Chapter 2
Families of Carbon Compounds
1. Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
a. Saturated compounds : compounds, whose molecules contain only single
bonds, these compounds contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms that the
carbon compound can possess (alkanes and cycloalkanes).
b. Unsaturated compounds : compounds, whose molecules contain multiple bonds,
such as alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic . They possess fewer than the maximum
number of hydrogen atoms, and they are capable of reacting with hydrogen.
2. Alkanes are hydrocarbons that do not have multiple bonds between carbon atoms,
and we can indicate this in the family name and in names for specific compounds
by the -ane ending
3. Alkenes contain at least one carbon–carbon double bond, and this is indicated in
the family name and in names for specific compounds by an -ene ending.
4. Alkynes contain at least one carbon–carbon triple bond, and this is indicated in the
family name and in names for specific compounds by a -yne ending
5. Aromatic compounds contain a special type of ring, the most common example of
which is a benzene ring. There is no special ending for the general family of aromatic
2. None polar molecule consist of more than two atoms, have polar bonds, the
molecule has no net dipole moment (CO2 and CCl4
3. Cis–trans isomers of alkenes have different physical properties (melting points and
boiling points), due to the dipole moment.
Trans has no dipole moment or its too small (has low m.p and B.p)
3. R is used as a general symbol to represent any alkyl group that derived from alkane
(general formula R--H).
4. Two groups can be derived from propane, a hydrogen from one of the end carbon
atoms gives propyl group or removal of a hydrogen from the middle carbon
isopropyl group.
5. Phenyl group : formed when a benzene ring lose H atom, and attached to other
group of atoms in a molecule.
6. Benzyl group: formed when a methyl benzene ring (toluene) lose H atom from
the methyl group and attached to other group.
Section 2.5 Alkyl Halides or Haloalkanes
1. Alkyl halides are compounds in which a halogen atom (fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
or iodine) replaces a hydrogen atom of an alkane .
2. The general formula for an alkyl halide is (R--X).
3. Alkyl halides are classified based on the carbon atom to which the halogen is
directly attached
a. Primary 1°. The carbon that bears the halogen is attached to only one other carbon
b. Secondary 2°. The carbon atom that bears the halogen is attached to two carbons
c. Tertiary 3°. The carbon atom that bears the halogen is attached to three carbons
3. Alcohols are also classified into, primary (1°), secondary (2°), and tertiary (3°).
1. Ethers have the general formula R--O-- R or R-- O--- R_ , where R may be an
alkyl (or phenyl) group different from R.
2. Ethers can be thought of as derivatives of water in which both hydrogen atoms have
been replaced by alkyl groups.
3. One way of naming ethers is to name the two alkyl groups attached to the oxygen
atom in alphabetical order and add the word ether.
4. If the two alkyl groups are the same, we use the prefix di-, for example, as in
dimethyl ether
4. The nitrogen atom of an amine can be considered to be sp3 hybridized with the
unshared electron pair occupying one orbital, as we shall see this is important because
it is involved in almost all of the reactions of amines.
5. One way of naming amines is to name in alphabetical order the alkyl groups
attached to the nitrogen atom, using the prefixes di- and tri- if the groups are the
2. Carbonyl group: a group in which a carbon atom has a double bond to oxygen with
sp2 hybridized and a trigonal planar arrangement.
3. The carbonyl group of an aldehyde is bonded to one hydrogen atom and one carbon
atom. (except formaldehyde we have two H atoms).
1. Carboxylic acids have a carbonyl group bonded to a hydroxyl group, and they have
the general formula
carboxyl group
3. Examples of carboxylic acids are formic acid, acetic acid, and benzoic acid:
2.10B. Esters
.1.Esters have the general formula RCO2R (or RCOOR), where a carbonyl group is
bonded to an alkoxyl ( --OR) group.
2. Esters can be made from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol through the acid-
catalyzed loss of a molecule of water.
3. Our body makes esters from long-chain carboxylic acids called “fatty acids” by
combining them with glycerol.
2.10C. Amides
2.Some examples of amides, N- and N,N- indicate that the substituents are attached to
the nitrogen atom.
1. A nitrile has the formula R--CN,. The carbon and the nitrogen of a nitrile
are sp hybridized
2. In IUPAC systematic nomenclature, acyclic nitriles (not cyclic) are named by
adding the suffix -nitrile to the name of the corresponding hydrocarbon buy assigning
the carbon atom of the CN group number 1.
3. The Cyclic nitriles are named by adding the suffix -carbonitrile to the name of the
ring system to which the CN group is attached.
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a simple and rapid instrumental technique that can
give evidence for the presence of various functional groups.
1. If you had a sample of unknown identity, among the first things you would do is
obtain an infrared spectrum, along with determining its solubility in common solvents
and its melting and/or boiling point.
