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Global VRF Selection Software – User Guide

Global Product Management Division

Nov. 2016

(C)2015 Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning

Requirements of Operation Environment
 Support Windows XP & Windows 7 version operation systems;

 Use Office 2007 & above version to open exported reports

 Need to install operation environment of .Net Framework 4.0

 Set Windows font size as 100%

(Right Click → ①Personalize → ②Display → ③Smaller 100%(default))


Note: If you have any queries about installation, please contact help desk [email protected]


1. Software Installation 7. System Piping

2. Login Interface & Region ① Change Layout
② Drag & Drop Rules (Heat Pump)
/Brand/Source Selection ③ Drag & Drop Rules (Heat Recovery)
1. Toolbar & Multi-language Introduction ④ Add Header Branch
2. Open Saved Project or Create New Project ⑤ Piping Length Input
⑥ System Verification
3. Select Indoor Unit
① Add Indoor Unit without Room Information
8. System Wiring
② Room Information Management 9. System Control
③ Room Load Index/Calculation 10. Save Project
④ Add Indoor Unit With Room Information
⑤ Indoor Option Selection
11. Output Report
4. Select Outdoor Unit
① Indoor Unit Connection System
② Fresh Air Unit 1 to 1 Connection System
③ Fresh Air Unit Mixed Type Connection System
④ Piping Length & Height Difference

1. Software Installation

 Install installation package file

1. Please download the selection software file from below link:

2. Please right click the *.exe file and click “Run Elevated” to install the software

3. Please input the installation password

 Install patch file

1. Please download the selection software patch file from above link:

2. Please right click the *.exe file and click “Run Elevated” to install the software

1. Please install the *.exe file follow the version sequence.
2. Please note that the installation password is different from regional activation password.
3. When you install the patch file, there is no need to input password again.

2. Login Interface & Region/Brand/Source Selection

 Login Interface
1. Please input “Activation Password” when you first login the selection software and click “OK”

1. Only need to input the
password at the first time and
the software will record your
input automatically.
2. For different regions, PM
generate different passwords.
Please keep the password

2. Login Interface & Region/Brand/Source Selection

 Region/Brand/Source Selection
1. Please select the “Sub. Region” by drop box
2. Please select the “Brand”: “Hitachi” or “York”

3. Please select the “Source”:

“Johnson Controls - Hitachi” or “York

Guangzhou Factory” 2

1. The region information cannot be changed and it’s
related to your activation password.
2. The brand & source selection options will be related
to the sub region you choose. 3
3. Please make sure to choose the right sub-region,
brand & source information because the product
series will be changed according to your selection.

3. Toolbar & Multi-language Introduction

 Toolbar
1. Click “New” icon of Toolbar menu to create a new project.

2. Click “Open” icon of Toolbar menu to open a saved project

Note: to open a saved project, you MUST select the same region and sub-region at login interface

3. Click “Save” icon of Toolbar menu to save current project

4. Click “Save as” icon of Toolbar menu to save current project as another project name

5. Click “Import” icon of Toolbar menu to import a saved project information

1 2 3 4 5

3. Toolbar & Multi-language Introduction

 Toolbar -- Preference Setting

1. Click “setting” icon of Toolbar menu and enter the “Preference Setting” user interface.

2. Click “Export Setting” button to export and save current setting information (“setting.config.xlm” file
will be generated).

3. Click “Import Setting” button to select and import the setting information file which generated before.

2 3 4

4. Three types of preference setting can be done in the selection software:

① “Units” Setting
② “Default input” Setting
③ “File paths & Altitude” Setting

3. Toolbar & Multi-language Introduction

 Preference Setting 1
1. Can select Metric or English unit through
“Units” setting sheet.
2. Can input prefix of items, working condition
of indoor/outdoor and room input through
“Default input” setting sheet.
3. Can choose report & drawing file paths and
enable altitude correction through “File paths
& Altitude” setting sheet.

2 3

3. Toolbar & Multi-language Introduction

 Multi-language Setting
1. Click “Language” drop box in the left bottom of the
selection software. 2
2. Choose the language you want to use for the
selection software.
There are totally 5 languages can be selected:
a) English
b) Chinese
c) Spanish
d) French
e) Turkish

4. Open Saved Project or Create New Project
 Open Saved Project
1. Click “Open” icon, “Open” interface will be shown
2. Select the saved project (Must select the system file below “GlobalVRF” hierarchy, otherwise cannot
open the project.)
3. Click “Open” button to open the saved project


4. Open Saved Project or Create New Project
 Create New Project
1. Click “New” icon
2. Input “Project Name”.
3. Select “Selection” and input Attitude data
4. Input detail information of the project.

