G&S, Week 8-9

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Education– focuses on the

WEEK 8 development of individual talents,
transmits knowledge, skills, and
Basic Social Institution: Family mores to a new generation, and plays
an increasingly important part in
channeling people into their

Social institutions are sets of norms

5. Religion– deals with the possible
surrounding the carrying out of a function
promotion of social unity among
necessary for the survival of a society.
communities of believers and helps
individuals to find meaning beyond
Each carries out certain tasks and has
themselves, but it may also be a
different responsibilities that contribute to
source of social change within
society’s overall functioning and stability.
societies or conflict between faith
This helps decrease chaos and increase
6. Science– presents how to develop
new knowledge and technology, and
While societies may differ in how
the media disseminates cultural,
they establish these responsibilities, they all
political, social, and economic
have economic, governmental, family,
values, beliefs and ideas.
educational, and religious institutions.
Media and technology are also included.


A family is a group of people who
are related by marriage, blood, or adoption
1. Family– we will deal with sexual
and who often live together and share
regulation, reproduction,
economic resources. It is a universal social
child-rearing, some economic
institution but varies across cultures
activities, and increasingly emotional
The family has these functions:

2. Economy and work– we see how this

a) Regulation of Sexual Activity: this
institution addresses the production
function provides norms for sexual
and distribution of goods and
activity, including incest taboo,
which forbids to be too close to your
relatives, engage in sexual activity,
3. Politics– focus on the use and
and produce children.
legitimation of power and authority
in society.
Family prevents doubts about the other kin such as aunts,
legitimacy of children and property uncles, and cousins all live
rights in some cultures. under the same roof.

b) Socialization: family is the first MARRIAGE

agent of socialization, so societies
rely on the family to teach the norms ➢ Marriage exists in all cultures with
of society. Parents, siblings, and some variations.
other relatives serve as the earliest ➢ It is classified as ceremonial and
role models. common-law;

c) Reproduction: family is the approved ➢ In a Ceremonial marriage, the

social unit for producing members to couple follows procedures specified
replace those who die or move away. by the state or other jurisdiction with
a legal contract
Rules are set in place about who can
raise children and how children ➢ In a Common-Law marriage, the
should be raised. couple establishes a relationship that
considers them partners as husband
d) Economic Security and Economic and wife but has not performed a
Support ceremony to solidify their
● Economic security– family
provides financial security For common-law marriage, the
and stability; family provides partners are required to:
for their own physical
survival –live together
● Emotional support– family –present themselves as husband and
provides guidance to the wife
psychological development –have plans to marry
of its members and provides
a loving environment. Marriage has patterns that differ
from country to country. These are:
e) Family Systems
❖ Endogamy: marriage
● Nuclear family– consists of a between members of the
mother, a father, and children same category, class, or
living under one roof. group
● Extended family– where
parents and children and
❖ Exogamy: marriage between AUTHORITY PATTERNS
members of different
categories, classes, or groups ❖ Patriarchy: Father holds most of the
❖ Monogamy: marriage authority
between one man and one ❖ Matriarchy: Mother holds most of
woman the authority
❖ Polygamy: marriage between ❖ Egalitarian: Mother and Father
one man and more than one share authority
❖ Polyandry: marriage ALTERNATIVE FAMILIES
between one woman and
more than one man. Not all families are centered on the
married couple with children. There are also
In the Philippines, after marriage, the alternative types of families that exist.
couple chooses where to stay– with the Examples are single-parent households,
husband’s family household. With the wife’s cohabitating, unmarried couples, gay and
family household? Or separate from their lesbian couples, and single adults.
family’s households and get their own place
to live. Rearing of children is a primary
function of a family.
If they opt to stay with the wife’s
family household, this practice is called RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD
matrilocality. If they’re with the husband’s
family household, it is patrilocality. If they Responsible Health Act of 22012 or RA
go on their own, it is neolocality. 10354

DESCENDANT PATTERNS The law says that the State

recognizes marriage as an inviolable
❖ Patrilineal descent: kinship is traced institution, and the foundation of a family is
through the father’s family; property the foundation of the whole nation.
is passed from father to son
❖ Matrilineal descent: kinship traced In this general provision, we find out
through mother to daughter that the spouses are given the right to build a
❖ Bilateral descent: kinship traced family according to their religious
through both parents;property convictions and the demands of responsible
inherited from either side of the parenthood.
The children are not just products of
the union, but they are individuals who have
the right to demand assistance, proper care,
and nutrition from their parents. Aside from households, and more economically
that, special protection from neglect, abuse, productive.
cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions
detrimental to their development is a great They can look for jobs that help their
responsibility of parents. husbands provide for the financial needs of
their children. This increased labor-force
The Responsible Parenthood and participation increases the economy of our
Reproductive Health Act of 2012”, signed nation.
by President Benigno Aquino III, was
enacted into law amidst protests and strong GENDER AND SOCIETY
opposition from the Catholic Church. WEEK 9

This law demands funds for the Basic Social Institutions: Education and
distribution of free contraceptives, requires
government hospitals to provide Religion
reproductive health (RH) services, and
mandates public schools to teach sex EDUCATION
education. The delivery of RH services
remains the primary responsibility of the Education is an essential social institution
national government– not local government because it is where you and I are prepared
units– and is optional for most private for adult life. Education enables us to learn
hospitals. Except in special cases, minors values, enhance our knowledge and refine
need parental consent to access family our skills for our future.
planning methods.
Sex education is also optional for
private schools. It does not mean though that Education has these purposes:
those young children are free to access the
use of these contraceptives. This law 1. Social Purpose: education socializes
emphasizes that family planning has a children into their various roles,
multiplier effect on development. behaviors, and values of society.

