Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary tract infection from

Schistosoma haematobium: a case
in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Francolugo-Vélez VA,1 Zarzosa-Alguiar J.2

• Abstract • Resumen
Schistosomiasis, also known as Bilharziasis or La Esquistosomiasis, llamada también Bilhariasis o Bilhar-
Bilharsiosis, is a disease that can cause hemorrhagic siosis, es una enfermedad que puede causar cistitis hemo-
cystitis and be associated with bladder cancer. rrágica y asociarse a cáncer vesical. La esquistosomiasis es
Schistosomiasis is caused by Schistosoma haematobium. causada por Schistosoma haematobium, es más frecuente
It is more frequent in Africa and the Middle East and en África y en el medio Oriente y es de alta contagiosidad
is highly contagious for humans in the larual stage para el ser humano durante la  fase larual del platelminto.
miracidia phase of the platyhelminth worm. Caso clínico: Masculino de raza negra, de 24 años de edad
Clinical case: The patient is a 24-year-old Nigerian man originario de Nigeria, con hematuria discreta de un año
de evolución. La urotac reveló  microlitiasis renal en el cá-
presenting with mild hematuria of 1 year progression.
liz medio del riñón derecho y tumoraciones vesicales. La
Kidney microlithiasis in the middle calyx of the right
biopsia por cistoscopia reportó cistitis aguda y crónica con
kidney and bladder polyps were revealed by 64-slice
hemorragia y metaplasia epidermoide, lesión consecutiva
computerized tomography. Cystoscopic biopsy reported
a infección por huevos de Schistosoma haematobium. Se
acute and chronic cystitis with hemorrhage and administró tratamiento con prazicuantel.
epidermoid metaplasia, a lesion following Schistosoma
haematobium egg deposition. Patient was treated with
praziquantel. Palabras clave: Schistosoma haematobium, hematuria,

Key words: Schistosoma haematobium, hematuria,


1 Urologist. Sanatorio Henri Dunant, Professor at the Universidad Au- Corresponding author: Dr. Víctor Alfonso Francolugo Vélez. Pericón
tónoma del Estado de Morelos. Mexico. esquina Angélica 5º piso-502. Colonia Miraval. Cuernavaca, Mor.
2 Pathologist. Hospital Carlos Calero Elorduy, ISSSTE. Cuernavaca, Telephone and Fax: (777) 314 0555. Email: [email protected]
Morelos. Mexico.

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Francolugo-Vélez VA, et al. Urinary tract infection from Schistosoma haematobium: a case in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

• Introduction through the bladder wall and exit the body in urine.
Schistosomiasis, originally known as Bilharziasis (or Adult worms can live in the body from 2-18 years. The
Bilharsiosis) is a parasitic disease produced by the worms themselves do not cause inflammatory vascular
platyhelminth worm of the class Trematoda, genus reaction. Pathology is the result of the progressive
Schistosoma (commonly known as blood-flukes and immune response. 7
bilharzia) and is relatively common in developing Egg: Parasite eggs cause the first disease
countries, especially on the continent of Africa1 and in manifestations. They are rarely taken into account and
central rural zones of Egypt and China.2 are the cause of later chronic Schistosomiasis.
It dates from ancient times, as bilharzia eggs have Principle damage is the formation of granulomas
been found in mummies and hematuria (principal caused by the immunological response to the eggs
symptom) has been registered in ancient papyri from and the parasite. Inactive schistosomiasis may occur
Kahun in Egypt. after adult worms have died and viable eggs are not
In 1851, Theodor Maximilian Bilharz discovered presented in tissue or urine, resulting in the so-called
parasites in portal circulation and associated them with bilharzial granulomas found in the bladder wall and
being causal agents of cystitis. 1-3 Pirajá da Silva first containing calcified eggs.7
described the pathogenic agent in 1908.1 In 1911, Ferguson When viable eggs are released in fresh water they
was the first to report the high frequency of bladder cancer hatch, producing a miracidium embryo. It swims
and its etiological relation to urinary bilharziasis.3 towards the Bulinus snail and penetrates its tissue
There are 5 species of Schistosoma parasites that where it transforms into the larval form of the parasite,
produce schistosomiasis in humans and each of them infesting the snail, and the cycle is repeated.
has its respective clinical manifestations: 4,2 Clinical manifestations: The acute form is called
• Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma Katayama syndrome or fever and it is rarely identified
intercalatum cause intestinal schistosomiasis. since it occurs 3-9 weeks after infection. It is characterized
• Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma by fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, eosinophilia,
mekongi cause the Asian variety of intestinal urticaria, dermatitis in the penetration zone, headache
schistosomiasis. and general malaise.

