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Sol Gel Route

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Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 26, 645–649, 2003

c 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Sol-Gel Route to Direct Formation of Silica Aerogel Microparticles

Using Supercritical Solvents


Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Catalunya, Spain
[email protected]

Carburos Metálicos SA, R&D, Passeig de la Zona Franca 14-20, 08038 Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

Abstract. A simple and versatile method to obtain silica aerogel particles based on the hydrolysis and subsequent
condensation of silicon alkoxides in supercritical fluids is proposed. This microparticle production route reduces
the number of steps of traditional microparticle sol-gel processing.
A case example is explained in more detail. Spherical and fiber silica morphologies were obtained by a one
step method using a sol-gel process with supercritical acetone as a solvent. Particle size was controlled by varying
the relative amounts of alkoxysilane, water and acetone. The resulting materials are influenced by a large number
of experimental parameters; it has been observed that a quite relevant one is the supercritical fluid venting rate.
The morphology of the particles was characterized by electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and Atomic Force
Microscopy (AFM). Alternatively, a low temperature synthesis can be performed by using supercritical carbon
dioxide as solvent and formic acid as condensation agent.

Keywords: supercritical fluid, aerogel, microparticle, silica, acid formic

Introduction Supercritical fluids have received considerable at-

tention as solvent or reaction media for the processing
Silica microspheres is a material of interest in sev- of powders, particles, fibers and coatings [5–8], since
eral fields such as medicine, materials science or phar- they offer a combination of gas like properties (vis-
maceutics. Silica aerogel microparticles have several cosity, diffusion coefficient) and liquid like properties
applications, including: as additives for conventional (density). Other powder processing methods are based
foaming operations, chromatography packing materi- on the solvent power of supercritical fluids, for instance
als, controlled release agents, encapsulation of prod- the so-called RESS process [8, 9]. Moreover, super-
ucts, catalysis and high surface-area adsorbents [1]. critical carbon dioxide is an attractive medium for the
Several methods have been developed for the for- synthesis of ceramics powders because is a non-toxic,
mation of silica microparticles. The sol-gel process us- non-flammable and inexpensive fluid with a low critical
ing metal alkoxides, such as tetraalkoxysilanes, have temperature.
been widely used for the synthesis of silica based Sol-gel reactions have been directly performed in
materials [2–4]. In this paper monodisperse, micro- supercritical carbon dioxide as a reactive medium by
spherical aerogel powders were produced inside an using formic acid as condensation agent [10]. Our ap-
autoclave by sol-gel process and using supercritical proach for preparing aerogel powders mainly deals
fluids. with the dissolution of precursor in supercritical flu-
ids, followed by the sol-gel process and drying under
∗ To whom all correspondence should be addressed. supercritical conditions. In the present work we have
646 Moner-Girona et al.

investigated the influence of different synthesis param- Table 1. Mean particle size obtained by varying
eters and the conditions of the synthesis media on the the hydrolysis parameter, h.
structure and morphology of the obtained aerogel silica Sample h Particle size
A 2 1.2 µm
B 4 1.7 µm
C 8 2.2 µm

Reagent grade alkoxides and solvents were used with-

out further purification. Reactions were carried out in to 8 obtaining samples A (h = 2), B (h = 4) and C
either a specially designed high-pressure 300 ml cell or (h = 8) (see Table 1).
in a 2000 ml reactor. The basic components of the sys- Particles were collected and characterized by a
tem include a syringe pump capable of pumping fluids Leica 360 Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM),
inside the autoclave through a nozzle. Different ap- a JEM 100CX Transmission Electron Microscope
proaches were undertaken and two routes will be used (TEM), a Nanoscope III Digital Instruments Atomic
depending on the supercritical fluid chosen. High tem- Force Microscope (AFM), N2 adsorption-desorption
perature method when acetone or ethanol were used as (Micromeritics ASAP 2000 instrument), and He-
solvents, and low temperature method if using carbon pycnometry.
dioxide. In the second method the sol reaction was directly
In the first process, a sol in a colloidal initial stage, performed in supercritical carbon dioxide as a reac-
(containing acetone as a solvent, tetrametoxysilane tive medium. This approach consisted in injecting the
(TMOS) as a precursor and water) was placed inside the precursor (TEOS) and condensation solutions (formic
reactor. The reactor was then driven above supercritical acid) in supercritical CO2 , under several critical condi-
values of the acetone, Pc = 47 Bar, Tc = 408 K. The sol tions. The reactor conditions were in the temperature
was solubilized in the supercritical acetone distributing range of 313–368 K and pressure range of 100–150
it over the entire reactor leading to the formation of gel Bar. After a residence time of several hours the auto-
particles. Finally the solvent was extracted. In all the clave was vented and the aerogel silica particles were
experiments the TMOS:acetone volume ratio was of deposited all over the autoclave. The contact time be-
0.05, the hydrolysis parameter, h, is defined as the mo- tween precursor and hydrolysis solution at supercriti-
lar ratio H2 O:TMOS. The h value was varied from 2 cal CO2 conditions was varied from 1 to 48 hours and

