How To Measure Ac Voltage Using Ampt101b

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/* ==========================================================

* This sketch(code) was programmed by THE ELECTRO MENTOR

* and was downloaded from
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#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);

int decimalPrecision = 2; // decimal places for all

values shown in LED Display & Serial Monitor
int VoltageAnalogInputPin = A0; // Which pin to measure voltage
Value (Pin A0 is reserved for button function)
float voltageSampleRead = 0; /* to read the value of a
sample in analog including voltageOffset1 */
float voltageLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each
sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
float voltageSampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample
readings */
float voltageSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample.
float voltageMean ; /* to calculate the average
value from all samples, in analog values*/
float RMSVoltageMean ; /* square roof of voltageMean
without offset value, in analog value*/
float adjustRMSVoltageMean;
float FinalRMSVoltage; /* final voltage value with
offset value*/

/* 1.1- AC Voltage Offset */

float voltageOffset1 =0.00 ; // to Offset deviation and

accuracy. Offset any fake current when no current operates.
// Offset will automatically
callibrate when SELECT Button on the LCD Display Shield is pressed.
// If you do not have LCD
Display Shield, look into serial monitor to add or minus the value manually and key
in here.
// 26 means add 26 to all
analog value measured.
float voltageOffset2 = 0.00; // too offset value due to
calculation error from squared and square root

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); /* In order to see value in

serial monitor */
// pinMode(pin, INPUT);

void loop()

/* 1- AC Voltage Measurement */
if(micros() >= voltageLastSample + 1000 )
/* every 0.2 milli second taking 1 reading */
voltageSampleRead = (analogRead(VoltageAnalogInputPin)- 512)+
voltageOffset1; /* read the sample value including
offset value*/
voltageSampleSum = voltageSampleSum + sq(voltageSampleRead) ;
/* accumulate total analog values for each sample readings*/

voltageSampleCount = voltageSampleCount + 1;
/* to move on to the next following count */
voltageLastSample = micros() ;
/* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/

if(voltageSampleCount == 1000)
/* after 4000 count or 800 milli seconds (0.8 second), do the calculation and
display value*/
voltageMean = voltageSampleSum/voltageSampleCount;
/* calculate average value of all sample readings taken*/
RMSVoltageMean = (sqrt(voltageMean))*1.5;
// The value X 1.5 means the ratio towards the module amplification.
adjustRMSVoltageMean = RMSVoltageMean + voltageOffset2;
/* square root of the average value including offset value */
/* square root of the average value*/

FinalRMSVoltage = RMSVoltageMean + voltageOffset2;

/* this is the final RMS voltage*/
if(FinalRMSVoltage <= 2.5)
/* to eliminate any possible ghost value*/
{FinalRMSVoltage = 0;}
lcd.setCursor ( 0, 0 );
lcd.setCursor ( 0, 1);
lcd.print("Voltages = ");
lcd.print(" ");
voltageSampleSum =0;
/* to reset accumulate sample values for the next cycle */
/* to reset number of sample for the next cycle */

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