Why Nba Obe - v2 23-11-22

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Outcome Based Education OBE

What is Accreditation
 Formal recognition of an
educational program / Institution by
an external agency on the basis of
impartial assessment of the
attainment of specific requirements
against well defined criteria
Advantages of Accreditation
 Students get quality education and better employment opportunity.

 Alumni share their experience and participate in curricular updates in view

of emerging technology and tools.

 Faculty benefits of realization of efforts, opportunity of attempting more

complex problems, career advancement, consultancy & sponsored R&D

 Employer in industry / academia/ public services get well grounded practice

engineers with requisite technical and behavioral skills / graduate attributes.

 Institution builds up a Brand.

Global Mobility upon Accreditation
 Graduation from an accredited program is Educational Passport for
engineers mobility across good number of advanced nations and
emerging economies.

 These graduates may get leadership positions and challenging

technology development opportunities.

 Faculty may also get invitation for lectures, research guidance, and
academic leadership / administration.

 Industry can hire graduates from accredited institutions for

innovation-intensive projects for higher profits.
 Institutional accreditation by
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

 Program accreditation by
 National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
Outcome Based Education



How to make the OBLT

student achieve the (Learning & Teaching)
How to measure what
the student has
Key constituents of Outcome based

Vision Mission

n Graduate
/(PSO) Attributes
Summary of POs (12)
 Engineering knowledge
 Problem analysis
 Design & Development of Solutions
 Investigation of Complex Problem
 Modern tool usage
 Engineer and society
 Environment& sustainability
 Ethics
 Individual & team work
 Communication
 Lifelong learning
+ Project management & finance
Course, Degree, Program, ??
 Course
 Subjects
 Program
 B.E. Civil Engineering or M. Tech in Structural Engineering
 Degree
 Academic award
Vision and Mission
 Vision is a futuristic statement that the institution / department would
like to achieve over a long period of time

 Mission statements are essentially the means to achieve the vision

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

 Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe
the career and professional accomplishments that the program is
preparing the graduates to achieve.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
 Program outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students
are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.

Course Outcomes (COs)

Student-focused, not professor-focused
Questions to students by committee members

 How has your educational experience measured up to your expectations?

 Comment on facilities such as laboratory, IT access, information resources and project


 Are you providing feedback as part of a quality/programme improvement mechanism?

 To what extent does the programme provide for your personal and
professional capabilities development? Are there measures of your
personal development and performance such as team-work,
leadership, management, communication and presentation skills, self
learning capacity etc? Are these systematically addressed in subjects studied?

 Have issues such as globalisation, ethics and sustainable practices been addressed yet?
What improvement would you make if you had a magic wand?
 Did you make use of online learning facilities. What are they? Do they make a difference?

 Do you feel that you have an understanding of the targeted outcomes for your programme and the
real nature of engineering practice in your chosen domain? How was this understandings
 How successful are faculty members as role models of the professional engineer?
 How accessible are faculty?
 Did you get exposure to sessions or guest lectures by practising professionals? Are these well
organised and well presented?
 What do you think are the key attributes an employer would be looking for in a graduate engineer?
 How effective are subject/unit outline documents in communicating and interlinking objectives,
learning outcomes, activities and assessment strategies within individual units?
 Is assessment well coordinated with objectives and targeted learning outcomes within academic
 Are there other avenues of embedded professional practice exposure other than placement
activities such as industry visits, field trips, industry assignments, case studies, industry based
projects sufficient exposure to professional practice?

How effective is laboratory learning? Are experiments prescriptive or open ended?

 What has been the nature of project-based learning activity in the programme? Have
you been confronted with multi-disciplinary, open-ended, complex projects? Has it been
necessary to consider factors such as social, environmental, safe practices and ethical
 Have you been involved in any team based learning activities yet? Have you become a
good team player and/or team leader? Are you assessed for your team performance?
 What input do you have to the quality system, through surveys, input to the processes of
educational design and continuous improvement? Is your feedback effective? Does it bring
about change? Do you hear about improvement made?
 What skills are you expected to acquire at the time of graduation?
 Comment on attainment of program educational objectives

 To what extent does the program provide for your personal and professional
capabilities development? Are there measures of your personal development and performance such
as team-work, leadership, management, communication and presentation skills, self learning
capacity etc? Are these systematically addressed in subjects studied?

 Are you acquiring the expected / required skills?

 Are the faculty members competent in the subjects they teach?
 Are faculty members available and helpful to you at times convenient to you?
 Why did you choose this institution/department / programme?

 Are the laboratory equipment/tools/accessories well-maintained?

 How good is the hands-on experience?
 Do you plan to continue your education after graduation? Where? When?
 Do you plan to accept a job aftergraduation? Where? When?
Thank You

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