1394-120 Final NCBC Gulfport HWMP
1394-120 Final NCBC Gulfport HWMP
1394-120 Final NCBC Gulfport HWMP
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
May 2020
Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport
Revision 2
Table of Contents
Document Revision Tracking Form ....................................................................................................v
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................vi
Definitions ...........................................................................................................................................viii
Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................ES-1
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Applicability ...............................................................................................................................1-1
2.0 Regulatory Framework ..............................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Federal and State Regulations .................................................................................................2-1
3.0 HWMP Administration ...............................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Availability of the Plan...............................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Requirements for Updates to the Plan ......................................................................................3-1
3.3 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................3-1
3.4 Satellite Accumulation Areas ....................................................................................................3-5
3.5 Reports .....................................................................................................................................3-5
3.5.1 State Hazardous Waste Annual and Biennial Report.........................................................3-5
3.5.2 Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Annual Hazardous Waste Report ......3-5
3.6 Points of Contact ......................................................................................................................3-5
4.0 Training .......................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 General Requirements ..............................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Recordkeeping..........................................................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 Personnel Records .............................................................................................................4-1
4.2.2 Training Records ................................................................................................................4-1
5.0 Hazardous Waste Management Program ................................................................................5-1
5.1 Hazardous Waste Determination ..............................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Contractor Supervised Areas .............................................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Waste Stream Determination and Hazardous Waste Profiling Process.............................5-1
5.2 Hazardous Waste Accumulation ...............................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste Management ................................................................5-2
5.3 Household Hazardous Waste ...................................................................................................5-3
5.4 Waste Military Munitions ...........................................................................................................5-3
5.5 Electronic Waste .......................................................................................................................5-3
5.6 Used Cooking Oil ......................................................................................................................5-3
6.0 Universal Waste Management ..................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Types of Universal Waste .........................................................................................................6-1
List of Tables
Table 3-1: NCBC Gulfport Roles and Responsibilities...........................................................................3-1
Table 3-2: NCBC Gulfport Emergency POCs ........................................................................................3-6
Table 4-1: Personnel Training Courses .................................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2: Training Requirements for Personnel ...................................................................................4-4
Table 4-3: Training Recordkeeping........................................................................................................4-5
Table 5-1: SAA and <90-day Storage Facility Management ..................................................................5-4
List of Appendices
Appendix A – Approved Satellite Accumulation Areas
Appendix B – Authorization Letter Template and Example
Appendix C – NCBC Gulfport Applicable Forms
• DD Form 1348
• DLA Form 2511
• Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest and Continuation Sheet
• Land Disposal Restrictions One-Time Notification/Certification
• Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest
• Hazardous Waste Annual/Biennial Reporting Form
Appendix D – Satellite Accumulation Area Signage Example
Appendix E – Container Marking Examples
• Example of Hazardous Waste Marking
• Example of Universal Waste Marking
• Example of Used Oil Marking
• Example of Non-Hazardous Waste and Non-RCRA Regulated Waste Marking
Appendix F – Satellite Accumulation Area Inspection Form
Appendix G – <90-Day Storage Facility Inspection Form
Appendix H – Visiting Contractor Hazardous Waste Management SOP
Appendix I – Hazardous Waste Coordinator SOP
Appendix J – Hazardous Waste Handler SOP
Appendix K – Universal Waste Management SOP
Appendix L – Waste Military Munitions Management SOP
Appendix M – Electronic Waste Management SOP
Appendix N – Pharmaceutical Waste Management SOP
Appendix O – Used Cooking Oil Management SOP
Accumulation Start Date, less than 90-day Storage Facility – The date that hazardous waste is first
placed in a container at the less than 90-day (<90-day) Storage Facility or the date that a hazardous waste
container arrives at the <90-day Storage Facility.
Accumulation Start Date, Satellite Accumulation Area for Non-Acute Hazardous Waste – The date
that the total amount of hazardous waste exceeds 55 gallons, or when there is only 3 inches of ullage or
headspace remaining; or the date that a container is moved from a satellite accumulation area (SAA) into
a <90-day Storage Facility or permitted transfer, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF).
Accumulation Start Date, Satellite Accumulation Area for Acute Hazardous Waste – The date that
the total amount of hazardous waste exceeds 1 quart of liquid acute hazardous waste or 1 kilogram of
physically solid acute hazardous waste; or the date that a container is moved from an SAA into a <90-day
Storage Facility.
Accumulation Start Date, Universal Waste – The date that the first item is placed in the container.
Acute (Hazardous Waste) – Hazardous wastes listed in accordance with the criteria in 40 CFR
261.11(a)(2) are designated as acute hazardous waste and are assigned the hazard code (H) (40 CFR
261.30). Specifically, a waste is classified as an acute hazardous waste if it is any P-listed waste (40 CFR
261.33) or one of the following F-listed wastes: F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027 (40 CFR 261.31).
Alternate Hazardous Waste Coordinator – The person who assumes the Hazardous Waste
Coordinator’s responsibilities during the absence of the primary Hazardous Waste Coordinator.
Authorized Representative – The person responsible for overall operation of a facility or part of a facility.
An authorized representative is typically the Commanding Officer (CO) or a person of equivalent
responsibility. The CO may designate an authorized representative to act in their behalf.
Best Management Practices – Control measures and decisions based on the latest professional and
technical standards for the protection, enhancement, and rehabilitation of natural resources. Best
management practices include schedules of activities, prohibited practices, maintenance procedures,
treatment requirements, operating procedures, control practices, and other management practices to
prevent or reduce pollution.
Characteristic Waste – A waste that exhibits any one or more of the following characteristic properties:
ignitability (I), corrosivity (C), reactivity (R) or toxicity (E). Each is assigned the hazard code indicated (40
CFR 261.30).
Characterization – The process of identifying waste constituents, their concentrations, and the work
process generating the waste. Characterization ensures waste is handled, treated, and disposed of
properly. Characterization is required to identify the EPA waste codes, the underlying hazardous
constituents (UHCs), and the DOT proper shipping name.
Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Facility – Any hazardous waste management facility that
accepts hazardous waste or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated material for a charge.
Corrosive Hazardous Waste – A solid waste exhibits the characteristics of corrosivity if a representative
sample of the waste has either of the following properties as defined in 49 CFR 261.22: (1) is aqueous
and has a pH less than or equal to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5, as determined by a pH meter using
Method 9040C in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” or (2) is a liquid
and corrodes steel (Society of Automotive Engineers [SAE] 1020) at a rate greater than 6.35 mm (0.25
inch) per year at a test temperature of 55° Celsius (130° Fahrenheit) as determined by Method 110A
(“Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods”).
Debris – Any solid material with a diameter of 2.4 inches or larger that is intended for disposal, including
manufactured objects, plant or animal matter, or natural geologic material such as brushes, rags, rollers,
personnel protective equipment (PPE), large and small equipment, etc.
Dilution – The deliberate mixing of hazardous waste with another material with the purpose of changing
either the characteristic(s) or the concentration of a constituent in the waste. Dilution of a hazardous waste
constitutes “Treatment” and is prohibited without a permit.
Disposal – The process of treating a hazardous waste to render it non-hazardous or to place the
hazardous waste into a permitted end facility such as a hazardous waste landfill or other permitted TSDF.
Disposing of any waste into a wastewater treatment system, storm drain, surface water, or upon land is
Electronic Waste – Used electronic items or components that no longer meet the needs of the owner.
Empty Container – As defined in 40 CFR 261.7, a container or an inner liner removed from a container
from which all material/waste (except compressed gas or an identified acute hazardous waste) has been
removed that can be removed after pouring, puncturing, pumping, or aspirating until no more than 1 inch
of residue remains on the bottom, or no more than 3 percent by weight of the total capacity of the container
remains if it is less than or equal to 119 gallons in size.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act – 40 CFR Parts 350 to 372 intend to: (1)
identify the quantities of chemicals present on, or released from, facilities; (2) understand the potential
problems that hazardous materials pose to surrounding communities and environment; and (3) provide
information to the public and local emergency planning and response organizations. The four major
provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) are emergency
planning (sections 301-303), emergency release notification (section 304), hazardous chemical storage
reporting (sections 311-312), and toxic chemical release inventory (section 313).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Codes – The specific alphanumeric
sequence assigned by EPA to specify type and characteristic of a hazardous waste.
Generator of Record – The owner/operator recognized by EPA as the generator of a hazardous waste
and holder of the EPA Generator ID number of a contiguous facility.
Halogenated Solvent – Solvents that contain fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine such as Freon, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2,2-trifluoroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane, and methylene
Hazardous Material – Any material designated by U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) as posing a
potential threat while being transported. Hazardous materials are listed in 49 CFR Part 172.
Hazardous Substance – A material included in the specific list of chemicals designated by EPA in 40 CFR
Part 302 that may pose a substantial threat to human health or the environment when discharged into the
environment because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics.
Hazardous substances are regulated only when released in a quantity equal to or exceeding the reportable
quantity (RQ) listed in 40 CFR Part 302.
Hazardous Waste – Any discarded solid waste as defined in 40 CFR 261.3 (liquid, semi-solid, solid, or
gaseous) that meets the definition of a hazardous waste. A solid waste is a listed hazardous waste if it is
specifically listed in 40 CFR 261.31 (F-list), 261.32 (K-list), or 261.33 (P- or U-list ), and/or is a
characteristic hazardous waste if it exhibits the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or
toxicity per the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP).
Hazardous Waste Coordinator – The person responsible for the operation and management of the
hazardous waste program at each location and/or work center where industrial waste or hazardous waste
is generated or stored.
Hazardous Waste Generator – Any person, by site, whose act or process produces hazardous waste or
whose act first causes a hazardous waste to become subject to regulation.
Hazardous Waste Activity – Work center or department/tenant/command/contractor where processes
create, originate, or have the potential to create or originate hazardous waste.
Head Space – The unused volume inside a filled container that allows for expansion (also known as
“ullage” in a container of liquid or a tank). The minimum required head space for each container at NCBC
Gulfport is 3 inches.
Ignitable (Hazardous Waste) – Liquids with flash points below 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60° Celsius),
non-liquids that cause fire through specific conditions, and ignitable compressed gases and oxidizers as
defined in 49 CFR 261.21.
Incompatible Hazardous Material / Hazardous Substance / Hazardous Waste – Any two materials
that will react with each other to produce undesirable products, violent reactions, and/or toxic fumes.
Inner Liner – A continuous layer of material placed inside a container that separates the container from
the material stored in it.
Lamps – The bulb or tube portion of an electric lighting device. Some lamps, such as fluorescent, high-
intensity discharge (HID), neon, mercury vapor, high-pressure sodium, and metal halide lamps, contain
potentially hazardous constituents and may require special handling and management.
Leachate – The liquid, including any suspended components in the liquid; that has percolated through or
drained from a waste.
Less-than-90-day Storage Facility – An area where hazardous waste may be stored or accumulated,
not to exceed 90 days.
Manifest – EPA Form 8700-22 (and EPA Form 8700-22A, if necessary) shipping document, originated
and signed by the generator, which accompanies and is used for tracking the transportation of hazardous
Manifest Tracking Number – The alphanumeric identification number (unique three-letter suffix preceded
by nine numerical digits) that is preprinted in Item 4 of the manifest by a registered source.
Mercury-Containing Equipment – Any device or part of a device (excluding batteries and lamps) that
contains elemental mercury.
Military Munitions – Includes all ammunition products and components produced for or used by DoD for
national defense and security. Military munitions does not include wholly inert items, improvised explosive
devices (IED), or nuclear weapons, nuclear devices, and nuclear components thereof. The Military
Munitions Rule defines when munitions become waste and how they are managed.
Non-Halogenated Solvent – Any solvent not containing the chemicals listed in the definition for
halogenated solvent, including methyl ethyl ketone, alcohol, xylene, toluene, acetone, and benzene.
Other Regulated Materials – A material such as a consumer commodity that, although otherwise subject
to Subpart D of 49 CFR Part 173, presents a limited hazard during transportation due to its form, quantity,
and packaging. It must be a material for which exceptions are provided, as shown in the table in 49 CFR
Paint and Paint-Related Waste – Liquid paints, thinner, and debris such as rags, brushes, rollers, tape,
etc., or a mixture of pigment and suitable liquids that form an adherent coating when spread on a surface
or any material.
Pesticide – Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or
mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.
Pharmaceutical Waste – Any discarded chemical product, vaccine, or allergenic (including any product
with the primary purpose to dispense or deliver a chemical product, vaccine, or allergenic) that does not
contain a radioactive component and is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of disease or injury in man or other animals, or that is intended to affect the structure or function
of the body in man or other animals. This definition includes products such as transdermal patches and
oral delivery devices such as gums or lozenges. This definition does not include sharps or other infectious
or biohazardous waste, medical devices not used for delivery or dispensing purposes, equipment,
contaminated PPE, or contaminated cleaning materials.
