Program Book Ic - Its'21

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2021 (IC.ITS’21)
“Forging A Smart Technological World”
Table of Content



1st Day

2nd Day

Zoom Link 17



Theme: Agriculture 23-26

Theme: Computer science 27-35

Theme: Engineering 36-44

Theme: Multidisciplinary science 45-54






Assalamu’alaikum WBT.
Distinguished Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers, Delegates
Presenters, participants, and committee
Thank you one and all.

Welcome to the 2nd International Conference

on Innovative Technology and Science
(IC.ITS’21). It is a glorious moment to extend
my warm wishes on behalf of University
College of Yayasan Pahang or UCYP Malaysia.
I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude
to the Keynote Speaker for accepting the
invitation and presiding over this
conference’s theme on “Forging A Smart
Each topic for presentation involving scope
Technological World”.
of Computer Science, Engineering
Agriculture and Multidisciplinary science for
It gives me immense warmth and great
these two days’ conference was chosen,
pleasure to grace all of your presence in the
keeping in mind the interest of experts.
interest of the entire committee. It also gives
me tremendous contentment to be
Through this conference, an individual is
presenting the welcome speech amongst the
given an international platform to share
most esteemed personalities who have won
their knowledge, research findings and
accolades in their respective fields. Before
ideas, and to publish their papers in
we begin this conference, I would like to
international reputable journals, which are
express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you
indexed such as in Scopus and Google
who sincerely committed to this event to
make it a success. This event would have
been impossible without the support of each
I hope you will enjoy the hospitality during
and every one present here.
this virtual conference. I also would like to
thank the committee members who have
The dawn of the 21st century brought a
great effort to make this event well-
technological revolution that we are still
organized. Then, we do hope that this
riding today. Transitioning from IR4.0 to the
conference can give beneficial contributions
fifth, we have become so used to the fast pace
in order to merging the element of Computer
of innovation that we continue to expect
Science, Engineering, Agrotechnology and
more effective and work efficient
Safety for better societies.
technological solutions. Thus, making the
world a better place through application of
Thank you one and all.
science and technology can contribute to less
Assalamu’alaikum WBT.
electricity consumption and energy
efficiency, reduces the ecological footprint of Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ahmad
farming, develops global food security and bin Hj Zainuddin
reducing climate change. Hereby, this Vice-Chancellor
seminar was organized and conducted for University College of Yayasan Pahang
the general audience to gain insight and
information that would remain effective in
their life, exercises, and work.

Good day.

Distinguished Keynote Speaker and Invited

Distinguished guests from some universities
Presenters, participants, and committee

It is my utmost pleasure to welcome all

participants to the 2nd International
Conference on Innovative Technology and
Science 2021 (IC.ITS’21). The theme for the
conference is “Forging A Smart
Technological World”. Science and
technology are improving the lives of many On behalf of the organizing committee, I
people in different ways and it is advancing would like to take this opportunity to
so quickly that it is making things possible express my sincere appreciation to Malaysia
that have never before. Everyone includes Board of Technologists (MBOT), Universitas
researchers and practitioners are trying to Teuku Umar, Universitas Prima Indonesia,
innovate and transform things into smart Beijing Information Science and Technology
and become digitalised with the advanced University (BISTU), International Society of
integrative technologies. We hope that this Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences
conference will provide an excellent (ISSAAS) and Phetchaburi Rajabhat
platform and ample opportunity to share University for the collaboration in
research ideas related to the current and organizing this conference. Our sincere
future advanced smart technologies and thanks should also be conveyed to all the
sciences. These insightful research results, keynote speaker and invited speakers for
hopefully, will be able to provide their willingness to present their knowledge
comprehensive, adaptive, creative, and and ideas at the conference. Besides that, I
innovative solutions to deal with the issues. would like to take this opportunity to
Furthermore, the participants will have the express my heartfelt appreciation to all
privilege to gather and exchange knowledge parties who have directly and indirectly
and establish networking across various contributed towards the success of this
integrative disciplines in a single platform. auspicious event, especially the dedicated
and passionate committee members.
In this virtual conference, we are honored to
have a distinguished keynote speaker and 4 Lastly, wish you all the best in sharing ideas
invited speakers from 4 countries, namely and benefiting from the conference. Thank
Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Ts. Ahmad Zaidee Laidin you very much for your participation and
from Malaysia, Prof. Li Ning from China, hope to see you at our future event.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Li Pin from Malaysia, Dr.
Ir. Suwardi from Indonesia and Asst. Prof. Dr.
Poonsiri Thipnate from Thailand. We are Associate Professor Dr. Tan Li Pin
also delighted to receive approximately 40 Deputy Vice Chancellor
presenters from various countries such as Research & Industry Linkages
Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and University College of Yayasan Pahang
many more.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. and Good Day
Distinguished Keynote Speaker and Invited
Distinguished guests from local and
international universities, presenters,
participants, and committees

On behalf of IC.ITS’21 Organizing

Committee, I would like to express my
gratitude and welcome all participants to the
2nd International Conference on Innovative
Technology and Science 2021 with the
theme, “Forging a Smart Technological
World”. In this critical era, exploring and
highlighting something new in a different
perspective is the main agenda for moving various countries including Malaysia,
on with life. Being smart is about using a Indonesia, China, Thailand and participants
technology and data for a better decision to from Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan and many
deliver a better quality of life. It is an more to take part in our 2-days conference.
expression of our mission in this globalized
world. A grateful appreciation also given to our co-
organizers for their tremendous support to
IC.ITS’21 is a platform to gather all collaborate with University College of
academician, researchers and students to Yayasan Pahang in organizing this
share and exchange knowledge in latest conference.
issues related to sciences and technologies.
The combination of multidisciplinary fields As a Conference Director of IC.ITS’21, I truly
including engineering, computer science, understand that the success of the
agriculture and others exposes the broad conference is ultimately depends on the
dimension in forging the world to a smart people who have giving full commitment in
technology. The results from various types of planning, organizing and supporting this
research, hopefully will discover the event. I would like to express my deepest
importance of creative and innovative appreciation to our committee members and
solutions to deal with many challenges all parties for the commitment and effort to
issues. All participants will have the realize the international conference event.
privilege to gather and exchange knowledge
and establish networking across numerous Thank you very much for your participation.
disciplines. I wish you a successful conference and all the
A special thanks to Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Ts.
Ahmad Zaidee Laidin from Malaysia as our
keynote speaker and four invited speakers,
namely, Prof. Li Ning from China, Assoc. Prof. Ainul Hayati Yunus
Dr. Tan Li Pin from Malaysia, Dr. Ir. Suwardi Director IC.ITS’21
from Indonesia and Asst. Prof. Dr. Poonsiri Faculty of Science, Engineering &
Thipnate from Thailand for presenting their Agrotechnology (FSEA)
ideas in this virtual conference. We are also University College of Yayasan Pahang
appreciating to welcome all presenters from (UCYP)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am glad that in the end of this year 2021,
the International Society for Southeast Asian
Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS) can
collaborate with the Faculty of Science,
Engineering and Agrotechnology (FSEA),
University College of Yayasan Pahang
(UCYP) to held the 2nd International
Conference on Innovative Technology and
Science (IC.ITS21). Hopefully holding joint
events like todays can continue to be done in
the future. Actually, we wanted to discuss
together directly in same room, however,
many uncertainties, to enhance the
because of the pandemic, this event is
cooperation with soft diplomacy, and to
conducted online. We have learned that
develop our confidence in overcoming the
Corona Virus 19 (COVID-19) disease
problems relating to technological
outbreak since March last year has changed
advancement, climate change, population
the world including our daily life known as a
growth as well as socio-economic dynamics.
new normal. As scientists, researchers,
For that reason, I am convinced that this
students, practitioners, policy makers and
seminar can be a successful event to share
business persons, we somehow managed to
another new perspective on innovative
adapt to this new normal to continue our
technology in various fields of engineering
programs and activities. We have to keep the
and biotechnology that are developing
contacts with our fellows and make the new
rapidly at this time.
ones that nowadays could be done through
different means among other like today's We hope that this event will generate new
virtual event. perspectives for strengthening the
development of technology and science
The theme of this seminar is “Forging A
which in the end can facilitate human beings
Smart Technological World”. The seminar is
in their work, improve community welfare,
an excellent forum for those who are
and maintain the environment.
involved in scientific disciplines on emerging
issues and trends in innovative technology
and science. The new era teaches us to Dr. Ir. Suwardi
become more adaptive and even agile to President,
International Society for Southeast Asian
Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS)

Day 1
Thursday, November 25th, 2021

“Forging A Smart Technological World”
25th & 26th NOVEMBER 2021

Thursday | 25th November 2021

9.00 a.m. Registration
Video Messages
UCYP Corporate Video
Co-organizer Videos
Doa Recital
9.30 a.m. Remarks, UCYP Malaysia Vice Chancellor
Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ahmad bin Haji Zainuddin

9.45 a.m. Keynote Speaker

Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Ts. Ahmad Zaidee Laidin
Honorary Fellow, Tun Ghazali Shafie
Institute for Strategic Leadership (Engineering Technology Leadership)
Chairman, ENRICO Sdn. Bhd.
Past President, Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)

10.00 a.m. Invited Speaker 1

Prof. Li Ning
Dean, School of Computer Science
Beijing Information Science & Technology University (BISTU)

10.30 a.m. Invited Speaker 2

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Li Pin
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Industry Linkages)
UCYP Malaysia

11.00 a.m. Invited Speaker 3

Dr. Ir. Suwardi
Department of Soil Science and Land Resources
Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Bogor, Indonesia

11.30 a.m. Invited Speaker 4

Asst. Prof. Dr. Poonsiri Thipnate
Head of Natural Product Chemistry
Division of Chemistry, Faculty of Science & Technology
Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand

12.00 p.m BREAK

Parallel Session 1 (15 minutes including Q & A Session)

2.00 P.M Development of Conceptual Design for Soil Characterisation and its Effect on Depth
Wheel Hub Retainer Tool Accuracy using Ground Penetrating Radar

Mohd Hanapi bin Jusoh Noor Khairul Idham Nordin

Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
Mohd Fais bin Ismail Che Ku Ahmad Fuad
Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Politeknik Kuching Sarawak
Faizul Zaiman bin Yusof Mohd Nizar Hashim
Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin
Abstract- Computer Science: No. 10
Engineering: No. 1

2.15 P.M Development of Concept Idea for Student Centered Post Covid Teaching using
Batteryless Solar Powered Portable Air Asynchronous Platform in Malaysia
Conditioning System Polytechnic

A. H. Hamisa Siti Faridah binti Ismail

A.N. Aziah Rohani binti Ahsan@Hamsan
R. Razman Politeknik Seberang Perai
I.M. Zamri Elmi Abu Bakar
L.P. Tan Universiti Sains Malaysia
University College of Yayasan Pahang
Abstract- Computer Science: No. 2
Engineering: No. 2

2.30 P.M Performance Study of Aluminium Oxide Daily River Water Level Prediction using
(Al2O3) Nano Cutting Fluids in CNC Artificial Neural Network Model
Turning of Aluminium Alloy Al7075 via
Minimum Quantity Lubricant (MQL) Muhammad Zulaizat Zulfikri
Cooling Technique Zuraidah Derasit
S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff
A. Arifuddin Mohd Fikri Hadrawi
A.M. Syafiq Universiti Teknologi MARA
A. H. Hamisa
L.P. Tan Abstract-
University College of Yayasan Pahang Computer Science: No. 3
A.A.M. Redhwan
R.I.N. Fatihah
University College TATI

Engineering: No. 3

2.45 P.M The Flexural Performance of RC Beam Online Attendance Management System using
with Spiral Reinforcement without Face Recognition
Concrete at Tension Area

