The Tzevaot

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The Tzevaot - The Heavenly Host, the Abrahamic

I have been working on this for a while and it is...mostly...complete. I still have the section on
the religion writeup to do because oh my is that a potential headache, and I have to write up
the actual boons and some of the backgrounds, but...I feel it is in a state that is ready to

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
- The Gospel of John, Chapter 1, Verse 1

“You think it’s better to be a king of demons than a servant of the most righteous? You don’t
understand, then. What’s the point of a kingdom if you have to live in fear? But don’t worry -
Allah is watching. And because things are busy, Allah sent me.”
- Aisha Abdul-Latif, Scion of Jibril

In the beginning of the Lord’s creation of Heaven and Earth, the Earth was empty, and
darkness was on the face of the oceans, and the spirit of the Most High was upon the face of
the waters. And the Lord said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And the Lord saw the
light and it was good, and the Lord separated the light and the darkness. And the Lord called
the light day, and the darkness He called night, and it was evening and it was morning, the
first day.
Oh yes, everyone knows the story. In seven days, all things were created. And from
there...well, there’s arguments. But no one can doubt that the power of the One God’s people
is immense. Monotheists are everywhere - or, well, henotheists. In the World, it is not hard to
pray at a church one day and attend services in a sacred grove the next. But for those who
believe, the truth is simple: the god whose name cannot be spoke, the Lord of Light and the
King of Kings, is different than other gods. Bigger. The only true god, though to say so aloud
is rude. Others are something different.
Of course, one of the things that separates the Most High from other gods is silence. The
Most High does not speak to mortals directly. Instead, the Tzevaot, the angelic host, serve as
intermediaries. And even they have had little success in stopping the factionalism and internal
conflicts that have long plagued the Abrahamic faiths. But even so, they are a beacon of
righteousness. No one can deny that. They may be arrogant, stiff-necked and rigid, but it is
impossible to deny the high ideals that drive the angels in the service of their Lord.
Principal Members
There is only the Lord, the Most High, the Word Unspoken. His servants are the Tzevaot, the
Hosts of Heaven. None of His servants would ever dare to consider themselves gods. The
Lord, whose Name cannot be spoken, is the only god, the Name and the Lord. Rather, they
are His angels, His servants, His presence and His messengers. The chief among these are
known to most of humanity as archangels, though there is some disagreement over which
these are, and several hierarchies. The Hosts refuse to endorse any single one of these
directly, for they do not particularly want to encourage further factionalism among the
followers of the Most High. It is generally agreed that the most prominent among them are
called Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and the Metatron, but they are not the only ones.
Also known are Samael ha-Satan, Raziel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Camael, Haniel, Azrael,
Sandalphon, Raguel, Ramiel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel, though not all of the
followers of the Lord accept all of these as archangels. There are many lesser angels as well.
Angels, Gender and Patriarchy
It is impossible to discuss the Tzevaot and the Abrahamic faiths without confronting the fact
that their history is extremely patriarchal and often sexist. If asked, most angels would say
that they are genderless, that they are beyond gender. For purposes of this writeup, male
pronouns are used exclusively for the archangels, due to the Abrahamic traditions, though
strictly speaking all archangels are likely to personally identify as agender.

Is it possible for an angel to identify as female, non-binary or genderfluid? Absolutely.

Sandalphon is even identified as feminine surprisingly often, and the angels that embody the
sephirot Binah and Malkuth might sometimes identify as female because these sephirot are
often considered feminine. When dealing with mortals in their capacity as religious figures,
however, the Tzevaot otherwise almost exclusively appear in male or agender forms. This
does not prevent your PC from doing otherwise, nor prevent them from doing otherwise
when dealing with your PC.

Azrael, Angel of Death, Bringer of Destruction and Renewal

Aliases: Azrail, Help from God, Azriel

Azrael is a potent but fearsome angel, known primarily in Judaic and Islamic lore. He is the master of
the books of life and death, writing in each constantly with his four faces, four thousand wings, and
countless eyes and mouths - one for every human soul. He is one of the most reverential and profound
of angels, for it is his duty to guide the dead to their reward. He takes no souls but those he is
commanded to.

Azrael is surprisingly friendly, given his terrible domain. He commands the angels of Heaven along
with his duties as psychopomp, and his is not to judge the human soul - merely to take it when the
time has come. He is also called on as the Destroying Angel to bring forth the Most High’s wrath
when required, however, and so he can be quite grim.

Azrael chooses few Scions and only rarely Incarnates - he’s far too busy. When he does appear, it is
as a mortician, a grief counselor or a therapist. He helps others to accept the coming of death, to know
that death is not an end and is not to be feared. When he does choose a Scion, it is typically from
among those that help the bereaved and know death well. They are always thoughtful, even when they
embody Azrael’s destroyer nature rather than his kinder one.

Callings: Hunter, Liminal, Sage

Purviews: Death, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Journeys, Order

Barachiel, Archangel of Blessings, Guardian of Converts, Saint of Family

Aliases: Barki’el, Buraqil, Blessed By God, God’s Benediction, Saint Barachiel

The Book of Enoch describes Barachiel as an angelic prince, while the Ars Almadel states he leads
the first and fourth chora. Barachiel is named Archangel in the Byzantine Christian tradition, both
Catholic and Orthodox. Barachiel is called on to grant blessings and guardianship, and is the patron of
married life and the family. He is said to be the guardian angel of all converts, as well as offering the
benefits of a guardian angel to any that pray for intercession through him.

Barachiel is tireless, but extremely busy. He commands many guardian angels, and he is one of the
most often called on among the Byzantine Catholic and the Orthodox. He is a kindly but often
distracted leader, having to delegate many of his duties to lesser angels simply to get everything done.
His symbols are the white rose, the breadbasket and the planet Jupiter.
Barachiel chooses those who, like him, are tireless in protecting and assisting others. The Chosen of
Barachiel are expected to work on behalf of others as much as they can, and especially to care for
those who come to their communities from outside, to make them welcome. Barachiel does not often
Incarnate personally, but when he does, he is typically an orphanage director, immigration lawyer or
foreign aid worker - any position that will allow him to care for and protect people.

Callings: Healer, Guardian, Leader

Purviews: Epic Stamina, Fertility, Fortune, Health, Passion (Familial Love)

Camael, Archangel of Strength and Courage, Angel of the Flaming Sword

Aliases: Khamael, Camiel, Cameel, Camniel, Chamuel, Wrath of God, Kemuel

Camael is known in both Jewish and Christian mythology, but is not directly named in any holy text
(and as a result is not permitted reverence by the Catholics). He is an archangel who, alongside
Gabriel, is associated with the Gevurah, the fifth sephirah of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. In that role,
Camael is the guardian of the holy fire and the awe of God, enforcer of God’s judgments and strictly
obedient to the Law

Camael led the angelic host that drove Adam and Eve from Eden alongside Uriel, and it is he who
wielded the Flaming Sword of Eden, which faces all directions and cannot be defeated. (This is not
the only fiery sword of the Tzevaot, but easily one of the most famous.) As might be expected,
Camael is humorless and strict, and few can meet his standards. He has no patience for mortals, but if
he does find someone he judges worthy, he treats them with utter respect.

