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The Efficacy of Mixed Oregano (Origanumvulgare) and Turmeric

(Curcuma longa) as Insect Repellant on Stored Mungbean Seeds.




Most of the time, agricultural products have very low

proces when there is abundance of supply. Most mungbean

producer or farmers wait for the high price before they

market the commodity so that the profit that they will gain

is bigger. But the problem is, the product will not last for

long periods due to its vulnerability to pedt during storage

which causes heavy damage, reduction in weight, and less

market value.

According to Bayucot (1997) that the preliminary sorce

of infestation comes from the field where adult lay eggs on

developing pods and the newly developing larvae bore into

the seeds. The harvest of such seeds at maturity shifts the

infestation to the storage where the newly emerged adult lay

eggs on the neighbouring seeds, thus spreading the


To prevent the damage caused by the pest, chemicals are

mostly applied in order to prolong and preserve the stored

bean. Likewise, this control is expensive aside from that it

gives hazards to animals, environment, and most especially

it affects human health.

(Varms and Dubey 1996) cited that there are various

products of plants that have been tried recently with good

degree of success as protectants against the number of

stored insect pest.

In the Philippines botanical plants are found like

oregano (Origanum Vulgare) and turmeric (Curcuma longa)

which are useful in repelling insects as stated fron the

Philippine Herbal Medicine (2015).

Because of the seen problem the researcher gained

interest to find out the efficacy of oregano

(Origanumvulgare) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) as insect

repellent on stored mungbean seeds.

Review of Related Literature

Vignaradiata (L Wolcjek) (formerly named

PhaseolusaureusRoxb. And also known as Phaseolusradiatus L.,

is a herbaceous short – season annual belonging to the

subfamily Papilinaceae of the large ans economically eminent

Leguminose family. Plant height ranges from 30 cm to 120 cm.

and branching characteristics from sparse to profuse. It has

a typical papilionaceae flower consisting of five (5) petals

comprised of one standard, two wings and two kneels; ten

(10) statements, nine fused to form a staminal column

(monodelphous) and one free ; and a carpel with the style

borne laterally on

The ovary. The Lequme (more comonIy called the pod) is

a one two valved seed vessel formed from a single piatil,

having seeds arranged along the inner or ventral structure.

The mature pod ranges frim 5cm to 18 cm. the shape of the

seed coat varies within yellow to dark green colour range.

(Cagampang et al 1998).

Mungbean is ready for harvesting 60 – 70 days after

planting. Mature pods turn brown and then black. Harvesting

begin as soon as 75% of the pods have dried. Picking the

harvestable pods by hand is a way in harvesting mungbean,

harvesting will be repeated after 15 days. After harvesting

the pods will be dried under the sun, threshing is done by

beating the pods inside a sack or by using a mechanical rice

thresher, the seeds are clean, dried about 14% moisture or

lower before storing. The stored mungbean seeds will be

stocked in a cool dry place protected by rodents and pest

like weevils. (PCAFNRRD 2002).

Mungo is not only high protein but also In amino acid

composition. It is also a good source of vitamins and

minerals calcium, and sodium which are usually deficient in

seed diets. Droed mungo seeds are highly in vitamins A and B

and sprouts are rich in vitamins B and C. (Cagampang et al


Mungbean seeds suffer damages during storage period;

the most serious problem encountered is the infestation of

stored insect pests which causes heavy looses. Insects

infestation is a major conntributor for quality

deteriotation of stored food products. AUJ.T (2003)

Anthony and Service (1983) also cited thet both the

crops in the fields and the commodities in stores are

infested by a large number of insect species. The storage

pest causes colossal damages to the commodity which reduces

both quantity and quality of stored legumes.

Acanthoscelides obtectus, commonly known as bean

weevil,, is a species of beetle. They will feed on vetches,

beans and other leguminous plants. They are generally

considered a pest species for this reason.

( 2015).

The beetle body is ovoid, slightly convex, light or

dark brown, with yello-green golden hairs and longitudinal

spots from above, light gray hairs from below. Its length

varies from 2 to 5 mm. White pupa is about 4 mm in length.

