Macroskills Syllabus

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Course Name Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills

Course Credit 3 units

Course Description This course offers a hands-on approach to teaching the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The communicative, task-based, and text-based approaches will be highlighted, with themes such as integrated lesson
planning, grouping for cooperative learning, developing tasks, lesson plans, and curriculum covered.

Contact Hours/Week 3 hours/week

Course Outcomes By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. choose diversified learning tasks while teaching macroskills to accommodate learners' gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
2. illustrate through simulations how to give learners prompt, accurate, and constructive feedback to enhance their performance
in the various macro skills activities;
3. create a learning plan for the English curricula based on research-based information and the ideas, techniques, and approaches
used in each of these components; and
4. conduct a teaching demonstration of the assigned learning competencies in the macroskills.
Week Course Content/Subject Matter
1-3  Introduction to the course syllabus and Course Overview

4-7  The Expressive Macro Skills- Speaking

8-11  The Expressive Macro Skills- Writing

12-14  The Receptive Macro Skills- Listening

15-18  The Receptive Macro Skills- Reading

 Teaching Demonstration

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Details
By the end of the course, the students should be  Reflection essays Students are expected to showcase what they have learned from the
able to: exemplifying and discussing course by designing assessment and evaluation tools. Furthermore,
1. express their thoughts on major issues and major issues and concepts in they have to demonstrate teaching listening, speaking, reading, and
concepts in teaching and assessing the teaching and assessing the writing with a well-constructed lesson plan and instructional
English Macro Skills; English Macro Skills. materials contextually and locally designed.
2. demonstrate their knowledge of teaching  Graded reporting on English
and assessing English Macro Skills by rigidly Macro Skills
reporting on their research-based  Analysis of lesson plans and
presentations; teaching demonstration in
3. familiarize themselves with the different teaching the English Macro
theoretical bases, principles, and methods Skills
and strategies in teaching and assessing the  Demonstration teaching
English Macro Skills by analyzing various  Writing Learning Plans on
lesson plans and teaching demonstrations; Macroskills
4. conduct a teaching demonstration of
English Macro Skills with a well- prepared
lesson plans.


Desired Course Contents/Subject Textbooks/ Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time

Learning Matter References Learning Activities Tasks (Ats) Materials Table
Outcomes (TLAs)
At the end of these
weeks, the pre-service
teacher (PST) should be
able to:
 recognize 1.An Overview on the Teaching of  Alda, R. C., Abao, E. 1. Differentiating 1. Pen and Paper 1. Graphic Weeks 1-3
important the Macro Skills L., Dayagbi, F. T., & Receptive vs Test Organizers (9 hrs)
concepts in  Receptive vs. Expressive Dalagan, J. D. (2022). Expressive Macro 2. Reaction/ 2. Computer/
teaching the Macro Skills Teaching and Skills Reflection Paper laptop/
macro skills in assessment of the 2. Group analysis and on Qualities of an mobile
 Macro Skill Competencies in
English; macroskills. Lorimar identification of effective English phones/inte
the English K to 12 Curriculum
Publishing, Inc. appropriate activities Macro Skills rnet
 discuss the  Viewing as a New Macro Skill
 Bulusan, F. B., for Speaking, Teacher 3. GoogleClass
connection of  Connection of the Macro Raquepo, M. R. R., & Listening, Reading,
teaching the Skills with Vocabulary, 3. Oral recitation/ room/
Hamada, I. R. (2021). Writing, and Viewing
macro skills with Grammar and Literature documentation Googlemeet
A course module for in the English Kto 12
the other  Review on Communicative Curriculum and group /SVFC
teaching literacy in
language skills the elementary 3. Lecture discussion on presentation of Portal
and Competence grades through English Language analyzed Macro
competencies;  BICS and CALP literature. Rex Book Macro Skills Teaching Skills
 identify  Content-Based Instruction Store, Inc. concepts, approaches Competencies
appropriate  Communicative Language  Domagsang, A. G. T. and methods 4. Venn Diagram
methods and Teaching (2016). Exploring 4. Listing and 5. Graded
approaches to  Qualities of an Effective literature ang classification of reporting/Lecture
teach the English rammar: Reading researched activities
English Macro Skills Teacher /Discussion
and writing skills. appropriate for
macro skills; and
Brilliant Creations teaching the macro
 list down Publishing, Inc. skills
qualities of an 5. Giving of examples of
 Wyson, J. D. B.
effective English (2016). English for activities in BICS or
teacher in the Academic and CALP, CBI, and CLT
macro skills. Professional 6. Analyzing a sample
Purposes. Vibal lesson plan/ teaching
Group, Inc. demonstration of an
 World Learning. ESL class and
(2019). Overview of identifying approach
Grammar Teaching and qualities shown
Methods and
Approaches. In
“Teaching Grammar
 World Learning.
(2019). It’s not just
academic? Culture in
the CBI classroom. In
Instruction” [MOOC].
 World Learning.
(2019). Techniques
for keeping your
students in the
target language. In
Instruction" [MOOC].
 World Learning.
(2019). Readability.
In “Content-based
Instruction” [MOOC].
 World Learning.
(2019). Assessment
in CBI. In “Content-
based Instruction”
 World Learning.
(2019). Error
correction. In
Instruction” [MOOC].

