FM-II Lecture-7
FM-II Lecture-7
FM-II Lecture-7
• Fluidization
It is applicable for
•Steady flow
•Laminar flow
•Newtonian fluids
•Beds of uniform-sized spheres
•For RPM less than 10
Engr Ahmed Ullah
The figure below shows a water softener in which
water trickles by gravity over a bed of spherical ion-
exchange resin particles, each 0.05 in in diameter.
The bed has a porosity of 0.33. Calculate the
volumetric flow rate of water.
Substituting Vs
This is slightly above the value of 10, for which we can safely use
Blake-Kozeny equation
It is applicable for
•Steady flow
•Newtonian fluids
•Highly turbulent flow
•Beds of uniform-sized spheres
•For RPM greater than 1000