2012 - Identification of Origin and Analysis of Population Structure
2012 - Identification of Origin and Analysis of Population Structure
2012 - Identification of Origin and Analysis of Population Structure
DOI 10.1007/s10681-012-0738-5
Aldo Merotto Jr
Received: 14 April 2012 / Accepted: 5 June 2012 / Published online: 17 June 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
Abstract Several red rice biotypes have evolved main origin of imidazolinone herbicide resistance, but
resistance to imidazolinone herbicides. The origin of independent selection occurred in 1.1 % of the
resistance has been attributed to gene flow from the evaluated red rice plants. Two red rice plants that
herbicide-resistant rice cultivars, but independent independently evolved herbicide resistance had the
evolution of spontaneous mutation can also contribute ALS gene mutation, Gly654Glu. Population structure
to the herbicide resistance. The objective of this study analysis also indicated intense gene flow from rice
was to quantify the occurrence of gene flow and cultivars to red rice, but some populations maintained
independent selection as the mechanisms of origin of a high genetic identity based on a small amount of
imidazolinone-resistance in red rice to correctly define gene introgression from the rice cultivars. These
the management practices for red rice control. Three results indicate the importance of adopting controls of
single nucleotide polymorphism markers were used to red rice escapees to avoid gene flow from the
identify acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene mutations, imidazolinone-resistant rice, and the necessity of
and four simple sequence repeat markers were used to biotechnological approaches to mitigating gene flow
identify hybrids of imidazolinone-resistant rice culti- in the development of new herbicide-resistant rice
vars and red rice. In addition, genetic diversity and cultivars.
population structure analyses were performed. Artifi-
cial hybrids were used as controls. Gene flow was the Keywords Acetolactate synthase Clearfield rice
Herbicide resistance Imazethapyr Outcrossing
SNP molecular markers
I. C. G. dos Reis Goulart
Programa de Pós-graduação em Fitotecnia, Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul. UFRGS, Embrapa
Forestry, Colombo, PR, Brazil
438 Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447
and presence of red pericarps (Gross et al. 2010). The herbicide resistance in weeds. However, there are no
origin of red rice is attributed to the cultivated species, studies that quantify these processes in red rice plants
O. sativa spp. japonica, and the wild species, O. nivara naturally originated from in rice paddy fields and in
and O. rufipogon (Vaughan et al. 2001). Later studies, combination with population structure analysis. Imi-
however, have confirmed that the origin of red rice in dazolinone herbicide resistance in red rice is an
the US is mainly related to O. sativa spp. japonica increasing problem, and it challenges the use of
instead of the wild species (Gross et al. 2010; Reagon herbicide-resistant rice cultivars in areas where this
et al. 2010). technology is used. Information about the origin of
Red rice is considered a troublesome weed in rice resistance is important for determining management
paddy fields because it decreases the rice grain yield priorities for prevention the herbicide resistance
by 20 %, on average, in medium-infested areas, and evolution in red rice and other weeds.
has a potential loss of 90 % in high-infested areas Several molecular markers have been used in
(Fleck et al. 2008). In the 1990s, imidazolinone studies of the population dynamics of herbicide-
herbicide-resistant rice cultivars were developed by resistant weeds, and in the identification of gene
induced mutation of the acetolactate synthase (ALS; mutations related to herbicide resistance. Allele-
EC; also known as acetohydroxyacid syn- specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR) assays
thase, or AHAS) gene (Shivrain et al. 2009). Several were developed to identify imidazolinone-resistant
imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars currently con- rice that contains the ALS gene mutations Gly654Glu
tain the mutations Ala122Thr, Gly654Glu, and Ser653- and Ser653Asn (Kadaru et al. 2008). In another study,
Asn in the ALS gene (Roso et al. 2010). These single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were
cultivars, in combination with imidazolinone herbi- developed for these same mutations and for the
cides, provide selective control of red rice in rice mutation Ala122Thr (Roso et al. 2010), which is
paddy fields. This technology has been used in present in the most important rice cultivar resistant to
approximately 1.1 million ha in Brazil and the US, imidazolinone herbicides in Brazil and Argentina.