Point of Generation – Identifies the place a material first becomes subject to hazardous waste regulations
at the department, unit, or work center with the intention of disposal.
Profile Number – A unique alphanumeric identification number used to designate a specific waste stream.
Profile Sheet – Defense Logistics Agency Form 2511 or other forms used to document specific disposal
information for each waste stream sent to the disposal facility.
Reactive (Hazardous Waste) – A solid waste exhibits the characteristics of reactivity if a representative
sample of the waste has any of the following properties as defined in 49 CFR 261.23: (1) It is normally
unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating; (2) It reacts violently with water; (3) It
forms potentially explosive mixtures with water; (4) When mixed with water, it generates toxic gases,
vapors, or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment; (5) It is
a cyanide or sulfide-bearing waste which, when exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5, can
generate toxic gases, vapors, or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the
environment; (6) It is capable of detonation or explosive reaction if it is subjected to a strong initiating
source or if heated under confinement; (7) It is readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition
or reaction at standard temperature and pressure; or (8) It is a forbidden explosive as defined in 49 CFR
173.51, a Class A explosive as defined in 49 CFR 173.53, or a Class B explosive as defined in 49 CFR
Reclaimed – Any material that is processed to recover a usable product or to regenerate a material
(40 CFR 261.1).
Recycled – Any material that is converted into a reusable material.
Reportable Quantity – Identifies the amount of material (pounds or gallons) that triggers a reporting
requirement to regulatory agencies when spilled or released to the environment. Reportable quantity
amounts are specific to each material.
Representative Sample – A sample of a universe or whole (e.g., waste pile, groundwater) that can be
expected to exhibit the average properties of the universe or whole.
EPA Hazardous Waste Number specified in Table 1 which corresponds to the toxic contaminant causing
it to be hazardous as defined in 40 CFR 261.24.
Ullage – The unused volume inside a filled container that allows for expansion.
Underlying Hazardous Constituent – Any constituent listed in 40 CFR 268.48 that can reasonably be
expected to be present at the point of generation of the hazardous waste at a concentration above the
constituent-specific universal treatment standards.
United Nations / North American Designations – DOT identification numbers assigned to hazardous
material are preceded by either a United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) designation and are
indexed by response instructions found in the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) for use in the event of
an accident. Those preceded by UN are associated with descriptions considered appropriate for
international shipments as well as domestic shipments. The NA designation is limited to use in the United
States and Canada only.
Universal Waste – Commonly occurring hazardous waste eligible for streamlined disposal universal
waste requirements of 40 CFR Part 273:
• Batteries (40 CFR 273.2)
• Pesticides (40 CFR 273.3)
• Mercury-containing equipment (40 CFR 273.4)
• Lamps (40 CFR 273.5)
Used Oil – Oil that has been refined from crude oil and used as a lubricating, hydraulic, or heat-transfer
fluid and contaminated through that use. Used oil has the potential for reuse or recycling.
Waste Characterization – The process of identifying waste components and their chemical
concentrations as well as the work process used to generate the waste. Waste characterization is required
to ensure the correct identification of the waste and use of EPA waste numbers/codes necessary for the
safe and proper handling, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste.
Waste Military Munitions – Military munitions that has been abandoned, removed from storage for
disposal, damaged or deteriorated so badly it cannot be recycled or used for another purpose, or declared
waste by the designated disposition authority.
Waste Stream Determination – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations at 40
CFR 262.11 require that any person who produces or generates a waste must determine if that waste is
hazardous. In doing so, 40 CFR 262.11 presents the steps in the hazardous waste identification process:
1) Is the waste a "solid waste"? 2) Is the waste specifically excluded from the RCRA regulations? 3) Is the
waste a "listed" hazardous waste? 4) Does the waste exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste?
Waste Profiling – A method to identify and classify waste streams based on analytical testing or user
knowledge of the specific process.
Wastewater – Water that contains less than 1% by weight total organic carbon and less than 1% by weight
total suspended solids.
Executive Summary
This Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP) was developed in accordance with guidance and
requirements set forth in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 5090.1
series, and applies to all contractors, tenants, and commands aboard Naval Construction Battalion Center
(NCBC) Gulfport.
This HWMP identifies and implements hazardous waste management actions required by local state and
federal law and provides the procedures and responsibilities for NCBC Gulfport to properly manage that
waste. It is NCBC Gulfport policy to minimize hazardous waste generation. Hazardous waste minimization
is to be accomplished by incorporating hazardous waste management actions into the NCBC Gulfport
Environmental Management System (EMS) and applying best management practices (BMP).
This HWMP is available to all contractors, tenants, and commands aboard NCBC Gulfport that
accumulate, generate, transport (including on-installation transportation), treat, store, or dispose of
hazardous waste for compliance.
This HWMP must be reviewed and updated whenever installation/facility conditions or operations change
that would affect hazardous waste accumulation, generation, transportation, treatment, storage, or
1.0 Introduction
Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport is located approximately 65 miles east of New
Orleans, Louisiana and 1 mile inland from the Mississippi Sound in the Gulf of Mexico. NCBC Gulfport is
located northwest of downtown Gulfport, Mississippi, bound on the north by West 28th Street and west of
Highway 49. Klondyke Road and Railroad Street are located to the south. NCBC Gulfport covers
approximately 1,100 acres of land.
The mission of NCBC Gulfport is to maintain and operate facilities and provide services and material in
support of Naval Construction Force Units, to include Amphibious Construction Fleet Units, the Maritime
Prepositioning Force (Enhanced), and other fleet and assigned organizational units deployed from or
homeported at NCBC Gulfport, and to perform such other functions and tasks as may be assigned by
higher authority.
NCBC Gulfport is classified as a large quantity generator (LQG) of hazardous waste and has one
designated less than 90-day (<90-day) Storage Facility for hazardous waste. NCBC Gulfport has filed
notification to EPA and Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) as an LQG and has
been assigned the following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Generator Identification (ID):
NCBC Gulfport Public Works Department (PWD) Environmental Division maintains copies of the
Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). This document is available upon request to regulators and
personnel who manage hazardous waste.
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) authorized the EPA to implement regulations for
the management of hazardous waste from the point of generation through final disposal (“cradle to grave”).
The U.S. Congress waived sovereign immunity for Department of Defense (DoD) facilities, subjecting
them to full regulation including assessment of fines and penalties. The EPA granted the State of
Mississippi authority to implement and enforce regulations for identification, packaging, labeling, storing,
and transporting hazardous waste, as well as treatment standards for proper disposal of regulated waste.
The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 5090.1 series requires all shore
installations to develop a Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP) to manage hazardous waste in
accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. This HWMP identifies state and federal
requirements for hazardous waste management at NCBC Gulfport and provides the procedures and
responsibilities to comply with the regulations and properly manage hazardous waste.
1.1 Applicability
This HWMP provides requirements and guidance for the proper management of hazardous waste at
NCBC Gulfport. All personnel, including contractors, commands, and tenant commands working at NCBC
Gulfport retain liability for and must abide by this HWMP. Failure to abide by this HWMP may result in
revocation of access to NCBC Gulfport. Any fines, violations, or penalties may be delegated to the
offending entity (e.g., contractor/tenant/command). The NCBC Gulfport Commanding Officer (CO) grants
access to contractors working aboard the installation; therefore, any contractor improperly managing
hazardous waste or failing to comply with this instruction may be denied access to the installation.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast (NAVFAC SE) PWD Environmental Division has the
responsibility and authority to manage wastes at NCBC Gulfport. The NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste
Program Manager (HWPM) provides direction and support to personnel, including contractors.
Role Responsibility
• Approves the purchase of hazardous waste spill response and waste handling equipment as
well as reference materials when appropriate
• Ensures reports and compliance documents are complete and submitted to the appropriate
federal, state, and local regulatory agencies and Navy activities in a timely manner
HWPM • Provides management and technical expertise to facilitate implementation of this HWMP
• Acts as primary liaison between NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division and generators
at NCBC Gulfport
• Ensures this HWMP and the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan (HWCP) is maintained and
updated as necessary
• Ensures this plan, as well as the standard operating procedures (SOPs) delineating
hazardous waste management are kept current
• Oversees scheduling and/or pickup and manifesting of hazardous waste offsite by a licensed
transporter and ensure only personnel authorized by the CO signs hazardous waste
• Designated in writing by the CO to sign hazardous waste manifest
• Performs long-range planning for hazardous waste reductions, recycling, and reclamation
when practical
• Determines proper waste management standards for NCBC Gulfport and conveys these
standards to generators through NCBC Gulfport instructions, memorandums, Interservice
Support Agreements (ISSAs), Memorandum of Agreements, and contract modifications, if
• Performs and documents waste stream determinations (WSDs)
• Purchases and supplies hazardous waste labels, markings, placards and forms
• Responds to spills in support of the Fire Department and acts as the EC if needed
• Tracks manifests; contacts transporter and/or designated facility if a copy of a manifest with
handwritten signature of owner/operator of the designated disposal facility is not received
within 30 days of initial shipment
• Prepares exception reports for submittal to regulators if a copy of the manifest, signed by the
owner/operator of the designated facility, is not received within 45 days of initial shipment
• Maintains all necessary documentation (e.g., manifests, land disposal restrictions (LDRs),
waste stream determinations, inspection records) and executes required reports (e.g.,
Biennial Report, Navy Pollution Prevention Annual Data Summary Hazardous Waste Report)
• Maintains a list of SAAs, identifying each work center that generates waste (Appendix A).
• Inspects SAAs annually to ensure compliance.
