Avoid Utility Conflict - 0621

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Avoiding Tree &

Utility Conflicts
Many factors should be considered prior to planting. Here are some
helpful hints for tree planting around utilities.

Think about the balance between the benefits of trees Locating Underground Utilities
with those provided by utilities. We need both for livable The greatest danger to underground utilities occurs during
communities and it’s possible to have both with proper planting. Accidental digging into underground utilities
planning. can cause costly repairs to restore interrupted service or
result in injury or loss of life. Before digging call your utility
For trees to thrive they need room. The ultimate mature company or locator service to make sure you have located
height and spread of a tree must fit within the available underground utilities. Never assume that utilities are buried
growing space. This includes not only above ground, but deeper than you plan to dig. Locating underground utilities
also the soil area below, which must be large enough to before digging is often required by law.
accommodate the rooting habits of the species.

Preventing tree-utility conflicts is a serious matter. It not Overhead Utilities

only potentially involves tree roots or branches growing into There are several types of utilities located overhead on
utility facilities, but also tree parts or whole trees that can poles. In general, the higher the lines on poles and more
fail and damage utilities, particularly in inclement weather. robust the structure, the greater the voltage and more
space required from trees.
The potential consequences of tree-utility conflicts include
disruption of critical services, like electricity, water, or
There are four main types of lines: communication,
natural gas. These conflicts can also involve widespread
secondary, primary, and transmission.
property damage, personal injury, and loss of life.
Communication Lines
Underground Utilities The lowest lines on poles are often communication lines.
Electric, gas, water, and sewer lines installed underground They are not designed to carry electricity but can become
can be compromised by tree roots. Roots commonly spread energized.
many times the breadth of the tree crown and can extend
out farther than the height of a tree. Secondary Lines
Above communication lines are secondary lines. These carry
Electric Utilities household voltage of 120/240 volts in North America. Many
Modern electric lines are resistant to root damage,
of these lines are insulated.
particularly if installed at a depth below where tree roots
commonly explore. However, the life of underground lines
is limited, and they will eventually need to be repaired or Most operators do not try to prevent vegetation contact
replaced. Excavation for that work can damage tree roots, with communication and insulated secondary lines.
harming or even killing trees. However, many utility providers will prune trees to protect
them from abrasion and deflection.
Water and Sewer Utilities
New water and sewer lines made of steel or PVC are also Some secondary lines are not insulated, and most electric
generally resistant to root damage. Older cement, clay, utilities will systematically prune vegetation away from
or cast-iron pipes that have degraded may develop leaks. these types, but not enough to prevent contact before the
Moisture from the leaks attracts tree roots, which can next scheduled maintenance.
penetrate and expand the cracks, further damaging the pipes.

Natural Gas Utilities

Primary Lines
Natural gas operators often keep the area directly over, Above secondary lines are primary lines. These are often
and 10 feet each side, of pipelines free of trees to protect located on top of single poles or on cross arms.
them from potential tree root damage and allow for pipeline
inspection and maintenance activities. Species that are Transmission Lines
sensitive to natural gas are sometimes planted over the Transmission lines frequently carry hundreds of thousands
pipeline to help expose gas leaks. Many providers also have of volts. It is best not to allow trees to develop with the
tree height and diameter restrictions out as far as 25 feet potential to grow into them.
further than the clear tree zone.
Tree Zones for Distribution Lines Right Tree–Right Place
Proper species selection and placement is important so Planning before you plant ensures the right tree is planted
trees have room to mature without having to be repeatedly in the right place. Proper tree selection and placement
pruned to keep them from interfering with utility lines. enhances your property value and prevents costly
Species shape and size should fit into three zones relative to maintenance pruning and utility damage.
distribution lines: low, medium, and tall.
For further information on planting and helpful tips on
Tall Zones street tree selection, refer to ISA’s brochures on tree
The tall zone is at least 50 feet (15 meters) away from selection and new planting. If you have any more questions,
distribution lines. Trees with any potential mature height, please contact your local ISA Certified Arborist®, utility
including large species, may be selected for the tall zone. company, local nursery, or county extension office.
Make sure there is sufficient soil area to accommodate their
expansive root systems. Planting sites greater than 8 feet
(3 meters), including parks, meadows or other open spaces
without below ground restrictions are appropriate.
What Is a Certified Arborist?
ISA Certified Arborists® are individuals who have
Medium Zones proven a level of knowledge in the art and science
The medium zone extends between 15 and 50 feet (4.5 and of tree care through experience and by passing
15 meters) from distribution lines. Species selected in this a comprehensive examination developed by
area should be medium sized, with a potential mature height some of the nation’s leading experts on tree care.
of 40 feet (12 meters) or lower. Medium zone trees require ISA Certified Arborists must also continue their
wide planting areas or medians (4 to 8 feet – 1.3 to 3 meters education to maintain their certification. Therefore,
wide), large planting squares (8 feet or 3 meters or greater), they are more likely to be up to date on the latest
and other open areas of similar or larger size. techniques in arboriculture.

Low Zones Finding an Arborist

The low zone extends 15 feet (4.5 meters) on either side of
distribution wires. Species selected for the low zone should Visit TreesAreGood.org for free tools:
have a mature height of 20 feet (6 meters) or lower. Low
zone species may also be selected where soil volumes are • The “Find an Arborist” tool can help you locate an
too limited to support medium or tall zone trees. arborist in your area.

• The “Verify a Credential” tool enables

you to confirm whether an arborist has an ISA

Be an Informed Consumer
One of the best methods to use in choosing an
www.isa-arbor.com • www.treesaregood.org
arborist is to educate yourself about some of the
©2021 International Society of Arboriculture. (v02.2021) basic principles of tree care. Visit TreesAreGood.org
Through research, technology, and education, the International Society of to read and download all brochures in this series.
Arboriculture promotes the professional practice of arboriculture and fosters
a greater worldwide awareness of the benefits of trees.

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