Document Control
Document Control
Document Control
Revision History
The top row of this table shows the most recent changes to this controlled document. For
previous revision history information, archived versions of this document are maintained
by the SESD Document Control Coordinator on the SESD local area network (LAN).
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1.1 Purpose
The documents that form the SESD Field Quality System (either internally generated or
from external sources) are managed as controlled documents and information. This
procedure describes the process for development, review, authorization, control, and
distribution of controlled documents.
1.2 Scope/Application
This procedure does not apply to materials obtained from other organizations during
investigations. These items should be handled as project-related documents or evidence
according to the SESD Operating Procedure for Sample and Evidence Management
1.3 Documentation/Verification
1.4 Definitions
For the purposes of this procedure, subject matter experts (SMEs) are persons
deemed competent, experienced, and knowledgeable by SESD management in the
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1.5 References
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Internally issued SESD Field Quality System documents include standards, management
plans, policies, manuals, operating procedures, test methods and guidance.
Once the need for a new document has been identified, management in consultation with
the FQM assigns an author and designates reviewers. A subject matter expert is usually
assigned as either the author or a reviewer. Once these assignments have been made, the
FQM notifies the DCC via email and the Section Chiefs notify the author and reviewers
either in person or via email. The DCC will provide the author with the Document Review
Form (SESDFORM-003) which includes the document control number and a date for
completion of the document’s review.
The following steps are used to develop, review, authorize, control and distribute internal
documents related to the SESD Field Quality System:
1. Author will prepare the first draft and submit it to the reviewers. The author
will document the review on the Document Review Form (SESDFORM-003).
6. Once all comments have been addressed, the document will be submitted to the
DCC for a format check and effective date assignment. The author will provide
the Document Review Form to the DCC as a record of the reviews.
7. The document will then be submitted to management and the FQM for final
review and signatures.
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Flexible formatting is permitted for plans, manuals and methods, depending on the
applicable program. All internally issued documents, regardless of format, must contain
the following elements:
Document number
Effective date
Revision number
Page numbering indicating total number of pages
Authorizing signatures
Revision history
All documents generated by SESD, which form part of the field quality management
system, will be reviewed and approved for use by the management within the field branch
and the Field Quality Manager (FQM) prior to issuance.
2.4 Review
Document review is the process through which persons with subject matter knowledge
contribute to the development of internal documents. Documents are periodically reviewed
(see Section 2.8) and, where necessary, revised to ensure continuing suitability and
compliance with applicable requirements. Document review includes grammatical,
editorial and technical assessment.
2.5 Control
The official copy of all SESD field Quality System documentation resides on the SESD
LAN. All other electronic or printed copies are unofficial. Additionally, copies of the
Field Quality System and Technical Procedures reside on the SESD internet website.
These copies are available to agencies and individuals outside of SESD who conduct
environmental investigations and may be required to use these procedures by EPA Region
4. By allowing other agencies or individuals to follow SESD operating procedures, no
inference is made that the work is covered under the scope of SESD’s accreditation.
A master list identifying the current revision status of field quality system documents is
available on the SESD LAN. The list is maintained by the DCC.
When internal documents have completed final review, they are forwarded to the DCC for
a final format check, authorization and distribution, and placement in electronic form (read-
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Document Types:
2.6 Authorization
SESD quality system documents are subject to approval by the following issuing
authorities, as applicable:
SESD quality system documents are authorized for use upon inclusion into the SESD LAN.
2.7 Distribution
The Document Control Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all internally issued
documents that form the SESD Field Quality System are readily available. The official
copy of all field branches quality system documents resides on the SESD LAN. The DCC
will notify all personnel within the field branches via email of document updates and will
maintain a copy of the notification. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that
all hard and/or electronic copies of documents in their possession are the most recent
When documents are revised or retired, the DCC will move obsolete copies to the
“Archived and Retired Procedures” folder of the SESD LAN. The DCC will mark the
documents with either an “ARCHIVED” or “RETIRED” watermark or the date of the
action and the name of the procedure it was replaced with. Via email, the DCC will advise
all affected personnel to dispose of electronic and hard copies of the superseded documents
to preclude unintended use. The DCC will maintain a copy of the notification.
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Internal documents are subject to periodic review, and where necessary, revised to ensure
continuing suitability and conformance with applicable requirements. Internal documents
will be reviewed at least once every four years. This schedule will apply to SESD internal
documents issued after the effective date of this operating procedure.
In January of each year, the DCC will develop and maintain a document review schedule
for the upcoming review period. The schedule will include the effective date of the most
recent version of the document and the review date. The DCC will update the review
schedule as additional reviews are conducted or new documents are developed. The
following procedure will be followed:
1. The DCC will notify the author via email of the need for the review. The DCC
will consult the FQM and management if there is a need to assign a new author
based on staff changes.
2. The author will review the procedure to determine if updates are needed. If so,
the author will notify the DCC via email and proceed to step 3 below. If no
updates are needed, the author will notify the DCC via email. The DCC will
maintain a copy of the email.
3. The DCC will consult with the FQM and management to assign reviewers and
will notify the author of the reviewers using the Document Review Form
(SESDFORM-003). The Section Chiefs will notify their staff when they are
tasked to conduct reviews.
4. The author will update the procedure and provide the first draft to the reviewers.
The author will document the review on the Document Review Form
7. Once all comments have been addressed, the document will be submitted to the
DCC for a format check and effective date assignment. The author will provide
the Document Review Form to the DCC as a record of the reviews.
8. The document will then be submitted to management and the FQM for final
review and signatures.
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Documents of external origin referenced in the implementation of the SESD Field Quality
System may include national and international standards, EPA manuals and directives,
manufacturer’s manuals, equipment software, and other associated types of information.
External documents will be reviewed for context to determine their applicability in the
SESD field branches quality system. This review will be conducted by the author of the
SESD Field Quality System document in which the external document is going to be
When applicable, national and international standards, and EPA manuals and directives
will be controlled by documenting, as appropriate, the title, document number (if any),
most recent and/or approved revision/edition number, and year of publication. Equipment
software is controlled in accordance with the SESD Operating Procedure for Equipment
Inventory and Management, SESDPROC-108. All other documents will be assigned
document control numbers as described in Section 2.5 of this procedure. The DCC will
maintain a list of all controlled external documents. The DCC will review the list each
January and consult with personnel to determine if updates are available. If they are
available, the obsolete copy will be removed from service and the updated version will be
labeled with the next revision of the document control number. On a case by case basis,
the DCC in consultation with affected personnel will determine if it is necessary to
maintain a copy of the previous version.
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