Ipc 6013a
Ipc 6013a
Ipc 6013a
Amendment 1
Amendment 1
January 2005 A standard developed by IPC
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January 2005 IPC-6013A - Amendment 1
IPC-6013A - Amendment 1 January 2005
January 2005 IPC-6013A - Amendment 1
Table 3-5 Minimum Etch Annular Ring Following stress, test coupons or production boards shall
Replace all instances of 50 µm [0.0020 in] with 0.050 mm be microsectioned. Microsectioning shall be accomplished-
[0.0020 in] per IPC-TM-650, Method 2.1.1, or on test coupons
or production boards. Evaluation of all applicable holes
Replace 150 µm [0.00591 in] with 0.15 mm [0.00591 in] and vias, including blind and buried, for all such structures
Internal Plated-through Holes, Class 3, replace as fol- found on the finished printed board shall be inspected in
lows: the vertical cross section in accordance with Table 4-3. The
grinding and polishing accuracy of the microsection shall
The minimum internal annular ring2 shall be 0.025 mm
be such that the viewing area of each of the holes is within
[0.00098 in].
10% of the drilled diameter of the hole.
Add footnote 2 following Table 3-5 as follows:
3.7.5 Etchback (Type 3 and Type 4 Only)
2. See 3.7.10 regarding annular ring requirements for func-
Replace first sentence as follows:
tional and nonfunctional lands.
When specified on the procurement documentation, flexible
Table 3-6 Allowable Squeeze-Out of Coverlayer Adhe- printed wiring shall be etched back for the lateral removal
sive and Ooze-Out of Covercoat of adhesive, resin and/or glass fibers from the drilled hole
Replace both instances of 70 µm with 0.070 mm [0.00276 wall prior to plating.
Replace 0.003 mm [0.000118 in] with 0.003 mm [0.00012
3.7 Structural Integrity in] in second sentence
Add the following sentence to the end of the 2nd para- Append at the end of Note as follows:
Adhesiveless constructions exhibit minimal etchback at the
Refer to IPC-2221 for appropriate coupon design of blind flexible dielectric to metal interface.
and buried vias for plated hole evaluation.
Table 3-9 Plated-Through Hole Integrity After Stress
3.7.1 Thermal Stress Testing Change table title as follows:
Replace 2nd paragraph as follows:
IPC-6013A - Amendment 1 January 2005
3.7.8 Plating Integrity Note: Consideration should be given to how the microsec-
Add new section for wicking as follows: tion cut is ‘‘clocked,’’ or rotated. Misregistration can occur
randomly as opposed to orthogonally and therefore an
orthogonal cut will not guarantee that a microsection view Wicking (Copper Plating) When Etchback is will portray hole breakout, if it exists. See Figures 3-16 and
specified on the master drawing, the maximum copper plat- 3-17 for an example of how breakout may or may not be
ing penetration, when measured from the edge of the detected within a microsection based on the rotation.
drilled hole, shall not exceed the values in Table 3-9,
Add new section for internal registration assess-
which is the sum of copper wicking and etchback allow-
ment for Class 2 product as follows:
ances (see Figure 3-12), or shall not violate the minimum
conductor spacing below the minimum requirements in
3.5.2. See also regarding minimum conductor Internal Registration Assessment (Class 2)
spacing. For Class 2 boards, if internal annular ring breakout is
detected in the vertical cross section, but the degree of
When Etchback is not specified on the master drawing breakout cannot be determined, internal registration may be
(smear removal only), the maximum copper plating pen- assessed by nondestructive techniques other than microsec-
etration, when measured from the edge of the drilled hole, tion, such as, special patterns, probes, and/or software,
shall not exceed the values in Table 3-9, which is the sum which are configured to provide information on the inter-
of copper wicking and smear removal allowances (see Fig- polated annular ring remaining and pattern skew. Tech-
ure 3-13), or shall not violate the minimum conductor niques include, but are not limited to the following:
spacing below the minimum requirements in 3.5.2). • The optional F coupon.
• Custom designed electrically testable coupons.
3.7.10 Annular Ring (Internal) • Radiographic (x-ray) techniques.
Replace as follows: • Horizontal microsection.
• CAD/CAM data analysis as correlated to pattern skew by
3.7.10 Etched Annular Ring and Breakout (Internal) layer.
Internal annular ring shall be measured by microsection to Note: Microsectioning or statistical sampling shall be used
verify conformance to Table 3-5 as shown in Figure 3-15. to verify correlation of the approved technique, and a cali-
bration standard established for the specific technique
Note: The board design may have nonfunctional lands of employed.
varying sizes for conductor routing spacing constraints. Add new for breakout conditions as follows:
The functional lands shall meet the minimum annular ring
requirement. Non-functional lands which are less than the Breakout (Internal) Conditions If misregistra-
functional land diameter are not required to meet the mini- tion to the point of breakout is detected in vertical micro-
mum annular ring requirement. sections, the concerns are that:
Measurements for internal annular ring are from the inside 1. The conductor width minimum may be compromised at
of the drilled hole to the edge of the internal land as shown the land junction and,
in Figure 3-15. Negative etchback is evaluated per 3.7.7 2. There is insufficient electrical spacing.
and Figure 3-14. External pads of vias produced as sequen- Note: Electrical spacing may be further compromised due
tially laminated structures may be evaluated inprocess prior to the combined copper plating penetration of both etch-
to additional lamination(s) (see 3.4.2). When sequentially back and wicking.
produced vias are evaluated in-process their compliance
The extent and direction of misregistration shall be deter-
shall be documented. Lands not associated with a sequen-
mined. Actual boards or appropriate test coupons shall then
tial via structure shall be evaluated as internal annular ring
be tested to determine compliance. This may be accom-
at microsection. Microsection analysis is performed per
plished by the techniques listed in 3.7.10.
3.7.2 (see Figures 3-5 and 3-6). Unless prohibited by the
customer, the employment of filleting or ‘‘tear drops’’ to
Figure 3-12 Negative Etchback
create additional land area at the conductor junction shall
be acceptable for Class 1 and 2 and in accordance with Replace metric and inch dimensions as follows:
general requirements for lands with holes detailed in IPC- Class 1 - 0.025 mm [0.00098 in]
2221. Employment of filleting or ‘‘tear drops’’ in Class 3 Class 2 - 0.025 mm [0.00098 in]
product shall be as agreed upon between user and supplier. Class 3 - 0.013 mm [0.00051 in]
January 2005 IPC-6013A - Amendment 1
Figure 3-16 Microsection Rotations for Breakout
Figure 3-12 Etchback Depth Allowance Detection
If the mount were cut
through Section BB, the
microsection would
B look like this
IPC-6013A - Amendment 1 January 2005
January 2005 IPC-6013A - Amendment 1
When automated test equipment is used, the minimum applied voltage shall be the maximum rated voltage of the flexible
printed wiring. When not specified, the default value of 40 volts shall be used.
4.1 Qualification
Qualification should include those applicable tests as referenced in Tables 4-3 and 4-4.
IPC-6013A - Amendment 1 January 2005