Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 10 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Quarter First
Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 10 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Quarter First
Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 10 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Quarter First
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and polynomial
Standards equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning The learner performs The learner performs The learner performs The learner performs
Competencies division of polynomial division of polynomial division of polynomial division of polynomial
using long division and using long division and using long division and using long division
synthetic division. synthetic division. synthetic division. and synthetic
(M10AL-Ig-1) (M10AL-Ig-1) (M10AL-Ig-1) division.
a. State the division a. State the division a. Illustrate the process of a. Illustrate the
algorithm of algorithm of polynomials. synthetic division. process of synthetic
polynomials. division.
b. Divide polynomials by b. Divide polynomials
b. Divide polynomials by another polynomials using P(x) by another b. Divide polynomials
another polynomials long division. polynomial D(x) in the P(x) by another
using long division. form (x – a) using polynomial D(x) in the
c. Express each quotient synthetic division. form (x – a) using
c. Express each quotient using division algorithm synthetic division.
using division algorithm accurately and c. Express each quotient
accurately and systematically. using division algorithm c. Express each
systematically. accurately and quotient using
systematically. division algorithm
accurately and
A. References
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous (Quick Thinking Only!) Complete me if you can? Write each polynomial in Write the numerical
lesson or presenting the descending order of x coefficient of each
new lesson Divide and Write Give the missing term/s and give its degree. polynomial in
to make each polynomial descending order of
Example: complete. 1. x3 + x2 – 22x - 25x5 + 2 x.
3. 145 ÷ 11 = _____
⟷ ______
4. 122 ÷ 7 = ____
⟷ _____
⟷ _____
B. Establishing a purpose Perform the indicated (Quick Thinking Only!) Give the numerical Choose Your Partner.
for the lesson operations: coefficient of each
Divide polynomial in descending Divide the given
1. (x3 + 11x2 – 9) + polynomials using
(x3 + x2 – 4x – 9) 1. x 4 ÷ x3 order of x.
long division and
2. (x3 + 11x2 – 4x – 2. 12x4 ÷ 3x2 1. x3 + x2 – 22x - 25x5 + 2 synthetic division.
9) - (x – 2)
3. 24x4 ÷ 6x3 2. 4x2 + 21x5 - 26x3 + 28x 1. (x3 + 11x2 – 4x –
3. (4x – 9) (x – 2) - 10 + 5x4 9) ÷ (x + 1)
4. 9x4 ÷ 2x
4. (x3 ) ÷ (x ) 3. 6 – 31x + 3x3 – 2x4 2. (x4 + 2x3 – 3x + 6)
5. 21x7 ÷ 9x3 ÷ (x - 2
4. x3 + 7x2 + 5x4 – 25x + 5
5. x3 + 7x2 + 5 – 25x + 5x5
Illustrative example 2.
4. (2x4 + x3 - 9x2 - x + 6)
÷ (x + 2)
E. Discussing new 1. What are the steps 1. What are you going to 1. What are the steps to 1. What are you
concepts and practicing to divide a polynomial by do if some terms of the divide polynomial by going to do if some
new skills # 2 another polynomial? given polynomials is/are another polynomial using terms of the given
missing? synthetic division? polynomials is/are
2. How can you missing?
determine if the answer 2. How can you 2. Why do you have to
is correct or not? determine if the answer is change the sign of the 2. Why do you have
correct or not? constant of the divisor? to change the sign of
3. Is there another way the constant of the
to get the correct 3. Is there another way 3. Which is easier to divisor?
answer? Explain briefly to get the correct answer? perform, long division or
your solution. Explain briefly your synthetic division?
solution Explain briefly your 3. Which is easier
answer. to perform, long
division or synthetic
division? Explain
briefly your solution.
F. Developing mastery Divide the given Divide the given Do the following. Do the following.
(leads to Formative polynomials. Show your polynomials. Show your
Assessment 3) complete solution. And complete solution. And Use synthetic Use synthetic
express your answer in express your answer in the division to find the division to find the
the form P(x) = Q(x) form P(x) = Q(x) D(x) + remainder when the remainder when the
D(x) + R(x) R(x) following polynomials are following polynomials
divided by the are divided by the
1. (x3 + 2x2 – x - 2) ÷ (x - 1. (3x3 + 4x2 + 8) ÷ (x + 2) corresponding linear corresponding linear
1) expressions expressions
2. (4x5 + 6x + 4x2 - 9x3 - 2)
2. (x5 + 2x4 + 6x + 4x2 + ÷ (x + 2) 1. (x3 + 7x2 + 15x + 1. (3x3 + 4x2 + 8) ÷ (x
9x3 - 2) ÷ (x + 2) 14) ÷ (x + 3) + 2)
3. (4x5 + 8x4 + x3 + (x + 2)
7x2 - x - 10) ÷
(x + 3)
G. Finding practical The given polynomial Divide the given Divide, using synthetic Divide, using
application of concepts expressions represent polynomials. Show your division. Express your synthetic division or
and skills in daily living the volume and the complete solution. And answer in the form: long division. Express
height of a Casssava express your answer in the your answer in the
cake sold at Loumar’s form P(x) = Q(x) D(x) + Dividend = (Quotient) form:
Delicacies, respectively. R(x) (Divisor) + Remainder
What expression can be Dividend = (Quotient)
used to represent the 1. (2x4 + 7x3 + 10x2 + 1. (x3 + 8x2 – 5x - 84) ÷ (Divisor) +
area of the base of each 8) and (2x2 + x - 1) (x + 5) Remainder
Cassava cake? 2. (4x5 + 6x4 +5x2 – x -
10) and ( 2x2 + 3) 2. (2x4 + x3 - 9x2 - x + 6) 1. (2x4 + 7x3 +
1. (x3 + 7x2 + 5x – 25) ÷ (x + 2) 10x2 + 8) and
cm3 and (x + 5) cm ( x - 1)
3. (x4 - 5x3 + 11x2 – 9x - 2. (4x + 6x4 +5x2
H. Making generalizations To divide polynomial by To divide polynomial by To divide polynomial P(x) To divide polynomial
and abstractions about the another polynomial another polynomial using by another polynomial P(x) by another
lesson using long division long division D(x) in the form (x – a) polynomial D(x) in the
using synthetic division form (x – a) using
1. Arrange the terms in 1. Arrange the terms in synthetic division
both the divisor and both the divisor and the 1. Arrange on the line
the dividend in dividend in descending the coefficients of the 1. Arrange on the
descending order. order. If there is/are
polynomial (order is in line the coefficients of
2. Divide the first term missing terms, supply
of the dividend by the the missing term/s descending powers). the polynomial (order
first term of the using zero as the Insert a zero for the is in descending
divisor to get the first numerical coefficient. coefficient of the missing powers). Insert a zero
term of the quotient. 2. Divide the first term of power of x. for the coefficient of
3. Multiply the divisor the dividend by the first the missing power of
by the first term of term of the divisor to 2. Write a, the divisor, on x.