2. The Expressive Macro Skills-  Alda, R. C., Abao, E. 1. Creating summaries 1. Pen and Paper Test 1. Graphic Weeks 4-7
 Select Speaking L., Dayagbi, F. T., & and/or mind maps on 2. Reaction Paper Organizers (12 hr
differentiated  Nature and Purposes of Dalagan, J. D. (2022). the nature and 3. Oral Recitation/ 2. Computer/ s)
learning tasks Speaking Teaching and purposes, process, participation (OSTS laptop/
in teaching  Mechanics and Process of assessment of the speech styles and activity) in sharing mobile
speaking to suit Speaking macroskills. Lorimar registers, speech acts, important concepts phones/inte
 Speech Styles and Registers Publishing, Inc. phonology review, in teaching rnet
 Wakat, G. S., Caroy, modes of
gender, needs, (Frozen, Formal, Consultative, speaking 3. GoogleClass
A. A., Paulino, F. B., communication, and
strengths, Casual, Intimate, Aggressive, 4. Speaking Task/ room/
Jose, M. J., Ordonio, formats in speaking
interests, and Passive, Assertive) Performance Googlemeet
M. R. M., Palangyos, 2. One Stay-Team Stray
experiences;  Austin and Searle’s Speech Acts activity to share the 5. Speaking Task /SVFC Portal
A. C., Palangyos, S.
 Demonstrate (Locutionary, Illocutionary, and M., Dizon, E. G. J., summaries/ mind Feedbacking 4. Lesson Plan
how to provide Perlocutionary) Dela Cruz, A. E., & maps made on Simulation Model
timely,  Review on Segmentals, Sao-an, M. B. (2018). important concepts in 6. Making a Learning 5. Demonstrati
accurate, and Suprasegmentals, Modes of Purposive teaching speaking Plan in Teaching on Teaching
Communication, Types of communication.
constructive Speech Delivery) Lorimar Publishing, 3. Individual/pair/ group Speaking Model
feedback to  Speaking Formats (interaction, Inc. preparation and 7. Teaching
improve learner Transaction, Performance)  Flores, R. S. (2016). presentation of Demonstration in
performance in  Lesson Design in Teaching Oral communication speaking tasks ( story Speaking
the different Speaking in context. Rex Book telling, oration,
tasks in  Materials and Resources in Store, Inc. acting, conversation,
speaking simulation, role play,
Teaching Speaking
theatrical play, etc.)
through  Performance-Based Assessment
4. Pair feedbacking
simulations; in Teaching Speaking
practice and
 Craft a learning  Feedbacking in Assessing simulation on
plan according Speaking speaking task
to the English performed
curricula that is 5. Pair learning plan
developed from making in accordance
research-based to the English
knowledge and curricula speaking
principles of competencies
speaking and 6. Teaching speaking
the theoretical demonstration on the
bases, assigned/ chosen
principles, learning
methods, and competencies
strategies in 7. Feedbacking of
teaching these instructor to
demonstrator on
teaching speaking
 Conduct a
of the assigned
in speaking.

