Cesec Can
Cesec Can
Cesec Can
Automotive Networks
Robert Davis
Real-Time Systems Research Group, University of York
[email protected]
Controller Area Network (CAN)
Part 1
History and fundamentals of CAN
Original schedulability analysis
Revised analysis
Part 2
Priority assignment - why it is so important,
Optimal and Robust Priority Assignment policies
Part 3
FIFO queues in device drivers
Analysis for FIFO queued messages
Case study - performance effects
Wrap up
Success stories and an interesting open problem
Background reading on
real-time scheduling theory
R.I. Davis "A Review of Fixed Priority and EDF
Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Uniprocessor Systems ”.
ACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the 3rd
Embedded Operating Systems Workshop (Ewili 2013). ,
Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 8-19, Feb 2014.
DOI: 10.1145/2597457.2597458
Controller Area Network (CAN)
(Part 1)
History, Fundamentals and Schedulability analysis
CAN History
Controller Area Network (CAN)
Simple, robust and efficient serial communications bus for in-
vehicle networks
Developed by BOSCH
Starting in 1983 presented at SAE in 1986
Standardised by ISO in 1993 (11898)
First CAN controller chips
Intel (82526) and Philips (82C200) in 1987
First production car using CAN
1991 Mercedes S-class (W140)
Multiplex v. Point-to-point Wiring
Traditional point-to-point wiring
Early 1990s an average luxury car had:
30Kg wiring harness
> 1km of copper wire
> 300 connectors, 2000 terminals, 1500 wires
Expensive to manufacture, install and maintain
Example: Door system with 50+ wires
By 2004
15 different silicon vendors manufacturing over 50 different
microprocessor families with on chip CAN capability
Analogue Devices, Atmel, Cygnal, Fujitsu, Infineon, Maxim
formally Dallas, Microchip, Mitsubishi, Motorola, NEC, Phillips,
Renesas, Siemens, Silicon Laboratories, and STMicroelectronics
By 2008
EPA rules for On Board Diagnostics made CAN mandatory for cars
and light trucks sold in the US
CAN today
CAN is used in nearly all cars sold today
Approx. 1 billion CAN enabled microcontrollers sold each year
Typical cars today have 20 – 30 ECUs inter-connected via 2 or
more CAN buses
Multiple networks
High speed” (500 Kbit/sec) network connecting chassis and power
train ECUs
E.g. transmission control, engine management, ABS etc.
Low speed (100-125 Kbit/sec) network(s) connecting body and
comfort electronics
E.g. door modules, seat modules, climate control etc.
Data required by ECUs on different networks
typically “gatewayed” between them via a powerful microprocessor
connected to both
Volvo XC90 Network Architecture
Volvo XC90
500 Kbit/sec CAN bus for
power train
125 Kbit/sec CAN bus for
body electronics
MOST (infotainment
Information on CAN
CAN used to communicate signals between ECUs
Signals typically range from 1 to 16-bits of information
wheel speeds, oil and water temperature, battery voltage, engine
rpm, gear selection, accelerator position, dashboard switch
positions, climate control settings, window switch positions, fault
codes, diagnostic information etc.
> 2,500 signals in a high-end vehicle
Multiple signals piggybacked into CAN messages to reduce
overhead, but still 100’s of CAN messages
Real-time constraints on signal transmission
End-to-end deadlines in the range 10ms – 1sec
Example LED brake lights
CAN Protocol: Data Frame Format
CAN Protocol
CAN is a multi-master CSMA/CR serial bus
Collision resolution is based on priority
CAN physical layer supports two states: “0” dominant, “1” recessive
Message transmission
CAN nodes wait for “bus idle” before starting transmission
Synchronise on the SOF bit (“0”)
Each node starts to transmit the identifier for its highest priority
(lowest identifier value) ready message
If a node transmits “1” and sees “0” on the bus, then it stops
transmitting (lost arbitration)
Node that completes transmission of its identifier continues with
remainder of its message (wins arbitration)
Unique identifiers ensure all other nodes have backed off
CAN Protocol: Message Arbitration
Message arbitration based on priority
CAN: Schedulability Analysis
CAN network scheduling resembles single processor fixed
priority non-pre-emptive scheduling
Messages compete for access to the bus based on priority
Effectively a global queue with transmission in priority order
Once a message starts transmission it cannot be pre-empted
Controller Area Network
The original analysis was:
Used widely in teaching
Referenced in over 500 subsequent research papers
Lead to at least two PhD Theses
In 1995 recognised by Volvo Car Corporation
used in the development of the Volvo S80 (P23)
Formed basis of commercial CAN analysis tools
now owned by Mentor Graphics
Used by many Automotive manufacturers who built millions of cars
with networks analysed using these techniques
Enabled increases in network
utilisation from 30-40% to typically 70-80%
[K.W. Tindell, A. Burns, A.J. Wellings, “Calculating Controller Area Network (CAN) Message Response
Times”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol 3, No 8, pp1163-1169, 1995. DOI:10.1016/0967-
The original schedulability
analysis for CAN was flawed…
Schedulability Analysis: Model
Jm wm Cm
Message queued Transmission Transmission
ready to transmit starts completes
Original Schedulability Analysis
for CAN Blocking from Interference from
longest lower multiple instances of
priority msg higher priority msgs
Blocking B m = max (C k )
k∈lp ( m )
wmn + J k + τ bit
Queuing delay wmn +1 = Bm + ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )
T k
C k
Response time R m = wm + C m
Deadline met? R m ≤ E m = ( D m − J m)
Initiating Tk Tk
Message k
events for Jk
message k
Bm Ck Ck Ck Cm
Jm wm
event for
message m Rm
Schedulability Analysis: Example
125 Kbit/s bus
11-bit identifiers
3 messages with 7 data bytes each, max. 125 bits
including bit stuffing
Response time of message C
Rc=3 Rc=3.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BUT transmission of message C Busy period at priority of Busy period ends here. Must
is non-pre-emptive and blocks message C does NOT end examine all instances of
message A, pushing extra with transmission of message C in the busy
interference into next period of C message C period to find WCRT
Revised Schedulability Analysis
Find length of longest busy period for message m.