Camael’s incarnations are always warriors. He is never a general, for he prefers to fight on the front.
Rather, he serves as the champion of good causes, the heroic soldier and the enactor of righteous fury.
His Chosen are those who do the same, or those who stand as an exemplar of what is right and just.
They and he do not always agree on what is right, but their conviction and virtue matter far more to
Camael than that they obey and agree with him.

Callings: Warrior, Judge, Hunter

Purviews: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Fire, Order, Passion (Awe, Righteous Anger), Sun, War

Gabriel, Messenger of God, the Left Hand of God

Aliases: Jibril, God Is My Strength, Gibril, Jibrail, Gavriel

Gabriel is one of the most famous and most venerated of the Host, paid respect by every faith that
falls under their dominion. He is the interpreter of prophetic visions, who stands to the left of the Most
High. In Judaism, he is the guardian of the Chosen People, in Christianity the bearer of the final trump
and the pronouncer of the birth of Yeshua, called Jesus, and in Islam the revealer of the Quran. It is
said that Gabriel is associated with the sephirah Yesod, or sometimes Gevura, and serves to transmit
the holy reality of the Most High to those below, and to guard and select souls from the Tree of Life,
to be born as humans.

Gabriel is a proud and mighty angel, deep in understanding of the human mind. He is a revealer of
truths and riddles, and he is very busy, for many call upon him for aid. He rarely answers calls save on
matters of great import, however, and Gabriel’s personal attention is staggering. His presence is a
palpable force, his voice a peal of thunder.
Gabriel rarely incarnates. When he does, it is as a messenger of some kind. He is a reporter, a postal
worker, a courier. The messages he delivers are often vital ones, at that. His Chosen are those, like
him, who solve riddles and deliver truths. He seeks those who do not require his aid, and he tasks
them to render their aid unto others. It is a heavy burden, and his expectations are great, but he is free
with rewards to those that can handle it.

Callings: Liminal, Sage, Guardian

Purviews: Artistry (Music), Fortune, Journeys, Order, Sky, Stars

Samael ha-Satan, the Accusing Angel, Angel of Death and Disaster

Aliases: Mastema, the Adversary, Satan, Yetzer Hara, Venom of God

Samael ha-Satan occupies a strange place in the theology of many of the Abrahamic faiths. For the
Jews, he is the Accuser, a loyal angel given the duty of punishing the wicked and prosecuting the
souls of humanity before the Lord. For Christians, he is a fallen angel whose role in punishing the
wicked and testing the righteous for sin is an act of evil. Islam has Iblis, who is not even an angel. Ha-
Satan is, in truth, an angel - but a terrible angel, a force whose temptations serve to test the righteous
and, if he can make them fall, proves that they were righteous only in the easy times.

Ha-Satan accepts the abuse that is heaped upon him, as devil and adversary. He does not bother to
correct the ideas surrounding the Fall of Lucifer or his role in punishment. He knows he will never be
loved, and he does not attempt to be. When he is called on, he often ignores it - he does not serve to
do evil. However, if called on to test faith or to punish evil, he may respond, sending forth his
servants. Most often, however, people seek to avoid his gaze. He is firm but he is not unfair, and those
that survive his trials become stronger for it - but he is also unwavering. If he believes that someone
can handle what he throws at them, and they fail or even die, he is never sorry. The question of
Lucifer vexes him. Some say that Samael is the true Lucifer, and others that the Titan that bears that
name is. The answer is complex, and some scholars believe that Lucifer was once a mantle of Samael
that somehow grew into its current Titanic state.

Samael’s incarnations are punishers and accusers. He is the prosecution, the corrections officer, the
vice principal in charge of discipline, the drill sergeant. He is always cold, often hated, but he is never
cruel. His Chosen are those, like him, who will take on themselves the role of villain in order to
achieve good ends. Sometimes they go too far, and often they are despised by the righteous...but there
remain lines they do not cross, and their causes are righteous.

Callings: Judge, Trickster, Warrior

Purviews: Beasts (Snake, Goat), Chaos, Darkness, Death, Deception, Order, Passion (Guilt,
Temptation), Prosperity

Haniel, Archangel of Joy

Aliases: Grace of God, Joy of God, Anael, Hanael, Aniel

Haniel is known primarily in Jewish mythology and Kabbalistic thought, not directly named in any
holy text. He is associated with the sephirah Netzach, the seventh of the sephirot. In that role, he is the
granter of eternal endurance, that which is perpetual and victorious. This is the Joy of God, which is
unending and unfailing.

Haniel is often associated with the planet Venus, and he is called on to bring mercy, endurance and
joy. Haniel is a loving angel, and he works hard to spread joy and love among the downtrodden and
oppressed, whom he cares for above others. While he hates to fight, his strength is immense, and
when roused to fury by the harming of the poor and oppressed, he is an implacable foe.

Haniel is typically found in Incarnations that live among his favored people. He is an aid worker, a
local leader, a parish priest in a poor neighborhood. He does not take on roles of high status, but rather
ground-level ones that allow him to get his hands dirty directly helping people. His Chosen are those
who work alongside him best, who care for others and bring real, direct change.

Callings: Healer, Lover, Guardian

Purviews: Beauty, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Passion (Joy)

Jegudiel, Patron of Craftsmen, Angel of Praise

Aliases: Saint Jegudiel, Jhudiel, Jehudiel Yehudiel, Glorifier of God

Jegudiel is an angel and saint of the Byzantine Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, the patron of crafters
and workmen. He bears a crown that symbolizes success in spiritual labor, and he serves to advise and
defend those in positions of power. He is also the bearer of the Lord’s merciful love. He is not often
mentioned by other faiths under the Hosts’ care, however.

Jegudiel is a wise and careful angel, often called on by judges and rulers to provide advice and
guidance. While he is happy to give guidance, he expects his petitioners to be able to perform their
work themselves rather than to rely on him for everything. He has many angels under his command,
to help him care for all trades, crafts and judgments, and his symbols are the crown and the three-
pronged whip, to reward the righteous and punish evil.

Jegudiel’s incarnations are workers and advisors. They labor with their hands and help those who
must stand in judgment. He rarely takes leadership roles, preferring to be the old hand, the canny
advisor or the mentor and teacher. He chooses those who excel in judgement and in skill, and many of
his chosen are crafters and makers themselves.