The beetles appear at the temperature 12.5 oC, but they are

inactive at the temperature below 16oC. Several larvae can

develop in one grain. Larval period lasts 3-3.5 weeks. The

Bean Waevil causes significant damage to harocot-bean and

bean. Larvae usually eat the pod contents completely,

decreasing the yield by 50-60s. Partially damaged grains

lose their germinating power and taste quality. (Berim et

al. 2009)

Callosobruchus chinenais L, is common species of beetle

found in the bean weevil subfamily and it is known as the

dzuki bean weevilit is in fact not a true weevil, belonging

instead to leaf beetle family chrysomelidae. Other common

names include the pulse beetle, Chinese bruchid and cowpea

bruchid. Beetle is a common pest targeting many different

species of stored legumes and it is distributed across the

tropical and subtropical regions of the world. C chinensis

is one of the most damaging crop pests to stored legume. It

is 2.0-3.5 mm long, the body is broadly oval. (

Wikipedia .com 2015).

Muhammad ArshadQazi (2007) observed from his study

entitled Development and Monthly Percent Damage of

Callosobruchus chinensis L., that the egg stage was 4 days

after hatching; the larvae started making holes into the

grain through feeding inwardly without breaking the egg

sheath/shell. Larval stage was in the range of 9 days.The

observation revealed that once the larva enter the grain it

passed the whole larval and pupal period inside the same
grain without moving out of the grain. The pupal stage was

2-4 days. The adults came through the exit holes then


Another insect pest that attacks mungbean seeds is the

rice weevil. It is one of the most serious stored grain

pests worldwide. Rice weevils attack wheat, corn, oats, rye,

barley, sorghum, buckwheat, dried beans, cashew nuts, wild

bird seed, and cereal products, it is a small insect, about

1/16 to 1/8 Inch Iong. They are mostly brown to black in

colour and can have spots on their thorax and abdomen as

cited by the Entomology and Nematology Department,UF/IFAS

Extension (1994)

For the protection of stored produce against the

insects chemicals are used to protect the store produce such

as insecticides, it may be used for spraying wall, floors

and ceilings of warehouses or storerooms in order to kill a

residual infestation. The insecticides can also be sprayed

directly on bagged produce. This may prevent or delay

infestation of insects in the stored produce. Insecticides

may be mixed with the produce; this can give complete

protection for a long period and may also kill pests which

have already infested the produce (International Rules for

seed testing 1985)

Although chemical insecticides are effective, their

repeated use has led to residual toxicity, environmental

pollution and an adverse on food side effect on humans.

Their uninterrupted and indiscriminate use not only has led

to the development of resistant strains but also

accumulation of toxic residues on food grains used for human

consumption that has led to the health hazards.

In many parts of the world, locally available plants

are currently in wide use to protect stored products agairst

damage cause by ingect intestation. In India the farmars

used neem leaves and seeds for the control of stored pest.

In Africa the farmers used aromatio plants traditionaly

stored products protectants. Tarmersc, garlic, Vitexnegundo,

gliricidia, Castor aristolochia, ginger, agave americana.

custard apple, datura, calotropis, ipomoea and coriander are

some of the widely used botanicals to control and repel crop

pest. (Rajashekar 2012)

Oregano (origanumvulgare) is also known as Wild

Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter

Marjoram. This erectly spreading plant has strong aromatic

characteristics, with leaves and stems that are fleshy. The

leaves of oregano are heart-shaped, withtoothed edges, and

which grow for up to 9 meters in length. Oregano contains

a rosmarinic acid compound, thymol, and carvacrol that are

responsible for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-

oxidant,anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Oregano also

contains flavinoids, triterpenoids, sterols, vitamin C, and

vitamin A. Its anti-bacterial properties have been proven by

recent studies to treat infections of the reproductive

tracts, and which make it ideal to be given to women who

have just given birth. The volatile oils in oregano and its

properties are believed to be responsible for slowing the

process of spoilage of food and thus minimizing the risk of

ingesting harmful bacteria, parasites and fungi...

