). The top or the bottom plates should not show any
cracks. If any sign of crushing of rubber is noticed
reject the pad.
ii) Permanent set in free height is allowed to 42 mm
instead of 46 mm normal size. Use up-to 44 mm in
B) Category of depot:
C) Covered area under cranes: The recommended cranage area for depots undertaking 250 to 500 ROHs per month is given
Requirements Observations
250 ROHs/month + sick line repairs with double shift. 5000 sq. m including
wheel lathe shed
300 ROHs/month + sick 5600 sq. m
350 line repairs with 6200 sq. m.
double shift.
400 6800 sq. m
450 7400 sq. m
500 8000 sq. m
Requirements Observations
Depots undertaking only ROH workload and no out-of-course
repairs can manage the outturn of 250 ROHs/month in about 3000
sq. m. cranage area with working in double shifts.
D) M&P requirement:
Recommended list of M&P for a unit depot i.e. handling 250 ROH per month as per CAMTECH wagon manual. For a
depot handling more than 250 ROH per month, the requirement has to be scaled up depending on depot layout and
facilities created. Requirement of M&P for each section is given below:
2. Bogie section
6. Stores
7. Black smithy
11. Miscellaneous
12. Where power failures are rampant, a Diesel Generating Set to run the wheel lathe and cranes may also be planned.
6.3 Free height and condemning limit for CASNUB bogie Para 308 E of
springs (Outer, Inner and Snubber) are maintained as CAMTECH
recommended in para 308 E wagon manual
6.4 Wear limit for Friction wedge is maintained as Para 308 F of
recommended CAMTECH
wagon manual
6.5 Centre pivot dimension is checked as recommended Para 308 G of
wagon manual
6.6 Wheels and axles are checked for condemning diameter Para 308 I of
wagon manual
7.0 Air brake testing facility: Ch 3 of
i) Compressor of adequate capacity to carry out air CAMTECH
brake examinations of rake during intensive Manual for
examination as well as air brake testing of wagon in Wagon
sick line . Pneumatic line is provided with moisture
trap or air-dryer to ensure availability of moisture
free air for air brake testing.
ii) Availability of adequate RTR for air brake testing
during intensive examination and SWTR for air
brake testing in sick line.
8.0 Infrastructure facility for Yard maintenance Ch 3 of
i) Adequate centre to centre distance between tracks CAMTECH
(at least 7..5 mts) for conducting intensive Manual for
examination. Wagon
ii) Concrete pathway from one end to other end.
Material handling facility to ensure movement of CAMTECH
material from one end to other end. report on
iii) Proper illumination for conducting intensive Standardisation
examination. of Infrastructure
iv) Welding facility (Rectifier type) for welding during facilities for
intensive examination. freight stock
v) Adequate outlets for tapping air pressure for testing maintenance
of stock. CAMTECH /
vi) Duty room for maintenance supervisor, compressor 2003/M/NF-
room, store room, tool room, welding machine STD
room for intensive examination. Aug 2003
vii) VHF sets for close monitoring.
Infrastructure facilities for Yard attention to be verified as
per Checklist (Annexure-I) of CAMTECH guidelines for
Standardization of Infrastructure facilities for freight
stock maintenance
Major Minor
SN Description Observations
(>250FWU per month) (up to 250 FWU per month)
1 Covered shed 100mX75mX12m high 100mX75mX12m high Details of
Height of crane should be about Details of layout are shown layout are shown in sketch
10m so that wagon can be lifted in sketch
by EOT crane and moved over
standing wagon to place
anywhere in the bay.
2 SAB repair room 5x16m 5 x16m
3 Air brake & vacuum brake rooms 5x20m
4 Service building (electrical rooms, 5x24m 5x12m
staff room on both sides)
5 Computer room 5x8m 5x7m
6 Store room + sub store + tool 5x26m 5x15m
7 Machine shop 5x20m 5x8m
8 Battery room for charging 5x7m 5x3m
lister/jumbo truck
9 Compressor room+ Exhauster 5x12m 5x9m
10 Office & SSE/SE/JE rooms 5x16m 5x5m
11 Sections for attention to various 5x44m 5x18m
items as detailed in layout
12 Room for DG set At suitable location removed from main shed too contd. noise
13 Total lines required Six lines under covered Two lines under covered shed
shed and one line each out and one linie each out of covered
of covered shed for wheels shed for wheel and turn around.
& turn around.
14 Pit line One pit 20m long (at one end only) on each line depth 960mm
from rail level with adequate drainage.
1 Tower light Six tower lights per sick line Four tower lights per sick line
with adequate height with adequate height
2 Street light along examination One row per examination line covering both sides having proper
lines illumination specially covering bogies and brake gear locations.
The lights should be at two levers (lower lever for under gear and
upper lever for body)
3 Lighting in the shed and sections Refer to Annexure III on illumination