The law states that parents have the 2. Economic Purpose: prepares
right to choose the number of children they students for their later occupational
would have to help combat poverty in the roles, selecting, training, and
country. Also, this law empowers women. allocating individuals into the
The use of contraceptives among women division of labor.
makes them healthier, more exposed to
sexual education, more empowered in their
When we talk of schooling, our Religion, on the other hand, is as
formal education involves instruction by important as education because it is in this
specially trained teachers who follow institution where we also learn the values of
officially organized policies. camaraderie, respect, honesty, faith, and
Schools have manifest functions or many more.
functions that are intended: Religion is a social institution that
answers questions and explains something
1. Social control that could not be explained. For example,
2. Placement of socialization religion explains why things happen and
3. Transmitting culture enlightens the mystery of birth and death.
4. Promoting social
5. Political integration and as an agent The belief in a single deity is called
of change monotheism, while the belief in many
deities is called polytheism.
Schools have latent functions or functions
that are not intended. They are the When you and your families attend
following: religious services, put decorations on
holidays, and have processions to venerate
a. Restricting activities mean that the your God, your parents are teaching you
schools, aside from 6-8 hours, still about their religion and how to observe it.
extend to other activities like sports There are those who go to their religious
and other related activities. These services on Sundays or on Saturdays,
restrictions enable the students to be Thursdays, and Sundays. By engaging in
away from trouble or problems. these activities and traditions, you are united
with others of the same religion here and
b. Matchmaking is not the primary around the world.
function of the school, but you
meeting your “college sweetheart” in With these activities, families teach
school and later on your spouse is an their own culture as well as the culture that
unintentional function of the school, is spread around the world.
but it happens.
Generally, religion has the ff characteristics:
c. Production of social networks or
establishing weak ties, but it is where I. Belief in a deity (maybe one or
you can get new information like job many)
opportunities. II. A doctrine of salvation
III. A code of conduct
d. Creation of generation gap IV. Religious rituals
All over the world, there is one of the transcend the “illusion” of life and
following major religions that is being achieve enlightenment.
subscribed by people:
Religion as a social institution is
● Christianity– is the most grouped into three: the church, sect, and
widespread world religion. cult.
Christianity derived from Judaism. It
is based on the belief that Jesus ❖ The church is a religious group
Christ was the Son of God and the integrated with society. An example
Redeemer of mankind. of this is the Roman Catholic Church
which is well integrated into the
● Islam– followers of Islam are called society of Spain.
Muslims. Muslims believe that the
true word of God was revealed to the ❖ A sect is a religious group that sets
prophet Muhammad around 570 itself apart from the society as a
A.D. whole. An example of this is for a
group to separate themselves apart
● Judaism– Judaism is a monotheistic from the society by their lifestyle.
religion that predates Christianity
and is built on believing that they are ❖ A cult is a religious group that is
God’s “chosen people”. outside cultural norms and is
typically around a charismatic leader.
● Hinduism– Hinduism is the oldest An example of this when a leader
major world religion, and it is claims to be God and insists on strict
dominant in India. Hindus do not loyalty.
worship a single person or deity.
They are guided by a set of ancient The question of what religion does
cultural beliefs. They believe in the for society, there are expanded ideas of
principle of karma. Karma can be Emile Durkheim in his 1917 work,
strengthened with good acts and Elementary Forms of the Religious Life.
harmed by bad acts. They are explained in these functions:

● Buddhism– Buddhists follow the a) Cohesive function: means that

teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, a religion helps organize society. For
spiritual teacher of the sixth-century those who attend and worship the
B.C.E. Buddhism, like Hinduism, same deity, there is a tendency that
does not feature any single-all they are unified and manifest a group
powerful deity but teaches that by identity. They can be easily
avoiding materialism, one can distinguished from outsiders.
b) The Explanatory function of religion: ★ Religion as a social
helps to explain unexplainable things institution is here to provide
like: “why am I here?”Is there life essence to the problems that
after death?”, etc. man encounters in his
existence by connecting him
c) The Education function of religion: to that supra-individual
is inherent in this institution. It sphere of transcendent values
teaches moral education and passes which is ultimately rooted in
down values to all members. his society.

d) The Euphoric function: is evident in

the feelings of awe, excitement,
relief, enlightenment, etc. these
experiences affect changes among

e) The Revitalizing function of religion:

is present in religious activities that
are conducted for its members like
family day, youth day, etc.

f) The Ecological function: is done by

reminding members to observe
environmental conservation and the

g) The Disciplinary function: provides a

pattern for moral behavior and
emphasizes the punishment for those
who go against the norms.

h) The Supportive function of religion:

is shown by receiving donations and
redistributing them to the people
who need basic goods and services.
The churches are open as rescue
centers; they give emotional
consoling, spiritual guidance, and
material assistance in times of

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