(Philippine Herbal Medicine 2005)

According to Algerian Selentist, Chachrazed

Boutekedjiret and colleagues (2008) they've found oregano

work as well as synthetic insecticides to combat infestation

by a common beetle. Oregano has been known to be the natural

insecticide by apparently inhibiting eggs lying and larval


Oregano contains of 2% essential oil including phenols

up to 63% including carvacrol, thymol and borneol which

are antimicrobials that can inhibit growth food

pathogens, the molecules with the highest anti - bacterial

coefficient are carvacrol and thymol. Monoterpenes 7-10%

including paracymene, terpinenes cymene, caryophyllene,

pinene are powerful broad spectrum antimicrobial, antiviral,

fungicide mycobacteriacide and parasiticide. Branca (2008)

The leaves of oregano have a characteristic aromatic,

warm, and slightly bitter taste. Their intensity varies;

however, good quality oregano is so strong that it almost

numbs the tongues.The herb is rich in poly - phenolic

flavinoid anti-oxidants (Vitamin A, carotenes, luthin,

zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin) and has been rated as one of

the plant sources with highest anti - oxidant activities.

( httpt://www. nutrition - and -

Study of Ayvaz et al.(2010) entitled Insecticidal

Activity of the Essential oil from Different Plants against

Three Stored - product insects where in oregano is one of

the plants as treatment. Results shown that among the

tested insects', A. obtectus was the most tolerant species

against P. Interpiunctella and E. Kueniella with 100%

mortality obtained after 24 hr at 9 and 25 u1/1 air for P.

interpiunctella and E. kuenielia. The major compound was

also identified using gas - chematography - mass

spectrometry and it was found that carvacrol is the major

compound found in oregano.

Turmeric is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches

up to 1m tall. Highly branched, yellow to orange,

cylindrical, aromatic rhizomes are found. The leaves are

alternate and arranged in two rows. They are divided into

leaf sheath, petiole, and leaf blade. From the leaf sheaths,

a false stem is formed.The petiole is 50 to 115 cm long. The

simple lear blades are usually 76 to 115 cm long and rarely

up to 230 cm. They have a width of 38 to 45 cm and are

oblong to elliptic narrowing at the tip. Used also as

flavouring in many dishes. (http// en 2015)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa L. ) is a tropical plant of the

Zingiberaceae family indigenous to Southern Asia, known to

contain pungent odoriferous oils, oleoresing and other

related compound. It has been recognized for its pest

attributes as well as for its medicinal and nutritional

attributes. (Navarro 2010)

Chemical constituents of various tissues of turmeric

(Curcuma longa L.) have been wxtensively investigatigated.

At least 235 compounds, primarily phenolic compounds, 68

monoterpenes, 109 sesquiterpenes, five diterpenes, three

triterpenoids, four sterols, two alkaloids and 14 other

compounds. Shiyou Li et. Al (2011)

Study of Sajjad Ali et. al (2014) entitled

Insecticidal Activity of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and

Garlic (Allium sativum) Extracts Against Red

Flavour Beetle (Triboliumcastaneum). Both were

used to evaluate their antifedant, toxicant and growth

regulatory effects against adults of Tcastaneum. Four

concentrations 5, 10. 15 and 20% of each extract along with

a control treatment with five replications were applied.

Thirty adults of T castaneum were subjected to different

treatments. Results painted that percent mortality was

directly proportional to increasing concentration of

extracts and turmeric C. longa significantly reduced the

larval, pupal and adult emergence.

Synthesis of the Review

Based on the cited studies and literature there are

several kinds of plants that are useful as insect repellent

on the stored commodities. Those plants are locally

available in the community. Oregano and turmeric have the

ability to use as insect repellent because of the compounds

found in the plants.

All information's cited are viewed to gain more

insights about studying the oregano (Origanum vulgare) and

turmeric (Curcuma longa) as insect repellent on stored

mungbean seeds.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the efficacy

of mixed oregano and turmeric) as insect repellent on stored

mungbean seeds.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following


1. What are the effects of mixed oregano and turmeric as

insect repellent on stored mungbean seeds in terms of:

a. Number of insect pest attack on stored mungbean


b. Number of damage mungbean seeds

2. Which levels shows the best performance as insect

repellent on stored mungbean seeds?

3. Is there a significant difference of mixed oregano and

turmeric as insect repellent on stored mungbean seeds?


There is no significant difference between the

different levels of mixed oregano and turmeric as insect

repellant on stored mungbean seeds.

Scope and Limitation

This study will focused only on the efficacy of mixed

oregano and turmeric as insect repellent on stored mungbean

seeds. Processing of treatments and preparation of materials

needed will be done at Brgy. Tolingon, Mainit, Surigao del

Norte and the storage will be in the house of the researcher

from June __, 2022 until August ___,2022. The parameters to

be assessed are the number of insect pests attacked, and

number of damage seeds.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will benefit the following:

Students- can use this study as a guide on their future

researches on seeking environmental friendly solution

against storage pest.