Callings: Creator, Judge, Sage

Purviews: Artistry (All), Epic Dexterity, Forge, Order

Jophiel, Archangel of Wisdom, Patron of Artists

Aliases: Yophiel, Iophiel, Jofiel, Iofiel, Zaphiel, Tsophiel, Tzaphkiel, Watchman of God, Beauty of
God, Zuriel, My Rock Is God, Dina

Jophiel is more obscure than some archangels, known primarily through extrabiblical texts in Judaic
tradition and certain Protestant sects, such as the Anglicans and Episcopals. He is named as the angel
that oversees the reading of the Torah on the Sabbath, the teacher of many and the angel associated
with the sephirah Chokhmah, shared with Raziel, reigning over divine wisdom and knowledge.

He is a patient teacher, but often depicted wielding a fiery sword. His is the light of illumination and
aspiration, and he expects people to always be seeking. He brings beauty and cleansing, fighting
against those that pollute the world with evil (or pollution in general), and provides inspiration for art
and science.

Jophiel’s incarnations are teachers, librarians and scholars. He often works to bring the joy of art and
learning to people, and he can be found nearly anywhere that he can do this. His Chosen are, like him,
teachers and guides, or artists that reveal divine truth in the beauty of their creations.
Callings: Sage, Guardian, Judge
Purviews: Artistry (All), Beauty, Fire, Moon, Wild

Metatron, the Recording Angel, the Celestial Scribe, Chancellor of Heaven

Aliases: Enoch, the Lesser Name, the Ancient of Days, Yahoel

Metatron is a potent archangel, though mentioned little in biblical literature outside of Enoch. He is
most frequently invoked by Jewish mystics, and he is sometimes said to be the mortal prophet Enoch,
transformed into an angel by apotheosis. If so, he is one of only a tiny number of mortals ever to
achieve full divinity as a Tzevaot archangel. The Metatron is certainly powerful, sometimes said to be
second only to the Unspoken Name - so much so that his name is said to be the Lesser Name or the
Prince of the Presence.

While Metatron is certainly powerful, however, he never claims to be a second God, and has even
willingly accepted terrible punishments to prove that he is not. His duty is to record and chronicle the
will of the Lord, and is neither messenger nor deity, no matter what some heresies claim. He is the
Youth and the Servant, who grants mystic knowledge and refuge, and is representation of the tenth
and final Sephirah, Keter, the Crown and that which is incomprehensible to and hidden from

The Metatron almost never incarnates, being very busy recording the will of the Most High. When he
does, he is a prophet, a voice from the wilderness that changes views, or a mystic and philosopher,
who reveals riddles that have no answer. His words confuse, and his Chosen are only ever those who
can see the enlightened truth within them.

Callings: Sage, Liminal, Trickster

Purviews: Artistry (Riddles), Chaos, Deception, Fortune, Sky, Stars

Michael the Archangel, Right Hand of God, Commander of the Armies of the Lord
Aliases: Saint Michael, Mikhail, Mikhael, The Taxiarch, Who Is Like God?, Mikail

Michael is beloved by all Abrahamic faiths, often above all other angels. He is the guardian of the
Jews, the warrior angel of the Christians, the sword of God of the Muslims. He often fights with
Samael, serving as the defense to the other’s prosecution, and is a tireless warrior against evil. He,
along with Gabriel, is often one of the only angels recognized by Protestant sects.

Michael is always busy, fighting against the forces of evil and leading war against demons and Titans.
He is called on for strength and courage in the face of darkness, and he calls for others to fight in the
name of the Most High. He is one of the most warlike angels, implacable in his pursuit of the foes of
the Tzevaot.

Michael is a general, a commander, a guardian. His Incarnations reflect this. He is always a leader and
always a warrior. His Incarnations are found wherever people need a warrior to protect them or to
fight for their cause, and his Chosen are like him. They are always at the forefront, inspiring others
and leading them to greatness. Almost all of them know how to fight, and those that don’t learn

Callings: Guardian, Leader, Warrior

Purviews: Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength, Fire, Health, War
Raguel, Angel of Justice and Speech
Aliases: Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Raquel, Rakul, Reuel, Akrasiel, Friend of God

Raguel is the bringer of justice and redemption, primarily known to extrabiblical Judaic lore. He
watches over the world, looking for those that break the laws of the Most High. He brings divine
vengeance upon them with a terrible might. However, he also lends his might to those that speak out
against injustice and bring forth law.

Raguel is not merely the hand of vengeance, but the bringer of fairness and harmony. He is invoked
by those who need fair speech, for he is a most eloquent angel. He guards against the foes of the Most
High within and without, inspiring others to act justly and well not only out of fear, but because it is
right to do so.

When Raguel incarnates, he is a judge, a police officer (often internal affairs), a mediator or a bounty
hunter. He seeks out injustices and rights them, bringing vengeance upon evil and justice upon the
good. His chosen are likewise those who seek out the unjust to punish them or the injustices of the
world to make right, and usually, like Raguel, inveterate busybodies.

Callings: Hunter, Judge, Sage

Purviews: Artistry (Speeches), Epic Strength, Order, Passion (Fear, Righteousness), Sun

Ramiel, Archangel of Hope

Aliases: Jerahmeel, Remiel, Remihel, Eremiel, Rame’el, Thunder of God, Exaltation of God

Ramiel is the bringer of prophetic visions and the guardian of hope. He shows humanity the future
that they may never despair. He guides souls into Heaven alongside Azrael, as well. Enoch names him
as a fallen angel, given over to temptation, father of Nephilim among human women. Ramiel remains
a loyal servant of the Most High, but refuses to answer if he has ever given in to that temptation. In
his many names, he is known both in Judaic and Orthodox traditions

Certainly, Ramiel is a teacher of lore, and sometimes gets carried away in what he reveals. He grants
fewer revelations now, perhaps because of chastisement. He helps to guard the gates of Heaven and to
comfort the dead as they enter.

Ramiel rarely incarnates. When he does, he is a teacher, a trail guide or a statistician. He loves the
Earth, but seems to avoid it in fear of temptation. He is rumored to have fathered Nephilim still, but
more often, he chooses Scions as the other archangels do, favoring those who lead people to hope and
inspire them to greater deeds.

Callings: Lover, Sage, Liminal

Purviews: Chaos, Fortune, Journeys, Passion (Hope), Stars

Raphael, Archangel of Healing, Protector of Travelers

Aliases: Rafa’el, God Heals, Israfil, Saint Raphael

Raphael is known to all Abrahamic faiths, a bringer of healing and life. Raphael was, according to
Enoch, the angel who defeated Azazel in combat and bound him, and who has command over all
diseases and healing. He is known for his protective power and his command over the waters, and is
associated with fish in the Catholic tradition. He is a master of music according to Islam, and is a pure
and perfect soul.