Astiah Amir Lee Weng Yew

Aulia Rahman Kasmawahida Ab Wahab
Teuku Umar University Nor Amizam Jusoh
University College of Yayasan Pahang
Engineering: No. 4 Abstract-
Computer Science: No. 4

3.00 P.M Detection of the Potential Fishing ground Web-based Student Task Management System
under Overlay Technique
Farhan Ahmad Nurzi
Mirna R. Andini Kasmawahida Ab Wahab
Murhaban University College of Yayasan Pahang,
Universitas Teuku Umar
Abstract- Computer Science: No. 5
Engineering: No. 5

3.15 P.M The Effect of Substitution of Plastic- Implementing Artificial Intelligence Chatbot
Coated Aggregate (PCA) on the in Moodle Learning Management System
Compressive Strength and Split Tensile
Strength of Concrete Mahendran a/l Shilowaras
Nor Amizam Jusoh
Samsunan University College of Yayasan Pahang
Amir, A.
Salena, I.Y. Abstract-
Opirina, L. Computer Science: No. 6
Rahmawati, S.
Resi R.J.
Teuku Umar University,

Engineering: No. 6

3.30 P.M Economic Feasibility Study on Irrigation Android-based Fleet Maintenance System
Development (Case Study in Blang
Monlung Village, Sampoiniet District, Pradeban a/l Mahinthan
Aceh Jaya, Province Aceh) Hazlina Mohd Hussen
University College of Yayasan Pahang
Rita Fazlina
Dr. Astiah Amir Abstract-
Teuku Umar University Computer Science: No. 7

Engineering: No. 7

10 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
3.45 P.M Finite Element Modeling of a Seating Building Synergy between Ground Stations to
System Frame for Children with Special fulfil National Remote Sensing Satellite Data
Needs needs through the Indonesian National
Remote Sensing Ground Station Network
Nazlin Hanie Abdullah (NRSGSN)
Amal Suraya Azhan
Noor Izzul Hamzan Bin Noor Hamdan Muchammad Soleh
Universiti Selangor, Malaysia Hidayat Gunawan
Suhairi Abdullah Donna Monica
Nurhayati Mohd Nur Hanna Afida
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Remote Sensing Technology and Data Center –
Ghazali Yusri LAPAN-BRIN
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Abstract- Computer Science: No. 8
Engineering: No. 8

4.00 P.M Additively Manufactured Closed Cell Development of Landsat-9 Data Processing
Polyurethane Foam Filled Lattice and Receiving Ground Station System in
Structures for Damping Application Parepare and Rumpin to Support National
Remote Sensing Data Bank
Mayur Jiyalal Prajapati
Ajeet Kumar Hidayat Gunawan
Jeng-Ywan Jeng Ali Syahputra Nasution
Lunghwa Arif Hidayat
National Taiwan University of Science and Suhermanto STA Munawar
Technology Dedi Irawadi
Indonesian Aeronotics and Space Research
Abstract- Organization, LAPAN-BRIN
Engineering: No. 11
Computer Science: No. 9

4.15 P.M Fundamental Study on The Raw Material Improving Public Awareness of Covid-19 by
Selection for The Formulation of Novel Using A Serious Game
Dolomite A+ Concentrated Solution
Abdul Halim bin Abdul Rahman
Muhammad Auni Bin Hairunnaja Cosmopoint College Kuantan
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Abstract-
Computer Science: No. 1
Norasiha binti Hamid
University College of Yayasan Pahang

Multidisciplinary Science: No. 2

11 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
4.30 P.M Effect of Rainfall on Stability of Slope A Proposition of Business Intelligence (BI)
Governance Framework in UCYP
Siti Amirah Binti Aziz
University College of Yayasan Pahang Hafizan Matsom
Suriyani Sulaiman
IH. Razali Univesity College of Yayasan Pahang
WHMW Mohtar
NA Rahman Abstract-
SA. Aziz Computer Science: No. 11
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Engineering: No. 9

4.45 P.M Cocopeat Insulated Cool Box Performance

Test on Traditional Fishing Boats

Nuzuli Fitriadi,
Politeknik Aceh Selatan

Herdi Susanto
Universitas Teuku Umar

Engineering: No. 12

5.00 P.M End of Parallel Session 1

12 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Day 2
Friday, November 26th, 2021

13 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Parallel Session II (15 minutes including Q & A Session)

9.00 A.M The Development of Concept Ideas of Perlaksanaan Teknologi EML dan GPR bagi
Solar Panel Aquaponic System Kerja Pengesanan Utiliti bawah Tanah
Syed Idrus Syed Salim
Norasiha binti Hamid Nor Azme Nordin
Nor Aziah binti Azman Asrul Zakaria
Zahidah binti Ab Razak Politeknik Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah
University College of Yayasan Pahang Sulzakimin Mohamed
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Agriculture: No. 1 Abstract-
Engineering: No. 10

9.15 A.M Development of Vertical Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Internal

Hydroponics Control Concept System Supervision, Work Knowledge, Discipline
and Commitment on Performance
A.R. Zahidah At RSU Royal Prima Medan
Y.H. Ainul
I.M. Zamri Brigad Mahardika Winato
University College of Yayasan Pahang Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
Ermi Girsang
Abstract- Universitas Prima Indonesia
Agriculture: No. 2
Multidisciplinary Science: No. 6

9.30 A.M Enhancing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Analysis of Manpower Need in Laboratory
(EFB) Compost by Addition of Burnt Rice Unit Based on Working Load Using the
Husk as Carrier Material for Selected Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN)
Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria Method in Royal Prima Hospital

Syafina Fasya Saiful Anuar Katherine Gunawan

College of Yayasan Pahang Sri Wahyuni Nasution
Adzmi Yaacob Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
Universiti Teknologi MARA Universitas Prima Indonesia
Radziah Othman
Universiti Putra Malaysia Abstract-
Multidisciplinary Science: No. 7
Agriculture: No. 3

14 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
9.45 A.M Engineering of Zeoponic: Plant Growth Factors Affecting Nurse Compliance
Media from Zeolite Mineral for Influenced by the COVID-19 Isolation
Horticultural Crops Inpatient Installation on The Use of
Personal Protective Equipment in The
Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas Fitri Prevention Of COVID-19 Disease
Lestari at Langsa Hospital
Hermanu Wijaya
Suwardi Anjurniza Ulfa
Institut Pertanian Bogor Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
Abstract- Universitas Prima Indonesia
Agriculture: No. 4
Multidisciplinary Science: No. 8

10.00 A.M Comparison of Horticultural Crops Analysis of Clinical Characeristics of Covid-

Growth Planted on Zeoponic and 19 On Severity Level of Pre-Elderly and
Commercial Growth Media Elderly Patients at Royal Prima Medan
General Hospital
Putri Oktariani
Miftakhul Hidayat Yelin Gloria Laia
Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas Sri Wahyuni Nasution
Suwardi Sahna Ferdinan Ginting
Institut Pertanian Bogor Universitas Prima Indonesia

Abstract- Abstract-
Agriculture: No. 5 Multidisciplinary Science: No. 9

10.15 A.M Identification of Chemical Constituent of Analysis of the Effect of Work Discipline,
Oroxylum Indicum (Bonglai) Hydrosol Communication and Perception of Working
(Remaining Water After Oil Distillation) Environment Conditions on Nurses' Work
Extracted by Hydrodistillation Method Productivity at Royal Prima General
Hospital Medan
Nur Ain Qaisarah binti Azhar,
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz Erfan Sanjaya
Muhammad Auni Bin Hairunnaja Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Ermi Girsang
Norasiha binti Hamid Universitas Prima Indonesia
University College of Yayasan Pahang
Abstract- Multidisciplinary Science: No. 10
Multidisciplinary Science: No. 1

10.30 A.M Identification of Chemical Constituent of Analysis of the Relationship Between

Alpinia Purpurata (Halia Bara) Hydrosol Characteristics and Workload of Nurses
(Remaining Water After Oil Distillation) with Documentation of Nursing Care At the
Extracted by Hydrodistillation Method Inpatient Installation Of Royal Prima
Shamalah Sivem
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz Hendy
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sri Wahyuni Nasution
Norasiha binti Hamid Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
University College of Yayasan Pahang Universitas Prima Indonesia

15 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Abstract- Abstract-
Multidisciplinary Science: No. 3 Multidisciplinary Science: No. 11

10.45 A.M Molecular Identification of Enzyme- Impak dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Producing Thermophilic Bacteria Keputusan untuk Melancong di Malaysia
Isolated from Geothermal Hotspring in ketika Pandemik Covid-19: Satu Perspektif
Simbolon Village, North Sumatera, Umum
Mohamad Zaki Ahmad
Dian Hardiyanti Rosda Norria Zakaria
Edy Fachrial Malike Brahim
Universitas Prima Indonesia Universiti Utara Malaysia
Titania T. Nugroho Abstract-
Universitas Riau Multidisciplinary Science: No. 12
Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri

Multidisciplinary Science: No. 5

11.00 A.M Closing

Ainul Hayati Yunus (Director IC.ITS’21)
Announcement: Best Presenter Award
Virtual Photo Session

12.00 Conference Ends


16 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
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SCIENCE 2021 (IC.ITS’21)
“Forging A Smart Technological World”

18 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
No. Paper’s Title & Author (s) Abstracts
1 “Forging A Smart Technological Abstract: The paper attempts to seize the experience of the
World”, covering Engineering, writer in his life journey to understand that Innovative
Computer Science, Technology is not new. In his youth he was chosen to attend
Agriculture and Safety. a programme that opened the door to 1960s technology
capturing the excitement of nuclear engineering and space
Tan Sri Dato’ Academician (Dr.) Ts. Ir. technology at Jodrell Bank Science museum. However, the
Ahmad Zaidee bin Laidin FASc visit to the Pyramids of Giza opened his eyes to the
Honorary Fellow, Tun Ghazali Shafie remarkable knowledge of geometry, astronomy, and civil
Institute for Strategic Leadership engineering, physics, chemistry and biology of the ancient
(Engineering Technology Leadership) Egyptians 4,500 years ago. A visit to ancient Iraq indicated a
Chairman, ENRICO Sdn. Bhd. surprising civilisation that have the knowledge of building
Past President, Malaysia Board of fortification and decorating the main gates with beautiful
Technologists (MBOT). tiles that have lasted for thousands of years. Alas, the Hanging
Gardens of Babylon was not in Babylon but probably in
Nineveh. As cuneiform writing found in Nineveh described
the Garden built on a man-made hill and watered by
Archimedean Screw principle 400 years before Archimedes
was born. It showed that agriculture would have reached a
certain level of sophistication. Nevertheless, advanced
technologies also carry with it some risks that can result in
disproportionate damages such as the Deepwater oil spill.
Modern sociologists have analyzed and classified the
Industrial Revolution into four periods. Malaysia has grasped
the Technological Changes by adopting the German system of
dual or binary system of technological education and creating
the Board of Technologists Act.

Keywords: Technology, Industrial Revolutions, Board of

Technologists Act

19 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
2 Making Documents Smart Abstract: This presentation will explore the features of
documents in the era of big data -- are documents big data?
Prof. Ning Li, How to make good use of document big data? Why do we
Dean, School of Computer Science want machines to understand documents, and what is the
Beijing Information Science & difference between document understanding and natural
Technology University (BISTU) language understanding? How can we make a machine
China understand a document? What are the key technologies
needed? What can a computer do once it understands the
document? What are the typical applications? What kind of
work are we carrying on in BISTU in terms of document
understanding? It is hoped that audiences can cooperate with
us to promote the development of intelligent documents.

