Marielle Hoefnagels - Biology - First Session
Marielle Hoefnagels - Biology - First Session
Marielle Hoefnagels - Biology - First Session
ORGANELLE The fundamental
A membrane-bounded unit of life.
structure that has a specific Example: Leaf cell
function within a cell. TISSUE
Example: Chloroplast A collection of specialized
cells that function in a
coordinated fashion.
MOLECULE Example: Epidermis of leaf
A group of joined atoms.
Example: DNA
A structure consisting
of tissues organized to
interact and carry
ATOM out specific functions.
The smallest chemical ORGANISM Example: Leaf
unit of a type of pure A single living individual.
substance (element). Example: One acacia tree
Example: Carbon atom
POPULATION Organs connected
A group of the same species of organism physically or chemically
living in the same place and time. that function together.
Example: Multiple acacia trees Example: Aboveground
part of a plant
COMMUNITY The global ecosystem;
All populations that occupy the parts of the planet
the same region. ECOSYSTEM and its atmosphere
Example: All populations The living and nonliving where life is possible.
in a savanna components of an area.
Example: The savanna
Figure 1.2 Levels of Biological Organization. Atoms arranged into molecules make up the parts of a cell. Multiple cells are organized into
tissues, which make up organs and, in turn, organ systems. An individual organism may consist of one or many cells. A population consists
of individuals of the same species, and communities are multiple populations sharing the same space. Communities interact with the
nonliving environment to form ecosystems, and the biosphere consists of all places on Earth where life occurs.
Endothelial that obtain energy and nutrients from wastes or dead organisms.
cell Fungi and many bacteria are decomposers.
Within an ecosystem, organisms are linked into elaborate
food webs, beginning with producers and continuing through
several levels of consumers (including decomposers). But energy
Sheet of transfers are never 100% efficient; some energy is always lost in
Figure 1.3 endothelial the form of heat (see figure 1.4). Because no organism can use
An Emergent cells heat as an energy source, it represents a permanent loss from the
Property—From Tiles cycle of life. All ecosystems therefore depend on a continuous
to Tubes. Endothelial stream of energy from an outside source, usually the sun.
cells look like tiles
that stick together to
form a sheet. This
C. Life Maintains Internal Constancy
sheet folds to form a An important characteristic of life is the ability to sense and react
tiny capillary, which is to stimuli. The conditions inside cells must remain within a con-
the smallest type of stant range, even if the surrounding environment changes. For
blood vessel. The example, a living cell must maintain a certain temperature—not
blood-carrying function too high and not too low. The cell must also take in nutrients,
of these cells does excrete wastes, and regulate its many chemical reactions to pre-
not “emerge” until Capillary vent a shortage or surplus of essential substances. Homeostasis
they interact in a is the process by which a cell or organism maintains this state of
specific way. For an internal constancy, or equilibrium.
emergent property, the Endothelial Your body, for example, has several mechanisms that main-
whole is greater than Red blood cell tain your internal temperature at about 37°C. When you go out-
the sum of the parts. cell side on a cold day, you may begin to shiver; heat from these
involuntary muscle movements warms the body. In severe cold,
Figure 1.5 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. (a) This fungus, Pencillium, asexually produces identical cells called spores on brushlike
structures. (b) A coconut tree seedling and (c) a newborn deer are products of sexual reproduction.
your lips and fingertips may turn blue as your circulatory system E. Life Evolves
diverts blood away from your body’s surface. Conversely, on a One of the most intriguing questions in biology is how organisms
hot day, sweat evaporating from your skin helps cool your body. become so well-suited to their environments. A beaver’s enor-
mous front teeth, which never stop growing, are ideal for gnawing
D. Life Reproduces Itself, Grows, wood. Tubular flowers have exactly the right shapes for the beaks
and Develops of their hummingbird pollinators. Some organisms have color pat-
Organisms reproduce, making other individuals similar to them- terns that enable them to fade into the background (figure 1.6).
selves (figure 1.5). Reproduction transmits DNA from genera-
tion to generation; this genetic information defines the inherited
characteristics of the offspring. Figure 1.6 Blending In. (a) The superb
Reproduction occurs in two basic ways: asexually and sexu- camouflage of the adder snake, Bitis
ally. In asexual reproduction, genetic information comes peringueyi, makes it virtually
from only one parent, and all offspring are virtually identical. undetectable buried in the sand in
One-celled organisms such as bacteria reproduce asexually the Namib Desert, Namibia. (b) It is
by doubling and then dividing the contents of the cell. Many little wonder that the sand lizard,
Aporosaura anchietae, soon became
multicellular organisms also reproduce asexually. For exam-
the meal of the snake.
ple, a strawberry plant’s “runners” can sprout leaves and
roots, forming a new plant identical to the parent. The green,
white, or black powder on moldy bread or cheese is made of the
countless asexual spores of fungi (figure 1.5a). Some animals, in-
cluding sponges, reproduce asexually when a fragment of the a.
parent animal detaches and develops into a new individual.