Raphael is called on often, making him very busy indeed. He is kind, but often brisk and quick to
move on once a problem is solved. However, he is still one of the great archangels who most values
the personal touch. When he chooses a personal project, he often sends an Incarnation or one of his
Chosen to see it through to the end.

Raphael’s Incarnations are travelers, protectors and healers. He is a doctor, a tourist, a bodyguard.
Each time, they are dedicated to a single project, the protection or healing of a single person or small
group. Often, Raphael’s Chosen reflect that same personal touch, and he is known to be a very hands-
on mentor with them. Almost all of them are healers or protectors as well, and few have ties that bind
them to specific places.

Callings: Guardian, Healer, Sage

Purviews: Artistry (Music, Singing), Beasts (Fish), Health, Journeys, Water

Raziel, Archangel of Mysteries, Keeper of Secrets

Aliases: Galizur, Secret of God, Revealer of the Rock

Raziel is guardian of divine mysteries, associated with the sephirah Chokhmah, and thus wisdom. He
teaches the divine wisdom of the Lord to all other angels and divine beings, though he is primarily
known to Judaic lore. He is said to oversee the use of magic by humans, having granted a mystic book
to Adam and Eve, which was later recovered by Enoch and even later given to King Solomon.

Raziel is eager to teach, but his teachings must be earned. He does not ever reveal directly, for his job
is to induct others into sacred mysteries. He speaks in riddles and half-truths, forcing his students and
even his Chosen to solve things for themselves to understand the true meaning behind his words.

Raziel’s incarnations are librarians, gatekeepers or monks - anyone that guards knowledge but will
reveal parts of it to the worthy. His Chosen are generally those who can solve his riddles and learn his
mysteries, which he respects deeply. Even they must constantly prove themselves with ever greater
mysteries, however.

Callings: Sage, Trickster, Guardian

Purviews: Deception, Earth, Fortune, Moon, Passion (Discovery)

Sandalphon, the Wheel Within Wheels, the Heavenly Chariot

Aliases: Elijah, Ophan

Sandalphon was, once, the prophet Elijah. Per Jewish and Islamic tradition, he was bodily
taken into Heaven and transfigured into the archangel Sandalphon - one of a scant handful of
humans ever to manage the apotheosis among the Host. He represents the sephirah Malkuth,
the kingdom and physical world, which emanates from the world itself and represents the
Lord’s creation. Sandalphon is also one of the few angels that is semi-regularly identified as
As with Michael, Sandalphon is a relentless foe of Samael ha-Satan, arguing constantly
against the cynicism and temptations offered by the Accusing Angel. However, unlike
Michael, this is because Sandalphon is a pessimist - he fears that Samael is correct, and fights
him to find proof otherwise. He is an endless warrior against evil, even before his ascension,
and he is the one that gathers prayers of the faithful and brings them to the Most High on
festival days.
Sandalphon is one of the most earthy and human of the archangels, and he favors roles that
allow him to fight evil. He is less of a warrior than Michael, however, taking on incarnations
as demagogues and politicians as often as soldiers and generals. He is a staunch foe of
cynicism and of those that disobey the will of the Lord, and his Chosen are those that, like his
mortal self, cannot abide the wickedness around them and argue or fight against it, no matter
the consequences to themselves.

Callings: Judge, Leader, Warrior

Purviews: Earth, Epic Strength, Sun, Journeys, Order, Passion (Anger)

Selaphiel, Archangel of Prayer

Aliases: Saint Selaphiel, Sealtiel, Tzelathiel, Prayer of God
Selaphiel is known to certain Judaic traditions and the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, a
mighty angel that brings prayers from the land up to the Lord. It is said that Selaphiel was
one of the angels that bore Adam and Eve out of Eden, allowing them to move to safety in the
world. He bears the smoke of incense and helps to interpret dreams. He often bears a censer,
and protects against the cold.
Selaphiel is one of the most humble of the archangels, forever in prayer. He seeks to be a
guide for mortals to emulate in prayer, showing them how to praise the Most High. However,
this can make him one of the more passive archangels, preferring to endure rather than to act.
Selaphiel’s incarnations are almost exclusively priests, monks or other holy men. He walks
among humanity to show them the path to faith, and his Chosen are those who place their
faith in the Most High over all else. He tasks them to inspire others similarly.

Callings: Healer, Guardian, Liminal

Purviews: Artistry (Prayer), Epic Stamina, Frost, Passion (Faith)

Uriel, Archangel of Light, Angel of Repentance

Aliases: Phanuel, Saint Uriel, God Is My Light, Face of God

Uriel is, outside Raphael, Michael and Gabriel, one of the most widely recognized and
revered archangels. He is one of the wielders of the fiery swords at the Gate of Eden, and is
said to watch over the powers of thunder and terror. He is the angel of repentance, and in this
capacity he has no pity for sin. He is a harsh judge, demanding true and complete repentance.
He is also the angel of poetry.

Uriel is a cold taskmaster, demanding much of those who wish repentance and forgiveness.
His mercy is rarely granted, but when it is, it is truly earned. While he is pitiless and accepts
no excuse, it makes the warmth of his acceptance all the more keenly felt. He is merciless in
the face of true evil, striking it down without hesitation.

Uriel’s Incarnations are in the form of guides to repentance - always harsh, always fair. He is
the no-nonsense therapist, the rehab counselor, the corrections officer. He is rarely liked but
always appreciated. Uriel’s chosen come in two types - those who are like him,
uncompromising in their morals and dedicated to bring others back to the light, or those who
pass his tests and receive his mercy, becoming the truest converts to righteousness. Either
way, he holds them to an exacting standard.

Callings: Hunter, Judge, Warrior

Purviews: Artistry (Poetry), Epic Strength,Epic Dexterity, Order, Passion (Repentance, Fear),
Sky, Sun, War

Zadkiel, Archangel of Freedom and Mercy

Aliases: Tzadkiel, Righteousness of God, Chesediel, Grace of God, Sachiel, Satquiel

Zadkiel is primarily know to Judaic lore, sometimes said to be the angel that prevented
Abraham from sacrificing his son. He is the angel of mercy and forgiveness, and is associated
with the sephirah Chesed, or Kindness. He is associated with wealth and charity, as well.

Zadkiel is the counterpart to Uriel and much softer. He offers the hope of forgiveness, and
assures that while the path may be difficult, all can walk it. His kindness and mercy is what
allows many to withstand the trials placed before them. He doesn’t seem to mind working
with the harsher archangels, but unlike most, he harbors hopes that the Titanomachy - the
Great War, as the Host prefer to call it - can be ended peacefully.