Farmers - most specifically the mungbean producers can use

this organic control in storing stored product instead of

inorganic control. In this case. They can reduce their

experiences and risks of their health because of the toxic

substances that is present on the chemicals.

Community- The community is provided with a good quality

cost effective and environment friendly method in storing

agricultural product using natural control from botanical

plants that are available in the community.

Definition of Terms

Damage seeds - refers to the mungbean seeds indicated by

presence of holes caused by stored insect pest.

Insect pest - refers to the pest that attacks or infests on

stored mungbean seeds.

Effect- refers to the number of insect pest attacked and

damage seeds that were counted for the whole storage.

Chapter II


The research design, materials will be used,

experimental procedures and statistical analysis of the data

is presented in this section.

Research Design and Treatment

This experimental study will be laid out in a Complete

Randomize Design (CRD) will be composed of four (4)

treatments and replicated four (4) times. Each replicate

will contained one hundred (100) grams of mungbean seeds.

There will be one thousand six hundred (1600) grams of

mungbean seeds, sixty (60) grams of powdered oregano leaves

and sixty (60) grams of powdered turmeric leaves will be

used in the study;

The following treatments will be used in the study.

T1- two point Five (2.5) grams powdered oregano leaves mixed

with two point five (2.5) grams powdered turmeric leaves.

T2- five (5) grams powdered oregano leaves mixed with five

(5) powdered turmeric leaves.

T3- seven point five (7.5) grams powdered oregano mixed with

seven point five (7.5) grams powdered turmeric leaves.

T4 -mungbean seeds only.

Subject of the Study

Oregano and turmeric will be the subject of the study. They

will be used to determine their efficacy as insect repellent on

stored mungbean seeds.

Location and Duration

Collection of plants, Processing of treatments and

preparation of the materials will be done at Brgy. Tolingon,

Mainit, Surigao del Norte and the storage will be in the house of

the researcher from June __, 2022 until August ___,2022. The

period of storage will be 45 days. This study will be

conducted under laboratory condition.

Research Materials

Oregano and Turmeric Leaves- will be dried, crumbled and powdered

with the use of wooden mortar and pestle and it will be used as a


Knife- a tool will be used to collect oregano and turmeric


Food processor or Wooden Mortar and Pestle- an instrument which

to be used to powder the crumbled leaves.

Weighing Scale (50g capacity)-a tool measuring the amount of

powdered leaves.

Weighing Scale (10 kg capacity) - an instrument used to

measure the amount of oregano and turmeric leaves.

Mungbean seeds- where the treatments are applied.

Cloth bag - will be used as a container where the mungbean seeds

and treatment is placed.

Cotton cloth - a tool used in constructing a cloth bag.

Fine mesh wire - a material used on sieving to separate the seeds

from the possible insect pest present from each replicate.

Magnifying glass - a tool to be used for identifying insects

during the gathering of data.

Thread and Needle - a material to be used to connect the cotton

cloth to form a cloth bag.

2" Screen- an instrument to be used as cover of the table to

prevent the attack of rodents.

2"x2"wood stick and 1/2Plywood - materials will be used in

constructing a table.

2" size Hinges- will be attached at the top of the screen so that

the screen is easy to open and close.

Medium size Padlock- a tool to be used to secure the stored

mungbean seeds.

Experimental Procedure

Making of Cloth Bag

They will be made of cotton cloth, it will be sawn by the

use of thread and needle, and it will be made with the use of

sewing machine. The size of the cloth bag was 4" each side and 5"

in height. The researcher will be providing sixteen (16) cloth

bags in the study.

Purchase and Preparation of Mungbean Seeds

Mungbean seeds will be purchased from Mungbean producer in

our locality Brgy. Tolingon, Mainit, Surigao del Norte. Mungbean

seeds will be thoroughly dried clean and sorted from damages

before sorting. The mungbean seeds will be placed in a prepared

cloth bag for sorting. Each bag will contained one hundred (100)

grams of mungbean seeds.