 Select 3. The Expressive Macro Skills-  Alda, R. C., Abao, E. 1. Roundtable discussion 1. Pen and Paper 1. Graphic Weeks 8-
differentiated Writing L., Dayagbi, F. T., & on the challenges of Test Organizer 11
learning tasks in  Nature and Purposes of Writing Dalagan, J. D. (2022). writing as macro skill 2. Reaction 2. Computer/ (12 hrs)
teaching Teaching and and teaching writing Paper/Document laptop/
 Mechanics and Process of
speaking to suit assessment of the 2. Individual/pair/group Analysis mobile
macroskills. Lorimar preparation and
learners’ gender,  Concerns and Strategies in Pre- 3. Graded phones/inte
Publishing, Inc. presentation of
needs, strengths, Writing, Drafting, Revising, writing tasks (writing reporting/Lecture rnet
interests, and  Bulusan, F. B., /Discussion 3. GoogleClass
Editing, Proofreading, and stories, poems, essays,
Raquepo, M. R. R., &
experiences; Publishing creative outputs, 4. Oral participation room/
Hamada, I. R. (2021).
 Demonstrate  Lesson Design in Teaching researches, etc.) in sharing Googlemeet
A course module for
how to provide Writing 3. Pair feedbacking challenges and /SVFC
teaching literacy in
timely, accurate,  Materials and Resources in practice and simulation issues in teaching Portal
the elementary
and constructive on writing task writing 4. Lesson Plan
Teaching Writing grades through performed
feedback to  Performance and Portfolio- literature. Rex Book 5. Writing task/ Model
4. Pair learning plan
improve learner Based Assessment in Teaching Store, Inc. Performance 5. Demonstrati
making in accordance
performance in Writing  Domagsang, A. G. T. to the English curricula (focusing on on Teaching
the different  Feedbacking in Assessing (2016). Exploring writing competencies Organization of Model
tasks in speaking Writing literature ang 5. Teaching writing ideas, Writing
through rammar: Reading demonstration on the Simulation,
simulations; and writing skills. assigned/ chosen Varied Writing
 Craft a learning Brilliant Creations learning competencies Concepts Applied)
Publishing, Inc. 6. Feedbacking of 6. Writing Task
plan according to
the English  Wakat, G. S., Caroy, instructor to Feedbacking
A. A., Paulino, F. B., demonstrator on
curricula that is Simulation
Jose, M. J., Ordonio, teaching writing
developed from (Focusing on
M. R. M., Palangyos,
research-based feedbacking
A. C., Palangyos, S.
knowledge and M., Dizon, E. G. J., Process, Use of
principles of Dela Cruz, A. E., & Rubrics, and
speaking and the Sao-an, M. B. (2018). Appropriate Tips/
theoretical bases, Purposive Feedback
principles, communication. Provided to
methods, and Lorimar Publishing, Learner)
strategies in Inc. 7. Making a
teaching these  Wyson, J. D. B. Learning Plan in
components; and (2016). English for Teaching Writing
 Conduct a Academic and (Focusing on
teaching Professional Completeness,
demonstration of Purposes. Vibal Appropriate
the assigned Group, Inc. Approach Used,
learning and Facilitative
competencies in Process)
speaking. 8. Teaching
Demonstration in
Writing (Focusing
on Teacher-Like
Environment, and

