Grade 4 Science Workbook Term 1 Mdified
Grade 4 Science Workbook Term 1 Mdified
Grade 4 Science Workbook Term 1 Mdified
Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 3:: Adaptationss (Pagee 124))
Lessonn 2:: Howw do o thee Behaviorss off Animalss Help
p Them
m Meett Theirr Needs?? (Pagee 138))
Q1.. Match
h the
e correctt definition
n with
h the
e correctt terms::
2. A behavior that an
organism doesn’t - instinct
begin life with
4. A behavior that an
Animal begins life with - migration
Q2.. Choose
e the
e correctt option::
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DATE: __________
8. Tiger cubs _______________ their mother’s every move while she hunts.
a. imitate
b. look
c. hug
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DATE: __________
5. Speaking is a ________________________.
6. When you see a flock of geese fly south in the fall, you are watching a
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DATE: __________
Thee World d off Livingg Thingss
Chapterr 3:: Adaptationss (Pagee 124))
Lessonn 3:: Howw do o Livingg Thingss off thee Pastt Comparee with
h Thosee off Today?? (Pagee 148))
Q1. Match each definition with its correct term on the left:
Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 4:: Thee Human n Bodyy (Pagee 162))
Lessonn 1:: Howw doess Yourr Bodyy Gett Oxygen n and
d Nutrients?? (Pagee 164))
Q1.. Filll in
n the
e blanks::
1. A __________ is a group of many cells of the same type that work together to
Q2.. Match
h the
e following::
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DATE: __________
3. The organ that work together to digest the food you eat make up the
a. muscular
b. skeletal
c. digestive
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DATE: __________
Organ Systems:
1. The _____________ breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body.
3. _____________ is the muscular tube that connects your mouth and stomach.
4. The ______________ is the bag like organ with walls of smooth muscles.
5. The lining of small intestines has many fingerlike projections called ____________.
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DATE: __________
Labell the
e partss off the
e digestive
e system
m diagram
m below.
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DATE: __________
3. the trachea branches into smaller and smaller tubes that led into your lungs.
4. The air sacs and the blood vessels have _________ walls that let the gas move
through them.
5. We breathe in _____________.
7. The heart pumps blood that has a lot of ___________ into all parts of the body.
1. When you are breathing hard during exercise, what happens to the amount of
oxygen that reaches your body cells?
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DATE: __________
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DATE: __________
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DATE: __________
Thee World d off Livingg Thingss `
Chapterr 4:: Thee Human n Bodyy (Pagee 162))
Lessonn 2:: Howw Doess Yourr Bodyy Thinkk and d Move?? (Pagee 178))
e Nervouss System
m and
d Skeletall System
Q1.. Choose
e the
e correctt option::
3.. The
e _______________ iss a bundle
e off nerve
e tissue
e thatt runss through
h yourr backbone
e to
yourr brain..
a. tendon
b. spinal cord
c. heart
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DATE: __________
Q2.. Filll in
n the
e blanks::
1. The center of the bones has ___________, tissue that makes red blood cells.
2. ___________________ gives your body shape.
3. A place where your bones meet is called a ___________________.
4. _____________ allow the body to move.
Skeletall System
Labell the
e partss off the
e skeletall system diagram
m below.
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DATE: __________
e Muscularr System:
1. A ________________ is a body part that’s made up of bundles of long fibers.
6. __________________ are tough bands of tissue that connect bones to each other.
7. _________________ are tough connective tissue which connect muscles to the bones.
9. Your neck has _________________ joint, that lets you turn your head.
Labell the
e partss off the
e muscularr system
m diagram
m below.
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DATE: __________
2. A hard organ that helps support and moves the body is a ____________________.
5. The muscular organ that turns food into almost liquid is the ___________________.
6. The tube between the mouth and the stomach is the __________________.
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