ECO 9708 End Term 12
ECO 9708 End Term 12
ECO 9708 End Term 12
C Privately-owned firms produce private goods and state-owned firms produce public goods.
D The price mechanism allocates scarce resources through the actions of buyers and sellers.
3 An economy produces combinations of computers and food as shown on the diagram of a production
If all available resources were used, which two points on the PPC diagram show the maximum
4 When stating the law of demand for a good, economists use the phrase ‘all other things being equal’.
8 Following the introduction of a 10% increase in charges for car parking in a city centre, the
demand for bus journeys per day into the city rose from 800 to 1000.
What was the cross elasticity of demand for bus journeys with respect to car parking charges?
9 The diagram shows the demand for, and supply of, carrots.
A area X
B area X + Y
C area Y
D area Y + Z
D the responsiveness of quantity demanded of good X due to a change in the price of good Y
14 What justifies government intervention in the provision of a merit good such as education?
A People who pay for education value it more than those who cannot pay.
B With an effective maximum price for a product, the market price will rise.
D With an effective minimum price for a product, the market price will fall.
A Demand will fall if the minimum price is below the equilibrium price.
B Demand will rise if the minimum price is above the equilibrium price.
C Production will fall if the minimum price is above the equilibrium price.
D Production will stay the same if the minimum price is below the equilibrium price.
22 There are two main types of coffee grown, arabica and robusta. The table gives details of the four
largest coffee producers for 2013-2014. Production is measured in thousand 60 kilogram bags.
What can be concluded from the table about production in the four countries?
B Brazil produces more coffee than the other three named producers together.
23 A manufacturer progressively reduces the price of his product in an attempt to increase totalrevenue.
The table shows the outcome of this policy.
A perfectly inelastic
B relatively inelastic
C perfectly elastic
D unitary
B It is a necessity.
C It is a normal good.
D It is an inferior good.
25 Recently, thousands of ancient Roman coins were discovered buried in a field in the UK. Funds were
raised by a museum to buy them.
A a medium of exchange
C a store of value
D a unit of account
A It is a normal good.
B It is an inferior good.
A education
B health services
C law enforcement
D public libraries
29 Which statement is the most valid reason for government intervention in a free market economy?
A Consumers are well informed, making it difficult for producers to make profits.
D There are many competitive firms and not enough sole suppliers.
30 Which change does not have an immediate effect on the position of the demand curve for a product?