• Reviews and approves SAA requests for work centers generating waste
• Documents inspections of SAAs and <90-day Storage Facility in accordance with regulatory
requirements; ensures inspection records are available for review by the regulatory
• Ensures SAAs and <90-day Storage Facility comply with regulations and this HWMP
• Notifies the IEPD whenever a situation has or may occur that could jeopardize the compliance
posture of the command
• Files and maintains “Generator’s/Shipper’s Initial Copy” of waste manifests
Role Responsibility
Hazardous Waste • Acts as a liaison between NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division, the <90-day Storage
Handler Facility, and generators at NCBC Gulfport
• Maintains the <90-day Storage Facility in a safe, efficient, orderly, and compliant manner
• Issues only DOT-approved containers to generating units at approved SAA locations
• Picks up and transports waste from SAAs and/or <90-day Storage Facility within the NCBC
Gulfport complex in a safe, compliant, and timely manner
• Ensures all waste containers are in good condition and properly labeled; repackages
hazardous waste as required
• Manages and handles waste containers in a manner to avoid damage and content spillage
• Performs compliance inspections of the <90-day Storage Facility
• Repackages hazardous waste
• Identifies any condition that is, or may be, of danger to personnel or the environment and (if
properly trained and it is safe to do so) takes immediate action(s) to protect these resources
• Notifies the EC in the event of an emergency
• Immediately notifies the NCBC Gulfport HWPM of dangerous or non-compliant situations
• Designated in writing by the CO to sign HW Manifest
• Follow the requirements set forth in Appendix J
Safety Officer • Informs the IEPD of environmental health and safety deficiencies noted during inspections
• Coordinates actions with the IEPD during spill responses
• Investigates, evaluates, recommends, procures, and tracks necessary safety-related
equipment for proper handling and accumulation of hazardous waste
NCBC Gulfport Fire • Serves as first responder and IC, as delegated by the CO, for hazardous waste emergencies
Department at NCBC Gulfport
• Has primary responsibility for emergency response and is required to notify and coordinate
with the EC in the event of hazardous-waste-related emergencies
• Has authority to commit resources needed to carry out the HWCP
• Performs functions set forth in 40 CFR 262.265(e) including taking reasonable measures
necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, and releases do not occur, recur, or spread to
other hazardous waste at SAAs or NCBC Gulfport <90-day Storage Facility
• Maintains spill response equipment necessary for initial response
• Instructs appropriate personnel for emergency response. The instructions should include, but
are not limited to, the following:
• Emergency communications and alarm systems
• Procedures for response to liquid spills
• Power failure response procedures
• Evacuation routes and procedures
• Response to fires and explosions
• Decontamination procedures
• Procedures for removal and containerization of released material, contaminated soil or
surface water, or any other material that results from a release, fire, or explosion
Installation • Maintain records of the hazardous material issued to each activity and provide reports as
Consolidated requested by the IEPD, HWPM, and Safety Officers
Hazards Reuse • Ensure that Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available to the shop personnel who use the
Inventory and hazardous material
Program (CHRIMP)
Centers and Supply
Role Responsibility
Defense Logistics • Processes the DD Form 1348s for hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste disposal that
Agency are submitted by the installation HWPM
• Coordinates with the NCBC Gulfport HWPM regarding hazardous waste classification and
hazardous waste pick-ups, transport, and disposal
• Provides delivery orders to the NCBC Gulfport HWPM
• Provides the contractor for transportation and disposal of hazardous waste
• Provides the regulatory knowledge and logistics for disposal of electronics (computers,
printers, computer peripherals, stereos, TVs, etc.) that are Government property
COs, Officers-in- • Retain liability for misidentified and/or mismanaged waste generated and managed by their
Charge, Department command
Heads, or Senior • Ensure personnel are trained in, aware of, and comply with the provisions of this HWMP
Civilians • Designate in writing a Hazardous Waste Coordinator (HWC) and alternate including names,
phone numbers, and email addresses
• Ensure that HWC and alternate are trained and have the working knowledge to properly
manage hazardous waste, universal waste, non-RCRA regulated waste, and used oil
• Ensure personnel and their supervisors who generate or oversee the generation,
segregation, collection, containerization of hazardous waste, universal waste, or used oil
complete at least initial training within 6 months of assignment, and annual refresher training
Hazardous Waste • Ensure waste is properly managed in accordance with this HWMP
Coordinators (HWC) • Ensure only approved containers are used to store waste
and Alternates • Ensure SAAs are approved by NCBC Gulfport HWPM, Fire Department, and Safety before
waste is generated (approved SAAs are listed in Appendix A)
• Ensure applicable SAAs are managed in accordance with Table 5-1
• Identify new materials and/or processes in their area and notify the NCBC Gulfport HWPM
for proper waste stream determination
• Inform PWD HWPM of any changes in materials, work processes, or procedures that may
affect hazardous waste generation before generating waste
• Schedule and be present during waste pickup and transfer to the <90-day Storage Facility
• Ensure containers are stored so that labels are visible when approaching and that there is
direct access to each container
• Ensure that container labels are completed accurately and are legible
• Ensure segregation of incompatible wastes
• Conduct weekly SAA inspections and correct deficiencies
• Maintain weekly SAA inspection reports and personnel training records for a minimum of
three years
• Liaison with NCBC Gulfport HWPM regarding waste issues at the designated work center
• The Work Center Supervisor will assume waste management duties during the absence of
assigned HWCs
• Provide a copy of the letter of designation as Hazardous Waste Coordinator or Alternate to
HWPM (Appendix B)
• Follow the requirements set forth in Appendix I
Role Responsibility
Work Center • Operate and maintain SAA in compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and
Personnel instructions
(Hazardous Waste • Ensure proper PPE is available, is in good working condition, and is properly used by
Generators) personnel as necessary
• Ensure waste is properly managed in accordance with this plan
• Ensure containers are stored so that the labels are visible when approaching and there is
direct access to each container
• Ensure segregation of incompatible wastes
• Maintain 3-inch headspace in hazardous waste containers
• Conducts housekeeping in and around SAA
CHRIMP – Consolidated Hazards Reuse Inventory and IC – Incident Commander
Management Program IEPD – Installation Environmental Program Director
CO – Commanding Officer ISSA – Interservice Support Agreement
EC – Emergency Coordinator POC – Point of Contact
EMS – Environmental Management System PWO – Public Works Officer
HWC – Hazardous Waste Coordinator SDS – Safety Data Sheet
HWCP – Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
WSD – Waste Stream Determination
3.4 Satellite Accumulation Areas
Everyone (command/tenant command/contractor) is responsible for managing waste at NCBC Gulfport in
accordance with this HWMP and appropriate federal, state, and Navy regulations. Contractors, tenants,
commands, and others are responsible and liable for controlling their areas (designated dumpsters, work
centers, parking lots, etc.) as well as any waste that is generated and/or stored in those areas.
3.5 Reports
The following reports are required by federal, state, and local regulations and submitted to the regulatory
authorities by the IEPD or designee.
3.5.1 State Hazardous Waste Annual and Biennial Report
Hazardous waste generators in Mississippi are required by 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 3, Chapter 1, Rule
1.4 to file annual hazardous waste reports with the state by March 1 of each calendar year (CY) using the
EPA Hazardous Waste Reporting Form (Appendix C). Data for the previous year’s hazardous waste
activities is reported to MDEQ, and MDEQ sends the flat files to EPA on a biennial basis. Reports may be
submitted electronically, and the Declaration of Electronic Filing of the Annual Hazardous Waste Report
Page must be printed, signed and sent to the MDEQ.
3.5.2 Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Annual Hazardous Waste
Installations that manifest hazardous waste off-site are required per OPNAV M-5090.1 Chapter 27-4 to
collect and submit data to support the Annual Hazardous Waste Data Call. Host installations report these
data for all tenants. The data are collected and reported through the U.S. Navy Environmental Portal
Hazardous Waste Module (by March 15). Hazardous waste generation, recycling, and disposal quantities
are reported annually, by CY, as part of the data-collection process.
3.6 Points of Contact
Hazardous waste emergency POCs at NCBC Gulfport are included in Table 3-2.
4.0 Training
4.1 General Requirements
Training requirements for NCBC Gulfport hazardous waste personnel are derived from criteria described
in 29 CFR, 40 CFR, and 49 CFR. Topics to be covered for the environmental staff, Hazardous Waste
Coordinators, and Hazardous Waste Handlers are included in Table 4-1. All training instructors must be
knowledgeable in their specific area of hazardous waste management and ensure the following is
• All personnel who have responsibilities for hazardous waste at NCBC Gulfport must be trained in
accordance with this HWMP and as identified in Table 4-2 and documented in accordance with
Section 4.2 of this HWMP.
• Hazardous waste training applicable to NCBC Gulfport and course content is described in Table
• Hazardous waste training responsibilities for NCBC Gulfport HWPM, Hazardous Waste Handlers,
and Hazardous Waste Coordinators are found in Table 3-1.
• Required training frequencies for each type of training are outlined in Table 4-2.
• Personnel who have not yet received initial training must be supervised by a trained employee
until the training has been completed.
• Employees must have 6 months of assignment to the position to be fully trained.
• Personnel who have a significant lapse in training (e.g., refresher training that is more than 12
months overdue) must repeat required initial training.
4.2 Recordkeeping
Recordkeeping requirements are detailed in Table 4-3.
4.2.1 Personnel Records
The following personnel records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
• Name, job title, job description, and type and amount of initial and annual review training required
• Appointment letter, certifications, and record of training
4.2.2 Training Records
The following training records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
• Log of annual and initial training, including dates completed.
• On-the-job training including content, schedule, technique(s) used, and instructor must be
documented. On-the-job training must be conducted by a supervisor or other trained employee
skilled in the subject area.
• Training records must be current and retained for a period of at least 3 years from last date of
employment at NCBC Gulfport. This requirement includes any personnel working on the
Hazardous Waste
CO – Commanding Officer HAZWOPER – Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations HWPM – Hazardous Waste Program Manager PWO – Public Works Officer
DOT – Department of Transportation IEPD – Installation Environmental Program Director RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SAA – Satellite Accumulation Area
• Ensure containers are closed and ready for transport in accordance with manufacturer’s and DOT
closure requirements
• Ensure the containers are staged for pickup
• Ensure containers are properly labeled
The HWC or Alternate shall be present for each pick up or delivery of waste and discrepancies shall be
immediately corrected.
5.3 Household Hazardous Waste
Household hazardous waste is residential hazardous waste that is generated from NCBC Gulfport Family
Housing areas. Household hazardous waste is exempt from RCRA permitting regulations. Examples of
potential household hazardous waste include paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides. Household
hazardous wastes cannot be disposed of utilizing the NCBC Gulfport <90-day Storage Facility at Building
276. These wastes can be disposed of in the regular trash; however, residents are encouraged to dispose
of household hazardous waste through local community programs and collections
5.4 Waste Military Munitions
Under the Military Munitions Rule, waste military munitions are exempt from hazardous waste regulations
if they are managed in accordance with conditions set forth in 40 CFR Part 266. Military munitions are not
a waste when used for their intended purpose or when recycled following any required demilitarization,
disposal, or treatment operations. Military munitions are waste when they are abandoned, removed from
storage for disposal, damaged or deteriorated so badly they cannot be recycled or used for another
purpose, or designated as waste by the designated disposition authority. Disposal of waste military
munitions is conducted by open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) under strict operating procedures at a
RCRA Subpart X permitted unit unless deemed unstable by the designated disposition authority
(Appendix L Waste Military Munitions).
5.5 Electronic Waste
Electronic waste management procedures are provided in Appendix M.
5.6 Used Cooking Oil
Used cooking oil management procedures are provided in Appendix O.
o Lead acid batteries must be stored on a containment pallet or other storage device to
contain spills.
o Storage devices must be marked as universal waste, the contents indicated using
permanent ink, and dated at the time the first battery was placed into the container.
o Broken batteries (breached casing), including any spilled acid, must be managed as
hazardous waste.
• All other batteries (e.g., nickel cadmium, nickel halide, magnesium, lithium-ion, mercury, alkaline,
and carbon zinc)
o All batteries must be protected from short circuiting and related fires. This may be done
by one of the following methods:
Both battery terminals must be taped
Batteries must be contained in the original container
Each battery sealed in an individual plastic bag
o Batteries must be segregated by type and accumulated into closed, proportionately sized
containers—only one type of battery per container.
o Batteries must be labeled as universal waste, the contents indicated using permanent ink,
and dated at the time the first battery was placed into the container.
o Damaged or defective lithium-ion batteries and/or lithium-metal batteries must be
managed as hazardous waste (Appendix K Universal Waste Management). Mercury-Containing Equipment
Mercury-containing equipment means a device or part of a device (including thermostats but excluding
batteries and lamps) that contains elemental mercury integral to its function. Management requirements
• Devices must be placed into an open-top, polyethylene DOT-approved container.
• For devices where mercury is not in a sealed ampule, mercury must be placed inside a sealed,
air-tight casing.
• Mercury-containing equipment should be labeled as universal waste, the contents indicated using
permanent ink, and dated at the time the first device was placed into the container. Lamps
Universal waste mercury-containing lamps include fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lightbulbs
(CFL), mercury vapor, high intensity discharge (HID), metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and neon/argon
lamps. Management requirements are primarily intended to protect the lamps from breakage.
Requirements include:
• Unbroken lamps must be stored in closed and labeled containers. Original box or a two- or three-
ply cardboard box may be used.
• All containers/boxes must be labeled as universal waste, the contents indicated using permanent
ink, and dated at the time the first lamp was placed into the container.
• Broken lamps must be collected and contained immediately in an approved, compatible container.
Containers of broken lamps must be managed as hazardous waste. Once a broken bulb is
collected and contained, contact the NCBC Gulfport HWPM or Hazardous Waste Handler to
schedule a transfer of the waste.
6.2.3 Inspections
Universal waste SAAs are inspected weekly in the same manner as hazardous waste SAA sites using the
SAA Inspection Form (Appendix F). This form must be retained for a minimum of 3 years.
6.2.4 Accumulation Time
Universal waste may be accumulated and stored for up to 1 year from the date the first waste is placed in
the container. However, to ensure compliance with the 1-year accumulation requirement, universal waste
may only be stored for 180 days on NCBC Gulfport before scheduling a pick-up. Each SAA container must
be labeled with an ASD when the first universal waste is placed into the container.
6.2.5 Pickup and Turn-In Procedures
When the universal waste SAA containers reach 90 percent capacity or have been in use for 90 days
(whichever occurs first), the NCBC Gulfport HWPM (228.323.1654) or the Hazardous Waste Handler
(228.323.9877) should be contacted to schedule a pickup or delivery to the <90-Day Storage Facility.
6.2.6 Recordkeeping
Records (logs, invoices, manifests, bills of lading) and receipt of all universal waste shipments must be
maintained, easily accessible, and include the following information:
• Name and address of the waste handler or destination facility
• Quantity of universal waste received
• Date of receipt of the universal waste shipment
• Records must be retained for at least 3 years from the date the universal waste shipment left the
facility and must be archived thereafter for the life of the installation.
Used absorbents and POL spill debris that do not meet the definition of an RCRA-listed or characteristic
waste are collected and managed as non-regulated waste. Containers or bags of used absorbents and
POL spill debris should contain no free liquids.
7.2 Used Oil Management, Inspection, and Accumulation Time
7.2.1 Satellite Accumulation Areas
Used oil SAA sites can be established by contacting the NCBC Gulfport HWPM. Each individual SAA
must be approved and have signage posted. The SAA signage is provided in Appendix D.
