I. Objectives: Teaching Dates and Time

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GRADE 10 School Grade Level 10


Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4


1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of polynomials and polynomial equations.

2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving polynomials and polynomial equations in
Standards different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.

3. Learning The learner illustrates The learner illustrates The learner proves The learner proves
Competencies polynomial equations. polynomial equations. rational root theorem. rational root theorem.
(M10AL-li-1) (M10AL-li-1) (M10AL-li-2) (M10AL-li-2)

Objectives a. State the rational

root theorem
a. Determine the roots of a. Determine the roots of a. Prove the Rational b. Find the rational
polynomial equation polynomial equation Roots Theorem roots of polynomial
b. Illustrate polynomial b. Illustrate polynomial b. Apply the Rational equation
equations equations Roots Theorem c. Develop patience in
c. Appreciate the c. Appreciate the process c. Develop patience in finding the rational
process of getting the of getting the roots of proving rational roots roots of polynomial
roots of polynomial polynomial equation theorem equations
Polynomial equations Polynomial equations Polynomial equations Polynomial
(Rational Root equations
II. CONTENT Theorem) (Rational Root


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 54 – 57 pp. 54 – 57 pp. 54 - 55 pp. 54 - 55

2. Learner’s pp. 82 – 86 pp. 82 – 86
pp. 87 - 90 pp. 87 - 90
3. Textbook Work Text in Advanced Work Text in
Algebra Trigonoetry and Advanced Algebra
Statisticsby, Ferdinand Trigonoetry and
Malapascua, pages 193- Statisticsby,
196 Ferdinand
Malapascua, pages
Advanced Algebra with
Trigonometry and
Statistics, Efren L. Advanced Algebra
Valencia, pages 36-37 with Trigonometry
and Statistics,Efren L.
Valencia, pages 36-
E-Math, Orlando A. 37
Orence, pages 115-119

E-Math, Orlando A.
Orence, pages 115-
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite Cavite Mathematics 2016, DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Worksheets and PowerPoint Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and presentation Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
presentation presentation


A. Reviewing previous Identify which of the Activity 1 Activity: True or False Activity:
lesson or presenting the following are
new lesson polynomials Determine the number of Say boom boom if the BE PRODUCTIVE
real root(s) of the following statement is true and
equation. panes if the statement is
false Say that the product
1. x3 + x2 - 3x + 1 1. x6 + x2 +11x3 – 6 = 0
of a word is the
1. x4 + 2x3 - x2 + 14x – 56
= 0 in factored form is product of the
2. 2x-3 + x – 2 numbers
(x2+7)(x-2)(x+4) = 0.
2. 3x4 - 2x3 + 3x2 - 4x - 2 = 0
3. 3/x + 4x2 – 2 corresponding to the
3. x5 - 32 = 0 2. x4 + 2x3 - 13x2 - 10x = 0
4. x3 + 2x1/2 + 3 in factored form is x
(x - 5)(x + 1)(x + 2) =
0 For example, the
5. 5x 4. (x + 1)(x – 3) (2x + 5) = 0
word ZERO has
3. x3 - 4x2 + x + 6 = 0 in
factored form is 26*5*18*15=35,100.
5. x2(x3 - 1) = 0 What is the product of
(x-1) (9x-2) (9x+3) = 0
the word RATIONAL

