Iot Based Smart Health Care Kit: A Review: Miss. P. P. Deshmukh Prof. P. R. Indurkar Prof. D. M. Khatri

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

4, Issue 11, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

IoT based Smart Health Care Kit: A Review

Miss. P. P. Deshmukh1 Prof. P. R. Indurkar2 Prof. D. M. Khatri3
Student 2,3Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
B. D. College of Engineering, Sevagram, India
Abstract— Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined as the emergency alert to patient’s doctor with his current status
wireless network of devices which are connected to each and full medical information.
other to share information and data in order to communicate At present, due to busy life style health negligence
and produce new information so as to record and analyze it on is increased which causes in large number of diseases
for future use. In this paper, a review of IoT-based health among people. And every time visiting a doctor is not an
monitoring system has been presented. It is observed that easy option for patients so this system will keep track of
using IoT (Internet of Things) the health monitoring system patient’s activity and his vitals. And send them to remote
is controlled, which indicates a reliable system. This system servers from where it can be accessed by doctors as well as
will enable users to improve health related issues and reduce patient himself.
healthcare costs. It will also save the time of patient to visit
to doctor every time need to check Heart beat rate, II. LITERATURE REVIEW
temperature, Blood pressure, ECG. Nitin P. Jain, et. al, presents An Embedded, GSM based,
Key words: Health Care, Health Monitoring, Internet of Multiparameter, Realtime Patient Monitoring System and
Thing (IoT), Medical Services, Raspberry PI Control – An Implementation for ICU Patients. In the
implemented system a reliable and efficient real time remote
I. INTRODUCTION patient monitoring system that can play a vital role
The internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical improvising better patient care is developed. This system
devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with enables expert doctors to monitor vital parameters viz body
electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network temperature, blood pressure and heart rate of patients in
connectivity that enable these objects to collect and remote areas of hospital as well as he can monitor the
exchange data. In 2013 the Global Standards Initiative on patient when he is out of the premises. The system in
Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) defined the IoT as "the addition also provides a feedback to control the dosage of
infrastructure of the information society." The IoT allows medicine to the patient as guided by the doctor remotely, in
objects to be sensed and/or controlled remotely across response to the health condition message received by the
existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for doctor. Mobile phones transfer measured parameters via
more direct integration of the physical world into computer- SMS to clinicians for further analysis or diagnosis. The
based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, timely manner of conveying the real time monitored
accuracy and economic benefit. When IoT is augmented parameter to the doctor and control action taken by him is
with sensors and actuators, the technology becomes an given high priority which is very much needed and which is
instance of the more general class of cyber-physical the uniqueness of the developed system. The system even
systems, which also encompasses technologies such as facilitates the doctor to monitor the patient's previous history
smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation and from the data in memory inbuilt in the monitoring device.
smart cities. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its Also data can be sent to several doctors in case a doctor fails
embedded computing system but is able to interoperate to respond urgently. The system was tested rigorously in the
within the existing Internet infrastructure. presence of a physician on many patients as well as healthy
In the proposed system we will design and people, the results found to be same as the one’s measured
implementation of an IOT-based health monitoring system by the physician and with the implemented system. A
for emergency medical services and for household patients validity report was thus prepared. During the execution of
which can demonstrate collection, integration, and the system snapshots of the display were taken. The system
interoperation of IoT data flexibly using a Raspberry pi third being a complete hardware design the data available on cell
generation microcomputer development board. The phone and LCD display have been captured. The system’s
proposed model enables users to improve health related prototype is successfully implemented and can be
risks and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording, demonstrated. A few test results of the system are put down
analyzing and sharing large data streams in real time and below, which show successful implementation of the
efficiently. The idea of this project came to reduce the system. [1].
headache of patient to visit to doctor every time he need to Hasmah Mansor, proposed an Body
check his blood pressure, heart beat rate, temperature etc. Temperature Measurement for Remote Health Monitoring
With the help of this proposal the time of both patients and System. Remote health monitoring system has been an
doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency interesting topic recently among medical practitioners,
scenario as much as possible. The proposed outcome of the engineers as well as IT professionals. However, the
project is to give proper and efficient medical services to application of remote health monitoring system where
patients by connecting and collecting data information doctor’s can monitor patients’ vital signs via web is
through health status monitors which would include practically new in Malaysia and other countries. Remote
patient’s heart rate, blood pressure and ECG and sends an health monitoring system is beneficial to the patients and
society where the implementation of such system will save

