Syllabus NCM 109 Care of Mother Child Adolescent at Risk or With Problem
Syllabus NCM 109 Care of Mother Child Adolescent at Risk or With Problem
Syllabus NCM 109 Care of Mother Child Adolescent at Risk or With Problem
COURSE This course deals with the concept of disturbances and pre-existing health problems of pregnant women and the pathologic changes during intrapartum
DESCRIPTION: and post-partum periods. This course deals with the common problems occurring during infancy to adolescence stage.
CREDIT: 6 units lecture, 6 2 units RLE( 1 unit Skills Lab/ 5 Units Clinical)
Contact Hours: 108lecture hours. 51 Skills Lab, 255 hours RLE
PROGRAM 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.
OUTCOMES 3. Perform safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and community utilizing nursing process 4.
Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
5. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles.
6. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language.
7. Report/document client care accurately and comprehensively
8. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
9. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client care
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and health
developments in particular
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.
12. Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of the profession
Level Outcomes: The students shall have acquired the holistic understanding of the human person as a bio-psycho-cultural being focused on the concept of health and
illness as it is related to the care of the mother and child in varied settings. The students shall be able to demonstrate the competencies in the
following key areas of responsibility such as safe and quality nursing care, communication, collaboration and teamwork, health education, legal
responsibility, ethico-moral responsibility, personal and professional development, quality improvement, research, management of resources and
environment, and records management.
Course At the end of the course, given actual or simulated situations /conditions involving the client (with disturbances and pre-existing health problems of
Outcomes pregnant women and the pathologic changes during intrapartum and post-partum periods, common problems occurring during infancy to adolescence
stage), the student will be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the holistic care of client for the promotion and maintenance of health.
1.1 Assess with the client his/her health condition and risk factors affecting health
1.2 Identify wellness /at risk nursing diagnosis
1.3 Plan with client appropriate interventions for health promotion and maintenance of health
1.4 Implement with client appropriate interventions for health promotion and health maintenance taking into
consideration relevant principles and techniques
1.5 Evaluate with client the progress of one’s health condition and outcomes of care.
2. Ensure a well-organized recording and reporting system
3. Observe bioethical principles and the core values (love of God, caring, love country and of people)
4. Relate effectively with clients, members of the health team and
others in work situations related to nursing and health.
(SL, Hospital,
appropriate client
education and
health maintenance
and community
based care of clients
Efficiently and
effectively utilize
available resources
in the care of clients
to achieve
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
nursing care plan
as needed to
maintain, or
restore functional
status of clients
with neurologic
reports and
findings in
clinical practice
Pre-Midterm Given an actual B. Nursing Care of the CLent with Lecture-Discussion Assigns the student Paper and pencil test
pregnant client at high-risk labor and delivery and in the Lying in or
risk or with her Family Brthing Centers,
during labor and 1. High Risk factors ( may Allow the Delivery Room or Performance evaluation
delivery, the happen at anytime during the students to any setting where checklist on assessment
student will be course of labor to a client develop nursing there is pregnant of pregnant client
able to: who has been otherwise been diagnosis for the clients and allow the
healthy throughout her pregnant client students to performs
Apply knowledge pregnancy & may be related assessment.
of normal to stress/stressor, adaptive
pregnancy process):
Anatomy and Interactive Well-written nursing
- Passenger or fetus
Physiology and - Passage way or pelvic bones Discussion diagnosis
assessment and other pelvic structure
techniques in - Powers or uterine contractions
caring for clients - Placenta
- Clients psyche or psychologic Allow the student
state to performs
nursing Well-written nursing
Assess the health 2. Problems of Passenger interventions care plan
status of a a. Fetal Malposition related to the labor
pregnant client at ONLINE and
1. Tyoes of fetal malposition
risk or with 2. Nursing care CLASSES Via delivery care based
problems 3. Medical Management GMEET, ZOOM on the nursing care
plan Post-test
b. Fetal malpresentation
1.Vertex presentation Asynchronous
a. brow presentation activities
Conduct health b. face presentation
history and c. sincipital presentation
Functional 2. Breech presentation
Health Status a. types
b. maternal risks
assessment to
validate assed data
Interprets deviations c. vaginal evolving of breech
from normal d. external/podalic version
findings in the
physical 3.Shoulder presentation
assessment, 4. Compund presentation
diagnostic and
laboratory 4. Nursing care of client with
examination malpresentation
c. Fetal Distress
d. Prolapse of umbilical Cord
Utilize the
assessed data in 3. Problems with the
order to Passageway 4. Problems with
prioritized the Powers
nursing 5. Placental Problems
diagnosis 6. Problems with the Psyche factors
Discuss the
al processes
participates in
p[planning and
culturally sensitive
appropriate client
education and
health maintenance
and community
based care of clients
Efficiently and
effectively utilize
available resources
in the care of clients
to achieve
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
nursing care plan
as needed to
maintain, or
restore functional
status of clients
with neurologic
reports and
findings in
clinical practice
MIDTERM Given an actual post C. Nursing Care of the High-Risk Film showing on Assign the student to Paper and pencil test
partal client at risk Pospartal Client labor and process a full term pregnant
or with problems of delivery client in labor.