• Schistosoma haematobium causes urinary Chronic form due to the presence of eggs in
schistosomiasis 5 and is most frequent in Africa, the bladder wall, ureter or genital organs and its
the Middle East and the Mediterranean.1 accompanying inflammatory granulomatous reaction
occurs at 2-7 months after infection. It is characterized
The disease is the result of the granulomatous
by discontinuous hematuria with bright red blood that
response of the definitive host to the Schistosoma egg
can be accompanied by dysuria, frequent urination,
and pathophysiology is related to the life cycle of the
reduced bladder capacity, pain in the lower back, pelvic
parasite. Parasite eggs hatch upon contact with fresh
pain and urinary incontinence. Bladder ulcerations
water, releasing free-swimming miracidia. The miracidia
may present and it is possible for this disease to lead to
infect the Bulinus snail which acts as an intermediary
epidermoid bladder carcinoma.
host. Here the miracidia undergo asexual reproduction
and are transformed into cercariae which are the Diagnosis: Diagnosis is made through the study of
larval form of the parasite that is capable of infecting urinary sediment in the search for eggs. Urine should
mammals. Cercariae are released into the water as be collected between 11:00 and 14:00 hours, considered
free-swimming organisms with tails. They attach to to be the hours in which there is maximum parasite
humans and penetrate the skin (penetration can take expulsion.8 Infection is classified as mild when there are
place after only 10 seconds of contact of human skin less than or equal to 50 eggs per 10mL and serious when
with contaminated water). They lose their tails during there are more than 50 eggs per 10mL.5 Recount of the
penetration and become schistosomulae that then enter amount of eggs in urine sample enables the severity of
into the circulatory system. 6 the infection to be evaluated.
Schistosomulae migrate to portal blood in the liver Analysis of the same urine sample determines
and mature into adults. After fertilization, females reach the presence of proteinuria or hematuria and urinary
the bladder plexes through the portal system. cytology can reveal the presence of tumor cells.
Adult worm: The adult worm is from 10-15 mm An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
in length and 2 mm wide. It releases its eggs in test in Gimvi, India, has been reported that uses
blood vessels adjacent to the bladder. The eggs pass antigens derived from S. haematobium and S. mansoni

188 Rev Mex Urol 2010;70(3):187-192

Francolugo-Vélez VA, et al. Urinary tract infection from Schistosoma haematobium: a case in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Image 1. Bladder level URO-CT study. Arrows show two small Image 2. Arrows signal three tumors in the bladder, showing filling
tumors; the one at the bladder dome measures approximately 8.6 defects.

adult worms. It has been pointed out that patients that As concluded by da Silva,12 cystoscopy is an important
excrete schistosomiasis eggs in urine, test positive for procedure for detecting schistosomiasis in cases of
ELISA titers. 2 hematuria and other bladder affectations in the study
Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) measurement in of disease from S. haematobium, particularly in cases
urine will be much higher, the greater the urinary tract in which non-invasive semiological evaluation has not
invasion, since it can combined with both bladder and been able to establish diagnosis.
upper urinary tract lesions.2, 9,10 Control studies should be carried out every 6 months
In the United Kingdom there are a variety of serological and should be complemented with bladder biopsy
methods for diagnosing schistosomiasis. The Hospital in cases in which alterations of the bladder mucosa
of Tropical Diseases in London uses an ELISA with raw have been observed. Immunological studies should be
repeated and when necessary new treatment should
Schistosoma mansoni, soluble egg antigens (SEA), with
be administered with cystoscopy follow-up. 12
97% specificity and 96% sensitivity (S mansoni).11
Treatment of choice: Praziquantel is active for all
Simple abdominal X-ray can show fine, more or
clinical forms and disease stages at a single dose of 40
less continuous, lineal calcifications in the bladder
mg per kg of weight.
wall, total bladder wall calcification, porcelain bladder
or calcification of the distal segment of the ureter.
Ultrasound (US) has been shown to be useful in the • Case presentation
diagnosis of Schistosomiasis haematobium infection The patient is a 24-year-old black man born in Nigeria.
of the urinary tract by revealing data such as thick He has been studying at the university level for 3 years
mamelonated bladder wall, sessile or pedunculated in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico with a scholarship from
bladder polyps or pyelocaliceal dilatation with his native country. He had no previous medical history
irregular cavities. Unfortunately only severe pathology of importance.
can be visualized and mild bladder lesions cannot be Patient sought medical attention in July 2008 for
detected with this method. 9 Excretory urography can mild, colicky pain in the upper left abdominal quadrant
localize ureteral stricture and identify hydronephrosis that also presented occasionally upon deep breathing.
as consequences of this type of parasite. Nausea of 15-second duration presented once or
Cystoscopy is carried out in cases in which egg twice a week. Patient had no urinary discomfort but
recount is not conclusive and enables a biopsy sample occasionally presented with mild hematuria when
to be taken in order to rule out neoplastic degeneration. beginning to urinate, a symptom which had a 1-year

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Francolugo-Vélez VA, et al. Urinary tract infection from Schistosoma haematobium: a case in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Image 3. One of the bladder tumors during cystoscopy. Image 5. An image of tumor tissue in which the body of one of the
parasites is seen at its edge.