(Busy period includes all instances of message m and higher
priority messages queued strictly before the end of the busy
period) n
tm + J k
t mn +1 = Bm + ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )∪m
C k
Starts with t m = Cm
Number of instances of message m ready before end of
busy period
tm + J m
Qm =
T m
Revised Schedulability Analysis
For each instance q (q = 0 to Qm – 1) of message m in the busy
period, compute the longest time from the start of the busy
period to that instance starting transmission:
m + J k + τ bit
n +1 w
wm (q) = Bm + qC m + C k
∀k∈hp ( m )
R m (q ) = wm (q ) − qTm + C m
Worst-case response time of message m:
R m = max ( Rm (q))
q =0..Qm −1
Example Revisited
Message Priority Period Deadline TX Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Message Busy Q R(0) R(1) R max
A 2ms 1 2ms - 2ms
B 5ms 2 3ms 1.5ms 3ms
C 7ms 2 3ms 3.5ms 3.5ms
Sufficient Schedulability Test #1
1st invocation of message m:
wmn + J k + τ bit
wmn +1 = Bm + ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )
C k
For messages with Dm<=Tm and schedulable 1st instance,
then a pessimistic view of 2nd and subsequent instances is a
critical instant with indirect or push-through blocking of Cm
from the previous instance of message m
wmn + J k + τ bit
wmn +1 = Cm + ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )
C k
wmn + J k + τ bit
wmn +1 = max( Bm , C m ) + ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )
C k
Sufficient Schedulability Test #2
Let maximum possible transmission time of the longest
possible message on the network be: C
As B MAX ≥ max( Bm , C m )
Impact on deployed CAN systems
Could the flaw in the original
analysis cause problems in practice?
Typical systems have 8 data byte diagnostic
no problems in normal operation
Analysis used allows for errors:
no issues when errors not present
Typically all messages have 8 data bytes:
only lowest priority message could be
Deadline failures require worst-case phasing,
worst-case bit stuffing and errors on the bus:
very low probability of occurrence
Systems designed to be resilient to some
messages missing their deadlines and simpler
problems such as intermittent wiring faults
Commercial CAN Analysis Tools
Volcano Network Architect
Commercial CAN schedulability analysis product
wmn + J k + τ bit
wmn +1 =B MAX
+ ∑
∀k∈hp ( m )
C k
Slightly pessimistic but correct upper bound on message worst-
case response times
Used to analyse CAN systems for Volvo S80, S/V/XC 70, S40,
V50, XC90 and many other cars from other manufacturers
including Jaguar, Land Rover, Mazda, SAIC and others
Further reading
R.I.Davis, A. Burns, R.J. Bril, and J.J. Lukkien, “Controller
Area Network (CAN) Schedulability Analysis: Refuted,
Revisited and Revised”. Real-Time Systems, Volume 35,
Number 3, pp. 239-272, April 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/s11241-007-9012-7
Controller Area Network (CAN)
(Part 2)
Priority Assignment
Priority Assignment
With Fixed Priority Scheduling analysis is only half the story…
Message IDs i.e. priorities assigned
in an ad-hoc way reflecting data and
ECU supplier (legacy issues)
…as well as many other issues,
including device driver implementation
When priority assignment goes bad!
