Prospects of American Oil Palm (Elaeis Oleifera, HBK) Germplasm and Interspecific Hybrids in India.
Prospects of American Oil Palm (Elaeis Oleifera, HBK) Germplasm and Interspecific Hybrids in India.
Prospects of American Oil Palm (Elaeis Oleifera, HBK) Germplasm and Interspecific Hybrids in India.
Prospects of American oil palm (Elaeis oleifera, HBK) germplasm and inter
specific hybrids in India
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Masilamani Poomaruthai
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Prospects of American Oil Palm (Elaeis oleifera, HBK) Germplasm
and Interspecific Hybrids in India
Murugesan P*1, Rethinam P2 and Masilamani P3
ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Research Centre, Palode, Pacha, Kerala - 695 562.
(*1Presently, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala- 695 017)
ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh-534 450.
Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Trichy - 620 009.
Unlike African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.), American oil palm
(Elaeis oleifera, HBK) has unique traits such as reduced height increment,
palm oil with significantly high oleic acid, carotene and tocotrienols. However,
a pure stand of oleifera is not cultivated and has inherent abnormalities
in reproductive structures, which lead to poor fruit set. To overcome
these, oleifera is backcrossed to guineensis (O×G) through interspecific
hybridization (IS). Genetic diversity studies indicated that there are four
geographically distinct populations of a pure stand of oleifera distributed in
Brazil, Peru, Central America/North Colombia, and Surinam/French Guiana.
Oleifera germplasm has been collected from above natural palm grooves and
conserved in the field gene banks of oil palm growing countries. Advanced
O×G hybrids were developed with a major breeding objective of improving
Received : 21st February, 2020 palm oil quality and high-density planting. Some advanced O × G hybrids
Revised : 26th February, 2020 are reported to produce high oil yields close to that of tenera of African oil
Accepted : 12th March, 2020 palm. The interspecific hybrids namely, BRS Manicore, PS4, AA Hybrida IS,
#S (& #D), Amazon, Taisha, Sinu-Coari × Coari from EMBRAPA (Brazil),
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (Malaysia), Applied Agricultural Resources
(Malaysia), Palmelite (Formerly CIRAD, France), Agricultural Services
and Development (Costa Rica), Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Agropecuarias (INIAP), Ecuador and Peru, respectively are important
examples for O×G hybrids. There are four oleifera accessions, namely,
DOPR22, DOPR23, DOPR24, and DOPR25 available in India. Four genetic
stocks viz., Palm no.45 of Surinam of DOPR22, Palm No.6 of DOPR23,
Palm No 48 of DOPR23, and Palm No.6 of DOPR25 were developed for
improvement and introgression into Indian breeding programme. Oleifera
genetic resources and O×G hybrids have good prospects for achieving high oil
quality, disease tolerance/resistance, and suitable for high-density planting.
India has a very narrow genetic base, and there is an urgent need to collect
new materials from centers of origin by exploration and exchange through
unilateral and multilateral collaborative research programmes.
Keywords: Elaeis oleifera, germplasm, interspecific hybrids, palm oil quality, India
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condition (Rao et al,1989). Surinam source of (Cunha and Lopes, 2010). First reported F1 hybrids
germplasm is not only diverse but also unique were from Oil Palm Genetics Laboratory, Johor,
which deserves immediate attention for gene pool Malaysia, during 1969. Malaysian Palm Oil Board
conservation (Corley and Tinker, 2003). Hardon has developed a hybrid, namely PS 4 enriched with
(1969) demonstrated that there are significant palm oil with high carotene content utilized from
differences between the species Elaeis oleifera and Elaeis oleifera germplasm (Mohini et al., 2002).