7.2.2 Container Management
Used oil is collected in properly labeled, non-leaking, structurally sound aboveground storage tanks (AST)
or DOT-approved containers compatible with the used oil stored in them. All containers must be labeled
with a “Used Oil” marking on a contrasting background with well-balanced letters not less than 2-inches
high (Appendix E). Special handling procedures for each type of used oil and POL liquids are included in
the subsections below. Used Oil and POL Liquids
Handling procedures and management requirements for used oil and POL liquids include:
• Used oil and POL liquids must be stored in closed-top, DOT-approved containers, tanks, and/or
RCRA-approved units in good condition (not leaking, dented, or corroded). NCBC Gulfport HWPM
will approve or provide approved containers.
• ASTs may also be used for accumulation of used oil in accordance with the Spill Prevention,
Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan.
• Containers and ASTs must remain closed except when adding or removing used oil.
• Containers must be labeled, including drip pans, with the words “Used Oil” or a Used Oil label
(Appendix E). Used Oil Filters
Handling procedures and management requirements for used oil filters include:
• Used oil filters that have been drained of all free-flowing liquids (minimum of 2 hours drain) should
be stored in an open-top, DOT-approved container in good condition (not leaking, dented, or
• Where available, utilizes oil filter crushers to drain and crush used oil filters.
• Containers must remain closed except when adding or removing used oil filters.
• Used oil filters must be labeled as “Drained Used Oil Filters” with permanent ink or label
(Appendix E). Non-Hazardous Oily Rags, Used Absorbents, and POL Spill Debris
Handling procedures and management requirements for non-hazardous used absorbent and POL spill
debris include:
• Non-hazardous oily rags, used absorbents, and POL spill debris must be stored in open-top, DOT-
approved containers in good condition (not leaking, dented, or corroded).
• Containers of oily rages, used absorbents, and POL spill debris should contain no free liquids.
• Containers must remain closed except when adding or removing waste.
• Oily rags, used absorbents, and POL spill debris are managed as non-hazardous waste.
• Non-hazardous oily rags, used absorbents, and POL spill debris must be labeled as “Non-
Hazardous POL Spill Debris” with permanent ink (Appendix E). Contaminated Used Oil, Oily Rags, and Used Absorbents and POL Spill Debris Managed
as Hazardous Waste
Handling procedures and management requirements for any contaminated used oil include:
• Contaminated used oil, oily rags, and used absorbents and POL spill debris must be stored in
closed-top, DOT-approved containers in good condition (not leaking, dented, or corroded).
• Contaminated used oil is incompatible with used oil and POL liquids.
• Used rags, including oily and solvent-contaminated rags, must be handled as hazardous waste.
• Contaminated used oil, oily rags, and used absorbents and POL spill debris must be labeled as
“Hazardous Waste” using permanent ink and include the associated hazard such as ignitable,
corrosive, reactive, toxic, etc. (Appendix E). Secondary Containment
Secondary containment must be provided for all used oil containers and ASTs. The containment shall
meet the following requirements if exposed to rain events:
• Have the capability to be drained to the stormwater system that is kept closed at all times except
when removing rainwater
• Be capable of containing 100% of the contents of the single largest container and 11 inches of
freeboard for a 24-hour rainfall event
• Be kept free of debris
• Shall be inspected immediately after a rain event or the first thing on the day after a rain event if
the event occurred after normal working hours
• Be free of liquids
7.2.3 Used Oil Removal
When used oil accumulation containers reach capacity or have no less than a 3-inch headspace (ullage),
a used oil pick up is scheduled by contacting the NCBC Gulfport HWPM (228.323.1654) or Hazardous
Waste Handler (228.323.9877).
7.2.4 De-Establish a Site
A Used Oil accumulation site is de-established by contacting the NCBC Gulfport HWPM (228.323.1654).
7.2.5 Recordkeeping
Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests (Appendix C) or bill of lading/shipping records are maintained for a
minimum of 3 years and archived thereafter for the life of the installation.
7.2.6 Spills and Releases
In the event of a spill/release of used oil to the environment, trained personnel only will make every effort
to stop and contain the spill without endangering their safety. All used oil spills must be reported to the
regional Emergency Communications Center by dialing 911 and stating that the spill is at NCBC Gulfport.
Afterwards, this spill must be reported to the NCBC Gulfport HWPM.
9.0 Transportation
9.1 Transportation On Site
All waste transportation from SAAs to the <90-day Storage Facility is the responsibility of the NCBC
Gulfport HWPM and shall be performed by the Hazardous Waste Handler or other trained personnel using
a government vehicle.
NCBC Gulfport HWPM is responsible for arranging for an DLA contractor to remove waste from the <90-
day Storage Facility, as necessary. DLA is responsible for scheduling waste pick-up with their contractor
as required.
Transportation of waste from a visiting contractors SAA or <90-day Storage Facility to an approved off-
site TSDF is the responsibility of the visiting contractor and is outlined in Appendix H. For all visiting
contractors shipping hazardous, non-hazardous, non-regulated or universal waste off the installation, the
HWPM must sign the waste profiles prior to the waste being removed. The HWPM must sign all manifests
for waste being shipped off the installation on the day of removal.
9.2 Manifesting for Transportation Off Site
All shipments of hazardous waste, non-hazardous/non-regulated waste, and universal waste that are
generated at NCBC Gulfport and offered for transportation over public highways must be accompanied
by a uniform hazardous waste manifest.
9.2.1 Waste Shipment Preparation
When a shipment from the <90-day Storage Facility is needed, the NCBC Gulfport HWPM shall prepare
the following required documents, where applicable, to initiate a shipment:
• Identify the correct funding source for each hazardous waste container.
• Prepare and forward funding documents to DLA.
• Provide a complete and accurate DD Form 1348 (Appendix C) to DLA for the waste to be
transported offsite.
• Provide a waste profile DLA Form 2511 (Appendix C) to DLA for each type of waste transported
• If the waste profile has been previously provided to DLA, reference it on the DD Form 1348
(Appendix C) and update annually.
Additionally, DLA requires that the waste profile DLA Form 2511 Appendix C) for all active Waste Streams
be updated annually.
After the above-listed information has been provided to DLA, a shipment will be initiated by DLA as follows:
• DLA will generate a delivery order/task order identifying the waste to be picked up, Contract Line
Item Number (CLIN), and cost for each container.
• When authorized by the contracting officer or designated representative, DLA will contact the
disposal contractor and arrange for transportation of the waste.
• The hazardous waste disposal contractor may choose to be onsite the day before the shipment to
review paperwork and inspect containers.
9.2.2 U.S. Department of Transportation
Prior to transporting hazardous waste or offering hazardous waste for transportation offsite, each shipment
must be labeled in accordance with applicable DOT regulations (49 CFR Part 172, Subpart E) as follows:
• “HAZARDOUS WASTE—Federal Law Prohibits Improper Disposal. If found, contact the nearest
police or public safety authority or EPA”
• DOT proper shipping name
• UN or NA number (49 CFR 172.101)
• Generator’s name and address
• Generator’s EPA ID number
• EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s)
• Manifest tracking number
Additionally, each hazardous waste shipment must be labeled in accordance with 49 CFR Part 172,
Subpart D, as follows:
• Weight
• Sequence (e.g., 1 of 3)
• DOT shipping label
Each package of hazardous waste for shipment must be labeled in accordance with 49 CFR Table
172.101 to the DOT hazard classification for that hazardous waste, as follows:
• Hazardous waste that meets the definition of more than one DOT hazard classification must be
labeled in accordance with all DOT hazard classifications.
• When two or more hazardous wastes with different DOT hazard classifications are packaged
within the same packaging or outer enclosure, the outside of the package or outer enclosure must
be labeled with all DOT hazard classifications.
9.2.3 Land Disposal Restrictions
When applicable, LDR Notification Forms (Appendix C) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 268, must
accompany the uniform hazardous waste manifest as part of the shipping papers.
LDR Notification Forms are signed by personnel designated by the CO (NCBC Gulfport HWPM or
Hazardous Waste Handler) each time an applicable waste is shipped offsite.
9.2.4 Hazardous Waste and Special Waste Manifesting
Offsite shipments of hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste, and universal waste must incorporate the
procedures described below. Hazardous Waste Manifesting
Each offsite hazardous waste shipment will be accompanied by a Uniform Manifest (EPA Form 8700-22)
(Appendix C) and must incorporate the following procedures:
• Only properly trained personnel in writing designated by the Installation CO (NCBC Gulfport) may
sign the hazardous waste manifest and associated paperwork.
• The manifest must be complete and accurate.
• All copies of the manifest must be legible.
• “Generator’s Initial Copy” of the manifest must be retained pending receipt of the “Designated
Facility to Generator” copy of the manifest. This copy must indicate the Hazardous Waste Report
Management Method Codes in Items 19 and 36. It must be hand-signed in Item 20 by the owner
or operator of the designated TSDF that received the hazardous waste.
• If the signed manifest is not received within 45 days, the NCBC Gulfport HWPM shall file an
Exception Report to with MDEQ including:
o A cover letter explaining efforts to locate the shipment of waste and results of those efforts.
o A legible copy of the manifest.
All hazardous waste records, including manifests, must be kept for a minimum of 3 years and archived
thereafter for the life of NCBC Gulfport.
NCBC Gulfport
List of Approved Satellite Accumulation Areas
Command Shop Material Stored
Used Antifreeze
Used Fuel Filters
Used Oil
Used Oil Filters
Used Transmission Fluid
NCTC Civil Used Absorbent Materials
Engineering Support Diesel Shop, Heavy Shop, Lead-Acid Batteries
Equipment Bldg. 70 Light Chassis Shop Parts Washer Filters
Consolidated Hazards
Reuse Inventory and
Management Program
(CHRIMP) Bldg. 228 CHRIMP (HAZMIN Center) Expired Materials
Used Fuel Filters
Used Oil Filters
Parts Washer Fluid
Used Absorbent Materials
Used Antifreeze
Used Aerosol Cans
NCG-2 Vehicle Diesel Fuel Contaminated Water
Maintenance Bldg. 241 5000 Shop (Support) Lead-Acid Batteries
Used Aerosol Cans
Used Absorbent Materials
Used Fuel Filters
Used Oil
Used Oil Filters
NCTC Bldg. 241 Vehicle Maintenance Shop Used Antifreeze
Ref: (a) NCBC Gulfport Instruction 5090.1A, Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Per reference (a), you are hereby designated as the Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator [or
alternate], effective [insert date]. This assignment will remain in effect until revoked in writing.
You will be required to complete hazardous waste training within six months of your assignment to this
position. Your training will be provided and funded by [insert funding organization].
Additional information regarding training will be provided to you at a later date.
The following information will provided to the Environmental Department for their records:
Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator Name
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Command Alternate Hazardous Waste Coordinator
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Location (building number)
Signature Block
10. QTY. REC'D 11.UP 12. UNIT WEIGHT 13. UNIT CUBE 14. UFC 15. SL
ADD (8-22)
DIST (55-56)
QTY (25-29)
UP (74-80)
UI (23-24)
FormFlow (DLA)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
10. QTY. REC'D 11.UP 12. UNIT WEIGHT 13. UNIT CUBE 14. UFC 15. SL
ADD (8-22)
QTY (25-29)
UP (74-80)
UI (23-24)
FormFlow (DLA)
Please print or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039
4. Manifest Tracking Number
UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generator ID Number 2. Page 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone
5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address)
Generator's Phone:
6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number
Facility's Phone:
9a. 9b. U.S. DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, 10. Containers 11. Total 12. Unit
and Packing Group (if any)) 13. Waste Codes
HM No. Type Quantity Wt./Vol.
15. GENERATOR’S/OFFEROR’S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged,
marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and I am the Primary
Exporter, I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent.
I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) (if I am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is true.
Generator's/Offeror's Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year
18. Discrepancy
18a. Discrepancy Indication Space
■ Quantity ■ Type ■ Residue ■ Partial Rejection ■ Full Rejection
Manifest Reference Number:
Facility's Phone:
18c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year
19. Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems)
1. 2. 3. 4.
20. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 18a
Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year
EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED)
Please print or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039
UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 21. Generator ID Number 22. Page 23. Manifest Tracking Number
(Continuation Sheet)
24. Generator's Name
27a. 27b. U.S. DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, 28. Containers 29. Total 30. Unit 31. Waste Codes
HM and Packing Group (if any)) No. Type Quantity Wt./Vol.