Zadkiel’s incarnations are therapists, psychiatrists, guidance counselors and others who can
help others find forgiveness in themselves and seek to be better. He tends to choose those
that, like him, bring others to forgiveness and help them stay on the right track. Their
kindness is legendary, but it should not be mistaken for being pushovers. When their charges
are threatened, they, like Zadkiel, have backbones stronger than stone.

Callings: Healer, Sage, Lover

Purviews: Fortune, Moon, Passion (Kindness, Mercy), Prosperity

Angels, Nephilim and Born Scions

It is theologically forbidden for the Tzevaot to lie with humanity. This does not mean it never
happens, but Born Scions are exceptionally rare. Those that exist are known as ‘Nephilim,’
and show a distressing tendency to become monstrous creatures, often gigantic, hungry and
ruled by their urges. They are often considered Titanspawn, and angels that become parents
are subjected to harsh scrutiny and punishment from the Host as a whole. In general, the
overwhelming majority of Tzevaot Scions are Chosen.

The world is divided into the heavens and the earth. The heavens are the home to the angels
and to the Most High, and from there they oversee the entire world. The realm of the heavens,
or the samayim, or Heaven, depending on how you define it, is divided into multiple layers.
The specifics, however, can be confusing, and there are several theories on the afterlife which
do not always make a lot of mutual sense.

The Heavens
The Heavens are divided into seven levels. The first level, known as Vilon or Araphel, is
ruled over by the Archangel Gabriel, and is the closest to the World. This level is believed to
be the home to Adam and Eve. Some teachings say it is an afterlife for righteous souls of the
dead, as well.
Above this is Raqia, the second level, which is ruled by the Archangel Raphael. It is where
most angels live, and was visited by the prophet Moses. It is also where any evil or fallen
angels are imprisoned, such as the villainous Watchers, and is also home to the stars and

Above this is Shehaqim, the third level, which contains Eden and the Tree of Life, and is
ruled by the Archangel Haniel. The Gates of Eden can be accessed from the World, but all
mortal passage is barred, guarded by the angels of the fiery sword. It is also where the holy
food, manna, is produced. Some, such as Enoch, claim that it is the true afterlife and is the
home of Sheol, including a Hell or realm of punishment for evil souls.

Above this is Maon, the fourth level, ruled over by the Archangel Michael. This place is
home to the Holy City of the Lord, which contains the true and perfect Temple of the Most

Above this is Makon, the fifth level, ruled by the Archangel Samael, and is a layer primarily
used to house more angels.

Above this is Zebul, the sixth level, ruled by the Archangel Zadkiel, and little is known of it.

The highest level is Araboth, the seventh level of the Heavens, and is the home of the Most
High and, so it is said, the souls of all humans who will ever be born, which dwell beneath
the Throne of Glory, where sits the Most High.

The Underworld of the Tzevaot, Sheol, is sometimes said to be its own realm, and sometimes
to be part of Shehaqim, merely a different part from Eden. Sheol is a place of darkness and
stillness, home to the shades of the dead. The Tzevaot do not believe it is the domain of
mortals to truck with the dead, and such things are heavily discouraged. Some call Sheol
Hell, while others say that the place of punishment is only part of Sheol. Some also call this
terrible part of Sheol Abaddon, the Pit or or Shakhat, the Place of Corruption. While Sheol in
its various names has been associated with evil more over time, the righteous have always
been said to still go there, and often it is said that a more pleasant portion exists, typically
known as Heaven now; this would certainly lend credence to the idea that Sheol is, in fact,
part of the Overworld of the Heavens.

The Tzevaot are quick to name enemies Titans (or Shedim, or demons; they aren’t especially
fond of relying on Theoi nomenclature). They are also extremely zealous in pursuit of
Titanomachy, with relatively little in the way of rehabilitating Titans, though they tend to
view it more as cleaning up the world than as active war a lot of the time. While forgiveness
is, in theory, offered to those who seek it, most angels tend to believe that any Titan is never
going to willingly seek forgiveness, so it isn’t usually worth mentioning.

The primary foes of the Host can broadly be considered to be the Shedim and Lilit,
monstrous Titanspawn that arise in opposition to the Most High out of anger and rejection of
purpose. Nephilim are also considered Titanspawn but are rarely seen. The Shedim are
demons that sometimes claim descent from the Serpent of Eden and sometimes from their
king, the Titan Ashmedai, whom they sometimes claim are the same. Others say that Samael
was the Serpent, which only confuses things further when the Titan Lucifer becomes
involved. Many believe that some demons are fallen angels; while the angels officially deny
this, it may have some amount of truth in the sense that Lucifer may once have been a Mantle
of Samael, and the ‘fallen’ are Titanspawn reflections of this former angelic existence. The
Lilit are the so-called ‘night creatures,’ the demonic descendants of the Titans Lilith and,
sometimes, the Titan Ashmedai.

Titan: Lucifer, the Lightbringer, Prince of Lies

Lucifer (sometimes called Iblis) was, it is said, once an angel or jinn, beloved of the Most
High, but was jealous of humanity. He refused to bow to them when ordered to. He believed
he had lost favored status, and turned against the Host, rejecting them and becoming the
Rebel Servant, the First of the Fallen. And yet, much of what he is known for are also said to
be acts of Samael, who is loyal to the Most High still, and angels becoming Titanspawn is
very rare. It is commonly believed that, once, Lucifer was a Mantle of Samael ha-Satan,
which is why the two are so often confused. Lucifer’s own nature does not help, for his
existence is lies and deception, as he seeks to cloud the truth of the Most High and bring
darkness over the land. He doesn't even have a place in some Abrahamic faiths, like Judaism,
but being strange, confusing and not technically supposed to exist has never stopped a being
whose very existence might be a lie.

Purview: Deception
Virtues: Rapacity, Dominance

Titan: Lilith, the Rejector of the Most High

Lilith is often seen as the most sympathetic of the Tzevaot’s Titans. She was created to be
one of the first humans, according to ancient legends, but unlike Adam (and later Eve), she
rejected her role and rejected submission to the Lord. She left Eden and lay with evil spirits,
becoming mother to many Titanspawn demons. She is said at times to be wife of Ashmedai,
or to have lain with Samael. She was once hated far more than she is in the modern day by
most humans, who tend to find her tale empowering. Still, her great obsession is that she may
never be contained by laws or rules, and do only what she considers right - which may have
only the barest connection with a humanity she has long rejected.