Example: CAN 1400
Random Optimal
Typical automotive config: Priorities Priorities
80 messages
10ms -1s periods
All priority queues
x10,000 message sets 800
Breakdown utilisation 600
are missed
80% v 30% or less 200
[R.I. Davis, S. Kollmann, V. Pollex, F. Slomka, 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
80 85
85 90
90 95
"Schedulability Analysis for Controller Area Network (CAN) Breakdown Utilisation
with FIFO Queues Priority Queues and Gateways”.
Real-Time Systems, 2012] 34
Optimal Priority Assignment
Formal definition: Optimal priority assignment
[N.C. Audsley, "Optimal priority assignment and feasibility of static priority tasks with arbitrary start
times", Technical Report YCS 164, Dept. Computer Science, University of York, UK, 1991.]
[N.C. Audsley, “On priority assignment in fixed priority scheduling”, Information Processing Letters, 79(1):
39-44, May 2001.]
Optimal Priority Assignment for CAN
Transmission Deadline Monotonic (D-J) ?
Assigns priorities based on message transmission deadlines, the
shorter the transmission deadline, the higher the priority (ties
broken arbitrarily)
Optimal for pre-emptive scheduling with constrained deadlines and
Typically a good heuristic, but not optimal for non-pre-emptive
scheduling, so not optimal for CAN
Transmission Deadline Monotonic:
Msg Tx Time Deadline Period
A 1ms 2.5ms 2.5ms
Non-pre-emptive scheduling
B 1ms 3ms 4ms
C 1ms 3.25ms 3.5ms
[L. George, N. Rivierre, M. Spuri, “Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Real-Time UniProcessor Scheduling”,
INRIA Research Report, No. 2966, September 1996]
Example from: [R.I. Davis and A. Burns "Robust priority assignment for messages on Controller Area
Network (CAN)”. Real-Time Systems, Volume 41, Issue 2, pages 152-180, February 2009]
Audsley’s Optimal Priority Assignment
for each priority level i, lowest first {
for each unassigned message msg { Messages
if msg is schedulable at priority i
assuming that all unassigned messages are A,A,B,
at higher priorities {
assign msg to priority level i
break (exit for loop)
} A
} C
if no messages are schedulable at priority i {
return unschedulable E
} B
return schedulable
n(n+1)/2 schedulability tests rather than n!
by exploring all possible orderings
n = 25, that is 325 tests rather than 15511210043330985984000000
[N.C. Audsley, "Optimal priority assignment and feasibility of static priority tasks with arbitrary start times",
Technical Report YCS 164, Dept. Computer Science, University of York, UK, 1991.]
[N.C. Audsley, “On priority assignment in fixed priority scheduling”, Information Processing Letters, 79(1): 39-
44, May 2001.]
[K. Bletsas, and N.C. Audsley, “Optimal priority assignment in the presence of blocking”. Information Processing 38
Letters Vol. 99, No. 3, pp83-86, August. 2006]
Robust Priority Assignment
Drawback of OPA algorithm
Arbitrary choice of schedulable messages at each priority
May leave the network only just schedulable – i.e fragile not
robust to minor changes
[R.I. Davis, A. Burns. "Robust Priority Assignment for Fixed Priority Real-Time Systems”. In proceedings
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium pp. 3-14. Tucson, Arizona, USA. December 2007.]
Robust Priority Assignment (RPA)
for each priority level i, lowest first
for each unassigned message msg
determine the largest value of α for which msg
is schedulable at priority i assuming that all
unassigned messages have higher priorities
if no messages are schedulable at priority i
return unschedulable
assign the schedulable message that tolerates the
max α at priority i to priority i
return schedulable
Robust Priority Assignment:
maximising errors tolerated
Computed values of Message
α = number of errors Priority A B C D E
tolerated 5 0 1 0 4 4
4 0 1 1 4 -
3 1 2 1 - -
2 2 - 2 - -
1 2 - - - -
[R.I. Davis and A. Burns "Robust priority assignment for messages on Controller Area
Network (CAN)”. Real-Time Systems, Volume 41, Issue 2, pages 152-180, February 2009.]
Further Reading
R.I. Davis and A. Burns "Robust priority assignment for
messages on Controller Area Network (CAN)”. Real-Time
Systems, Volume 41, Issue 2, pages 152-180, February 2009.
DOI: 10.1007/s11241-008-9065-2
Priority Assignment on CAN
How to obtain an effective priority assignment?
Simple heuristic: Assign priorities based on transmission deadlines
Best practice: Use the Robust Priority Assignment algorithm
allowing for extra interference on the bus.
[R.I. Davis and A. Burns "Robust priority assignment for messages on Controller Area
Network (CAN)”. Real-Time Systems, Volume 41, Issue 2, pages 152-180, February 2009.]
