Defense Script
Defense Script
Defense Script
Introduction (JN)
This study will help those individuals or groups who happens to have the same interest as the
researchers of this study, some individuals such as:
-Students, students may benefit on this study if ever they tackle this topic.
-Future researchers, of course future researchers whose interested in this matter will benefit
-School administrator, this way school administrator can be aware of the students learning
styles and study habits. Thus, an opportunity on how they will approach the students in terms
of teaching.
-Parents, this research can make the parents aware of their child's habits of studying and may
create an opportunity on how parents handle its children
-And finally the government, the government might make adjustnents or maybe changes or
maybe even add programs in the learning system for the studentst
Hypothesis (Justin)
In conducting this research, the following hypothesis were made based on the statement of the
problems that were shown in the following study. The researchers made the following
- For our conceptual framework, we used the IPO or the Input-Process-Output model.
- The input needed for this research are the Senior high school students along with their
respective survey and checklist questionnaire, study habits, and learning style.
- For the process, it will include the selection of the research title, construction of the research
problem, making a hypothesis, literature reviews, sampling, construction of questionnaires,
validation of questionnaires, administration of questionnaires, data gathering, analyzation and
interpretation of data, and conclusion of the data.
- And for the output, list down the demographic profile of the respondents, identify the
learning style of CPF Montalban Senior High School students, and the last one is determine the
difference of learning styles and study habits.
Learners - are the respondents that the researchers picked for the selected research topic for
example is the Senior high school students from CPF montalban
Learning Styles - these style is the common learning styles that each learners has for example is
the visual, auditory, kinesthetic and reading/writing learners.
Study Habits - these are the different techniques or methods of a student when it comes to
Theory - is the one who support and backs up the proof that study habits do have relation to
learning styles
Literature - is the study that can support the title of the research
Respondents - helps the researchers to provide some data to analyzed to the research study,
for example is the Senior High School Students from Center For Positive Futures Montalban
Foreign Literatures (JN & Rebater)
Local Literatures (Justin & David)
In overall explanation, it varies depending on the students learning style and study
habits, it is the student's choice if they will harness their skills and utilize the learning style to
them gaining knowledge and infortmation using it. Students have study habits and learning
styles whcih could be convenient for them to gain knowledge and learn from it. They perform
best when learning and studying with the learning style they are compatible with and also what
tools or instruments students have that has relations to what learning styles they have.
Chapter III
Center for positive future can be located to the address of #27 J.P Rizal St. Brgy, balite
montalban rodriguez. Beside the bldg of Hsquare number 43
We all know that cpf was founded by mr teodoro r bautista and mrs maria, from a vessel of a
college campus to a campus that has many branches nationwide, among all the branches of cpf,
researchers chose cpf montalban branch as the location to conduct the study titled the learning
style in relation to the study habits of senior high school students of cpf montalban
It can be located to the address of #27 J.P Rizal St. Brgy, balite montalban rodriguez. Beside the
bldg of Hsquare number 43
this campus is currently held by principal Ms Cunegunda ilagan casanova. Along with twelve
teachers, which consists of 4 full time teachers and 8 part time, along with the 4 non teaching
staff. In this current school year, Cpf montalban teaches and guides 169 students, fifty four(54)
in Junior High School and one-hundred four(104) in Senior High School. With overall student
population of one-hundred sixty-nine (169).
Subject of the Study (JN)
The Chapter 1 will present Identifying what will be included in the research, this includes the
researcher's observation regarding to students' learning style in relation to the study habits
Determining the research method and research design that is suitable with the said topic.
The Chapter 2 will present The researchers also included the related both foreign and local
literatures and both foreign and local studies to support the study, give deeper understanding,
and provide additional information about the topic.
The last , Chapter 3 will present Deciding the subject and the setting of the study, construction
and the validation of the instrument that will be administered, choosing the appropriate
sampling method and sampling design, and data gathering procedures.
- The sources of data used in this study is the respondents answer to the researcher made
checklist questionnaires.
- The primary source of data is the respondents without the respondents there's no source of
- By the help of the checklist questionnaires, it will help the researchers to analyze the data that
the respondents answer in checklist questionnaires. The researchers also did use google,
youtube, and bing. Different kind of literatures like local and foreign.
The researchers gathered the data needed for this research using the compiled checklist
questionnaires with the help of the validated questionnaire asked to the respondents during
the checklist. kumuwa rin kami ng mga data sa different web site and sa chapter 2 kumuwa
kami ng mga data from studys and literatures hindi lang kami kumuwa ng data from are
checklist kumuwa rin kami ng data sa online, sa libro, sa theories.
Many students struggle with how to begin their studies; for instance, if a student is going to
revise, he may struggle with the subject he is going to revise. This is why we are conducting this
study. In order to assist and provide advice on how to be a productive student, we conducted
this study.
It is important to conduct research in order to find solutions in our problems, to lessen also the
unsolved problems. Research is the only way why we can find the unknown things/problems.