Keywords: Big data, Intelligent Documents, Computer


3 Development of an Integrative Abstract: With the immense development of science and

Framework between Knowledge technology, it requires people to change the way they live,
Management and Artificial work and think. Artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the
Intelligence emerging advanced technologies will considerably influence
the future of work and the way organizations manage their
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Li Pin knowledge management (KM) processes. KM initiatives
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & typically comprise the development, depository, transfer and
Industry Linkages) evaluation of an organization’s knowledge throughout the
UCYP Malaysia knowledge lifecycle. However, the initiatives often neglect
ongoing advances in the AI area. As a result, organizations
struggle to integrate AI into working environment in order to
leverage outcome efficiency. Based on the literature review,
two KM strategies which are personalization and codification
have been drawn, and an adaptive, AI-specific framework for
organizational KM implementation is been introduced. The
integrative framework supports KM strategy and research as
it outlines how AI influences current working processes and
enables to understand which role AI can assimilate the
human-AI interaction. Finally, this approach can act as
guidelines for knowledge managers to align organizational
KM with the business strategy and current technological
progress in AI context.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence,

Integrative Framework

20 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
4 Sustainable Peatland Management Abstract: Total area of peatlands in Indonesia is 13.4 million
for Plantations in Indonesia ha spreading over Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. The
utilization of peatland near the rivers for rice and secondary
Dr. Ir. Suwardi food crops as well as coconut plantations has long been
President of International Society for practiced by local people. Massive development of peatlands
Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences for rice field by the government was carried out in the 1980s
(ISSAAS) on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan for transmigration
Department of Soil Science and Land program. Some of the peatland reclamations were successful
Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB and some others failed due to the lack of experience in
University managing peatland. The most monumental failure was when
the government reclaimed 1 million ha of peatland in Central
Kalimantan. Learning from past successes and failures,
peatland management for agricultural development must
consider ecological, economic, and social aspects. The key to
peatland management for sustainable agriculture must be
based on the characteristic of peat, which is often
waterlogged, nutrient-poor, acidic, and low in bulk density.
Due to natural condition of peatland is often flooded, the
most important key is water management. The groundwater
level needs to be maintained so that the peat remains moist
by draining water through canals during the rainy season and
retaining water in the land by closing the floodgates during
the dry season. Considering that peat is poor in nutrients, the
management of organic matter and fertilizers is very
important so that plant is met with the needs for nutrients.
Selection of adaptive agricultural commodities on peatlands
is very important in order to obtain high economic value.
Some adapted of agricultural commodities in the peatlands
are acacia (Acacia crassicarpa, oil palm (Elaeis guineensis),
and coconut (Cocos nucifera). The advantage of acacia as a
raw material for pulp cultivated on tropical peatlands is its
speed of growth. This commodity can be harvested at the age
of only 4.5 years with production reaching 120 tons/ha. Oil
palm plants can grow well on peatlands besides water and
fertilizers management, they also need to manage the
physical properties of peat by compacting the peat as well as
selecting short and fruitful varieties of oil palm. Oil palm on
peat can produce fresh fruit bunches of 25 tons/ha/year.
Peat management for coconuts on Burung Island, Riau,
Sumatra is very good in management so that even though it
is 33 years old, coconut plants still grow well and can produce
80-100 coconuts/tree with a plant population of 170 plants
per ha. Sustainable peatland management for agriculture
must maintain the environment so that plants remain
productive and sustainable in the long term.

21 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Keywords: Organic Matter Management, Peatland
Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Water Management

5 Smart Technology for New Normal Abstract: In the crisis that the world has to face due to the
Life in Thailand COVID-19 epidemic, Thailand is another country that has to
face a sudden change. Doctors and nurses have to bear the
Asst. Prof. Dr. Poonsiri Thipnate burden of caring for a large number of patients and there is a
Head of Natural Product Chemistry potential for infection from the patient. With the increasing
Division of Chemistry, Faculty of Science number of patients, there is an alertness in the education and
& Technology, Phetchaburi Rajabhat business sectors to develop new innovations for reduce the
University, Thailand risks incurred for healthcare professionals and the public
such as InTouch Vici Robot, Powered Air Purifying Respirator
(PAPR), Aerosol Box, Protective Suit, Washable Innovative
Nano-Masks, and Intelligent Sterilization Robot etc. In
addition, Thai people have to adapt themselves to a new
lifestyle by using technology in meetings, online teaching and
online shopping.

Keywords: Thailand, Innovation, COVID-19, New normal life,


22 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
“Forging A Smart Technological World”

Theme: Agriculture

23 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
No. Paper’s Title & Author (s) Abstracts
1 The Development of Concept Ideas of Abstract: Aquaponic systems combine aquaculture
Solar Panel Aquaponic System (freshwater fish farming) and hydroponics (water-based
Technology farming methods). This aquaponics system can make the
production of crops and fish farms more productive and
Norasiha binti Hamid done simultaneously. This study aims to develop concept
Foresight and Strategic Unit, University ideas of an automated farming-based food production
College of Yayasan Pahang system by using solar panels as energy source generation to
the water pump system. The aquaponic system consists of a
Nor Aziah binti Azman fish farming tank, a reservoir for plants containing plant
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, media and a water cycle system. Apart from these
Engineering and Agrotechnology, components, the pump is also one of the essential
University College of Yayasan Pahang components to ensure that the wastewater of toxic aquatic
life reservoirs will supply to plants as a source of nutrients
Zahidah binti Ab Razak for plant growth. As to generate electricity for water pumps,
School of Agrotechnology, Faculty the solar panel will equip with an aquaponic system. This
of Science, Engineering & new automated solar panel- aquaponics concept was
Agrotechnology, University College designed and implemented to be cost-effective and
of Yayasan Pahang environmentally sound for local communities.

Corresponding author: Keywords: Aquaponic, Solar panel, Hydroponics, Concept

[email protected]

2 Development of Vertical Abstract: With a rapidly increasing population on earth,

Hydroponics Control Concept System man has invented newer and innovative ways to cultivate
crops. This cultivation is mainly concentrated in rural areas
A.R. Zahidah of countries around the world; but with the massive
School of Agrotechnology, Faculty of urbanization nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult
Science, Engineering and to have enough agricultural produce that will cater for the
Agrotechnology, University College of massive production. Vertical farming may eliminate the
Yayasan Pahang need to create additional farmland, help create a cleaner
[email protected] environment and solve the issues of food security. Recently,
automation is considered to be an essential technology that
Y.H. Ainul is used in many fields and projects for control and
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, monitoring of various phenomena such as the water supply,
Engineering and Agrotechnology, room temperature, voltage fluctuation, etc. Hence, this can
University College of Yayasan Pahang make the vertical farming produce the best yield per area.
[email protected] Therefore, the objectives of this research is to develop a
concept for vertical hydroponics control systems (VHCS) by
I.M. Zamri identifying the components needed for the system,
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, assembling the microcontroller, inputs and outputs of the
Engineering and Agrotechnology, system so that they can read the parameters that has effect
University College of Yayasan Pahang on the plant growth and combining all these inputs and
[email protected] outputs so that it can become a whole vertical hydroponics
control systems (VHCS). The scope of this work will cover
the building of the vertical hydroponics tower for testing,
assembling all the inputs and outputs of the system, writing
programmes to read the data from the sensors and
collecting readings from the sensors. The last phase is to test
the whole system by planting a leafy vegetable and
monitoring the quality and yield of the vegetables.

24 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Keywords: Vertical Hydroponics Control System, Vertical
Farming, Programmes, Hydroponics Tower, Sensors, Leafy

3 Enhancing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Abstract: The current interests in reducing the application
Bunch (EFB) Compost by Addition of of chemical fertilizers and the increasing demand for
Burnt Rice Husk as Carrier Material combined effects of microorganisms with agro-waste
for Selected Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria materials are perceived to give positive impact on soil, crop
productivity and sustainable agriculture. The aims of this
Syafina Fasya Saiful Anuar study were to prepare a series of combinations of empty
School of Science and Technology, fruit bunch compost (EFBC) with burnt rice husk (BRH) as
College of Yayasan Pahang, Indera carrier materials for selected nitrogen-fixing bacteria,
Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul evaluate their suitability and determine the ability of the
Makmur, Malaysia inoculated EFBC-BRH carrier materials. Different ratios of
EFBC and BRH were used to prepare the carrier materials
Adzmi Yaacob for the selected N₂-fixing bacteria namely, Bacillus spp
Faculty of Plantation and strains Sb35 and Sb42. Both coarse and fine EFBC were used
Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi in the preparations. The suitability of the EFBC-BRH
MARA Melaka Kampus Jasin, 77300 combinations as carrier materials were tested by
Merlimau, Melaka, Malaysia inoculating the different carrier materials combinations
with the N₂-fixing bacteria and incubated at room
Radziah Othman temperature for eight weeks after which, the effects on
Department of Land Management, bacteria population, pH, moisture content and contaminants
Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra were determined. The results showed that the fine textured
Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor EFBC-BRH carrier materials combinations (T5, T6, T7 and
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia T8) were better carrier materials compared to the coarse
textured EFBC-BRH carrier materials combinations (T1, T2,
Corresponding author: T3 and T4). The T6 (1 fine textured EFBC: 1 BRH) inoculated
[email protected] carrier material showed the best response with Sb35 and
Sb42 population increasing by 7.34% and 7.47%
respectively. In conclusion, the T6 has potential as carrier
materials for both Sb35 and Sb42 to be developed as

Keywords: Oil palm EFB compost, Nitrogen-fixing bacteria,


4 Engineering of Zeoponic: Plant Abstract: Zeolite is a hollow hydrated aluminosilicate

Growth Media from Zeolite Mineral mineral that has alkaline and alkaline earth cations with
for Horticultural Crops high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 150-180 cmol (+).kg-
1. Zeolite structure has cavities according to the size of the
Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, ammonium ion so that it has the capability to absorb
Fitri Lestari, Hermanu Wijaya, ammonium ions. High CEC and capability to absorb
Suwardi ammonium ions, zeolite has capability to maintain a low
Department of Soil Science and Land electrical conductivity (EC). This unique characteristic is
Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB needed by plant growth media to keep plants growing well.
University Jl. Meranti, Dramaga IPB With the above characteristics, zeolite has the potential to
Campus, Bogor, Indonesia be used as a plant growth medium, hereinafter referred to
as "zeoponic". In this research, we want to engineer
Corresponding author: zeoponic by looking for the grain size of the zeolite, the
[email protected] composition of the zeoponic mixture, and the amount of
fertilizer. The research was carried out in the greenhouse of
the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty

25 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
of Agriculture, IPB University. The horticultural crops tested
were eggplant, tomato, and chili. The results showed that
based on the growth of the three test plants showed that the
grain size of zeolite 5 mm was better than the size of 1 mm.
Meanwhile, the best mixture ratio is zeolitecompost-
cocopeat with a ratio (by volume) of 2:1:1 with the addition
of 1.5 g.L-1 of NPK fertilizer.

Keywords: Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Electrical

Conductivity (EC), Horticulture Crops, Plant Growth Media,

5 Comparison of Horticultural Crops Abstract: The quality of plant growth media (PGM) is one of
Growth Planted on Zeoponic and the keys to the success of horticultural crops cultivation. In
Commercial Growth Media general, PGM is made from a mixture of materials such as
compost, soil, sawdust, husk charcoal, etc. One of the
Putri Oktariani, Miftakhul Hidayat, weaknesses of PGM derived from this material is the low
Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, cation exchange capacity (CEC) value of about 20 meq/100g.
Suwardi The addition of fertilizer to PGM will trigger an increase in
Department of Soil Science and Land electrical conductivity (EC) so that plants do not grow
Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB normally. The PGM is expected to be able to maintain low EC
University Jl. Meranti, Dramaga IPB value so that plants can absorb nutrients optimally. To
Campus, Bogor, Indonesia obtain the ideal PGM, raw materials with high CEC are
needed, such as zeolite having CEC 150 meq/100g. PGM
Corresponding author: made from zeolite materials is hereinafter referred to as
[email protected] “Zeoponic”. The zeoponic formula was made from a mixture
of zeolite (0.5 mm), compost, and cocopeat in a ratio (2:1:1)
and added with macro and micro fertilizers. To evaluate the
capability of zeoponic, we have conducted experiments in a
greenhouse at the Department of Soil Science and Land
Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Some
types of plant growth media sold on the market were used
together with zeoponic to grow several types of
horticultural crops. Plant growth was measured and plant
physical performance was observed to assess the quality
and suitability of PGM with regard to plant species. The
results showed that plants that used zeoponic were taller
and had a heavier crown weight compared to plants that
used other PGMs. However, for flower plants, it turns out
that each type of flower requires a specific PGM. The biggest
challenge in today's flower media is how to make zeoponic
composition that can keep plants with variegated properties
unchanged during their growth. Plants with variegated
properties have very high economic value.