Collection and Preparation of Plants

The collection and preparation of oregano and turmeric will

be done at Brgy. Tolingon, Mainit, Surigao del Norte. The

researcher will be collecting three (3) kilos of oregano leaves

and three (3) kilos of turmeric leaves. The collected oregano and

turmeric leaves will undergo air drying until thoroughly dried

characterized by its crispiness, then it will be crumbled and

powdered with the use of food processor or wooden Mortar and


Construction of Table

The table will be constructed by the use of 2"x2" wood stick

and 2/4" size of plywood with screen cover at the top of the

table with the measure of the 1/2. The size of the table will be

28" each sides and 20" in height. The height of screen from the

top of the table will be 15". Hinges will be attached at the top

of the screen so that it will be easy to open and close, medium

will be sieved using a fine mesh wire to separate the seeds from

possible insect pest present from each replicate.

1. Number of Insect pest attacked - Initial data on the

number of insect pest will be taken fifteen (15) days

after application of the powdered plants followed by 15

days interval until the end of storage period.

Collected insects will be counted.

2. Number of damaged seeds - Data on this parameter will

be taken at the end of the study or at the end of the

given period of storage by counting the damaged seeds

indicated by presence of holes, (damage seeds will be

counted from each replicate.)

All gathered data will be recorded on the experimental


Data Analysis

Frequency Count and Mean will be used to determine the

number of insect pest attacked and number of damaged seeds.

The data will be subjected to the analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) to determine the significant difference between

treatments. However, for analysing which treatments are

significantly different, Duncan's Multiple Range Test [DMRT]

will be used.

Figure 1: Process Flow Chart

Making of Cloth Bag

Purchase and Preparation of Mungbean Seeds

Collection and Preparation of Plants

Construction of Table

Application of Treatments

Data Collection

Data Analysis


T2R2 T2R1 T3R4


T3R2 T1R2 T4R1 T2R1


R = Replicate

T = Treatment

Distance of every boxed = 3”

Total Area = 28” x 28”

Chapter IiI

Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the result and discussion of the data

gathered in this study.

Number of Insect Pest Collected

Effects of powdered orehano and turmeric are measured by

means of collecting and counting the number of insect pests that

were appeared and gathered in the stored mungbean seeds.

Table 1. Nu,ber of Insect Pest Collected at First Interval

No. of Insects Mean of

Treatment R1 R2 R3 R4 Total (T) (No. of


Treatment 1
(2.5g powdered 1 1 4 9 15
oregano mixed with 3.75
2.5g powdered
Treatment 2
(5g powdered oregano 0 5 2 3 10
mixed with 5g 2.50
powdered turmeric)
Treatment 3 (7.5
powdered oregano 2 0 1 3 6 1.50
mixed with 7.5g
powdered turmeric)
Treatment 4
(Mungbean seeds 4 9 10 1 24 6.0
Grand total (G) 55

Grand Mean (M) 3.44

The data collection was done every fifteen days interval,

the period storage is 75 days, gathering of data was done fifth

times. The number of insect pest collected is the first fifteen

days of storage in presented table 1.

It can be seen that the highest number of insect pest that

were collected at 15 days of srorage was counted on treatment 4

with 24 insects, followed by treatment 1 with 15 insects,

treatment 2 with 10 insectsand lowest insects was obtained in

treatment 3 with 6. It was observed that the higher amount of

application of the treatments the lower is the infestation of


To determine if the treatments significantly varies to each

other Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) is attached and showed in

table 2

Table 2. Analysis of Variance on the Number of Insect Pest

Collected at First Interval

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F 58 18


Treatment 3 45.19 15.06 1.58 4.07 7.59

Error 12 114.75 9.56

Total 15 159.94

Cv: 99.96%
Treatment Variation: Not Significant

It shows no significant difference with the degrees of freedom 3

ans 12 and the mean squares are 15,06 and 9.56. The computed F is

lesser than Tabular F at 5% and 1% levels of significance,

therefore the hypothesis is accepted. Another observation was

sine at second interval or second fifteen dats of storage. The

data is displayed in Table 3.

Table 3. Number of Insect Pesr Collected ar Second Interval

Treatment Replicate Tolal (no Mean

R1 R2 R3 R4 of


Treatment 1 2 6 2 6 16 4.00
(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 3 4 6 1 14 3.50
(5g powdered oregano
mix with 5g powdered
Treatment 3 1 1 3 2 7 1.75
(7.5 powdered
oregano mix with 7.5
powdered turmeric)
Treatment 4 7 5 4 4 20 5.00
(mungbean seeds
Grand Tolatl (G) 57

Grand Mean (G) 3.56

The table shows that the highest number of insect pest that

were collected at seclnd interval was counted on the treatment 4

with 20 insects, followed by treatment. 1 with 16 insects,

treatment 2 with 14 insects. It was found that the mungbean seed

that has a higher application of treatments reduces the

infestation of insect.