Purviews: Chaos
Virtues: Fecundity, Dominance

Titan: Ashmedai, King of Shedim

Ashmedai is confusing, for many used to more elemental Titans. He is by turns charming,
enraged, friendly and murderous. He is the greatest of the Shedim, and possibly their first, or
possibly he is the son of King David after he laid with a demon, or the son of Adam and an
angel. Whatever the case, Ashmedai, also called Asmodeus, is ruled by his desires. He
commands the other Shedim with complete and total confidence. He is said to have been
bound and tamed by King Solomon in some stories, and to have taken Solomon’s form for a
time in others. He seems to have no special animus against the Most High, so much as a
desire to have his rule over the Shedim go unquestioned and to be permitted to do whatever
he feels. Of course, the tales of his tendency to fly into murderous rages in order to kill the
husbands or wives of those humans he becomes momentarily interested in, sometimes
multiple times, is proof enough that his desires are far from benign much of the time.
Purviews: Passion
Virtues: Rapacity, Obedience

The Jesus Question

The Tzevaot do not comment on Jesus, or indeed any specific figure from the past of the
Abrahamic faiths, and their status as Scions. It is officially believed that doing so only causes
more factionalism among the mortals. The Christian position is that Yeshua ben Yosef, called
Jesus, was the born Scion of the Most High directly, and ascended to become part of the
Name Unspoken. If this is true, it would be utterly unprecedented. There has never been
official confirmation of it, nor official denial. Likewise, the status of Moses as a Chosen of
the Name Unspoken directly has never been confirmed nor denied, though most Jews hold it
to be true, and most Muslims believe the same of Mohammed.

Officially, there is no answer. The Most High never speaks directly on matters of the past to
mortals (and indeed generally does not contact mortals or even most angels directly), and the
angels do not ever answer questions of doctrine that are not moral in nature - and even then,
they tend to avoid any but the clearest moral lessons in the hopes that this will prevent further
problems. What is known is that the Tzevaot will happily take Scions from among any faith
that venerates the Most High.

Jews, Christians and Muslims, all of any denomination, are chosen with no clear pattern or
any favoritism. While smaller minority faiths produce fewer Scions, there have been Baha’i,
Yezidi, Rastafari and Sikh Scions of the Tzevaot (if in lesser numbers, probably for
demographic reasons), and even henotheists of other pantheons that hold the Most High to be
greater than all other gods, though those particular Chosen are extremely rare compared to
purer monotheists.

Primordial: YHWH, the Name Unspoken, the Most High, Lord of the Hosts
The Most High has many names - sacred names, perfect names, because He is the Word, the
Name Unspoken, and no single name knowable to human minds is enough to encompass Him
in totality. YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, is the closest that any mortal has come - and it
cannot be spoken. The angels declare that the Most High is the only true God, that all others
are false, are something different. Each faith typically claims that the Most High
communicates with specific, special humans - prophets, generally, are the most agreed on
tradition. It is certainly possible that YHWH personally communicated with the most beloved
prophets. However, for the most part, the angels serve as His intermediaries - and even
moreso, the Archangels (primarily the Metatron) serve as intermediaries for the Most High
and the rest of the Host. This, it is said, is because YHWH is far too great, and even
witnessing the might of His attention would overwhelm anyone else.



Golem (3)
The Golem of Prague is merely the most famous, but the power of Kabbalah and the will of God can
animate quite a few clay men and women. Golems are not, generally, particularly intelligent, and they
tend to be rather literal in their interpretation of anything told to them. They are unable to speak and
are generally shapeless humanoids rather than particularly human-looking, though this is not always
true - it depends on the sculptor. They are nearly indestructible when going about their duties, but
their weakness is well known: the word. Inscribed on every golem, typically on the forehead, is the
Hebrew word ‫אמת‬, “truth.” By erasing the aleph, this becomes ‫מת‬, “death,” and the golem is left

Primary Pool; 9 dice (Manual labor, standing guard, directly obeying simple instructions)
Secondary: 7 dice (Fighting, making things)
Desperation: 5 dice
Health: 3
Defense: 3
Soft Armor: 3
Initiative: 6
Qualities: Unstoppable, Heavily Armored, Invulnerability (Small Arms, Except to the Carved Word),
Vulnerability (Called Shots to the Carved Word), Imperfect Disguise

Re’em (2)
The re’em is also known to some as an aurochs, the great parent of all cattle, and to others as a
unicorn. However, the actual beast is closer to cow than to horse - though it is neither, quite. Cows
don’t get that big, usually. The first of the re’em was as large as a mountain, and its mere droppings
were large enough to dam a river. To survive the Flood, Noah had to strap the re’em by its horns to
the Ark, for it could not fit inside. King David once mistook a sleeping re’em for a hillside and
climbed it, and he could only get down after he prayed to be saved and the Most High sent a lion,
which made the respectful re’em kneel before the king of beasts.

Primary Pool: 6 dice (Travelling, feats of strength and size)

Secondary: 4 dice (Fighting, eating vast amounts)
Desperation: 3 dice
Health: 2
Defense: 2
Initiative: 5
Qualities: Stand Tall, Sure Footed, Unstoppable

Shamir (5)
The Shamir is the most blessed worm in all of existence. It is a tiny creature, but has great power, for
no substance can stand against - it can cut diamond and iron as easily as stone and earth. King
Solomon called upon the Shamir to carve the blocks that were used to build the Great Temple of
Jerusalem, for the Most High decreed that such blocks must not be carved with iron or steel, the
metals used in war. The Most High personally created the Shamir on the eve of the sixth day, one of
ten wonders of the world made at the final hours of the Creation. The worm is no bigger than a barley-
corn, and lives within a swaddling of wool inside a lead box, for any other material will burst at its
touch. Unfortunately, the Shamir was lost after the creation of the First Temple, but occasionally it
will turn up, helping great builders in the name of the Most High, before it is inevitably lost once
more. Legend has it that the worm’s home in these times is with Asmodeus, who is said to have given
it to Solomon.

Primary Pool: 11 dice (Breaking objects, dissolving things, digging)

Secondary: 9 (Hiding, engraving, precisely shaping physical goods)
Desperation: 6
Health: 2
Defense: 4
Initiative: 9
Qualities: Subterranean Movement, Total Pacifist (The Shamir will never directly harm a living
Knacks: Penetrator (Objects Only), World Shaking


Guardian Angel (2)

Some say every person has a guardian angel, a being that serves as a watcher, guard and carrier of
prayers. Certainly, a few variants of Judaism believe this, as do many variants of Christianity, and the
Quran references ‘al-mu’aqqibat’, those who follow another, angels that ward against evil jinn.
However, most guardian angels are of little consequence - they are weak, unable to do more than note,
record and ward off minor evil spirits. Some Scions, however, are accorded a greater importance, and
thus receive more helpful guardian angels. They tend to be quite well informed about rituals of
protection against evil, and often willing to help - though having a shoulder angel isn’t always
appreciated, as they tend to be rather strict moralizers.