6. (x3-8) (x7+1) = 0

7. x(x-3) (x-1)4 = 0

8. x3(x5 + 1) = 0

9. 6x(x-1)(x + 2)5 = 0

10. x(x - 3)5 (3x + 1) = 0

B. Establishing a purpose Activity 1 Determine the real roots of Fill in the blanks with Fill each blank to
for the lesson each polynomial equations appropriate words, make a true
Determine the real by inspection. Roots of numbers or symbols to statement.
root(s) of each multiplicity n are counted n complete the solution. In
times 2x4-11x3+11x2-11x-9=0,
equation. 1. (x - 2)(x + 1)2 (x - 1)3 = 0 the leading coefficient is 1. In -x4 + 4x2 + 4 =
2. x4(x5 - 1) = 0 ______. Its factors are 0, the leading
3. 2x(x3 - 2)3 = 0 _____and _____. The coefficient is
4. x3 - 10x2 + 32x – 32 = 0 _____, the
1. x – 2 = 0 constant term is _____
5. x2 - 11x + 24 = 0 constant term
and its factors are is _____ and
_____,_____, and _____. the possible
2. x + 3 = 0 The possible rational rational roots
roots of the equations are are the
______,______,______,_ quotients of
____,_____,______ and _____ and
3. x(x – 4) = 0 _____.

2. The possible
4. (x + 1)(x – 3) = 0 rational zeros
of x3 + 2x2 - 5x
- 6 are
5. x2 + x – 2 = 0
_____, _____
and _____

Guide Question:

1. What do you call

the given

2. Describe the roots of

an equation.

3. In finding the roots of

an equation with
degree greater than 1,
what have you noticed
about the number of
roots? Can you recall a
principle that supports

4. Describe how to
solve for the roots of an

5. How many roots

does the equation

x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 have?
C. Presenting Some polynomial Is x= -1 a real root of the Find the zeros of
examples/Instances of the equations are given equation? 12x4 + 8x3 - 7x2 - 2x +
new lesson below. Complete the 1=0
table and answer the Using synthetic division,
questions that follow. -1 1 6 11 6
(If a root occurs twice, Solution:
count it twice; if thrice,
count it three times, p:  1
The remainder is _____.
and so on. The first
Therefore, _____ Find the possible rational Q:  1,  2,  3,  4,
one is done for you) 5
roots of the equation
given below:
The 3rd line of the synthetic
q :  ½,  ½,  ,  ¼,

Real roots of an equation

division indicates that 2x3 + x4 − 7x2− 4x + 12 =
x3+6x2+11x+6 =_________ 0 ½
Polynomial Equation

X+1 By Synthetic Division:

Solution : 

Given equation

The expression on the right,

2x3 + x4 − 7x 2 − 4x + 12 =
when equated to zero is
0 12 8 -7 -2 1 1
called a depressed equation
of the given polynomial 12 20 13 11
Arranging it in
-1 (2 times) 5

equation. The roots of

(x + 1)2

descending order, we get 12 20 13 11 12

– (x – 5) = 0

depressed equations are

also roots of the given
x4 + 2x3 − 7x 2 − 4x + 12 =
polynomial equation. The


roots of this depressed There is a remainder

polynomial equation of 12, so 1 is not a

The numerator p of the

are_____ and _____

rational roots would be root of the equation

Therefore, the roots of the the factors of the
12 8 -7 -2 1 -1
polynomial equation constant term 12;
(x +

-12 4 3 -1
D. Discussing new Consider the following Write TRUE if the statement Complete the table. Verify For each equation
concepts and practicing polynomial equations. is true. Otherwise, modify the given numbers in the last
new skills # 1 At most how many the underlined word(s) to column of the table are List all possible
real roots does each make it true. rational roots of the rational zeros
corresponding polynomial
have? Use synthetic division
1. The roots of a equation
polynomial equation to test the possible
in x are the values of rational zeros and
a. x20 – 1 = 0 x that satisfy the find an actual zero

Use the possible
zeros in b to find all
b. x3 – 2x2 – 4x + 8 = 0 2. Every polynomial zeros of polynomial
equation of degree n
has n-1 real roots

6x2 + 11x
c. 18 + 9x5 – 11x2 – x23

1. x3 +
+ x34 = 0 3. The equation 2x3-
2 1. x3 - 3x – 2 = 0
6x +x-1=0 has no

– 10x – 8
rational root

2. x3 – x2

2. x4 - 13x2 + 36 =0
4. The possible roots of

2x2 – 23x
– 60 = 0
are 3/5,+3, and +5

3. x3 +
3. 3x3 + 8x2 - 15x +

5. The only real root of 4=0

3x3 – 4x2
+ 3x + 2
the equation

4. 2x –
3 2
x +6x +10x+3=0 is 3


4x – 12 =
5. 3x –
16x3 +
21x2 +
Guide question:

1. Look at the roots of each

polynomial equation in the
table. Are these roots in the
list of rational numbers in
Question 1?