 Select 4. The Receptive Macro Skills-  Alda, R. C., Abao, E. 1. Lecture discussion on 1.Pen and Paper Test 1. Graphic Weeks 12-
differentiated Listening L., Dayagbi, F. T., & the relevance of 2.Reaction Paper Organizers 14 (9 hrs)
learning tasks in  Active Listening Skill Dalagan, J. D. (2022). listening in the 3.Graded 2. Computer/
teaching  Nature and Purposes of Teaching and communication Reporting/Lecture laptop/mobile
speaking to suit Listening assessment of the process, nature, /Discussion phones/inter
learners’ gender, macroskills. Lorimar purposes, sub-skills, 4.Various objective net
 Listening Comprehension and
Publishing, Inc. and techniques and comprehension 3. GoogleClassro
needs, strengths, Sub-Skills in Listening
 Bulusan, F. B., strategies in listening
interests, and  Listening Techniques and tasks in listening as om/
Raquepo, M. R. R., & effectively
experiences; Strategies diagnostic and Googlemeet/
Hamada, I. R. (2021). 2. Varied teacher-led
 Demonstrate  Approaches in Teaching formative SVFC Portal
A course module for activities on testing
how to provide Listening (Bottom-Up, Top- listening 4. Lesson Plan
teaching literacy in
timely, accurate, Down, Interactive) the elementary comprehension and assessments Model
and constructive  Lesson Design in Teaching grades through sub-skills 5.Listening Task 5. Demonstratio
feedback to Listening literature. Rex Book 3. Pair feedbacking Feedbacking n Teaching
improve learner  Materials and Resources in Store, Inc. practice and simulation Simulation Model
performance in Teaching Listening  Domagsang, A. G. T. on listening tasks (focusing on
the different  Performance and Observation- (2016). Exploring performed Feedbacking
tasks in speaking Based Assessment in Teaching literature ang 4. Differentiating/ Process, Use of
through rammar: Reading analyzing listening Rubrics, and
and writing skills. lesson plans applying
simulations;  Feedbacking in Assessing Appropriate
Brilliant Creations bottom-up, top-down,
 Craft a learning Listening Tips/Feedback
Publishing, Inc. and interactive
plan according to Provided to
 Wakat, G. S., Caroy, approaches
the English Learner)
A. A., Paulino, F. B., 5. Pair learning plan
curricula that is Jose, M. J., Ordonio, making in accordance 6.Making a Learning
developed from M. R. M., Palangyos, to the English curricula Plan in Teaching
research-based A. C., Palangyos, S. listening competencies Listening (focusing
knowledge and M., Dizon, E. G. J., 6. Pair synthesis of on Completeness,
principles of Dela Cruz, A. E., & original learning Appropriate
speaking and the Sao-an, M. B. (2018). materials for listening Approach Used,
theoretical bases, Purposive appropriate for and Facilitative
principles, communication. learners and the Process)
methods, and Lorimar Publishing, assigned/chosen 7.Making Original
strategies in Inc. competencies Instructional
teaching these  Wyson, J. D. B. 7. Teaching listening Materials in
(2016). English for demonstration on the
components; and Teaching Listening
Academic and assigned/ chosen
 Conduct a (focusing on
Professional learning competencies
teaching Appropriateness
Purposes. Vibal 8. Feedbacking of
demonstration of Group, Inc. and
instructor to
the assigned Resourcefulness)
demonstrator on
learning 8.Teaching
teaching listening
competencies in Demonstration in
speaking. Listening (focusing
on Teacher-Like
Environment, and
ation Process