In sexual reproduction, genetic material from two parent
individuals unites to form an offspring, which has a new combi-
nation of inherited traits. By mixing genes at each generation,
sexual reproduction results in tremendous diversity in a popula-
tion. Genetic diversity, in turn, enhances the chance that some
individuals will survive even if conditions change. Sexual repro-
duction is therefore a very successful strategy, especially in an
environment where conditions change frequently; it is extremely
common among plants and animals (figure 1.5b,c).
If each offspring is to reproduce, it must grow and develop to
adulthood. The fawn in figure 1.5c, for example, started as a single
fertilized egg inside its mother. That cell divided over and over,
developing into an embryo. Continued cell division and special-
ization yielded the newborn fawn, which will eventually mature
into an adult that can also reproduce—just like its parents. b.
These examples, and countless others, illustrate adapta- success of individuals with those traits improves. Notice, how-
tions. An adaptation is an inherited characteristic or behavior ever, that this outcome depends on variability within the popula-
that enables an organism to survive and reproduce successfully tion. If no individual can reproduce in the new environment, the
in its environment. species may go extinct.
Where do these adaptive traits come from? The answer lies Natural selection is one mechanism of evolution, which is a
in natural selection. The simplest way to think of natural selec- change in the genetic makeup of a population over multiple gen-
tion is to consider two facts. First, resources such as food and erations. Although evolution can also occur in other ways, natu-
habitat are limited, so populations produce many more offspring ral selection is the mechanism that selects for adaptations.
than will survive to reproduce. A single mature oak tree may pro- Charles Darwin became famous in the 1860s after the publication
duce thousands of acorns in one season, but only a few are likely of his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selec-
to germinate, develop, and reproduce. The rest die. Second, no tion, which introduced the theory of evolution by natural
organism is exactly the same as any other. Genetic mutations— selection; another naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, indepen-
changes in an organism’s DNA sequence—generate variability in dently developed the same idea at around the same time.
all organisms, even those that reproduce asexually. Evolution is the single most powerful idea in biology. As
Of all the offspring in a population, which will survive unit 3 describes in detail, evolution has been operating since life
long enough to reproduce? The answer is those with the best began, and it explains the current diversity of life. In fact, the
adaptations to the current environment; poorly adapted organ- similarities among existing organisms strongly suggest that all
isms are most likely to die before reproducing. A good defini- species descend from a common ancestor. Evolution has molded
tion of natural selection, then, is the enhanced reproductive the life that has populated the planet since the first cells formed
success of certain individuals from a population based on in- almost 4 billion years ago, and it continues to act today.
herited characteristics (figure 1.7). Over time, individuals with
the best combinations of genes survive and reproduce, while
those with less suitable characteristics fail to do so. Over many 1.1 | Mastering Concepts
generations, individuals with adaptive traits make up most or
1. What characteristics distinguish the living from the
all of the population. nonliving?
But the environment is constantly changing. Continents 2. List the levels of life’s organizational hierarchy from
shift, sea levels rise and fall, climates warm and cool. What hap- smallest to largest, starting with atoms and ending
pens to a population when the selective forces that drive natural with the biosphere.
selection change? Only some organisms survive: those with the 3. What are the roles of natural selection and mutations
“best” traits in the new environment. Features that may once in evolution?
have been rare become more common as the reproductive
Time Time
Staphylococcus aureus Mutation Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
before mutation occurs (red) are most successful
Figure 1.7 Natural Selection. (a) Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that causes skin infections. (b) By chance, some S. aureus
bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic methicillin (the commonly used abbreviation MRSA refers to methicillin-resistant S. aureus).