Elaeis guineensis regarding the content and type of Malaysia has developed an oil palm hybrid with
fatty acids present in their oils. Wei Xia et al., (2019) high oleic acid (approximately 52%) (Rajanaidu et
assessed fatty acid compounds in 200 genotypes al., 2017). A company, namely, Applied Agricultural
and recorded 31.3 to 48.8-of palmitic acid, 31.3 to Resources Sdn. AAR, Malaysia has an exclusive
50.1%, of oleic acid, 7.1 to 18.5% linoleic acid with breeding programme of E. oleifera that resulted
total oil content of 29.8 to 70.3%. A total of 175 in the creation of the AA Hybrida IS. Interspecific
accessions of E. oleifera collected from the Amazon hybrids are commercially produced for local and
River basin were assessed for genetic diversity, overseas markets (Abdul Rahim et al., 2017) under
and most of the variations were observed within- a favorable growing environment, a maximum of 35
population, which confirms allogamous nature of tonnes of fresh fruit bunch and 8-9 t of crude palm oil
perennial species (Moretzsohn et al., 2002). Oleifera per hectare is reported in Hybrida1 during 7-10 years
in situ characterization from Amazonian Trapezoid after planting. Hybrid seeds of O× G are produced
collected by Cenipalma revealed high variation in through bi-clonal seed production system. Another
vegetative characteristics and bunch components. France based company called Palmelite (formerly
The values in ranges for unsaturated fatty acid, known as CIRAD) developed interspecific hybrids
Iodine Value, carotene content and Vitamin E with premium oil quality (low lipase and acidity) and
are 68-73.5%, 76.4 to 84.5, 1880-6527ppm, high-density planting (Legen et al., 1991). Some
519 to 1140ppm, respectively (Rey et al., 2004). improved interspecific hybrids found to exhibit
Barcelos et al., (2005) highlighted the presence slow fruit detachment even after full ripe maturity
of traits responsible for the drought, waterlogging, (Ochoa et al., 2013). The produce, namely ‘#S’ and
and nutrient deficiency management in oleifera #D denoted for dwarf and high-density hybrids,
germplasm. Hence, the collection and conservation respectively. The ‘#S’ have 46-50cm of height
of germplasm should be further intensified to increment year-1 with 26- 28% Industrial Extraction
prevent the extinction of diverse and wild relatives. Ratio (IER) of CPO and 160 palms population
hectare-1 can be accommodated for ‘#D’. One O ×G
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION hybrid ‘Amazon’ (with high oil quality) developed by
Interspecific hybrids ASD Costa Rica (South America) can accommodate
135 palms in a hectare of land (Alvarado and
American oil palm is the main source of genetic
Escobar, 2016). Amazon was developed from the
variability for oil palm breeding. Despite desirable
oleifera germplasm collected from Manaos region
qualities, cultivation of pure stand of E. oleifera is
of Brazil (Murugesan and Sunil Kumar, 2014).
not viable economically, due to its low yields (< 1.0
It is reported that O × G hybrids developed from
tonne oil/ ha/year) compared to E. guineensis (4-5
Taisha (Ecuador) had the potential to produce high
tonnes oil/ ha/year). Since two species hybridize
oil yields close to that of dura × pisifera (tenera)
easily, interspecific hybrids could be obtained with
seeds of E. guineensis. There are indications that
yields around 90% of the E. guineensis (Amblard
interspecific hybrid (E. guineensis × E. oleifera)
et al., 1995). To introgress traits of oil quality
presents tolerance to drought, waterlogged soils and
and low height increment from E. oleifera into
nutrient deficiency (Barcelos et al., 2005). Moreover,
E. guineensis, two species are hybridised (Hardon
some selected interspecific hybrids (Deli × Yangambi
and Tan, 1969) to produce oleifera × guineensis
NIFOR) were found to have slow fruit detachment
(O×G) hybrids. Subsequently, O× G hybrid is
(Ochoa et al., 2013); lower lipase activity and slow
backcrossed to its selected E. guineensis parent
development of free fatty acids in oil (Cadena, 2013).
