Fs2 Episode 2
Fs2 Episode 2
Fs2 Episode 2
“The Effects of Formative Feedback and - Amy Anderson and Beth Horihan
Assessment Tools on Writing Proficiency
and Motivation in Elementary
Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the 1. Identified problem to be solved in
action research titles? Do the action the title no. 1 is the effects of
(AR) titles imply problems to be formative assessment on writing.
solved? Yes 2. Identified problem to be solved in
If YES, identify the problems from the title no. 2 is how roleplay and
title you have given. Answer in the reflection influence the classroom
space provided. situations.
3. Identified problem to be solved in
title no. 3 is the impact of explicit
phonemic awareness instruction
on letter-sound fluency.
4. Identified problem to be solved in
title no. 4 is the literacy
comprehension skills.
5. Identified problem to be solved in
title no. 5 is how students -created
formative assessments in
mathematics would affect student
confidence and perceived math
2. What interpretation about action Title of the Action Research: “The Effect
research can you make out of your of Differentiation on Literacy Performance
answer in Question no. 1? in Kindergarten”
3. Write the Title and your interpretation
of the study from the title. From the title, I think, the study aimed to
determine the effects of differentiation of
instruction on literacy comprehension
skills, student’s engagement in learning
varies considerably based on their
interests and desires.
4. What do you think did the author/s do I think the author/s ‘collected data about
with the identified problem as the identified problem and find a solution
presented in their titles? the problem.
2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes, No If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that as a future teacher we need to be an action researcher who
find and seek for the improvement of every techniques and strategies used
in teaching. And attempt to solve problems and improve professional
I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
Due to pandemic, many students cannot read.
What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above
Make a plan that will serves as guide to teach those students who can’t read.
What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the
As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention like giving
reading materials that the students can practice treading in their homes. Before
the class start, make a reading exercises and in every spare time of the students
they go to their teacher to read one by one.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “Improving Reading
Comprehension of Elementary Pupils”