and it is under development in several countries in These markers allow fast and precise identification of
Latin America and Central Europe. The continued use herbicide-resistant red rice, whose resistance is related
of those herbicides, however, causes high selective to changes in nucleotide sequence of the ALS enzyme.
pressure on red rice biotypes and other weeds, Several other studies report the development of other
resulting in the evolution of herbicide-resistant pop- molecular markers used in the isolation of the ALS
ulations (Shivrain et al. 2007; Gealy et al. 2009; gene and identification of ALS herbicide-resistant
Menezes et al. 2009). In addition, the gene flow from alleles (Duran Prado et al. 2004; Délye and Boucan-
imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars to red rice is saud 2008; Délye et al. 2011). Few studies, however,
contributing to red rice resistance to ALS-inhibiting have used these procedures to address the occurrence
herbicides (Zhang et al. 2006). of herbicide-resistant red rice in rice fields, and to
Several ALS-inhibiting herbicide-resistant red rice identify herbicide-resistant evolution parameters, such
biotypes have been identified in rice fields in the US as gene flow and independent origin of resistance,
(Zhang et al. 2008) and Brazil (Menezes et al. 2009). which is related to the initial frequency of mutation.
In an assessment in South Brazil, 56 % of 228 red rice Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR)
populations were resistant to imazethapyr and imaza- markers have also been developed to identify hybrid-
pic (Menezes et al. 2009). In these populations, the ization between cultivated rice and red rice. Three
predominant mechanism of resistance was an altered SSR markers were used to identify hybrids of rice and
target site, and about 80 % of the resistant red rice red rice from rice paddy fields in the southern United
plants had the same mutation as the IRGA 422 CL States (Zhang et al. 2006). Currently, more than
cultivar, which was the most widely used cultivar 72,000 SSR markers are available for rice (Zhang et al.
during the sampling period (Roso et al. 2010). These 2007; Singh et al. 2010). This availability facilitates
results indicate that the origin of herbicide resistance studies at the genetic level in the genus Oryza because
in red rice is related to the occurrence of gene flow most of these markers are polymorphic among culti-
from herbicide-resistant cultivars. Nevertheless, inde- vated rice, wild species, and weedy biotypes of this
pendent mutations in the ALS gene may also cause genus. Several studies have found gene flow from
Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447 439
imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars to susceptible herbicides imazethapyr and imazapic collected in rice
cultivars and red rice (Gealy et al. 2003; Zhang et al. paddy fields in southern Brazil were evaluated for
2006; Shivrain et al. 2009; Goulart et al. 2012). Few resistance to these herbicides (Menezes et al. 2009).
studies, however, have isolated the hybridization to After that, 481 plants from 38 populations were
infer whether the occurrence of mutations in the red analyzed for the mechanism of herbicide resistance
rice ALS gene is related to either independent and for the occurrence of target site insensitivity
evolution of spontaneous mutation or gene flow from caused by the ALS gene mutations Gly654Glu,
imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars. These analyses Ala122Thr, and Ser653Asn (Roso et al. 2010). These
are important for determination of management prac- mutations are present in imidazolinone-resistant rice
tices that seek to prevent and control herbicide- cultivars IRGA 422 CL (Gly654Glu), PUITÁ INTA CL
resistant red rice, and for risk assessment of new (Ala122Thr), and SATOR CL (Ser653Asn). The current
herbicide-resistant rice varieties developed by either study was based on 176 imidazolinone-resistant red
mutagenetic or transgenic methods. rice plants from 15 populations (Table 1) selected
The correct prevention and control of herbicide- from the study described above. In addition, the
resistant red rice is dependent on the predominant cultivars IRGA 422 CL, PUITÁ INTA CL, and
origin of the herbicide resistance. If the herbicide SATOR CL, and artificial hybrids obtained by crosses
resistance is primarily due to independent selection of between these cultivars and red rice were used as
naturally-occurring ALS gene mutations, the preven- controls.
