Matrix Nanotopography
Matrix Nanotopography
Matrix Nanotopography
The architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM) directs pathophysiologic and physiological events ranging from glioma
cell behavior by providing spatial and mechanical cues to progression (Fig. 1 C) to development and remodeling of car-
diovascular tissue (Fig. 1 D). As cells contain nanoscale fea-
which cells respond. In addition to soluble chemical factors,
tures whose sizes are compatible with these ECM structures,
physical interactions between the cell and ECM regulate such as focal contacts/adhesions, and fine processes (e.g., cilia
primary cell processes, including differentiation, migra- and filopodia), one can reasonably conclude that nanoscale
tion, and proliferation. Advances in microtechnology and, features of ECM influence cell function in vivo.
more recently, nanotechnology provide a powerful means Despite the complex topographical features of 3D cell
behavior (Curtis, 2004; Bettinger et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2010a). Nanotopographic cues as regulators
A variety of nanoscale topographic features, <1 µm in size, can of cell behavior
now be incorporated into in vitro experimental platforms to Nanotopography-induced changes in cell shape and
model the structural and mechanical intricacies of 3D in vivo polarity. Characteristic functions of complex tissues depend
ECM environments. Experiments using engineered substrates heavily on cell shape and polarity (Chen et al., 1997; McBeath
with nanoscale features (Fig. 2) demonstrate that nanotopog- et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2010b). For instance, establishment and
raphy strongly influences cellular form and function. However, maintenance of epithelial cell polarity is critical for organ de-
detailed understanding of the mechanisms by which nanotopo- velopment (Bryant and Mostov, 2008; Miller and McCrea, 2010),
graphic cues are integrated to regulate cell behaviors remains and loss of cell polarity is involved in many human disease pro-
largely unknown, but, with growing advances in nanotechnology cesses, including cancer metastasis (Bryant and Mostov, 2008;
tools, we are poised to answer fundamental questions at the Petrie et al., 2009). Cell–cell- and cell–matrix-associated signaling
single-cell level. Here, we survey current efforts using nanoscale complexes, particularly the Par (partitioning defective) complex
technologies to investigate the influences of ECM nanotopogra- (composed of Par3, Par6, and aPKC) and associated Rho GTPase
phy on cell behaviors, such as polarity, migration, proliferation, signaling, have emerged as regulators of polarity during numerous
and differentiation. cellular processes, including basal–apical polarity, asymmetric cell
Figure 3. Mechanosensitivity of cells to changes in substrate nanotopography. (A) SEM images of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts cultured on nanoridge arrays with
regular spacing (left) and graded spacing (right). The yellow rectangle represents regularity in spacing between nanoridges, whereas the triangle repre-
sents a gradient of spacing between the nanoridges. The white arrow indicates membrane protrusion extending toward more closely spaced ridges. The
NIH 3T3 fibroblasts is dependent on the width of nanopatterned modulated have an increased potential to provide additional in-
ridges. With this biphasic dependence, nanoridges that are either sights into the physical mechanisms of cell motility. With nano
too close or too far apart do not promote directed migration to scale tools, quantitative models can be tested with additional
the degree of nanoridges 200–300 µm apart (Kim et al., 2009a), rigor, and more complex models can be formulated to gain
suggesting a complex interplay between cell sensing of micro valuable insights into the mechanisms of cell migration. For
scale and nanoscale features. In these cases, cell movement could example, seminal work by Lauffenburger and Horwitz (1996)
be guided by gradients in patterned substrates, which can be provided an important insight into the physical mechanisms
termed topotaxis (i.e., directional migration toward particular of cell migration on planar surfaces. Later work has confirmed
topography density gradients), as seen by the trajectories of early findings and produced additional mechanistic data to des
migrating fibroblasts toward denser regions of patterns (Fig. 3 A; cribe mechanical aspects of cell migration (Gardel et al., 2010).
Kim et al., 2009a). Interestingly, this behavior was also observed As many of the fundamental processes that regulate cell
for both individual and collective cell migration, suggesting a role migration identified to date operate on the microscale and,
for matrix nanotopography in coordinated cellular responses such particularly, the nanoscale (Arnold et al., 2008; Gardel et al.,
as wound repair. Aggregation and orientation of fibroblasts in 2010; Kanchanawong et al., 2010), tools specific to these scales
areas of optimal ECM content and organization might facilitate should be instrumental in obtaining new findings that can shape
very important functions of these cells in the reconstruction of more complete quantitative models to accurately describe cell
damaged ECM. As ECM is repaired and the density of orga- migration in complex microenvironments.
nized matrix is increased, fibroblasts can naturally migrate to Nanotopographic control of cell proliferation.
areas of less-organized matrix, thus ensuring self-organized repair Cell proliferation is heavily influenced by the structure of the
propagation (Fig. 4). By analyzing fibroblasts grown on a rect- surrounding microenvironment. Seminal work by Chen et al.