2. Refer to Equations 1 – 3
in the table. The leading
coefficient of each
polynomial equation is 1.
What do you observe about
the roots of each equation
in relation to the
corresponding constant

E. Discussing new Find the roots of the One of the roots of the For each given Think-pair-share
concepts and practicing following polynomial polynomial equation is given, polynomial equation,
new skills # 2 equations by applying find the other roots determine the possible Answer the following
the Zero- Product rational roots. Show that x4 - 2x3 -
Property. 1. x4 - 3x2 + 2 = 0, x = 1
3x2 + 2x + 2 = 0 has
1. (x + 3)(x – 2) two rational zeros.
2. x4 - x3 - 7x2 + 13x – 6 = 1. 2x4 - 3x3 - 18x2 + 6x +
(x + 1)(x – 1) = 0 0, x = 1 28 = 0
Find the other zeros
3. x - 5x - 3x + 15x -4x
5 4 3 2
of 6x4 + 19x3 + 14x2 -
2. (x + 5)(x – 5) + 20 = 0, x = 2 2. 2x4 + 7x3 - 4x2 - 27x – x- 2 if -1/2 and 1/3
18 = 0 are its zeros
(x + 5)(x – 1) = 0
3. (x + 4)2(x – 3)3 = 0

4. x (x – 3)4(x + 6)2 = 0

5. x2(x – 9) = 0

F. Developing mastery Determine the real Determine the real root(s) One of the rational root of Show that 4x3 + 8x2 +
(leads to Formative root(s) of each of each equation. the polynomial equation is 5x + 1 = 0 has zero -
Assessment 3) equation. given find the other roots 1/2 with multiplicity 2,
1. 2x4-7x3+13x2+53x+21=0 1/3 is one of the
1. x2(x – 9)(2x + 1) = 0 zeros of 6x4 + x3 - 7x2
1. 3x3 + 2x2 - 7x + 2, x = – x + 1 = 0, find the
2. (x-3)2 (x3+1) = 0 -2 other 3 zeros.
2. (x + 4)(x2 – x + 3)=0
2. 2x3 + 3x2 - x - 6, x = 2

3. 2x (x2 – 36) = 0

4. (x + 8)(x – 7)
(x2 – 2x + 5) = 0

5. (3x + 1)2(x + 7)
(x – 2)4 = 0

G. Finding practical Find all real roots of Fill in the blanks with Say Hep hep if the Group Activity:
application of concepts the following appropriate words, numbers statement is true and
and skills in daily living equations. Next, write or symbols to complete the hooray if the statement is What do you call the
each polynomial on solutions false fear of strangers?
the left side of the Find the zeros of the
equation in factored following polynomial
form. Show your Solve x3 + x2 - 12x – 12 = 0 1. The possible equations. Write the
complete solutions. and write the polynomial in rational roots of letters corresponding
factored form. 3x3 - 2x2 + x - 5 are to the zeros of the
1. x3 – 10x2 + 32x +1,-1,+5,-5,+1/3,-
– 32 = 0 equations in the
boxes below.
2. -3 is the only
2. x3 – 6x2 + 11x – The equation has at most rational root of x5 -
6=0 A. 3x3+5x2-16x-12=0
______real roots. The 4x4 - x3 + 17x2 + 6x
leading coefficient is ______, –9=0
B. 3x3-4x2-12x+16=0
and its factors are _____
3. x3 – 2x2 + 4x – and______. The constant E. 2x3-3x2-29x-30=0
8=0 term is _____, and its factor H. 3x3-x2-38x-24=0
_____,_____,_____,______, O. 2x3-3x2-8x+27=0
4. 3x3 – 19x2 + ______,______,______,___
N. 3x3+5x2-16x-18=0
33x – 9 = 0 ___,______,______,______,
______. The possible roots C. 2x3+3x2-29x+30=0
of the equation are
______,_____,_____,_____ I. 4x4-5x2+1=0
5. x4 – 5x2 + 4 = 0
_,_____,_____ and _____.
P. 4x4-45x2+81=0