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IoT based Smart Health Care Kit: A Review
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/150)

hospital bill, waiting time and reduce traffics in the hospital. services like Intensive Care Units(ICU), using a INTEL
The objective of this project is to design and develop body GALILEO 2ND generation development board. The
temperature measurement device that can be observe by the proposed model enables users to improve health related
doctor in real time as well as history data via internet with risks and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording,
an alarm/indication in case of abnormalities. In the proposed analyzing and sharing large data streams in real time and
health monitoring system, heart rate and body temperature efficiently. The idea of this project came so to reduce the
wireless sensors were developed, however this paper only headache of patient to visit to doctor every time he need to
focus on body temperature wireless monitoring system. The check his blood pressure, heart beat rate, temperature etc.
temperature sensors will send the readings to a With the help of this proposal the time of both patients and
microcontroller using Xbee wireless communication. To doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency
send the real-time data to health monitoring database, scenario as much as possible. The proposed outcome of the
wireless local area network (WLAN) has been used. project is to give proper and efficient medical services to
Arduino with Ethernet shield based on IEEE 802.11 patients by connecting and collecting data information
standard has been used for this purpose. Test results from a through health status monitors which would include
group of voluntary shows the real-time temperature reading patient’s heart rate, blood pressure and ECG and sends an
successfully monitored locally (at home) and remotely (at emergency alert to patient’s doctor with his current status
doctor’s computer) and the readings are comparable to and full medical information. The main idea of the proposed
commercial thermometer. The objective of this project has system is to provide better and efficient health services to
been successfully achieved. Body temperature measurement the patients by implementing a networked information cloud
for remote health monitoring has been designed and so that the experts and doctors could make use of this data
developed. The system provides the reliable measurements and provide a fast and an efficient solution. The final model
and very user friendly. The device and the system can be will be well equipped with the features where doctor can
improved in terms of sizing and integration between more examine his patient from anywhere and anytime. Emergency
measurement devices, for example electrocardiography scenario to send an emergency mail or message to the doctor
(ECG). [2] with patient’s current status and full medical information
Purnima, et. al, presents an Zigbee and GSM Based can also be worked on. The proposed model can also be
Patient Health Monitoring System Care of critically ill deployed as a mobile app so that the model becomes more
patient, requires spontaneous & accurate decisions so that mobile and easy to access anywhere across the globe. [4]
life-protecting & lifesaving therapy can be properly applied. Overall work based on developing IOT based
Statistics reveal that every minute a human is losing his/her health care system on raspberry pi based microcomputer
life across the globe. More close in India, everyday many equipped with various sensor like Heartbeat, ECG, body
lives are affected by heart attacks and more importantly Temperature which is connected directly to internet through
because the patients did not get timely and proper help. This on board Wi-Fi and analysis can be done.
paper is based on monitoring of patients. We have designed
and developed a reliable, energy efficient patient monitoring III. OVERALL ANALYSIS
system. It is able to send parameters of patient in real time. Overall work related to development of IOT based health
It enables the doctors to monitor patient's health parameters care monitoring system using raspberry pi which consist of
(temp, heartbeat, ECG, position) in real time. Here the microcomputer equipped with various sensors like Heart
parameters of patient are measured continuously beat sensor, ECG sensor, body Temperature sensor, blood
(temp,heartbeat, ECG) and wirelessly transmitted using pressure sensor which is connected directly to internet
Zigbee. This project provides a solution for enhancing the through on board Wi-Fi and health related monitoring can
reliability and flexibility by improving the performance and be done.
power management of the patient monitoring system. In the
current proposed system the patient health is continuously
monitored and the acquired data is analyzed at a centralized
ARM microcontroller. If a particular patient's health At present, no portable healthcare system is available. The
parameter falls below the threshold value, an automated main disadvantage to design health monitoring system is
SMS is sent to the pre-configured Doctor's mobile number large size. For designing of Health care monitoring system
using a standard GSM module interfaced to the ARM using Intel Galileo and database stored on local server using
microcontroller. Here, we are using Zigbee for wireless XAMPP server gives higher delay with larger hardware
transmission. The Doctor can get a record of a particular required. So, as to reduce the delay and to minimize the
patient's information by just accessing the database of the power consumption we can use Raspberry PI with database
patient on his PC which is continuously updated through Zig stored on internet. Hence, designing of IOT based health
bee receiver module. Using GPS, the location of remote monitoring system using Raspberry PI version 3 with high
patient can be detected so that help can be provided in case speed and less area will be the probable outcome of this
of emergency from nearest hospital. [3] proposed work.
Punit Gupta, et. al, proposed an IoT based Smart
HealthCare Kit. The paper presents the design and REFERENCES
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IoT based Smart Health Care Kit: A Review
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/150)

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