Grade 4 Science Workbook Term 1 Mdified

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DATE: __________

Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 3:: Adaptationss (Pagee 124))
Lessonn 2:: Howw do o thee Behaviorss off Animalss Help
p Them
m Meett Theirr Needs?? (Pagee 138))

Q1.. Match
h the
e correctt definition
n with
h the
e correctt terms::

1. A dormant, inactive state - learned behavior

in which normal body
activities slow.

2. A behavior that an
organism doesn’t - instinct
begin life with

3. The movement of animals

from one region to another - hibernation
and back

4. A behavior that an
Animal begins life with - migration

Q2.. Choose
e the
e correctt option::

1.. Some e animalss eatt moree foodd than

n normall before
e winterss to
o gain
n _________.
a. muscle
b. bone
c. fat
2.. Animalss hibernate e to
o live
e throughh the
e ______________..
a. summer
b. winter
c. spring

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DATE: __________

3. Animal migrations depend on __________________ and _________________.

a. climate, food
b. water, shelter
c. air, climate

4. why does a hibernating animal’s temperature drop?

a. to gain energy
b. to conserve energy
c. to protect its young

5. Older animals usually teach young animals ____________.

a. instinct
b. learned behavior
c. hibernation

6. What Behavior is learned by bear cubs for safety?

a. climb trees
b. bark
c. fight

7. At what age do bear cubs learn to climb trees?

a. 5 months
b. 6 months
c. 12 months

8. Tiger cubs _______________ their mother’s every move while she hunts.
a. imitate
b. look
c. hug

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DATE: __________

Q3. Fill in the following spaces:

1. Both breathing rate and body temperature change during _______________________.

2. The development of a thick beak for grinding seeds is an ________________________.

3. Behaviors that you begin life with are _______________________.

4. Air and water are ___________________.

5. Speaking is a ________________________.

6. When you see a flock of geese fly south in the fall, you are watching a

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DATE: __________

Thee World d off Livingg Thingss
Chapterr 3:: Adaptationss (Pagee 124))
Lessonn 3:: Howw do o Livingg Thingss off thee Pastt Comparee with
h Thosee off Today?? (Pagee 148))

Q1. Match each definition with its correct term on the left:

1. Fossil - The death of all the members

of a certain group of organisms

2. Extinction - The remains or traces of a plant

or animal that lived long

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

1. A ______________ is evidence of a plant or an animal that lived long ago.

2. Footprints of animals tell us about an animal’s ______________.
3. Ancient animals can be studied using their __________________.
4. Animals that are living today can be studied and __________ directly.
5. ____________________ is a type of plant fossil where the tree feel in the ground
and buried in the mud before it decays and minerals slowly replace the wood.
6. Ginkgo trees are often called ______________ fossils because they have not changed
much in 100 million years.
7. Extinction can happen when a ___________ changes.
8. Extinction can also happen for other reasons such as increase in ______________
and decrease in ________________.
9. The last great auk died in 1844, which could not fly were killed for _______________
and __________.
10. Scientists don’t have photographs of saber-toothed cats or woolly mammoths
because they become ________________.
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DATE: __________

Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 4:: Thee Human n Bodyy (Pagee 162))
Lessonn 1:: Howw doess Yourr Bodyy Gett Oxygen n and
d Nutrients?? (Pagee 164))

Q1.. Filll in
n the
e blanks::

1. A __________ is a group of many cells of the same type that work together to

perform a certain job.

2. _____________ building blocks of our body.

3. There are ____________ types of tissue.

4. An ______________ is a group of tissues that does a particular job.

5. _____________ is your body’s largest organ.

6. Group of organ’s works together to form ________________.

7. Skin tissue is made of ________________.

8. ___________ makes up nerve tissue.

9. ____________ makes up muscle tissue.

Q2.. Match
h the
e following::

1. Skin tissue - to give body support

2. Muscle tissue - to carry messages

3. Connective tissue - to protect body

4. Nerve tissue - to help body move

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DATE: __________

Q3. Choose the best option:

1. Muscles work together to make up ___________ system.

a. digestive
b. circulatory
c. muscular

2. Bones work together to make up ______________ system.

a. muscular
b. skeletal
c. digestive

3. The organ that work together to digest the food you eat make up the
a. muscular
b. skeletal
c. digestive

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DATE: __________

Organ Systems:

The Digestive System:

Q. 1 Fill in the blanks:

1. The _____________ breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body.

2. Digestion begins in the ___________.

3. _____________ is the muscular tube that connects your mouth and stomach.

