(S CA T)
During the past three decades or so, the concept of anxiety has figured
prominently in the psychological literature. Sarason and Mandler (1952) gave a
detailed description of an anxiety questionnaire and presented findings on the
relation of test anxiety to certain psychometric and social-class data. They
reported the relationship of the anxiety questionnaire to one concerned with
habitual reactions to frustrations, Taylor (1953) developed a personality scale for
measuring manifest anxiety which has proved to be a useful device in the bands
of researchers and practitioners. Cattell, R.B. (1957) constructed the IPAT anxiety
scale ('setf-analysis form). In 1958 Cattell and Scheler compared resuits of 13
multivariate analysis, having in common the method of oblique rotation to simple
structure, but invoving a variety of subjects and variables which emphasized
putative measures of anxiety. Martin (1959) reported that anxiety factor was
relatively independent of inteligence, motivation in psychological experimentation
and paper and pencil test.
The items of the test were largely constructed on the basis of the symptoms
of anxiety reported by those who visited the Institute of Psychological Research
and Service, Patna University for psychological assistance. A few items from the
existing tests of anviety were also inoorporated ater such modifications as were
considered necessary. Thus initially 315 items were prepared. These items were
given to five judges (all engaged in counselling and psychological testing work)
for examining the merit of each tem for incusion in the test of anvdiety. They were
also asked to score out those items which they thought were redundant. On the
basis of 100% agreement among the judges, 70 out of 315 items were eliminated.
tem Analysis
Before undertaking the work of item analysis, the remaining 245 items were
tred out on smaler samples several times and necessary modfications made in
them to ensure that the items were intoligible to the students. Finaly, the test was
administered on 100 college students who approached for psychological
assistance complaining of one or several symptoms of anxiety. No time limit was
imposed. The subjects were required to respond to each item in terms of Yes' o
"No'. The 'Yes' response to any item was indicative of anviety and was given score
of one. A score of zero was given to a
"'No' response. For item analysis, the point
biserial correlations were computed. The criterion of a coefficient of correlation,
being significant at 001 level was foxed for the inclusion of an item in the final test.
Out of 245 coefficients of correlation, 90 were significant at or beyond .001 level.
Consequenty, those 90 items which futilled the criterion constituted the test in its
final form.
The coefficient of reliability was determined by using the following two
for S CAT
**.************ ********
stability of the test. The product moment correlation between the test and
restest scores was 0.85.
The coefficient of validity was determined by computing the coefficient
between scores on Comprehensive Anxiety Test and on Taylor's Manitest Anxiery
Scale. It was .62, which is significant beyond .001 tevel of confidernce.
2. No time limit is fixed for completing the test. However, usually an individual
takes 15 to 20 minutes in completing the test form.
The inventory can be scored accurately by hand and no scoring key or
stencil is provided so far. For any response indicated as "Yes', the testee should
be awared the score of one, and zero tor "No'. The sum of all the positive or yes
31 0
0 32 1 0
33 0
0 34 0
10 35
11 0 36
12 37
13 38
1 39 0
40 0
43 0
0 45
21 46
47 0
23 48
24 49
25 50
61 Manual for S CAT
Norms for the test have been prepared on a sample of 400 college students
of B.A. classes consisting of both the sexes 200 boys and 200 girls. Percentile
norms are provided in Table 1 for boys and Table 2 for girls separately. These
should be considered as a reference points for interpreting the test scores.
Manual forS CAT 7
However, it is advisable to large scale users of the test to develop their own normns
based on their own population.
The individual may be classified into five categories on the basis of scores
obtained on the inventory. An individual with an extremely high score of above the
75th percentile may be regarded as hyper-anxiety individual. His personality is
complicated and he may be in need of counseling and psychotherapy. The
extremely low scores, below 25th percentile, may indicate the person as
undermotivated and sluggish. The middle group of scores would represent
essentially normal individuals.
Percentile Equivalents of Test Scores for Boys
Prs (Qa) 29
28 High Anxiety
Peo 23
Pso (Md) 20 Normal Anxiety Level
Paa 17
P30 5
Low Anxiety
Pas (Qi) 14
P20 12
P10 8 Extremely Anxiety
Ps 3
N 200
Mean 2230
Median 19.94
S. D. 12-40
8 Manual for S CAT
Percentile Equivalents ol Test Scores for Girls
Pao 16
Low Anxiety
P2s (Q1) 15
Po 13
P10 9 Extremely Anxiety
Ps 4
N 200
Mean 23-05
Median 22-86
D 0-90
R.B. (1957). The IPAT Anxiety Scale (Self-Analysis Form). Jour. Consult.
Psychol, 21, 438.
Cattell, R.B. and Scheler, I. H. (1958). The Nature of Anxiety: A review of thirteen
multivariate analysis comprising 814 variables. Psychol. Rep., 4, 351-388.
Martin, B. (1959). The Measurement of Anxiety. Jour. Gen. Psychol, 61., 189-203.
Sarason, s.B. and Mandier, G. (1952). Some Correlates of Test Anxiety. Jour. Abn.
andSocial Psychol., 47,810-817.
Taylor, J.A. (1953). A Personality Scale of Manifest Anxiety. Jour. Abn. and Sociai
Psychol., 48, 285-290.
in form without the
2007. All ights reserved. No portion of this inventory material shoud be reproduced any
writen permiesion of the publisher. Manual for Sinha's Comprehensive Anuxiety Tesi (S CAT).
Consumable Booklet
A. K. R Sinha (Raipur)
L. N. K. Sinha (Patna) SCATT
Pleasefill up the following intormatons
College. *********************************************************************************************
Some statements are given In the next pages and they are concerned with your
behaviour and temperament. Against each statements.two alternate
responses are
provided in Yes' and 'No' form of cell. You have to read each question and put your
views by making a cross (x ) on either cell below Yes or No response.
Please reply all the statements without hesitation as your response will be kept
confidential. Although there is no time limit, still be quick in your work.
Pages 2 Total
Raw Scores
Estd. 1971
(0562) 2364926
4/230, KACHERI GHAT, AGRA -282 004 (INDIA)
2 Consumable Booklet of S CA T
1. Do you feel that you are punlshed without any crime 7
2. Do you lose the balance of your mind even under ordinary pressure of
Circumstances ?
9. Do you generaly feel that you would lose your presence of mind ?
10. Do you feel so scared that your tongue gets dried up?
11. Do you think yoursell to be the sinner without any reason?
12. Do you constarntly have the strain in your nervous system
miss your train?
13. Do you occasionally have fear while going out that you may
14. Do you feel the lack of sieep ?
Are you generally restless because of some troubles ?
Doyou teel that even small things become problems tor you?
41. Doyou generally have the fear of being caught by epidemic disease 7
42. Do you generaly do such works which make you repented very much ?
43. Do you become atraid of even by the inagination of faliluro ?
44. Are you very often restiess even by useless talks7
45. Do you gerierally get disturbed by imaginary evils ?
full care?
76. Do you ever have the feeling that you lack In sex potency ?
77. Do you have conficting thoughts ?
78. Do you get excited very quickly ?
79. Do you generaly have the anxiety of your own failure
80. Does ordinary critlcism of yoursel make you restless?
81. Do you generally have the feeling of urination
or latrine when you have to
Do you have such thoughts In your mind which you
Do youhave ditficuty in resplration 7
Do you get disturbed even by the imaginary sadness ?
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Sinha's Compreheneve Arudety Test (S CA) Englileh Veraion