PTS I Bhs Inggris Kelas III

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Hari, Tanggal : ………., ……………. Kelas/Semester :

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 90 menit

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
1.Vito : What do you … in the morning ? A. Wake up
Jason : I take a shower B. Playing
C. Go to school
The right answer for the blank is ... . D. Watching
A. Do
B. Get
C. Want 7.In the afternoon I do my ….
D. Dressed A. Shower
B. Toys
2.Louis : What do you do in the …. ? C. Homework
Yohan : I put on my pajamas D. Pajamas

The right answer for the blank is ... . 8.This is a ….

A. Morning A. Yard
B. Afternoon B. Class room
C. Breakfast C. Living room
D. Night D. Garage

3.In the morning I go …. 9.I eat breakfast in the ….

A. to school A. Kitchen
B. lunch B. Dining room
C. bed C. Garage
D. plays soccer D. Yard

4.What does she do in the morning? 10.Calista : …... is dad ?

She .... Marvel : dad is in the garage.
A. Brushes her hair
B. Eat breakfast The right answer for the blank is ... .
C. Play soccer A. What
D. Does her homework B. Where
C. Why
5.I go to school in the …. D. When
A. Morning
B. Afternoon 11.My brother has a motorcycle in the ….
C. Evening A. Garage
D. Night B. Kitchen
C. Dining room
6.I … at about six o’clock. D. Living room
The right answer for the blank is ... .
12.I have … in my bedroom
A. Toys on a put.
B. Bikecycle
C. Shoes 17.The fan is … to the sofa
D. Computer A. Next
B. Behind
13.My mam cooking in the …. C. To
A. Bedroom D. And
B. Kitchen
C. Bathroom 18.Caca : Where is Ria
D. Yard Jason : She is in the ….
A. Living room
14.This is a nice …. B. Bathroom
A. Book C. dining room
B. Photo D. Bedroom
C. Painting
D. Room 19.Fiona : What do you do in the afternoon?
Viola : I eat ….
15.This is a red telephone. Put it on the …. A. Breakfast
A. Table B. Lunch
B. Bed C. Dinner
C. Mirror D. Drink
D. Bathroom
20.There is a refrigerator in the ….
16.The / put / vase / . / bookcase / on / a A. Dining room
A. Put a vase on the B. Bedroom
bookcase. C. Bathroom
B. Put on the vase D. Yard
bookcase a.
C. The vase bookcase
a on put.
D. Bookcase the vase

1 1 1 1
JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 19 20
1 4 6 8
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √
C √ √
D √ √ √ √

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
JAWABAN 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9


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