tion strategies should be based on reducing the Artificial hybridizations used the rice cultivars as
herbicide selection pressure. For rice crops and red pollen-donor plants and the red rice as pollen-receptor
rice, this is only achieved through crop rotation that plants. The panicles of the pollen-receptors were
allows the use of herbicides with different mecha- collected in early morning, identified, and sterilized.
nisms of action (Burgos et al. 2008). If red rice Pollen sterilization was performed by soaking the
resistance comes from direct gene flow from herbi- panicles in water baths at 45 °C for 5 min. Next, the
cide-resistant cultivars, the main strategy should be spikelets of the upper and lower parts of the panicle
based on control of red rice escapees. Finally, if the were eliminated. Finally, the upper parts of the
resistance is due to gene flow from resistant red rice remaining spikelets were cut to remove unviable
seeds, the resistance management should be based on anthers that could be physical barriers to the pollen
the use of certified seeds that are free of red rice, and from the donor plants. The panicles were immediately
cleaning machinery. In addition, if large proportions protected with paper bags to prevent uncontrolled
of resistance is originate by gene flow, biotechnolog- pollination. The pollen-donor tillers were also col-
ical methods related to the mitigation of gene flow lected in early morning and placed in containers with
(Lin et al. 2008; Gressel and Valverde 2009) should be distilled water until pollen release, which usually
used in the development of new herbicide-resistant occurred at 12:00 a.m. The controlled pollination was
rice cultivars in order to maintain the possibility of red performed by exposing the donors to receptor tillers.
rice control. The objective of this study was to Finally, the receptor plant panicles were again
quantify the occurrence of gene flow and independent protected and kept in nutrient solution until seed
selection as the mechanisms of origin of imidazoli- development.
none-resistance in red rice to correctly define the
management practices for red rice control. SSR molecular marker analysis
440 Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447
Table 1 ALS gene mutations, sample size (n), and genetic Ho observed heterozygosity, PIC polymorphic information
diversity measures of the A average number of alleles, content, and f inbreeding coefficient of red rice populations
P proportion of polymorphic loci, He expected heterozygosity,
Population ALS mutation n A P He Ho PIC f
initially evaluated for polymorphism based on com- To increase genotyping accuracy, PCR analyses of
parison of alleles found at each locus in rice cultivars, the selected SSR markers were performed with the
red rice, and artificial hybrids. These markers were M13 Tail PCR technique (Schuelke 2000). The M13
used to identify rice and red rice hybrids from previous primer, TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT, was labeled
studies of rice hybridization (Brunes et al. 2007; with 6-FAM. For each marker, the forward primer was
Shivrain et al. 2007; Sundaram et al. 2008) and red rice synthesized with the M13 primer as described in
genetic diversity (Gealy et al. 2009). The selected SSR Goulart et al. (2011). The selected SSR markers
markers were those that showed different alleles in adapted with the M13 Tail PCR technique were again
rice and red rice homozygosis, and that demonstrated evaluated for maintenance of polymorphism in the red
the presence of two alleles in the hybrid individuals. rice and the controls. In this analysis, the PCR was
PCR was performed on 12 lL reaction volumes performed on 12 lL reaction volumes consisting of
consisting of 25 gg genomic DNA; 150 lM deoxy- 25 gg genomic DNA; 150 lM dNTP; 0.6 mM MgCl2;
nucleotide triphosphate (dNTP); 0.6 mM MgCl2; 19 buffer; 0.2 lM of each M13-tailed forward primer;
1 9 buffer; 0.3 lL each primer; and 0.5 U of Taq 0.8 lM of each reverse primer; 0.8 lM of the 6-FAM
DNA polymerase. The PCR amplification consisted of labeled M13 primer; and a 0.5 U of Taq DNA
one cycle at 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of polymerase. The amplification process consisted of
94 °C for 45 s; 56 °C, 57 °C, or 60 °C for 45 s, one cycle at 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of
depending on the primer (Table 2); and a final 94 °C for 45 s; 56 °C, 57 °C, or 60 °C for 45 s,
extension cycle of 72 °C for 10 min. The amplifica- depending on the primer (Table 2); 72 °C for 1 min; 8