To know if the treatment varies to each other, analysis of

variance is applied. The result is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Analysis of Variance on the Number of Insect pest

Collected at Second Interval

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F F

Freedom 58 18

Treatment 3 22.19 7.40 2.35 4.07 7.59

Error 12 37.75 3.15

Total 15 59.94

Cv: 49.79%
Treatment Variation: Not Significant

The computed F is lesser than tabular F at 5% and 1% levels

of significance, therefore, there is no significant difference on

the numbers of insects collected from the different levels of

treatment so the hypothesis is accepted.

To find out if the treatment on the third are still

effective, third collection of data was done in the third

interval, the gathered data is showed in table 5.

It can be noticed that the more number of losed pests that

were collected at third interval was connected on the treatment 4

with 24 insects, followed by treatment 1 with 24 insects,

treatment 2 with 19 insects and lowest was obtained by treatment

3 with 6 insects. The higher amount of application of treatment

is tge infestation of insect pest.

Table 5. Number of Insect Pest Collected at Third Interval

Treatment Replicate Tolal (no Mean

R1 R2 R3 R4 of


Treatment 1 6 7 7 4 24 6.00
(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 3 4 6 4 19 4.75
(5g powdered oregano
mix with 5g powdered
Treatment 3 1 2 2 1 6 1.50
(7 powdered oregano
mix with 7powdered
Treatment 4 8 5 11 5 29 7.25
(mungbean seeds
Grand Tolatl (G) 78

Grand Mean (G) 4.99

Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) is used to see to it if tge

treatments significantly vary to each other. The result is posted

in Table 6.

Table 6. Analysis of Variance on the Number of Insect of Pest

Collected at Third Interval

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F F

Freedom 5% 1%

Treatment 3 73.25 24.42 6.30 4.07 7.59

Error 12 46.50 3.88

Total 15 119.75

CV: 40.38%
Treatment Variation: Significant Differences

With the degrees freedom 3 and 12 and the mean squares are

24.42 and 3.88. the computed F is greater than. Tabular F at 5%

and 1% of significance. Analysis of variance for the number of

collected insect pest at 45 days of storage shows significant

difference therefore the hypothesis is rejected.

To determine which of the treatments performed well Ducan

Multiple Range Test of the Treatments is supplied and showed in

table 7.

Table 7. Duncan Multiple Range Test of the Treatments

Treatment Treatment Alphabetical


Treatment 1 6 B

Treatment 2 4.75 C

Treatment 3 1.5 D

Treatment 4 7.25 A

Any two means having common letters are not significantly

different at the 5% level of significance

Comparison of treatments revealed that treatment 1 to 4

significantly varies from the number of insect pest collected at

45 days of storage in which Treatment 4 obtained the highest

number of insect pest and treatmenr 3 got the lowest number of

insect collected.

To examine if there is a continuous infestation of insect,

fourth collection was done. The information is attached in table


Table 8. Number of Insect Pest Collected at Fourth Interval

Treatment Replicate Tolal (no Mean

R1 R2 R3 R4 of


Treatment 1 14 17 6 11 48 12.00
(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 15 10 6 5 36 9.00
(5g powdered oregano
mix with 5g powdered
Treatment 3 9 5 6 9 29 7.25
(7 powdered oregano
mix with 7powdered
Treatment 4 14 14 12 12 52 13.00
(mungbean seeds
Grand Tolatl (G) 165

Grand Mean (G) 10.31

it can be seen that the highest number of insect pest that

were collected at fourth interval was counted on the treatment 4

with 29 insects followed by treatment 1 with 24 insects,

treatment 2 with 19 insects and lowest was obtained by treatment

3 with 6 insects. It was noticed that treated mungbean seeds have

a lesser infestation of insect compare to the untreated seeds.