 Select 5. The Receptive Macro Skills- 1. Sharing of reading 1. Pen and Paper 1. Graphic Weeks 15-
differentiated Reading advocacies (video or Test Organizers 18
learning tasks in  Nature and Purposes of live) by NGOs, famous 2. Lesson Plan 2. Computer (12 hrs)
teaching Reading personalities, and /laptop/
advocates 3. Graded
speaking to suit  Reading Comprehension and mobile
2. Class discussion on the Reporting/Lect
learners’ gender, Sub-Skills in Reading phones/inte
relevance of reading, ure/Discussion
needs, strengths,  Reading Techniques and rnet
nature, purposes, 4. Various
interests, and Strategies GoogleClass
comprehension, sub- objective
experiences;  Approaches in Teaching room/
skills, and techniques comprehension
 Demonstrate Reading (Bottom-Up, Top- Googlemeet
and strategies in tasks in reading
how to provide Down, Interactive) reading /SVFC
as diagnostic
timely, accurate,  Goddell’s Reading Skills Ladder 3. Varied teacher-led Portal
and formative
and constructive and Stages of Reading activities on testing 3. Lesson
feedback to  Reading Program and the Good reading Plan
5. Reading Task
improve learner Reader comprehension and Model
performance in  Lesson Design in Teaching sub-skills 4. Demonstr
the different Reading 4. Pair feedbacking ation
(focusing on
tasks in speaking  Materials and Resources in practice and simulation Teaching
through Teaching Reading on reading tasks Model
Process, Use of
simulations; performed
 Performance and Observation- Rubrics, and
 Craft a learning 5. Differentiating/
Based Assessment in Teaching Appropriate
plan according to analyzing lesson plans
Reading Tips/ Feedback
the English applying bottom-up,
 Feedbacking in Assessing top-down, and Provided to
curricula that is Reading Learner)
interactive approaches
developed from 6. Making a
6. Identifying skills and
research-based stages of readers in Learning Plan I
knowledge and varied situations and Teaching
principles of discussing appropriate Reading
speaking and the strategies for reading (focusing on
theoretical bases, program making and Completeness,
principles, implementation Appropriate
methods, and 7. Pair learning plan Approach Used,
strategies in making in accordance and Facilitative
to the English curricula
teaching these Process)
reading competencies
components; and 7. Making Original
8. Pair synthesis of
 Conduct a Instructional
original learning
teaching materials for reading Materials in
demonstration of appropriate for Teaching
the assigned learners and the Reading
learning assigned/chosen (focusing on
competencies in competencies Appropriatenes
speaking. 9. Teaching reading s and
demonstration on the Resourcefulnes
assigned/chosen s)
learning competencies 8. Teaching
10. Feedbacking of Demonstration
instructor to in Reading
democtrator on (focusing on
teaching reading Teacher-Like
Suggested Readings Fay de Azevedo, A., & Buchweitz, A. (2015). Listening comprehension: Explicit training on listening strategies in beginning L2 learners. Brazilian
and References English Language Teaching Journal, 6(1), 56–66. Retrieved from
20751/13628 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Martín del Pozo, M. Á. (2017). Training teachers for English Medium Instruction: Lessons from research on second language listening
comprehension. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 12(1), 55–63. Retrieved
from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
National Geographic Learning: Young Learners. (2015, February 27). Playing picture card games with very young learners.
National Geographic Learning: Young Learners. (2015, September 15). Practicing Vocabulary with picture cards.
World Learning. (2019). Reading and Writing Around the World. In “Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World” [MOOC].
World Learning. (2019). Reading and Writing Around the World. In “Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World” [MOOC].
World Learning. (2019). Reading and Writing from the Outside-In - Contexts of Reading. In “Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World”
World Learning. (2019). How Do We Understand Struggling Readers Better? In “Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World” [MOOC].
World Learning. (2019). Module 1 Summary. In “Teaching Grammar Communicatively” [MOOC].
Shin, J. K. (2017). Literacy instruction for young EFL learners: A balanced approach. American English E-Teacher Program.
Shin, J. K. (2007). Developing dynamic units for EFL. English Teaching Forum, 45(2), 2-8. Retrieved July 27, 2017,
from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 
Teo, A., Shaw, Y. F., Chen, J., & Wang, D. (2016). Using concept mapping to teach young EFL learners reading skills. English Teaching Forum, 54(2),
20-26. Retrieved July 27, 2017, from (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site. 
Yeldman, M., & Gruba, P. (2016). The development of individual learners in an LE listening strategies course. Language Teaching Research, 20(1), 9-

Course Requirements 1.Paper Presentation (oral reports)

2.Attendance and class participation
3. Term Paper (Position Paper)
4. Research (Case) Analysis
4.1 Executive Summary
4.1.1 The purpose of the research study
4.1.2 The scope of the research
4.1.3 The main findings and points of discussion
4.1.4 The main conclusions of the research
4.1.5 The main recommendation
4.2 Findings
4.2.1 Problem Identification and Analysis
4.2.2 Evaluation of Alternative Solutions
4.3 Conclusion
4.4 Recommendation and Implementation
4.5 Reference List
Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by:

Richard Michael Dean B. Isidoro

Professor Vice-President for Academic Affairs Dean of School of Education

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