tion products were measured by comparison with a cycles of 94 °C for 45 s; 53 °C for 45 s; and 72 °C for
100-bp ladder (Invitrogen) in 3 % agarose gel. The gel 10 min. The amplification products were analyzed as
was visualized on an ultraviolet transilluminator, and described earlier. All the selected SSR markers
photographed (KODAK Digital Science 1D). The maintained polymorphism and were used in the
markers 4797, RM251, RM253, and RM341 were genotyping analysis of the 176 red rice plants, rice
polymorphic and used in the following steps. cultivars, and hybrids used as controls. Finally, the
Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447 441
Table 2 SSR primers used to determine origin of imidazolinone resistance in red rice
Locus C Nucleotide sequences (50 –30 ) Motif MT Reference
SSR (°C)
Forward Reverse
PCR reactions were performed as described above, The origin of the resistance of the imidazolinone-
and the fragment sizes were evaluated with the resistant red rice accessions was identified by a
sequencer ABI 3730 XL (Applied Biosystems) paternity exclusion analysis using SSR alleles adapted
equipped with a 50-cm capillary array filed with a from Van Treuren et al. (2006). In this method, the
POP7 polymer. Peaks corresponding to the expected genotypes were evaluated and compared with
fragments were visually scored using GeneMapperTM the potential male parents, which, in this study,
software v3.5 (Applied Biosystems). were the imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivar controls
described above. These genotypes carried all three
Data analyses ALS alleles of the available imidazolinone-resistant
rice cultivars. They were used in approximately 100 %
Genetic diversity measures, estimated for each pop- of the rice fields cultivated with imidazolinone-
ulation, included allele frequency; average number of resistant rice cultivars in southern Brazil at the time
alleles (A); proportion of polymorphic loci (P); of red rice sampling. Because SSR markers are co-
expected heterozygosity (He; also called gene diver- dominant, hybrid individuals from rice cultivars and
sity; Nei 1978); observed heterozygosity (Ho); poly- red rice can be detected by the presence of both
morphic information content described by Botstein parental alleles. These individuals have one allele
et al. (1980); and inbreeding coefficient (f). In coming from the rice cultivar and another from the red
addition, the fixation indices of Wright (1951) were rice, characterizing marker polymorphism (Shivrain
estimated using a bootstrap procedure with 1,000 et al. 2007). The alleles of the red rice individuals were
replicates and a confidence interval of 95 %. The compared with those observed in both imidazolinone-
analyses were performed using the software Power- resistant rice cultivars and imidazolinone-susceptible
Maker 3.25 (Liu and Muse 2005) and GDA (Lewis and red rice. The origin of the resistance of a red rice
Zaykin 2001). The population structure of red rice was individual characterized as independent selection was
determined by the software Structure 2.3.3 (Pritchard determined by the absence of alleles of the imidazoli-
et al. 2000). The model in this analysis was based on none-resistant cultivars IRGA 422 CL, PUITÁ INTA
multiple ancestral (admixture) and correlated allele CL, and SATOR CL. The presence of ALS mutations
frequencies. Five independent rounds of 10,000 gen- in individuals with these characteristics indicates
erations, and a burn-in of 100,000 random Markov independent evolution originated from spontaneous
chain Monte Carlo simulations per ancestral popula- mutation followed by selection processes that resulted
tion (K) were used. The definition of the ideal K was from the continued use of imidazolinone herbicides.
performed with the ad hoc statistic Delta K as In contrast, the origin of resistance from gene flow is
proposed by Evanno et al. (2005). considered when an individual has at least one allele
442 Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447
Table 3 Genotyping of imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars, red rice, and artificial hybrids, based on four SSR markers
Individuala SSR marker ALS mutation
4797 RM341 RM251 RM475
typical of any imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars. homozygous (Table 3). This indicates that the parental
This was considered because, after the occurrence of lines of this cultivar have the same allele for this locus.