to improve the yield. The hybrid between above two
Promising four back crossed families (sourced from
O × G hybrid is nowadays suggested for specific
South American countries) were developed from
situations like bud rot infested area (Torres et al.,
United Plantation Berhad, Malaysia, capable of
2010) and high-density planting etc. Replanting
fresh fruit bunch yield up to 35 tonnes/ha/year in
of O× G hybrids is also undertaken by some oil
the second year of harvest with oil/ bunch ratio of
palm countries in view of catastrophic bud rot
32 percent and oil yield potential of 10 tonnes/ha/
disease spread in South African countries (De
year. Selection of ortets from these back crossed
Franqueville 2003). The palm with a high content
progenies are under progress with an objective to
of unsaturated fatty acids attracts a new market
develop compact clones and seed progenies with
for growers (Montoya et al. 2013). BRS Manicoré is
6.25 per cent E. oleifera traits. Such hybrids are
the first national O×G hybrid developed by EMBRAPA
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amenable to high-density planting of 200 palms/ was promising, but the oil content of the mesocarp
ha compared to conventional 136-160 palms/ha. is intermediate between the parental species and
An interspecific hybrid from Peru namely, Sinu-Coari lower than in E. guineensis. E. oleifera has a marked
×Coari ×La me had a higher capacity of Co2 fixation tendency towards the production of parthenocarpy
coupled with desirable agronomic performance fruits and this character was fully dominant in the
(Rivera et al., 2013). Ibarra-Ruales and Reyes-Cueta hybrids. Because of this, the percentage fruits per
(2015) reported that O × G (F1) hybrid showed bunch in the hybrids tend to become greater than in
vigorous growth and accumulated more biomass E. guineensis, and this partly helped to compensate
(when compared to normal tenera hybrid) in the for the lower percentage of oil in the mesocarp.
plant parts maintained in the nursery in Colombia. Improving oil quality has been implemented by
The popular interspecific hybrids of CENIPALMA of backcross program of O× G hybrids with the best
Colombia, namely Coari× Lame (O×G) hybrids, had parents from RRS schemes (Edy Suprianto et al.,
mean lipase enzyme activity ranged between 28.5 2016). We need to evaluate the genetic variability of
to 38.6 Free Fatty Acid, whereas E. quieensis and the progenies of oleifera and interspecific hybrids to
E. oleifera recorded lipase value of 52.7 % and select best-combining parents (Rui Alberto Gomes
0.6%, respectively (Cadena et al, 2013). Preciado et al., 2014).
et al., (2011) predicted the ripeness period of O×G
Elaeis oleifera in India
hybrid and obtained high oil extraction between
170 and 180 days after artificial pollination. There are four oleifera accessions namely,
Similarly, Rincon et al., (2013) obtained optimal DOPR22 (Suriname), DOPR23 (Malaysia), DOPR24
harvest stage coinciding with high oil content at (Costa Rica), and DOPR25 (Oil Palm India Limited-
stage 807 in hybrid Coari ×Lame and estimated Chithera) available in India (Murugesan, and Sunil
to take 204 days to complete fruit ripening up to Kumar, 2014). They were introduced to India along
senescence. Phenology of O×G hybrid has been with commercial planting materials (Murugesan
studied by Hormaza et al., (2012) and Sandra and Sunil Kumar, 2014). Out of four sources,
Milena Rincóna, (2013). Macfarlane et al., (1975) three accessions are available at Palode, Kerala,
had analyzed mesocarp and kernel oils from the and another source (two palms) was located at
oleifera and their progenies. World over about 2.5 Chithara Estate of Oil Palm India Limited (OPIL),
million interspecific hybrid seeds are produced every Kerala (Murugesan, 2010). Three accessions
year from Ecuador (CIRAD Partners – 1 million), planted at Palode have been designated as
Colombia (La cabana – 0.3 million, Indupalma – DOPR G 22, 23, and 24 and evaluated for selection of
0.2 million) and Brazil (Embrapa – 1 million) for promising individual palms for further improvement
commercial cultivation (Murugesan and Rethinam, (Murugesan and Shareef, 2014). Interspecific
2018). Interspecific hybrid of Brazil namely ‘BRS hybridization programme has been undertaken in
Manicoré’ when tested for seed germination showed India with an objective to obtain cultivars with high
only 30-35 % germination owing to its wild character fruit and oil production per unit of area, low annual
(Wanderlei Antônio Alves Lima et al., 2014). The height increment, and oil with high content of
above organizations could establish multi-location unsaturated fatty acids and carotenes (Murugesan
trials using the collected materials both in donors and Sunil Kumar, 2014). Interspecific hybrids (O×G)
and their research stations. A selection cycle that of seven combinations were developed in India
includes evaluation and phenotypic selection and utilizing oleifera of DOPR 23 and Palode dura and
hybridization to produce new progenies requires the progenies were planted during 1998. Three