1 1. “Region” cannot be changed as
it’s determined by your input in
“Region/Brand/Source Selection”.
2. Please make sure to click the
2 “Enable altitude correction” in the
setting sheet. Otherwise, the
3 “Altitude” column will not been

5. Select Indoor Unit
 Indoor Unit can be selected without room information
 Indoor unit can be selected with room information (Click “On the basis of
1. Manage room information (Click
“Manage Room” button)
2. Input/Calculate room load
3. Select indoor unit by using room
load information
 Can Add/Edit/Delete indoor ←Add

unit ←Edit

 Can Select/Reset option for
each indoor unit
←Set Option
←Clear Option
1. The indoor selection can be done manually or
2. Fresh air unit selection process in “Indoor”
interface is same as other types of indoor unit.

5. Select Indoor Unit (w/o Room Info.)
 ①Add Indoor Unit without Room Information
1. Make sure to unselect the checkbox of ”On the basis of room”
2. Click “Add” icon and enter the “Indoor Selection” interface


5. Select Indoor Unit (w/o Room Info.)
 ①Add Indoor Unit without Room Information (Manual Selection)
1. Select “Manual” of the selection method check box
2. Select the outdoor series and an indoor type from the drop box
3. Select an indoor unit from “Model” list
4. Click “OK” button or double click the
indoor unit model name to add this
highlighted indoor unit to “Indoor”
main interface
5. Click “Close” button, go back to
“Indoor” main interface

1. The indoor unit type should be related to the
outdoor unit series
2. Sensible heat can be selected and the ratio of
indoor will be changed automatically. Suggest to
use the default setting as “High”.

4 5
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/o Room Info.)
 ①Add Indoor Unit without Room Information (Auto Selection)
1. Select “Auto” of the selection method check box
2. Input “Required info.” data including cooling capacity/sensible/airflow & heating capacity
3. Select the outdoor series and an indoor type from the drop box, it will automatically select the
best suitable indoor unit
4. Click “OK” button to add this
indoor unit to “Indoor” main 2
5. Click “Close” button, go back to 3
“Indoor” main interface

4 5
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ②Room Information Management
1. Click “Manage Room” button and go to Room Management interface

5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ②Room Information Management
1. Click ”Add Floor” button and add a Floor
2. Select a Floor and change “Floor Info.”
3. Click “Confirm” button to save the floor information
4. Select a Floor, Click ”Add Room” and add a Room
5. Select a Room, change “Room Info.”
6. Click ”Confirm” button to save the
room information
7 1
7. Copy Room/Floor: Select a 3
room/floor and click “Copy” icon 8
8. Delete Room/Floor: Select a
room/floor and click “Delete” icon 5
9. Click “Close” button, go back to
“Indoor” main interface

1. Room copy can only be done in the same
floor, cannot copy room to other floor.

4 6
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ③Room Load Index/Calculation (Load Calculation)
1. In the “Manage Room” window, select pre-defined room type from “Type” drop box and the
room load will be automatically calculated by the area/no. of people of the room
2. Click the search icon and go to “Room Load Index” interface for detail load index information

1. Room type shown in the drop
box only displays the name,
please click search icon for
detail information such as city
name/load index/etc.
1 2

5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ③Room Load Index/Calculation (Load Index)
1. Setting city name by using “Add/Edit/Delete/Set Default” button in the “Location Set-up” area
2. Setting different room load index by using “Add/Edit/Delete/Set Default” button in the “Index
List” area.
Note: before you use room type and room area to calculate the load, please create this load index
of your city and set it as default
3. Click “OK” button to go back to
“Room Management” interface.
Add Edit Delete Set Default
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

2 ←Add


←Set Default 3
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ④Add Indoor Unit With Room Information
1. Make sure to select the checkbox of ”On the basis of room”
2. Click “Add” icon and enter the “Indoor Selection” interface


5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ④Add Indoor Unit With Room Information (Manual Selection)
1. Select a Room and “Required info.” is shown below
2. Select the checkbox of ”Manual”
3. Select the outdoor series and an indoor type from the drop box
4. Select an indoor unit from “Model” list
5. Click “right arrow” bar and add indoor unit into “Selected Indoor unit info.” list.
6. Change the “Number” of selected indoor unit
7. Click “OK” button to confirm the selection.
8. Click “Close” button and
go back to “Indoor” main 5 6
interface 4
1. Multiple indoor units can be
selected in one room.
2. The room name shown in the
“select room” will be turned
blue when the indoor unit has
been selected.
22 7 8
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ④Add Indoor Unit With Room Information (Auto Selection)
1. Select a Room and “Required info.” is shown below
2. Select the checkbox of “Auto”
3. Select the outdoor series and an indoor type from the drop box, and indoor unit will be
automatically selected into “Selected Indoor unit info.” list
4. Click ”OK” button
5. Click “Close” button and go back to “Indoor” main interface

1. Only one indoor unit can be 3
selected in one room.
2. The room name shown in the
“select room” will be turned
blue when the indoor unit has
been selected.