Figure 1. (a) Referring to sample A. Scanning electron micrograph of aerogel spherical shape silica particles narrowly distributed in size,
particle diameter between 0.50 and 2 µm. (b) Fiber-like structure with a diameter of 75 nm and a length of some microns.
Direct Formation of Silica Aerogel Microparticles 647

Figure 2. (a) Sample C, SEM micrograph of the spherical particles and its particle size distribution. (b) Sample B, SEM micrograph and
particle size distribution.

the duration of the pressure release in all the exper- Results and Discussion
iments was of 30 min. The injection of liquids was
achieved through a very fine nozzle using a syringe In all the experiments a white dry powder was uni-
pump. formly distributed all over the walls and base of the
An alternative route to this one was to inject the reactor. No liquid was found, indicating a complete
reactives in liquid CO2 and dissolving the remaining reaction.
water and alcohols from the sol reaction in a continuous The apparent powder density was between
flow of liquid CO2 , then reach the CO2 supercritical 0.06 g/cm3 and 0.08 g/cm3 depending on the initial
parameters and venting the autoclave. parameters.
648 Moner-Girona et al.

on their monolithic counterparts. By pycnometry tech-

nique it was checked that the skeleton density has the
same value to that of the silica (2.2 g/cm3 ) [11].
The particle surface microstructure was character-
ized by several microscopy techniques (SEM, TEM
and AFM). AFM was used in a high amplitude reso-
nant mode (‘tapping’ mode). The scale rate was around
1 Hz. Squared images were acquired by using a digi-
talization rate of 256 points per line.
An example of a SEM micrograph is shown in Fig. 1,
the formation of two kinds of morphologies: interlinked
fibers and isometric spherical particles with a narrow
size distribution is evidenced.
The mean particle diameter and the particle size dis-
tribution could be modified by changing the values of
the h parameter. See Figs. 2(a) and (b).
Table 1 shows the variation in the high tempera-
Figure 3. Sample C, TEM microphotograph shows the contact area ture experiments of the mean pore diameter when the
between particles.
TMOS dilution in acetone was fixed at 0.05 and the
hydrolysis parameter, h, was changed.
The porosity of the particles was characterized TEM analysis was useful as to visualize with more
by nitrogen absorption (Brunauer, Emmet and Teller detail the contact region between the microparticles as
method). The technique allows us to obtain the surface can be seen in Fig. 3, although the resolution was not
area of a material using the adsorption and desorption good enough as to visualize the fine nanostructure of
of an inert gas, usually nitrogen. Gas adsorption mea- the microspheres.
surements reveal the microspheres to have surface ar- To visualize the microstructure of the C particle’s
eas from 400 to 600 m2 /g, similar values to those found surface an AFM was used. The images were taken at

Figure 4. Sample C, Surface of a microsphere by AFM. Lateral dimensions: (500 nm×500 nm). The gray scale corresponds to vertical
amplitude of 15 nm.
Direct Formation of Silica Aerogel Microparticles 649

very sensitive to the water/alkoxide concentration ra-

tio: the higher the ratio, the smaller the particles. More-
over, small changes on the depressurization rates results
on very differentiated morphologies, a slow and con-
trolled venting of the autoclave leads to the formation
of monodispersed particles, spherical in shape, and nar-
rowly distributed in the range of 0.5 to 2 µm, otherwise
fiber-like structures are present.
In the case of using supercritical carbon dioxide as a
solvent the resulting particles are less spherical in shape
due to necking formation between two or more parti-
cles. The particle size distribution is also narrow and, in
general, the mean particle size is smaller (<1 micron)
than in the previously described method.
Classical ways for obtaining particles involve high-
temperature and high-pressure reactions. However
there are other ways to obtain aerogel particles based
on the use of supercritical CO2 medium and a condensa-
tion agent sufficiently soluble in CO2 (formic acid has
been proved to be a suitable one). In this case, the work-
ing temperature is lower. Aerogel particle formation in
the supercritical phase under the conditions employed
is dependent on the solubility of the reactives.

Figure 5. Scanning electron micrograph of aerogel silica particles References

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