20mid0116 VL2020210105834 Ast03

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REC-O 20MI00l16

Constructton aYd Ovking of
am elechvochemical u l

Joldle 1 EMF meowuiod oY Various concentvol-ions

MM System
Elecvade tlecholy EM/MT= E Aevcge
E cell LVD
Elecholye Conc Cn) Ecodd+Ecalomd EM/MT
Znanta O-OtN 0.952
0-05N 0-689 -0-643
-0-668 -O-625
OOLN O036 O-20 O33
Cucuta 0 33+
O.05N O-Oua 0-2 O.38
O:lN O056 O3

Soluiot Cmpeyature (T)= c potenticd of ScE =0-2U4t b-0007(2t

H EN/Nt -O-0545 Log VXCS

-Standard elatode polenkial r a t uhvity e mlkal
1onu in Solulhon Te is achviy coefficrent ard cis co o

Joble 2: 9ndiidual activily Coelfi ctenks c u ad 2n in
AJateY ol 25

Netal on
suste)0.000-002 o 005 0Ol o.02 O.0S O
Ccutlant2) O-2
Activity Coelficient oQ05 0-816 0.800.7LO675 0-570
CYe) O85 O-4Os
Jabie 3 EME oRonol cell Oloservedom three diffevent
Conc O n and cU Solu hiors

Metal COncenhahon cOnLenbralion ENF ObgrNed

CN) (N) C6cLl)
znant OIN 0LN O
O02 O02A 102

O.0N O:92
Avovaqe -o13

a) standard eltbvode potenttal bf coppey CES)=-0-628

Co)-Standad elatlvode potenbial oinc (E0) =0-2A
ce) ENF a ho Conkucted aniel ca0l o16

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