2. IR spectroscopy depends on the interaction of molecules or atoms with
electromagnetic radiation. IR radiation causes atoms and groups of atoms of organic
compounds to vibrate with increased amplitude about the covalent bonds that connect
3. IR radiation is not of sufficient energy to excite electrons, as some molecules
interact with visible, ultraviolet, or higher energy forms of light.
4. Since the functional groups of organic molecules include specific arrangements of
bonded atoms, absorption of IR radiation by an organic molecule will occur at
specific frequencies characteristic of the types of bonds and atoms present in the
specific functional groups of that molecule.
5. These vibrations are quantized, and the compounds absorb IR energy in particular
regions of the IR portion of the spectrum.
6. An infrared spectrometer operates by passing a beam of IR radiation through
a sample and comparing the radiation transmitted through the sample with that
transmitted in the absence of the sample.
7. Any frequencies absorbed by the sample will be apparent by the difference, and
the spectrometer plots a graph showing absorbance versus frequency or wavelength.
8. The position of an absorption band (peak) in an IR spectrum is specified in units of
9. Wavenumbers are the reciprocal of wavelength when wavelength is expressed in
centimeters (the unit is cm_1). The larger the wavenumber, the higher is the frequency
of the wave, and correspondingly the higher is the frequency of the bond absorption
10. In their vibrations covalent bonds behave as if they were tiny springs connecting
the atoms, and when atoms vibrate, they can do so only at certain frequencies, so
because of this, covalently bonded atoms have only particular vibrational energy
11. The excitation of a molecule from one vibrational energy level to another occurs
only when the compound absorbs IR radiation of a particular energy, meaning a
particular wavelength or frequency. Note that the energy (E) of absorption is directly
proportional to the frequency and inversely proportional to the wavelength (λ)
12. Molecules can vibrate in a variety of ways. Two atoms joined by a covalent bond
can undergo a stretching vibration where the atoms move back and forth as if joined
by a spring. Three atoms can also undergo a variety of stretching and bending
a. The masses of the bonded atoms: light atoms vibrate at higher frequencies
than heavier ones
b. The relative stiffness of the bond.
14. Triple bonds are stiffer (and vibrate at higher frequencies) than double bonds, and
double bonds are stiffer than single bonds
, , C--C 1000-1100 cm-1
16. Not all molecular vibrations absorb of IR energy. Because in order for a
vibration to occur and IR energy absorbs, the dipole moment of the molecule must
change as the vibration occurs.
17. Vibrational absorption may occur outside the region measured by a particular IR
spectrometer, and vibrational absorptions may occur so closely together that peaks fall
on top of peaks.
18. The possibility of two different compounds to have the same IR spectrum is
small, so that an IR spectrum has been called the “fingerprint” of a molecule.
2. The data given in Table 2.7 will provide us with key information to use when
correlating actual spectra with IR absorption frequencies that are typical for various
3. All hydrocarbons give absorption peaks in the 2800–3300-cm_1 region that are
associated with carbon–hydrogen stretching vibrations.
4. We can use these peaks in interpreting IR spectra because the exact location of the
peak depends on the strength (and stiffness) of the C-H bond, which in turn depends
on the hybridization state of the carbon that bears the hydrogen. The C-H bonds
involving sp-hybridized carbon are strongest and those involving sp3-hybridized
carbon are weakest.
a. The carbon–hydrogen stretching peaks of hydrogen atoms attached to sp
hybridized carbon atoms occur at highest frequencies, about 3300 cm_1 as in terminal
b. The carbon–hydrogen stretching peaks of hydrogen atoms attached to sp2-
hybridized carbon atoms occur in the 3000–3100-cm_1 region as in alkenyl comounds
a. The typical broadness of the peak is due to association of the molecules through
hydrogen bonding, which causes a wider distribution of stretching frequencies for the
O-H bond.
b. If an alcohol or phenol is present as a very dilute solution in a solvent that
cannot contribute to hydrogen bonding as CCl4, the O-H absorption occurs as a very
sharp peak in the 3590–3650 cm_1 region. Because formation of intermolecular
hydrogen bonds does not take place and a sharp peak is attributed to “free”
(unassociated) hydroxyl groups.
c. Increasing the concentration of the alcohol or phenol causes a broad band in the
3200–3550-cm_1 region.
4. Amines:
IR spectroscopy also gives evidence for N-H bonds
Primary 1° and 2° amines give absorptions of moderate strength in
the 3300–3500-cm_1 region.
a. Primary amines exhibit two peaks in this region due to symmetric and asymmetric
stretching of the two N-H bonds.
b. Secondary amines exhibit a single peak.
c. Tertiary amines show no N-H absorption because they have no such bond.
d. Hydrogen bonding causes N-H stretching peaks of 1° and 2° amines to broaden.
e. The N-H groups of amides give similar absorption peaks and include a carbonyl
absorption .