35. Discrepancy
36. Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems)
EPA Form 8700-22A (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED)
Land Disposal Restrictions One-Time Notification/Certification
4. Waste disposition:
Line Subtitle C exclusion subsequent to point of §268.45, Table 1 technology used Date shipped
Current disposition of waste
item generation (if applicable) to treat debris (if applicable) (if applicable)
5. Was the waste hazardous at the point of generation but subsequently became excluded from the definition of hazardous waste or exempt from Subtitle C regulation
(including characteristic wastes managed in wastewater treatment systems discharging under the CWA)? F Yes F No (If yes, this constitutes the §268.7(a)(7) one-
time notification.)2
6. Was the waste characteristic at the point of generation, treated onsite to remove all characteristics, and treatment residues then shipped to a Subtitle D land disposal
facility? F Yes F No (If yes, complete Certification 1, 2, 3, or 4.)2
7. Was the waste “debris” that was hazardous at the point of generation but subsequently became excluded from the definition of hazardous waste under §261.3(f)(1)
by treating it using an extraction or destruction technology in §268.45, Table 1? F Yes F No (If yes, complete Certification 5.)3
8. Was the waste “debris” that was hazardous at the point of generation but subsequently became excluded from the definition of hazardous waste under §261.3(f)(2)
by receiving a “no-longer-contains” determination from EPA or the authorized state? F Yes F No (If yes, this constitutes the §268.7(d)(1) one-time notification.)4
9. Was the waste “soil” that was hazardous at the point of generation but subsequently became excluded from the definition of hazardous waste via a “no-longer-
contains” determination from EPA or the authorized state or by the generator determining that the soil no longer exhibits a characteristic? F Yes F No (If yes, this
notice and all supporting information and documentation must be maintained in the facility files for at least three years per §268.7(e).)
10. Is the waste residue from treating K061, K062, and/or F006 wastes in high-temperature metals recovery (HTMR) units that 1) meets the generic exclusion levels in
§261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C), 2) does not exhibit any characteristics, and 3) is shipped to a Subtitle D land disposal facility? F Yes F No (If yes, complete Certification 6.)5
1. F Waste that has been treated to remove characteristics and that did not contain underlying hazardous constituents at the point of Applies to manifest line
generation. items: _____________
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the treatment technology and __________________
operation of the treatment process used to support this certification. Based on my inquiry of those individuals im- Reference:
mediately responsible for obtaining this information, I believe that the treatment process has been operated and §§268.7(b)(4) and
maintained properly so as to comply with the treatment standards specified in 40 CFR 268.40 without impermissi- 268.9(d)
ble dilution of the prohibited waste. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
2. F Waste that has been treated to remove characteristics and to meet universal treatment standards for underlying hazardous Applies to manifest line
constituents. items: _____________
I certify under penalty of law that the waste has been treated in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 268.40 __________________
to remove the hazardous characteristic and that underlying hazardous constituents, as defined in §268.2(i) have Reference:
been treated on-site to meet the §268.48 Universal Treatment Standards. I am aware that there are significant pen- §§268.7(b)(4)(v) and
alties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. 268.9(d)
3. F Waste that has been treated to remove characteristics but does not meet universal treatment standards for underlying Applies to manifest line
hazardous constituents. items: _____________
I certify under penalty of law that the waste has been treated in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 268.40 __________________
or 268.49 to remove the hazardous characteristic. This decharacterized waste contains underlying hazardous con- Reference:
stituents that require further treatment to meet treatment standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties §§268.7(b)(4)(iv) and
for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. 268.9(d)
4. F Soil that has been treated to meet the alternative treatment standards. Applies to manifest line
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the treatment technology and items: _____________
operation of the treatment process used to support this certification and believe that it has been maintained and __________________
operated properly so as to comply with treatment standards specified in 40 CFR 268.49 without impermissible dilu- Reference:
tion of the prohibited wastes. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including §268.7(b)(4)
the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
5. F Debris that has been treated to meet the alternative treatment standards. Applies to manifest line
I certify under penalty of law that the debris has been treated in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR items: _____________
268.45. I am aware there are significant penalties for making a false certification, including the possibility of fine __________________
and imprisonment. Reference:
6. F HTMR residue from treating K061, K062, and/or F006 wastes. Applies to manifest line
I certify under penalty of law that the generic exclusion levels for all constituents have been met without impermis- items: _____________
sible dilution and that no characteristic of hazardous waste is exhibited. I am aware that there are significant penal- __________________
ties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. Reference:
United States Environmental Protection Agency
1. Reason for Submittal (Select only one.)
Obtaining or updating an EPA ID number for an on‐going regulated activity that will continue for a period of
time. (Includes HSM activity)
Submitting as a component of the Hazardous Waste Report for __________ (Reporting Year)
Site was a TSD facility and/or generator of > 1,000 kg of hazardous waste, > 1 kg of acute hazardous
waste, or > 100 kg of acute hazardous waste spill cleanup in one or more months of the reporting year
(or State equivalent LQG regulations)
Notifying that regulated activity is no longer occurring at this Site
Obtaining or updating an EPA ID number for conducting Electronic Manifest Broker activities
Submitting a new or revised Part A Form
2. Site EPA ID Number
3. Site Name
4. Site Location Address
Street Address
City, Town, or Village County
City, Town, or Village
State Country Zip Code
6. Site Land Type
7. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code(s) for the Site (at least 5‐digit codes)
A. (Primary) C.
B. D.
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
9. Legal Owner and Operator of the Site
A. Name of Site’s Legal Owner Same as Location Address
Full Name Date Became Owner (mm/dd/yyyy)
Owner Type
Private County District Federal Tribal Municipal State Other
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
Operator Type
Private County District Federal Tribal Municipal State Other
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
10. Type of Regulated Waste Activity (at your site)
Mark “Yes” or “No” for all current activities (as of the date submitting the form); complete any additional boxes as instructed.
A. Hazardous Waste Activities
a. LQG ‐Generates, in any calendar month (includes quantities imported by importer site)
1,000 kg/mo (2,200 lb/mo) or more of non‐acute hazardous waste; or
‐ Generates, in any calendar month, or accumulates at any time, more than 1 kg/mo
(2.2 lb/mo) of acute hazardous waste; or
‐ Generates, in any calendar month or accumulates at any time, more than 100 kg/mo
(220 lb/mo) of acute hazardous spill cleanup material.
b. SQG 100 to 1,000 kg/mo (220‐2,200 lb/mo) of non‐acute hazardous waste and no more than
1 kg (2.2 lb) of acute hazardous waste and no more than 100 kg (220 lb) of any acute
hazardous spill cleanup material.
c. VSQG Less than or equal to 100 kg/mo (220 lb/mo) of non‐acute hazardous waste.
If “Yes” above, indicate other generator activities in 2 and 3, as applicable.
a. Recycler who stores prior to recycling
b. Recycler who does not store prior to recycling
Y N 7. Exempt Boiler and/or Industrial Furnace—If “Yes”, mark all that apply.
a. Small Quantity On‐site Burner Exemption
b. Smelting, Melting, and Refining Furnace Exemption
B. Waste Codes for Federally Regulated Hazardous Wastes. Please list the waste codes of the Federal hazardous wastes
handled at your site. List them in the order they are presented in the regulations (e.g. D001, D003, F007, U112). Use an
additional page if more spaces are needed.
C. Waste Codes for State Regulated (non‐Federal) Hazardous Wastes. Please list the waste codes of the State hazardous
wastes handled at your site. List them in the order they are presented in the regulations. Use an additional page if more
spaces are needed.
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
11. Additional Regulated Waste Activities (NOTE: Refer to your State regulations to determine if a separate permit is required.)
A. Other Waste Activities
Y N 1. Transporter of Hazardous Waste—If “Yes”, mark all that apply.
a. Transporter
b. Transfer Facility (at your site)
a. Importer
b. Exporter
Y N 5. Importer/Exporter of Spent Lead‐Acid Batteries (SLABs) under 40 CFR 266 Subpart G—If “Yes”, mark all
that apply.
a. Importer
b. Exporter
B. Universal Waste Activities
Y N 1. Large Quantity Handler of Universal Waste (you accumulate 5,000 kg or more) ‐ If “Yes” mark all that
apply. Note: Refer to your State regulations to determine what is regulated.
a. Batteries
b. Pesticides
c. Mercury containing equipment
d. Lamps
e. Other (specify) ______________________________________________
f. Other (specify) ______________________________________________
g. Other (specify) ______________________________________________
Y N 2. Destination Facility for Universal Waste Note: A hazardous waste permit may be required for this
C. Used Oil Activities
Y N 1. Used Oil Transporter—If “Yes”, mark all that apply.
a. Transporter
b. Transfer Facility (at your site)
Y N 2. Used Oil Processor and/or Re‐refiner—If “Yes”, mark all that apply.
a. Processor
b. Re‐refiner
Y N 3. Off‐Specification Used Oil Burner
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
12. Eligible Academic Entities with Laboratories—Notification for opting into or withdrawing from managing laboratory hazardous
wastes pursuant to 40 CFR 262 Subpart K.
13. Episodic Generation
Y N Are you an SQG or VSQG generating hazardous waste from a planned or unplanned episodic event, lasting
no more than 60 days, that moves you to a higher generator category. If “Yes”, you must fill out the Ad‐
dendum for Episodic Generator.
14. LQG Consolidation of VSQG Hazardous Waste
Y N Are you an LQG notifying of consolidating VSQG Hazardous Waste Under the Control of the Same Person
pursuant to 40 CFR 262.17(f)? If “Yes”, you must fill out the Addendum for LQG Consolidation of VSQGs
hazardous waste.
15. Notification of LQG Site Closure for a Central Accumulation Area (CAA) (optional) OR Entire Facility (required)
Y N LQG Site Closure of a Central Accumulation Area (CAA) or Entire Facility.
A. Central Accumulation Area (CAA) or Entire Facility
B. Expected closure date: ____________ mm/dd/yyyy
C. Requesting new closure date: ____________ mm/dd/yyyy
D. Date closed : ____________ mm/dd/yyyy
1. In compliance with the closure performance standards 40 CFR 262.17(a)(8)
2. Not in compliance with the closure performance standards 40 CFR 262.17(a)(8)
16. Notification of Hazardous Secondary Material (HSM) Activity
Y N A. Are you notifying under 40 CFR 260.42 that you will begin managing, are managing, or will stop manag‐
ing hazardous secondary material under 40 CFR 260.30, 40 CFR 261.4(a)(23), (24), or (27)? If “Yes”, you
must fill out the Addendum to the Site Identification Form for Managing Hazardous Secondary Material.
17. Electronic Manifest Broker
Y N Are you notifying as a person, as defined in 40 CFR 260.10, electing to use the EPA electronic manifest sys‐
tem to obtain, complete, and transmit an electronic manifest under a contractual relationship with a haz‐
ardous waste generator?
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
18. Comments (include item number for each comment)
19. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or su‐
pervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gath‐
ering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am
aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for
knowing violations. Note: For the RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A permit Application, all owners and operators must sign (see 40
CFR 270.10(b) and 270.11).
Signature of legal owner, operator or authorized representative Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Printed Name (First, Middle Initial Last) Title
Signature of legal owner, operator or authorized representative Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Printed Name (First, Middle Initial Last) Title
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
ONLY fill out this form if:
You are located in a State that allows you to manage excluded hazardous secondary material (HSM) under 40 CFR
261.2(30), 261.4(a)(23), (24), or (27) (or state equivalent; See https://www.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/dsw/
statespf.htm for a list of eligible states; AND
You are or will be managing excluded HSM in compliance with 40 CFR 260.30, 261.4(a)(23), (24), or (27) (or state
equivalent) or have stopped managing excluded HSM in compliance with the exclusion(s) and do not expect to
manage any amount of excluded HSM under the exclusion(s) for at least one year. Do not include any information
regarding your hazardous waste activities in this section. Note: If your facility was granted a solid waste variance
under 40 CFR 260.30 prior to July 13, 2015, your management of HSM under 40 CFR 260.30 is grandfathered under
the previous regulations and you are not required to notify for the HSM management activity excluded under 40
CFR 260.30.
1. Reason for Notification (Include dates where requested)
Facility will begin managing excluded HSM as of _______________ (mm/dd/yyyy).
Facility is still managing excluded HSM/re‐notifying as required by March 1 of each even‐numbered year.
Facility has stopped managing excluded HSM as of _______________ (mm/dd/yyyy) and is notifying as required.
2. Description of Excluded HSM Activity. Please list the appropriate codes (see Code List section of the instructions) and
quantities, in short tons, to describe your excluded HSM activity ONLY (do not include any information regarding your
hazardous wastes). Use additional pages if more space is needed.
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
ONLY fill out this form if:
You are an LQG receiving hazardous waste from VSQGs under the control of the same person. Use additional
pages if more space is needed.
1. EPA ID Number (if assigned) 2. Name
3. Street Address
7. Contact Phone Number 8. Contact Name
9. Email
1. EPA ID Number (if assigned) 2. Name
3. Street Address
7. Contact Phone Number 8. Contact Name
9. Email
1. EPA ID Number (if assigned) 2. Name
3. Street Address
7. Contact Phone Number 8. Contact Name
9. Email
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
United States Environmental Protection Agency
HAZARDOUS WASTE REPORT ______ (reporting cycle)
1. Waste Characteristics
A. Waste Description
B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s)
C. State Hazardous Waste Code(s)
D. Source Code Management Method Code (Source Code G25 only)
E. Form Code F. Waste Minimization Code
G. Quantity UOM Density lbs/gal sg
2. On‐site Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste
Y N Was any of this waste that was generated at this facility treated, disposed, and/or recycled on‐site? If yes,
continue to On‐site Process System 1.
