Types of Layouts
Types of Layouts
Types of Layouts
Thus, these types of layouts are able to make better utilization of the equipment that is available, with
greater flexibility in allocation of work to the equipment and also to the workers one should be very
cautious about any imbalance caused in one section is not allowed to affect the working of the other
(b) Process or functional layout
In this type of layout machines of a similar type are arranged together at one place.
For example, machines performing drilling operations are arranged in the drilling department,
machines performing casting operations be grouped in the casting department. Therefore the
machines are installed in the plants, according to various processes in the factory layout.
Hence, such layouts typically have drilling department, milling department, welding department,
heating department and painting department etc. The process or functional layout is followed from
historical period. It evolved from the handicraft method of production. The work has to be allocated
to each department in such a way that no machines are chosen to do as many different job as possible
i.e. the emphasis is on general purpose machine.
The work, which has to be done, is allocated to the machines according to loading schedules with the
object of ensuring that each machine is fully loaded.
Thus, the process layout or functional layout is suitable for factories / businesses which have job order
production; that is involving non-repetitive processes and customer specifications and non-
standardized products, e.g. tailoring, light and heavy engineering products, made to order furniture
industries, jewellery etc.