A Study On Child Sexual Abuse With Special (Harshitha)

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Child sexual abuse became a public issue in the early 1970’s and 1980’s. Studies on child sexual abuse were
non existent until 1920’s. In 1948 the first natural estimate of the number of child sexual abuse cases was
published. Legal action started out to emerge as extra customary within side the 1970’s within the enactment of
child abuse prevention and treatment act in 1974 together with introduction of the nation center for the abuse and

The Initiatives taken by the government for the prevention of the child sexual abuse are the POCSO
(Protection of children from sexual offences) Act, 2012 which is “ An Act to protect children from offences of
sexual assault, sexual harassment, and pornography and provide for the establishment of special courts for the
trail of such offences and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto” and the POCSO e-box which is an
online complaint box for reporting child sexual abuse.

The factors affecting the child because of the sexual abuse include a history of abuse or neglect as a child, physical or mental
illness, family isolation and inadequate parenting skills. The most significant risk factor which tend to increase the chance of
child sexual abuse is insufficient education or understanding about boundaries. Children who do not have a clear understanding
of boundaries are highly unlikely to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Adherence to traditional gender
role norms, weak community sanctions against sexual violence perpetrators.

The recent study reported that every second child reported emotional abuse , 69% reported physical abuse and 53%
reportedly experienced sexual abuse. The total lifetime economic burden of child sexual abuse in united states in 2015 was
estimated to be at least 9.3 billion dollars. Most of the children were victims of neglect with sexual abuse (8.4 percent). In the
recent study 18- 20% child sexual abuse occurs in family and 50% in institutional settings.

To find out the main cause of the child sexual abuse to happen.

To examine the impact of child sexual abuse on the victim.

To examine the reaction of the people when they see a child being abused.
To find out what a sexually abused person tend to do.

To determine from who’s negligence is responsible for the child sexual abuse to

To find the methods from which the sexual abused person can overcome from the

Figure.1 shows the respondents opinion on what if they see a child
being abused based on age factor.

From Figure.1 it is clear that below 20 years says that they will report
the abuse. Respondents of 20-30 years say that they will confront the
abuser. Respondents of 31-40 years say that they will report the abuse. ANALYSIS

Respondents of 41-50 years say that they will confront the abuser. And
the respondents above the age of 50 years say that they will report the

DISCUSSION: From Figure.1 it is clear that below 20 years says that they will
report the abuse. This might be because reporting the abuse is the first and prior
thing that a person looking up for should do.
Figure.2 shows the respondents opinion on what if they see a child being
abused based on gender factor.

From Figure.2 it is clear that the female respondents will confront the

abuser whereas the male respondents will report the abuse. And the
respondents who are not ready to reveal their gender say that they will ANALYSIS
confront the abuser.

DISCUSSION: From Figure.2 it is clear that the female respondents will confront the
abuser. This might be because Confronting the abuser is the main and for most things
that the victim fails to do. But this should be done in a right way.

Figure.3 shows the respondents view on sexually abused person tend to
do based on gender criteria.

From Figure.3 it is clear that the female respondents and the male

respondents will fall into depression whereas the respondents who are
not ready to reveal their gender say that they will commit suicide. ANALYSIS

DISCUSSION: From Figure.3 it is clear that female respondents and the male
respondents will fall into depression. This might be because the victim will really
be stressed and it takes time to come out of it. This might put them into depression.

Figure.4 shows the respondents view on sexually abused person tend to
do based on age criteria.

From Figure.4 it is clear that below 20 years says that they will fall into

depression. Respondents of 20-30 years say that they will fall into
depression. Respondents of 31-40 years say that they will commit ANALYSIS
suicide. Respondents of 41-50 years say that they will fall into
depression. And the respondents above the age of 50 years say that they
will fall into depression.

DISCUSSION: From Figure.4 it is clear that irrespective of age people will fall into
depression when the person is been sexually abused. This might be because it takes
time for the victim to get rid of it and it may lead to mental pressure and physical
pressure which will ultimately make them depressed.
Figure.5 shows the respondents view on

From Figure.5 it is clear that below 20 years says that they will fall into
depression. Respondents of 20-30 years say that they will fall into

depression. Respondents of 31-40 years say that they will commit
suicide. Respondents of 41-50 years say that they will fall into ANALYSIS
depression. And the respondents above the age of 50 years say that they
will fall into depression.

DISCUSSION: From Figure.5 it is clear that irrespective of age people

will fall into depression when the person is been sexually abused. This
might be because it takes time for the victim to get rid of it and it may
lead to mental pressure and physical pressure which will ultimately
make them depressed.
Figure.6 shows the respondents view on sexually abused person tend to
do based on age criteria.