1. Postpartal hemorrhage
during labor and
delivery, a. Early postpartal hemorrhage
b. Late postpartal hemorrhage Performance evaluation
the student will checklist on assessment
be able to: Allow student to of a client in labor
2. Postpartal puerperal subinvolution
perform assessment
Apply knowledge Lecture – discussion of the woman, fetus
of normal a. Endometritis
and the labor process
pregnancy b. Wound infection
c. UTI Well-written nursing
Anatomy and
Physiology and
assessment 3. Thromboembolic disorders Vignette: Assess the diagnosis
techniques in 4. Post partal psychiatric disorder Woman on False duration,
caring for clients and True Labor frequency,
E. Care of couple with problems interval, strength
in infertility of uterine
1. Causes of infertility contraction,
Assess the health 2. Diagnostic tests Interactive presentation Well-written nursing
status of a 3. Nursing Interventions Discussion care plan
pregnant client at Assessment of the
risk or with labor process
problems II. CHILD determination of
A. Nursing care of the high-risk stage of labor
Rubric on vignette
newborn to maturity
1. Problems to maturity Post-test
Conduct health a. Prematurity
history and b. Postmaturity Allow the student
Functional 2. Problems related to ONLINE to develop nursing
Health Status gestational weight CLASSES Via care plan
b. LGA
3. Acute conditions of the Asynchronous
Perform neonates such as: activities Allow the student
Systematic a. Meconium aspiration to perform nursing
comprehensive syndrome intervention
physical b. Sepsis during labor and
assessment to c. Hyperbilirubinemia delivery
validate assed data d. Sudden death
syndrome (SDS(
B. Common Health problems that
develop during infancy Monitoring of VS
Interprets deviations example: and uterine
from normal ⮚ Intussusceptions contractions
findings in the
diagnostic and
laboratory ⮚ Sudden infant death
examination syndrome
⮚ Colic
⮚ Failure to thrive
⮚ Trisomy 21
Utilize the ⮚ Cleft palate, lip
assessed data in ⮚ Imperforated anus
order to ⮚ Hirchsprung’s disease
prioritized ⮚ Spina bifida,
nursing hydrocephalus
diagnosis ⮚ Otits media, miningitis
⮚ Febrile siezues
⮚ Autsm,/ADHD
Discuss the
al processes
appropriate client
education and
health maintenance
and community
based care of clients
Efficiently and
effectively utilize
available resources
in the care of clients
to achieve
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
nursing care plan
as needed to
maintain, or
restore functional
status of clients with
neurologic function
reports and
findings in
clinical practice
PRE-FINAL Given a sick C. Health problems common in Interactive Assign the student to Paper and pencil test
child with toddlers, example: Discussion a post-partal client
alterations in and perform safe and
health pattern, ⮚ Burns quality nursing
the care utilizing Performance evaluation
student will be ⮚ Poisoning nursing checklist on assessment
able to: ⮚ Child abuse process of post-partal woman
⮚ Cerebral palsy
Apply knowledge
of normal
D. Health problems common in
pregnancy ONLINE Assess the general
Pre-schooler, example:
Anatomy and CLASSES Via condition of the
Physiology and mother
⮚ Leukemia GMEET, ZOOM Well-written nursing
techniques in ⮚ Wilm’s tumor diagnosis
caring for clients Asynchronous
(Nephroblastoma) activities
⮚ Asthma
Assess the health ⮚ Urinary tract infection Perform nursing Well-written nursing
status of a (UTI) Lecture-Discussion interventions care plan
pregnant client at during the post
risk or with partal period
Conduct health E. Health problems common in Control hemorrhage Post-test
history and school-aged children,
Functional example:
Health Status
⮚ Diabetes mellitus Promotion of Paper and pencil test
⮚ Rheumatic fever comfort and
Perform ⮚ Rheumatic arthritis
Systematic ⮚ Scabies Performance
comprehensive evaluation checklist
physical ⮚ Pediculosis
Provision of on assessment client
assessment to ⮚ Impetigo adequate nutrition
validate assed data as early as possible
F. Health problems common in to regain