Table 9. Analysis of Variance on the Number of Insect Pest

Collected at Fourth Interval

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F F

Freedom 5% 1%

Treatment 3 84.69 28.23 2.34 4.07 7.59

Error 12 144.75 12.06

Total 15 229.44

CV: 33.68%
Treatment Variation: Not Significant difference
The table 9 shows no significant difference with the degrees

of freedom 3 and 12 and the mean squares are 28.23 and 12.06.

the computed F is lesser than tabular at 5% and 1% levels of

significance pm therefore the hypothesis is accepted.

The last observation was done in firh interval of fifth 15

days of storage the result is presented in table 10. It can be

viewed that the highest nymber of insect pest that were collected

at 75 days storage was counted on the treatment, 2 with 40

insects ans the lowest was obtained by treatment 3 with 33

insects. It was seen that with the degrees of freedom 1 ans 12

and mean square are 29.50 and 12.71 the resulting F-value is 2.32

which lowest than tahe tabular F, this revealed that there is no

significant difference on the number of insect pest collected at

the fifth international therefore the hypothesis is accepted.

Table 10. Number of Insect Pest Collected at Fifth Interval

Treatment Replicate Tolal (no Mean

R1 R2 R3 R4 of


Treatment 1 13 15 4 17 49 12.25
(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 13 12 8 7 40 12.25
(5g powdered oregano
mix with 5g powdered
Treatment 3 6 9 11 7 33 10.00
(7 powdered oregano
mix with 7powdered
Treatment 4 14 15 12 17 58 8.25
(mungbean seeds
Grand Tolatl (G) 180

Grand Mean (G) 11.25

Mungbean seeds applied with the different levels of

treatments reduce the infestation of insects compared to the


For the fifth collection of the data Analysis of Variance is

employed to investigate if the treatment varies significantly to

each other and the result is shown in Table 11.

Table 11. Amalysis of Variance on the Number of Insect Pest

Collected at Fifth Interval

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F F

Freedom 5% 1%

Treatment 3 84.69 28.23 2.34 4.07 7.59

Error 12 144.75 12.06

Total 15 229.44
CV: 31.69%

Treatment Variation: Not Significant difference

With the degrees of freedom 3 and 12 and mean squares are

29.50 and 12.71 the resulting F-value is which lower than the

tabular F. This revealed that there is no significant difference

on the number of insect pest collected at the fifth interval

therefore the hypothesis is accepted

Table 12. Overall Total of Insect Pests Collected in 75 days of


Treatment No. of Insects Collected Tolal (no

15 30 45 60 75 days of

days days days days insects)

Treatment 1 15 31 55 103 152 152

(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 10 25 43 79 119 119
(5g powdered
oregano mix with 5g
powdered turmeric)
Treatment 3 6 13 19 48 81 81
(7 powdered oregano
mix with 7powdered
Treatment 4 25 44 73 125 183 183
(mungbean seeds

The overall total of the different levels of kixed Oregano

and Turmeric powder in terms of the number of insects collected

is depicted in Table 12. The data are the commutative number of

insects collected from the first up to the 5 th interval. As

notice, the number collected increases with time where the

mungbeans without any treatment generated the most number of

insects compared to the treated beans. The beans with the highest

level of treatment produced the least number of insects. This

proves that the higher treatmenr level of oregano and turmeric

mixture the more effective it is in controlling attack of insects

in mungbeans. This observation is supported by the report of

(Rajashekar et. Al 2012) statinthatht in many parts of the

world , locally available plants are currently in wide use to

protect stored produce against damage caused by insect


The performance of the different treatmenr levels can be

seen in Figure 3 which is shown in page 32. The graph shows that

there is an increase of insects from first up to fifth interval

observed. Treatment 4 where mungbeans were not

Figure 3: Graph showing the Efficacy of the Treatments

Number of Days

Treated shows the most number of insects while the highest

treatment produces the least. This discloses that the increasing

amount of oregano and turmeric mixture increase the effect in

controlling mungbean insect attacks.

Analysis of variamce for the overall total of insect pest

collected in 75 days of storage was computed and presented in

this Table 13. With the degrees of freedom 3 and 12 and mean

squares of 497.90 and 50.02, the computed F-value is greater than

the tabular F and 5% and 1% levels of significance. This

indicated that there is a high significant difference on efficacy

of the different levels of mixed oregano and turmeric on the

stored mungbeans in terms of number of insects collected

therefore the hypothesis is rejected.