the gene flow event, the hybrid individual would have The genotypic profile of these markers was used for
mainly heterozygous alleles. Subsequent generations the identification of the putative hybrids between the
of inbreeding, however, increases homozygosity and imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars and the red rice.
some alleles may be lost. Furthermore, the ALS gene The high discriminatory power and the co-domi-
mutations identified in each individual through the nance of the SSR markers are the main advantages of
SNP markers were auxiliary in the diagnosis of these markers (Kalia et al. 2011). SSR markers have
exclusion paternity analysis. been used in a large diversity of studies on population
genetics and gene mapping in rice and other species.
Population genetic studies have no predetermined
Results and discussion number of SSR markers and a relatively small amount
of SSR markers have been used in several analyses.
Genetic diversity and differentiation in red rice For example, several studies identified hybrids
populations between cultivated rice and red rice used three (Zhang
et al. 2006), two (Shivrain et al. 2009), and one SSR
The markers RM106, RM180 and RM234 were not marker (Shivrain et al. 2007). In addition, several SSR
polymorphic among the rice cultivars and the red rice, markers revealed rare alleles, in both red rice (Gealy
and were therefore discarded. These markers were et al. 2002) and rice cultivars (Brunes et al. 2007),
previously used to characterize red rice populations which can be used for the identification of either a
and to identify natural crosses between red rice and certain red rice biotype or rice cultivar. In this study,
cultivated rice (Zhang et al. 2006; Sundaram et al. the allele 143 bp of the marker RM251 is unique for
2008; Gealy et al. 2009). The marker RM253 had no the cultivar SATOR CL in relation to the other rice
consistent amplifications and was also discarded cultivars; and the combination of the alleles 157 and
from further analysis. The markers 4797, RM251, 187 bp of the marker RM341 provides identification
RM341 and RM475 were polymorphic for red rice, for the cultivars IRGA 417, IRGA 422 CL, and PUITA
rice cultivars, and artificial hybrids used as controls INTA CL (Table 4).
(Table 3), and were used in population genetic and Genotyping of the 176 red rice accessions indicated
hybrid identification analyses. SATOR CL is a hybrid that many alleles are shared with the rice cultivars,
cultivar and, as expected, the markers showed hetero- similar to results from the analysis of allele frequen-
zygous alleles, except for the 4797 marker, which was cies (Table 4). The 129 bp allele of the marker 4797 is
Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447 443
Table 4 Allele frequencies of rice cultivars and red rice biotypes based on four SSR markers
Population 4797 RM251 RM341 RM475
129 135 129 134 139 143 147 151 153 163 152 155 157 175 187 202 212 216
present in relatively high frequencies in the imidaz- populations had a higher average number of alleles as
olinone-resistant cultivars and all red rice populations compared with the rice cultivars (Table 1). This is
(Table 4). In addition, the 135 bp allele of this marker related to the large genetic diversity of red rice in
was found in both the red rice individuals used in the comparison with cultivated rice (Sundaram et al. 2008;
artificial crosses (Table 3) and the red rice popula- Reagon et al. 2010). The He and Ho were, on average,
tions, but not in the rice cultivars (Table 4). The 0.36 and 0.15, respectively (Table 1). Furthermore,
marker RM251 was absent in the rice cultivars, which the mean f was 0.61, confirming the predominance of
indicated that this marker is typical of red rice inbreeding in the evaluated populations of red rice.