O. 6x4+x3-7x2-x+1=0

15 - 3 3 - 1 2 1 -
, , 3 , , 3 , , , 3
- - , 3 - , - - - ,
12 2 , 3 4 1 2 1 2
, , , , , , , , ,
½- - 33 - 1 4 1 -
, 3 2 / / 2 / / / 2
½/ / 22 / 2 3 2 /
2 3 , 3 , , 3
- - -
3 1 1
/ / /
2 3 2

H. Making generalizations The roots of the The roots of the polynomial Rational Root Theorem- The Rational Zeros
and abstractions about the polynomial equations equations can be determined Let an-1xn-1+ an-2xn-2 +…. Theorem.
lesson can be determined by by using +a1x + a0 = 0 be a The Rational Zeros
using polynomial equation of Theorem states: If
a. Fundamental theorem of degree n. if p/q, in lowest P(x) is a polynomial
A. Fundamental algebra terms, is a rational root of with integer
theorem of
algebra b. Zero-product property the equation, then p is a coefficients and if is a
factor of a0 and q is a zero of P(x) ( P( ) =
c. Synthetic Division factor of an. 0 ), then p is a factor
B. Zero-product
d. Depressed Equation of the constant term
of P(x) and q is a
e. Other factoring techniques factor of the leading
C. Other factoring coefficient of P(x) .
I. Evaluating learning Set up a polynomial Deepen your skills by Find the rational roots of Answer the following:
equation that models discussing the solution to the following polynomial
each problem below. each polynomial equation equations.
Then solve the with your seatmates 1. When can you
equation, and state use the
the answer to each 1. 6x3 - 7x2 - 21x – 10 = 0 rational zero
problem. theorem to
1. x3 - 2x2 – x + 2 = 0
determine the
1. One dimension of a 2. X3 + 9x2 + 23x + 15 = 0 possible
cube is increased by 1 2. 5x3 - 11x2 + 7x – 1 = 0 rational zeros
inch to form a of a polynomial
rectangular block.
Suppose that the
volume of the new 2. Describe the
block is 150 cubic possible
inches. Find the length rational zeros
when the
of an edge of the
original cube. coefficient of a
2.The dimensions of a
equation is
rectangular metal box one.
are 3 cm, 5 cm, and 8
cm. If the first two
dimensions are
increased by the same
number of
centimeters, while the
third dimension
remains the same, the
new volume is 34 cm3
more than the original
volume. What is the
new dimension of the
enlarged rectangular
metal box?

J. Additional activities for One of the roots of the A. Find the real roots of the A. Follow up A. Follow up
application or remediation polynomial equation is following equations Find all the
given. Find the other 1. Find all rational rational zeros of
zeroes of each
roots. polynomial 4x4 + 3x2 – 1 = 0?
a) x3 + 6x2 + 11x + 6 = 0 equation. Indicate
1. – 2x4 + 13x3 – 21x2
b) (X4-1)(x4+1) = 0 the multiplicity of
+ 2x + 8 = 0; x= -1/2 each zero.
B. What is a
B.1. Give a polynomial polynomial
equation with integer A. x2(x-3)2(x+4)2 = 0 function?
2. x4 – 3x2 + 2 = 0; x
=1 coefficient that has the
following root B. (4x-3) (9x2-16)2
(2x2+x-3) = 0
a) 1. -1,3,-6
3. x4 – x3 – 7x2 + 13x b) 2,3,3/5

– 6 = 0; x= 1 2. What is Rational Root

4. x5 – 5x4 – 3x3 + 15x2
– 4x + 20 = 0;

x= 2

5. 2x4 – 17x3 + 13x2 +

53x + 21 = 0; x= –1



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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