The presence of the antibiotic increases the reproductive success of the resistant cells, which pass this trait to the next generation.
gests that all species fall into one of three domains, the broadest
1.2 The Tree of Life Includes
Three Main Branches
(most inclusive) taxonomic category. Figure 1.8 depicts the
three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Species in do-
mains Bacteria and Archaea are superficially similar to one an-
Biologists have been studying life for centuries, documen- other; all are single-celled prokaryotes, meaning that their DNA
ting the existence of everything from bacteria to blue whales. is free in the cell and not confined to an organelle called a nucle-
An enduring problem has been how to organize the ever-growing us. Major differences in DNA sequences separate these two do-
list of known organisms into meaningful categories. Taxonomy is
the biological science of naming and classifying organisms./tæksnmi/ noun mains from each other. Domain Eukarya, on the other hand,
contains all species of eukaryotes, which are unicellular or mul-
The basic unit of classification is the species, which desig- ticellular organisms whose cells contain a nucleus.
nates a distinctive “type” of organisms. Closely related species, The species in each domain are further subdivided into king-
in turn, are grouped into the same genus. Together, the genus and doms; figure 1.8 shows the kingdoms within domain Eukarya.
species denote the unique scientific name of each type of organ- Three of these kingdoms—Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae—are
ism. A human, for example, is Homo sapiens (note that scientific familiar to most people. Within each one, organisms share the same
names are always italicized). By assigning each type of organism general strategy for acquiring energy. For example, plants are auto-
a unique scientific name, taxonomists help other biologists com- trophs. Fungi and animals are consumers, although they differ in the
municate with one another. details of how they obtain food. But the fourth group of eukaryotes,
But taxonomy involves more than simply naming species. the Protista, contains a huge collection of unrelated species. Protista
Taxonomists also strive to classify organisms according to what we is a convenient but artificial “none of the above” category for the
know about evolutionary relationships; that is, how recently one many species of eukaryotes that are not plants, fungi, or animals.
type of organism shared an ancestor with another type of organism.
The more recently they diverged from a shared ancestor, the more
1.2 | Mastering Concepts
closely related we presume the two types of organisms to be.
Researchers infer these relationships by comparing anatomical, 1. What are the goals of taxonomy?
behavioral, cellular, genetic, and biochemical characteristics. 2. How are domains related to kingdoms?
Section 13.6 describes the taxonomic hierarchy in more 3. List and describe the four main groups of eukaryotes.
detail. For now, it is enough to know that genetic evidence sug-
Figure 1.8 Life’s Diversity. The three domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya) arose from a hypothetical common ancestor.
• Cells lack nuclei (prokaryotic) • Cells lack nuclei (prokaryotic) • Cells contain nuclei (eukaryotic)
• Unicellular • Unicellular • Unicellular or multicellular
LM 200 μm
3.2 Different Cell Types rod-shaped, round, or spiral (figure 3.6b, c, d). Many antibiotic
Characterize Life’s
Three Domains
drugs, including penicillin, halt bacterial infection by interfering
with the microorganism’s ability to construct its protective cell wall.
In some bacteria, polysaccharides on the cell wall form a capsule
that adds protection or enables the cell to attach to surfaces.
Until recently, biologists recognized just two types of cells, Many bacteria can swim in fluids. Flagella (singular: flagellum)
prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotes, the simplest and are tail-like appendages that enable these cells to move. One or more
most ancient forms of life, are organisms whose cells lack a nu- flagella are anchored in the cell wall and underlying cell membrane.
cleus (pro = before; karyon = kernel, referring to the nucleus). Bacterial flagella rotate like a propeller, moving the cell forward or
About 2.7 billion years ago, prokaryotes gave rise to eukaryotes, backward.
whose cells contain a nucleus and other membranous organelles
(eu = true). B. Domain Archaea Includes
In 1977, however, microbiologist Carl Woese studied key Prokaryotes with Unique
molecules in many cell types and detected differences that sug-
gested that some prokaryotes represented a completely different Biochemistry
form of life. Biologists subsequently divided life into three do- Archaean cells resemble bacterial cells in many ways (figure 3.7).
mains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya (figure 3.5). This section Like bacteria, they are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, and they
describes them briefly. lack a membrane-bounded nucleus and other organelles. Most have
cell walls, and flagella are also common. Because of these similari-
ties, Woese first named his newly recognized group Archaebacteria.
A. Domain Bacteria Contains Earth’s The name later changed to Archaea when genetic sequences
Most Abundant Organisms revealed that the resemblance to bacteria was only superficial.
Bacteria are the most abundant and diverse organisms on Earth. Archaea have their own domain because they build their cells out
Some species, such as Streptococcus and Escherichia coli, can of biochemicals that are different from those in either bacteria or
cause illnesses, but others living on your skin and inside your eukaryotes. Their phospholipids, cell walls, and flagella are all
intestinal tract are essential for good health. Bacteria are also chemically unique. Their ribosomes, however, are more similar
very valuable in research, food and beverage processing, and to those of eukaryotes than to those of bacteria. Archaea may
pharmaceutical production. In ecosystems, bacteria play critical therefore be the closest relatives of eukaryotes.