(Table 4). The marker RM475 revealed the 202 bp Some populations, such as populations 22, 35, and 36,
allele for the cultivar PUITÁ INTA CL, and the had a very low and even negative f-value, indicating
212 bp allele for IRGA 422 CL. For this marker, the the occurrence of cross-fertilization (Table 1). This
216 bp allele was considered typical for red rice due to corroborates with the high value of observed hetero-
its absence in the rice cultivars (Table 4). Among all zygosity found in these populations. The overall
genotyped accessions, only two alleles were private: results showed that red rice populations have rela-
the 153 bp allele of the marker RM251, and the 175 bp tively high genetic diversity, although there is con-
allele of the marker RM341. These results show the siderable variation among them. In fact, in natural
large capacity that the evaluated SSR markers have for populations of autogamous species, a low genetic
identification of rice cultivars and red rice hybrids. diversity is expected due to the high degree of
Similar specificity was also found in studies that used homozygosity. In the case of populations arising from
similar markers in different rice cultivars and red rice agricultural lands (e.g., red rice), however, the diver-
biotypes (Gealy et al. 2002; Singh et al. 2010). sity within populations may be higher (Xia et al. 2011)
The mean number of alleles (A) found in the red due to the large occurrence of seed migration that is
rice populations was 2.59 (Table 1). However, these mainly related to crop seed contamination. This is
444 Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447
further confirmed through the partitioning of genetic individuals may be the F1 generation that resulted
variability in red rice populations, which was mainly from gene flow from the cultivar IRGA 422 CL, which
related to the diversity within each population was largely planted at the time of red rice sampling.
(FIT = 0.71), as compared with the differences The genotyping performed on other individuals did
between populations (FST = 0.20). In addition, the not allow identification of the generation in which the
high presence of homozygotes (FIS = 0.64) is related introgression between red rice and rice cultivars
to the self-mating system of red rice, but heterozy- occurred.
gosity occurs certainly due to gene flow. The information obtained from the genotyping of
red rice accessions was sufficient enough to identify
Origin of imidazolinone resistance in red rice the origin of resistance to imidazolinone herbicides;
however, the presence of several common alleles
The origin of herbicide resistance in red rice due to between the rice cultivars and red rice negatively
either independent evolution or gene flow was deter- affected the diagnosis of the herbicide resistance
mined by the absence of alleles of the imidazolinone- caused by independent selection. This finding is
resistant cultivars IRGA 422 CL, PUITÁ INTA CL, related to an inability to recognize the inheritance of
and SATOR CL. Only two red rice individuals alleles in homozygosis. Other limiting factors were the
had imidazolinone-herbicide resistance originated by occurrence of homozygous and heterozygous loci in
independent selection, and 174 plants were resistant the same individual, resulting from several genera-
due to gene flow, corresponding to 1.1 and 98.9 %, tions of inbreeding, which is a characteristic of the
respectively. The individuals 23.2 and 25.9 did not genus Oryza; and the concomitant occurrence of gene
share any alleles with the imidazolinone-herbicide flow with other genotypes of red rice and rice
resistant rice cultivars, and their herbicide resistance is cultivars. The experimental procedure and the per-
likely originated by spontaneous mutations followed formed analysis, however, were useful for quantifying
by independent selection (Table 5). All other 174 independent evolution of imidazolinone resistance in
individuals shared some alleles with the imidazoli- red rice. Similar studies, based on similar procedures,
none-resistant rice cultivars, and the herbicide resis- have identified the ALS gene (Kadaru et al. 2008;
tance in these plants could be related with gene flow Roso et al. 2010) and hybrids for which their herbicide
from these cultivars. The individuals 23.2 and 25.9 resistance originated from gene flow (Zhang et al.
had the Gly654Glu mutation in the ALS gene. This 2006; Shivrain et al. 2007; Shivrain et al. 2009). The
mutation naturally occurs in Setaria viridis, causing current study isolated independent evolution as a
resistance to imidazolinone herbicides (Laplante et al. source of herbicide resistance in red rice. This
2009). Among the individuals whose resistance was information together with the study of the population
due to gene flow, two were heterozygous: one from structure of resistant populations provides a more
population 23 and the other from population 26 detailed analysis that can be used for management of
(Table 5). These individuals contain the Gly654Glu red rice in rice paddy fields.