Adolescent , example: strength
participates in
p[planning and
culturally sensitive
appropriate client
education and
maintenance and
based care of clients
Efficiently and
effectively utilize
available resources
in the care of clients
to achieve
Evaluate the
effectiveness of
nursing care plan
as needed to
maintain, or
restore functional
status of clients
with neurologic
reports and
findings in
clinical practice
FINAL Given an actual III. FAMILY Lecture -Discussion Establishes respiration Paper and pencil test
pregnant client at
risk or with A. The family with health Interactive - cleaning of the
problems problems Discussion mouth and
during labor and nose of Performance evaluation
delivery, the 1. Assessment of the family mucous checklist on assessment
student will be capacity to perform health of immediate care of
able to: - oxygen
tasks administration newborn
Apply knowledge 2. Family health problems - suctioning
of normal identification positioning
Anatomy and a. Determination of ONLINE allow students to
Physiology and categories of family CLASSES Via perform
assessment health problems Well-written nursing
GMEET, ZOOM anthropometric diagnosis
techniques in measurement
caring for clients 3. Definition of contributing
risk factors Asynchronous
activities allow student to
4. Criteria of setting administer eye Well-written nursing
priorities among family prophylaxis and care plan
Assess the health health problems Vitamin K
status of a
pregnant client at 5. Tool of analysis
risk or with
problems Post-test
a. Examples of DOH
Interprets deviations
b. Integrated Management of
from normal
findings in the Childhood Illness (IMCI
physical Applications of
assessment, 3. Identfication of foal of care
for priority problems Theories of Freud,
diagnostic and Erikson, Piaget
laboratory 4. Parameters for selecting
examination nursing interventions
5. Principles of collaboration and
advocacy to be considered to
ensure continuity of care
Utilize the
assessed data in C. Implementation of Individual
order to & Family Health
nursing D. Nursing Care
diagnosis E. Bio-behavioral interventions
and holistic care for
individuals and family wth
specific problems in: Paper and pencil test
Discuss the
pathophysiologic ⮚ Oxygenation
al processes
⮚ F & E balance
Performance evaluation
⮚ Metabolic and
appropriate client
education and
health maintenance
and community
based care of clients
Efficiently and
effectively utilize
available resources
in the care of clients
to achieve
Evaluate the examination and Paper and pencil test
effectiveness of development
nursing care plan screening
as needed to
promote, 2. Utilize various
maintain, or techniques of
restore functional approaching
health children at
status of clients different
with neurologic developmental
function levels before
physical examination
reports and
findings in
clinical practice
Present an Round-table Performance
illustration on discussion regarding
Assessing the a toddler client
Average Toddler focusing on diversity
of Care: Toilet
Training and
nursing as to what
frequently occurs
evaluation Paper and
regarding pencil test
Preschooler client
focusing on
diversity of Care:
Asking of
Questions and
Present a nursing as to why Performance
Multidisciplinary parents decide
Care Map for a against
Preschooler with immunization.
Formulation of
teaching plan
focusing on
Common Safety
Measures to Prevent
Accidents during the evaluation Paper and
Preschool Years
Lecture- Discussion
Discussion on
Nursing Process
Overview for
Development of a
pencil test
School-Age Performance evaluation
Present a table
reflecting the
Development of
Pellitteri, A.(2010).Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family(6th ed.).Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
James, Suasan Rowen, Ashwill, Jean Weiler, Nursing Care of Children Principles and Practice (3 rd Ed.), Saunders
Ladewig, Patricia A; London, Marcia L. A Look at Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing , Pearson Edcation