Process System 1 Management Method Code Quantity
Process System 2 Management Method Code Quantity
3. Off‐site Shipment of Hazardous Waste
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
United States Environmental Protection Agency
HAZARDOUS WASTE REPORT ______ (reporting year)
1. Waste 1
A. Waste Description
B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s)
C. State Hazardous Waste Code(s)
D. EPA ID Number E. Form Code
F. Management Code
G. Quantity UOM Density lbs/gal sg
2. Waste 2
A. Waste Description:
B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s)
C. State Hazardous Waste Code(s)
D. EPA ID Number E. Form Code F. Management Code
G. Quantity UOM Density lbs/gal sg
3. Waste 3
A. Waste Description:
B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s)
C. State Hazardous Waste Code(s)
D. EPA ID Number E. Form Code F. Management Code
G. Quantity UOM Density lbs/gal sg
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
United States Environmental Protection Agency
1. Site 1
A. EPA ID Number of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
B. Name of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
D. Address of Off‐site Installation
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
State Zip Code Country
2. Site 2
A. EPA ID Number of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
B. Name of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
D. Address of Off‐site Installation
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
State Zip Code Country
3. Site 3
A. EPA ID Number of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
B. Name of Off‐site Installation or Transporter
D. Address of Off‐site Installation
Street Address
City, Town, or Village
EPA Form 8700‐12, 8700‐13 A/B, 8700‐23 Page __ of __
Appendix D – Satellite Accumulation Area
Signage Example
Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport
Appendix D
Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Sign Example
Hazardous Waste Label
Used Oil Label
Drained Used Oil Filters Label
Non-Hazardous Waste Label
Additional Comments
Table H-1: Roles and Responsibilities Specific to this SOP
Role Responsibility
NCBC Gulfport Grants access to contractors working aboard the installation; therefore, any contractor
Commanding Officer who improperly manages hazardous waste or fails to comply with this instruction may be
(CO) denied access to the installation
NCBC Gulfport NCBC Gulfport shall have immediate access to inspect contractor’s work areas and will
report discrepancies to the Contracting Authority (CA)
NCBC Gulfport will ensure that contractors comply with federal, state, and local
regulations as well as with Navy and NCBC Gulfport instructions
Contracting Authorities If a contractor expects to generate waste, notify NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste
(e.g., NAVFAC SE Program Manager (HWPM) before hazardous waste is generated
PWD FEAD) Specify proper management of hazardous waste and non-RCRA regulated wastes
including handling, storage, transportation, and disposal
Provide the contractor’s Environmental Protection Plan, when required, to the NCBC
Gulfport Environmental Division for review and concurrence
Provide the NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP), including this
SOP (Appendix H) to all contractors
Require approval from NCBC Gulfport for contractor’s hazardous waste storage
Immediately notify NCBC Gulfport HWPM any of the following events occur:
o A contractor unexpectedly generates waste
o A regulatory violation is identified
Role Responsibility
o A spill or release to the environment occurs
Provide NCBC Gulfport access to hazardous waste records
Ensure contractor only uses vendors approved by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for
the disposal of hazardous waste, universal waste, and used oil
Provide NCBC Gulfport all necessary information to characterize waste
NCBC Gulfport When applicable, ensure that an Environmental Protection Plan that meets the following
Environmental Division requirements is provided:
o Identify the type and estimate the amount of waste to be generated during
performance of the contract
o Identify and ensure required documents are accurate and timely
o Require that a State of Mississippi-certified laboratory completes chemical
o Require U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) waste codes be
properly identified
o Require proper disposal of regulated waste such as petroleum products and
o Require best management practices to minimize the amount of hazardous
waste and other waste generated
Ensure that hazardous waste disposal costs are included in the contract cost. Notify the
Installation Environmental Program Director (IEPD) if a contract will require NCBC
Gulfport to be responsible for paying the cost of disposal of any waste generated by a
NCBC Gulfport Review scopes of work, contract specifications, requests for proposals, etc. to ensure the
Hazardous Waste project includes hazardous waste management requirements in accordance with the
Program Manager NCBC Gulfport HWMP
(HWPM) Review the contractor’s Environmental Protection Plan for compliance with the NCBC
Gulfport HWMP
Recommend the use of a satellite accumulation area (SAA) or less than 90-day (<90-day)
Storage Facility based on the size of the project and estimate amount of hazardous waste
that will be generated
Assist the contractor in establishing an SAA or <90-day Storage Facility that will support
the project
Maintain records of required documentation including logs, inspections, and reports for a
minimum of three years
Ensure that action is taken to resolve a deficiency and notify the appropriate department
when potential safety violations are identified
Role Responsibility
All Contractors Take no action or inaction that exposes the government to liability for noncompliance,
other findings, or related damages, penalties, or fines. In the event a regulatory agency
assesses either a monetary or non-monetary fine or penalty for contractor’s
noncompliance, the contractor shall reimburse the government for all associated costs
Manage hazardous waste, universal waste, non-RCRA regulated waste, and used oil in
accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations; Navy and NCBC Gulfport
policies and instructions including this plan; and contractual requirements
Before generating waste, obtain approval from NCBC Gulfport via CA for hazardous waste
storage, including location and type (SAA or <90-day Storage Facility)
Provide immediate access to NCBC Gulfport Environmental personnel to inspect locked
Designate in writing a Hazardous Waste Coordinator (HWC) and alternate for all working
shifts where it is anticipated that waste will be generated. The HWCs will be the persons
with the overall responsibility for maintaining compliance with hazardous waste
regulations within the project area, including any SAA or <90-day Storage Facility.
Inspect waste storage areas and maintain inspection forms. Immediately correct
deficiencies identified during inspections
Remove all hazardous material and waste upon completion of contract. NCBC Gulfport
will dispose of any hazardous material or waste abandoned by a contractor. Abandoned
waste will be managed as an unknown waste, and the contractor must bear the cost of
any analytical, disposal, and/or other costs (NCBC Gulfport will notify CA of improper
management or disposal of waste.)
Reimburse NCBC Gulfport for services rendered.
<90-day – Less than 90-day HWPM – Hazardous Waste Program Manager
CA – Contracting Authority IEPD – Installation Environmental Program Director
CO – Commanding Officer NAVFAC SE – Naval Facilities Engineering Command
DLA – Defense Logistics Agency Southeast
EPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NCBC – Naval Construction Battalion Center
FEAD – Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division PWD – Public Works Department
HWC – Hazardous Waste Coordinator RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
HWMP – Hazardous Waste Management Plan SAA – Satellite Accumulation Area
It is strictly prohibited to dispose of any waste into any wastewater treatment system, oily waste
treatment system, storm drain, surface waters, or upon land without written authorization from
NCBC Gulfport Environmental Division.
Hazardous waste segregation is mandatory. Proper segregation prevents incompatible chemicals
from mixing and allows proper treatment and/or disposal options.
Containers must be compatible with the materials stored in them to prevent a reaction between
the material and container.
Store hazardous waste only in Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved containers that are
in good condition (not leaking, dented, or corroded) and that are closed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications. Typical containers are steel or plastic and are available in 1-, 5-,
16-, 20-, 30-, or 55-gallon capacities.
Ensure containers are properly labeled before adding any type of hazardous waste.
Items contaminated with hazardous waste (such as rags, rollers, brushes, and petroleum-based
products contaminated with solvents) are considered hazardous waste and must be managed
Used petroleum-based products such as hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils, diesel fuel marine, JP-
5, JP-8, and other fuels with a flashpoint above 140°F that do not contain chlorinated solvents are
managed as used oil.
Contractors must manage SAAs in compliance with SAA requirements.
Always utilize good housekeeping practices.
Locate SAAs, approved by NCBC Gulfport HWPM, at or near the point of generation and under
control of the operator generating the waste.
Accumulate no more than 55 gallons (cumulative total of all types of hazardous waste) or 1 quart
of acute hazardous waste in the SAA. The 55-gallon limit does NOT include non-RCRA regulated
waste, universal waste, or used oil. Once the 55-gallon limit is reached, date the container and
transfer it to the approved <90-day storage area within 3 calendar days or to an approved off-
site treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF).
Complete and maintain weekly inspections for the duration of the contract.
The following requirements apply to the use of the <90-day Storage Facility:
NCBC Gulfport must approve the contractor to operate a <90-day Storage Facility before waste
may be stored there.
Control access at all times, through use of locked fence or secured building.
Secondary containment is required for all containers (concrete curb, spill pallets).
Store incompatible wastes separately; use berms/spill pallets to prevent incompatible materials
from contacting each other in the event of a spill or leak.
Maintain on-site a fire extinguisher, eyewash station, and internal communication device
(telephone or two-way radio) or system capable of summoning emergency assistance.
Post weather-resistant signs stating “NO SMOKING WITHIN 50 FEET” on all exterior sides of
the fence. Each sign must be clearly visible from 50 feet.
“HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREA” signs on each entrance. Each sign must be clearly
visible from 25 feet.
Containers must be in good condition (minor surface rust or dents are allowed), sealed, non-
leaking, and compatible with the material stored in them.
Containers must remain closed except when adding waste.
Position drum rings with the bolt down and tightened. CAUTION: USE NON-SPARKING TOOLS
Immediately transfer material from containers that cannot be sealed.
Containers must have no evidence of spills and no dry or wet paint on the exterior sides.
H-1: SAA Inspection Form
H-2: <90-Day Storage Facility Inspection Form
H-3: SAA Signage Example
H-4: Examples of Container Markings
Additional Comments
Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Sign Example
Hazardous Waste Label
Used Oil Label
Drained Used Oil Filters Label
Non-Hazardous Waste Label
Role Responsibility
Ensure SAAs are approved by NCBC Gulfport HWPM, Fire Department, and Safety
before waste is generated (approved SAAs are listed in Appendix A)
Ensure applicable SAAs are managed in accordance with Table I-3
Identify new materials and/or processes in their area and notify the NCBC Gulfport HWPM
for proper waste stream determination
Inform NCBC Gulfport HWPM of any changes in materials, work processes, or procedures
that may affect hazardous waste generation before generating waste
Schedule and be present during waste pickup and transfer to the <90-day Storage Facility
Ensure containers are stored so that labels are visible when approaching and that there
is direct access to each container
Ensure that container labels are completed accurately and are legible
Ensure segregation of incompatible wastes
Conduct weekly SAA inspections and correct deficiencies
Maintain weekly SAA inspection reports and personnel training records for a minimum of
three years
Liaison with NCBC Gulfport HWPM regarding waste issues at the designated work center
The Work Center Supervisor will assume waste management duties during the absence
of assigned HWCs
Provide a copy of the letter of designation as Hazardous Waste Coordinator or Alternate
to HWPM (Appendix B)
Follow the requirements set forth in this SOP
Work Center Personnel Operate and maintain SAA in compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and
(Hazardous Waste instructions
Generators) Ensure proper PPE is available, is in good working condition, and is properly used by
personnel as necessary
Ensure waste is properly managed in accordance with this plan
Ensure containers are stored so that the labels are visible when approaching and there is
direct access to each container
Ensure segregation of incompatible wastes
Maintain 3-inch headspace in hazardous waste containers
Conducts housekeeping in and around SAA
HWC – Hazardous Waste Coordinator PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
HWMP – Hazardous Waste Management Plan PWD – Public Works Department
HWPM – Hazardous Waste Program Manager RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
IEPD – Installation Environmental Program Director SAA – Satellite Accumulation Area
NCBC – Naval Construction Battalion Center SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
General Requirements
Training requirements for NCBC Gulfport hazardous waste personnel are derived from criteria
described in 29 CFR, 40 CFR, and 49 CFR.
Training requirements for HWCs and Alternates are included in Table I-2.
Required training frequencies for each type of training are outlined in Table I-2.
Personnel who have not yet received initial training must be supervised by a trained employee
until the training has been completed.
Employees must have 6 months of assignment to the position to be fully trained.
Personnel who have a significant lapse in training (e.g., refresher training that is more than 12
months overdue) must repeat required initial training.
Recordkeeping requirements are detailed in Table I-2.
Personnel Records
The following personnel records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
Name, job title, job description, and type and amount of initial and annual review training required
Appointment letter, certifications, and record of training
Training Records
The following training records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
Log of annual and initial training, including dates completed.
On-the-job training including content, schedule, technique(s) used, and instructor must be
documented. On-the-job training must be conducted by a supervisor or other trained employee
skilled in the subject area.