ALS mutation and alleles typical of red rice and of The analysis of population structure revealed
the cultivar IRGA 422 CL. This indicates that these common ancestry between cultivars and red rice
Table 5 Acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene mutation and genotyping of imidazolinone-resistant red rice individuals originated from
independent selection or after one generation of gene flow
Population ALS gene mutation SSR marker Resistance origin Estimated
individual generation
4797 RM341 RM251 RM475
Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447 445
Fig. 1 Estimated population structure of 176 red rice acces- A IRGA 422 CL, B Red rice 1, C artificial hybrid of IRGA 422
sions from 15 populations, and three rice cultivars and artificial CL and red rice 1, D PUITÁ INTA CL, E red rice 2, F artificial
hybrids placed into three groups (K = 3). Each column hybrid of PUITÁ INTA CL and red rice 2, G SATOR CL, H red
represents an individual, and the colors represent the contribu- rice 3, and I artificial hybrid of Sator CL and red rice 3.
tion of each group, K, where red K1, green K2, and blue K3; Populations are labeled below the figure according to Table 1
individuals (Fig. 1). Only three different ancestral likelihood of spontaneous mutation in the ALS gene.
groups were determined for all red rice individuals, The ratio between the numbers of resistant individuals,
corroborating with the high number of shared alleles, originated by independent selection against the gene
as described above. The greenhouse crosses were flow, was 0.011. The theoretical proportional between
confirmed by the population structure analysis, which independent selection processes and gene flow in rice,
was identified by the intermediate heterozygosity of considering the probability of each factor, was
the individuals H1, H2, and H3, in relation to their expected to be 0.010 (Gressel and Valverde 2009).
parents, 422 9 RR1, PUI 9 RR2, and SAT 9 RR3, The expected ratio can also be calculated from
respectively (Fig. 1). The population structure analy- parameters of herbicide resistance evolution. If we
sis with K = 3, resulted in clear distinction of rice considered the parameters from the region where the
cultivars from artificial crosses used as controls. These this study was performed, which would include a gene
results are the main indication of the biological flow of 0.0344 % (Goulart et al. 2011); red rice density
significance of the K-value chosen for this analysis of 15 plants m-2; production of 1,000 seeds per plant;
(Chung and Park 2010). The individuals 23.2 and 25.9 initial frequency of mutation of 10-6 (Délye et al.
which had independent selection resistance were 2009); and absence of fitness penalty, the ratio between
grouped in the K1 (red rice) ancestral population the independent selection and gene flow would be
(Fig. 1). In addition, the population structure analysis 0.029. The theoretical values reported in the literature,
indicated that populations 24, 28, 30 and 31 had and the calculated values based on the evolution of
several red rice individuals with genotypes close to herbicide resistance are, therefore, similar to the value
those of the rice cultivars (K2 = blue), indicating found in this study, which was obtained from plants
introgression for many generations (Fig. 1). Popula- collected at field conditions. Several factors, which are
tions 17, 23, 25 and 35 had several red rice plants mainly related to the large variability in occurrence of
(K3 = green) with little relationship to rice cultivars. gene flow from rice cultivars to red rice (Zhang et al.
Population 22 had large uniformity of plants with the 2006; Shivrain et al. 2009; Xia et al. 2011) are the
genetic background K1 (red; Fig. 1), which is typical causes of the differences between these expected and
of red rice. These results showed intense gene flow measured values.
from rice cultivars to red rice, but some red rice
populations maintained high genetic identity based on Implications for resistant red rice management
a small amount of introgression of genes from the rice
cultivars. The determination of the prevalence and magnitude of
The results of this study show that gene flow from gene flow and independent selection is important for
imidazolinone-resistant rice is the major factor in the determining the main focus of management practices
evolution of herbicide-resistance in red rice of South- related to prevention of evolution of herbicide resis-
ern Brazil. This was expected due to the high likelihood tance in red rice. If the predominance of independent
of out-crossing among rice plants compared to the selection of herbicide resistance in red rice is due to
446 Euphytica (2012) 187:437–447
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tional control practices of imidazolinone-resistant red optimisation of degenerated universal primers for the
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