0956 CH13
0956 CH13
0956 CH13
Sound Localization Cues and Perception
The Primate Auditory Cortex
IV.Lesion Studies
V.Electrophysiological Studies
VI.Plasticity of Sound Localization
A. Auditory Cortical Plasticity
B. Cortical Plasticity and Sound Localization
VII. Summary
Sound localization has been studied extensively for many decades at the perceptual
level, particularly in humans1–3 but also in non-human primates4–6 and a variety of
other species (e.g., see References 7 to 9). However, at the neurophysiological level,
particularly in the cerebral cortex, relatively few studies have been conducted in
either monkeys or humans. The non-human primate, particularly the macaque mon-
key, has several advantages as an animal model of human auditory processing in
studies correlating neurophysiological responses to behavior and perception. This is
particularly true for studies on auditory cortical function because (1) this species
has perceptual abilities similar to humans in a variety of auditory discrimination
tasks that are dependent on normal cortical activity (for example, sound localization);
(2) it is possible to routinely record single-cell responses in awake monkeys actively
participating in discrimination experiments; and, therefore, (3) it is possible to
directly relate neuronal activity at the level of the single neuron to the auditory
perceptions of the animal. This chapter will concentrate on comparing both the
perceptual abilities and the neurophysiological correlates of sound localization in
non-human primates to those in humans, with some references to other species when
Experiments attempting to elucidate the cortical representation of acoustic space
have concentrated mainly on anesthetized preparations, particularly in cats.38–43
Fewer studies have investigated the spatial tuning properties of auditory cortical
neurons in the awake monkey.6,44,45 The results of these studies are converging on
the notion that the acoustic space in auditory cortex does not have a spatially
topographic organization. This is contrary to experimental evidence for spatially
topographic representations of acoustic space in noncortical areas, the best example
being the midbrain of the barn owl.46–48 Spatially topographic representations are
also seen in the superior colliculus of cats,49 ferrets,50 and monkeys.51,52 Thus,
topographical spatial representations, or “maps,” can be constructed in the brain but
are not constructed at the level of the auditory cortex.
A more recent study has taken advantage of the awake, behaving primate to
investigate how spatial information is processed in the macaque auditory cortex.6 In
this study, the activity of single neurons in the AI and CM were recorded while
monkeys performed a simple sound localization task. A restricted set of two different
stimuli was presented to all recorded neurons: a tone that was near the characteristic
frequency (the frequency that the neuron responded to at the lowest intensity) and
either a band-passed noise that contained the characteristic frequency within its
spectrum or a broadband noise. Representative examples of neuronal responses are
shown in Figures 13.1A and B for stimulus locations presented directly ahead and
at 15- and 30-degree eccentricity along both cardinal and oblique axes. Most neurons
in both AI and CM were responsive to all stimulus locations, although neurons in
CM generally had sharper spatial tuning compared to neurons in AI. The spatial
tuning of both AI and CM neurons also showed the same stimulus dependence as
the sound localization ability in the same monkeys. The spatial tuning of individual
neurons in azimuth was weaker for tone stimuli compared to noise stimuli, consistent
with the better localization performance for noise stimuli compared to tone stimuli
predicted / measured
spikes / stimulus
0 0
-30 0 30 -30 0 30 0
Azimuth (deg) Azimuth (deg) AI CM
FIGURE 13.1 Responses from representative single neurons in the AI (A) and CM (B) to
noise stimuli presented from 17 different locations in frontal space. The center PSTH shows
the response of the neuron for stimuli presented directly in front of the monkey; the other
PSTHs are positioned at 15- and 30-degree eccentricity along both cardinal and oblique
axes. (C) Representative psychometric function showing localization in azimuth to a band-
passed stimulus during a go/no-go paradigm. Threshold was taken at the point where the
monkey detected this change at a 50% performance level (dashed lines). (D) Mean and
standard deviation of activity of a single neuron as a function of stimulus eccentricity in
azimuth. The neuronal threshold was taken as the eccentricity where the response differed
from the response to the center location by one standard deviation (dashed line). (E) Pooled
responses across neurons comparing the threshold predicted by the neuronal response to
the behaviorally measured threshold across all stimulus types (tones and noise) in both
azimuth and elevation. Only neurons that had statistically significant spatial tuning are
shown. (Adapted from Reference 6.)
measured behaviorally (see above). Also, very few neurons were spatially tuned in
elevation for tone stimuli or band-passed noise stimuli that contained only low
frequencies, again consistent with the poor sound localization acuity in elevation for
these stimuli.
Further analysis indicated that the population of neurons in CM, but not AI, had
response properties that were consistent with the sound localization acuity for each
animal. The eccentricity of a stimulus necessary for the neural response to be statistically
significantly different from the response when the stimulus was directly in front of the
monkey was calculated for each neuron (Figure 13.1D). This distance was then
FIGURE 13.2 Plasticity of AI following behavioral training. Panel A shows the progressive
improvement in performance with training. Each circle shows the threshold measured in the
same monkey trained to discriminate changes in the frequency of a 2.5-kHz standard tone.
Panel B shows the 2- to 4-kHz isofrequency band in the primary auditory cortex of a normal
monkey that had not been trained at any task. The black region shows recording locations
where the neurons responded to the narrow range of frequencies used in the training paradigm.
Panel C shows the same isofrequency region in a monkey trained to perform the discrimination
task. In this case, a much larger representation of the training frequencies was observed.
(Adapted from Reference 73.)
Humans and macaque monkeys have similar sound localization abilities, indicating
that they likely share the same neuronal mechanisms to process acoustic space.
1. Middlebrooks, J.C. and Green, D.M., Sound localization by human listeners, Annu.
Rev. Psychol., 42, 135, 1991.
2. Blauert, J., Spatial Hearing: The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization, MIT
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3. Carlile, S., Pleong, P., and Hyams, S., The nature and distribution of errors in sound
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4. Brown, C.H. etþal., Localization of noise bands by Old World monkeys, J. Acoust.
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5. Brown, C.H. etþal., Vertical and horizontal sound localization in primates, J.þAcoust.
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8. May, B.J. and Huang, A.Y., Sound orientation behavior in cats. I. Localization of
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12. Recanzone, G.H. etþal., Comparison of relative and absolute sound localization ability
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