Keywords: Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Electrical

Conductivity (EC), Plant Growth Media, Variegated
Properties, Zeoponic

26 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
“Forging A Smart Technological World”

Theme: Engineering

27 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
No. Paper’s Title & Author (s) Abstracts
1 Development of Conceptual Design Abstract: Wheel hub retainer tool is a tool used to facilitate
for Wheel Hub Retainer Tool maintenance and drive shaft replacement. The drive shaft
will suffer from wear and tear as the age of a car increases
Mohd Hanapi bin Jusoh and the driving style is relatively rugged on the side of the
Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin road. The method of opening the drive shaft nut manually
[email protected] requires a special tool as a hub retainer when the nut is
opened so that the hub will not also rotate in the same
Mohd Fais bin Ismail direction as the nut rotation. The absence of special tools to
Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin hold the hub when opening the drive shaft nut led to the
[email protected] existence of various techniques and ways to open the drive
shaft nut by mechanics. However, it is feared that this
Faizul Zaiman bin Yusof situation could cause damage to other components such as
Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin broken or bent bold studs that could slow down
[email protected] maintenance work or drive shaft replacement. The
conceptual design for designing this tool involves
morphology chart and design selection based on Weighing
Result Matrix Table. There are four design concept options
that have been studied. Based on the selection of the best
concept, a selected design concept involves five components
that can be stitched together. As a result of this study, a
concept design has been produced with the appropriate

Keywords: Wheel hub retainer tool, Conceptual design, Drive


2 Development of Concept Idea for Abstract: Electricity requirements and demands in the use
Batteryless Solar Powered Portable of air conditioning from year to year are increasing. Along
Air Conditioning System with the development of technology, various studies have
been made in energy saving. One of the energy options is
A. H. Hamisa, A.N. Aziah, R. Razman solar energy because the source is easily available and will
and I.M. Zamri never run out. For this research, the three main objectives
School of Engineering, Faculty of to be achieved are to develop schematic diagram of
Science, Engineering and experiment setup of air-conditioning by using solar PV as
Agrotechnology, University power supply into AC system without battery storage, to
College of Yayasan Pahang identify the component of the setup and to identify the
process to running the experiment. The methodology of
L.P. Tan this research will involve three main processes throughout
Research and Industry Linkages (RILI), to achieve the objectives which are the development of Solar
University College of Yayasan Pahang AC setup, running the experiment and data collecting and
data analysis and discussion. In this study, it will be focused
Corresponding author: on developing the experimental setup of the overall
[email protected] research. The expected result of this research, the main
objectives will be achieved and prove that the system will

28 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
function well and give good result compared to common
electricity air conditioning system.

Keywords: Solar Energy, PV Solar Panel, Battery Less, Air

Conditioning System, Power Usage, Electricity Usage

3 Performance Study of Aluminium Abstract: Aluminium alloy AL7075 is a common alloy that
Oxide (Al2O3) Nano Cutting Fluids in has superior mechanical properties such as hardness and
CNC Turning of Aluminium Alloy weldability. It is used for many purposes and widely in the
Al7075 via Minimum Quantity aircraft and automotive industry. This study focuses on the
Lubricant (MQL) Cooling Technique performance of Al2O3 nano cutting fluid in CNC turning onto
AL7075 aluminium alloy with MQL cooling technique. The
A. Arifuddin, A.M. Syafiq cutting performance are cutting temperature, surface
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, roughness, and tool wear was investigated against nano
Engineering and Agrotechnology, concentration, feed rate and depth of cut. The feedrate of 0.1
University College of Yayasan Pahang to 0.3 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.3 to 0.9 mm were used
as the input parameter for the CNC lathe machine. While the
A.A.M. Redhwan and R.I.N. Fatihah MQL nozzle pressure is kept constant at 0.5 MPa. The cutting
Faculty of Engineering Technology, performances of Al2O3 nano cutting fluid with three volume
University College TATI concentrations (0, 2, and 4%) were then compared to the
MQL coolant, flood and dry cooling technique. Beforehand,
A. H. Hamisa and L.P. Tan Al2O3 is dissolved in CNC conventional coolant base by using
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, one-step method. Response surface method (RSM) via Face
Engineering and Agrotechnology, Centered Design (FCD) was used in designing the
University College of Yayasan Pahang experimental work along with the using of the variance
analysis (ANOVA) to determine which parameters are
Corresponding author: statistically important. The stability of Al2O3 nano cutting
[email protected] fluid is analysis via visual sedimentation and UV-Vis
spectrophotometer. The experimental outcome produces
the lowest cutting temperature of 28.9°C, lowest value of
surface roughness Ra of 0.547 μm and tool wear of 0.0335%
when Al2O3 nano cutting fluid with 4% volume
concentration is employed. Concluded that the higher the
Al2O3 nano cutting fluid volume concentration, the lower the
cutting temperature, the better the surface roughness
quality and the longer the tool life will be. Longer cutting
time, faster feedrate and deeper depth of cut are
recommended in future work to obtain more significant
results. The experimental study reveals that the
performance of Al2O3 nano cutting fluid in terms of cutting
temperature, surface roughness, and tool wear are found to
be better compared to dry machining, flood and MQL
machining using conventional cutting fluid.

29 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Keywords: CNC turning, Al2O3 nano cutting fluid, AL7075
aluminium alloy, MQL technique, RSM, FCD, ANOVA, cutting
temperature, surface roughness, tool wear

4 The Flexural Performance of RC Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the performance
Beam with Spiral Reinforcement capacity of RC Beam spiral reinforcement without concrete
without Concrete at Tension Area at the tension area. Two specimens were tested, consisting
of the normal beam as the control beam and one support
Astiah Amir strengthened spiral reinforced RC beam (CBS) with length
Departemen of Civil Engineering, Faculty 60D (D=reinforcement diameter). The dimension of
of Engineering, Teuku Umar University, specimen is 150 mm x 200 mm x 3100 mm. The test of
Jl. Alue Peunyareng, Ujong Tanoh Darat, conducted in monotonic of loading. The result showed that
Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681 the flexural capacity of the RC beam (CBS) decreased
27.56% compared with the normal beam. The Failure mode
Aulia Rahman was in the form of Cracked bending combination with shear
Departemen of Civil Engineering, Faculty and the destruction of concrete in the tension area.
of Engineering, Teuku Umar University,
Jl. Alue Peunyareng, Ujong Tanoh Darat, Keywords: Flexural Performance, Spiral Reinforcement,
Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681 Tension Zone, Without Concrete

Correspondent author:
[email protected]

5 Detection of the Potential Fishing Abstracts: The development of remote sensing technology
Ground under Overlay Technique is increasing due to its ability to detect the vast area of data
for further analysis. However, there are rooms for
Mirna R. Andini improvements that need to be done in order to improve
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas detection accuracy. This study utilizes data sea surface
Teuku Umar, Aceh Barat- Indonesia temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration Aqua and
Terra MODIS satellite in order to detect the potential fishing
Murhaban ground in Aceh sea water. Contour map technique is used to
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas construct a new data images for sea surface temperature
Teuku Umar, Aceh Barat- Indonesia and chlorophyll-a. The main propose of this study is to
determine fishing ground at Aceh sea waters based on image
Corresponding author: observation and literature search data. Fishing ground
[email protected] potential was detected alongside South-West coastal of Aceh
sea water in November and December 2016 based on
chlorophyll-a distribution along the coastal area.

Keyword: Chlorophyll-a concentration, SST, Aqua-Terra

MODIS, Fishing Ground

30 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
6 The Effect of Substitution of Plastic- Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of
Coated Aggregate (PCA) on the substitution of PP (polypropylene) plastic coated aggregate
Compressive Strength and Split (PCA) on strength of the concrete. Coarse aggregate used of
Tensile Strength of Concrete split and plastic-coated aggregate (PCA) with variations of
2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of the weight of coarse aggregate and
Samsunan, Amir, A., Salena, I.Y., normal specimens for comparison (0%). The research
Opirina, L. method was carried out experimentally in the laboratory in
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty the form of compression tests and split tensile tests, at the
of Engineering, Teuku Umar University, age of 7 days and 28 days of concrete. Planning of concrete
Alue Peunyareng street, Ujong Tanoh mix with design concrete quality of concrete strength (f'c) =
Darat, Meureubo, Aceh Barat, Aceh 25 MPa, by ACI method. The test specimens are cylindrical
23615, Indonesia (Ø15 cm, T= 30 cm) with each variable of percentage, age of
concrete and type of test as many as 3 test objects, with a
Rahmawati, S., Resi R.J. total of 48 test objects. The compression test and the split
Student of Civil Engineering, Faculty of tensile test of the concrete used a compression testing
Engineering, Teuku Umar University, machine (CTM). The results of the slump test showed that
Alue Peunyareng street, Ujong Tanoh
the substitution of plastic-coated aggregates decreased the
Darat, Meureubo, Aceh Barat, Aceh
23615, Indonesia slump value but was higher than the normal slump value of
the normal specimen. The results of the concrete
Corresponding author: compressive test showed that the substitution of plastic-
[email protected] covered aggregates decreased the compressive strength of
the concrete. While the substitution of plastic-coated
aggregates increases the results of the split tensile test of

Keywords: Plastic Coated Aggregate, Compressive Strength,

Split Tensile Strength, Substitution of PCA

7 Economic Feasibility Study on Abstract: The high rate of development in Indonesia both
Irrigation Development (Case Study on a national, regional and rural scale is inseparable from
in Blang Monlung Village, the failure of both functions and allocations. Of course, this
Sampoiniet District, Aceh Jaya causes various problems that lead to the loss of a country.
Province Aceh) On the other hand, this also affects the economic growth of
the community, so there is a need for a special study related
Rita Fazlina to the feasibility study of construction projects. Where, the
Departement of civil engineering, importance of a feasibility study is carried out to assess the
Faculty of engineering Teuku Umar feasibility of investing in an ongoing project. It is suggested
University, Aceh, Indonesia that this irrigation development can be used as an
evaluation material for the Dinas PU Pengairan to find out
Dr. Astiah Amir about the economic feasibility study. Capital costs incurred
Departement of civil engineering, for irrigation development are Rp. 1,498,824,000,-,
Faculty of engineering Teuku Umar possible/unexpected costs are Rp. 74,941,200,- and annual
University, Aceh, Indonesia costs are Rp. 7,494,120,-. The benefits obtained from
irrigation development are Rp. 451,528,509,-. Economic
Corresponding author: Feasibility Study on irrigation development aims to
[email protected] determine whether or not the project is feasible to run using

31 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
the NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), IRR (
Internal Rate of Return) and BEP (Break Even Point). This
feasibility study uses primary data collection methods,
secondary data and assumptions to be used in the
calculation of cash flow analysis. By using an interest rate of
5% and an economic life of 30 years, the NPV value obtained
is Rp. 65,941,602,-, BCR of 1.04, IRR of 4.86% and BEP
occurring in the 26th year. The results of the three methods
indicate that this irrigation development project is feasible
to be implemented or built, but the IRR method shows
indicators of inadequacy

