Fomadux LP T Fix Fotonal
Fomadux LP T Fix Fotonal
Fomadux LP T Fix Fotonal
The liquid concentrate of chemicals intended for manual Recommended replenishment for industrial X-ray films
processing of industrial X-ray films. The liquid chemicals is 800 ml/m2. Optimum replenishment conditions are
are especially suitable for processing of FOMA dependent on the way of processing, size of processing
industrial X-ray films INDUX as well as for equivalent tank, the daily processing capacity etc.
materials of other producers. FOMADUX FIX concentrate is intended for preparation
of 20 – 25 litres of fixing bath.
The chemicals are labeled as follows:
FOMADUX LP-T Developer Recommended standard fixing conditions:
temperature time
Features 20oC 3 min.
FOMADUX LP-T Developer
is one-compound concentrate for manual processing of Minimum fixing time = 2 min.
industrial X-ray films. The developer provides high For replenishment the same basic bath is used.
image quality with particularly fine grain and well Recommended replenishment is 1000–1200 ml/m ,
balanced contrast, making full use of the film speed. Its necessary to set with more precision by trial processing.
formula quarantees the product long-lasting stability,
Apply Fotonal wetting agent into the last water scouring
prevents deposits formation even with hard water.
FOMADUX FIX Rapid Fixer bath before drying.
is a concentrate of fixing bath on basis of ammonia Solution is prepared by adding 10–40 ml of the
thiosulphate providing high fixing and buffering action, concentrate into 1 litre of water.
strong hardening power and long-term stability. In case of any need do not hesitate to ask special
Wetting agent FOTONAL technical help of FOMA service.
FOTONAL is a liquid concentrate containing surface-
active substances and additives which ensure uniform
The chemicals should be stored in the original packing
dewatering of the film surface, acceleration of drying
in a dry place at temperatures 5 to 25 oC and relative
and elimination of spot occurrence.
humidity 40 to 50 %.
Packing A possible crystalline fraction is not a defect, it will
FOMADUX LP-T Developer concentrate dissolve again after heating to 40oC and agitation the
1 container of 5 litres solution.
FOMADUX FIX Rapid Fixer Expiration time is 24 months from the date of
1 container of 5 litres production. Applicability time for one processing
FOTONAL Wetting agent solution setting when regularly replenished is 4–8
1 bottle of 1 litre weeks.
Preparation of processing baths
Information of the ecological disposal, principles of safe use
FOMADUX LP-T Developer is diluted with water at 1+3
at transport, storage and handling are stated in the safety
(to 1+4), from one 5 litre packing 20 to 25 litres of
data sheet of the product.
processing solution can be made. The processing tank
should be closed with cover.
temperature time
The product has been produced and marketed in conformity with a quality
20oC 5 min.
system according to the international standard EN ISO 9001.
As replenisher the concentrate FOMADUX LP-T diluted
with water at 1+2(3) is used.
FOMA 09/16
FOMA 500 02 Hradec Králové phone: +420 495 733 288 [email protected]
BOHEMIA spol. s r.o. Czech Republic fax: +420 495 733 376