Controller Area Network (CAN)
(Part 3)
FIFO queues
FIFO queues and no Tx abort
Classical analysis only holds if every node can always enter its
highest priority ready message into bus arbitration
This may not always be the case:
It may not be possible to abort a lower priority message in a
transmit buffer – can be an issue if there are fewer transmit
buffers than transmitted messages (e.g. in gateways)
Device drivers may implement FIFO rather than priority queues
Simpler to implement
Less code / lower CPU load
Designers may not understand the impact this can have on network
performance – there is an illusion that faster queue management
improves system performance
Hardware support for FIFO queues in BXCAN and BECAN (ST7 and
ST9 microcontrollers)
Schedulability analysis:
FIFO queued messages
FIFO-symmetric analysis
Attributes the same upper bound response time to all messages in
a group that share the same FIFO queue.
Makes (pessimistic) worst-case assumptions
Considers lowest priority of any message in the group Lm
Indirect blocking due to longest message in the group C mMAX
Last message to be sent assumed to have length C mMIN allowing
interference for the longest possible time
Messages already in the FIFO queue of max total length C m − C m
Minimum ‘transmission
deadline’ (D-J) of any message
sharing the FIFO
Priority Assignment
Priority inversion
With FIFO queues, optimal
priority assignment still results
in priority inversion PQ-msg1: E = 5
PQ-msg8: E = 500
Automotive Case Study
10 ECUs, 85 messages
500Kbit/s bus
Gateway sends 38 messages
Different numbers of FIFO queues
Expt 1: All priority queues
Expt 2: Two FIFO queues
Expt 3: All FIFO queues
Expt 4: Priority queues:
Priorities from all FIFO case
Expt 5: Priority queues:
Random priorities
Case Study: Summary
FIFO queues and CAN:
To obtain the best possible performance
Use an appropriate priority ordering (e.g. based on
transmission deadlines, OPA, RPA)
Avoid using FIFO queues whenever possible
they can cause significant performance degradation
Gateway with 1 FIFO queue
Min bus speed
388 Kbit/s
Max bus Util.
Gateway with 2 FIFO queues
Min bus speed
285 Kbit/s
Max bus Util.
Gateway with 3 FIFO queues
Min bus speed
277 Kbit/s
Max bus Util.
equivalent to a
priority queue
in this case
Further Reading
R.I. Davis, S. Kollmann, V. Pollex, F. Slomka, "Schedulability
Analysis for Controller Area Network (CAN) with FIFO Queues
Priority Queues and Gateways”. Real-Time Systems, Volume
49, Issue 1, pp. 73-116, Jan 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11241-012-
Success Stories
Fixed Priority Scheduling Theory
Controller Area Network (CAN)
Response Time Analysis enables bus utilisation of up to ~70-80%
compared to ~30% before
Involved in a start-up company NRTT that developed Volcano for
Volvo in mid-1990s
Technology now owned and marketed by Mentor Graphics
Influenced CAN device driver HW design (MSCAN)
Volcano used in millions of cars: Volvo, Land Rover, Jaguar,
Aston-Martin, Mazda, SAIC (China)
Success Stories
Fixed Priority Scheduling Theory
Highly effective systems can be built by adhering to the
requirements of the theory
Priority queues in all device drivers
Robust priority assignment
OEM able to re-configure message priorities at end of production
line and for upgrades
Success Stories
Fixed Priority Scheduling Theory
Automotive RTOS
Involved in a start-up company NRTA (later LiveDevices) that
developed an OSEK RTOS (1997-2003) called RTA-OSEK
RTOS was designed to comply with scheduling theory
Took advantage of FP scheduling and SRP for resource access to
permit single stack operation saving memory (v. important for
small microcontrollers)
RTOS analysable with minimal overheads
Supported by schedulability analysis tools
Company was sold in 2003 to ETAS (part of Bosch)
Since then
RTA-OS (Autosar extension), and RTA-OSEK deployments running
at approx. 50 million ECUs per year…
Finally … an interesting problem
How to optimally assign CAN priorities when some message IDs
are already fixed?
Common problem in industry when integrating legacy ECUs with
fixed message IDs into a new system
New ECUs have flexibility with message IDs, legacy ones don’t
If there are large enough gaps between the IDs of fixed messages
we can use a variant of the Robust Priority Assignment algorithm
to solve the problem optimally
Open problem…
If the gaps are smaller, this does not always work - to the best of
my knowledge no optimal solution is known that is also tractable
(i.e. does not involve exploring all possible priority orderings)
Further reading
R.I. Davis "A Review of Fixed Priority and EDF Scheduling for Hard Real-
Time Uniprocessor Systems ”. ACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the
3rd Embedded Operating Systems Workshop (Ewili 2013). , Volume 11,
Issue 1, pages 8-19, Feb 2014.
R.I.Davis, A. Burns, R.J. Bril, and J.J. Lukkien. “Controller Area Network
(CAN) Schedulability Analysis: Refuted, Revisited and Revised”. Real-Time
Systems, Volume 35, Number 3, pp. 239-272, April 2007.