23 4 5
5. Select Indoor Unit (w/ Room Info.)
 ⑤Indoor Option Selection
1. Select an indoor unit or multiple indoor units
2. Click “Set Option” icon, go to “Add Option” interface
3. Click “Clear Option” icon and reset indoor option

1. Press “ctrl” and click multiple 1
indoor units and select the option
at the same time
2. Make sure that selected multiple
indoor units are the same type and
same capacity.

5. Select Indoor Unit
 ⑤Indoor Option Selection (Add Option)
1. Select an option type from “Available Accessories” list
2. Click “right arrow” bar and add the option into “Selected Accessories” list.
3. Click “Delete” to delete a selected accessory
4. Click “Reset” to reset the indoor unit option
5. Click “OK” to go back to “Indoor” main interface

1 2
1. Some accessories are the
standard ones which must be
2. Some accessories should be
selected in pair and when you
choose one of them, the other one
will also be selected at the same
3. All accessories have the limitation
number shown in the list and
please do not exceed this number.

3 4 5
6. Select Outdoor Unit
 Select Outdoor Unit
1. After indoor units selection, click “Outdoor” tab to go to “Outdoor” main interface
2. Click “Add” icon and go to “Outdoor Selection” interface
3. Click “Edit” icon to edit the selected outdoor unit
4. Click “Delete” icon to delete selected outdoor unit

1. The outdoor selection can only be
done automatically.
2. Multiple outdoor systems can be
added by click “Add” icon in the ←Add
main interface.


6. Select Outdoor Unit
 ①Indoor Unit Connection System
1. Select indoor units from “Available indoor Units” List.
2. Drag & Drop the selected Indoor units to outdoor model shown in the “Outdoor System” List.
3. It will automatically select the most suitable Outdoor unit
4. Change “Series”, “Type”, “Max Ratio” through drop box in the “Outdoor Info.” and it will
automatically re-select outdoor unit
5. Click “OK” to go back to “Outdoor” main interface

1. Use “ctrl” or “shift” to select 3 1
multiple indoor units 2
2. Drag and drop the indoor units to
the listed model name (example:
3. If multiple outdoor systems are
needed, go back to “Outdoor”
main interface and do the same
process to add another outdoor

6. Select Outdoor Unit
 ①Indoor Unit Connection System – 5% tolerance
1. If select Indoor Unit with room information, after Outdoor unit selection, need to check whether
actual capacity exceeds the room required load or not.
2. If the actual capacity is below the required load because of the correction factor, the further
process will be as below.
a) Actual capacity < Required load more than 5% : Selection procedure will be stopped.
b) Actual capacity < Required load less than 5% : Software will ask you whether to proceed or not.

1. Whether to proceed the selection
even actual capacity is below the
required load depends on the user’s
Please kindly be responsible to the
judgement of the process at user

6. Select Outdoor Unit
 ②Fresh Air Unit 1 to 1 Connection System
1. Make sure to unselect the checkbox of ”Both Indoor And Fresh Air”
2. Select fresh air unit from “Available indoor Units” List.
3. Drag & Drop the selected fresh air unit to outdoor model shown in the “Outdoor System”
4. It will automatically select the related outdoor unit
5. Click “OK” to go back to “Outdoor” main interface

1. Drag and drop the fresh air unit 4 2
to the listed model name
(example: “Sys1”)
2. The outdoor unit of fresh air unit
for 1 to 1 connection is fixed and
the “Max ratio” and “Diversity
factor” cannot be changed
3. If multiple outdoor systems are 1
needed, go back to “Outdoor”
main interface and do the same 5
process to add another outdoor
6. Select Outdoor Unit
 ③Fresh Air Unit Mixed Type Connection System
1. Make sure to select the checkbox of ”Both Indoor And Fresh Air”
2. Select indoor units & fresh air unit from “Available indoor Units” List.
3. Drag & Drop the selected units to outdoor unit shown in the “Outdoor System” List.
4. It will automatically select the most suitable Outdoor unit
5. Change “Type”, “Max Ratio”, “Diversity Factor” through drop box in the “Outdoor Info.” and it
will automatically re-select outdoor unit
6. Click “OK” to go back to “Outdoor” main interface

4 2
1. Drag and drop the units to the listed
model name (example: “Sys1”)
2. The system ratio for mixed type of
fresh air connection is 80%~100%
and the fresh air capacity should be
below 30% of the total system
3. If multiple outdoor systems are 1
needed, go back to “Outdoor” main
interface and do the same process 5
to add another outdoor system
6. Select Outdoor Unit
 ④Piping Length & Height Difference
1. Select “Piping default settings & Help info.” sheet.
2. Equivalent piping length & first branch to indoor units length will be calculated automatically
refer to the piping length input in the “Piping” main interface.
3. Can choose outdoor unit “Higher”, “Same Level” or “Lower” than indoor unit and input the
height difference data.
4. Click “OK” and click “Selection” sheet of “Outdoor” main interface.

