TaiwanSYS-Bridge Mode - Configuration Steps
TaiwanSYS-Bridge Mode - Configuration Steps
TaiwanSYS-Bridge Mode - Configuration Steps
2. Make sure that your computer gets its IP address (192.168.0.xx)/24 and
its default Gateway is (
Note: You can configure static IP address in your PC to access the router (for example:
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3. Go to your browser and enter the IP ( when it prompts for
Authentication, enter user name (root) and password (root) then Log In:
Then, you will see the main web page in your screen:
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4. From the navigator menu in the left, choose , then determine
the Operation Mode as shown in the figure:
5. The next page shows the router current IP (you can change it).
6. In WAN1 settings set VPI to 1, VCI to 35 ( you can check this parameters
with Yemen Net)
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When you’re done click button.
7. In the last page (Basic Review), you will see all configurations you’ve
done, scroll down and click button so your configuration takes
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