If the transformer factory acceptance test (FAT) is complete, the impedance value from the FAT report or nameplate must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. If the transformer is under manufacturing or FAT has not been done, the data sheet value with IEC tolerance limits must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. Only if the transformer is under design/planning can impedance be optimized within IEC tolerance limits.
If the transformer factory acceptance test (FAT) is complete, the impedance value from the FAT report or nameplate must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. If the transformer is under manufacturing or FAT has not been done, the data sheet value with IEC tolerance limits must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. Only if the transformer is under design/planning can impedance be optimized within IEC tolerance limits.
If the transformer factory acceptance test (FAT) is complete, the impedance value from the FAT report or nameplate must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. If the transformer is under manufacturing or FAT has not been done, the data sheet value with IEC tolerance limits must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. Only if the transformer is under design/planning can impedance be optimized within IEC tolerance limits.
If the transformer factory acceptance test (FAT) is complete, the impedance value from the FAT report or nameplate must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. If the transformer is under manufacturing or FAT has not been done, the data sheet value with IEC tolerance limits must be followed and impedance cannot be optimized. Only if the transformer is under design/planning can impedance be optimized within IEC tolerance limits.
We need to follow the Impedance value from FAT Report or Name Plate Details of the Transformer. We should not use the impedance value from data sheet. Transformer impedance cannot be optimized. Case 2: If Transformer under manufacturing stage / FAT not done: Need to follow the Impedance value from Data Sheet with tolerance limits as per IEC 60076-1-2011. Transformer impedance cannot be optimized. Case 3: If Transformer under design / planning stage: Transformer impedance optimization is possible with tolerance limits as per IEC 60076-1-2011.
Impedance Tolerance limits as per IEC 60076-1-2011