From Figure6 it is clear that below 20 years says that they will fall into

depression. Respondents of 20-30 years say that they will fall into
depression. Respondents of 31-40 years say that they will commit ANALYSIS
suicide. Respondents of 41-50 years say that they will fall into
depression. And the respondents above the age of 50 years say that they
will fall into depression.

DISCUSSION: From Figure.6 it is clear that irrespective of age people will fall into
depression when the person is been sexually abused. This might be because it takes
time for the victim to get rid of it and it may lead to mental pressure and physical
pressure which will ultimately make them depressed.

Figure. 7 shows the respondents opinion on the measures taken by the Indian constitution on
prevention of child sexual abuse based on age criteria.

RESULT: From figure 7 it is clear that the below the age of 20 are more satisfied with the
government initiatives than the other age group people.


.DISCUSSION: From figure 7 it is clear that below the age of 20 are more
satisfied with the government initiatives than the other age group people. This
might be because below the the age 20 people are more aware of the
government initiatives than the other age group people because below 20
years of age group people are more into social media than the other age
group people.

Figure 8 shows the respondents opinion on whose negligence for child
sexual abuse.
From Figure 8 it is clear that Female say that the society is responsible for

child sexual abuse to happen. Respondents of male also say that the
society is responsible and Respondents who prefer not to say that the
abuser is responsible for child sexual abuse to happen.

DISCUSSION: From figure 9 it is clear that female say that the society is responsible
for the child sexual abuse to happen. Respondents of male also say that the society
is responsible and Respondents who prefer not to say that the abuser is responsible
for child sexual abuse to happen. This might be because the society is not aware of
the consequences of the issue and they think that it is the victim who is responsible
for the the abuse to take place and mostly blame the victims instead of the abuse

Figure 9 shows the respondents opinion on what can be done to over come
from the impact of sexual abuse.

From figure 9 it is clear that the female says that showing some affection
towards them will help them to over come from the impact of child sexual
abuse. Respondents of male say that taking them for counselling will help
them to over come from child sexual abuse and respondents of prefer not to
say also say that taking them for counselling will help them to over come
from the impact of child sexual abuse.

DISCUSSION: From figure 10 it is clear that the female says that showing some affection
towards them will help them to over come from the impact of child sexual
abuse.Respondents of male say that taking them for counselling will help them to over come
from child sexual abuse and respondents of prefer not to say also say that taking them for
counselling will help them to over come from the impact of child sexual abuse. This might be
because both the solution will help the victims to over come from the impact of child sexual
Figure 10 shows the respondents opinion on give your agree ability on the
causes of sexual abuse [Alcohol,drugs,etc]

From figure 10 it is clear that most of them strongly agree that


alcohol,drugs,etc are the main cause of child sexual abuse.

DISCUSSION: From figure 11 it is clear that most of them strongly agree that
alcohol,drugs,etc are the main cause of child sexual abuse. This might be because
alcohol and drugs tend to change the mindset and behaviour of a person which makes
them to sexually abuse a child.

Figure 11 shows the respondents opinion on give your agree ability on the
causes of child sexual abuse[Social media].

From figure 11 it is clear that most of them strongly agree that social media is
a main cause of child sexual abuse to happen.

DISCUSSION: From figure 12 it is clear that most of them strongly agree

that social media is a main cause of child sexual abuse to happen. This
might be because there are lots of chances that a person can be influenced
by the social media and have more chances that the person might sexually
abuse a child.
Figure 12 shows the respondents opinion on give agree ability on the cause
of child sexual abuse[Bad company of the abuse].

From figure 12 it is clear that most of the strongly agree that bad company of

the abuser is a main cause of child sexual abuse to happen.


DISCUSSION: From figure 13 it is clear that most of the strongly agree that bad
company of the abuser is a main cause of child sexual abuse to happen. This
might be because a person who has a bad company might get influenced by
that person and have more chances that the person might sexually abuse a

LEGEND: Figure.13 shows the respondents opinion on give your agree ability on the
causes of sexual abuse [Parents negligence]

RESULT: From figure 13 it is clear that most of them strongly agree that parents

negligence is the main cause of child sexual abuse.


DISCUSSION: From figure 14 it is clear that most of them strongly agree that parents
negligence is the main cause of child sexual abuse. This might be because parents
negligence like not educating the children and being irresponsible can be a cause for the
child sexual abuse to happen.


child sexual abuse is a sexual behaviour or a sexual act forced upon a women , man, or a child
without their constent and also an act of violence. This research is all about educating people
about child sexual abuse and its impact on the victims and also educating the children to open
upabout the incident . The major findings is that the children are not aware of of this consent and
mostly the child sexual abuse takes places because of the negligence of the parents. parents mostly
think educating children about it is unnecessary. If the people are being educated then we can
make our society a abuse free one. this can be made possible if the government takes some
initiative towards the issue.


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