angular lattice of variable local density and anisotropy (Fig. 3 B), (1997) defined a role for cell shape as a determinant of cell pro-
which mimics the complexity of randomly organized ECM com liferation and apoptosis using microscale-patterned substrates.
ponents, preferential migration and planar congregation toward More recent work demonstrated that proliferation in human cell
areas of optimal topographic density were observed (Kim et al., lines is sensitive to nanoarchitecture by culturing cells on sub-
2009b). The direction of cell movement was also guided by gro strates consisting of randomized nanoscale bumps or nanois-
oves of different curvature (Fig. 3 C). These results support the lands of varied heights <100 nm (Lim et al., 2005; Milner and
conclusion that nanotopography may influence cell localization Siedlecki, 2007). Cells maintained significantly lower densities
and migration during tissue repair. Thus, cell motility can be en- and lower rates of proliferation on patterns with larger nanoscale
hanced and directed by both the local density and anisotropy of features. Continued reduction of feature sizes eliminated the dis
the nanoscale features of their immediate matrix environment. crepancy between nanotextured and flat substrates with respect
Studies in which surface architecture, stiffness, ligand to cell proliferation (Milner and Siedlecki, 2007). Indeed, cell
type and density, and chemical stimuli can be simultaneously proliferation in multiple cell types is reduced on nanopatterned
The rigidity of the surrounding ECM plays a role in regulat- Integrins transduce extracellular forces into biochemical
ing cell behavior (Pelham and Wang, 1997; Lo et al., 2000; Paszek signals through focal adhesions, a cluster of integrin-associated
et al., 2005; Provenzano et al., 2009; Provenzano and Keely, 2011) proteins localized at the interface between integrin receptors and
and distinctly influences cell migration (Pelham and Wang, 1997; the actin cytoskeleton. Integrins play a major role in adhesion-
Lo et al., 2000). Interestingly, the intricate nanotopographic fea- and force-dependent signal transduction, serving as key regula-
tures of the cell environment comprise a critical element of me- tors of cell motility, growth, and differentiation (Giancotti and
chanical stimulation (Tzvetkova-Chevolleau et al., 2008; Park Ruoslahti, 1999; Katsumi et al., 2004). Interestingly, work using
et al., 2012). When using nanostructured polymeric materials to substrates with defined microscale features has provided novel
simulate the cell environment, it is possible to vary the stiffness of insight into focal adhesion signaling (Balaban et al., 2001; Tan
the substrate by altering its chemical composition. For example, et al., 2003; Goffin et al., 2006). Gallant et al. (2005) used micro
CHO cells are more polarized along stiffer nanogrooved sub- patterned substrates to measure focal adhesion strength and
strates (Park et al., 2012), whereas NIH 3T3 and cancerous SaI/N reported a novel role for FAK, a primary regulator of focal ad-
mouse fibroblasts cultured on nanoposts and nanogrooves (Fig. 2) hesion signaling, in integrin activation and adhesion strengthening
display changes in morphology and motility in response to modu- (Michael et al., 2009). Extending these studies using nanopat-
lated nanosubstrate rigidity (Tzvetkova-Chevolleau et al., 2008). terning techniques presents cell-adhesive signals on scales com-
NIH 3T3 fibroblasts obtained more polarized morphologies on parable with individual focal adhesion complexes (Arnold et al.,
softer patterned nanosubstrates, whereas SaI/N fibroblasts demon- 2004; Zhu et al., 2005) and subsequently provides tools to faci
strate enhanced migration speed on patterned surfaces, which was litate novel insight into focal adhesion signaling. For example,
further amplified on more rigid nanosubstrates. Hence, changing CHO cell polarization along nanogrooves is 1-integrin depen-
Figure 5. Engineering nanoarchitectures to study cell behavior in 3D environments. (A) Combined multiphoton excitation (red; endogenous cellular
fluorescence) and second harmonic generation (green; collagen) microscopy capturing 3D cell migration into magnetically aligned collagen matrices.
MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells (asterisks; dashed lines highlight the leading edge of each cell) preferentially migrate through aligned collagen (top)
versus randomly oriented collagen (bottom; highlighted by #). The image was adapted from Provenzano et al. (2008), reprinted with permission from
Elsevier. (B) Bovine aortic endothelial cell expressing GFP-tubulin (green) on collagen aligned in microchannels (white) shows cell alignment (asterisks)
along the collagen matrix versus random alignment on a flat surface (#; bottom left of the micrograph). The image was adapted from Lee et al. (2006),
reprinted with permission from Springer. (C) Consistent generation of highly aligned collagen fibrils using flow-through microchannels. The image was
adapted from Lanfer et al. (2008), reprinted with permission from Elsevier. (D) SEM micrograph of polyamide nanofibers coating a glass slide. The image
was adapted from Schindler et al. (2005), reprinted with permission from Elsevier. If technologies such as these can be extended to provide highly defined
3D microenvironments with nanoscale and microscale features for embedded cells, they may be of great value to unlocking fundamental questions in cell
biology. Bars: (A, B, and C) 10 µm; (D) 5 µm.
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