Keywords: economic feasibility study, irrigation canal, BEP,


8 Finite Element Modeling of a Seating Abstract: This paper aims to perform the structural analysis
System Frame for Children with for the seating system frame design using Finite Element
Special Needs Analysis (FEA). In this study, the mesh model of the seating
system’s frame and the Finite Element Analysis under static
Nazlin Hanie Abdullah, Amal Suraya conditions were analysed using the ANSYS software. The
Azhan and Noor Izzul Hamzan Bin results were investigated and presented in two areas which
Noor Hamdan are total displacement and Von Mises Stress using three
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing types of material: aluminium, steel, and titanium. The
Research Group (AMMRG), Faculty of analysis result was obtained by applying the load, boundary
Engineering and Life Sciences, Universiti conditions and material to the structure. The outcome of the
Selangor, Malaysia analysis demonstrated that the maximum total
displacement limit values for the chair frame for each
Suhairi Abdullah and Nurhayati material are aluminium (0.0038587m), steel (0.0014338m)
Mohd Nur and titanium (0.0029513m), respectively. In conclusion, the
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian results obtained showed that aluminium has the highest
Institute of Aviation Technology, deformation value compared to other materials and it is an
Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia optimum selection to be used for this application due to its
material properties. Thus, the findings of this study provide
Ghazali Yusri important insights to improve the seating system and
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, enhance user safety.
Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, displacement, Von Mises
Stress, Seating system

32 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
9 Effect of Extreme Rainfall on Abstract: Slope failure can result in property damage,
Stability of Slopes in Malaysia substantial losses and even worse the loss of lives of
innocent people. Study on rainfall is very important as it can
Siti Amirah Binti Aziz affect the stability of slopes. Different rainfall intensity could
School of Engineering, Faculty of cause slope failure. Rainwater could infiltrate in the soil and
Science, Engineering and cause soil expansion that could potentially weakens the
Agrotechnology, University College of effective stress and causing slope failure. Places with
Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, heavy rainfall intensity and prolonged rainfall are more
Malaysia likely to be in such threat as it also cause significant runoff
discharge and increasing the potential soil erosion. There
IH. Razali, WHMW Mohtar, are many researches has been done on the effects of
NA Rahman, SA. Aziz rainfall on slopes and the effects of water infiltration of
Faculty of Engineering & Built slope stability. This paper will review the effects of changing
Environment, The National University of rainfall on partially saturated slopes. The study of factor of
Malaysia, UKM, Bangi, Selangor, safety on the stability of slope is using Plaxis 2-dimesions
Malaysia computer software.

Keywords: Slope, Plaxis, rainfall, Factor of safety

10 Perlaksanaan Teknologi EML dan Abstract: Pemetaan utiliti bawah tanah adalah penting
GPR bagi Kerja Pengesanan Utiliti untuk mengekstrak maklumat utiliti yang terdapat dibawah
bawah Tanah tanah seperti kabel elektrik dan telefon, paip gas, paip
pembuangan dan paip air. Electromagnetic Location
Syed Idrus Syed Salim Surveys (EML) dan Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) telah
Politeknik Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, banyak digunakan untuk pemetaan utiliti bawah bawah
Kuantan, Pahang tanah pada kedalaman tertentu bagi mengekstrak ciri utiliti
yang ditanam. Sekiranya melibatkan tanah-tanah tertentu
Nor Azme Nordin seperti melibatkan tanah yang lebih keras strukturnya, ada
Politeknik Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, kemungkinan gelombang yang ditransmit oleh GPR lebih
Kuantan, Pahang perlahan berbanding dengan tanah yang lebih lembut.
Malahan kadar kelembapan pada tanah juga memberi kesan
Asrul Zakaria kepada imej GPR. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui
Politeknik Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, bagaimana kedua-dua peralatan ini digunakan dengan
Kuantan, Pahang merujuk pada ketelitian imej hiperbola dalam Radargram
GPR. Metodologi yang dijalankan adalah kerja pengesanan
Sulzakimin Mohamed pepasangan utiliti dan penandaan makumat pengesanan
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, menggunakan EML dan GPR dengan mengambil beberapa
Batu Pahat, Johor
imej dengan menggunakan frekuensi yang sama di kawasan
yang sama iaitu terletak di Perumahan Makmur Penor Utara
Correspondent author:
Jaya (PUJ) dengan menggunakan peralatan GPR model
[email protected]
(Leica DS2000), GPS (Topcon Hyper V) dan EML (RD8100).
Justeru, analisis untuk menentukan keadaan yang sesuai di
mana Kabel elektrik dapat dikesan lebih mudah dengan
menggunakan kaedah clamping dengan menggunakan
mode “peak” pada frekuensi 8KHz – 33 KHz untuk alat EML
dan untuk GPR, penggunaan frekuensi yang tinggi (1GHz

33 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
atau lebih) adalah lebih baik dalam membuat kerja-kerja
pengesanan untuk utiliti yang bersaiz lebih kecil, selari
dengan formula 0.1*λ, yang mana λ adalah jarak gelombang
(wavelength).. Oleh kerana itu, hasil daripada kajian ini
sangat penting untuk peningkatan kualiti sewaktu kerja
pengumpulan data serta peningkatan dalam penghasilkan
peta utiliti yang berkualiti tinggi.

Keywords: Pemetaan utiliti, Bawah tanah, EML dan GPR

11 Additively Manufactured Closed Cell Abstract: Lattice structures have found extensive
Polyurethane Foam Filled Lattice application in lightweight load-bearing structures. With the
Structures for Damping Application advancement of additive manufacturing, it has now become
easier to manufacture intricate lattice structures with ease.
Inspiration to design a lattice structure can also be drawn
Mayur Jiyalal Prajapati and Ajeet
from nature by mimicking natural lattice structures. A novel
design biomimicking Sea-Urchin morphology has been
High Speed 3D Printing Research Center,
proven to have high load-bearing capacity and can also be
National Taiwan University of Science
printed without any support material using Material
and Technology Department of
Extrusion (MEX) process. These support-less lattice
Mechanical Engineering, National
structures can be printed as open cell and closed cell lattice
Taiwan University of Science and
structures. The closed cell lattice structures can be
fabricated by adding walls to the unit cell lattice face. This
opens up an exciting domain of multi-material additive
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
manufacturing, wherein, the cavity of closed cell lattice
High Speed 3D Printing Research Center,
structure can be filled with a functional material for
National Taiwan University of Science
enhancing mechanical properties of the structure. This
and Technology Department of
concept of multi-material printing in present in this study
Mechanical Engineering, National
where, the lattice structure is printed with thermoplastic
Taiwan University of Science and
polyurethane (TPU) and the functional material filled in the
lattice structures is polyurethane (PU) foam. The addition of
Lunghwa University of Science and
PU foam in TPU lattice structures have been found to
enhance the stiffness and energy dissipation characteristics
of lattice structures for a given weight. The enhance in
stiffness and energy dissipation characteristics can be
Corresponding author:
exploited for applications like dampers, cushions and other
[email protected]
energy-absorbing lattice structures.

Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Cellular Lattice

Structure, Closed Cell Lattice Structure, Polyurethane Foam,

34 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
12 Cocopeat Insulated Cool Box Abstract: In the process of catching fish, fishing boats
Performance Test on Traditional always need substitutes as temporary fish storage places.
Fishing Boats The ability of the storage to maintain cold temperatures is
very important to consider so that the fish freshness can be
Nuzuli Fitriadi, Balkhaya measured. This study aims to test the performance of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, cocopeat and polyurethane insulated cold storage of the
Politeknik Aceh Selatan, Tapaktuan, ship in maintaining cold temperatures inside the ship. The
Indonesia method used is to make a cocopeat insulated polyurethane
ship cold storage installed on ships in four districts. The
Herdi Susanto ship's cold storage is equipped with a data logger to record
Department of Mechanical Engineering, the increasing temperature during the fishing process at the
Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, sea. The average temperature value in the storage is
Indonesia between -28 oC to -32 oC and the escalation occurs only due
to the unloading process. The results obtained in this study
Corresponding author: are ship cold box used for fish storage made of cocopeat
[email protected] insulation can maintain cold temperatures in the storage for
5-7 days longer than commercial products on the market.

Keywords: Cool Box, Cocopeat, Polyurethane, Temperature

35 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
“Forging A Smart Technological World”

Theme: Computer Science

36 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
No. Paper’s Title & Author (s) Abstracts
1 Improving Public Awareness of Covid- Abstract: We are still in the middle of the battle for Covid-
19 by Using a Serious Game 19. As we all know, most of the public are still not aware
of the risk of this pandemic. We can see lots of people now
Abdul Halim bin Abdul Rahman traveling and having a vacation. Indeed, they are still
Cosmopoint College Kuantan wearing a face mask but what about the other standard
operating procedures (SOP)? Is it safe to use the facilities
Correspondent author: like restrooms or swimming pools? How do they take
[email protected] extra precautions while staying in the hotel room? And
many others. Therefore, this paper will focus on how to
improve public awareness of Covid-19 by using a serious
game. This methodology will improve the awareness not
only for the adult but also the youngsters interestingly and
entertainingly. The game consists of two parts: lesson and
evaluation. For the lesson, the user will be instructed on
what to do based on the scenario. The instruction comes
together with the justification based on what the game
suggested. For the evaluation, the user needs to make a
decision based on what they have learned so far. They will
be evaluated immediately after each scenario. If they get
the answer correct, they will be notified. But if they choose
wrong, the correct answer with the justification will be
highlighted. The score is kept until the final scene. Then
they will be notified about their level of awareness
towards the issue. To summarize, this serious game can be
used to raise the public awareness of Covid-19.

Keywords: Public awareness, Serious game, Covid-19,

Education, Evaluation

2 Student Centered Post Covid Teaching Abstract: This paper is focusing on Engineering
using Asynchronous Platform in Mathematics course that conducted in online platform
Malaysia Polytechnic due to Pandemic of Covid-19. Math Educators have been
forced to digitalize their classroom asses such as videoing
the lectures topics through online, but lack of detail survey
Siti Faridah binti Ismail
related to student centered issue while facing the course
Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer,
contents, the tools available during class, the internet
Politeknik Seberang Perai
coverage and moreover the existing facility at home
[email protected]
environment. This presence challenge has been
encountered through before and after class survey to
Rohani binti Ahsan@Hamsan
close gap the abovementioned issue through online
Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer,
learning. Throughout this study, various department of
Politeknik Seberang Perai
student is calculating toward their satisfaction respond
[email protected]
and feedback that has been conducted. Furthermore, from
the survey results, internet coverage problem no longer
valid as time pass by most of the student, only result of

37 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Elmi Abu Bakar audio equipment facing instability due to non-standardize
Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan quality of apparatus to use during online learning class
Aeroangkasa Universiti Sains Malaysia given the score of 18.3% out of 100%. Engineering
Mathematics contents has been delivered as per
Corresponding author: scheduled and no critical learning issue has been
[email protected] identified.

Keywords: Teaching Platform, Before and After Survey,

Engineering Mathematics.