the quotient and get the first term of the the left.
subtract the product quotient. 2. Write a, the
from the dividend. 3. Multiply the divisor by 3. Bring down the first divisor, on the left.
4. Using the remainder, the first term of the coefficient on the third
repeat the process, quotient and subtract line. Multiply the first 3. Bring down the
thus finding the the product from the coefficient by a. Write the first coefficient on the
second term of the dividend. product on the second third line. Multiply the
quotient. 4. Using the remainder, line below the second first coefficient by a.
Continue the process repeat the process,
coefficient. Write the product on
until the remainder is thus finding the second
term of the quotient. the second line below
zero or the remainder is 4. Find the sum of the
Continue the process until the second
of a lower degree than product and the second
the remainder is zero or coefficient.
the divisor coefficient then write the
the remainder is of a lower
sum on the third line 4. Find the sum of the
degree than the divisor
below the product. product and the
second coefficient
5. Multiply this sum by a, then write the sum on
add the product to the the third line below
next coefficient and write the product.
again the new sum on the
third line, and so on. 5. Multiply this sum
by a, add the product
6. Do the same process to the next coefficient
until a product has been and write again the
added to the final new sum on the third
coefficient. line, and so on.
7. The last sum in the 6. Do the same
third line is the process until a
remainder. The preceding product has been
numbers are the added to the final
numerical coefficient of coefficient.
the quotient. The quotient
is a polynomial of degree 7. The last sum in the
one less than the degree third line is the
of P(x). remainder. The
preceding numbers
are the numerical
coefficient of the
quotient. The quotient
is a polynomial of
degree one less than
the degree of P(x).
I. Evaluating learning Determine the Determine the Guess Who? Tagaytay comes from
remainder using long remainder using long the phase “taga Itay”.
division and show the division and show the Divide using synthetic According to history,
complete solution. complete solution. division. what animal did the
Each problem was given father and son try to
1. (x3 + x2 – 22x - 25) ÷ a. (4x6 + 21x5 - 26x3 + kill in the hill?
(x + 2) 28x - 10) ÷ (x + 5) a corresponding box
b. (6x3 - 25x2 – 31x + below. The remainder of (To answer the
2. (4x + 21x - 26x +
4 3 2
20) ÷ (3x - 2) these problems are found question, solve the
28x - 10) ÷ (x + 5) in column B. Write the following using
corresponding letter in synthetic division,
3. (6x3 - 25x2 – 31x + the box provided for the
20) ÷ (3x - 2) then write the letter
question on the blank that
Column A corresponds to the
1. (2x3 + 3x2 - 15x – 16) ÷
(x - 3)
Column B
-4 (B)
20 (A)
4 (E)
56 (V) x2 – 10x – 25 _____
0 (U)
x2 – 3x - 2 _____
x3 – 3x2 + 3x -2 ___
x3 – 3x2 – 9x + 3 ___
J. Additional activities for A. Follow up: Follow up: Dividing A. Follow up: Dividing A. Follow up:
application or remediation Dividing Polynomials Polynomials using long Polynomials using Dividing Polynomials
using long division division synthetic division using synthetic
division or long
1. (4x4 - 2x3 - 15x2 + 1. (4x4 - 2x3 + 9x - 6) ÷ 1. (4x4 - 2x3 + 9x - 6) division
9x - 6) ÷ (x - 3) (x - 3) ÷ (x - 3)
1. (4x5 - 12x3 + 9x
2. (3x4 + 6x2 + 2x3 + 2. (3x4 + 2x3 - 4) ÷ (x + 4 3
2. (3x + 2x - 4) ÷ (x - 6) ÷ (x - 1)
4x - 4) ÷ (x + 2) 2) + 2)
2. (3x5 + 12x2 - 4)
B. Study: Division of B. Study: Division of B. Study: Remainder ÷ (x + 1)
Polynomials. Polynomials. Theorem and Factor
theorem. B. Study:
1. What are the 1. What are the steps Remainder Theorem
steps to divide to divide polynomials using 1. What is the remainder and Factor theorem.
polynomials using synthetic division? theorem?
synthetic division? 2. What is the factor 1. What is the
theorem? remainder theorem?
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other