Asset Skills: Occult, Persuasion

Stunt: Touched By An Angel (Variable successes): Bless a single allied target. The next attempt by a
demon or evil spirit to harm or influence them suffers Complication equal to (successes spent).

Kerubiel, the Flames Which Dance Around the Throne of God (4)
Kerubiel, Ruler of the Cherubim, is a terrifying presence, a massive being of fire and burning coals,
covered in thousands of fiery eyes. He is the greatest of the Cherubim, whose face is made of fire, his
eyes spark constantly with light, and his strikes have the power of thunderbolts. His every word is
fire, and he has countless wings, from his head to his feet. Fortunately for everyone, he rarely leaves
Heaven, for his steps bring earthquake and storms. Still, his wisdom is great, and with a carefully
worded prayer, he can be contacted by Scions of the Tzevaot. Sometimes, he will take it on himself to
mentor them, often loaning them a protective Cherub or two.

Asset Skills: Close Combat, Survival

Stunt: Steps Like Thunder (Variable successes): Cause everyone within Close range that has Stamina
less than or equal to (successes spent) to become prone.
Purview: Fire
Legendary Title: The Flames Which Dance Around the Throne of God


Cherub (4)
The Cherubim are protector angels, originally set to be the guardians of the Tree of Life in Eden.
They have two sets of wings and four faces - a lion, an ox, a human and an eagle. They have cloven-
hoofed feet, but the hooves are of brass. While later Christian art associated them with the
Renaissance putto, they are no weak infants or plump children. The Cherubim are among the most
common angels, serving as the throne-bearers of the Lord, the symbols inscribed upon the Ark of the
Covenant and upon the Temple, and, according to the great sage Maimonides, were actually the idea
of the laws of nature. (That they are also terrifying angelic warriors is simply how things are.)

Description: Angelic Warrior

Archetype: Heavy, Consultant
Tags: Defensive, Archetype, Savage, Knack (Terror of the Guilty)
Maccabees (3)
The Maqabim, more commonly known as the Maccabees, were a band of Jewish warriors who
rebelled against the Seleucids of Persia and Macedonia when they conquered Judea. They were
distinctly more aggressive than most other Jewish sects, and ruled over the land of Judea for almost
150 years. The true Maqabim, however, were Yehudah ha-Makabi and his four brothers, who led the
revolt. These men, the sons of the priest Mattathias, have been enshrined in Jewish legend, in the
Books of the Maccabees and the story of Hannukah. Where the people of the Most High are
oppressed, the Maccabees appear again and again, to fight those who would harm them, and while the
Chosen Hero Judah does not necessarily lead them, his spirit is always with them. (They do, however,
sometimes go rather overboard in their viciousness against their foes.)

Description: A band of holy rebels.

Archetype: Heavy
Tags: Group, Unruly, Tough

Refaim and Anakim (3)

The Refaim and Anakim are the names of tribes of Semitic giants, the last descendants of the original
Nephilim. Their divine blood is weak now, and most of their tribes have long since been wiped out, as
many were enemies to the ancient Israelites, such as Goliath or Og, the King of Bashan. While the
Nephilim could reach truly terrifying heights, the Refaim and Anakim tend to be no more than 15 feet
tall, and are significantly less savage and warlike, though they often do suffer from a strong hunger
for lots of food. Nowadays, some groups of Refaim and Anakim end up working either for the Scions
of their ancient Canaanite gods or those that serve the Most High, reasoning that if you can’t beat ‘em,
join ‘em. They tend to gather in small groups rather than large tribes, for there just aren’t that many of
them left, and tend to be in touch with the giants of other pantheons, who often pity them.

Description: A group of helpful giants.

Archetype: Entourage
Tags: Group, Access (Societies of giants), Terrible (Size)


Seal of Solomon (1)

This may not be the actual ring worn by the legendary King Solomon, but the angels apparently have
produced quite a few of these. By invocation and command of the sacred names of the Most High,
they have found, even the wild and untamed power of the Shedim can be called on for justice. As with
King Solomon’s original, this ring binds these terrible demons to service and obedience to the
Lord...mostly. The wisdom of Solomon may be needed to know when best to call on such dangerous

Purview: Chaos
Motif: Good can be brought forth even from evil.
Enhancement: Enhancement 2 when commanding or intimidating demons. (Not other types of
titanspawn - just the ones that’d be considered demons.)
Flaws: The shedim are creatures of chaos and wicked nature, and even when used for good purposes,
they are not trustworthy. Whenever this relic’s Enhancement or Purview is called on, add 1 to the
Tension Pool.

The Ass’ Jawbone (4)

While it appears to be a mere piece of bone with a simple cord wrapped around one end to make it
easier to hold, the Ass’ Jawbone is one of the most iconic weapons of the Tzevaot short of the Fiery
Swords. It was wielded, long ago, by the Hero Samson. Armed with the jawbone of an ass, and
nothing more, he slew an entire Philistine army. However, with the power of Samson has come his
Nazirite oath. Those who wield the Jawbone of the Ass must be careful to maintain their vows, or
they, like Samson, will be undone.

Purviews: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina

Motif: There is nothing more terrible than the fury of the righteous.
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Piercing, Messy
Enhancement: Enhancement 1 in melee, Enhancement 2 when wielded alone and outnumbered.
Flaws: All Difficulties to use the Ass’ Jawbone for any purpose increase by 1 in any scene while the
wielder has violated the Nazirite Vow of Samson. A Samsonian Nazirite must not consume wine,
wine vinegar, grapes or raisins, must not cut the hair upon their head or allow it to be cut, and must
avoid contact with corpses whenever possible, even those of family. After any scene with contact with
a corpse, they must be ritually purified via immersion in water. Likewise, the wielder must be ritually
purified after violating the Vow in any way to remove the penalty.

Fiery Sword (5)

The Fiery Swords are very limited in number, and primarily wielded by the greatest of the angels and
those that guard the gates of Eden. Very rarely, however, a Scion’s mission will be deemed so
important that they are given one of these terrifying weapons. Weaker Scions are barely able to use
these potent tools, certainly not to their fullest extent. In the hands of their most famous wielders, the
Fiery Swords are able to stop any force and destroy any foe, after all.