Table 13. Analysis of Variance in the Overall Total of Insect

Pest Collected in 75 Days of Storage

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F F

Freedom 5% 1%

Treatment 3 1,439.69 479.90 29.59 4.07 7.59

Error 12 600.25 50.02

Total 15 2,


CV: 21.15%
Treatment Variation: Highly Significant

To determine which pair difference significantly differ,

Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) is employed and revealed each

treatment significantly differ with other.

Table 14. Duncan Multiple Range Test of the Treatments

Treatment Treatment Alphabetical


Treatment 1 38 B

Treatment 2 29.75 C

Treatment 3 20.25 D

Treatment 4 45.75 A

Any two means having common letters are not significantly

different at the 5% level of significance

Number of Damage Seeds

At the end of the storage period damage seeds were counted

to investigate if the powdered oregano and turmeric protect the

mungbean seeds against the damage cause by insects. The taken

information is displayed in Table 15.

Table 15. Number of Damage Seeds

Treatment Replicate Tolal (no Mean

R1 R2 R3 R4 of


Treatment 1 14 16 10 12 52 13.00
(2.5 powedered
oregano mixed with
2.5 powdered
Treatment 2 13 16 8 7 40 10.00
(5g powdered oregano
mix with 5g powdered
Treatment 3 11 10 4 10 35 8.75
(7 powdered oregano
mix with 7powdered
Treatment 4 13 18 15 10 56 14.00
(mungbean seeds
Grand Tolatl (G) 183

Grand Mean (G) 12.00

It can be observed that treatment 4 obtained the highest

number of damage seeds collected and treatmebt 3 got the lowest

number, result revealed that the differenr levels of mixed

oregano and turmeric can lessen the damage seeds cause by insect

pests. It was noticed that the number of damage seeds differ to

the amount of treatments, the more application of treatment the

lesser is the damage,

The result rellates to the study of L.D Godfrey and R.F

Longo (2015) that the larval stage of the weevil pests of dry

beans tunnel and develop within the beans and adults emerge

through a round hole in the seed.

The computed F is the lower tgan the tabular F at 5% and 1%

level of significance. Result on the Analysis of variance for the

number of damage seeds shows no significant difference therefore

the hypothesis is accepted.

Table 16. Analysis of Variance of the Damage Seeds

Source of Degree Sum of Mean Computed Tabular

Ventilation of Squares Squares F

Freedom F

5% 1%

Treatment 3 116.50 38.83 3.79 4.07 7.59

Error 12 117.50 9.79

Total 15 234.00

CV: 26.08%
Treatment Variation: Not Significant Different

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions,

and recommendation of the study.


This studywas conducted to find out the efficacy of the

mixed oregano (Origanum Vulgare) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) as

insect repellant on stored mungbean seeds, collection and

preparation of plants, construction of table covered forty five

days. The treatment were: T1-2.5 grams of powder oregano leaves

mixed with 2.5 grams oiwder turmeric leaves, T2- 5 grams powder

oregano leaves mixed with 7,5 turmeric leaves. There were four

replications per treatment containing 100 grams of mungbean seeds

in each replicate, the gathered data was recorded and seeds in

each replicate. The gathered data was recorded and analysed using

the Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) and Duncan Multiple Range Test

of the treatmenrs to determine between which treatments pairs the

significance exists.


Based from the result of the study the follwing findings

were attained:

1. As the level of treatmenrs increases the number of insects

pest produced decreases.

2. As the level of treatments increases the number of damage

seeds decreases.

3. Based on the result, 7.5 powdered oregano leaves mixed with

7.5 powdered turmeric leaves was found lut as the most

effective level in protecting the mungbean seeds against

insect pest.

4. There is a high significant diffference between the efficacy

of the different levels of mixed oregano and turmeric as

insect repellant on stored mungbean seeds in terms of number

of insect pests developed, while no significant difference

was observed on its efficacy in terms of the number of

damage mungbean seeds.


Based on the findings, it is therefore concluded that the

oregano and turmeric can be used as insect repellant on stored

mungbean seeds.


1. Another study of the same nature but the repellent be

placed at the bottom of the container and subjected to

different temperatures.

2. Powdered turmeric and oregano powder mixture is

recommended to Mungbean procedures as insect repellent to

their stored commodity to reduce the infestation of


3. Planting of botanical plants like organic and turmeric is

recommended due benefits natural insect repellent of the

agricultural cr specifically to the stored product like

mungbean seeds.

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