progression. Renal US reported an approximately 5 mm Posterior cystoscopy showed yellowish tumors and
calculus in the mid-calyx of the left kidney. they were biopsied. They were located at the midline
Simple kidney tomography results were doubtful from the dome toward the trigone with a distance of 1-2
in regard to the presence of the calculus seen with the cm between them. Upon cut, a parasite body was seen
previous US. Urinalysis reported some bacteria, 1-2 (Images 3, 4 and 5).
erythrocytes per field and protein traces. URO-CT was Patient reported that he bathed in a river close to his
ordered and revealed non-obstructive microlithiasis in home in Nigeria. First symptoms appeared at 8 years of
the mid-calyx of the right kidney of approximately 3 mm age, manifested by dermatitis on the thorax and back
as well as multiple bladder polyps (Images 1 and 2). with pruritus and small ulcerations.

Image 4. During biopsy this image of a parasite appearing was captured. The smaller image in the box was obtained from the Internet 5
showing a female parasite enveloped in the gynacophoric canal of the male parasite.

190 Rev Mex Urol 2010;70(3):187-192

Francolugo-Vélez VA, et al. Urinary tract infection from Schistosoma haematobium: a case in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Schistosomiasis was suspected and patient was

given a single dose of 40 mg per kg of weight of
praziquantel. Biopsy histopathological report confirmed
diagnosis of acute cystitis and chronic hemorrhage with
epidermoid metaplasia as a consequent lesion of S.
haematobium (Image 6).
A month and a half after treatment, repeat cystoscopy
and laboratory exams were carried out to detect eggs
or parasites in urine. Urine cytology was negative for
malignant cells and there was no evidence of parasites.
Patient experienced intense headache and an
episode of lipothymia as secondary effects of treatment.
Cystoscopy revealed pale mucosa with reddened zones
and small granulomas without tumor. Biopsy was taken
of this tissue and histopathological study reported three
5-7 mm light brown, slightly softened, malleable fusiform
fragments. Microscopically, chronic inflammatory Image 6. Schistosoma haematobium egg.
process with lymphocyte and plasmatic cell formation
with intermediary cytoplasmic histiocytes was
observed. No parasites were identified. Diagnosis was:
subacute and chronic cystitis with no observation of
malignant neoplastic elements.
in schools (24%) and the evaluation of 4 techniques for
Two more studies were carried out in March and
detecting S. haematobium pathology or morbidity was
October 2009 with normal results and no hematuria.
focused on: US for bladder pathology, reactive strips
for microhematuria, interrogation for macrohematuria
• Discussion or macroscopic urine examination. It was concluded
More than 200 million people in the world in tropical that more cases of the same degree of pathology were
regions suffer from schistomsomiasis.11 Its urinary detected by US in children than in adults and that
presentation is caused by Schistosoma haematobium reactive strip was superior to interrogation.14
which is endemic in 54 cities of Africa. Studies on school- There is a lack of knowledge and information in
age children show high prevalence of S. haematobium the population about schistosomiasis. Only 0.78% has
infection. Humans can become infected by coming knowledge of the disease and 16 out of 133 children (in
into contact with contaminated water. The worms Mina, Nigeria) reported having blood in urine for which
install themselves in the vesical plexus and pelvic veins they sought medical attention.8 It has been documented
where females deposit from 20-290 eggs per day. The that there is a greater infection frequency in children
lower urinary tract, ureters and seminal vesicles are than in adults.5
the most affected organs. Lesions are characterized by In a retrospective study by the University of Cairo in
granulomas caused by tissue response to eggs. 13 Egypt, carried out over a 37-year period (1970-2007) on
Schistosoma haematobium is the most common the analysis and time tendency of 9843 patients with
cause of hematuria in endemic cities.5 In women the bladder cancer caused by schistosomiasis, it was found
uterus, cervix and vagina are most commonly affected. that the disease was more common in men with a mean
Principal symptoms are hematuria, dysuria, lumbar pain, age of 46.7 years. The most common histological type
bacterial infection data, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea, was squamous cell carcinoma. There was muscle layer
abdominal pain and intermenstrual bleeding. 13 invasion in advanced stage cases and therefore the
Identification of S. haematobium infection cases principal line of treatment was radical cystectomy. 3
meriting treatment is generally based on microscopic It was noted in this study that patients treated
detection of eggs in urine in endemic populations, from 2003-2007 showed a significant reduction in
especially in children. From data of 45 studies that bladder cancer frequency that was associated with a
included 74 schools and 28 communities, detected reduction in egg frequency of this parasite, reduction
microhematuria prevalence was evaluated. Its presence of squamous cell cancer and an increase in transitional
was found to be slightly lower in communities (16%) than cell carcinoma. Mean age of patients was 60.5 years.

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Francolugo-Vélez VA, et al. Urinary tract infection from Schistosoma haematobium: a case in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

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