Note: 1
1. Default data for “Equivalent
piping length” is 40m and “First 2
branch to indoor unit” is 20m.
These data will be changed if
you enter the piping length
manually in the “Piping” main
2. Piping correction factor will be 4
automatically calculated by input
piping length & height difference
data and outdoor unit selection
will probably be changed
7. System Piping
 System Piping
1. After outdoor units selection, click “Piping” sheet to go to “Piping” main interface and the
standard horizontal piping diagram will be automatically shown
2. Select different system by “System” drop box or the left tree structure
3. Click “Vertical” or “Horizontal” to adjust piping layout
4. Change “Scale” value to zoom the piping layout and click “Fit window” to show whole piping
system in the window.

2 1

7. System Piping
 ①Change Layout
1. Drag and drop “indoor unit” or “branch kit” as object to change piping layout
2. Click the button to see detail “Drag and Drop Rules” which is shown in the next slide
3. Click “Reset “ to go to the default piping system (Vertical or Horizontal)
4. Click “Arrow Bar” to hide/show system detail model list
Note: For heat recovery VRF, current software can only support standard horizontal or vertical piping
and cannot be changed.

2 3

7. System Piping
 ②Drag & Drop Rules (Heat Pump)
1. Drag “branch kit” and drop on piping which has branch kit
2. Drag “indoor unit” and drop on indoor unit
3. Drag “branch kit” and drop on piping without branch kit or indoor unit

1 2 3

7. System Piping
 ③Drag & Drop Rules (Heat Recovery)
1. Drag “indoor unit” and drop on indoor unit
2. Drag “indoor unit” and drop on CH-Box

7. System Piping
 ④Add Header Branch
1. Click an indoor unit and click “Add CP“ button to add header branch
2. Branch graph changed from line branch type to header branch type
3. Drag and drop other indoor units to the indoor unit below the header branch


7. System Piping
 ⑤Piping Length Input
1. Select ”Enter piping length manually” Checkbox
2. Double click one pipe, pipe length dialog will be shown
3. Input “Elbow Qty/Oil Trap Qty/Length” value
4. Do the same for other pipes, or click ”Apply to all connecting tube”, each of pipe length will
adopt the same data
5. Click “OK” to go back to the “Piping” main interface
1. The pipe without length information will
be shown in red.



7. System Piping
 ⑥System Verification
1. Click “Verification” and system will do indoor/outdoor/piping length verification automatically
2. After complete the system verification, the “Piping Correction Factor” of current system will
be shown in the piping drawing

1. The pipe will turn to red if the 1
piping total/single length is out
of limitation.
2. Make sure to do system
verification finally. Otherwise,
piping size & branch kit model
name will not be shown and
cannot continue the selection.

8. System Wiring
 System Wiring
1. After system piping, click “Wiring” sheet to go to “Wiring” main interface and the wiring
diagram will be automatically shown
2. Select different system by “Outdoor” drop box or the left tree structure
3. Change “Scale” value to zoom the wiring layout and click “Fit window” to show whole wiring
system in the window.


9. System Control
 System Control
1. After system wiring, click “Controller” tab to go to VRF central control system selection
2. Drag and drop “Controller” from the left list to the “control box” in control groups interface
3. Drag and drop “SYS” from the left-bottom list to the “outdoor box” in control groups interface
4. The selected controller list will be shown in the right “Material List”
5. Press “Verification” and system will do the central control system verification automatically

1. The controller offering will be
different due to different
outdoor series.
2. Different controller will have
2 4
different limitation for
connectable outdoor/indoor

10. Save Project
 Save Project
1. Click “Save” or “Save As” icon, “Save” interface will be shown
2. Select “New Project” checkbox and input “Project” name
3. Click “Save” button to save the current project

11. Output Report
 Output Report
1. After piping, click “Report” tab to go to “Report” main interface
2. Select output outdoor unit system by right “Report Contents” list
3. Click “Output Report” to output report in word format
4. Click “Output
spreadsheet” to output
report in Excel format 1
5. Click “Output dxf files”
to output system piping
in AutoCAD format

5 3 4

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