3 Daily River Water Level Prediction Abstract: Over the past few decades, floods have been
using Artificial Neural Network Model seen as one of the most common natural disasters in the
world. Severe flood can cause damage to both lives and
Muhammad Zulaizat Zulfikri properties include loss of lives, harm to buildings and
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical other structures, including bridges, sewage systems,
Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah roads and canals. The objective of this study is to predict
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia the river water level to increase the monitoring capacity
of natural disasters in order to reduce the impact on
Zuraidah Derasit society and low-land coastal regions. The dataset used in
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical this study involved two stations; Jenob and Rantau
Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Panjang that are located along Sungai Golok, Kelantan. The
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia datasets were obtained from Department of Irrigation and
Drainage (DID) and Department of Environment (DOE)
S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff Malaysia from the year 2014 to 2018. There are three
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical estimation methodology used in this study which are
Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF)
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia and General Regression Neural Network (GRNN)
algorithm. The best algorithm is selected to predict the
Mohd Fikri Hadrawi river water level by comparing the value of error
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical measures which are Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root
Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Percentage Error (MAPE). The results obtained indicate
that the MLP is the best algorithm for two stations that
Corresponding author: produced smallest error of MSE, RMSE and MAPE.
[email protected]
Keywords: Artificial neural network, General regression
neural network, Multilayer perceptron, Radial basis
function, river water level

38 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
4 Online Attendance Management Abstract: An attendance management system is a system
System using Face Recognition used to record the daily attendance and can be used to
compile insightful data for better decision making. During
Lee Weng Yew the Covid-19 pandemic period, most employees at
School of Computer Science, University College of Yayasan Pahang (UCYP) were
Faculty of Science, Engineering & instructed to work from home in order to reduce the
Agrotechnology, spread of the disease in workplace. However, the UCYP’s
University College of Yayasan Pahang, Human Resource (HR) department was unable to record
Taman Gelora Campus the employees’ attendance due to lack of technology to do
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia so. Therefore, as an ad hoc solution, employees’
attendance has been recorded using word-based manual
Kasmawahida Ab Wahab form. The objective of this project is to transform the
School of Computer Science, manual way used to record the attendance into an online
Faculty of Science, Engineering & attendance system using face recognition technique to
Agrotechnology, University College of overcome the problem faced by the HR department. The
Yayasan Pahang, Taman Gelora Campus first step is to develop a mobile-based attendance system
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia using face recognition technique to capture images of legal
employees, store images in the database and provides
Nor Amizam Jusoh function for clock in and out. Next, a web-based system is
School of Computer Science, developed to generate attendance reports for personal
Faculty of Science, Engineering & and HR Department’s usage. Personal Extreme
Agrotechnology, University College of Programming (PXP) methodology has been used to
Yayasan Pahang, Taman Gelora Campus develop the system. Based on the testing done, the system
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia able to function as required in capturing the face images
of legal employees and allowed them to perform checking
Corresponding author: in and out. An online attendance management system
[email protected] using face recognition technique able to solve the problem
faced by the organization and can achieve high accuracy
during employee identification.

Keywords: Attendance management system, face

recognition, mobile-apps, Personal Extreme Programming

5 Web-Based Student Task Management Abstract: Task management system usually used by
System project development team to track their tasks from
beginning to end, delegating subtasks to teammates, and
Farhan Ahmad Nurzi and setting deadlines to make sure projects get done on time.
Kasmawahida Ab Wahab It helps individual to work more productively and
efficiently. The same concept can be applied to students
School of Computer Science, who has to perform group assignment but located
Faculty of Science, Engineering & remotely from each other due to closure of educational
Agrotechnology, University College of institutions because of Covid19 pandemic. It is difficult for
Yayasan Pahang, Taman Gelora Campus
student to divides group tasks since they not meet each
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
other during online class. The objective of this project is to
Corresponding author: produce a web-based student task management system
[email protected] that can help UCYP students in managing their

39 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
assignments and projects so it will not exceeds the
deadline. The system has task tracking and
recommendation features that helps student to manage
their tasks easier and can decide the most important or
critical task to do first. Student Task Management System
implementing the Agile methodology in system
development using JavaScript frameworks for both
frontend and backend. The front-end is developed using
Next.js and TypeScript while the back-end using Node.js
and GraphQL. The back-end itself will connect to the
MongoDB database stored in the cloud using the
MongoDB Atlas. This system implements authentication
using the help of Firebase authentication which makes it
easy for users to log in using their Google or Facebook
account. The Web-based Student Task Management
System able to solve the problem in managing students’
tasks and making them becomes more productive and
efficient in studies.

Keywords: Student task management system, web-based,

Agile methodology

6 Implementing Artificial Intelligence Abstract: Learning Management System (LMS) is a

Chatbot in Moodle Learning software application or web-based technology that is used
Management System to develop, implement, and evaluate a specific learning
process. KYP has implemented an e-Learning
Mahendran a/l Shilowaras Management System (e-LMS) using Moodle since early
School of Computer Science, 2021. The main features already implemented in this e-
Faculty of Science, Engineering & LMS is course details and it should also support the
Agrotechnology, communication process between lecturers and students
University College of Yayasan Pahang where currently, the KYP e-LMS lack of. Usually students
Taman Gelora Campus will ask the same question to their lecturer in person and
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia cause the lecturer to have to give the same answers
repeatedly. This results in a waste of time for both parties
Nor Amizam Jusoh in answering and receiving answers. To overcome the
School of Computer Science, problem, there is a need to replace the manual way of
Faculty of Science, Engineering & getting answers to any kind of academic or course related
Agrotechnology, questions repeatedly. The main objective of the project is
University College of Yayasan Pahang to develop an intelligence Chatbot which can help
Taman Gelora Campus students finding academic related information without
25050 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia the need to ask their instructors or spent more time
browsing menus in e-LMS. E-LMS has been developed
Corresponding author: based on Rational Unified Process (RUP) approach. In this
[email protected] project, the Moodle system is fully implemented by
integrating with Communicate, one of the Cloud software
and Dialog Flow, which is a chatbot plugin system

40 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
connected with Google Could Platform. An AI Chatbot able
to interact with students and can provide answer to
students' queries instantly despite of the place, date and
time zone of the student as well as enhances interaction
which provides a feel of support to the students.

Keywords: Learning Management System, web-based

technology, E-Learning, Artificial Intelligent, chatbot

7 Android-based Fleet Maintenance Abstract: Fleet maintenance systems is a system that

System helps organizations automate tasks related to vehicle
maintenance, service, accidents, and operator usage.
Pradeban a/l Mahinthan, Hazlina Various applications have been developed due to
Mohd Hussen increasing demand for organizations to find a way to
School of Computer Science, Faculty of achieve great savings in the business operation. Many
Science, Engineering & Agrotechnology, companies and organizations operating under pressure
University College of Yayasan Pahang, go through a lot of trouble and difficulties when it comes
Taman Gelora Campus, 25050 Kuantan, to a fleet maintenance system. Those companies may be
Pahang, Malaysia the ones that work over a broad assemblage of fields,
operate various vehicles and are responsible for
Corresponding author: numerous workers. Fleet managers in those companies
[email protected] face hurdles which are unlikely to get solved by simple
means. The objective of this project is to develop an
Android-based application that can be used to manage the
fleet maintenance which eventually results in the
improvement and savings in the operation. The Android
app would be installed in the smart phone present in each
vehicle of the fleet, and able to send live location data to
the database. The API could also be used to integrate the
services with other systems. Agile methodology has been
used to develop this application. Based on the testing
done, this application can manage vehicle status and
maintenance system with its range of functions involved
in fleet management are highly interrelated and generally

Keywords: Fleet maintenance system, mobile-apps, Agile


41 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
8 Building Synergy between Ground Abstract: The demand for remote sensing satellite data
Stations to Fulfil National Remote to fulfil Indonesians national needs is very large. However,
Sensing Satellite Data Needs Through currently the availability of the data has not been
the Indonesian National Remote adequately fulfilled and the provision of the data is still
Sensing Ground Station Network carried out separately by several agencies. Based on
(NRSGSN) Indonesia Space Law No.21 of 2013, Government Rule
No.11 of 2018 and No.45 of 2017 state that LAPAN is
Muchammad Soleh obliged to build, operate and compile a roadmap for the
Remote Sensing Technology and Data construction of remote sensing ground stations to fulfil
Center – LAPAN-BRIN Indonesian national data needs. LAPAN has been able to
manage Ground Station operations and acquire remote
Hidayat Gunawan sensing satellite data since 1978 and continues to increase
Remote Sensing Technology and Data its capacity to receive low, medium, high resolution and
Center – LAPAN-BRIN SAR remote sensing satellite data for all of Indonesia
territory through the Parepare (South Sulawesi), Pekayon.
Donna Monica (Jakarta), and Rumpin (Bogor) Ground Stations. In order
Remote Sensing Technology and Data to strengthen the operational capacity of Earth Stations
Center – LAPAN-BRIN and also provide remote sensing satellite data quickly and
completely, starting in 2021 LAPAN-BRIN has pioneered
Hanna Afida to synergize an integrated ground station system in
Remote Sensing Technology and Data Indonesia called the Indonesian National Remote Sensing
Center – LAPAN-BRIN Ground Station Network (NRSGSN). NRSGSN is designed
to be able to receive and provide (share) low, medium,
Corresponding author: high resolution satellite remote sensing data and SAR and
[email protected] SAR from all Earth Station management agencies and
remote sensing satellite data users through one platform.
It is hoped that through JSBN the need and provision of
remote sensing satellite data can be facilitated easily,
quickly and completely for users.

Keywords: Ground Station, Remote Sensing Data,


9 Development of Landsat-9 Data Abstract: In order to maintain continuity of natural

Processing and Receiving Ground resources satellite remote sensing data, LAPAN needs to
Station System in Parepare and prepare infrastructure to be able to receive, record and
Rumpin to support National Remote process the Landsat-9 data. Landsat-9 satellite is a
Sensing Data Bank continuous series of Landsat satellites and have been
launched in September 2021. To support the Landsat-9
Hidayat Gunawan, Ali Syahputra satellite data reception and processing preparation
Nasution, Arif Hidayat, Suhermanto activities, the study and development of Landsat-9
STA Munawar and Dedi Irawadi satellite data receiving and processing need to be done. In
Researcher/Engineer in Remote Sensing this paper will be carry out the implementation of concept,
Technology and Data Center, requirement, development and integration of hardware
Indonesian Aeronotics and Space Research and software for Landsat-9 satellite data processing and
Organization, LAPAN-BRIN, reviving system in Parepare and Rumpin ground station.

42 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Jl. LAPAN No. 70 Pekayon, Pasar Rebo, Landsat-9 satellite carried two sensors namely
Jakarta Timur 13710 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared
Sensors (TIRS). For Landsat-9 satellite data receiving
Corresponding author: preparation, the following subsystem: antenna reflector
[email protected] subsystem, radio frequency subsystem (RF), demodulator
[email protected] receiving subsystem and data processing need to be
setting and upgrade. While the standard product
processing system includes a data processing subsystem,
ingest mission into the level-0 data and Landsat Product
Generation system (LPGS) which process data into a data
level-0 level-1 standard products. Ground station system
development will be ready for Landsat-9 satellite signal
downlink test receiving and data mission processing on
November/December 2021. For the next step the system
will be upgrade for Landsat-9 data receiving and
processing operation on January 2022. This Development
of Landsat-9 data processing and receiving system have
been carry out for Parepare and Rumpin GS in order to
support National Remote Sensing Data Bank (NRSDB).

Keywords: Landsat-9, OLI-TIRS, Remote Sensing GS,

Antena-Reflector, RF-Demodulator, Ingest-LPGS, NRSDB

10 Soil Characterisation and Its Effect on Abstract: Assessing depth of utility in different soil
Depth Accuracy using Ground moisture conditions require good research. Moreover,
Penetrating Radar different soil moisture conditions produce depths that are
not the same as one another. The information of
Noor Khairul Idham Nordin underground utility such as depth is very important to
Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, avoid damage towards utility during excavation process.
Semambu, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the depth
Makmur, Malaysia recorded by the (GPR) equipment in different soil
condition in terms of soil moisture. The first objective of
Che Ku Ahmad Fuad this study was to determine the soil moisture level for
Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, KM22, Jalan three different soil conditions. Next, this study evaluated
Matang, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, the depth accuracy produced by the GPR equipment with
Malaysia the different soil moisture level such as dry, semi-dry and
wet. Different soil moisture conditions were determined
Mohd Nizar Hashim by the sampling of the three soil conditions. These
samples were taken and tested using speedy soil moisture
Corresponding author: tester equipment that provided the percentage of soil
[email protected] moisture content. Next, the depth of utility was taken at
the three soil moisture conditions and an assessment was
made. The shape of hyperbolic on the radargram was
generated from the equipment and was used to assess the
accuracy of the depth. The information from this study is
very useful to underground utility users which can help

43 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
the development of the country in general. It also benefits
the improvement of the preparation quality of
underground utility mapping.