roles as decomposers and producers. The first members of Archaea to be described were meth-
Bacterial cells are structurally simple (figure 3.6a). The anogens, microbes that use carbon dioxide and hydrogen from
nucleoid is the area where the cell’s circular DNA molecule con- the environment to produce methane. Archaea subsequently be-
gregates. Unlike a eukaryotic cell’s nucleus, the bacterial nucle- came famous as “extremophiles” because scientists discovered
oid is not bounded by a membrane. Located near the DNA in the many of them in habitats that are extremely hot, acidic, or salty.
cytoplasm are the enzymes, RNA molecules, and ribosomes This characterization is somewhat misleading, however, because
needed to produce the cell’s proteins. bacteria also occupy the same environments. Moreover, research-
A rigid cell wall surrounds the cell membrane of most bacteria, ers have now discovered archaea in a variety of moderate habi-
protecting the cell and preventing it from bursting if it absorbs tats, including soil, swamps, rice paddies, oceans, and even the
too much water. This wall also gives the cell its shape: usually human mouth.
Membrane Cell Wall Typical
Cell Type Nucleus bounded
Chemistry Chemistry Size
Domain Peptidoglycan
Bacteria Prokaryotic Absent Absent Fatty acids 1-10 μm
(if present)
Usually cellulose
Common Domain
Eukaryotic Present Present Fatty acids or chitin 1-100 μm
ancestor Eukarya
(if present)
Figure 3.5 The Three Domains of Life. Biologists distinguish domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya based on unique features of cell
structure and biochemistry. The small evolutionary tree shows that archaea are the closest relatives of the eukaryotes.
Burning Question
What is the smallest living organism? Some scientists consider “nanobes” to be the world’s smallest mi-
croorganisms, at about 20 to 150 nanometers long (figure 3.A). Other
Since the invention of microscopes, investigators have wondered just researchers are skeptical. These minuscule filaments are hard to analyze
how small an organism can be and still sustain life. This seemingly sim- for hallmarks of life such as DNA, RNA, ribosomes, and protein. Their
ple question is hard to answer; life is hard to define. status remains controversial.
Some people consider viruses alive because For now, the smallest certifiable living organisms are bacteria
they share some, but not all, characteristics called mycoplasmas. Besides their small size (150 nanometers and
with cells (see chapter 15). Viruses are in- larger), these microorganisms are unusual among bacteria because they
50 nm deed miniscule: The smallest are less lack cell walls. Biologists have studied mycoplasmas in detail for two
SEM than 20 nanometers in diameter (see reasons. First, some cause human disease such as urinary tract infec-
(false color)
figure 3.2). Yet most biologists do not tions and pneumonia. Second, with only 482 genes, mycoplasmas have
consider them alive, in part because the smallest amount of genetic material of any known free-living cell.
viruses do not consist of cells or repro- Studies on mycoplasmas are helping to reveal which genes are mini-
duce on their own. mally required to sustain life.
Submit your burning question to:
Figure 3.A Nanobes. Alive or not? [email protected]
Despite their great differences in external appearance, all cells. The other main difference is that the cytoplasm of a eukary-
eukaryotic organisms share many features on a cellular level. otic cell is divided into organelles (“little organs”), compartments
Figures 3.8 and 3.9 depict generalized animal and plant cells. that carry out specialized functions. An elaborate system of internal
Although both of the illustrated cells have many structures in common, membranes creates these compartments.
there are some differences. Most notably, plant cells have chloroplasts In general, organelles keep related biochemicals and struc-
and a cell wall, which animal cells lack. tures close enough to make them function efficiently. At the
One obvious feature that sets eukaryotic cells apart is their same time, they keep potentially harmful substances away from
large size, typically 10 to 100 times greater than prokaryotic other cell contents. Compartmentalization also saves energy be-
Figure 3.8 An Animal Cell. The large, generalized view shows the relative sizes and
locations of a typical animal cell’s components. The electron micrograph at right shows a
human white blood cell with a prominent nucleus and many mitochondria. Nucleus
Centrosome Centriole
1 μm
Peroxisome TEM (false color)
Cell membrane
cause the cell maintains high concentrations of each biochemi- 3.2 | Mastering Concepts
cal only in certain organelles, not throughout the entire cell.
1. How do prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells?
The rest of this chapter describes the structure of the eukaryotic
cell in greater detail, and the illustrated table at the end of the chap- 2. How are bacteria and archaea similar to and different
from each other?
ter summarizes the functions of the eukaryotic organelles (see
3. How do organelles contribute to efficiency in
table 3.2 on page 66).
eukaryotic cells?
Nuclear Nuclear Nucleolus
pore envelope apparatus
DNA 5 μm
endoplasmic TEM (false color)
reticulum Peroxisome
filament Microfilament