4. The ______________ is the bag like organ with walls of smooth muscles.

5. The lining of small intestines has many fingerlike projections called ____________.

6. ________________ carries nutrients to each cell in the body.

Q2. Match the following:

1. Stomach - nutrients pass through thin

walls of villi into capillaries

2. Mouth - food mixes with digestive

juices and passes to small intestine

3. Esophagus - break food into smaller pieces

4. Small intestine - muscular tube connects to the stomach

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DATE: __________


Labell the
e partss off the
e digestive
e system
m diagram
m below.

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DATE: __________

The Respiratory System:

Q. 1 Fill in the blanks:

1. A muscle called _______________ located below your lungs, causes air to move into

and out of your body.

2. Air travels from your nose or mouth into the ________________.

3. the trachea branches into smaller and smaller tubes that led into your lungs.

4. The air sacs and the blood vessels have _________ walls that let the gas move

through them.

5. We breathe in _____________.

6. _________________ leaves the body when you exhale or breathe out.

7. The heart pumps blood that has a lot of ___________ into all parts of the body.

Questions and Answers:

1. When you are breathing hard during exercise, what happens to the amount of
oxygen that reaches your body cells?

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DATE: __________

Label the parts of the respiratory system diagram below.

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DATE: __________

The Circulatory System:

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Blood gets oxygen from the ______________.

2. A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart is called an
3. Arteries keep branching into smaller blood vessels, until they become
4. ___________ are vessels that return blood to heart.
5. ______________ is the tissue need for both circulation and respiration.
6. _____________ is liquid form of connective tissue.
7. Red blood cells contain a protein called _________.

Q.2 Match the following:

1. Plasma - helps to clot

2. Red blood cells - protect body from sickness

3. White blood cells - straw colored liquid

4. Platelets - carry oxygen

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DATE: __________

Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 4:: Thee Human n Bodyy (Pagee 162))
Lessonn 2:: Howw Doess Yourr Bodyy Thinkk and d Move?? (Pagee 178))

e Nervouss System
m and
d Skeletall System

Q1.. Choose
e the
e correctt option::

1.. ___________________ iss the

e controll centerr off yourr nervouss system..
a. spinal cord
b. nerve
c. brain

2.. Messagess from

m yourr bodyy travell along
g nervess to
o the
e _______________..
a. liver
b. kidney
c. spinal cord

3.. The
e _______________ iss a bundle
e off nerve
e tissue
e thatt runss through
h yourr backbone
e to
yourr brain..
a. tendon
b. spinal cord
c. heart

4.. _________________ protectt thee organss inside

e yourr body..
a. bone
b. muscle
c. blood vessels
5.. ________________ protectss yourr brain
n fromm injury..
a. fibula
b. skull
c. ulna
6.. A __________________ iss a hard
d organn made e up
p off connective
e tissue.
a. heart
b. lungs
c. bone

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DATE: __________

Q2.. Filll in
n the
e blanks::

1. The center of the bones has ___________, tissue that makes red blood cells.
2. ___________________ gives your body shape.
3. A place where your bones meet is called a ___________________.
4. _____________ allow the body to move.

Skeletall System

Labell the
e partss off the
e skeletall system diagram
m below.

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DATE: __________

e Muscularr System:
1. A ________________ is a body part that’s made up of bundles of long fibers.

2. __________________ muscle makes up the walls of your heart.

3. __________________ muscle is found in the walls of your body’s organs.

4. ___________________ muscle help you to move.

5. You have more than ___________ joints in your body.

6. __________________ are tough bands of tissue that connect bones to each other.

7. _________________ are tough connective tissue which connect muscles to the bones.

8. Shoulders and hips are ____________________ joints.

9. Your neck has _________________ joint, that lets you turn your head.

Labell the
e partss off the
e muscularr system
m diagram
m below.

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DATE: __________

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

1. The bundle of nerve tissue that carries messages to and from the brain is the

2. A hard organ that helps support and moves the body is a ____________________.

3. A place where two bones meet is a ______________________.

4. Smooth, cardiac, and skeletal are types of ________________________.

5. The muscular organ that turns food into almost liquid is the ___________________.

6. The tube between the mouth and the stomach is the __________________.

Q3. Choose the correct answer.

1. What are organs made of?

a. Large, individual cells

b. Specialized tissues
c. Muscle
d. Bone

2. Which two organs run parallel to each other?

a. Stomach and esophagus
b. Esophagus and intestine
c. Eyes and ears
d. Spinal cord and esophagus

3. What type of joint bends and straightens the knee?

a. Ball joint
b. Hinge joint
c. Pivot joint
d. Socket joint

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