Keywords: Soil moisture, Speedy soil moisture tester,

Underground utility mapping

11 A Proposition of Business Intelligence Abstract: The execution of Management Information

(BI) Governance Framework in UCYP System is an organizational strategy that is gaining
strength when it happens to analyze data and making
Hafizan Mat Som decisions. One of these technologies is Business
Univesity College of Yayasan Pahang, Intelligence (BI) where the process of transforming raw
Level 2, Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, data into intelligible information is implemented using
Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, specific tools. More corporate business as well as
Malaysia commercial trade have been using BI to speed up their
decision-making process thus increase the production.
Suriyani Sulaiman With a capable and efficient BI solution, higher education
Univesity College of Yayasan Pahang, sector is also able to obtain information and make better
Level 2, Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, aligned decisions. This article describes the design of a
Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, business intelligence governance framework for the
Malaysia University College of Yayasan Pahang (UCYP), which is
adopted and adapted from a few substantial precedents
Corresponding author: framework such as BI Competence Center (BICC). For this
[email protected] purpose, a diagnosis was made to identify the level of
maturity in analytics at UCYP using TDWI Analytics
Maturity Model Assessment. From this baseline, a model
was designed to strengthen organizational culture,
infrastructure, data management, data analysis and
governance. The proposal envisions the definition of a BI
governance framework, guiding principles, strategies, and
respective Unit in-charge. Therefore, the framework is
designed to implement effective controls that ensure the
success of business intelligence projects, achieving an
alignment of the objectives of the development plan with
the analytical vision of the institution.

Keywords: Business Intelligence, Data Analytic, BI


44 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
“Forging A Smart Technological World”

Theme: Multidisciplinary Science

45 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
No. Paper’s Title & Author (s) Abstracts
1 Identification of Chemical Constituent Abstract: Oroxylum Indicum, (Indian Trumpet Flower) or
of Oroxylum Indicum (Bonglai) called as Bonglai in Malay is a medicinal plant that is
Hydrosol (Remaining Water After Oil widely used especially in Indian medicine system.
Distillation) Extracted by Oroxylum Indicum leaves can be extracted by hydro
Hydrodistillation Method distillation method to obtain the essential oil along with
hydrosol. Nevertheless, the chemical constituents of the
Nur Ain Qaisarah binti Azhar hydrosol of the leaves is yet to be determined as hydrosol
Department of Chemical Engineering, is always discarded which leads towards the wastage of
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia products. Thus, this study investigated the chemical
Pahang constituents of Oroxylum Indicum leaves hydrosol
extracted by hydro distillation by variation of
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz temperatures and determine the functional groups of the
Department of Chemical Engineering, active constituents in the leaves for the benefits and
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia usages in pharmaceutical industries. Hydro distillation is
Pahang carried out at different temperatures to study the effect
Bioaromatic Research Centre, Universiti of temperatures towards the active compounds in the
Malaysia Pahang hydrosol. The hydrosol sample of the leaves will be
extracted by hydro distillation method at temperature of
Muhammad Auni Bin Hairunnaja 50℃, 70℃ and 80℃ and separated via rotary
Department of Chemical Engineering, evaporator, and later analyzed by GC-MS and FTIR
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia analysis. This study will help us to identify the value and
Pahang amount yield of the chemical constituents of Oroxylum
Indicum leaves hydrosol which will be able to determine
Norasiha binti Hamid whether it will have significant values equal as the
Foresight and Strategic Unit, University essential oil. From FTIR analysis, the functional groups
College of Yayasan Pahang for all samples are the same which are O-H stretch, H-
bonded, N-H stretch and C=C stretch. The chemical
Corresponding author: constituents of Oroxylum Indicum hydrosol was
[email protected] determined by GC-MS analysis. The major components of
hydrosol produced at 50 ℃ are squalene (10.44%),
2ethylehexyl palmitate (8.56%), palmitic acid (7.50%),
and di-n-2-propylpentylphthalate (1.69%), and at 70℃ is
acetic acid (5.88%) only, while at 80℃ are only traces
components respectively. This is due to most
compounds contained may be decomposed during the
preparation of samples prior both analyses also the
efficiency of the system and procedure during the
extraction. Besides, the chemical constituents of hydrosol
were total opposite quantitatively and qualitatively as
compared to the essential oil.

Keywords: Oroxylum Indicum; Hydrosol Chemical

Constituents; Hydro Distillation.

46 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
2 Fundamental Study on The Raw Abstract: Dolomite is known as dolostone or dolomitic
Material Selection for The Formulation rock. Limestone provides beneficial nutrients to the
of Novel Dolomite A+ Concentrated plant and helps increase the soil's pH value to meet the
Solution plant's needs. This study will focus on the formulation of
Novel Dolomite A+ Concentrated Solution (NDA). The
study also compared the performance of NDA with
Muhammad Auni Bin Hairunnaja
inorganic chemical fertilizer (nitrogen (N) fertilizer) and
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz
manual control treatment on the plantation of Spinacia
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Oleracea species. The study was divided into three
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
parts: formulation, experimental, and analysis. The
formulation part was the preparation of raw materials
for NDA formulation. The materials were water, Dolomite
Norasiha binti Hamid
base, Oil palm frond, Black Soldier Compost, and
Foresight and Strategic Unit, University
Effective Microbe. The experiment part was to prepare
College of Yayasan Pahang
six samples of S.Oleracea with different treatments. The
samples were distributed into groups A, B, and C. These
Corresponding author:
treatments were done once a week for the nutrient
[email protected]
consistency supplied to the crop, but dolomite mixture
was used to water the sample of group B every day, and
the treatment was held for two months. All the samples
were watered every day. The final method of this study
was the analysis. This part entailed identifying the leaves
numbers, stem thickness, pH soil, and the stem height
value. Besides, the identification of Above Ground
Biomass AGB (kg. hr-1) and Nitrogen Percentage
Concentration (NPC) were made for evaluating these
significant parameters. The NPC was analyzed by using
the Kjeldahl method. The results showed the S.Oleracea
of sample 2 in group B exhibited the highest stem height
of 28.4 cm, the stem thickness of 5.8 mm, pH soil value of
7.5, average AGB value of 2.056×10-3 among all
the samples. Sample 1 of S.Oleracea in group C exhibited
the highest leaves number with 17 leaves. Both
S.Oleracea in group C achieved the lowest height, pH soil,
and stem thickness values but achieved the highest NPC
values of 0.4 % w/w. In conclusion, NDA impacted
S.Oleracea growth since it had met the most stringent
criteria. This means that NDA can make S.Oleracea the
healthiest and safest to consume due to its lower
nitrogen content values as shown by the NPC results.

Keywords: Dolomite; Spinacia Oleracea; Above Ground

Biomass (AGB); Kjeldahl method; Novel Dolomite A+
Concentrated Solution (NDA); Nitrogen Percentage
Concentration (NPC)

47 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
3 Identification of Chemical Constituent Abstract: Alpinia purpurata (Halia Bara) is a herbaceous
of Alpinia Purpurata (Halia Bara) perennial plant that has almost similar characteristics as
Hydrosol (Remaining Water After Oil common ginger but the rhizomes are smaller and more
Distillation) Extracted by pungent. It is widely known for ornamental purposes and
Hydrodistillation Method also applied in the medicinal field. Extraction of essential
oil and hydrosol of Alpinia purpurata can be done
through the hydrodistillation method. The essential oil
Muhammad Auni Bin Hairunnaja,
contains of α-pinene, β- caryophyllene, geranial, neral
Shamalah Sivem
and β-pinene that contributes to medicinal values while
Department of Chemical Engineering,
the chemical constituents of hydrosol is yet to be
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
identified. Hence, this research is mainly to identify the
chemical constituents and functional groups of active
compounds found in Alpinia purpurata’s rhizomes
Mohd Aizudin bin Abd Aziz
hydrosol by hydrodistillation method. Besides that,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
hydro distillation is carried out at different heating
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
temperatures and distillation times to study the effects of
temperatures and distillation times on the constituents
Bioaromatic Research Centre, Universiti
and active compounds in the hydrosol. The powdered
Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak,
sample is used for the extraction at the temperatures of
26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang,
60℃, 80℃ and 100℃ at distillation time of 1 hour, 1.5
hours, 2 hours and 2.5 hours. The essential oil and
hydrosol is separated using a burette. The hydrosol is
Norasiha binti Hamid
further analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass
Foresight and Strategic Unit, University
Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Fourier-transform Infrared
College of Yayasan Pahang
Spectroscopy (FTIR). Based on GC-MS and FTIR results,
the major chemical constituents found in Alpinia
Corresponding author:
purpurata’s hydrosol at 100℃ for 2.5 hours of distillation
[email protected]
time is 1-Dodecanamine (40.08%) and the functional
groups present are O-H, N-H, C-H and C=H stretching.
The increased heating temperature and distillation time
caused the denaturation of substances in the extracted
hydrosol. The chemical constituents present in hydrosol
is greatly different from the chemical constituents that
present in essential oil qualitatively and quantitatively.

Keywords: Alpinia purpurata; Hydro Distillation;

Essential Oil; Hydrosol

48 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
4 Molecular Identification of Enzyme- Abstract: Indonesia has many natural resources, but not
Producing Thermophilic Bacteria all are well utilized, including thermophilic bacteria,
Isolated from Geothermal Hotspring in which have not been fully explored. Thermophilic
Simbolon Village, North Sumatera, bacteria live in a location with a temperature of 45ᴼC to
Indonesia 70ᴼC, such as hot springs or volcanic craters.
Thermophilic, high-temperature resistant bacteria are
Dian Hardiyanti Rosda very efficient in producing enzymes and can also be
Master Program of Biomedical Sciences, cultivated quickly and in large quantities with high
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima stability at high temperatures. Thermophilic bacteria
Indonesia, North Sumatra, Indonesia have the potential to produce thermophilic enzymes that
can stabilize against hot temperatures. Generally,
enzymes will be damaged against high temperatures.
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Riau,
Enzyme isolation from thermophilic bacteria is beneficial
in various fields, such as in the industry, which is almost
entirely in using high temperatures. These enzymes have
Titania T. Nugroho
many advantages because they can increase the reaction
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Riau,
to save production costs, energy, and time in the
industrial process. Thermophilic bacteria are found in
many places, such as areas with volcanic activity and also
hot springs. As a result, it can be concluded that UTMSBA
Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri, North
and UTMSBS isolates showed positive results in the
Sumatra, Indonesia
gelatin hydrolysis test, while the citrate test, catalase test,
sulfide hydrolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, and mortality test
Edy Fachrial
showed negative results. In terms of the shape, the edges
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Faculty of
and elevations of UTMSBA and UTMSBS isolates appear
Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia,
circular, entire, and flat. Similarly, the isolates can
North Sumatra, Indonesia
hydrolyze amylase, cellulase, and protease enzymes, and
the results of identifying the isolate with the 16SrRNA
Correspondent author:
gene showed 99.99% homology, namely Bacillus
[email protected]
amyloliquefaciens strain V4.