around 20 years (Corley and Tinker, 2003). Genomic promising dwarf interspecific palms, namely 47
in Situ Hybridization (GISH) developed at Malaysian (361Eg × 11Eo), 48 (16Eo × 18Eg) and 6 (12Eo
Palm Oil Board (MPOB) could be utilized to ascertain × 82Eg) were identified from this field trial (Sunil
the amount of introgressed parental genomes into Kumar et al .,2015). Notably, palm No 48 (genetic
O × G hybrids (Madon et al, 1999). This technique stock from one of the above combinations) namely,
can show a clear differentiation between the 16O × 18G showed unique characteristics viz.,
E. oleifera and E. guineensis genome. Singh et al., high fruit set, and unique fruit color (deep red skin
(2004) sequenced the genome of E. guineensis and and yellow mesocarp) apart from compact slow
found to be about 1.8 GB and detected no significant height increment (Murugesan et al., 2019). The
differences between two species. Interspecific evaluation indicated that DOPR G23 and DOPR
hybrids have thin shell but lack fiber ring unlike that G24, grow vigorously and with a height increment
of normal hybrids (tenera) developed by crossing of 24 and 34cm, respectively. They also had a
dura (thick shell) and pisifera (shell-less) in E. rachis length of 6.66 m in DOPR G23 and 6.24 m
guineensis. Fruit detachment and build-up of free in DOPR G24. DOPR 23 had a height increment
fatty acids are slow in E. oleifera compared to tenera. of 15 cm with 6.4 m rachis length. Leaf area is
The yield of the hybrids in terms of total fruit weight also considered for screening of germplasm as
107 | 1-3 | 11
it contribute to photosynthesis (Kalarani et al., are produced through the conventional breeding
2018). One interspecific palm No. 6 of DOPR 23 programme for introgression of desirable traits.
with high yield and other desirable characters was Several advanced O×G hybrids were developed
alone taken forward to F1 backcrossing programme from different research organizations with a major
after evaluation at Palode, Kerala (Murugesan and breeding objective of improving palm oil quality and
Shareef., 2014) which recorded highest FFB yield and high-density planting. Replanting O× G hybrids is also
possessed compact characteristics was ultimately undertaken by some oil palm producing countries in
selected for producing interspecific hybrids and view of catastrophic disease spread in the plantation
further breeding for dwarf palms. E. oleifera from planted with tenera hybrids, especially in South
OPIL exhibits all the desirable characters, especially America. Some advanced O×G hybrids are reported
for fruit weight (15.41g), Fruit to Bunch (61.46%), to produce high oil yields close to that of tenera
and height increment (15cm). Notably, it has a of Elaeis guineensis. Interspecific hybridization
distinct trait of the large kernel with an average nut programme has been initiated in India with an aim
weight of 6.95g per fruit. Selfed and inter se mated to achieve superior palm oil quality with palms
progenies of DOPR 25 were planted during 2010 suitable for high-density planting. The preliminary
as an observation trial at Palode and progenies evaluation indicated that some individual palms
showed precocity for bunch production, with very of indigenously developed genetic stocks showed
low height increment and normal fruit set and high precocity for bunch production and recorded very
sex ratio (Murugesan and Sunil Kumar (2014a) and low annual height increment with normal fruit
Murugesan and Sunil Kumar, 2014b). A germplasm set and high sex ratio. Four such oleifera genetic
accession of Elaeis oleifera of Surinam source stocks and breeding lines are available for further
showed early fruit ripening and harvestable maturity evaluation and improvement. There is an urgent
(4.5 months) under the tropical climate of south need to introduce targeted germplasm from centres
India (Murugesan et al., 2011). These Suriname of origin by exploration and exchange through
materials were believed to be sourced from Nigeria unilateral and multilateral collaborative programmes
and the identified palms were located inside the for broadening the genetic base for the development
Oil Palm India Limited estate located at Chihara, of new varieties suitable to different agro-climatic
Kollam district of Kerala (Murugesan, 2010). To get conditions of India.
uniform germination and seedlings and to facilitate
the precise evaluation of progenies of interspecific
hybrids, the mechanical scarification techniques We thank Director of ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvanantha
were developed (Murugesan et al., 2015). Notably, puram, Kerala for permission to publish research
four genetic stocks viz., Palm no.45 of Surinam review. Senior author thanks Dr.A.V.V. Koudinya,
of DOPR 22, Palm No.6 of DOPR G 23, Palm No Scientist, ICAR-CTCRI for help and support to format
48 of DOPR 23 and Palm No.6 of DOPR 25 were the manuscript of the article.
developed for improvement and introgression into
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