Training records must be current and retained for a period of at least 3 years from last date of
employment at NCBC Gulfport. This requirement includes any personnel working on the
Job Title Initial Date Refresher Date Initial Date Refresher Date Initial Date Refresher Date
Hazardous Waste
Required Required Required
Employee Name
1 Training record deletion date is to be no sooner than 3 years after last day employee worked at facility.
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
HAZWOPER – Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response SAA – Satellite Accumulation Area
Requirement SAA
Labeling and Marking Hazardous waste label (Appendix E)
The words “Hazardous Waste” and an indication of the hazard(s) of the contents
(flammable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, etc.)
Type of waste (e.g., “Waste Paint”)
Accumulation Start Date (ASD) (once needed [e.g., when full])
Label required to be legible and in good condition
Label unknown waste with the words “Analytical Pending” and the date found
Inspections SAA containers inspected weekly by Hazardous Waste Coordinators and annually by
HWPM utilizing the SAA Inspection Form (Appendix F)
If evidence of a spill or leak or if container integrity is compromised, contact NCBC Gulfport Fire
Department at 911 and notify the NCBC Gulfport HWPM at 228.323.1654.
Segregation and Containers
Incompatible Wastes The following instructions are to be followed to prevent incompatible wastes from interacting with
each other:
Do not mix incompatible wastes.
Do not place containers of unmixed 2-part epoxy in same container.
Do not mix organic materials with corrosives.
Do not mix acids with bases.
Do not mix two different types of acids in the same container.
Do not mix paints with strippers.
Do not mix solids and liquids in the same container.
Do not mix paint debris (rags, brushes, rollers) with liquid paint.
Use spill pallets to prevent incompatible materials from making contact.
Do not mix materials where uncertainty exists.
Segregate unknown waste from potentially incompatible waste.
For questions about incompatible wastes, contact NCBC Gulfport HWPM at 228.323.1654.
Compatible Combine like wastes when possible:
Waste Hazardous material with the same NSN
Hazardous material with the same SDS number
Waste generated by the same process (e.g., solid paint debris)
Small containers of the same material into a larger container.
Container Location Position all containers so the label is clearly visible for inspection.
Maintain aisle space (30–36 inches) for unobstructed movement of personnel and fire
protection, spill control, and decontamination equipment to any area of facility during an
Requirement SAA
Types of Containers Limit container sizes so that no more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste, 1 quart of liquid
acute hazardous waste, or 1 kg of physically solid acute hazardous waste can be
accumulated at any one time.
All containers must be DOT/UN approved.
Containers must be in good condition (minor surface rust or dents may be allowed) including
no evidence of spills on the outside of containers including paint or sand blast grit dust.
Covers, gaskets, and closing/locking devices must be in good working order.
Hazardous waste will not be collected in incompatible containers.
Container Handling Do not place liquids in open-top drum unless in original container.
Do not place corrosives in metal containers; use plastic only.
Containers must stay closed unless adding/removing waste. Bungs, locking rings and bolts,
lever locks, funnel covers, and latest must be securely tightened/closed.
Containers that cannot be properly sealed must have the contents transferred to an
approved container or be placed in an overpack container.
Spill Response
Spill Kits Maintain a kit compatible and adequate for accumulated waste and place in an accessible
area: kit must be marked with the words “SPILL KIT.”
Fire Extinguisher Dependent upon hazards and as determined necessary by NAVOSH
Eye Wash Dependent upon hazards and as determined necessary by NAVOSH
I-1: SAA Signage
I-2: SAA Inspection form
I-3: Authorization Letter
I-4: Container Marking Examples
Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Sign Example
Additional Comments
Ref: (a) NCBC Gulfport Instruction 5090.1A, Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Per reference (a), you are hereby designated as the Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator [or
alternate], effective [insert date]. This assignment will remain in effect until revoked in writing.
You will be required to complete hazardous waste training within six months of your assignment to this
position. Your training will be provided and funded by [insert funding organization].
Additional information regarding training will be provided to you at a later date.
The following information will provided to the Environmental Department for their records:
Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator Name
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Command Alternate Hazardous Waste Coordinator
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Location (building number)
Signature Block
Hazardous Waste Label
Used Oil Label
Drained Used Oil Filters Label
Non-Hazardous Waste Label
Role Responsibility
Hazardous Waste Acts as a liaison between NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division, the <90-day Storage Facility,
Handlers and generators at NCBC Gulfport
Maintains the <90-day Storage Facility in a safe, efficient, orderly, and compliant manner
Issues only DOT-approved containers to generating units at approved SAA locations
Picks up and transports waste from SAAs and/or <90-day Storage Facility within the NCBC Gulfport
complex in a safe, compliant, and timely manner
Ensures all waste containers are in good condition and properly labeled; repackages hazardous waste
as required
Manages and handles waste containers in a manner to avoid damage and content spillage
Performs compliance inspections of the <90-day Storage Facility
Repackages hazardous waste
Identifies any condition that is, or may be, of danger to personnel or the environment and (if properly
trained and it is safe to do so) takes immediate action(s) to protect these resources
Notifies the EC in the event of an emergency
Immediately notifies the NCBC Gulfport HWPM of dangerous or non-compliant situations
Designated in writing by the CO to sign HW Manifest
Follow the requirements set forth in this appendix
<90-Day – Less Than 90-Day
CO – Commanding Officer IEPD – Installation Environmental Program Director
DOT – Department of Transportation LDR – Land Disposal Restriction
EC – Emergency Coordinator NCBC – Naval Construction Battalion Center
HWMP – Hazardous Waste Management Plan PWD – Public Works Department
HWPM – Hazardous Waste Program Manager SAA – Satellite Accumulation Areas
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
3.0 Training
Training requirements for the Hazardous Waste Handlers are included in Table J-2.
Required training frequencies for each type of training are outlined in Table J-2.
Personnel who have not yet received initial training must be supervised by a trained employee
until the training has been completed.
Employees must have 6 months of assignment to the position to be fully trained.
Personnel who have a significant lapse in training (e.g., refresher training that is more than 12
months overdue) must repeat required initial training.
3.2 Recordkeeping
Recordkeeping requirements are detailed in Table J-2.
Personnel Records
The following personnel records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
Name, job title, job description, and type and amount of initial and annual review training required
Appointment letter, certifications, and record of training
Training Records
The following training records must be kept on file for each employee who has hazardous waste
Log of annual and initial training, including dates completed.
On-the-job training including content, schedule, technique(s) used, and instructor must be
documented. On-the-job training must be conducted by a supervisor or other trained employee
skilled in the subject area.
Training records must be current and retained for a period of at least 3 years from last date of
employment at NCBC Gulfport. This requirement includes any personnel working on the
Job Title Initial Date Refresher Date Initial Date Refresher Date Initial Date Refresher Date
Hazardous Waste
Required Required Required
Employee Name
1 Training record deletion date is to be no sooner than 3 years after last day employee worked at facility.
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations HAZWOPER – Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
DOT – Department of Transportation RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Container Management
Establishment of Coordinate with the HWPM.
Accumulation Area
<90-Day Storage Facility Sign
Danger – Unauthorized Personnel Keep Out
No Smoking within 50 feet
Signage and Placards Site POC Information
Access to the <90-day Storage Facility must be controlled at all times (e.g., keep area
locked except when the staff is present).
Containers transported to offsite TSDF prior to 90 days after the accumulation start
Time Limits date (ASD)
Spill Response
Maintain a kit compatible and adequate for accumulated waste stored at the <90-day
Spill Kits Storage Facility; kit must be marked with the words “SPILL KIT.
5.0 Enclosures
J-1: <90-Day Storage Facility Inspection Form
J-2: Authorization Letter
J-3: Container Marking Examples
Ref: (a) NCBC Gulfport Instruction 5090.1A, Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Per reference (a), you are hereby designated as the Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator [or
alternate], effective [insert date]. This assignment will remain in effect until revoked in writing.
You will be required to complete hazardous waste training within six months of your assignment to this
position. Your training will be provided and funded by [insert funding organization].
Additional information regarding training will be provided to you at a later date.
The following information will provided to the Environmental Department for their records:
Command Hazardous Waste Coordinator Name
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Command Alternate Hazardous Waste Coordinator
_________________ _______________________
Phone Number Email Address
Location (building number)
Signature Block
Hazardous Waste Label
Used Oil Label
Drained Used Oil Filters Label
Non-Hazardous Waste Label
Universal waste sites can be established by contacting the NCBC Gulfport HWPM and must be
approved by NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division. Universal waste is collected in properly
labeled containers, at the universal waste collection sites and then transferred to the <90-day Storage
Facility and consolidated.
All universal waste containers must be labeled with a “Universal Waste” label (Appendix E) indicating
what the waste is (i.e., batteries, lamps, or mercury containing devices) as well as the date that the first
universal waste was placed in the container.
Universal waste must be segregated by type of waste. When containerizing batteries, separate
containers shall be used for each type of battery.
The NCBC Gulfport HWPM must be contacted at 228.323.1654 whenever a universal waste SAA site is
3.2.1 Batteries
Handling procedures and management requirements for batteries are described below.
Lead-acid batteries (e.g., vehicle batteries) are managed per 40 CFR 266, Subpart G,
the reclamation of spent lead acid batteries:
o If spent lead acid batteries are to be reclaimed by regeneration (such as by electrolyte
replacement), then the batteries are not subject to the requirements of RCRA
throughout their life cycle (cradle to grave) except for the requirement to identify the
batteries as a characteristic or listed hazardous waste per 40 CFR 261 and conduct
the hazardous waste determination per 40 CFR 262.11. If the batteries are reclaimed
by regeneration then there is no labeling or container requirements, no inspection or
employee training, and no time limit for on-site accumulation.
o If the batteries are to be reclaimed by a method other than regeneration, then the
applicable LDRs of 40 CFR 268 apply in addition to the hazardous waste identification
and determination requirements.
o Storage of the batteries prior to reclamation by a method other than regeneration adds
the requirements of 40 CFR 266.80(b) in addition to 40 CFR 261, 40 CFR 262.11, and
40 CFR 268.
o Lead acid batteries must be stored on a containment pallet or other storage device to
contain spills.
o Storage devices must be marked as universal waste (“UNIVERSAL WASTE
BATTERIES”), the contents indicated using permanent ink, and dated at the time the
first battery was placed into the container.
o Broken batteries (breached casing), including any spilled acid, must be managed as
hazardous waste.
All other batteries (e.g., nickel cadmium, nickel halide, magnesium, lithium-ion, mercury, alkaline,
and carbon zinc)
o All batteries must be protected from short circuiting and related fires. This may be done
by one of the following methods:
Both battery terminals must be taped
Batteries must be contained in the original container
Each battery sealed in an individual plastic bag
o Batteries must be segregated by type and accumulated into closed, proportionately sized
containers—only one type of battery per container.
o Batteries must be labeled as universal waste (“UNIVERSAL WASTE BATTERIES”), the
contents indicated using permanent ink, and dated at the time the first battery was placed
into the container.
o Damaged or defective lithium-ion batteries and/or lithium-metal batteries must be
managed as hazardous waste.
3.2.2 Mercury-Containing Equipment
Mercury-containing equipment means a device or part of a device (including thermostats but excluding
batteries and lamps) that contains elemental mercury integral to its function. Management requirements
3.2.3 Lamps
Universal waste mercury-containing lamps include fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lightbulbs
(CFL), mercury vapor, high intensity discharge (HID), metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and
neon/argon lamps. Management requirements are primarily intended to protect the lamps from
breakage. Requirements include:
Unbroken lamps must be stored in closed and labeled containers. Original box or a two- or three-
ply cardboard box may be used.
All containers/boxes must be labeled as universal waste, the contents indicated using permanent
ink, and dated at the time the first lamp was placed into the container.
Broken lamps must be collected and contained immediately in an approved, compatible container.
Containers of broken lamps must be managed as hazardous waste. Once a broken bulb is
collected and contained, contact the NCBC Gulfport HWPM or Hazardous Waste Handler to
schedule a transfer of the waste.
3.3 Inspections
Universal waste SAAs are inspected weekly in the same manner as hazardous waste SAA sites using
the SAA Inspection Form (Appendix F). This form must be retained for a minimum of 3 years.
Universal waste may be accumulated and stored for up to 1 year from the date the first waste is placed
in the container. However, to ensure compliance with the 1-year accumulation requirement, universal
waste may only be stored for 180 days on NCBC Gulfport before scheduling a pick-up. Each SAA
container must be labeled with an ASD when the first universal waste is placed into the container.
When the universal waste SAA containers reach 90 percent capacity or have been in use for 90 days
(whichever occurs first), the NCBC Gulfport HWPM (228.323.1654) or the Hazardous Waste Handler
(228.323.9877) should be contacted to schedule a pickup or delivery to the <90-Day Storage Facility.