Purviews: Fire, War

Motif: The wrath of God scourges the wicked and shields the weak.
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Versatile, Aggravated, Loud, Messy, Unconcealable
Enhancement: Enhancement 1 in melee, Enhancement 2 when wielded against the Titans and
Titanspawn of the Tzevaot, Enhancemant 1 when intimidating others, General Enhancement 1
Knack: The Scion may learn Visage Great and Terrible as a War Boon.
Flaws: Once per arc, the Archangel that gave the sword requires a favor via the Paying Tribute
Condition. Each time the sword is used to harm anyone that the Tzevaot would not consider evil, it
causes an equivalent attack to its user.

For the most part, the Malachim attempt to present a united front, and the fact that they all agree on
obedience and submission to the Most High certainly helps. However, there are a few noted points of
discord. Samael ha-Satan is difficult for the more militantly pure archangels to deal with, such as
Michael, Uriel and Raphael, while Sandalphon and Metatron’s human origins make them closer to
each other than any other angels. The Metatron and Raziel, in their realm of divine mystery, also often
conflict with the more revelatory angels such as Gabriel, Jophiel and Raguel. Zadkiel, the only angel
especially interested in offering mercy to most Titans among his fellows, has a hard road.

Other Pantheons
The Malachim have relatively few allies, for two main reasons. First, they are intensely aggressive in
pursuit Titanomachy, and second, they are monotheist chauvinists. These two things combine to leave
them with few friends. They are closest to the Orishas, Yazatas and Deva, though each presents their
own tensions.
The Orishas are the most dovish pantheon, and the fervor and zeal with which most of the Malachim
pursue war on those they name Demons, Shedim or Evil is often rather offputting, and the history
shared by their believers can often be troubling. Zadkiel deals with them most easily.

The Yazatas are close allies...but so are the Deva. The Yazatas form the closest ally in terms of
philosophy and theology, but they are often angry at the weight the Host offer to the words of the
Deva. The Deva, meanwhile, agree on many important moral issues and are not wholly incompatible
theologically, but are intractable on certain philosophical say nothing of the friction
between the Hinduisms and Islam in India and Pakistan.

The other pantheons tend to be standoffish and formal at best. While no one can deny the temporal
power of the Abrahamic faiths, no one really wants to be the next to catch their eye and be declared
evil for breaking some unspoken rule. They also are usually seen as distressingly arrogant and
condescending towards any pantheon that is not compatible with monotheism.

Greatest Weakness
Rigidity is and has always been the great weakness of the Malachim. They love structure, authority
and rules, and that means that they respond quickly and as one in a crisis. However, they have never
really been good at handling the unexpected, and those that break their rules are in for a lot of trouble
even when it’s for good reason. Their rigidity has also created problems for them in dealing with their
mortal followers, who have developed into a number of different and often conflicting religions and
even sects within religions, all based on interpreting the various rules they have, at various points in
time, laid down. While the Host tend to view each set of rules as necessarily imperfect to deal with
imperfect humans, their lack of flexibility surely hasn’t helped the conflicts, and they have no clear
idea of how to actually make their worshippers stop arguing with each other all the time.

Pantheon Path of the Malachim

Asset Skills: Culture, Leadership
Malachim Virtues: Righteousness vs Obedience

While most of the Malachim would never admit that what is right and what is permitted by the Most
High could be different, most of their Scions quickly realize that they are expected to obey orders,
which can easily go against what they believe is right. Even the angels strain against each other
sometimes, following their own understanding of what is right or the orders of their superiors. The
Most High rarely clarifies or explains, and His orders are usually filtered through the Archangels in
any case. The angels always say that what is right is obvious, that good is something you must always
do. Every Scion and even every angel must, therefore, find the right balance of what is right and what
they are told to do.

Signature Purview: Shekhinah, the Presence of the Lord

For the Malachim, all power ultimately derives from the Lord, the King of Kings. The power of
Scions may be granted by angels, but the power of angels is granted by the Most High. There is no
power without the will of the Most High, no glory that does not ultimately belong to the Unspoken
Name. And so, their greatest miracles channel the divine grace and presence of the Most High. Such
miracles are almost always benevolent ones - the granting of life to the inanimate, the healing of
disease or injury, the provision of food or the command of shining light. However, divine wrath is no
less a part of the Most High, and the Shekhinah is also able to curse the wicked or call forth plagues.
However, this is typically done by the same methods - calling forth life to plague foes, the control of
light to blind, terrify or leave them, and similar miracles.

Innate Power: More than anything else, the grace of the Most High is with the Scions of the
Malachim when they are being compassionate towards the weak and the poor. When they are working
to heal, protect, help or otherwise show divine kindness and compassion towards such mortals, you
may imbue a point of Legend rather than spending to invoke your Legendary Title as a Feat of Scale.

Motif: Recitations of psalms, writing of sacred numbers and phrases and use of holy names of the
Most High tap into the power of the Lord for miracles

The Mark of Cain (5)

The Mark of Cain is powerful - very powerful. Its bearer may not be harmed, lest divine vengeance be
visited sevenfold on whoever does so. But it is not a blessing. The Mark of Cain is a punishment,
reserved only for those that the Most High has directly and personally judged. Its most famous bearer,
perhaps its only one, was Cain, the first murderer, and he bore it for the slaying of his brother, Abel.
All who look on a bearer of the Mark know what they did, know the terrible sin they committed - and
know, too, what the penalty is to harm. To bear the Mark of Cain brings great protection, but no
bearer has ever been happy about it, for YHWH is a harsh judge. There is no way to be free of the
Mark, save to truly and fully repent and make penance for one's sins - and for the Unspoken Name to
accept this repentance as complete. Even death cannot free a soul that bears the Mark of Cain
otherwise. Typically, the Mark takes the form of a Hebrew letter on the forehead - one of the four
letters of the Tetragrammaton. It cannot be concealed by any means.

Purviews: Order, Death

Motif: The blood of the innocent is on your hands. Repent, sinner!
Enhancement: Enhancement 3 to intimidate people in ways related to your sin.
Knack: Sevenfold Vengeance. Whenever anyone causes an Injury Condition to the bearer of the Mark
of Cain, they receive an equivalent Condition. If they are a PC, they may spend 1 Legend to negate
this. If they are an NPC, the ST may spend Tension to reduce the severity of the Condition by 1 step
per Tension spent. The bearer may spend Momentum, 1 for 1, to counter spent Tension. If the bearer
is slain, the killer loses all Legend and will be slain themselves within one month unless they spend
Legend equal to the bearer's Legend score to counteract this before that time. Anyone who sees the
bearer instinctively knows the sin they were given the Mark for and the penalty of this knack.
Flaws: If, at any time, the bearer of the Mark of Cain harms another person for any reason but to
protect someone, they lose 1 Legend point. If the bearer kills another person for any reason, they lose
all Legend points.
Once per arc, the bearer of the Mark of Cain must demonstrate their devotion to repentance, gaining
the Paying Tribute condition.

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