Keywords: Enzyme, Hotspring, Molecular identification

5 Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Abstract: In improving the quality and quantity of
Internal Supervision, Work Knowledge, hospital services, a management system is needed that
Discipline and Commitment on can mobilize all existing human resources so that it will
Performance at RSU Royal Prima have an impact on performance achievement. Through
Medan improving leadership, internal control, work knowledge,
discipline, and employee commitment, it is expected that
Brigad Mahardika Winato employee performance can run optimally. The purpose of
Master of Public Health at Universitas this study was to determine and analyze the influence of
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia leadership, internal control, work knowledge, discipline,
and employee commitment on employee performance at
Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution RSU Royal Prima Medan. The population in this study
Master of Public Health at Universitas were nurses at the Royal Prima General Hospital in
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia Medan who had worked for less than one year and more

49 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
than one year, amounting to 150 people with a sample of
Ermi Girsang 109 people using the Slovin formula. The data collection
Master of Public Health at Universitas method used a questionnaire, the analytical method was
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia using the instrument test (validity test and reliability
test), classical assumption test (normality test,
Corresponding author: multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test), as
[email protected] well as hypothesis testing (coefficient of determination,
simultaneous significance test, and partial test) using
SPSS for Windows version 25. The findings showed that
the leadership variable did not have a significant effect on
employee performance, internal control did not have a
significant effect on employee performance, work
knowledge had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance, discipline did not have a
significant effect on employee performance and
employee commitment have an effect but not significant
on employee performance.

Keywords: Commitment, Leadership, Performance.

6 Analysis of Manpower Need in Abstract: To improve the quality of health services, one
Laboratory Unit Based on Working of the things that the hospital management must pay
Load Using the Workload Indicator of attention to is that it must be better and more effective in
Staffing Need (WISN) Method in Royal dealing with human resources. To achieve organizational
Prima Hospital success, human resources play an essential role.
According to the Royal Prima General Hospital's
Katherine Gunawan preliminary observations, the laboratory installation has
Master of Public Health at Universitas 29 workers, including one laboratory head and 28 health
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia analysts whose work schedule is divided into three shifts.
This study aims to determine the optimal number of
Sri Wahyuni Nasution workers in the laboratory unit of Royal Prima Hospital
Master of Public Health at Universitas based on workload and available work time. This
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia research uses mixed methods, namely quantitative
research using WISN by observing and qualitative
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting research using in-depth interviews. The results of
Master of Public Health at Universitas research at the Royal Prima Hospital were 136,320
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia minutes for a year, with a workload of 40.4%. There were
four categories of activities: direct activities, indirect
Correspondent author: activities, nonproductive activities, and productive
[email protected] activities in the Royal Prima Hospital's laboratory unit.
This study concludes that the optimal number of analysts
at Royal Prima Hospital is 31 people. This means that
there is a shortage of 2 analysts.

Keywords: WISN, Workload, Work time

50 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
7 Factors Affecting Nurse Compliance Abstract: Nurse professionals are part of the human
Influenced by the COVID-19 Isolation resources in the hospital environment who provide
Inpatient Installation on The Use of health services to patients and have direct interactions
Personal Protective Equipment in The with patients. The use of PPE is an effort to create
Prevention Of COVID-19 Disease occupational safety and health for nurses in hospital
At Langsa Hospital treatment rooms. Personal protective equipment such as
gloves, masks, goggles are alternative preventive
Anjurniza Ulfa measures for nurses in protecting themselves from the
Master of Public Health at Universitas risk of disease transmission. The purpose of this study
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia was to determine the factors that influence the
compliance of nurses in the COVID-19 Isolation Inpatient
Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution Instasi to the use of personal protective equipment in the
Master of Public Health at Universitas prevention of COVID-19 at Langsa Hospital. The research
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia method used is quantitative research with a cross
sectional approach. This research was conducted at
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting Langsa Hospital with a total sample of 21 people. The
Master of Public Health at Universitas results showed that there was an influence between
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia knowledge, attitudes, availability of PPE and policies
with the compliance of nurses in the COVID-19 Isolation
Correspondent author: Inpatient Instasi on the use of personal protective
[email protected] equipment in the prevention of COVID-19 at Langsa
Hospital. The most influential factor in the compliance of
nurses in the COVID-19 Isolation Inpatient Instasi on the
use of personal protective equipment in the prevention
of COVID-19 at Langsa Hospital is knowledge (Exp B =
8,394). The most influential knowledge factor is the
compliance of nurses in the COVID-19 Isolation Inpatient
Institution towards the use of personal protective
equipment in the prevention of COVID-19 disease. There
needs to be socialization about the importance of using
PPE for nurses in order to maintain the expected quality
of care services.

Keywords: PPE, Covid-19, Nurse

8 Analysis of Clinical Characeristics of Abstract: 2020 is the toughest year for the whole world
Covid-19 On Severity Level of Pre- due to a pandemic caused by a virus called Covid-19
Elderly and Elderly Patients at Royal (Corona Virus Disease 2019). WHO explained that this
Prima Medan General Hospital type of corona is a new virus that is the source of the
COVID-19 disease and one of the most vulnerable age
Yelin Gloria Laia populations is the elderly. The purpose of this study was
Master of Clinical Medicine at Universitas to determine the clinical characteristics of Covid-19 in
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia elderly patients at the Royal Prima Medan Hospital. This
kind of research is descriptive with survey methods Of
Sectional Cross approach. The population of elderly is
positively Covid-19, one of the criteria given by elderly's

51 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
Sri Wahyuni Nasution 45-74 years and was hospitalized In August-September
Master of Clinical Medicine at Universitas 2020 at The General Hospital Royal Prima. The research
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia is based on secondary data collected from a third of
medics. The research Deal revealed that contact history
Sahna Ferdinan Ginting had no effect on severity, with a significance level
Master of Clinical Medicine at Universitas (0.166)>0.05. There is an effect of age on the severity
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia level with a significance level (0.00) <0.05. There was no
effect of gender on severity, with a significance level
Corresponding author: (0.663)>0.05. There is an influence between symptoms
[email protected] and severity with a significance level (0.00) <0.05. There
is an influence between length of stay on severity level
with a significance level (0.00) <0.05. In the Covid-19
inpatients at RSU Royal Prima Medan, 47 people with
severity were found, 38 of whom were treated in the ICU
for more than 2 weeks. This was because the patients had
experienced complications such as ARDS 23 people
(60%), heart injury 10 people (26%), multiple organ
failure 2 people (5%), acute kidney failure 3 people (7%),
and sepsis 8 people. people (21%).

Keywords: The elderly, Covid-19, RSU Royal Prima Medan

9 Analysis of the Effect of Work Abstract: High work productivity is very important for
Discipline, Communication and hospitals, because it is very closely related to the results
Perception of Working Environment to be achieved. Productivity is one indicator in the
Conditions on Nurses' Work provision of nursing care. Through the improvement of
Productivity at Royal Prima General work discipline, communication and perception of the
Hospital Medan work environment, it is hoped that the resulting nurse's
work productivity can be more optimal. The results of
Erfan Sanjaya observations at the Royal Prima General Hospital Medan
Master of Public Health at Universitas show that the average employee absentee level in 2020
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia for the last 12 months has been stable. The problem
studied in this study is the analysis of the influence of
Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution work discipline, communication and perceptions of
Master of Public Health at Universitas working environmental conditions on the work
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia productivity of nurses at the Royal Prima General
Hospital Medan. at the Royal Prima General Hospital,
Ermi Girsang Medan. The population in this study were nurses at the
Master of Public Health at Universitas Royal Prima General Hospital in Medan who had worked
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia for 1-year totaling 110 people with a sample of 86 people
using the Slovin formula. The data collection method uses
Corresponding author: a questionnaire, the analysis method uses multivariate
[email protected] analysis, with instrument tests (validity test and
reliability test), classical assumption test, and hypothesis
testing (coefficient of determination, simultaneous
significance test and partial test) using SPSS for Windows

52 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
version 25. The results showed that the work discipline
variable had a positive and significant effect on the work
productivity of nurses, the communication variable did
not have a positive and significant effect on the work
productivity of nurses and the variable work
environment conditions had no positive and not very
significant effect on the work productivity of nurses.

Keywords: Work Discipline, Communication, Perception

of the Work Environment and Nurses' Work Productivity

10 Analysis of the Relationship between Abstract: Quality improvement in inpatient services that
Characteristics and Workload of Nurses is a concern is the documentation of nursing care which
with Documentation of Nursing Care is expected to be able to carefully carry out nursing
at the Inpatient Installation actions to patients in the Hospital Inpatient Room
Of Royal Prima Hospital properly and correctly in accordance with the
procedures set by the hospital. The characteristics of
Hendy nurses can make themselves have different abilities from
Master of Public Health at Universitas other employees and the workload is also important to
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia know as a basis for knowing the work capacity of nurses.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship
Sri Wahyuni Nasution between Nurse Characteristics and Nurse Workload on
Master of Public Health at Universitas Documentation of Nursing Care at the Inpatient
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia Installation of Royal Prima Hospital. The population and
samples used in this study were 30 nurses at the
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting Inpatient Installation of the Royal Prima General
Master of Public Health at Universitas Hospital, Medan. The data collection method used a
Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia questionnaire while the analytical method used was
using an instrument test (validity test and reliability
Corresponding author: test), classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing
[email protected] (coefficient of determination, simultaneous significance
test and partial test) using SPSS for Windows version
25.00. The results showed that there was an influence
between Nurse Workload (X2) on Documentation of
Nursing Care (Y) at the Inpatient Installation of Royal
Prima General Hospital with a t-count value greater than
t table (2.619>1.70113), There was an influence between
Workload Nurses (X2) on Nursing Care Documentation
(Y) with a t value greater than t table (2,619>1,70113)
and there is a relationship between Nurse Characteristics
(X1) and Nurse Workload (X2) on Nursing Care
Documentation (Y) with the value of t arithmetic is
greater than t table (5.243>1.70113).

Keywords: Workload, Characteristics, Documentation of

Care, Nurse

53 | I C . I T S ’ 2 1
11 Impak dan Faktor yang mempengaruhi Abstract: Sebelum tercetusnya pandemik Covid-19,
Keputusan untuk Melancong di pelancongan seringkali diiktiraf sebagai antara
Malaysia ketika Pandemik Covid-19: penyumbang terbesar ekonomi sejagat berdasarkan
Satu Perspektif Umum perkembangan industri yang amat memberangsangkan
saban tahun. Lebih sinonim dengan gelaran ‘industri
Mohamad Zaki Ahmad manusia’ (people industry), pelancongan terbukti telah
Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Pelancongan, menjana kepelbagaian impak, positif mahupun negatif,
Hospitaliti & Acara, UUM COLGIS yang secara umumnya diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tiga
aspek utama: ekonomi, sosiobudaya dan alam sekitar.
Norria Zakaria Kekangan, masalah dan limitasi yang tercetus akibat
Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Perniagaan, pandemik Covid-19 sesungguhnya memberikan kesan
UUM COB yang amat mendalam terhadap hampir keseluruhan
sektor pelancongan terutamanya yang berkaitan
Malike Brahim pergerakan dan perkumpulan manusia seperti sektor
Pusat Pengajian Kerajaan, UUM COLGIS penginapan dan pengangkutan penumpang. Namun,
naluri manusia untuk menjalankan terlibat dan
Corresponding author: menjalankan aktiviti pelancongan ini tidak pernah
[email protected] terbatas. Walaubagaimanapun, atas apa yang sedang
berlaku, keputusan untuk melancong dalam
tempohmasa pandemik pada hari ini dibuat lebih
berhati-hati dengan memberikan pertimbangan kepada
beberapa faktor. Justeru, kertas konseptual ini
membincangkan secara umum impak pelancongan yang
wujud akibat terkesan daripada situasi pandemik Covid-
19 dan beberapa faktor yang perlu dan wajar untuk
dipertimbangkan sebelum seseorang itu membuat
keputusan untuk melancong atau melibatkan diri dengan
aktiviti berkaitan pelancongan.

Keywords: Pelancongan, Pandemik Covid-19, Impak

Pelancongan, Keputusan untuk Melancong.

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2021 (IC.ITS’21)












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