3.6 Recordkeeping
Records (logs, invoices, manifests, bills of lading) and receipt of all universal waste shipments must be
maintained, easily accessible, and include the following information:
2.0 References
Department of Defense (DoD) Manual 4715.26, DoD Military Munitions Rule Implementation
Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 266, Subpart M—Military Munitions
3.0 Applicability
NCBC Gulfport operates the small arms range at Woolmarket Range in Biloxi, Mississippi. This SOP
applies to all personnel at NCBC Gulfport and Woolmarket Range.
4.0 Exceptions
Military munitions are not a waste when the following apply:
Military munitions used for their intended purpose, including training and research development
testing and evaluation
Military munitions recovered, collected, and destroyed on-range during range clearance
operations at active or inactive ranges
Unused military munitions (including subcomponents) when repaired, reused, recycled,
reclaimed, disassembled, reconfigured, or otherwise subjected to materials recovery activities
Annual inventories and quarterly inspections are completed, and the written records are
maintained for at least 3 years from the date inventoried, inspected or removed.
Records are available for review by MDEQ or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
upon request and shall contain the following information:
o The type of waste military munitions stored by standard nomenclature, lot number,
Federal Supply Class (FSC), National Stock Number (NSN), Department of Defense
Identification Code (DODIC), Navy Ammunition Logistics Code (NALC), and material
condition code
o The quantity of each type of waste military munitions stored
o The date that each military munitions was identified as a waste
o The last storage date (i.e., date removed from storage) for each, by type of waste
military munitions
o The storage location or locations
o The disposition (destroyed, demilitarized, shipped) and date of action, by type of the
waste military munitions
o When applicable, the sending and receiving sites for waste military munitions received
from or shipped to an off-site location
The same bunker/magazine may store other munitions if the following conditions apply:
o The bunker/magazine is compliant with the explosive safety requirements
o Waste military munitions are stored on separate pallets and marked as waste military
RCRA and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory labels and markings are not required
for waste military munitions unless they are removed from the CE bunker for treatment or disposal as
hazardous waste under RCRA. Before taking any action that would result in the waste military
munitions becoming subject to RCRA, notify the NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division.
Waste military munitions stored under CE shall be marked with the words “WASTE MILITARY
Individual container markings are not required if a group of containers are marked as waste
military munitions.
Compliance with the Emergency Response Plan requires the following:
NCBC Gulfport NCG 2 Weapons Department will ensure compliance with the Emergency
Response Plan and other Emergency Response Plans and at a minimum, perform the following:
o Maintain specific emergency preparedness, contingency planning, and security
o Minimize unpermitted or uncontrolled detonation, releases, and discharges of waste
military munitions that may endanger human health or the environment
o Immediately notify NCBC Gulfport Command Duty Officer (CDO) and the Installation
Environmental Program Director (IEPD) in the event of an actual or potential detonation
or uncontrolled release, discharge, or migration of waste military munitions that may
endanger human health or the environment
Conditions that shall be met to exempt waste military munitions from transportation as hazardous waste
include the following:
The waste military munitions is not a chemical agent or chemical munitions.
The waste military munitions is transported to a military owned or operated treatment, storage,
or disposal facility with a Subpart X permit.
The waste military munitions shall be transported in accordance with all DoD requirements.
The following forms shall be utilized when transporting CE waste military munitions over public
roads or waterways:
o DD Form 1907 - Signature and Tally Record Form
o DD Form 626 - Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (Transporting Hazardous Materials)
The form versions dated October 1995 and September 1998 MUST be
o DD Form 836 - Shipping Paper and Emergency Response Information for Hazardous
Materials Transported by Government Vehicles
The form versions dated August 1989 and September 1998 MUST be completed
o DD Form 1348-1A - DoD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document
o DD Form 1103 - GSA standard Government Bill of Laden
Newer versions are also required to comply with DoD/Department of Navy (DoN) requirements.
These forms may only be used for military vehicles with military drivers such as EOD.
Waste military munitions shipped through or to a state that has not adopted the waste military munitions
Rules or a shipment to a commercial RCRA Subpart X permitted facility is not exempt; therefore, it
shall be managed as hazardous waste, not CE waste military munitions.
Disposal of all waste military munitions as hazardous waste shall be completed via Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA) contractors.
NCBC Gulfport NCG 2 Weapons Department shall maintain range use records:
All military munitions expenditures by types, quantities, locations, and estimated dud rates
All mishaps attributed to Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) that occurred either on or off the range
Indicate all areas containing known or suspected UXO on the activity’s maps
The type and location of used munitions landing off-range that are not retrieved and/or rendered
Navy EOD shall conduct all emergency response actions.
There are only two types of explosive hazardous waste storage: satellite accumulation areas (SAAs) or
less than 90-day (<90-day) Storage Facility.
SAAs are initial accumulation areas at or near the point of generation, under the control of the
operator generating the waste, and where less than 55 gallons of hazardous waste or 1 quart of
acute hazardous waste may be accumulated at any one time. An SAA in a bunker/magazine
may be established to store waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste if the following
conditions are met:
o Signs required by the Explosives Safety Officer (ESO) must be posted on the outside of
the magazine containing a SAA.
o The NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste Program Manager (HWPM) shall approve the
o Approval shall be gained prior to waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste
being stored in the bunker/magazine.
o Each SAA must have a unique identification number assigned by the NCBC Gulfport
o Inside the magazine the SAA shall be clearly delineated.
If the SAA conditions are not met, then explosive hazardous waste must be stored at a <90-day
Storage Facility. Unlike an SAA, there is no limit on the amount of waste military
munitions/explosive hazardous waste that may be stored; however, the waste military
munitions/explosive hazardous waste may not be stored more than 90 days and the following
conditions must be met:
o Access shall always be controlled (keep area locked except when the staff is present).
o Weather resistant signs shall be posted and clearly visible from 50 feet on all exterior
sides of the magazine stating, "NO SMOKING WITHIN 50 FEET."
o Weather resistant signs shall be posted and clearly visible from 25 feet reading,
o Sufficient aisle space around containers or pallets shall be maintained to allow for the
unobstructed movement.
o Position each container so the label is clearly visible when approaching for an
o Have containers stored so there is unobstructed access (nothing stored in front of the
o An internal communication device capable of summoning emergency assistance is
Containers shall be in good condition (only minor surface rust or dents) and compatible with the waste
military munitions/explosive hazardous waste stored in them.
NCBC Gulfport PWD Environmental Division will provide approved containers.
Containers shall be properly closed except when adding waste.
Apply the following rules to containers that cannot be properly sealed:
o Have the contents transferred to a proportionally sized container.
o With guidance from NCBC Gulfport HWPM, over-pack contents into an appropriate size
The container must be closed to the manufacturer’s specification and a log with those
specifications maintained.
When waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste is transported off-site to a permitted
disposal facility, a copy of the container closure specifications shall accompany the container and
NCBC Gulfport HWPM shall retain a copy
Properly complete each hazardous waste label using indelible ink.
o The minimum information that must be on the container includes the following:
The contents of the container
The accumulation start date (ASD)
o Additional information on each container includes the following:
Name and address of the installation
Name of the Generating Unit
Generator Environmental Protection Agency Identification (EPA ID) number
DOT Warning Labels and Marking
The waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste accumulation/storage areas shall be
inspected, at a minimum, once a week using the appropriate SAA Inspection Form (Appendix F) or
<90-day Storage Facility Inspection Form (Appendix G)
A copy of the inspection sheet shall be forwarded NCBC Gulfport HWPM.
The NCG 2 Weapons Department shall retain the original for a minimum of three years
6.3 Recordkeeping
Records must be maintained and available for review by Navy personnel, MDEQ, and EPA upon
request. Written records of all waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste stored shall be
maintained for 3 years from the date inventoried, inspected, or removed and shall contain the following
The type of waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste stored by standard
nomenclature, lot number, FSC, NSN, DODIC, NALC, and material condition code
The quantity of each type of waste military munitions/explosive hazardous waste stored
The date that each military munitions, by type, was identified as a waste
The last storage date (i.e., date removed from storage) for each, by type, of waste military
munitions/explosive hazardous waste
The storage location or locations
The disposition (destroyed, demilitarized, shipped) and date of the action, by type of waste
military munitions/explosive hazardous waste
The marking and labeling requirements identified by the DOT administrator if applicable
The name of the permitted transporter who transported the waste military munitions/explosive
hazardous waste off-site
The name of the off-site RCRA permitted facility where the waste military munitions/explosive
hazardous waste was shipped
Disposal of waste military munitions as explosive hazardous waste shall be completed via DLA
contractors and a certificate of disposal shall be provided to the NCBC Gulfport by DLA.
NMC, EOD, and ESO will ensure compliance with the FRP and other emergency response plans and at
a minimum, perform the following:
Maintain specific emergency preparedness, contingency planning, and security.
Minimize unpermitted or uncontrolled detonation, releases, and discharges of waste military
munitions/explosive hazardous waste that may endanger human health or the environment.
Immediately notify NCBC Gulfport CDO and the IEPD in the event of an actual or potential
detonation or uncontrolled release, discharge, or migration of waste military munitions/explosive
hazardous waste that may endanger human health or the environment.
NMC and EOD shall conduct emergency response aboard NCBC Gulfport, and DLA and their
contractor are responsible for emergency responses during the explosive hazardous waste’s
transportation off-site.
2.0 Exceptions
White Goods – large electrical goods used
domestically such as refrigerators and washing
machines, typically white in color
Electronic waste is recycled in
accordance with the DLA eRecycling
3.0 Waste Management Procedures program.
Once electronic equipment is at the end of its life cycle, obsolete, or deemed non-viable, the electronic
equipment is managed in accordance with the DLA eRecycling Program with the assistance of the
Material Equipment Manager.
Prior to turn-in, all hard drives and memory sticks are removed and milled to protect any sensitive,
personnel, or installation data in accordance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Memo “Disposition
of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives” and DoD 5220.22.
A Certificate of Hard Drive Disposition (DLA Form 2500) (Enclosure M-1) and a Direct Turn-in Document
(DTID) (DLA DD Form 1348) (Enclosure M-2) are prepared for all electronic equipment being managed
as E-Waste.
Any applicable certification statements should be included in Section 37 “Additional Data” of the DLA DD
Form 1348 (Enclosure M-2).
E-Waste is segregated by central processing units (CPU), hard drives, and miscellaneous electronics
such as monitors, printers, and keyboards.
The E-Waste is appropriately segregated, palletized, and overpacked with shrink wrap, and the DLA DD
Form 1348 is routed to the local DLA site for processing. All E-Waste off-site shipments are documented
on a bill of lading.
4.0 Enclosures
M-1: DLA Form 2500
M-2: DLA Form 1348
10. QTY. REC'D 11.UP 12. UNIT WEIGHT 13. UNIT CUBE 14. UFC 15. SL
ADD (8-22)
DIST (55-56)
QTY (25-29)
UP (74-80)
UI (23-24)
FormFlow (DLA)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
10. QTY. REC'D 11.UP 12. UNIT WEIGHT 13. UNIT CUBE 14. UFC 15. SL
ADD (8-22)
QTY (25-29)
UP (74-80)
UI (23-24)
FormFlow (DLA)
Appendix N – Pharmaceutical Waste
Management SOP
Pharmaceutical Waste Management
Standard Operating Procedure
1.0 Purpose
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) establishes
processes for the proper management of hazardous
pharmaceutical waste (HPW) at Naval Construction Battalion
Center (NCBC) Gulfport.
2.0 Reference
The Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
Pharmaceutical Waste Guidelines provide policy and
guidelines for management of HPW to ensure implementation
of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 260-279. Pharmaceuticals are managed
through a reverse distributor
3.0 Responsibilities (expired and in original packaging)
or as a regulated waste.
The NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste Program Manager
(HWPM) provides guidance for compliance with the NCBC
Gulfport Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP) for HPW.
The Pharmacist is responsible for managing HPW in accordance with this SOP, the HWMP, and
guidance from Naval Hospital (NAVHOSP) Pensacola. Other responsibilities include the following:
Receive training for HPW.
Identify and label all received drugs that are potentially HPW, including antineoplastic
Provide training to pharmacy personnel regarding HPW.
The NAVHOSP Pensacola Commanding Officer is responsible for compliance at NCBC Gulfport
Medical Clinic.
2.0 Responsibilities
The NCBC Gulfport Hazardous Waste Program Manager
(HWPM) provides guidance for compliance with this SOP for
used cooking oil management. Contact the NCBC Gulfport
HWPM at 228.323.1654 with any questions regarding this Used cooking oil generated at
SOP. NCBC Gulfport must be
Generators (food service establishments) must manage used recycled and managed in
cooking oil in accordance with this SOP and the NCBC accordance with this SOP.
Gulfport Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP)